In Endless Varietv W. H.MYERS [13’ Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of the Best Materials and Workmansilip, at the Lowest Remuneratng Prices. Will he Sold V‘Gheap for Cash! 0R APPROVED CREDIT. EHEAP BflflKS AND STATIBNERY. Saddles from $10 to $40. Bridles from $1 to $12. Halters in Great Variety. D......'L.... ‘1' “HAâ€. 1.: ‘ ,7 V h. -..,w. . wallvv‘I,‘ Brushes qf every kind: Curry, Maine dclclz‘pping combs. Horse Blankets. Farmer’s Boot & shoe Store. JOHN Eamon, BIBLE SBCIETY DEPOSITORY All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting, Knives. Forks, Spoons. Cruits, &c’., &c.. &c., Silver Plated in the best Style warranted to wear any length of time. A call from those who may be In W'ant of a Gantl'Al'iicle ls Earnestly requestad. BOOTS &- SHOES, HARNESS. ' HARNESS, TENDERS will be received up to Saturday, March 20,1869, fdr the building of :1 HOUSE AND STABLE Plans and speci- ï¬cations may be seen on application to Mr. James M. Lawrence, Township Clerk. 7:3 The lowest or any other lender will not be received unless olherwisa satisfactory. .7. Hodgson, James Kane, Mrs M A Luna. Thomas Eumley, Mrâ€"Painter 'liotl. M s .‘Ianb Elï¬ott. Mari Ann, - Forsyth. Don‘ald Frame. Alél. {2] 'Fravï¬np,‘W. Fuller,, Daniel. Mam, Joseph Gordon, J. ‘ Hammil). Thomas Trooper r" Ramaining in the Richmond Hill Post Office February Isl. 1869. Anderson. Geo > Lightfool, Hannah Boake, Sarah‘A [3] Mgrrison. Rev S Benton. J C Martin. J Buck, David Morris, Job Brown. James McGuilen, Alex, grunge", John ‘ 'McKinnex'. Mrs, " emflrd, J G [5] 'Mcloan Archibald Collins, William McCaucq. Margret Campbell. Neil McQuiIiii, Mr Coller'an. l’alrick W] Page. Edward Cooper William l’assmore. James Coil. Thomas V ' Railh, T. S. Conmhs, Roï¬ert Rae, Andrew ,(Iockraue, Mi‘ M Rubens. Denis Cartar. Johï¬- ' Simpson. James Coughin. T othy ’ Sanvulge, John galley, My lane a.ï¬quhemion. Georgé Richmond Hill, 1865. Toronto, Dec. 3, 1867 Bichmond Hill, Oct 8, 1568- Toronto, February 17. 186 9. _[‘ TELS belonging to the estate of the late James Hoiiaday consisting of Horses, Waggons, Sieighs, Harness and all other im- _;plemems whatsoever. used by the deceased in :the business carried on by him in his lifetime at Aurora, as a Butcher. and in connection therewith. ‘ ' Manufacturer and Dealerin all kinds of Tenders for the purchase of the property must be sentin to our Solicitor. J. W. Savers. Esq.,Aurora, on or before the 134 of April next. The property together with an Inventory thereof can, at any time, be inspected by in- tending purchasers upon the premises of the late J» Holladayv Aurora. NELSON JOHNSON. ? WILLIAM Cox,§ Euwzms' To those intending to commence the busi- ness. the above afl'ords an excellent opportunily. CHANGE OF TIME. November 23, 1868. Going North 8.55 AM . . . . . . . . . 4.55 P.M Going South 10.02 A.M . . . . . . . . . 7.02 P.M Northern Railway of Canada Richmond Hill, Feb 17, 1869. Dated Febrvaty 15, 1869. Carriage, Buggy, Riding. Hunting and Team Whips VARIETY OF MOUNTINGSC Richmond Hill, Feb. 25, 186:). 73:.‘Enmhuel IOIE_SALEâ€"THE GOODS & CHAT- RICHMOND HILL STATION. N ACTIVE SERVANT GIRL, IN A - small famfly. Enquire at this oï¬ice. CALL AT 38 West Market Square. Toronto Wanted Immediately, RICHMOND HILL, BRANCH AND As The Stock is Large Tenders Wanted- List of‘Lettera IF YOU WANT THE H ERALD OFFICE. AT THE To Butchers. IN EVERY WM. H. LAWRENCE. HERALD OFFICE. 'McKinnex'. Mrs, ’Mcloan Archibald McCaucq. Margret McQuinT), Mr Page. Edward l’assmore. James Raith, T. S. Rae, Andrew Rubens. Denis Simpson. James Sanvrdgo, John henson, Geor e @2112 Jennie g Shéfl, William Scott, Thomas Shields. John Stephenson, James Smith. James Skeele. A L‘ Taylor. Joseph L 'I"-iHe\s. James Vavnderburgh, Margery \ anderburgh, Jamus M Van de Bogart, F .White. Thomas VViHiams. Mr. V‘.’est, Mrs ‘Thos, Young, Mrs, Lightfoot, Hannah Mgrrison. Rev S Martin. J Morris, Job _McGullen, Alex, M. TEEFY. P. M. 534-1y 552-1y 490-tf 553-1m 553~ tf 552 FLOUR AND FEED DECISIVE BARGAINS MAY BE EXPECTED GOODS DELIVERED ! U'required to any distance within tlnee Pails Cigars, Sparrow’s washing Crystal FRESH BREAD REEEIVEB DAILY. Figs , Nuts; OYSTERS Currants, Teas, FRENCH 62, ARMSTRONG. Richmond Hill. Jan. 27, 18685 PROVISIONS Large &: well Selected 'l‘hey beg leave to announce to the Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding- country that they will keep constantly on hand a Lately Occupied by Mr. ‘1‘. Morgan French & Armstrong, NEW OPENING Marl; & ï¬rmzfmngâ€™ï¬ (Ital. Brooms Biscuits Fish Black Lead brushes Farm Produce taken for Goods‘ Candies, A call is respectluily solicited as Sugars, RICHMOND HILL. GROCERIES, Pick] es, Syrup and Molasses Wash boards Corn meal Cheese Soaps, Having leased the Premises OF ALL KINDS. Coffees, Scrubbing brushes FLOUR AS FOLLOWS : Oatmeal Butter Candles, Lobsters. Spices, STOCK OF Bean 5 Tobacco, lullstards, Sardin es, Vinegar hill" Raisins, miles. DANIEL HORNER, Jun, Lot 90. 2nd éeossion Markham- For particulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills, Thornhill SAP BUCKETS & PAILS MALLOY’S AXES $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET. To those who have favoied him with “1611' patronage in the past he returna his “sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in (he fu~ lure. he would say that no endaavoron his part will be wanting to meet their approval. EAVE TROUGHS REFERENCES: The following gentlemen cam with conï¬dence recommend G. H Husband. to all requiring Denial aid: Ur Reid, Thornhill; Dr. Bun. Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwicx; Dr. Corsou, Brampton. RESIDENCE :â€"Thornhill. _ Thornhill, Sept. 17. [868. ’ 1y Feels conï¬dent of givAing erytiré satisfaction. Begs mast respectfully to announce that he will be at Unionville. , . . . .. . lst Monday of each month. Wes!on,. . . . . . . . . . . . ..91h day ofeach moth Kleinbnrg. . unlï¬th “ “ Burwick, ....22ud “ U Scarboro’ . . . . . . . . . . . .23rd “ “ Where he will be prepared and most happy to wait on those who may require his services, G. H. H., having had over ELEEEN YEARS PRACTICE, Hats and Bonnets trimmed; Felt Hat and Velvet Bonnets; Silk and patent Vel- vet Velvetteens for Mantles. Flowars. Rib. bons, Dress trimmings, Buttons. Gloves. the new gored Skirts. Corsets. Also a choice lot of' Woolen Goods, Infant’s Coats and Caps. Lady’s Crossover waists. Neckties. Squares, Berlin Wool, and small wares. MILLINERY GOODS ! wanted, for which cash will be paid on delivery. Apply to TH E L EA DING H QUVSEJ A' call is Earnestly Requested. ALSO Flooring and other Lumber Dressed, Thornliill. April 21, 1868‘ Shingles, Waggén Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. .1 out them. Lad3 ’s Winter Kidd boots. perfect gems. Lady’s Cloth boots, cannot be beat for winter. Children and Misses’ boots in great variety. and in every style. Boy’s Long and Lace boots 0f every kind. Rubbers and Fall over-shoes, shoe-packs.- l5 Men’s Calf boots, perfect beauties. [wet Men’s English Kipp boots. warranted to turn Man’s Stogy boots cannot be beat for winter. Lady’s high cut boots. no Lady should be with- All of which will be said at. prices that cannot fail to WILL Nfl'l‘ BE UNDER-SOLD. For further particulars apply to the owner on the premises. HUGH DEVLIN. Vaughan, January 7, I869. 546-3m BOOTS '& SHOES Sold on Reasonable Terms! Richmond Hill. Oct 8. 1868‘ *ï¬ This is one of the best wheat growing farms in this part of the countrv, and is within 2:} miles of Richmond Hill Station. on 'he Northern Runway; 3 miles from Richmond Hill on Yonge Street, and 18 miles from the City of'l‘oronto. The farm will be A Spring Creek intersects the Farm TITLE ZNDISP UTABLE January 7. 1869. THERE is s. comfortable DWELLING HOUSE. a Good Barn and other buildings on the premises; there is also a SPLENDID ORCHARD 0F GRAFTED FRUIT Richmond Hill, Oct. 8, 1868 COUNTY OF YORK, ONTARIO, Containing 100 Acres G. H. HUSBAND L.D.s., FARM FOR SALE, Township of Vaughan .' ‘VATER SPOUTS! VV. H. BIYERS’, ORSO COR DS GOOD HARDWOOD PART CASH DOWN, BALANCE ON TIME. EAST HALF OF LO'I‘ Manufactured and for Safe THE CHEAPEST Give Satisfaction RICHMOND HILL Cordwood Wanted. . NIYERS’. DEEUWESW, 01' every description, is at 0N RICHMOND HILL, Is to be seen at. With a good well of water. 70 acres under cultivation. FOR SALE BY AND LARGEST STOCK 0F PATENT PUT UP AT IN THE 3RD com, AND M. TEEFY. Full AS BEING THE 0N IN THE Richmond Hill P. 0. 510-tf. N0. 28, 534-ly 534-1y Dated at Richmond Hill, this 23rd day of February. A.D.1869, Wgness, J can. D. Anms'moua. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the partnership heretofore existing be- tween the undersignwd, under the style and ï¬rm of French & Armstrong, carrying on businqu at Richmond Hill, has this day bean dissolved by mutual consent. and that the said business will be continued by Mr. French alone. who is authorised to discharge all debts and receive all credits on accounts due said partnership. When additional names are added to any (Hub-during the year they musl be mm to THE GLOBE Ofï¬ce by the person who made up the Club: and the money sent wiih such additional names must be such a proportion of the year’s subscription at the Club rate as will pay up to the expiration of the Ciub. TORONTO. TE? All subscriptions, (including clubs, sent in harms the 151 of January, will enmne the parties to receive the paper until the December 315:, 18179. Clergymen and Teachers of Common Schools are entitled to receive THE Wmva (:1 mm for one dollar per annum, payable in advance. Orders and remittances should be addressed to “THE GLOBE PRINTING CO.†CLUB RATES FOR 1869. It has also been resolved to continue the some inducmnentsrf‘o: the formation of Clubs as were oï¬'ered last year, These were. and will be for 1869, as follows .â€" Six Copies. one year......~---...... $10 00 Ten “ †--................ 1500 Twenty Copies, one rear. . . . . . . . . 30 00 And'au extra copy of the WEEkLY GLOBE to the person who gets up lllu Club of Twanty. Thirtv‘Copies, one year for; . , . . . . . . . 42 ()0 And an extra copy of the WEEKLY GLan to the person who gets up the Club of Thirty. Fifty Copies. one year for... . . . . . 65 00 And a copy of the DAILY GLOBE to the per- son who gets up the Club of Fifty. Eighty Copins, one year for . . . ....... 100 00 And a copy of the DAILY GLOBE to the perâ€" son who gets up the Club of Eighty. Payment must always be in advance: Each paper is addressed separately, and may he sent to any Post Ofï¬ce To make room for all these improvements. THE GLOBE Printing Company have resolved greatly“) enlarge the size of THE WEEKLY GLOBE Fovmnm COLUMNS 01‘ READING MAT- TEE will hereafter be added to the paperâ€" mak. ing this Journal without exception theLARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE wonLDl And not- witstandlng the heavy additional expense on- tailed by these improvements, it has been re- solved to offer the paper for [he coining year at the same low price as humanlyâ€"$2 per Anumn. The British American and other Foreign Vows will continue to be published fully and promptly. ’I‘heComymkan INTELLIGENCE from all parts of the world will be culled from the most reliable sources, and kept up to the latest dates. Very great pains will hereafter be taken to place before the readers of ‘11â€; WEEKLY GLOBE afull and clear summary of the DE- ans IN THE PROVINCIAL AM) FEDERAL PAR- LIAMENTS. The speeches will be condensed from the full Reports of THE DAILY GLOBE. and the several measures before Parliament‘ will be carefuly explained. It is also proposed to publish every week a. full summary of RELIGIOUS AND Eccmsusncu. INTELLIGENCE from all parts of the world. This summary will embrace the operations of all the churches, and will be canduccted in a spirit emirer free from sectarian exclusiveness. coming year it is‘ï¬'oposed to. ézvole a much larger space than heretofore to the publication of RACY AND CLEVEKLYâ€"WRITTEN TALES, and to give in each week’s issue a much greater diversity than ever before. Another new and valuable improvement proposed to be made in 1869, is the increased space devoted to LITERARY MATTER. In past years it hae been usual to publish in Tm; WEEKLY GLOBE one tale. continued in succes. GEORGE Loam. Not a collection of mere clipping from Agri- cultural Journals~but a full and well pre- pared weekly compendium of Agricultural, Horticultural and Floral intelligence and infor- mation written for THE WEEKLY GLOBE by a regular staff of competent and practised writers, and quite up to the best lightofthe day. Every- thing affecting the farming interestâ€"such as the managementof ï¬eld crops. the barn-yard the stable, the dairy. the orchard, the poultry- yurd. the vineyard, the apiary. the kitchen. garden and the flowerâ€"gardenâ€"will come within the weekly review of this department. The improvements in machinery, the best best breeds ot'cattle, the bestsystems nfl'eeding. the mostâ€"approved processes of cheese and butter-making, the best mode of packing. and the best markets to Sell in, will all form sub- Jects ot proï¬table discussion. The sheep and wool interest will also receive special attention ; and the doings at agricultural vairs. shows. auctions and society meetings will be carefully and fully chronicled. The Markets for Cana. diau produce. at home and abroad. will receive an amount of careful attention that has not been heretofore accorded to them In any Journal The quantity of agricultural matter thus pro- posed to be published in THE WEEKLY GLOBE wil! exceeu the contents of any purely agricul- tural journal now circulated, and wiil be worth the annual subscription ofthe paper ! AN AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. But in addition to the general improvements novc being effected In the conduct of thepaper, several specml attractions are about to be added for the cuming )ear that will greatly enhance its value and interest to all classes of readers throughout the country, Foremost among these, is the addition of on which lhe'paper is printed will be hereafter of a very superior quality‘ The slaï¬'ol EditorsI Reporlers, Comributors and Correspondents has been reCenLly greatly strengthened. and nothing will he leli undone in the ynnr 1869. to maintain the fame of THE VVEEKLY GLOBE, as beyond co-nparison, the best conducted and most allraclivo weekly journal in the Dominion. HE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY respectfully announce that, in addition to the great improvements which have recently been made on THE WEEKLY GLOBEâ€"and which have been so Warmly acknowledged by the readers of the paper and by the public pressâ€"very ex- tensive and most valuable further improve- ments‘ will be made on the paper for the com- ing year, A spacious new Press-room and Despatch-oflice has recently been erected in connection with THE GLOBE buildings; a new font of tvpe from the Foundry of Messrs Miller & Richard. Edinburgh, has beenimported from ‘ Scotland ; one ofMessrs Hoe &Co,’s celebrated Lightning Presses, capable of throwing of} H.- 000 impressions per hour of'l‘an DAILYGLOBE, is now in operation : and aseeond new Press, specially constructed for printing THE WEEKLY GLOBE with great rapidity and in the highest style of workmanship, will shortly be added to the Machinery of the Esrahlirltment; The sheet The Weekly Globe ! ENLARGEMENT OF THE SHEET. Give us so much for our Money Richmond Hill, Oct 8, 1868. ISN’T IT FUNNY! ENLARGEMENT & IMPROVEMENT ATKINSON Programme for 1869,. JOHN. D. Anms'moua, I. Fuses. HOW CAN THE Subscriber offers for sale a good farm, being lot No. 4. in the 8th concession of the township of Erin, 100 acres, 60 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation; the balance nearly all ï¬rst rate Hardwood bush There is on the premises a good log house_ baru,etable, &c.. with good water privilege. Also a beautiful young Orchard of 100 fruit trees, planted 5 years. A good gravel road passes along the front of the lot. This farm is 35 miles from Richmond Hill. 6 miles {mm ‘ Georgetown .on the Grand Trunk Railway, and 30 miles from Toronto. I‘m-nus: Twenty ï¬ve hundred dollarsâ€"part cash. balance on time. For particulars apply to the owner, WILLIAM HARDING, Richmond Hill SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE! SUPERIOR T nu cowoxs, LINENS, cans, TWeedls, Mantle Materials, Silks ‘ l - - u 1 u x - “‘mï¬m “111mm “I I m ‘ VARIETzY C January 14, 1869. On Horses and Cattle. We can conï¬dently recommend it to all owners or horse‘ Prepared in Canada only by HORSES! {HORSES !! HORSES !! l TERMS: CASH, AND ONE PRICE ONLY‘ Toronto. November 19. 1362. MOST EXTRAORDINARY AND DELIGHTFUL PREPARATION EVER DISCOVERED! I will make the hands, however rough, smooth, soft and white Prepared only by CHAPPED HANDS. THE REVEREND JOHN BREDIN, @0RE'ESEQMEEN@E, Toronlo. December 17, 1668. LADIES’ & GENTS’ LAMBS WOOL UNDERCLOTHING MR: WILLIAM MUNSHAW, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill. December H3. 1868. THIS POPULAR & DESIRABLE FARMING IMPLEMENT CARLTON’S FIRST PRIZE ' PATENT CULTIVATOR. February 11. 1868. V J 103 KING STREET, . South West’Corner Church St. Toronto Géneral Use By Inany Prominent Agriculturalists, ‘esh Cuts, Caulks and. Bruises July. August and September, 1868 TOWNSHIP OF ERIN? Orders should be sent at once to secure the earliest attention. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers. Hosiery, Gloves. Trimmings, Small “fares: Shirts, Collars, Ties, Umbrellas, Is usad by the Royal Veterinary Surgeons of England, for all kinds of Clouds, Breakfast Shawls. Sontaga, Cotton and Wonlan Grain Bags: &c ‘ Dundas Shirtings and Yarns MANTLES AND MJLLINERY, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, WILLIAM MITCHELL’S For the CHEAPEST, Most FASHIONABLE. and Most MAGNIFCENT USE MILLER’S PREPARED GLYCERINE, MILLER’S DERBY OIL! IN THE “ THE YORK HERALD†PRICE 15 CENTS. POLEMICAL NEW BRITISH AND FOREIGN DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT AND OTHERS. ‘547-5m DURING THE MONTHS OF AND IS MANUFACTURED BY AS PUBLISHED IN 551 -3m IT 18 THE BETWEEN IS' NOW IN Family and Church Biblés BICE’S PUMPS ABLACKSMITH suor and Dwmma HOUSE. The too’s will be sold or let with the shop. Are situated opposite G. J. Bernard’s Store. Elgifl xills‘ For further particulate apply to the owner on the premises. ‘ Richmond Hill, June 11.368 Elgin Mills, Jan. 21. 1869. HUGH MILLER & CO.. Medical Hall. [67 King Street East, Toronto. A 543-tf . Medical Hall, 167 King Sim: East, Toronto. WILLIAM MUNSHAW. For Sale or to Let. AT LOW PRICES, AT THE HUGH MILLER}; CO. FOR SALE BY WILLIAM TRENCH. SEN J. BRILLINGER, Richmond Hill une 11.368. 517-†Richmond Hill Post Oï¬cc. HERALD OFFICE. Yarns. GOODS. 548 -tf 540 PLAIN ‘& FANCY STATIONERY. AgEx. §CQm Pocket Books, Purses, 81c. HYMN d5 PEA YER BOOKS, In all the different style of Binding. Albums from 25 Cents to $64 Toys of Various Kinds, Books & Fancy Goods In various styles of Bindings, BIBLES AND TESTAMENT“ HOLIDAY GIFTS THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION : Horses examian as to soundness, Ill. Bought and Sold on commission. For Horses and Cntlle always on hand : luck as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial. Tonic, Col h. Condition and Worm Balls and Powdon. ho Cough Balls have been found most servicerlo in alleviating many of the dim-using, symp- toms of Brokenwind or Hoavos in Hornet. lolic, Draughts, Liniments for Sore Throall. Sprains. Curb. Spavln, King~bone, 810. Elm- ering Ointme'nts. also Hoof and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for Wounds, Bruisos. Saddle Galls. lnl'alliublo Oil and Sheep Tick Dol- troyor. All orders from a distance promptly attondod to, and medicine: sent to any part oftho Pro- vince. . (Graduate of Toronto Veterinary Collegc) Cor. of Yonge & Centre St. East: RICHMOND HILL. bEGS to announce to the public that he il' n'ow practicing with H. SANDERSON. ot'the same place, where they may be cnnault- ed personally or by letter, on all diseases of Horses, Cattle, &c. Medicines of every Discription Richmond Hm. Nov .29.:687‘ STANDARD AUTHORS! Form-m Booxigmmurntions. strongly bound. in cloth boardsâ€"40 cents. FIFTH Boox, 50 illustrations' trongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"50 cents. Comnmon 1'0 THE READERSâ€"25 cents. For sale at THE NEW CANADIAN National Series of Reading Backs FIRST BOOK, with 3! illustrations. strongly bouni in limp clothâ€"5 cents‘ Fms’r Boon, (second part) with 54 illustration. strongly bound in limp clothâ€"10 cenu. SECOND BOOK; with 56 Illustrations. strongly bound in cloth bandsâ€"20 cents. l'HlRD 13001:, 41 illustrations, strongly bound A, in CJOtLh‘LQIdk-jmma.“ Large and Mieellaneous Stock ‘ or CAREFULLY sszcnm Applicants will please address theâ€"i: letter: (post. paid) to For the use ofhis Patent Self'shutting Gates: Richmud Hill, September l6, 1867. SELF-SHUTTING GATE. fl\filS nefulinvemion is the mostconvenient. the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use. The Patentee is now prepared to so†VI‘HE Executora of the late James Hollidly -have placed the Books of the Estate in Mr. Teef) ’s hands for the purpose of having all oulslanding accounts collecmdr by sail or otherwlse. Parties indebted will ploau Ink. noï¬ce. (Signed) NELSEN JOHNSON. '2 n ‘ Richmond Hill. April 523} 1868‘ TOWNSHIP RIGHTS J. HOLIDAY’S ESTATE Last Eotzlce. WHERE TO PROCURE 'rmr. uosr wrunl ’ ARTICLES run HE Subwriber. ever mindful of the want. ofthe public, has just rooeived a He has also received a heavy stock of (Graduate of Toronto At the following priceszâ€"Young' Ind Old ‘ Hyson Tea. Good Flavor and Strong. % 0: lb; Young H'son Ten. 29 6d to 35 pet I); Extra Mayune l’oung Hyeou Tee, 3!. 6d and 4s per lb. 'hard to beat; Fine Imperial and Gunpowder Tea, 4s per lb. very herd to beat; Very Superior Japan and Black Tel. 49 6d per lb. not to be beat; Very Finest You; lye-I and Gunpowder Tea, 53 per lb, ceunol be excelled. fl," Ihaye thrown down the Gauntlet, let them try it. A trial is all that is needed to convince customers of the reality. Call at G. A. BARNARD'B Authorised by the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario. He Will Knock Under BETTER TEA EUR THE PRICE October Its 1868. Richmond Hill. Nov. 5, 1868. RICHMOND HILL, FOR TEAS. I. SANDERSON,‘ VETERINARY sunesou, THE BEST TEJS INCLUDING MAN! 0" TH! IF GEORGE BARNARD DON’T SELL HAS NOW ON HAND SOME or M. TEEFY, HORNER’S PATENT AND CRY PECAVI ! Than any other Store on THE HERALD OFFIGI. Rxcumonn Hum. P. O.- 1 Agent for Pat'onfu. JUHHDU n, ‘ WM. COX, E Eztculon. THEN 510 538-1! 478