.Edwak’d the Fi: .to * e11, his une] .« ‘i‘chï¬rd the Tl: . I. any the Sew " ' ' ‘ht’jé‘do - -' Eigl A NEW MOTIVE POWER.â€"-FOI' some time past an idea has been gaining ground that the heat of the sun might be advanâ€" tageously turned to account as a substitute for coal and other combustibles, a plan Whiehwould of course transform the “glo- rious orb of day" into acontemptible in- strument of “ï¬lthy lucre†Among the prOmoters of this conception M.Mouchat stands foremost, and he lust week sent in a. paper on the subject to the Academy of Sciences. He states that, according to his experiments, upwards of three-sixths of the solar heat might be gathered at a -'small cost. At Paris, a surface of one square metre normally exposed to the rays of the sun receives, on an average, at any time of the year, on it ï¬ne day, 10 units of calorie per minute. Such a quantity . of heat would make a litre of water at freezing point boil in ten minutes, and is - equivelant to the theoretical action of a one-horse power. A surface of one are (10 metres square) can absorb, during a 10 hours exposure, a quantity of heat equal to that which might be obtained by the combustion of120 kilogr. of common coal. “ Such ï¬gures,†says M. MouchatJ “ are eloquent, and ought to diminish the fears entertained concerning the eventual exhaustion of our coal mines, and the necessity of going down deeper ane deeper for the valueble combustible they aï¬â€˜ord. George the First died of drunkenness, which his physicians politely called an appolotic ï¬t. ‘ George the Seéond died of arupture of Wart, which the periodicals of that y calledm visitation of God. It is the ;6nly instanee in which God ever touched his heart. Gem e the Third died as he livedâ€"a ma -Thi;0ughout his life he was heisteht monarch. Henry the Fifth is_ said to have died wf “ ï¬ts caused by uneasiness,†and un- easiness in palaces in those times was a. very common complaint. .He then states that although he has not yet been able to institute experments under very favourable circumstances since his efforts have been restricted to the lati- tudes of Tours, Aleneon, Ronncs, and Paris, he has, nevertheless, since 1861, proved the possibility of keeping hot-air machines going by means of solar rays; at a later period he hae succeeded in making a few litres of water boil by ex‘ posure to the same agent; and in J une, 1866, he had made a small steam-engine work?- by converting water into vapor with the assistance of a reflector one metre square.â€"â€"~Gaiignani. 'Here, perhaps,AM. Mouchat ï¬ngets a condition not less important than a pro- vision of heat, viz., abundance of water. N 0W, the intensity of solar radiation is inï¬nitely smaller at Paris than it is in the intertropical regions or on high table lands, and most probably the Invention of receivers of solar heat may one day offer manufacturers the means of setting up their factories in deserts where the sky maintains its purity for a long time.†Deathrofr Eyéï¬Ã©h" King; aié’hï¬ns. William theâ€"5 Conquero} died from enor- mous drinking, and.from the violence of higigqgsiong * Wiliam Rufus, died the death of the ‘poor stag that he hunted. Henry the First died of gluttony. Henry the Second died of a broken heart, occasioned by the death of his children. Edward the First is likewise said to have died of a “natural sicknessâ€â€"a sickness which would puzzle all the col- lege physicians to denominate. Queen Anne died from her attachment to “strong water,†or, in other words, drunkenness, which the physicians p0- litejy called: drgpsy. _ Bichard Coeur de Lion died like the animal irom which his heart was named, byfln arrow 13:91} t_11p boyviot' an archer. ' Henry the Third is said to have dxed a natural death. Edward the Second was most barbar- ously and indecently murdered by rufï¬uns employed by his own mother and her par- amour. Henry the Sixth died in prison, by means then khown only to his jailer, and kqown only to Heaven. .Edwak’d the Fifth was strangled in the $0 veg,’ 1- his uncle, Richard the Third. ' ‘ ‘ihh rd'the Third was killed in battle. Au the Seventh wasted away as a l ‘ ' ’ ;. (fdo. - v" 10 Eighth died of'earbuncles, ‘ ' ‘ While Edward the Sixth ï¬ess. : ' ,the Fourth died amid the sym at ies‘ of his friends. ar ‘Waid to have died of a bro ‘ , Whereas she died of a sur- feit f1“ 1" eating too many black puddings. " Old tie Bess is said to have died of Q-Eï¬mh ’. gom having sacriï¬ced Essex $1131; iesélher private character not be ‘0 "suspicion, . D - g u I James Ehe‘E 1rs‘t (had of drmkmg and a nameless vice. Charles the First died a righteous death on the scaffold, and Charles the Second died sqddenly, it is said, of ap- POPEH' - William the Third died from consump- tive habits of the body, and from the tungbling off hisuhqrge. Edward the Third died ofdotage, and Richard the Second of starvation, the vet}; revers_e oï¬ggoyge t1}? Foqrth. H 7 . Masonic Funeral Derge. Solemn strikes the funeral chime, Notes of our departec} time, As we journey here below, Through this wilderness of woe. Mortal now eridulge a tear, For mortality is near, See how wide her portals waive, O’er the slumber of the grave. Here’s another guest we bringâ€" Sereph of celestial wing, To our funeral altar come, Waft this friend and brother home. Lord of all, below, above, _ Fill our hearts with truth and love ; As desolves each earthly tie, Take us to thy lodge on high. Emmyo Fourth died of gluttony Flour, Feed, Provision and. Grocery Store! Including Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stands, Wash Stands, 8m. 8m. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering, White Lead Paints and Colors, Raw and iioded Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, Rock Oil, Varnish Turpentine, Benzene, Glass, Putty, Glue, 8m. &0. Parties Furnishing, Pampering, or Paintimr their Houses. will do well to call before )umhasinor elsewhere. Also :3 l 1: HiiRDWABE and. CROCKERY I"h’numm ('flmmn h"HWi' “Wm: “Mm-m "Wm: (“mum “Wm 1W \' LlMum Wham“: = N returning thanks for the very ‘Iiberal support he has received since commencing businessiu Richmond [Iii], begs to inform the public that he has greatly increas- ed his Stock and has now on hand A CHOICE ASSORTMENT 0F FURNITURE! Where he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts. Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal,Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, as it will be found worthy of inspection. Toronto, Februay 7 1868. 493 Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Staves, Dumb Stoves, and Stove Pipes. Grain Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes VVringers, Lo. &0. LAMP EL‘CJBES, BURNER, EIEIMNEYS, SHAME ANB WIBKS. CABINET ESTABLISHMENT Square and Globe shapes, in great variety, for Oil or Candles. Special attention is directed to the stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGEES, WAGGONS RGCK OIL AND MACHINERY OIL Children’s Carriages and Perambulators ! Manufactured and Impound, Wholesale and Retail. @RNï¬MEN‘W’Mâ€" PAN?NG! WORKSHOP WEST FROM RAYMOND’S HOTEL. STATIONERY & FANCY GOODS, FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT HERAM PEPER Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, SPOONS, 8509 The stock of which is very large, embracmg all that is New and Chaste and also the Plainest and Cheapest kinds,~â€"thus meeting the requirements of all classes. N RETURNIFG THANKS to his friends and customers for the very Liberal Patronage he has received since cmnmencing business in this Viliage. takes this opportunity of informing the Public generally, that he is prepared to manufacture For Cash, at Prices that cannot be surpassed. Richmond Hill, November 9, E866. EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stockof HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found Richmond Hiâ€, August 6. 1E68, Repairs of all kinds promptly executed. BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, BENZOLE. &C. A nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also call attentlon to his (120., OF THE LATEST APFRO VED STYLES, AND FROM THE BES‘I‘ MATERIAL. In Price and Quality ALEXANDER SCOTT LAMPS AND CHANDELIERS! He is also prepared to undertake all kinds of Plain, Fancy and N o. 83, Yonge-street, 3 doors above King-street, TORONTO. TEEOZ‘VEAsg COG-IILAN, ‘ FOR GARRIAGES, SIGNS, FLAGS, BANNERS, 4-6.. El! HRH] MERLE HARNESS OUT THE TORONTO TRADE, October 14. 1869. @TQVEgz Which will be found both good and cheap. WM. HAIRRSON’S F 1: R. s m P R I z E Which he will do with Taste and Neatness. HAS RECEIVED LARGE ADDITIONS JOHN C. HUCTHINS, ALL TO BITS. Special attention is directed to ESTABLISHMENT, Also on hand a large stock of RICHMOND HILL LANTERNS RICHMOND HILL IF YOU WANT TO HIS STOCK OF HOUSE WHICH WILL TO Richmond Hill. 535-3111 525-1y The York Heralfl lseutirely new and of the latest patterns. ,Iargevaxiely of new MM? TYPMEEEES For Cards, &c..;just received, LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Orders for any a! (ho undermomionod descrip- tion or EflLflElï¬ï¬‚ NB WM PAM PHLETS AND Later-Press Printing. BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, WORDERS PROMPTLY hXELUTED ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDt. Will be promptly attended to: â€" OUR ASSORTMEN '1‘ OF CHEAP JOB And may ether kind of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND AN!) DRAFTS , BILL HEADS, Wm Wï¬mflgï¬ï¬ @EEGWEmESR 2 Machinery'supplied. andglustrucï¬iOns for making given. Rare chances for men of energy ad limited capital. *Q’ When Ordering Pumps, please state Depth of Wall or Cistem. FALL AND WINTER STOCK! PATENT SWING AND DOMINION FORCE PUMPS- Also Notice that Messrs. PHILLIPS, Pump Makers, UDORA, have purchaaed the Rights of Georgina North Gwillimbury, Oro and Inuisï¬l, and, having abandoned the manufacture on Inferior Kinds of Pumps. are prepared to supply the Which, an inspection, will be found tho most fashionable and chaste he has ever had the plea- sure of submitting to their approval. Emflflg See Judgment Court of Chancery. The Hon. 1’. M. Vankouglmet. in delivering Judgment on the celebrated Patent Swing Pump trial: remarked, alter justly eulogising the merits oi‘tlle Pump, “ Thai the person who infringes on a Patent. is a wrong-er and should be punished, and that an inï¬â€˜inger’s opera- tions are, not only a Rubberv of the Patentee, but also a Fraud upon the Public.†Which will be found to comprise everythtng that is new and elegant. “ The usefullness of this invention is unquestioned; it is both ingenious and worthy of merit and to the isolated dweller, must be of the greatest possible value.†MILLiNERY DEPARTMENT !‘ " Their success is wonderful and Well-deserved."â€"0nta1~io Observer. EX’K‘RACTS FROM JUDGMENT 0F COURI‘ OF CHANCERY. "The Novelty of making A WOODEN FORCE PUMP, was introduced by the Plaintiff. (C. Powell) and it has that. MElH'l‘ 0F INV EN'i‘lON which elitles it to the protection of a Patent." . GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKLERY, CASTING AND ALL JOB WORK Done to Order. IIEIMEENEE SE33} & WEN EAST BEAM PLIIIIEH TEE DRAUGHT IS EXCEEDINGLY LIGHT. STAPLE ANE FANCY GROCERIES. This Plough can he Regulated he Cute Furrew any Required Shape AGREQJEIEXEET Ml Wflmm, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST THAT WAS EVER OFFERD 0N ' RICHMOND HILL. P- 0- Addressâ€"CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook Newton Brook. July 15. 1868. m3 Richmond Hill, Sept, 23. 1868. Richmond Hill, September 12, 1868. Fittings for Iron and Wood Ploughs, Steel 01' Metal, supplied and sold at a Low Price. 'AS MUCH PLEASURE in announcing to his friends and castomars the arrival ofhis Richmond Hill. July 30. 1868. WINTER IS COMING! A Limited Number of Rights for Sale yet. HESPELER’S CELEBRATED TWEEDS, LIFT AND SUCTION PUMPS, FOR ALL DEPTHS; FORCE IrIaI-dxvare, Crockery, 8.30., 860., 830. 18 prepared for it with 8. Largo Cheap, and V'Vell Selected AT THE LOWEST ZWARKET PRICES! WILLIAM ATKINSON AND SET IT AT ANY ANGLE. A COMPLETE ASSORTMRNT OF NE EYER <8: BROTHER, 1‘ng MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE OF WHICH IS ‘AR W. A. directs special attention to his W. A. has also a FULL STOCK of DRY GOODS! “ Churn †Pumps for Cisterns, be sent to ROGERS & CO., NEWMARKET, who have acquired the Patent Right for East and West Gwillimâ€" bury. Whilchurch and King, for the Patent Swing and Dominion Force Pumps. ARE CHEAPER AND SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS; MANUFACTURERS OF A BEEPUMPSVSJL} Common Pumps of any Make, LEASE NOTICE THAT Ordels from North York should RICHMOND HILL. AN ENTIRELY EYER & BROTHER, FOR TANKS, CISTERNS AND SHALLOVV WELLS ; AT TWO THIRDS THE ORDINARY PRICES; OF AND TWO DOLLARS EACH. ISAAC CROSBY. HON. P. M. VANKOUGHNE’I‘. ALSO‘, Richmond, Hill, Ontario. 524-t ï¬lU-tf. They were not invanled in a day by ignorant parties as a means of money getting. but were originated by M F. COLBY, M.D., one of the ï¬rst physicians of the country, and perfected during a course of 40 YEARS succesrlul prac- lice. so that for {he purpose intended they can scarcely be iuproved, For certiï¬cates of cures see circulars. All genuine pills are sugar-coated and will in future have our signature on the wrapper. S. J. FOSS & CO., Proprietors. ‘3," Sold by druggists everywhere. November 19. [868. , 540-13 in time. They can be taken by the most delicate. They do not sicken or grip in any case. They always produce the same beneï¬cial results. They are an effectual but mild cathartic. They cannot be excelled as an antibilioua remedy. They are the greatest blood puriï¬er known. They afford immediate relief for bowel com- plaint. They are the best and safest remedy for children. , They are a positive cure for costiveness. They cure the worst forms of dyspepsia. They cure all diseases arising from any doâ€" rangement of the Stomach, Liver. and Bowele. They are recognised by all medical men who know the formula as a standard remedy. EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! USE OF ETHER SPRAY; Which Affects the Tooth Only. Dr. Colby’s Anti-costi‘ve and Tonic Pills. J. insansible Will this externaT agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and Without endangering the Life! The name ofthe medicine is blown in each bottle of the genuine ; all others are worthlesl imitations. r HE tooth and gum surrounding become . insansible with this external agencv. willbe in the following places prepared to extract teeth with his new apparatus, All other operations in Dentistry performed in a wmkmanlike manner :â€" Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isl ofeach month Newmarket Bt'elsford hotel 2nd " “ Stoufl’ville . . . . . . . ........ iSth " " Victoria Square. . . . . t . . . . 20th "_ †Thomliill.........i . . . . . . 23rd “ " Richmond Hill. . . _ . . . . . . . 24th " “ Maple . . . . . . . 26th " " Burwick . . . . . . . . . . . 2am “ " Kleinhurg . . . . - .......... 29th -" " Nobleton...t............ 3Uâ€! " " Where they will attendto any business ï¬e"?- taining to any branch oftlxeirprofesaion. Aoml‘a, J one 7 1585. . May be had at all times, either Doublg or Single at VELIE’S HOTEL, Richlpond Hill. AT MODERATE RAg’E TO BE SOLD on re),sonab|o terms, the fol- Iowing )ropeltS' :â€" Partof LotNo 3014;11 2nd Con. Vaughan, containing (33 acre" ï¬nalso. “ I do not consider a sprain or iamengss of an 3' account “'1 can get hold of a bottle of .13.; cobs’ Rheumatic Liquid.†“ It cures a cold in tantar." " It is the only thing I know that cures scrmohos on horses†" 1 never saw anything that would relieve a burn so quick.†Village Property Above-are sumo of Lhe statements being daily made by those who have used Jacobs†Kheumulic Liqurid My charge is $1 50 if paid when operated on, ifnot $3 00 will be charged to ensure & Bcure. Residence reér oflot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan! JAMES DUNTON. Livery stables 2 HE Subscriber would intimate 'lO'tilo arm- i ers and others of Richfnynd :HiH and surrounding Country having. ACOBS’ Rheumglic Liquid is the best thing in the wofld, except a skillful] phy~ sician, to have at hand in case of any accident. are daily liable may. 8 greatly reliever), and a large proportion ren‘ red no longer trouble- some by a timely application of thisjusliy cele- brated medicine. 999 out of LOOU org: accidents to which we “ I want it where I can put my ham! on it at any time.†u 1 consider ii the greatest remedy known." “ Nothing 1 ever saw can touch it as a re- medy.†Qï¬'ite a number (if reference gi'ven if requir- ed ofpersons whose hotses have been cured by That he has successfully treated the above for thpgmt ten years without a single failure. This treaï¬nent does not xlgcessitate theh‘ being laid asidt} on]y_ foya few days. ‘UNT’S Empire Hair Gloss» is the "‘ No plus ultra†of all preparations for the hair. ‘ v If you want a clean, cool Md, use Hunt‘s ' Empire Hair Gloss. ‘h ‘ Il'you want a beautiful, lumriantfgrowth ol , hair. use Hum’s Empire Hair Glue}; : If you want. to keep your hair [gym‘falling 1‘9 out. use Hunt’s Empire Hair Qlébr :’ it is the cheapest, cleanest, best. " PRICE ‘25 CENTS PER. Bor'ili’n'. S. J. FOSS & CO.,'Px-opri_aton. w Horses Afflicted with' Ring-bone; Richmond Hill. Sept. 71.1866. S. J. FOSS & Co., Sole proprietors. November 19, 1868. 54C-ly Richmond Hill. Aug. 20. ’68. , At Richmond Hill. Forpm‘liculars apply to the propyietor. Richm ondHill, OcL 25, ’66 November 19. 1868, Jacobs’ Rheumatic Liquid. R. COLBY’S Anti-coslive and Tonic Pills ‘ never fail but always relieve if taken Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. DRS‘ PECK 85 ROBINSON I wouldEnt attempt to keep house without HORSES AND CONVEYANCES LAND Eon SALE. Square. . ulHilL...‘....... .....A...o...-~- '0 a....-.....-...- As in the use of Chloroform. «I . Worth Knowiyï¬â€˜,‘ NEW METHOD OF BY THE uyuuuu', A. w‘nleï¬T. «é’i’j 5.46;†72-Iy 527-1