I then tested all Drugs andVDye-Stufl's, selling only such as were proved to be good, and my business increased Very rapidly in consequence ; but Paints, Oils and Varnishes gave me trouble occasionally, as I required a practical painter to test them. I have now employed a practical Painter of ï¬fteen years’ experience, who tests all in that line before they are offered for sale ; so 110w I can safely say that every article will be as represented. ‘Pure, and Nos. 1 and 2 in Oil. Chromes, Yellow and Greenâ€"- all shades. Paris, Emerald, Navy, Impe- rial and Bronze Green, in Oil and Dry. Prussian, Antwerp, Celestial, and Ultramarine Blues, in Oil and Dry. Some years ago, when I commenced business, I was very particular to have all Goods guaranteed before purchasing (1 still continue the practice, ï¬nding it necessary), .but though useful, still it did not answer every purpose, for customers will seldom return articles which prove unsatisfactor , but will go elsewhere. Paintâ€"all sizes. Varnish-all sizes. Extra do., 1 to 3. Sash Tools. Coach Body. Carriage. While I sell at as low a ligul‘e as my campetitors, I do not Lpretend to undersell all and sundry ; yet I not only pretend to keep, but do and will keep, the best Goods that can be prognfed, {me will sell them at the lgw‘est‘ renlmlemtive price fer 03:911. Tube and Water Colors. I hav'e adopted this course, and ï¬nd that it pays, asAit retains the most respectable and steady class of customers. J. L. MARGACH. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, MARGAOH’S CONDITION POWDER, For HORSES and CATTLE, Has been before the public for several years, and given every satisfaction. Those who have tested it acknowledge its superiority. NO. 44 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. J. L. MARGAOHy AINTERS‘ MATERIALS, 850.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Globe Printing Company, 26 and 28 King Street East, Toronto. ABTISTS’ MATERIALS. GOLD AND SILVER VAR NI SHE S . | Crayons, Stumps. Brushes, &c. Furniture. Flowing, Polishing. Black, Iron and Brown J apan. Grainers, Dusters, and Badger Bleildel‘s. C. H. and Sable. Lettcl'ers and Stl-ipers. Vandyke and Spanish Brown, Burnt and Raw Terra. dc Sienna, in Oil and Dry D0. Burnt and Raw Umbel‘. Rose Pink. Persian and Indian Red. English, American & Chinese Vermilion. BRUSHES. IMX’ORTER AND DEALER IN COLOR. LEAD . Pure \Vhite | Monochromatic Boards. Fitch‘s Stencil 8.: Brick Liners. Gilders' Knives and Cushions, &c. , &c., &c. Crimson, Scarlet& Drop Lake Lamp, D131) qnd Coach Paint ei‘s’ Black. Bronzesâ€"all shades. Putty and Whiting. Ochre, Dry and in Oil. Venetian lied, 8.20., 6:0. and Red, and No. ,1 Dry. Damar, Picture. Mastic, 8:0.