Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Feb 1869, p. 3

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Wrugs, Medicines, Ehemicals, AND As The Stock is Large Will be Sold Cheap for Cash! OR APPROVED CREDIT. No.44 King Street East, Toronto, '11:.“ umno Wlll Du l‘uuulvuu up u) Dululuny} March ‘20,'1869. for the building of 2: HOUSE AND STABLE Plans and speci- fications may be seen on application to Mr. James M. Lawrence. Township Clerk. All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting, Knives. Forks, Spoons. Cruils. &c., &c.. &c., Silver Plated in the best Ster warranted to wear any length of lime. The lowest or anv other [enam- will not be received unless otherwise satisfictory. WM. H. LAWREVCE. WENDERS will be received up to Saturday March 20,1869. for the building of a ESSENGES, PATENT MEDMINEE, FA N 0 Y a 0 0 D S, PERFUIVIERY 830. Toronto, February 4. 1869, Remaining in the Richmond Hill Post Office February lst‘ 1869, Anderson. Geo Boake, Sarah A [3] Benton. J C Duck, David Brown. James Brassell, John Jernal'd, J G [5] Collins, William Campbell. Neil )olleran. Patrick [ ] Cooper William Coil, Thomas Comnhs. Robert ('ockrane, Miss M Carier. John Coughin. Timothy Dancv, Mrs. lane Durham. Mr Donor. Emanuel Dolmage. Gideon Elliott. Mrs Jane Elliott. Marv Ann Fn‘syih. Donald Frame. Alex. [2] Fravling, W. Fuller, Daniel. Graham, Jaseph Gordon. J. Hammill. Thomas Lighti‘ooi, Hannah MJI'l‘lSOIi. Rev S Martin. J Morris, Job McGullen, Alex. McKinney. Mrs, McLean Archibald McCance, Margret McQuinn, Mr Page. Edward l’asrmore, James Railh. T. S. Rae. Andrew Roberts. Denis ’ SimpsonY James Sanvnlge, John Stephenson, George Siver. Jennie Shell, “illiam Scott, Thomas Shields. John SleplmnsunJames . Smith, James Siieele. A L Taylor. Joseph L 'l‘uillms, James Vanderhurgh, Margeiv \anderhnrgh. James M Van de Hogari, F 'i'rouper.VVhiie Thomas FARM FOR SALE! COLORS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, SPIRITS TURPENTINE, Patent Dryer, Zinc Paints, The 25th Day ofFebruary,1869 OF THE Township v of Whitcllurch, COUNTY OF YORK, ONT.; ABOUT 60 Acres cleared ; properly fenced and in a good state of cultivation: with suitable Farm Buildings: an excellent young orchard : about 6 acres of valuable Cedar. the remainder principally hardwood. The Farm must be sold to meet the requirements of the will of the late ABRAHAM S'I‘ECKLEY. Horlgson, James Kane, Mrs M A Lane. Thomas TERMS: One-third Cash; the balance in instalments, with interest For particulars apply to either of the under- signed. HARNESS. HARNESS, A call from those who mav be In 'Want of a Good’Al-ticle ls Earnestly requested. Saddles from $10 to $40. Bridles from $1 to $12. ffa/fers in Great Variety. Brushes of every kind. Curry, Maine & clipping combs. Horse Blankets. In Endless Varietv. «. w. n.1uvms Farmer’s Boot. & shoe Stdre [Ei’BooLs and Shoes made to Measure. of the Beat Materials and Workmanship, at tho Lowest quunerating Prices. Toronto, Dec, 3. 1867. 0494f BOOTS & SHOES, Toronto, February 17. 186 9. .v Richmond Hm, Feb 17, 1869. VJhitchurch, Dec. 2. 1868 a'. L. Margach, mrey. Mrâ€"Painler Will be sold by Public Auction, (on the promises). on Richmond Hill, Oct 8, 1068. Premises lalcly occupirrl by Messrs Dunspaugh & Watson. Manufacturer and Dealerin all kinds of LOT NO. 6, IN THE 5TH CONCESSION VARIETY OF MUUN’I‘INGS. Carriage. Buggv. Riding Humng and Team Whips Tenders Wanted. PAINTS. OILS, DYE'STUFFS, 38 West Market Square. Toronto IMPOR'I'ER & DEALER IN List of Letterfi JOHN BARRON, A RTISTS’ MATERIAL, THE WEST HALF OF BY AUCTION. DAVID S'I‘ECKLEY, SAMUEL SNIDER. ERY Lightfool, Hannah MJI'l‘lSOIl. Rev S Martin. J Mox'ris, Job McGullen, Alex. McKinney. Mrs, McLean Archibald McCauce, Margret McQuiun, Mr Page. Edward l’asmnore, James Railh. T. S. Rae. Andrew Roberts. Denis SimpsonY James Sanvulge, John Stephenson, George Siver. Jennie Shell, “illiam Scott, Thomas Shields. John SleplmusunJame: . Smith, James Skeele. A L Taylor. .losth L 'l‘uillms, James Vanderhurgh, Marger \anderhurgh. James M Van de Bogart, F .VVhile Thomas Williams. Mr V'est. MN Thus. Young, Mrs. H. TICEFY. P, W 550- ly-flc 552-1y 5344)’ 552 542 'l‘hey beg leave to ammunqe to the Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding country that [hay will keep constantly on hand a Large 8; well Selected NEW OPENING Lately Occupied by Mr. '1'. Morgan Emmy 8r firmfitr’nng’a (13111. French & Armstrong, Teas, PROVISIONS Currants, OY STERS ' OYSTERS Spa trow’s washin g Cry stal FRESH BREAD REUEEVEB DAILY. igs, Nuts, Pails FLOUR AND FEED DECISIVE BARGAINS MAY BE EXPECTED “required to any distance within tlnee miles. GOODS DELIVERED I *3 Farm Produce taken for Goods‘ FRENCH 61. ARMSTRONG. Richmond Hill. Jan. 27, 1868. RICHMOND HILL. Sugars, GROCERIES, Fish Candies, Biscuits Brooms Black Lead brushes A call is xeSpectlully solicited as Pick] es, Having leased-the Premisés 80:: Syrup and M classes Coffees: Cheese Corn meal Wash boards FLOUR AS FOLLOWS : OF ALL KINDS. Scrubbing brushes ups, STOCK OF Spices, Lobsters. Butter Oatmeal ’andles, ON Mustards, Tobacco, Beans Sardines, Cigars, Lav Vinegar Raisins, Sold on Reasonable Terms! For further particulars apply to the owner on the premises. COUNTY OF YORK, ONTARIO, Containing 100 Acres *f This is one cf' the best when: gzownig farms In this part of the country; and is within 2; miles of Richmond Hill Slaliou. on 1he Northern Railway; 3 miles from Rlchmond Hill on Yonge Street, and 18 miles from the City of Toronto. The {arm will be HERE is a comfortable DWELLING HOUSE. :1 Good Barn and other buildings on the premises; there is also a. A Spring Creek intersects the Farm All of which wi'l be sold at prices? that cannot fail to FARM FOR SALE, SPLENDEB ORCHARD UF GRAFTED FRUIT Men’s CaH‘ boots. perfect beaufiias. [wet Man’s English Kipp bouts. warraWGd to turn Man’s 5.0gy hools cannot baheal for winter. Ladys high cut bouts. no Ladyshuuld be Wilh- out them. Lad3’s Wimm' Kidd boots. perfect gems. Lady’s Clmh hook, cannot be beat for winter. Children and Misses’ boots in great variety. and in every sl)|e. Boy’s Lung and have boots nf’ every kind. Rubbers and Fe|t over-shoes, shoe-packs. WILL MDT BE UNDERWEAR. A call is Earnestly Requested. BOOTS & SHQES iOR QOQCOKDS GOOD HARDWOOD 5 wanked. {or which cash will he paid on delivuliy. Apply to THE LEADING HOUSE! MILLINERY GOODS ! TITLE INDISP UTABLE Township of Vaughan .' Hats and Bonnets trimmed: Felt Hats and Velvm Bonnels; Silk and patent Vel- vet Valvelleens for Mantleu. Fluwm‘s. lib‘ bolls, Dress lrinnring‘s. Buttons. Gloves. mu new gonad Skirts. COISHS Man a choice lot of Wnolen Goods, Infant’s Goals and Caps, Lady’s ('rutsovvr waists. Neckiies. Squares, Zerlin Wow. and Slim“ wares. UnionviHe. . . . . .. . lst Monday of each month. ‘Veston,. . . . . . . .. . . . ..91h day of each muth Kleinbm‘g. ..... .-.16th -‘ H Burwick, ............Q‘led “ “ Scarboro’ . . . . .. . . . . . .‘23‘rd “ " Where he will be prepared and mosthappy to wait on these who may require his services, G. H. H.. having had ova:- Begs most respectfully to announce that he will be at To these who havef‘avowd him with their palronageinthe past he ralurne his SiuCBi‘B thanks, and to thnse who may do so in the fu- ture, he would say that no endeavor on his part will be wanting lo meet their approval. FeeYs coufidvnt of giving emire satisfaction REFERENCES 1 The following gentlemen can. with confidence recommend (1‘ H *{Ushalld. (u all rvqnivin'; Denz‘ul aid: Hr Reid, Thm'nhill; Dr. Bull, Weston: Ur. D’Evlyn, Burwicn‘, Dr. Cursuu, Bratztpmn. RESIDENCE :â€"Thornhil!. $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET. SAP BUCKETS & FAILS EAVE T ROUGHS For particulars address DANIEL HORNER, Jun, MALLOY’S AXES Vaughan, January 7, 1869 Richmond Hill, Oct. 8, 1868‘ January 7. 1869. Richmond Hi I. Oct 8. ISHB. Thornhill, Sept. 17, 1868‘ ALSO Flooring and 0th}? Lumber Dressed. Shingles, Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. ELEEEN YEARS PRACTICE, Thomhill, April 21, 1863. G. H. HUSBAND L.D. S}, EAST HALF OF LOI‘ NO. 28, VV. II. ’NIYERS’, PART CASH DOWN, BALANCE ON TIME lVIrS. MYERS’. THE CHEAPEST \VATER SPOUTS! Give Satisfaction Cordwood Wanted. RICHMOND HILL With a good well of water. 70 acres under cultivation. 0N RICHMOND HILL, Is to be seen at ()f every descripfion, is at Manufactured and for Sale IDEN‘EE‘ESW; JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills, Thornhill‘ Lot 20. 2nd ceossion Markhnmv ' Richmond Hill 1865. LARGEST STOCK IN THE 3RD com, BEING THE PATENT FOR SALE BY PUT UB A'l' IN THE M. TEEFY. AS HE AND FUR 0N HUGH DEVLIN AND Richmond Hill P. 0. 546-3111 534-1y 534- l y 510-th Programme for 1869. THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY raspeclfully announce that, in addilion to the great improw moms which have recemly been mad. on Tm: WEEKLY Gun; ‘â€"â€"and which have been so warmly acknowle god by the readers of the paper and by the public pressâ€"Vary ex- tensive and most valuable further improve- ments will be made on the paper for the com- ing year, A spacious new Press-room and Despalch-otfica has recently been erecled in connection with THE GLOBE buildings; a new font of {Vpe from tlm Foundry of Messrs Miller The Weekly Globe ! 6?, Richard. Edinburgh, has been imported from Scrtland ; one ofMessrs Hoe &Co ’5 celebrated Lightning Yl'ssses, capable of throwing ofi fl- 0011 impreSsions per hour of'l‘un DAILYGLOBE, is now i.x operation; and aseaond new l’tess, specially constructed for printing THE WEEKLY GLOBE with great rapidity and in the highest style of workmanship, will shnrtly be added to the Machinery of the Esmbiishment. The sheet on which the paper is printed will be hereafter of a very superior qualitv. The'stafi'ol Editors. Reporters. Comribnmrs and Correspondents has been recently greatly strengthened. and nothing will he lett undone in the year 1869. to maintain the fame of Tun VVEEKLY GLOBE as beyond co-nparison, the best conducted and most attractive weekly journal in the Dominion. But in addiliou to xhe general improvements no“ being; oifucted in Iha conduct of lhe papsr, several specml allraclions are about to he added for tha cuming war that will greatly enhance ils value and imerest to all classes of readers lhmughout the country. Foremost among these, is the addition of AN AG RlCU LT U llAL DEPA RTMENT. Not a collection of more clipping l'rcm Agri- cultural Journalsâ€"but a full and Well pre- pared week!y compendium of' Agricultural, Horticultural and Floral intelligence and infor- lnntim‘. written for ’l'nt: Wmmn GLonn tr a regular staff ot' competent and practised writers, and qnito up to the best lightui the day. Every. llling :tii‘ecnngg the farming interestâ€"such as the inanageinentof field crops. the barn-yard the stable, the dairy. tho orchard, the poultry. yard. the vineyard, the apim'y. the kitchen. garden and tho fiowvr-gardenâ€"will come within the weekly review of this department. The iinpro‘t'einents in machinery. the best best breeds ol'cattle. the bestsystems ni feeding. the most-approved processes of cheese and l')tltterâ€"n‘.ahing, the best mode of packing. and the best markets to soil in, will all form sub- Jectsol profitable discussion. The sheep and wool interest will also receive spectalettenlicn; and the doings at agricultural vairs. shows. auctions and society meetings will be carefully and t'ully chronicled. The Markets for Cana- dian produce, at homo and abroad, will receive an amount of cat'el'ul attention that has not been heretofore accorded to them In any Journal The quantity of agricultural matter thus pro- posed to be published in THE WEEKLY GLOBE will exceea the contents of any purely agricul- tural journal now circulated, and wiil be worth the annual subscription ct‘the paper 1 Give us so much for our Money HSN’T IT FUNNY! Another new and valuable improvement proposed to be made in 1869, is the increased. space devoted to anmny IMAT'I‘PZR. In past; years it has been usual to pubhsh in THE \VEEKLY GLOBE one tale. centiut‘md in sacces- sive numbers for months togeth . For the coming year it is proposed to devote a. much larger space than heretofore to the publication of they AND CLEVERLY-WBITTEN TALES, and to give in each week’s Issue a much greater diversity than ever before. It is also proposed to publish ovary week a fun summnry of RELIGIOUS AND ECCLKSIAS'I’ICAL INTEL! IGENK‘E fuom a}! parts of the worid. This summarv will embrace the operations of all the churches. and wnl be cunduccled in a spirit enlirely free from sectarian exclusiveuess. Vary great pains wiH heraaner be taken to plat-e before the reudem of 1m: VVEJKLY' (hum; a qui and clear summary of the DE- Im’rxas (N THE. l’novmcml. AM) FEDERAL PAP: L‘AMEN’IS. The Hpverthes will be (solidepsqd I‘xom the full Reports of Tm; DA‘LY GLOBE mm lhu sew-ml moasnres before Parliamelu will be carol'uh exgdamed. ’l‘ha Brilirh American and other Foreign \‘ews will continue lobe published full‘v and pnompxly 'I‘IIM‘ummam-JAI. luruumzucm from all parts of the world will bu culled from the most reliable Sources, and kept up Lo the latest dates. ’ To make room for all thew improvemenis. THE GLOBE Printmg Company have resolved greatly to enlarge the size of THE WEEKLY GLOBE Fovmmm CoLcMHS 0:: READING MAT- TEB will hereafter be added to the paperâ€" mak. ing 1th Journal witheut exception the LARGEST“ WEEKLY NEWSPA-?ER IN THE WORLD! And nct? witslanding the heavy additional expense eu-l lailed by these improvements, it has been re« solved to offer the paper for the coming year a! the same low price as humanlyâ€"$2 per Auumn. ' It has also been resolved to continue the same inducwnems fox the formation of Clubs as were ofi'ured last vear, These were. ad will ha fm‘ 1809, as follnws .â€" Six Copies. one year. . . . . . .. . . . . . __, $10 00 Ten “ “ ..... 15 00 Twenty Copies. one Year. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 and a cupy ofthe DAILY GLOBE to lhéper- son who gets up the» (,lub of Eighty. Payment n:\1.~1alW:u_\‘a be in advance, Each paper is addressed separazely, and my be senl to am Post Office When addxtional names are added to my Chub during the year they mus} be sent to TM: GLOBE Oxbce by the persun who made up he Chub: and the moneysent ‘Vith such additional! names must, be such a proportion of the year’s subscription at the Ciuh rate as will pay upto the vxpfnation ofthe C‘ub. Clergynmn and Teachers of Comm-n Schools are entitied to receive THE Wm;va (new for one dollar p er annum, payable in advance. 0rd: rs and remittances should be addresstd to “THE GLOBE PaiN'l'lNG CO,” TORONTO. 11:? All subscriptions, (including club}, sent in before the Isl of January, will entilile the parties to receive the paper until {1.0 December 3lst, ldil9. IF YOU WANT SHEA? BflflKS AND STATIONERY, CALL AT THE HERALD OFFICE. BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSI'NRY Richmond Hill, Oct 8, 1868. ENLARGEMENT 01? THE SHEET"; ENLARGEMENT 8; IMPROVEMENT OF ATKINSON CLUB RA"ES FOR 1869. RICHMOND HILL, BRANCH AT THE HOW CAN HERALD OFFICE. THE REVEREND JOHN BREDIN, 513037 EXTRAUBWNARV ANU DELIGHTFUL PHEPARAWUN EVER DlSCWERED! i' will make the hands, however rough, smooth. soft and white. Prepared only by @®&EESE©MEEN@E9 EXQRSES! HQRSES Y 2 HGRSES ! ! ! Fresh Cuts, Caulkâ€".5 and Bruises On Horses and Catile. We can confidently recommend it to all owners of horses. Prepared in Canada only by EEANng MR. WILLEAM MUNSHAW, RICHMOND HILL. “0‘ x M "f Hibim'h '1 "Wm MW "unmm% “inhuman “Hm:wa ” ‘1. "Hum “‘uuuUmuW I“11mm {’1 l‘leme 103 KING STREET, South West Corner Church St. Toronto, THIS POPULAR 8; DESIRABLE FARMING IMPLEMENT COTTONS, LINENS, CLOTHS, Tweeds, Ma11'tle mlafierials, Silks, CHARLTON’S FIRST PRIZE] SUPERIOR TO IBKPORTED GOODS. VARIET;Y OF DRESS GOODS, SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE! HE Subscriber offers for sale a good farm. being lot No. 4. in the Bill concession of the [OWIhhip of Erin, 100 acres, (in acres cleared and in a high state of culiivalion: tho balance nearly all first rato Hardwood bush There is on the premises a good log house, barn,slable. &c.. with good water privilege‘ Also a beautiful young Orchard of 100 fruit trees, planth 5 years. A good gravel road passes along the front of the lot. This farm is 35 miles from Richmond Hill. 6 miles from Georgetown.on the Grand Trunk Railway,and 30 miles from Toronto. 7 l‘ERMs: Twenty five hundred dollarsâ€"part cash, balance on time. For particulars apply to the owner, Richmond Hill. Deéember 10I 1868 Toronto. December 17. 1668. Folir'ué'ry 11. 1868. General Use by 111311137 Prominent Agriculturalists, TERMS: CASH, AND ONE PRICE ONLY. Toronto, November 39, 1362. ’ h January 14. 1869. LADIES’ & GENTS’ LAMBS WOOL UNDERCLOTHING, July. August and September, 1868, Orders should be sent at once to secure the earliest attention. [5 used by the Royal Veterinary Surgeons of England, for all kinds of TOWNSHIP OF ERIN. Ribbons, Flowers, Feat/Lars, Hosiery, Glam-s. Trimmings, Small W'arcs, Shirts, Collars, Tics, Umbrellas. PATENT CULTIVATOR. USE MIIJLER,S PREPARED GLYCERINE, Clouds, Breakfast Shaw!s, Sontags, Cotton and VVonlan Yarns, Grain Bags. 610 Dunaas Shiniugs and Yarns WILLIAM' MITCHELL’S WILLIAM HARDING. MANTLES AND MILLINERY, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, MILLER’S DERBY OIL! For the CHEAPEST, Mos: FASHIONABLW, and Most MAGNIFCENT “ THE YORK HERALD” N THE PRICE 15 CENTS. POLEMICAL NEW BRITISH AND FOREIGN AND OTHERS. Richmond Hill DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT AND 15 MANUFACTURED BY DURING THE MONTHS 01" 547 ~6m A S PUBLISHED IN 55X -3m 1T 13 THE BETWEEN IS NOW IN _ HUGH MILLER & 00‘. Medical Hall, 167 King Street East, Toronto. HUGH MILLER & CO.. Modical Hall. [67 K ifig Street East, Toronto. 543-“ BLACKSMITH 81101‘ and DWELLING House. The 100's will he sold or let wilhthe shop. Are situated oppos'ue G. J, Bernard’s Stuns, Elgifi. -iHs. For further paniculats apply to the owner on _the premises. BICE’S PUMPS Family and Church Bibles WILLIAM MUNSHAW. Eigin Mills, Jan. 2!, 1889. Richmond Hill, June 11. ’68. For Sale or to Let- AT Low PRICES. AT THE HERALD OFFICE. FOR SALE BY WILLIA M TRENC H . SEN. Richmond Hill Post Oflice’.’ J. BRILLINGER, Riéhmand. Hill 11119 11. ’68. 5|7-tf 548-tf 540 For the use ofhis Patent Selfishutting Gale. Applicants will please address their letter'r (post. paid) to HE} Executors ofthe late James ,Hollidny have placed the Books of the Estgte in Mr. 'I‘eel'g’s hands for the purpose of lla'vfihg all outstanding accounts colleclxtd. by suit or otherwlse. Parties indebted will please take‘ notice. 7 “US usefulinventionisthemoslconvenientf 1 the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use, The Patentee is now prepared to sell Richmnd Hill, September IS. 1867. 478 THE NEW CANADIAN Natianal Series of Reading Booksl J. HOLIDAY’S ESTATE. SELF-SHUTTING GATE. *fl" Ihaye ‘hrown down the GauntletJot them try it. Atrial is all that is needed to convince customers of the reality, Call’at G. A. BARNARD’Si At the following pricoszâ€"Ycung and Old Hyson Tea. Good Flavor and Strong. 2:1 per lb; Young Hyson Ten. 29 (id to 39 porlb; Extra Ma5une Young Hyson Tea, 39 6d and 4s per lb. hard to beat; Fme Imperial and Gunpowdex Tea. 49 per lb. very hard to beat; Very SuperiorJapan and Black Ten. 48 6d par lb, no: to ba beat; Very Finest Young Hymn and Gunpowder Tea. 55 per lb. cannot b. excelled. Fms-r‘ Book, with 31 illustrnfions. strongly boun} in Iimp‘ clothâ€"5 dents. Fms'r Boox. (second part) with 54 illustrations; strongly bound in limp clothâ€"10 cams. SECOND Boox, with 56 illustrations. strongly’ bound in cloth boardsâ€"20 cents. THIRD BOOK, 41 illustrations, strongly haunt! in cloth boards-30 cents. Foua'm Book. 45 illustrations. strongly bound; in cloth boardsâ€"40 cents. FIFTH BOOK, 50 illustrations’ stro‘ngly bound in cloth boardsâ€" 50 cents. Commmon 1'0 THE READERSâ€"25 cents. For sale at He Will Knock Under TOWNSHIP RIGH TS J. H. SANDERS‘ON; VETERINARY SURGEON, (Graduata 0f Tommie Veterinary College) Cor. of Yonge & Centre St. East} RICHMOND HILL. 3mm TERNEUSELLTHE PHIEE‘. EGS In announce to the public that He ii now practicing with H. SANDERSON, orthe same place. where they may be consult- ed personally or by letter, on all diseases bf Horses. Cattlé; &c. Horses examined as to soundxioéa, duo Bought. and Said on commission. For Horses and Cattle always on hand i such as Physic. Diuretic. Chi-dial, Tonic, Co“ In. Condition and Worm Balls and Powders. ho Cough Balls have been found most sorviééible in alleviating many of the distressing Symp- toms of Brokenwind or Hooves in Horses. Colic, Draughls, Liniments for Sort: Thrbuts. Sprains. Curb. Spavin, King-bone, Gui. Blim- ering Ointxnems, also Hoof and Healing Oint- menis. Lotions for Wounds, Bruises‘ Saddl- Gall. Infalliable Oil and Sheep Tick Des- (royer. All orders from a distance promptly atlondod to, and medicine: sent to any part ot'th'é Pro- Vince. THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION: Medicines of every Disc’rip‘tion Books & Fancy Goodis HQLIDAY GIFTS In various styles of Bindingé. BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS ! HYMN é: PRAYER BOOKS, In all the different M31995 91' Binding. Toys 6f Various Kinds, Pocket Books, Purses, 8w. PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY. ALEX. SCQTT, Albums from 25 Cents to $6. October Its 1868. Authorised by the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario. Richmond Hill. Nov. 5,1868. STANDARD AUTr'm‘fis: Richmond Hill, April 523, 1868. Large and Miscellaneous Stock WHERE TO PROCURE THE Most s‘bii‘Anu ARTICLES ron RICIâ€"IMOND HILL, HE Subscribér, ever mindffll of {he want! of the public, has just received t Riflmmé H.111: NW -‘~’9-1867,a He has also received a heavy stock of THE BEST TEflS FOR TEAS. Last Notice. NELSEN JOHNSON. WM. COX, (Signed) AS NOW ON HAND SOME OF HORNER'S PATENT M. TEEFY, AND CRY PECAVI ! Than any other Store on 0F CAREFULLY SELECTED xcwmsa MANY or Tali RICHMOND HILL P. 0. Agent for Patentod; THE HERALD OFFIGIA THEN } Execute". 539- tf 510

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