LOT NO. 6, IN THE 5TH CONCESSION OF THE Township of Whitchurch, COUNTY 01‘ YORK, ONT.; BOUT 60 Acres cleared ; properly fenced and in a good state of cultivation : with suitable Farm Buildings; an excellent young orchard : about 6 acres of valuable Cedar. the remainder principally hardwood. The Farm musth sold to meet the requirements of the will of the late ABRAHAM STECKLEY. FARM FOR SALE! For particulars apply to either of the under- signed. Remaining in the Richmond Hilll’osl Ofï¬ce. February lst. 1869. Anderson. Geo Boake, Sarah A [3] Benton. J C Buck, David Brown. James Brassell, Johu Bernard, J G [5] Collins, William Campbell, Neil Colleran. Patrick [2] Cooper: William Coil. Thomas Conmhs. Robert ('ockrane. Miss M Carter. John Coughin. Timothy Dancy, Mrs, Jane Durham. Mr Doner. Emanuel Dolmage. Gideon Elliott. Mrs Jane Elliott. Marv Ann Forsylh. Donald Frame. Alex. [2] Fravling, W. Fuller, Daniel, Graham, Joseph Gordon, J. Hammill, Thomas Lightf'oot, Hannah Nhrrison. Rev S Merlin. J Morris, Job McGulIen, Alex. McKinney. Mrs. McLean Archibald McCance, Margret McQuiun, Mr Page. Edward Passmore, James Railh, T. S. Rae, Andrew Roberts. Denis Simpson, James Sanvidge, John Slephenson, George Siver. Jennie Shell, William Scott, Thomas Shields, John SlephensonJamOs Smith; James Skeele. L Taylor. Joseph L 'l“'ille\s,'Jamefl Vanderbnrgh, Margery \ anderburgh, James M Van de Bogart. F A†H odgson, James Kane, Mrs M A Lane. Thomas Lumley. Mrâ€"Painter The 25th Day of February,1869 VARIETY OF MUUNTINGS. AND AS The Stock is Large Will be Sold Cheap for Cash! OR APPROVED CREDIT. HARNESS. HARNESS, A call from those who may be TERMS: One-third Cash; the balance in instalments, with interest. 1;] “'ant of a Good Article ls Earnestly requesxed. Saddles from $10 to $40. Bridles from $1 to $12. Halters in Great Variety. ‘K. 7-. 1 /- Brushes {3}" every kind. Curry, Maine (E clipping combs. Horse Blankets. In Endless Varietv. W. H.MYERS. l‘mms: Twenty ï¬ve hundred doliarsâ€"part cash. [valance on time. For particulars apply to thaowner, WILLIAM HARDING, 1 Richmond Hill January 14. 1899. 547-Gm HE Subscriber offers fgr sale a good farm. being lot No. 4. in lhe 8th Lconcession of the township of Erin, lllt) acres, 6“ acres clean-d and in a high stale‘bf cullivalion : the balance nearly all first raie Hardwood bush There is on the premises a good log house_ ban-11,3lable, &c., With good \iy'alsr privilege. Also a hemnil'nl young Urchtï¬â€˜ï¬‚ of IOU fruit trees, planted 5 years. A god gravel road passes along the front of {hrs at This Farm is 35 miles from Richmond Hill. H miles {run Georgetown.on the Grand Trunk Railway,aud 30 miles from ’I‘oronlo. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE! Compris‘ing Man’s Under and Over Coats. Pants and Vests, BlankeLs. Flannels, Factory and bleached Cottans. Prims, MohairJVinceys, ‘Coburgs. all wool French Marinas and Fancy Dress Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Small and Fancy Warns, Superï¬ne Black Broad Cloths, lMuscow. Beaver and Pilot Cloths, Railwa Wrappers. all wool 1nd Canadian Full Cloths and 'I‘Needs. all wool and Sllk Mixed Doesktns. Hats. Caps. Ties. Collars. &c.. with a geneml assortment too numerous to menuon which TERMS :â€"All sums under $10, Cash; over that amount, 8 mouth credit will be given, on furnishng approved joint notes at the conclu- sion of 1110 sale. [13’ Persons wishing to secure Bargains In New, Good and Seasonable goods, will hnd this a desirable opportunity. Will be Sold Without Reserve On Tuesday, February 9. 1869. A. BARNARD being desirous ofclearing , out his surplus stock of Winter goods, 5.11 order to make room for a large ansarunent of new Spring goods would prefer selling the same Neict to his own Store! Than keeping them over until next season. he has determined to sell them off in the shop ad- joining Mr. CUX’S and UNDER COST 2 Ready Made Clothing EVENING AUCTION SALES, Whitchurch, Dec. 2. 1868‘ Richmond Hill, Oct. 8, 1568. Will be sold by Public Auction. (on the premises). on G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, Feb. 4, 1859, 550-1 Carriage, Buggy. Riding. Hunting and Team Whips General Dry Goods, ON REASONABLE CREDIT FOR ONE WEEK BARN ARD’S ANNUAL. TOWNSHIP OF ERIN. List ofLetterQ THE WEST HALF OF ‘0 A [3] [5] ill} ink [2] In] art is M ‘olhy ane uel eon me Ul‘l Id [2] D )mas 'i‘rouper. as h A S Lightf‘oot, Hannah NIJI‘I'iSOI]. Rev S Marlin. J Morris, Job McGuHen, Alex. McKinney. Mrs. McLean Archibald McCance, Margret McQuiun, Mr Page. Edward Passmore, James Railh, T. S. Rae, Andrew Roberts. Denis Simpson, James Sanvidge, John Stephenson, George Siver. Jennie Shell, William Scott, Thomas Shields, John SlepheusonJamOs Smith; James Skeele. L Taylor. Jï¬seph L 'l“'ille\s,'Jamefl Vanderburgh, Margery \ anderburgh, James M Van de Bogart, 13‘ While. Thomas VViIIiama, Mr. V’est, Mrs Thos, Young, Mrs, BY AUCTION. RT SEVEN O’CLOCK BROAD CLOTHS, AND RICHMOND HILL DAVID S'I‘ECKIJSY, SAMUEL SNIDER. IN EVERY COMMENCING IN THE Ol‘ M. TEEFY, P.M. 542 S arrow’s washinw Cr stal P :5 FRESH BREAD REGBIVED DAILY. Pails FLOUR AND FEED DECISIVE BARGAINS MAY BE EXPECTED GOODS DELIVERED 2 OYSTERS OYSTERS Figs, Nuts,- “required to any distance within thxee miles. Currants, Tc as, PROVISIONS Large & well Selected 'l‘hey beg leave to announce to tha Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding country that they will keep constantly on hand a Lately Occupied by Mr. T. Morgan French 65 Armstrong, Richmond Hill. Jun. 27, 1868, NEW OPENING Math 8: ï¬rmï¬trnng’a (EDI. Biscuits Fish Brooms Candies, Sugars, Black Lead. brushes RICHMOND HILL. Farm Produce taken for Goods. GROCERIES, A call is respectfully solicited as Pick] es, Syrup and Molasses Wash boards Soaps, Cheese Corn meal Having leased the Premises Coï¬â€˜ees, FLOUR OF ALL KINDS. FRENCH & ARMSTRONG. AS FOLLOWS : Scrubbing brushes Oatmeal Candles, Butter Spices, LobsterSo STOCK OF as Beans Tobacco, Mustard s , Sardines: Cigars, Vin egar [J a 1' Raisins, SAP BUCKETS & PAILS $6 PER. ONE HUNDRED FEET. Shingles. Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. For particuiars address Begs most respectfully to announce that he ' will be at Unionville. ‘ . . . .. . lst Monday of each month. Westgn, . . . . . . . . . . . . day of each month Unionville. ‘ . . . ... lst Monday ofeach mom Weston, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9th day of each man Kleiubnrg. ..........161h -‘ *- BurwickY .. . . . . . . . ...22nd “ ‘- Scarhoro’ ............23rd “ I- Where he will be prepared and most happy wait on those who may require his services, G. H. 11., having had over To those who have favored him with [belt patronage in the past he relurng his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in the fu- iure. he would say that no endeavor on his part will be wanting to meet their approval. REFERENCES : The following gentlemen can. with conï¬dence recommend G. H Husband. to all requiring Dental aid': Dr Reid, Thornhil]; Dr. Bull. Wesion: Dr. D’Evlyn, Blfrwick; Dr. Carson, Brampton. RESl DENCE zâ€"Thornhill . F0313 gonï¬dapt 9f givring entire satisfaction EAVE TROUGHS DANIEL HORNER, Jun, MALLOY’S AXES Hats and Runnels trimmed; Felt Hals and Velvet Bonnets; Silk and paient Vel- vet Velvelteeus for Mantles, Fluwm‘s, Rib~ bolls, Dress trimmings, Buttons. Gloves. the new gored Skirts. Corsets. Also a cllo'lce‘lut of Woolen Goods, Infant’s Coats and Caps, Lady’s Crossover waists. Neckties. Squares. Berlin Wool, and small wares. MILLINERY GOODS ! 1 U†wanted, for which cash will be paid on delivery. Apply to THE LEADING HOUSE! A call is Earnestly Requested. out them. Lad} ’5 Winter Kidd boots. perfect gems. Lady’s Cloth boom, cannot be beat for winter Children and Misses’ boots in great variety and in every style. Boy’s Long and Lane boots 0f evorv kind. Rubbers and Felt over-shoes. shoe-packs. Men’s Calf boots, perfect beauties. [wet Men’s English Kipp boots. warrauled to turn Men’s Stogy boots cannot be beat for winter. Lady’s high cut boots. no Lady should be with- All of which will be sold at prices that cannot fail to WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLI}. For further particulars apply to the owner on the premises. HUGH DEVLIN. Vaughan, January 7. 1869. 546-3m BOOTS & SHQES Sold on Reasonable Terms! ’2‘" This is one of the best wheat growmg fnrms In this part of the country, and is within 2% miles of Richmond Hill Station. on 'he Northern Railway; 3 miles from Richmond Hill on Yonge Street, and 18 miles from the City of’l'orouto. The farm will be ALSO Flooring and other Lumber Dressed. Steam Mills, Thornhi“ Thomhill, April 21, 1868. 5104f. Thornhill, Sept. 17, 1868‘ A Spring Creek intersects the Farm TITLE INDISP UTABLE Richmond Hill. Oct 8, 1868. SPLENDIB ORCHARD 0F GHAFTED FRUIT January 7. 1869. HERE is a comfortable DWELLING HOUSE. a Good Barn and other buildings on the. premises ; there is also a ELEEEN YEARS PRACTICE, COUNTY OF YORK, ONTARIO, Containing 100 A0 Richmond Hill, Oct. 8, 1868 Township of Vaughan .' G. H. HUSBAND L.D.,s., W. H. MYERS’, 1OR ‘20 CORDS GOOD HARDWOOD Mrs. IVIYERS’. WATER SPOUTS! PART CASH DOWN, BALANCE 0N.T1ME. EAST HALF OF LO'l‘ N0. 28, THE CHEAPEST RICHMOND HILL Give Satisfaction Gordwood Wanted. Manufactured and for Sale Of every description, is at JOHN LANGSTAFF, @EN‘EES‘T; ‘ON RICHMOND HILL, With a good well of water. 70 acres under cultivation. Lot 20. 2nd ceossion Markham- AND LARGEST STOCK 0F FOR SALE BY Is to be seen at PATENT IN THE 3110 0mm, PUT U3 AT M. TEEFY. BEING THE FUR AND N THE Richmond Hill P. 0. 534-!)7 534â€"1)Y To maku room for all xhese improvements. THE GLOBE Printmg Company have resolved greatly to enlarge the size of THE WEEKLY GLOBE Fouu’rmm Coutmxs 0F READING MAT- 'I‘EP. will hereafter be added to the paperâ€" mak. ing this Journal without exception the eraEs'r WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLDl And not- witstanding the heavy additional expense en- tailed by these improvemenls, it has been re- solved to cfl'er the paper for the coming year at the same low price as lormellyâ€"aï¬sQ per Anumu. Orders and remittances should be addresed to “THE GLOBE PRINTING CO,†TORONTO. UTAH subscriptions, (induding clubs, sent in before the 15! of January, will emitile the parties to receive the paper until the December 3lst, 1869. flHEAP BDKS AND STATIHNERY, BIBLE SOCIETY DENSITORY It has also been resolved to continue the same indncomonm fo: the formation of Clubs as were offered last year. These were. and will be {on-1569, as follows .â€" Six Copies. one year. . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 00 Ten “ †15 00 Twenty Copies. one year. . . . . . . . . .. . 30 00 And an extra copy of the VVm;kLY GLOBE to tho person who gets up lhu Club of Twenty. Thirtv Copias, one year for. . . ... -... 42 00 And an extra copy of the WEEKLY GLOBE to Ihe person who gets up the Club of Thirty. Fifty Copies. one year for... . . , , . 65 00 Clergymen and Teachers of Common Schools are entitled to receive THIS WEEKLY GLOBEfur one dollar per annum, payable in advance. Fifty Copies. one year for... . _ _ ,, . 65 00 And a copy of the DAILY GLOBE lo the per- son who gets up the Club of Fifty. Eighty Cnpies, one yeftr for . . . ...... . 100 00 Eighty Cnpies, one year for . . . .:.... . 100 00 And a copy ofthe DAILY GLOBE to the per- son who grew up the Club of Eighty. Payment must always be in advance, Each paper is addressed separately, and may be sent to any Post Ofï¬ce When addntional names are added to any Club during the year they musl be sun. to THE GLOBE Olï¬co by the person who made up the Club; and the money sent whh such additional names must be such a proportion of the year’s subscription at the Club rate as will pay up to the expiration of the Club, 'l‘he Brlliah American and other Foreign Vews will continue to he published fully and promptly. 'l'heUuMMrzkmAL In I'ILLLIGENCE from all parts of the world will be culled from the most reliable sources. and kept up to the latest dates. Very great pains will hereafterJJe taken to place before the readers of '1 HE WEEKLY GLOBE a full and clear summary of the D19- BATES IN THE PROVINCIAL AM) FEDERAL PAR- LIAMENTS. The speeches will be condensed [mm the full Reports of THE DAILY GLOBE, and the sewral measures before Parliament will be caret'uly explamed. It is also propused‘to publish every waek a full summaryol' RELIGIOUSAND ECCLESIAS’UCAL INTEL! IGENCE from all parts of the world. This summary will embrace the operations of all the churches, and will be conduccted in a spirit emirer free from sectarian exclusiveness. Another new and valuable improvement propost‘d to he made in 1869, is the increased space devoted to Ll'IERARY IUATTER. in past )‘Hars it has been usual to publish in THE WEEKLY Gnom; one tale, continued in succes- sive numbers for months together. For the coming your it is proposed to devme a much larger space than heretofore to the publication of HACY AND CLEVERLY-WHITTEN 'l‘ALEs, and to give in each V'euk’s Issue a much greater divursity than over before. Not a collection of mere clipping from Agri- cultural Journalsâ€"but a full and well pre- pared weekly compendium of Agricultural, Horticultural and Floral intelligence and infor- matiun written for 'l‘nr: WEEKLY GLOBE by a regular statl‘ of competent and practised writers, and quite up to the best lightol the day. Every- thing affecting the farming interestâ€"such as the management of ï¬eld crops. the barn-yard the stable, the dairy, the orchard, the poultry- yard. the vineyard, the apiary, the kitchen. garden and the flower-gardenâ€"will come within the weekly review of this department. The improvements in machinery. the best best breeds ot'cattle. the bestsystems nl't'eedmg, the mostmpproved processes of cheese and butter-making, the best mode of packing, and the best markets to sell in, will all form sub- Jvctsoi proï¬table discussion. The sheep and wool interest will alsorecoive spectalattenlion; and the doings at agricultural Iairs. shows, I auctions and society meetings will be carefully ‘ and fully chronicled. 'l'he Marltots for Cuna- tlian produce. at home and abroad. will receive an amount of careful attention that has not been heretofore accorded to them ln any Journal The quantity of agricultural matter thus prn- posvd to be published in 'l'HE WEEKLY GLOBE will exceeo the contents of any purer agricul- tural journal now circulated, and wiil be Worth the annual subscription ut'lho paper Z But in addition to the general improvements now being effected in the conduct of the paper, several special attractions are about to be added for the coming year that will greatly enhance its value and interest to all classes of readers throughout the country, Foremost among those, is the addition of AN AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. r GLOBE PRINTING (,‘oMPANY respectfully announce that. in addition to the great imprm}. ments which have recently been made i on 'l‘un Wm:va GLimnâ€"and which have been so warmly acknowledged by the readers of the paper and by the public pressâ€"very ex~ tensive and most valuable fnrther improve- ments will be made on the paper for the com- ing year, A spacious new Press-room and Despatch-oflice has recently been erected in connection with THE GLOBE buildings; a new font of tvpe from the Foundry of Messrs Miller 5L Richard. Edinburgh, has been imported from Scotland ; one ofMessrs Hoe &Co ’s celebrated Lightning Presses, capable of throwing ofl H,- UUO impressions per hour of'l‘Hr: DAILYGLOBE, is now in operation : and aseoond new Press, specially constructed for printng THE WEEKLY GLOBE with great rapidity and in the highest style of workmanship, will shortly be added to ‘ the Machinery of the Esrablishment. The sheet ‘ 011 which the paper is printed will be hereafter i of a very superior quality. The staffoi Editors, Reporters, Contributors and Correspondents ‘ has been recently greatly strengthened. and nothing will be lelt undone in the year 1869. to I maintain the fame of THE WEEKLY GLOBE, as beyond co-nparison, the best conducted and most attractive weekly journal in the Dominion. Richmond Hill 1865. The Weekly Globe :f I CAN Give us so much for our Money Richmond Hill, Oct 8. 1868. ISN’T IT FUNNY! ENLARGEMENT OF THE SHEET, ENLARGEMENT & IMPROVEMENT OF CLUB RATES FOR I869. CALL AT RICHMOND HILL. BRANCH ATKINSON Programme for 1869- IF YOU WANT THE HERALD OFFICE. AT THE HERALD OFFICE. HOW COTTONS, LINENS, CLOTHS, Tweeds, Mantle Materials, Silks, . - r, \ - , ‘ u‘ q“ " % W "k u h I > V [I m‘ it? M1 " 1111 1' ‘1 Wm I‘lgw‘uh‘m "‘11"? d‘llmm “’Iinmn’w "Wu mum 'umuu I SUPERIOR TO IMPORTED GOODS BICE’S PUMPS BLACKSMITH SHOE and DWELLING HOUSE. The too's will he sold or lot with the shop. Are Situated opposite G. J, Bernard’s Store. Elgin I ills. For further particulats apply to the owner on the premises, ' Family and Church Bibles VARIETgY OF DRESS GOODS, On Horses and Cable. We can conï¬deme recommend it to all owners of Prepared in Canada only by MDST EXTRAORDINARY AND DELIGHTFUL PREPARATION EVER DISCOVERED! HORSES? HGRSES ! ! HORSES !! ! I will make the hands, however rough, smooth Prepared only by CHAPPED HANDS. THE REVEREND JOHN BREDIN @@&ESE@MEDEN@E, TERMS: CASH, AND ONE PRICE ONLY. Toronto, November 19, 1362. WILLIAM TRENCH, SEN. Elgin Mills. Jan. 21, 1869. 548-lf Richmond Hill, June 11. ’68. Toronto, December I7. 1668. MR. WILLIAM MUNSHAW, RICHMOND HILL THIS POPULAR & DESIRABLE FARMING IMPLEMENT R§chmond Hill. December 10. 1868. LADIES’ & GENTS’ LAMBS WUOL UNDERCLOTHING, February 11. 1368. General Use by many Prominent Agriculturalists, 103 KING STREET, South West Corner Church St. Toronto, July. August and. September, 186.8 For Sale or to Let. Orders should be sent at once to secure the earliest attention. Is used by the Royal Veterinary Surgeons of England. for all kinds of Ribbons, Flowers. Feathers, Hosiery, Gloves. Trimmings, Small Wares, Shirts, Collars, Tics, Umbrellas, AT LOW PRICES. AT THE HERALD OFFICE. FOR SALE BY 'ARLTON’S FIRST PRIZE LWILLIAIW MITCHELL’ Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags, Cotton and Woolen Yams, Grain Bags. &c Dundas Shinings and Yarns MANTLES AND MILLINERY, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, For the CHEAPEST, Most FASHIONABLE, and Most Mmumcuur USE MILLER’S PREPARED GLYCERINE, PATENT CULTIVATOR. BIILLER’S DERBY OIL! “ THE YORK HERALD†J. BRILLINGER, Richmond Hill une ll. ’68. 517-“ Cuts, Caulks and. Bruises PRICE 15 CENTS. POLEMIOAL ' NEW BRITISH AND FOREIGN DO NOT FAIL TO VISiT‘ AND OTHERS. DURING THE MONTHS OF AND 15 MANUFACTURED BY T. J. 1m, A S PUBLISHED IN 551-3m IT IS THE BETWEEN IS NtHV 1N Farmer’s Boot 8; shoe Store 38 West Market Square. Toronto (1:? Boots and Shoes mado to Measure. of the Best Materials and Workmanship, at the Lowest Remuneratng Prices. Toronto, Dec. 3. 1867. C49-tf HIS ASSOCIA'L LON has transferred their LIBRARY to [he ‘ HERALD ’ Book Store where Stockholders and others may nrocure BOOKS every Friday afternoon, from dto 8 clock. P-M, BOOTS & SHOES, . soft and white. HUGH MILLER & 00.. Medical Hall. 1'67 King Street East, Toronto 543-tf BIedical Hall, 167 King Street East, Toronto. LIBRARY ASSOCATION. Manufacturer and Dealerin all kinds of WILLIAM MUNS HAW. HUGH MILLER & CO. JOHN BARRON, RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce. A. SCOTT, Librarian, horses. 540 PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY. AEEXI§C0TT9 Books 8: Fancy Goods THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION: In various styles of Bindings. BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS ! HYMN d: PRAYER BOOKS, In all the difl'erent styles of Binding. Horses examined as to soundneu, Ill. Bought and Sold on commission. Toys of Various Kinds, Pocket Books, Purses, £0. For Horses and Cattle always on hand : such as Physic, Diuretic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough. Condition and Worm Balls and Powders. 'l h. Cough Balls have been found most service-bl. in alleviating many of the distressing symp- toms of Brokenwind or Heaven in Horses. Colic, Draughts, Linimems for Sore Throlu. Sprains. Curb. Spavin, fling-bone, 611:. Elm- ering Ointments. also Hoof and Hauling Oint- ments. Lotions for Wounds, Bruises. Slddlo Galls. Infnlliable Oil and Sheep Tick Del- troyer. All orders from a distance promptly attondod to. and medicines sent to any part oftho Pro- Vince. BEGS to announce to the public that ho ll now pracncing with H. SANDERSON. ofthe same place, where they may bocnm ed personally or by letter, on all diuuu of Horses. Cattle, 62.0. ' HOLIDAY GIFTS Albums from 25 Cents to $6. Medicines of every Discription ( Graduate qf Toronto V ctcrinary Callagc) Cor. of Yonge & Centre St. East RICHMOND HILL. FIRST Boon, with 31 illustrations. strongly bounl in limp clothâ€"5 cams. Fmsw Boox, (second part) with 54 illustration, strongly bouud in limp clothâ€"10 cents. SECOND 13001:, with 56 illustrations. strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"20 contl. l'HIxD BOOK, 41 illustrations, strongly bound jn cloth boardsâ€"~30 cents. FOURTH 15001:. 45 illustrations. strongly bound. in cloth boardsâ€"40 cents. FIFTH Boox, 50 illustrations' strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€" 50 cents. Coninmos 1'0 THE READERSâ€"25 cents. For sale at THE NEW CANADIAN National Series of Reading Books Applicants will please address thcvir I‘m (post paid) to ' Richde Hill, September [6, 1857. 478 For the use of his Palem Self-shutting SELF-SHUTTING GATE. Vl‘H IS usefulinvemion is themostconvonienth the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use. The Patentee is now prepared to sell TOWNSHIP RIGHTS HE Executors of the late James Hollidly have placed the Books of the Esme in. Mr. Teeï¬â€™s hands forthe purpose of having all outstanding accounts collectudt by unit ow otherwise. Parties indebted will please 13km notice. STANDARD AUTHORS! Large and Miscellaneous Stock J. HOLI DAY’S ESTATE. Richmond Hill, Nov 39-18673 Richmond Hill. April ‘23, 1868. “,f I haye,thrown down the Gauntlet, lot them try it. A trial is all thn. in needed to. convince customers of the reality. Calla; G. A. BARNARD'S; FOR TEAS. At the following prices zâ€"Young Ind Oldi Hysou Tea, Good Flavor and Strong. 2; put» lb; Young Hyson Ten, 29 (id to 35 p0! lb :. Extra Ma3uue Young-Hyson Tea, 33 6d and: 4s per lb. hard to beat; Fmo lmporiol amt Gunpowder Tea, 45 par lb. very hard to but a Very Superior Japan and Black Tea. 4: 6d pot» lb, no: to be beat; V'éry Finest Young Hyaom and Gunpowder Tea, 55 per lb. cunnot b. excelled. Authorised by the Council of Public [n- struction for Ontario. WHERE TO PROCURE THE MOST SUITABLI ARTICLES FDR HE Subscriber, ever mindful of tho want! of the public, has just received a He Will Knock Under AND-CRY PECAVI !, BETTER TEA FOR THE ERNIE October 115 1868. He has also received a heavy attack 9{ Richmond Hill. Nov. 5, 1868. RICHMOND HILL. E HAS NOW ON HAND SOME OF‘ Last Notice. I. SAN DERSON . VETERINARY SURGEON, TIIE BEST TEJS IF GEORGE BARNARD} DON‘T SELL NELSEN JOHNSON. WM. cox, (Signed) INCLUDING MANY 01" Till 0F CAREFULLY SELECTLD M. TEEFY’, HORNER'S PATENT Than any otherStoro on THE HERALD OFFICI. RICHMOND HILL P. 0. Agent for Patontou THEN Ezmuanu 5384f 510