OYSTERS OYSTERS 3'... 55'Spgu'row’s washing Crystal 9 11‘ .e as y Pails FRESH BREAD REEBIVBD DAILY. FLOUR AND FEED SECISIVE BARGAINS MAY BE EXPECTED Currants , ,lfreqnired to any distance within thlea miles. GOODS DELIVERED ! PROVISlONS élgs, Nuts, Large 8: well Selected They beg leave to announce to the Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding country . that they will keep constantly on hand a Lately Occupied by Mr. '1‘. Morgan French & Armstmng, OPENING Math 86 ï¬rmï¬trnugâ€™ï¬ (EHL Richmond Hill. Jun. 27, 1868. Brooms Biscuits Fish Candies“; RICHMOND HILL. Sugai‘s’, Black Lead brushes GROCERIES, Farm Produce taken for Goods‘ A can is respectlully solicited as Pick] es: Syrup and Molasses Wash boards Corn meal Having leased the Premises 50;) 11s, Cheese Qalfgés, Candles, ,OF ALL KINDS. FLOUR FRENCH &, ARMSTRONG: AS FOLLOWS : Scrubbing brushes Oatmeal Butter Sï¬iees: Lobsters; STOCK OF Beans Tobacco, Blusitards, Sardines; Vinegar Cigars, 1131' Raisins, SAP BUCKETS & PAILS Fee‘us cunï¬dem of giving entire satisfaction. To those who have favored him with their patronage iu the past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in the fn~ iure, he would say that no endeavor on his part. will be wanting to meet their approval. For particulars address REFERENCES : The following gonflemeu can. with conï¬dence recommendflr. [1.Hushalld. to all requiring Denial aid: )r. Reid, Thornhill; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwicn; Dr. Carson, Brarzrplon. RESIDENCE :â€"Thornhill . EAVE TROUGHS $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET. Begs most respectfully to announce that he will be at Unionville“ . . . .. . 15: Monday of each mom Weston, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31h day ofeach mon Kleinbnrg. . . . . . . . ... 16th " “ Burwick; . . . . . v . . . . . .L‘Qlld †“ Scarhox'o’ .. ..........'23rd “ H Where he will be prepared and most happy wait on those who may require his services, G. H. 11.. having had over ELEEEN YEARS PRACTICE. Men’s Calf bouts, perfvm beuulins. [weL Men’s English Kipp boots. warran‘ed to turn Men’s Sway bouts cannot be beat for winter. Lad}’s high cut boots. no Ladyshould be with- A call is Earnestly Requested. Richmond Hill, Oct. 8, 1858. 5311le cut them. Lnd)’s Winter Kidd hoots. perfect gems. Lady’s Clmh hunts, cmnmt be beat for W5me Children and Misses" boots in great variety, and in every 5t}le. Boy’s Long and Lane boots on" every kind. Rubbers and Val: overâ€"shoes, shoe-packs. ABLACKSMl’l‘H SHOP and DWELLING HOUSE. 'l‘heloo‘s will he sold or lot with the shop. Are smzaled opposite G. J, Bernard’s Store. Elgin ills. For fur-Lhcr parlicï¬'lats apply to the owner on the premises. All of which \vi‘l WELL NW BE UNDERWEAR Furfurther particuiars apply to the owner on lhe premises. EOQTS £2: SHQES Sold on Reasonable Terms! *4" This is aim of the best wheat growing farms Ill this part of the conntrv, and is within 21mile 01' Richmond HIll Station. on ‘he Northern {ailway: 3 miles from Richmond Hill on Yongu Street, land 18 miles from the City of l‘orouto. The farm will be A Spring Creek intersects the Farm SPLENDBDGRCHMQ 0F GRAFTED FRUIT V ‘11 ERIC is a comfortable DWELLING HOUSE. a Good Burn and other buildings on the plemisos; [More is also a T1 TLE INDISP U TABLE Tawasshig: of Vaughan .' [N THE COUNTY OF YORK, ONTARIO, Containing 100 Acres FARM FOR SALE [‘nnms: Twenty ï¬ve hundred dollarsâ€"part cash, balance on time. For particulars apply to the owner, WILLIAM HARDING, HE Subscriber ofl'ers for sale a good farm. being lot No. 4. in the 8th concession (If the township of Erin, 100 acres, (50 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation : the balance nearly all ï¬rst rate Hardwood bush 'l‘horeis on the premises a good log house. barn,stable, 6th “Hill good \vnlel‘ privilege. Also a beautiful young ()i'chnrd of 100 fruit trees, planted 5 years. A good gravel road passes along the from of the lot. This l'a'rm is 35 miles from Richmond Hill. 5 miles from Gooi'ge!0\\'n.ou the Grand Trunk Railway,and 30 miles from Toronto. Flooring and other Lumber Dressed. ThornhiH, Sepi. 17, 1868‘ Shingles. Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. SFLENDED FARM FGR SALE! Elgin Mills, Jan, 21. 18F!) Steam Mills, Thornhill‘ ThornhiH, Apl'i121,1868. 510-111 HUGH DEVLIL Vaughan, January 3, 1869. 5464 January 14. 1839 G. H. HUSBAND L-D.S., WV. 11. BIYEliS’, PART CASH DOWN, BALANCE ON TIME BEING THE EAST HALF OF LOl‘ NO. 28, {VATER SPOUTS! THE CHEAPEST Give Satisfaction For Sale or to Let- Manufactured and for Saie UN RICHMOND HILL, Is to be seen at JOHN LANGSTAFF‘, With a good well qi'water i0 EN '2‘? “7 W, 70 acres undar cultivation. TOWNSHIP OF ERIN LARGEST STOCK WILLIAM TRENC H. SEN. IN THE 3RD com, YEARS PRACTICE, .vi‘l he sold at prices that cannot fail to PATENT PUT UP AT 15: Monday ofeach month. ,. . 5.31,!) day ofeach month AS HE ALSO AND AND 0F Richmond H ill 5463111 534ml)? 547-6111 5484f Further particulars may be had ml application to Mrssrs.l)uggan & Meyermlilessrs. Patterson. Harrison & Hail]. and Messrs. Cameron, McMichael, Filzgeiald and Hoskius,SollciL0rs, Toronto. rl‘he respective purchasers shall be entitled to pessession on the l5th day of March' next. on paymei t of the two ï¬rst instalments and of the valuation aforesaid, and to a conveyance of the property purchased, on payment of the second instalment of the purchase money (with interest, as aforesaid) and on the execution of a Mortgage to secure the balance thereof, with interest: such conveyance and Moltgage to be prepared by the Vendor's Solicitor at the ex: pense of the purchaser. The purchaser of Parcel No. 6 will be re- quired tn insure Lhe bullaings thereon, in some respectable Insurance Ofï¬ce. for an amount. equal to one half of the purchase money and to assign the Policy to the Registrar of the Court ot‘Chaucery. The other conditions are the standing con- ditions of the Court 01' Chancery. The several lots will be put up at upsotprices to be declared at the time of Sale.. Dated this 181]) day of January, 1869. DUGGAN, & ME YERS, Vandur’s Solicitors wanted. for which cash will be paid on delivery. Apply to MILLINERY GOODS ! The Purchaser of each Lot will be required to pay down 21 deposit of $|0 ()0 f0.'every $100 ()0 of the purchase money to the Vendors or their Solicitors at the time of sale, and a sutlicient sum to make up one-fomh part of the whole purchase moncyat the expiration ofone month thereafter; one other fulll'lll part thereof, \Vlth interest, at the rate of six per cent'per amount. at lire expiration of six months from the time aforesaid. and the remainder of the purchase money by r-ix (‘qnal annual installments. “'ltl] interest. on the whole money remaining unpaid, to be computed from the expiration of one month from the day of sa|e,the ï¬r>t installment to become due at the expiration of twelve months, to be computed lrom the time last aforesaid. The purchaser of each lot will be required to pay for the fall crops growing on the land. and the tall ploughing dune thereon, ac~ cording: to a valuation to be made thereof by two indiï¬â€˜rrent persons, one to be chosen by each party, and in case of their not agreeing by a third person to be named by them before they proce ed to a valua'ion; and in case either afthe said parties shall fall in naming or refuse to name a veluator, the valuation of the valuator named by the otherparty shall be ï¬nal. Hats and Bonnets trimmed ; Felt Hats and Velvet Bonnets; Silk and patent Vel- vet Velveneens for Mantles, Flowm‘s, Rib‘ bous, Dress trimmings, Buuons. Gloves, the new gored Skirts, Corsels. Also a choice lot of Woolen Goods, Infant’s Coats and Caps, Lady’s Crossover waists. Neckties. Squares, Berlin Wool, and small wares. Part of Lot number 1:2, in the 51h ounces- siou 01' the Township of Markham containing by amueusurmnent ()ue Hait' acre mom or less. being a village lot on the East side of Union Street, in the Village of Unionville; On which stands a capital three storied dwelling house, as the same is now in possesion 01‘ Salem Eckhart, . THE LEADING HOUSE Z laimng by udmemureuuml 151) acres. mme or lassns the sums is new in tho oucupaliou of Hurdle, This to: is in a ï¬ne slate 01' cuilivation. 15‘ I’arl of Lotnumber Seven, in the sevonlh concession of (he J'O\vn:-hip of Markham, cou- \Vestllalfof lot 17. m the 3rd concussion ofthe Township of Markham. cunlaining |)V Minneasumnlent One Hundred acres, be the sauna more or less, as Hm same is now in the occupation of John Christian IIL'IIJiCliS. This [ml is well fenced. and Ike buildings [hereon Consist of a good stone dwaliisig house, a good barn. stable and driving shod, There is a ï¬ne young orchard and an excellent won nn this lot. PARCEL NO. 3: The East hall of Lot numluer 2'2. in the 3rd concosswn of the Township ul' Markham, con- taining by udmeasummunt One Hundred acres, us the same more or less as the same is now in the occupation ol‘ Jacob Ilom'icks. This Lot is well fenced. and the buildings thereon consist 01" a dwelliag house and stable; and more In also a small Orchard 0]) the lot. The West Half of the same 101, containing by admeasurement 100 acres, be 1.1m same more or lass as the same is now in the occupa- tion of Adam Henricks. This lot is well fenced. and the buildings [hen-on cousnst of a House, Barn and Sheds, a nd there is an Orchard on the lot comainmg many good young fwos. The East Half of Lot number 21, in the 3rd Concession of the township of Markham. m the County of York; containing by ad- measurement “)0 acres, be the same more or less, as the same is now in the occupation of one George Camv-right. The LoL is well fenced. Wednesday. the tenth day of February With the approbation of Robert J. Turner, Esquire. Accouuiant of the said court by JAMES GORMLEY. AT ANTHOZVY SIZE’S IIOTEL.’ HENRICKS vs HENRICKS To be Sold by Auction! January 7, 1869. Richmond Hill, Oct 8, 1868. CHAN CERY SALE ! THE COURT OF CHANCERY, HE following valuable Fme and Pa of land in 6 Lots or l’m‘cels, Viz.- ‘01“. ‘10 CORDS GOOD HARDWOOD Township of Markham- Cordwood Wanted. PUBLIC AUCTION! IN PURSUANCE OF THE DEC? E OF VILLAGE OF UNIONVILLE, 0N RICHMOND HILL Of every description, is at NEXT, AT 12 o’cnocn, NUON ; OF PROPERTY IN THE THERE WILL BE SOLD BY PARCEL NO. 6 PARCEL NO MADE IN iE CAUSE OF PARCEL NO. 4; PARCEL NO PARCEL NO . l ROBE RT J. TURNER. M. TEEFY‘ FUR. N TH E Richmond Hill P. 04 534-ly amels To maku l‘oqm for all these improvements. THE GLOBE l’rintmg Company have resolved greatlyto enlarge the aim of THE WEEKLY GLuBu Foum‘x EN COLUMNS 01“ READING MAT- 1m will hereafter be added to the paperâ€" mak. ing Illls Journal without exception the LARGEST wmxu NEWSPAPER IN Tm: WORLDl And not. wilstnmlmg the heavy additional expense on- tailed by these improvements. it has been re- solved to offer the paper for the coming y’ar at the same low price as lorlnellyâ€"$2 per Anumn. It has also been resolved to continue the same inducements for the formation of Clubs as were offered last year. These were. and will be for 1&69, as follows .-â€"- Six Copies. one your. . . . . . - - - - . . . ... $10 00 Ten “ “ ... 15 00 Twenty Copies, one year. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 U!) And an extra copy of the WEEkLY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of Twenty. 'I‘hirtv Copies, one rear for. . . . .. . . . . 42 00 And an extra copy of the \VEEKLY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of Thirty. Fifty Copies, one year fur... . . . . . 65 00 And a copy ut‘ the DAILY GLOBE to the per- son who gets up the Cluli of Fifty. Eighty Copies, one yunr for . . . .... 100 00 And a copy ofthe DAILY GLOBE to the per. son who gets up the Cliib of Eighty. Payment must always be in advance, Each paper is addressed separately. and may be sent to any Post Ofï¬ce‘ to “THE GLOBE PRINTING CO,†TORONTO. [FAN subscriptions, (including clubs. sent in hefme the lst of January, will entitile the parties to receive the paper until the December 3lst, 18:79. GHEAP BUDKS ANII STATIONERY, BIBLE SflCIE’l‘Y BEPOSITORY _ a u. When add‘tional names are added to any Club durng the year they musl be 33m to THE GLOBE Orï¬ce by the, person who made up the Club; and the money sent with such additiona! names must be such a proportion of the year’s subsmiption at the Club rate as will pay up to the expilation oftha Club. The British American and, other Foreign ‘x'ews will continue to he published fully and promptly. 'l‘huComMMichL lNTJiLLLIGENCE from all parts of the world will be culled from the most reliable sourcesï¬and kept. up to the latesl dates. Clergymen and 'I‘eachers of Common Schools are entitled to receive THE WEEKLY GLOBE for one dollarper annum, payable in advance. Orders aud remittances should be addressed It is also ï¬l'opused to publésh every week a full summary of RELIGIOUS AND ECCLEslAS‘l’ICAL INTELI 16m 1-: from uél parts of the worid. This sunnnary WI†embrace the operations of all the churches, and WM be cunduccted in a spirit emireiy free from sccuuian cxclusiveuess. ~ Very grcatpaius will hereafter be taken to place before the reudors of ‘lmx WEEKLY (:‘mm: a full and clear summary of the DE- unus IN THE PROVINCIAL. AM) FEDERAL PAH- LlAMEN'Is. The speeches will be condensed Dom the full Reports of Tm: DAILY GLOBE, and the several measures before Parliament will be carul'uly explained. Another new and \‘zduable improvement proposed m be made in 1569, is the increased space devoted to LI‘IEMHY JWAT’I‘hï¬. In past, years it has been usual to publish in THE \VEEKLY GLum: one tale. continued in succes- sive numbers for months together. For the coming year it is proposed to devote a much larger space than hex-ewt’ure to the publication of [Lacy AND CLEVEHLYâ€"\VRIT’I‘EN TALES, and to give in each week’s issue a much greatér diversity than ever before. Not a collection of mere clipping from Agri- cultural Journalsâ€"but a full and well pre- pared weekly compendium of Agricultural, Horticultural and Floral intelligence and infor- mation written for THE WEEKLY GLOBE by a regular stuff of competent and practised writers, and quite up to the best llghtofthe day. Evei'_ thing afflicting the farming interestâ€"such as the nianagementof ï¬eld crops. the barn-yard the stable, the dairy, the orchard, the poultry- )‘nrd. the vineyard, the apiary. the kitchen. garden and the flO\VBI"gflI'd6Ilâ€"Wlll come within the weekly review of this department. The improvements in machinery, the best best breeds ot'cattle. the hertsysletns ufl'eeding. the most-approved processes of cheese and lmtter- .mliing, the best mode of packing, and the best markets to sell in, will all l'urni sub- Jn’ctsol proï¬table discussion. The sheep and wool interest will also receive spur-ta] attention; and the doings at agricultural tairs. shows, auctions and Society meetings will be carefully and fully chronicled. The Markets for Cuna- diun produce. at home and abroad. will receive an amount 01' carelul attention that has not been heretofore accorded to them ln any Journal The quantity of agricultural matter thus pro. posed to he pnhliehed in Tim WEEKLY GLOBE wil! excecu the contents of any purely agricul- tural journal now ctrcuiuted, and will be Worth the annual subscription ot'the paper! flu in addition to tho general improvements now living effected in the conduct of the paper, several speuial attractions are about to be added for the coming year that will greatly enhance its value and interest to all classes of readers throughout the country, Foreniust among these, is the addition of AN AGRICU LT U RA L DEPARTM ENT. HE GLOBE anrina COMPANY raspectfnlly announce that. in addition to the grant irnprovrnrents which have recently been made on 'l‘m: VVEEKLY (hunkâ€"and which have been so warmly acknowledged by the readers of the paper and by the public pressâ€"very ex; tcusivo and most valuable further improve- ments will be made on the paper for the com- ing year, A spacious new Pl'vSS-FUOID and Despatch-oflicehas recently been erected in connection with Tin: GLOBE buildings; a new fontof tvpe from the Foundry of Messrs Miller &, Richard. Edinburgh. has been imported from Scr‘tland ; one oflllewrs Hoe &C0t’s celebrated Lightning i’resses, capable of throwing oï¬ I".- llUU iihpl'05>i01)s per hour of'l‘HE DAILYGI.OBE, is now i.i oporatiou: and asqooud new Press,‘ specially constructed for printng THE WEEKLY (Errors); with great rapidity and in the highest style of WOIkli'lanship, will shortly be added to the Machinery of the Esrabhkhmeut. The sheet on which the paper is printh will he hereafter of a very superior quality. The stafi‘ol' Editors, I Reporters, Contributors and Correspondents I has been recently greatly strengthened. and I nothing will he lett undone in the your 1569, to maintain the fame of T :i: \VEEKLY GLOBE as beyond cohpnrison, the best conducted and most attrnclivo weekly journal in the Dominion.‘ Mahmoud Hill 1865. The Weekly Globe E Give us so much for our Money Richmond Hill, Oct 8, 1868. ISN’T 'IT FUNNY! ENLARGEMICNT OF ' ‘HE SHEET. ENLARGEMEA‘T & IMPROVEMENT 0F CLUB RATES FOR 1869. CALL AT RICHMOND HILL, BRANCH ATKINSON Programme for 1869 IF YOU ~WANT THE HERALD OFFICE. AT THE HERALD OFFICE. HOW CAN 01“ All the Newspapers and Periodicals Published in the United Slates and Territories, and the Dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America; together with a Description of the Towns and Cities in which they are pubiished. PRICE - - - FIVE DOLLARS. A work of great value to Advertisers, Pub- lishers and others who desire information in relation to the Newspapers and Periodicals of North America. *ï¬ The edition will be limited, and persons desiring copies will do well to send their orders immediately to GEO. P. R0 WELL & 00., PUBLISHERS a: ADVERTISING AGENTS 4 0 P a r k R o w , N RW YoRx. SUPERIOR TO IMPORTED GOODS. TERMS: CASH, AND ONE PRICE ONLY. Newspaper Directory, COTTONS, LLNENS, CLOTns, Tweeds, Mantle Materials, Silks, PUBLISHERS&NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENTS A Handsome Svo Volume OF 300 PAGES, BOUND IN CLOTH. \‘l "WW Hmu‘m 11’ Wm: “W W“ “hum ‘Wm‘im ‘kumm I“ ‘ H % h L r ‘U‘ ‘ 1‘ ‘ w n “1| “‘1 m L“ “Mm VARIETY OF DRESS GOODS, Fresh Outs, Caullass and. Bruises On Horses and Came. We can conï¬demly recommend it to all owners of horses Prepared in Canada. only by MUST EXTRAORDINARY AND DELIGHTFUL PREPARATION EVER DISCOVERED! HQRSES 2 HQRSES Y E HORSES H ! I will make the hnnds, however rough, smooth. soft and \TVhite Prepared only by @HAPPED HANDS. THE REVEREND JOHN BREDIN, Toronto, November 19. 1562. December 24, 1868. @@flï¬l SE®M®EM®Eg Toronto, December [7, 1668. Richmond Hill, December 10. 1868. LADIES’ & GENTS’ LAMBS WOOL UNDERCLOTHING, GEO. P. ROWELL 85 0033 AMERICAN 103 KING STREET, South West Corner Church St. Toronto, NEW YORK : GEO. P. ROWELL a: 00., July. August and September, 1868, Is used by the Royal Veterinary Surgeons of England. for all kinds of Ribbons, Flowers, FBIll/LGI‘S. Hosiery, Gloves. Trimmiuga, Small Wines, b'lu'rts, Collars, Tics, Umbrellas. ACCURATE LISTS 40 Park Row, 1869. Clouds, Breakfast Shawh, Sontags, Cotton and Wonlnn Yarns, Grain Bags, &c Duuaas Shirtings and Yarns MANTLES AND MILLINERY, SHAWLS, FLANNELS’, BLANKETS, VVILLIAM lVIITCIâ€"IELL’S For the CHEAszT,.Most FASHIONABLE. and Most MAGsu-‘CENT CONTAINING USE MILLER’S PREPARED GLYCERINE, BIILLER’S DERBY OIL! “ THE YORK HERALD†PRICE 15 CENTS. POLEMICAL ' NEW BRITISH AND FOREIGN DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT AND OTHERS. DURING THE non ’1‘. Jo ï¬le, 544 A S PUBLISHED IN IT IS THE BETWEEN PLAIN &. FANCY STATIONERY Books 8: Fancy Goods In all the different styles of Binding. Pocket Books, Purses, &c. BICE’S PUMPS THE MOMENTGUS QUESTION : HOLEDAY GIFTS In various styles of Bindings. BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS ! HYMN (k PRAYER BOOKS, Albums from 25 Cents to $6. HUGH MILLER & CO., Medical Hull. “37 King Street East, Toronto 543-tf STANDARD AUTHORS I HUGH MILLER &. CO. Medical Hall, 167 King Street East, Toronto. ‘HE Subscriber, ever mindful of the wants oflhe public, has just received a Large and Miscellaneous Stock ALEX. SCOTT, Richmond Hill. Nov 29.1867. Richmond Hill, June 11. ’68. WHERE TO PROCURE THE MOSl‘ SUITABLE ARTICLES FOR He has also received a heavy stock of fl’oys of Various Kinds, OF CAREFULLY SELECTED INCLUDING MANY OF THE FOR SALE BY J. BRILLINGER, Richmond Hill 5174f 540 HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred the" LIBRARY to the ' Huuu: ’ Book Slot. where Stockholders and others may amour. BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from “oi clock. P-Il. Family and Church Burlâ€, FIRST Boon, with 31 illustrationsï¬tronghg bound in limp clothâ€"5 cents. FIRST BOOK, (second part) with 54 illflmlliom. strongly hauud in limp clothâ€"~10 cents. SECOND Boox, with 56 illustrations. BENIeg bound in cloth boardsâ€"20 cent». THIRD Boon, 41 illustrations, strongly hound in cloth boardsâ€"30 cents. Fovn'rn Buck, 45 illustrations. strongly bound. in cloth boardsâ€"40 cents. FIFTH BOOK, 50 illustrations" strongly bound I in cloth boardsâ€"50 cents. COMPANION TO THE READERSâ€"~25 contl. For sale at MALLOY’S AXES DANIEL HORNER, Jun, Lot 20, 2nd coossion Markham- All orders from a distance prompt] attended to. and medicines sent to any part0 tho Pro- Vince. Horses examined as to soundneu,_ also Bought and Sold on commission. THE NEW CANADIAN: National Series of Reading Books For Horses and Cattle always on hand :./snch as Physic, Diuretic. Cordial. Tonic, Cough. Condition and Worm Bulls and Powders. 1 ho Cough Balls have been found' most serviceublo in alleviating many of the distressing symp- toms of Brokenwind or Haaves in Horses. Colic, Dranghts. Liniments for Sore Throne. Sprains, Curb. Spavin, Ring-bone, 61c. Blin- ering Oint-rnents. also Hoof and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for: Wounds, Bruises. blddl. Gulls. Inlnlliable Oil nndi S-lvoop Tick Dn- u'oyer. ’ ' J. H. SANDERSON: VETERINARY SURGEON, Cor. of Yonge- & Centre,- RLCHMOND HILL» BEGS’ l0 announch the public “in :- now practicing with H. SANDE§§§§§¢ of the same place. where they may be can v ed personally or by lejlalz, on I†din-ans of Horses, Cattle. &c. 3 ', Medicines of every Disoription 38 West. Market Square. Toronto: [13’ Bbots and Shoes made to Menuuro.‘ the Bast Materials and Workmunahip, at tho Lowest Remuneratiug Prices. Farmer’s Boot & SM JOHN ERRON‘, BOOTS 66 SHOES; Applicants wilL please address-1119i (postpaid),to " " M. TEEFY†\' ‘ .33 Richmnd Hill, Septemlior l6. For the use of‘his PatentSelfâ€"ahuuing 1VHIS usefulinvemion isthe mostconw the cheapest, and. most. dumb!!! ( for farm use. The Pntenlee isrnow prapared‘tngell? SELF-SHUTTING- GATE; THE Executors o-Hhe late James»' Holliday; have pihced the Books of the Estate in: Mr. 'l‘eaf)’s handsfor the purpose of‘ having all outstanding accoums colleclnd. by lIIil or' otlxarwlse.. Parties indebted-will pk“. tlko‘ notice. TOWNSHIP RI J. HOLIDAY’SESTATEu “,f Ihaye throwndown the Gnuntlomot~ them try it. A trial is all that is 1199de ten convince customers of the reality. At the following prices :â€"Young Ind 0115.5 Hyson Tea, Good Flavor and Strong. 9' or lb; Young Hyson Tea. 25 6d to 3s per In. Extra Mayune Young Hyson Ten, 33 6d and; 4s per lb. hard to beat; Fme Imperial and. Gunpowder Tea. 45 par lb, vary hll’d to but: Very Superior Japan and Black Tan. 43 6t! p01",- lb. not to be but; Very Finest Young Hynn‘. and Gunpowder Ten. 55 per lb, cnnnot excelled. Richmond Hill. April ‘23, 1868. Authorised by the Council of Public In- struction for Outu'm, ( Graduate qf Turmtto Veterinary College), LIBRARY ASSOCATION. He Will KnockUnder~ AND CRY PECAVI 3, Toronto, Dec. 3. 1867. BETTEH TEA EUR THE P-HTIIE? NELSEN JOHNSON; \‘VM. COX, October Its 1868; Manufacturer and Dealer“; nll‘kiuds at" Richmond Hill. Nov. 5, 1868; RICHMOND HILL. E HA’SfNOW ONV HAND. SOME OE? Call at G. A. BARNARD'S; Foal TEAS. ' Last Notice. THE BEST TEJS IF GEORGE BARNARD DON'T SELL (Signed) AT LOW mucus, n- m; HORNER’S PATENT RICHMOND HILL Than any other Store on FOR SALE BY THE HERALD OFFICI. RICHMOND Hfii‘l’; Ayah:fo JOHNSON; ' VV‘M. COX, 3Eucutam. . SCOTT, Librarian. THEE M3411? enrol, 0494f 5384f. 510