No'rldb: OF MOTION. Mr. Stephenson gave notice that he would On Saturday move the Council into committee of the whole to take into con- sidgxaï¬on the propriety of retaining the The ‘report ‘was' taken up clause by claufe and udqpted. The commï¬tee then rose, and the Countil resumed, when the report was adopted 1n Council. Mr. Arnold moved, seconded by Mr. Lane, that the Council do go into com- mittee of the whole on the rnports; Mr. Cannon in the chair. Carried. They reported that the old toll-gate at Yorkviill'e'boing a nuisance to the inhabit- ants ot' the ‘village, they would recom- uiend-‘ï¬hatlthe Superintendent be direct- ed to disposeof it. They also recommend- ed that the old bridge at Severn’s be repaired ; as also the copings and culverts on the road. The bridge at Aurora was progressing» in a satisfactory manner. Tl}? committee would recommend that the culvert at Snider’s farm be enlarged so as to carry 03 the surplus water. They found that the Superintendent had no suï¬icien't reason to alter the plans of the bridge at Thornhill, and. consequently7 had put the County to a great deal of unnecessary expense. The bridge was at present in an unsafe condition, and required to‘ be completed. as soon as possible. The committee had considered the remarks with reference to iron and wooden bridges, and believed the wooden ones the most economical. They would recommend that the Superintendent see; that the Don bridge is placed out of danger from rising water, and that the Highland Creek bridge be built at as early a day as possible, and the choice of material being left to the Commissioners and Superintendent, and that Kennedy's road be macadamized for one mile and a quarter. commencing at the Kingston road. In regard to the matter ofdispute about Messrs. Elwood and Smith and the toll at No 1 gate, on the Kingston road, the committee free them from all blame. The committee recommend that parties residing within a certain distance of the toll, and on the east side of'it, he allowed to pass through at half price. They found no reason for the removal at No. 5 gate on Yonge street. Mr. Tyrrell thought that it Was an in- justice to the County to unite the City and County for judicial purposes, when the County objected. to the connection. The consequence of' the change would be that the County would be put to a great deal "of additional expenseâ€" between $5 000 and $6,000 a yearâ€"when some of the Courts were c‘c‘cupied almost en- tirer with city‘cases. The speaker then submittsd to the committee, for their con- sideration, a draft of a‘ petition to be pre- sented to the Legislatm-e of Ontario at their next sessiOn, praying for an amend- ment to'the Act'by which the City and County were united. The'Coqncil then a ljourned unlil half- past seven o’clock m the evening. . , EVEVING SITTING. 'At half-past seven the Council, resumed. si‘pumm‘exnum’s REPQRT. Mr. Afnold submitted the report of the eonï¬nictee appointed to enquire into the repohï¬f the Superintendent of the York Roads. -' A number of clauses of the report were adopted. after which the_Gouncil adjourn- ed until two o’clock. AFTERNOON sesswx. Upon re-assembling at two o’clock, the Council again went into Committee on the. report, and the clause with reference to granting aid to the various charitable institutions in the city of Toronto was expunged. The report was then adopted in committee and in Council. VOLUNTEERS, PAY. A petition was presented praying that thepay of volunteers, while at drill. may be increased, and upon being submitted to the Council was adopted. wexchs AND MEASURES. The special committee appointed tocon- Bider the petitions respecting weights and measures, presented a report and there- w1th submitted a by-law for the appoint- ment of’an Inspectors of Weights and Measures; The byâ€"law was read a ï¬rst time ; and‘upon rule 35 being suspended, the Council went into committee of th Whole on the by-law. ' b .. Jl'IHCIAL EXPENSES. Théaémmcil went into Committee of' the whole, For the purpose of considering the best'meuns to be adopted to free the County‘from the payment of an unjust proportion of the judicial expenses ofthe Couï¬fy and City of Toronto. Mr. Ridden in the chair. The: document was concurred in by the committee. which then rose, and the Council adopted their report and directed the Clerk to have the petition engrossed. to-d- éfatyhe Council into committee oft) ‘ ï¬le to consider the propriety of lettiantOH-gates on the York Roads, for at‘ergof years, when the preseni lease ve expired. The committee then rose and reported; but the report was rejected. rm: YORK ROADS SUPPLY monnrs Mr Munsey moved, seconded by Mr. Draper, that the chairman of the com- mittee appointed to take into considera- tion the division of the surplus funds of the York Roads among the various muni- cipalities in the County, be and is hereby required to consult the County Solicitor as to the legality of such a division.â€" Carried.1 'NOTICE OF MOTION. Mr. Stephenson gave notice that he would toâ€"duy move that. the amount of money paid, by the several municipalities in the county, in erecting bridges over rivers: on township boundary lines in this countybe refunded by the county to the severgl municipalities who furnished the money for erecting said bridges during the ' Sign!) year. ' , itton gave notice that he would {the Council into committee alé to consider the propriety of they did not think the Sheriï¬'should pay it out of his own pocket,chey would recom- mend the Council to pay the account. A similar account of Constable Daniels the committee would also recommend to be paid. l Having heard James McNamara, they 5 could not recommend relieving him of his liabilities to the York Roads account. In reference to the claim of Mrs. Clay- - ton, they would recommend that the sum - of $40 damages he paid her out of the - funds of the York Roads. In the case - of? G. D. James, they found that the Treasurer had paid his liabilities. Hav- a ing heard evidence in regard to George I Lee’s indebtedness, the Committee found it a. case of great hardship, but could not -, I l.ecommend any reduction of rent. The -uv same in the case of Henry Richards. ' The Committee would recommend, havâ€" ing considered J. G. Howard's claim, : that the roadway in question be purchas- ed. In the case of W. & J. Hogg ask- ' ing for reduction of toll at Nos. 1 and 2 gates on Yonge street, they could not recommend that their prayer be granted. in the case of Thos, Armstrong, they could recommend no change. Having granted the use of the Jail and grounds to Miss Beamer for reformatory purposes, the Committee could not recommend the Council to grant XV Wright’s request.â€" They would recommend that the sum of $50 be thrown oï¬ â€˜V Hugill’s liabilities, ‘ on account of loss sustained by him in consequence of the Springï¬eld bridgel being down about one month in 1867.â€" ln reference to the petition of James and Joseph Hugill, they could not recom- mend relieving them of their liabilities, nor could they recommend any reduction in the liabilities of‘Edward Crown. Jos- hua Atkinson and Thomas Mitchell.â€" They would recommend that the Com- missioners of County Property examine into the matter of building the check ,gate asked for by Jeshua Atkinson.â€" The committee had enquired into the claim of Thos Mulholland, and were of opinion that he had no legal claim for damages, but that his building was somewhat on the road. They could not therefore recommend that he be granted any damages, but that he be ordered to remove the building. The committee could not relieve John Langstaï¬' and George Hildrick of their liabilities as securin for Henry Richards. They had carefully considered the communication of the President of the Toronto and Nipissing Railway Company, and we recommend the leasing of that portion of' the gaol grounds, commencing 100 feet feet south of the gaol, on a line parallel M.a___r‘._ The Committee reported that they had considered the prayer of McDonald and others, and found upon referring to the statue, that all parties living within halfamile of any city or incorporated town. have a right of commutation ; and would, theretbrc,recommend that all par- ties residing on the Dundas Road, west of tollâ€"gate N0. 1, and Within half a mile of the city, be permitted to pass tlu'Oug-h said gate on paying half toll. With re. f’erence to the prayer of Wm. Clea-ry, the Committee could not recommend any re’ duction of rent; nor could they recomâ€" mend that the gate be taken off his hands. The thotion was lost on a division, and the Ieport was adopted. COUNTY PROPERTY. The Chairman of the Committee on County Property submitted the report. of' that Committee. and the Council went into Committee of the whole thereon ; Mr. Phil] ps in the chair. The Committee recommended that $300 be granted to the Grammar school at Newmarket, $300 to that at Mark- ham, $300 to the School at Richmond Hill, and the same to the \Veston Gram- mar School. With reference to the peti- tion of'a number of the inhabitants of the Township of King, the committee would tecommend the appointment of the ot' the Rev James Carmichael to the ofï¬ce of' Local Superintendent, in place of the Rev J W Clarke, left the limits. The committee from an examination of the reports of the several Grammar Schools within the County, were pleased to ï¬nd that they were conducted in an efï¬cient and satisfactory manner, and would sub- mit that if proper teachers were employs ed, the Grammar Schools would ï¬ll a desideratum long felt. The committee recommended that the sum of $150 be placed at the disposal of the Warden for the maintenance and education of the deaf and dumb mutes of this county. They also recommend the payment of $5818to the order of the Board of Public Instruction, ‘ for incidental ex- penses for the half year ending 31st Decemlxr, 1868. The (ounell went into committee of the whole on the report; Mr. Lane in in the chair, When the committee rose, Mr. Stephemon moved, seconded by Mr. Draper, that the report be not adopt- ed, but that the clause recommending the grant of $1,200 to Grammar Schools be amended by striking out ‘$1,200,’ and inserting ‘3800’ instead. February 6. ,_ The Council resumed business yesterâ€" day morning at ten o’clock, the Warden presiding. EDUCATION. The chairman of the Standing Com- mittee on Education submittecl'their re- port, recommending the appointment of certain gentlemen t0 the oï¬ices of Local Superintendent and School Trustee.â€" l‘he following are the appointments reâ€" commended for Local Superintendents: York, Wm \Vatson; Scarboro’, Rev. W Belt; Markham, Rev. G S J Hill; King, Rev. James Carmichael; Whit- church and East Gwillimbury, J T Stokes ; North erillimbury, Rev. James Morton; GeorginaY John Boyd; Vauâ€" ghan, Rev Robert Hay, and Etobicoke, Rev J Brooks. « Thé Councii Eben afijoumed until ten o’clock this morning. The Trustee appointments are as folâ€" lows : Newmarket Grammar School, Rev Comon Ramsay re appointed ; Markham Grammar School, Henry Tane and Wm Flumerfelt re-appointed ; Richmond Hill Grammar School, Rev J Bredin and J R Arnold reappointed; Weston Gram- mar School, W R Wadsworth, James Conron and John Bull. present Superintendent of the York ROEQS, 91‘ of appointing another. ROADS AND BRIDGES. The chairman of the committee on Roads asd Bridges submitted their report, in which they said that they had laid before them the following doc'umems.‘ The report ofa com- missioner appointed to superintend the erec- tion of a bridge at; Etobicoke stating that the bridge had been completed at a. cost of $354 80. A communication from the War: The report was taken up clause by clause and adopted. The Council rasumed at 7:15 and went into committee of the whole on the report ofthe Commissioners on The Council then adjourned until seven o’clock. After going into committee, Mr. Manchu-e move that they- rise and ask leave to sit again next June. The resolution was carried on a. division. Mr. Button said, that he hoped the mem- bers who had thus hoisted his resolution would, if the Fenians came next summer, havo their full quota. of men bilieted on them. Mr. Murray gave notice that he would, to-day, move that the Council go into com- mitte of the whole, for the purpose of intro- ducing: a resolution relative to the poweis of the commissioners of County property. .511) T0 VOLUNTEERS. On a resolution by Mr. Button, the Coun- cil Went into committee for the purpose of granting aid to volunteers while on active service. . Levvnun Allulllblyultn“? .‘35 If“? 'vquLy, "1 erecting bridges over rivers on township boundary lines between townships in this County, he re-refunded by the County Treas~ urer to the several municipalities that have erected bridges during the year 1868, and that the same principle be continued during the present year. Lost, LEASE 0F TOLL GATES, The Council went into committee, Mr. Thorn in the chair, to take into considera- tion the propriety of leasing the toll gates on the York roads three years insteadof one, as heretofore. ‘ - The committee reported a resolution to that effect. ‘ Button, that the amouutlof iï¬oney paid by the 3;â€li .W..\:,,:....1:.i(,s (V “ , V . uvvuun Allulllblyult'z: vquLyL "1 14,125,02714,222,651 The committee would recommend that the clerks of the different municipalities make out the county rates proper, seper- ate from the other rates. They had, to the best of their judgement, equalized the assessment of the different municipm lities, so as to make them bear a just re- lation, one to another. The report was adopted. Etobicoke. . .. $954,730 $941,450 Georgina. . . . 1 393,003 278,035 Gw1111mbury,N 437,344 357,843 Gwillimbury,E 795,619 , 811,201 King . . . . . . . . 1,674,805 1,646,112 Markham . . . 2,219,867 2274,5559 scarbow 1. . 1,332,470 1259;935 Vaughan . . . .1,835,771 2,050,868 w hitchurch ..1,234,420 1,216,076 York . . . . . . . . 2,057,703 2,386,542 I n '09 wormed Vin‘ages. Yorkville. . . .. Newmarket . . Holland Land‘ All the clauses, except the last, were adopted, after which the committee rose to sit again at half» past one. The Council adjourned till that time. AFTERNOON SESSION. On the Council resuming they again went into committee and took up the last clause of the Report of the Commissioners on County Property, which was amended by ï¬lling in the blank with ‘$1.’ The Report was then adopted in committee and in Council. EQUALISA’I‘ION AND ASSESSMENT. The Chairman of the Cotnmitee on Equa- lization and Assessment then handed in the Report of that Committee. The Committee reported that they had prepared an abstract similar to that of former years, after having carefully examined the Assessment and Col- lectors’ rolls ofthe diï¬â€™erent municioalities. Tney had found that they had 3,438 acres less assessed in 1868 than in 1867. In 1867 the number of acres on the rolls was 540,212, and in 1868 the number was 536.364. In four of the towrships they found an inorease as follows, viz.: Etobicoke 41 acres, Gwillm bury East 289, King,r 1,294, Markham 241. The remaining Six Showed a decrease ; in Georgina of 117 acres, Gwillimbury North 153, Scarboro’ 594, Vaughan 506, Whit- church 297, York 2,045. The Committee could only account for the difference in the township of York, where in last year’s assess- ment, there was an error in addition ot'2,000 acres. The township of King Showed the greatest increase, which inirht also be ac- counted t'or by some of the Government lands ln appointing proper persons as Assessors. The Committee also found that there had been a falling off in the taxable income of 3513.800, and in the personal property of $19,875, which, considering the former pros~ perity ofthe County,ought not to be the cese. The Committee would also xecommendJlmt more care be taken in putting down the num- ber in a family, as the rolls only showed a population of 45,538, which they considered for below the proper number. In making the equalization, the Committee had not made any change in the value placed by the Assessors on non-resident land; but had equalized. only on the resident. as shown in the following scheduleâ€"showing the Assess- ors†value of the lands in the several munici- palities of the County of Yorlgaud also the equalized value:â€"- * - Mgrnicipalities Assessed mg . Aurura with Palace street. during the term of 42 years, at the yearly rent of dollars per year ; providing the company now settle all claims of the city of Toronto for the ï¬lling in of the water lot .on the. Esplanade, and further, that said ground be used for depot and other railway purâ€" poses, and that a lease be made so soon as the Warden procures the patent of the gag Property? adjoming the Holland river marsh having been taken up. Butlhe Committee thought. that the great fault layin the careless man ner in which the assessment was taken and would recomend that; more care be taken, The committee would reocmmend that necessary accomodation be provided for the safe keeping of the papers in the ofï¬ce of the Clerk of the Peace; and that the Commissioners of County property be requested to order the change of the doors of the Court House, that they may open outwards. The Committee had closely examined into the condition of the Court House, and had found that it was kept in a clean and satisfactory state by the houseikeeper, Robert Hall. BRIDGES. Mr. Stepenson movcd‘ EVENING SESSION. COUNTY PROPERTY. 618,146 32L780 111,134 147,235 Equalised Value ', §éconcied N" $941,450 278,035 357,843 , 811,201 1,646,112 2.274589 500.000 280,000 90,000 130,000 Egpaflised Per acre ? $3000 3 9'25 11'75 15'50 1800 3100 27-75 29-00 18'50 34350 Moved by Mr. Munsey, seconded by Mr. Lepper, that the Commissioners of County property spend none of the funds of this county on new work without the sanction at this Council, unless in case of absolute and pressing necessity. The motion was lost on a. division, FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The following is an abstract of the audit- or’s report showing the receipts and dis- dursements for the past year, which was laid on the table by the Warden: RECEIPTS. Balance on’hand from 1867. . , $4,364 49 To cash from F. W. Jarvis,.sherifl‘ 176 64 “ Jury Fund Account . . . . . . . . 665 91 “ Criminal Justice Account . . 3,284 89 “ License Fund Account. . . . . 652 00 “Rent . . . . . . . . . . 1,722 50 “Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 62 “ Clerk of the Peace . . . . . . . . 7 00 “ Cqunty Cash per Debenture OJ motion ot‘er. Stephenson, it was re- solved that the committee report by Bylaw, Some discussion then took plaée and a. number of new names were proposed; but: it was ï¬nally resolved to retain the present, Su- perintendent, for this year. - The report waé LBen‘adopted, and the Council resumed. In accordance with the resolution, the Councilwent into committee of the whole,and the Superintendent was permitted to address the Council and defend himself against the charges made against him. SUPERINTEXDANT OF YORK ROADS. Mr. Stephenson moved, seconded by Mr. Macklem, that the Council do resolve itself into a committee of the Whole, on the mover’s notice of motion to enquire into the advisibility of the County’s retaining the services of the present. Suserintendent of York roads. Carried. 9013'ng 136 amcrfled by making séven sec- tions in North Gwillimbury instead of six, as set foxth in said by law, and that we seal of the County be afï¬xed to this resolution. Carried. ' Your committee would recommend that 1he Reeves and Deputy Reeves in the vari- ous municipalities would consult with their constituents during the interim between now and the June msion with regard to particu- 1££r roads-miig‘tï¬ihe York madmwhereon it would be abvisible to expend their garden of the surplus fungi. SCHOOL SECTIONS. Moved by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Hartman, that the schedule forming part of Byâ€"law No. 173, setting forth the number of School Sections in each Township in the Unnntv. ha {hypnï¬ed bv mnlzinn canny. “A It was also ora’ered" that Messrs Chewen & 00., be paid the amount of their account for printing. den of the County of Simcoe, drawing atten~ ton to the unsafe condition of a. bridge over the Holland River, but as no estimate ofthe cost of the necessary repairs had been sub- mitted, the committee would recommend that the Conncil allow the matter to stand over until the next session of the Council in June. A CommuniCation from Mr. J. S. howland drawing attention to the unsafe condition of the railway crossing on the Lake Shore Road. They would recommend that the railroad authorities be instructed to have the crossings put in proper repair. Petitions: from J. G. Howard and John Taylor, praying that certain by-laws, passed in 1868,be conï¬rmed. From Walter O’Hara, to have a bylaw conï¬rmed,which was passed in September, 1868. They had examined the report Ofthe committee appointed to ex- amine into'the advisibility of opening a road in the Township of Vaughan, and would re- commend that the commissioners be in- structed to have the road opened. Mr. Chester moved, seconded by Mr. Randall, that the Commissioners of County Property be, and are hereby instructed to obtain a legal opinion from Messrs. Patterson & Harrison as to the proper and legal course to adopt to have the county line between the townships 01 York and Vaughan, and be tween the second and third concessions, as per reference to the report of the Standing Committee on Roads & Bridges, opened and improved; andtlge Commissioners be izistrue ted, if within their jurisdiction, to procure with as little delay as possible, in accordance witlrthe said opinion, to have the aforesaid road opened and improvedâ€"Carried. YORK ROADS SURPLUS FUNDS. The Committee who were appointed to take into consideration the propriety of dividing the surplus funds derived from the York Roads among the various municipalities constituting this County reported as follows: “Your Committee. obtained from the Treasurera statement showing the amount of debentures given for the purchase of the York Roads, viz, $72, 500, the amount of debentures retired'$27,000. He also stated that the oalauce on hand to the credit ot‘ the York Roads account on the 3Ist day of December, 1868, was $9,001'68. Your Committee gave the question of the surplus divrsion a. careful consideration. and to have the same amicably adjusted between the sev- eral municipalities so that 110 injustice would be done to any; and we are of opin- ion that if the surplus each year were fairly and equitably apportioned in accordance with the equalized value of the several municipa~ lties to be by them expended oua few ot'the roads leading to the York Roads, it would iuCrease the travel, and therefore enhance the value of said roads, as well as adding materially to the value ofreal estate through- out the County. Chairman. The Council went into committee on the 1:999“; Mr. Robinson moved, seconded by Mr. Patterson, that Messrs. Ridden and Bull and the Warden be Commissioners of County property for the current year. Carried. CONTINGENCIES. The Council then went into committee on the report; of the Contingency Committee which was adopted, and the Treasurer or- dered to pay the several accounts therein named amounting to $87 86. The committée th‘en rose and reported, and the i‘eporn was zydoptedjn Council; _ A Mr. Draper moved,seconded by Mr Riddell, that when the Council adjourn today, it do stand so adjourned until the second Monday in June next, then to meet at two o’clock. â€"Carried. On motion, the Council ‘went into com- mittee of the whole on the report; Mr. Dra- per in the chair. D The report was read by clause, and, after some discussipn, adgpted. Stephenson moved} seconded by Mr. Cain, that the Commissioners of County pro- perty do take, the opinion of the County So- licitor as to the distribution of the surplus money of the York roads to the several mu- nicipalities of the County. Carried. An adjohmment that; took place uï¬til this morning. ‘ FEBRUARY 8. The Council 'met again on Saturday, the Warden in the chair. Accéunt . . . . . . . . ....... Public Instruction Account Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . .. County'Tax. Balaycg dye Treasurer. k . . . Respectfully submitted! ARCHIBALD RIDELL, $36,067 39 1,500 00 6 20 11 40 20,715 00 560 75 'are mainly similar to those of the late law. In the description and amount of assessable pioperty, there are no fewer than twentyâ€"six columns to be ï¬lled; which, if intelligently done, will furnish a complete and ample return to the Muni- cipal Council of almost every conceivable item of statistical information. Rented land will be assessed against both the owner'and tenant, and the taxes may be recovered from either, "or from any future owner or occupant, saving his re- Assessors and Collectors are appointed by the several Municipal Counclls, as under the old law. l cipal property. Wm WW All land and personal property in the ' Province of Ontario, shall be liable to taxation, according to the assessed value of such property; not upon any one or more kinds of property in particular, nor in different proportions, but upon the whole rateable property, real and per-. sonal, subject to the following EXEMPTIONS. All property vested in the Crown, or for Provincial purpnsras, or for the In. dianS: but if 000.11de by persons other- wise than in their ofï¬cial capacity, the Occupant shall be assessed, but not the property. All places of worship, univer- v. VMMV u. y! vAJ Joe“. AUCTION SALES. Fawn, February 12, 1869.â€"-â€"Credit Saler Farm Stock, Implements, 810., on lot N< 27,2113 concession, Markham, the prl party of Jacob Heise, jun. Sale at 1 o’clock, noon. Gomiley & Sandersoi auctioneersm SATURDAY, FEBRUARY l3.â€"C:’sh Sale, to 1“. sold by Public Auction, at Buttonvilh alarge quantity of Household Furniturt belonging to Mr. Thomas Blaclflvel Sale to commence at one o’clock, Franc Button, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, Fun. 18.â€"â€" To be sold by Publi Auction, on Lot No. 4, 5th concession ( , engages. school les, industrial farms, poor houses, ascylums, mechanics institute and agricultural societies, with the lands and appurtenances attached, unless oc- eupied_by unofï¬cial parties. All muni- The Governor General.’s personal property and oï¬icial income, as , well as‘lthe oflicialiincome oi theLieutenant Governor of the Province. The premises, salaries and pensions of Her Majesty’s ofl‘icers, non-commissioned and private, whether of the Army 01' Navy. All- pensions of two hundred dollars and um der, if payable out of the Dominion or Provincial funds. A farmer’s income, if derived from his farm. All personal property invested in mortgages on land or in provmcial or municipal debentures. All bank stock, but not the dividends thereof. All railway stock. All proper- ty real or personal which is owned out of the province. So much of the person- a} property of any person, as is equal to thé debts owed by him on account of such property, except such as is secured by mortqage 53 his real estate, or may D remain unpaid on aCf'Ount_ Of the Pur' chase money. The net peiff’nal‘PmPer‘ ty of any person, if it be nude.“ 0“? hundred dollars in value. The annual income of any person, if it does not exâ€" ceed four hundred dollars. The salary, personage and lands attached, of any minister of religion. Rental or other in: come derived from real estate, except interest on mortgages. Household ef- fects of every kind, with books and wear.- ing apparel. The oflieial salaries of the officers and servants attached to the sen- ate. The Commons of Ottawa, and the several departments of the Government of Ontario at Toronto. HOW RATES TO BE ESTIMATED. The Council of each municipality shall every year made an estimate of all sums required for all lawful purposes, including the creation or sustentation of of a sinking fund for; providing for the reduction of debentures, and the rates’ shall be calculated at so much in the dollar, upon the actual value of all_ the assessable property in the municipality. Real and personal property shall be esti- mated, by the assessors, at their actual cash value, as they would be appraised in payment of a just debt from a solvent debtor. Amï¬wiï¬'ï¬iï¬wï¬ï¬t‘lï¬ Implements Sale to commence at12 o’clock, GOImle and Sa'nderson, Auctioneers. FRIDAY, February 19, 1869.â€"Crcdit Sal of Farm Stock and Implements, &c., 0 lot No. 60, rear of the 1st Concession c Vaughan, the property of Roderick M( Leod. Sale to begin at 12. o’clock, noor. Jas. Gormley, Auctioneer. FEBRUARY 25.â€"Farm for Sale by Auction on the premises, being lot No. 6, in th 5th Concession of the Township of Whit church, County of York, Ontario. TUESDAY, March 2, 1860.â€"Credit Sale 0 Farm Stock, &c., on lot No. 8,, 5th Con. Markham, the property of Alex. Brae burn. Sale at 10 a.m., sharp. Lunch a noon. J. Gormley, Auctioneer. 0:? Parties having Sale bills printed at this ofï¬ce, will have a. notice similar to th4 above, free of charge. 1 r LATEST FROM OTTAWA. STATEMENT MADE BY WHELAN. . Or'rswo, Feb. 10. thlan made a statement last night to Mr. Lees, County Attorney, and Mr. O’Garz Police Magistrate, that he was present when Mr. McGee was killed but did not ï¬re the shot. There were two others present when he refuses to name, but states they were neither Buckley nor Doyle. ' This is a com Iteggjon sufliment to Justify his executlon, beim, an acknowledgement that he was an n c aceessor . . m , Mrs. l helan visited "1:91am agam today :in company with Rev. Mr. O’ConnCF- She is very much excited. The hour for we execution to-morrow has been fixed for 12 o’clock. Mrs. McGee wrote a. letter to Mr. James 1 Goodwin of this city requesting him to visit Whelan and sav from her that she freely forâ€" gave him, as his punishment would be ample ‘ for the offence. Mr. Goodwin, and Mr. Michael Starrs visited Whalan last Sunday with this mes- sage. . Whelan said he was much obliged to Mrs McGee, but that Mr. Goodwin should tell her forgiveness for him was altogether out i of place, as he had not killed Mr. McGee. Mr. Goodwin has, I believe, conveyed the ianswer to Mrs. McGee. ‘ Whelan is expected to make a speech to- morrow. He is reading his Bible and Pray: er book with great attention, and is visited by the Grey Nuns. His manner is much changed. He does not complain so much about the gaol diet here now. On ï¬rst arriving from Toronto he refused to eat. He was spoiled. in Toronto, but a little fasting here brought 'him around. I l DISBURSEMENTS. By cash paid to Coroners. . . . . “ “ “ " Constables. ... “ “ “ “ Crown Wit- nesses By cash paid to County At- torneys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By cash paid to Clerks of the Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By cash p H H H U H (4 H (I H “ aid Sheriff Jarvis. . .. “ for Inquest expenses “ for Jury expenses “ “ Fund . . . “ Mis_ce11aneous.. . . “ Members wages. . flew Adve L‘tisements. Charlton’ E First Prize Patent Cultivator. â€"Williu.rn Muaseaw. Mr. Boulton moved, seconded by Mr. Hartman, that it be an instruction to the Commissioners of County Property to in- quire, and report at the next meeting, as to the practibility of lighting, heating and venv tilating, the Council Chamber more econom- ically, more especially with a. View to re~ duce the oppressive heat caused by the gasolier in the centre of the Chamber. Car- ried. gig-DON’T forget to ‘secum a copy of the Polemical Correspondence, between T.J.M. and the Rev. John Bredin, now published in pamphlet form and for sale at the Herald book store. Price 15 centS. stationery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Boa.1d of Public instruction “_ Salaries " Appropriations . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ Repairs to buildings . . . . . . , Gaol expenses . . . . . . . . . . . “ Volunteer relief . . . . . . . . . . “ Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " Apprehension of horse thief The Council then adjourned, to meet‘ again next June. mm éflmh 353mm. H THE NEW ASSESSMENT ACT. PROPERTY LIABLE TO TAXATION RXCHMOND HILL, FEB. 12, 1869. THE DUTIES OF ASSESSORS Printing and sta- $36,067 39 '364 40 1,531 30 5,769 45 12,077 44 985 30 420 44 1,583 63 725 50 1,990 74 898 407 4,432 3,032 898 407 4,432 3,032 980 1,131 23 733 20 210 05 229 50 It is said the body of Whelan is to be transferred to the Nuns, with the under- standing that the funeral is to be a private one.-G‘lobe. The Sheriff of Carleton county annd the Governor of the gaol have shown every courtesy to the press, and the arrangements For members of the press are satisfactory. The Toronto and Montreal press are well represented. Some ofthe Roman Catholic clergy have been with Whelan nearly all day. A mass will be celebrated in the chapel in the gaol for him in the morning. The clergy will visit him at six o’clock in the mornings ' Alreixdy a large number of applications haye bcen made for some of his hair. There is a report that Whelan’s body will not be given to Mrs. Whelan. Whelan said he was much obliged to Mrs McGee, but that Mr. Goodwin should tell her forgiveness for him was altogether out of place, as he had not killed Mr. McGee. Police Magistrate, that heiwas present when Mr. McGee was killed but did not ï¬re the I shot. There were two others present whom ,he refuses to name, but states they were 1neither Buckley nor Doyle. This is a com- {ea‘gon sufï¬cient to justify his execution, beim an acknowledgement; that he was an n s . accessor , . m A Mrs. \ helan visited "1:91am agam today in company with Rev. Mr. O’ConnCF- She is very much excited. The hour for we execution to-morrow has been ï¬xed for 12 o’clock. Mrs. McGee wrote a. letter to Mn James Goodwin of this city requesting him to visit Whelan and say from her that she freely forâ€" gave him, as his punishment would be ample for the offence. STATEMENT MADE BY WHELAN. . OTTAWO, Feb. 10. Whelan made a statement last night to Mr. Lees, County Aftorgey, and Mr. O’Gam FRIDAY, February 19, 1869.â€"Oredit Sale. of Farm Stock and Implements, &c., on lot No. 60, rear of the 1st Concession of Vaughan, the property of Roderick Mo Leod. Sale to begin at 12, o’clock, noon. Jas. Gormley, Auctioneem FEBRUARY 25.â€"Farm for Sale by Auction, on the premises, being lot No. 6, in the 5th Concession of the Township of Whit- church, County of York, Ontario. TUESDAY, March 2, 1860.â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, &c., on lot No. 8,, 5th Com, Markham, the property of Alex. Brad- burn. Sale at 10 a.m., sharp. Lunch at noon. J. Gormley, Auctioneer. 0:? Parties having Sale bills printed at this ofï¬ce, will have a. notice similar to the above, free of charge. course against any other person. A ten- ant may deduct from his rent any taxes paid by him, if the same could have been recovered from the owner, unless there be a special agreement between the par- ties to the contrary. Vacant grounds attached to houses, as lawns, gardens or paddocks, and not in demand for build- ing purposes ln cities, towns and villages, shall be valued as farming lands at such prices as are current for similar lands, and taxed accordingly. All lands held and used by Railway companies shall be taxed according to the average value of lands in the vicinity, as well as the real preperty held bv such companies. Un- occupied lands, unless the owners desire their names to be inserted in the Asses- sor’s books, shall be returned as ‘non- residents land assessments.-i All incomes from any trade, profession or oï¬ice of any kind, exceeding four hundred dollars, shall be assessed. Share- holders of incorporated companies will be assessed for the value of the stock or shares held by them as personal property. Trustees, guardians, executors or ad- ministrators shall be assessed as such, in their representative character. Any as- sessor may demand a Written statement, signed by the taxable party, of all the particulars relatingto his real and personal property; but the assessor is not bound by such written statement, if he thinks it incorrect. Any taxable person failing to deliver a written statement7When required or knowingly making a false statement, subject himself to a ï¬ne of tWenty dollars The assessors shall complete their rolls in townships not later than the ï¬fteenth 01" April, and in cities and towns not later than the ï¬rst of' May in each year, veri- fying their returns on oath. THE COURT OF REVISION. Shall consist of ï¬ve members of the Council, three of Whom shall be a quo- rum, and a majority of the quorum, may deeied all questions of appeal. Some member of the court shall administer an oath to any party or witness, before his evidence can be taken, and may issue a summons to any witness to attend such court. A witness can demand ï¬fty cents a day as compensation ; but may be ï¬ned twenty dollars for refusing to attend. The court of revision shall complete its duties before the ï¬fteenth of June in every year. Fawn, February 12, 1869.~Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, 810., an lot No_ 27,2113 coneessiou, Markham, the pm' party of Jacob Heise, jun. Sale at 12 o’clock, noon. Gomiley & Sanderson, auctioneers‘ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13â€"09311 Sale, to be sold by Public Auction, at Buttonvillc, alargc quantity of Household Furniture, belonging to Mr. Thomas Blackwell. Sale to commence at one o’clock, Francis Button, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, Fun. 18,â€"â€" To be sold by Public Auction, on Lot No. 4, 5th concession of WE‘FEWâ€SITSMQ Iiprlements, Sale to commence at 12 o’clock, Goxmley and Sa'uderson, Auctioneers. Bé‘SENï¬BS, PATENT MEDIHIIM'HSl FA N0 Y a 0 0 D S, PERFUMERY 860. Toronto, February 4. 1869‘ COLORS, VARNISHES, BR USERS; SPIRITS TURPENTINE, Fatent Dryer, Zinc Paints, N0. 44 King Street East, Toronto, Paase. u do u..." Oars, do Hay, ton, . . . . Si‘aw.?(9ton.......... Pork mess 219100 bblw. Butter 11915....â€â€œU. Wool?"ij 1b. Flour. barrel. . . . ... . . Wheat.&ï¬ hush . . . . . . . . . Spring heat, W bush. . Barley, a9 lgusll. . . . .. .. . AMONG recent deaths are the Senior Ad; miral of Her Majesty’s Fleet'and of the Bri« tish Navv, Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis, .K.CL, 3.; and Admiral Gordon, Governor ofGreen-v wich Hospital. IT has been observed throughout Central? and Western Europe, where criminal statis; ties are classiï¬ed according to the religion of the prisoners, that there are proportions ately less Jews convicted than members of other denominations. nnvwns 1mm batman.- give satisfactory: prospects of the woxkin‘g of the coal mines at that island, undéj: the management of a few business men In’ Sedtland. 1N some parts of G-reatBri-tain everything is so green and beautiful that the thrushes and linnets are singing merrin as if it was spring time. while thére is snow and bitter cold in others. THE Prince of Wales has abandonea his: intention of viewing Athens, owing to the political prospect. A RANGOON journal reports the cruciï¬xnon‘ at Mandalay, the capital of Burmah, of w learned man for his religious tenets. NAPOLEON III. has subscribed £200 to? wards the monument. to be erected in Trieste: to the memory of Emperor Maximilian. LoRi) SPENCER’Sï¬Qppointmmt as Lord:- Lieutenant is muchgipproved of in Dublin,‘. where the report taicurrent that he intends: to spend £40;000-â€a'y‘ear. ADVICES from Labuaqâ€" prospects of the woxkin‘g Mr. Barnard’s Annual Auction Sales have been in progress during the past evenings of thls week. They have been well attended, and many parties have made purchases at prices which are considerably lower than the usual retail rates. These sales will con- tinue for a few nights longer 5 parties in the neighborhood requiring Dry Goods, or Who may ultimately require them ought to attend. The Severn has not been [so high for many years as it is at present. A smam' shock of earthquake was felt in/ Suffolk about 11.15 A.M. on January 9th. PRINCE NAPOLEON Bas subscribed £400¢to M.Lambert’s North Polar Expedition. QUARTERMASTEn-SERGEANT MURRAY ofthe T-..J_,, n, - u w y . __ _..A. A M; on“. London Scottish Volunteers died a ago. The Aurora Temperance Dramatic Com- pany paid Richmond Hill a. visit on Tuesday evening last, and gave one of their enter- tainments in the Temperance Hall. These amateurs are very well up in their pieces, and gave some interesting and instructive recitations; unbounded satisfaction was ex- pressed by all who heard them. We hope at their next visit they will have a larger audience and more encouragement to come again. .S'r. VALENTINE’S Dunâ€"It is as well for such of our readers'as indulge in the harm. less amusement of sending valentines to their friends to understand that, by aregula- Lion of the Post ofï¬ce Department, all let ters dropped in the Post ofï¬ce fer delivery here must beprepaz’d ,‘- if not post-paid they will be sent to the Dead Letter ofï¬ce, and consequently will not reach those for whom they are intended. Our juvenile readers, particularly, will do well to bear this in mind. “REAL ESTATE JOURNAL.â€â€"-This is the title of a semi-monthly paper now published 1n Toronto. As its heading; indicates, it is: intended " to supply top‘those interested in real estate such information 213.125 of special interest relating to sales or transfers of real property in the principal cities and through out Unfaljo, construction of public works, and. building improfements of every kindk increase or Jzerease of municipal expendL tin-e, debt and taxation, and, in short, what- ever tends to influence ilie real estate mark ket.†It is nqaqyprinted, on good paper; in quarto formers" (i will prove useful as a medium of in o ation to. all persons who deal in real esgajg‘i We hope to see; the Real Estate J0?“ liberally patronised'. in quarto form; medium of in or_‘ dea-I in real esgaj Real Estate J03? Hunt’s Hair mm an indispensihle Tpilet, article. "ï¬- ‘ " Severe} sir-,kvws‘s ‘ ,of‘ten prevented by timely use of Colbï¬PiHs. up, ‘ Jacobs’ Rheumatic Liquid for Coughs. ' VIOLE'I'S were gathered at 'Mentone on New Year’s day. THE Mount of' Olives is new tlie property of'the CmWn of France. Tm: London Scottish Volumteérsazeaina highly etï¬cient condition. New chvzttisnments Premises lawly occupied by Messrs. Duizquzcg/L d}- Watson. ., L. Margach, PAINTS. OILS, DYE'SE‘UFFS TORONTO MA RKETS. Medicines, Chemicals, IMPORTER & DEALER m MISCELLANEOUS. ARTISTS, MATERIAL, 313ml 3m. Toronto, Feb 4. 1869‘ 550-1y-39 few days $3“