[13" Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of theBesL Materials and Workmanship, at the Lowest Remuneratiug Prices. Farmer’s Boot & shoe Store HE SUBSCRIBER, in returning thanks to his numerous customers forthe liberal support since he purchased the above Miils; begs to intimate that he has made great im- provements and nlteraiions. during the past summer, and he is now prepared to attend to At short notice. Parties from a distance may have their GrisL home with them, with as little delay as possible BOOTS «85 SHOES, TEEFY. Notary Public and Commis- , sinner in B R., is Government Agent for issuing Marriage Licensss in the County of York. Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"7 A.M. to 9'30 l".M. JAMES BOWMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, 'ALMIRA MILLS, GRISTING’ AND CIIOPPING/ 0f the bes' desrripiinn and newest designs. Carel'u' aunnlinu given to the repairng 01 Watches an" Cincks Jewelry manufactured and Bankâ€. Can be procured, in sums to suit borrowers. on Landed security, Terms made known on personulapplication to EEPS always on hand (he bastof Bent; Mutton. Lamb, Veal, l’ork. Sausages, 63c. and sells at the |uwe<t prices. The highest market price given for Cattle, Sheep. lumbs‘ 5w. Notary Public, Agent.&c. NB. Deeds, Mortgages. Willa. Bonds. &c, 61.0. drawn with neamesa and despatch.â€"- M. '1‘. continues to act. as DIVISION Coax/l; A01 i'r. Fees moderate. , Also. Corned and Spiced Beef. Smoked and Dried Hams. WATCHES, CLOCKS, H E attention of "19 Public isimvted to their Stock, consisting of DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELLERY ELECTRO-PLA'I‘EH WA RE. CUTLERY. &c., &c.. &c. CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, Money to Lend on Landed Security. THE Unduraigned is authorized to state’chal IS prepared to wait' upon any who need his profeuiona] services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suï¬ering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Alsoto regu- late the teeth of those who need it. AND FINE JEWELRY. 113 Yonge Street, Toronto I? Masonic and other Emblems made to order. J. S. SCOTT, M.D., L.D.S. SUIEGEON DENTIST ! R. E. LAW, ASSISTANT, RICHMOND HILL. Rye and Buckwheat ground to Order. 2nd door north of Barnard’s store. No II. King Street East, 6 doors east of Yonge Strnet. Toronto, April 26. 1866, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE.â€"90 Queen Street. near Osgoode Hall, Toronto N.B. Nitrous Ogide Gas administered for the painless Exuaclion of Teeth. " “ 'l‘he hlghBSl price, in Cash, (Bunkable fangs.) willue paid tor any quantin of good Wheat. MARRIAGE LICENSES FIGS lo mum to to his many friends in Vaughan and neighboring lowuships. that he has resumed po~sesslon of the above Mills. and that he will he prepared to attend to WILLIAM COX, GRISTING- AND CHOPPING. CARRVILLE MILLS W. c. ADAMS, D.D.S., 95 King Street East, Toronto. Torontoâ€, Dec. 3, 1867. lleadford. S ep123, 1863?. Markham. Nov 1,1865. October 23. 1868. Richmond Hill. October 15, 1867. Toronto,Aun'l 27, 1866‘ Rimmoud Hill, Nov. 28, 1866. Manufacturer and Deaierin all kinds of June. 1865‘ Canville, November. 2, 1868. Toronto. Jan. 27, 1569. Consultation free. and all work warranted. A Great Variety $20,000 RICHMOND HILL, M. TEEFY, Smocessor to James Holliday, 38 West Market Square, Toronto W. WHARIN 85 CO†JOHN BARRON, WILLIAM COOK Headford Mills. J. SEGSWOR‘I‘H, NEAR CHURCH STREET, On the shortest notice RICHMOND HILL. BUTCHER, “SAND IMPORTER 0F NTISTRY. OF WIJLIAM CUOK J OHN EYER. 490-“ 549- 1 y QI-y 22 Flour, Feed, _}’rovision and Grocery Store! A nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also call attentlon to his Where he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts. Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal,Buck- / wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish a'nd ‘ Including Tables, Chairs. Bedsleads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stands, Wash b‘lands, 8w. 8w. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering, While Lead Paints and r70lors, Raw and Borled Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, Rock Oil, Varnish Turpentine, Benzmne, Glass, Putty, Glue, 8m. 8w. Parties Furnishing, Papering, or Painting Lhelr Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also N returning thanks for the very liberal support he has received since commencing business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly increas- ed his Stock and has now on hand A CHOICE ASSORTMENT 0F FURNITURE .’ CABINET ESTABLISHMENT Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, as it will be’found worthy of inspection. AND SEW! LAMP GLUBES, BURNERS, BHIMNBYS, SHADES AND WIIGKS. Square and Globe shapes, in great vamety, for Oil or Candles. Special attention is directed to the stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGGONS ORNAMENTAL PAINTING! Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Swves, Dumb Stoves, and Stove Pipes Grain Measures, Apple Parcrs, Clothes Wringers, L0. 856. WORKSHOP WEST FROM RAYMOND’S HOTEL. F URN ISHIN Gr ESTABLISHMENT The stock of which is very large, embracmg all that is New and Chaste and also the Plainest and Cheapest kinds,â€"bhus meeting the requirements of all classes“ Children’s Carriages and Perambulators! Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, STATIONERY & FANCY GOODS, ROCK OIL AND MACHINERY OIL HIRAM PIPER TABLE CUTLERY, SPOONS, &C. For Cash, at Price: that cannot be surpalced. Richmond Hill, November 9,‘ 1866. N RETURNIFG THANKS to his friends and customers for the very Liberal Patronage he has received sinca comment-ng buiiness in [his Village. fakes [his opportunity 0! informing the Public generally, that he is prepared to manufacture Toronto, Februay 7 1868. EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS2 among which will be found Richmond Hill. August 6. [£68. Repairs of all kinds promptly executed. Which will be found both good and cheap. BURNING FLUID. ALCOHOL, BENZOLE. &C. &c., OF THE LATEST APFRO VED STYLES, AND FROM THE BES‘I' MATERIAL- In Price and Quality ALEXANDER SCOTT LAMPS AND CHANDELIERS! He is also prepared to undertake all kinds of Plain. Fancy and No. 83, Yonge-street, 3 doors above Kingâ€"street, TORONTO. THOMAS COG-ELAN, FOR CARRIAGES, SIGNS, FLAGS, BANNERS, 4-6.. Manufactured and Import-d, Wholesale and Retail flfllll] flNfl HUMBLE HARNESS fl&&ME$S OUT THE TORONTO TRADE, October 14, 1868. STOVES! WM. HARRISON’S 15" :1: R s T P B. I z E Which he will do with Taste and Neatness. LARGE ADDITIONS JOHN C. HUCTHINS, ALL TO B1318. Special attention is directed to ESTABLISHMENT, Also on hand a large stock of RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL LANTERNS IF YOU WANT HAS RECEIVED m %%W%W%Wm TO HIS STOCK 0F HOUSE WHICH WILL TO Richmond Hill. 535-3m 525'ly 23 493 MM? WPEMMEQS Fa Cards, &cs.|jul received. lsentirely new and of the latest patterns. Jargevariety of new %mm m%m% The? York. Herald LARGE Aim SMALL POSTERS Letter-Press Printing. PAMPHLE’I‘S AND EllLflllEll JIIBQEIIRK Order. for any of the undermemioned descrip “on or BQQK WUHDERS PROMPTLX EXELUTED BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, PHNTINE ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CAR‘ Will be promptly attenyd 16: OUR ASSORTMENT OF CHEAP And ovary other kind of JOB PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW' FORMS, AND AN“ DRAFTS , BILL HEADS, Machinexy supplied. andilusu'uciims for making given. Rare chances for men of limited capital. *ï¬ When Ordering Pumps, please state Depth of Well or Cistern. Also Notice that Messrs. PHILLIPS. Pump Makers, UDORA. have purchueed the Rights of Georgina North Gwillimbury. Oro and Inuisï¬l, and, having abandoned the manufacture on Inferior Kinds of Pumps, are prepared to supply the PATENT SWING AND DOMINION FORCE'PUMPS- wmma @mwnï¬m 2 The H011. l’. M. Vankonghnet. in deIiVeriug Judgment on the celebraied Patent Swing Pump trial: remarked. after justly eulogising the merits of'the Pump. “ That the person who infringes on a Patent, is a wrong-door and should be punished. and that an infringer’s opera- tions are, not only a Rubberv ot' the l’atentee, but :xiso a Fraud upon the Public.†WWEï¬ng gï¬wméï¬; " The usefullness ofthis invention is unquestioned; it is both ingenious and worthy of merit and to the isolated dweller, must be of the greatest possible value.†“ Their success is wonderful and Well-deserved.â€â€"0ntario Observer. EXTRACTS FROM JUDGMENT OF COURT OF CHANCERY. “The Novellv of making A WOODEN FORCE PUMP, was introduced by the I’Iaiuti (C. Powell) and'it has that. MERIT OF lNVL'J. HON which etitles it to the protection of Patent." FALL AND WINTER 'STOCK! Whichpm inspection. win he found the most fashionable and chasie he has ever had the plea- sure of submitting to their approval. L'flMHINEB SI“! 81 HUBBLE BEST BEAM PLllIIGH Which will be found to comprise 9verythtng that is new and elegant. wwzg @ "E @@@fl& This Plough can he Regulated ta Buia Furraw any Required Shape THE DRAUGHT IS EXCELDINGLY LIGHT. GROCERIES, HA1} DWARE, CROCICERY, CASTING AND ALL JOB WORK Done tc» Order. MIL LINERY DEPARTMENT ! STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. HESPELER’S CELEBRATED TWEEDS, THE CHEAPEST/1ND BEST THAT WAS EVER OFFERD 0N > RICHMOND HILL. AGï¬ECUL'ï¬â€˜UE‘ngj WGRKS, P. 0. Addressâ€" Newlon Brook. July 15. 1868. Richmond Hill, Sept, 23. 1868. Richmond Hill, September 12, 1868. Fittings for Iron and Wood PE nnglls, Steel 01' Metal, supplied and. sold as a Low Price. «Magm- 'AS MUCH PLEASURE in announcing to his friends and customers the arrival of his Richmond Hill. Ju1y 30. 1868. WINTER IS COMING! A Limited Number of Rights for Sale yet LIFT AND SUCTION PUMPS, FOR ALL DEPTHS ; FORCE Hardware, Crockery, &c., &c., 860. Is prepared {or it with (3 Large Cheap, and Well Selected AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! WILLIAM ATKINSON AND SET IT AT ANY ANGLE. A COMPLETE ASSORTMRNT OF NEAR RIOHMON D HILL. THE MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE OF WHICH IS W. A. directs special attention to his W. A. has also a FULL STOCK of LEASE NOTICE THAT Ordels from North York should be sent [0 ROGERS & CO., NEWMARKET, who have acquired the Patent Right for East and West. Gwillim» bury, Whitchumu and King, for the Patent Swing and Dominion Force Pumps. See Judgment (.‘oun of Chancery. ARE CHEAPER AND SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ALSO, DRY GOODS I 03=PUMP@, MANUFACTURERS OF A ‘ Chum †Pumps for Ciéterns, Common Pumps 01“ any Make, CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook AN ENTIRELY & BROTHER, FOR TANKS, CIS’I‘ERNS AND SHALLOVV WELLS; AT TWO THIRDS THE ORDINARY PRICES ,' AND TWO DOLLARS EACH. HoN. P. M. VANKOUGHNET 1S AAO CROSBY. Richmond Hill, Ontario. 524-t 52'2-3m energy ad Plaintiff, 510-â€. They were not invented in a day by ignorant parties as a means of money getting. but were originated by M F. COLBY, M.D.. one of the ï¬rst physicians of the country. and perfected during a course of 40 YEARS succesrfnl prac- lice so that l'or the purpose intended they can scarcely be improved, For certiï¬cates of cures see circulars. AH genuine pills are sugar-coated and will in future have our signature on the wrapper. S. J. FOSS & CO., Proprietors. ,* Sold by druggists everywhere. R. H. HALL, AGENT, Riohmondhill. results. They are an effectual but mild cathartic. They cannot be excelled as an antibilious remedy They am the greatest blood puriï¬er known. They afford immediate relief for bowel com- plaint. ’ They are the best and safest remedy for children. They are a posilive cure for costiveness. They cure the worst forms of dyspepsia. They cure all diseases arising from any do- rangement of the Stomach. Liver, and Bowels. They are recognised by all medical men who know the formula as a standard remedy. in time. They can be taken by the most delicate. They do not sickeu or grip in any case. Dr. Colby’s Anti-costive and Tonic Pills. The 11mm: uflhe medicine is blown in each bottle of the genuine ; all others are worthless imitations. ‘ Abovehre some of the statement being dailv made by those who have used Jacobs’ Rheumatic Liquid - 0 BE SOLD on reasonable terms, the fol- lowing )ropemj,‘ :â€" Partof Lot No 3!), on 2nd Con. Vaughan, containing 63 acreâ€; also. " I do not consider a sprain or lameness of an y account if'l can get hold of a bottle of Ja- cobs’ Rhemnatic Liquid.†“ It euros a cold in tanter.†"IL is the only thing I know that cures scratches on horses." V111age Property on Richmond Hill- Forpurticulars apply to the proprietor, 999 out of 1.001) ofthe accidents to which we are daily liable may be gieully relieveu, and a large pioportiun rendered no longer trouble- some by a timeiy application of (his justly cele- brated medicine. -‘ 1 never saw anythirg that would relieve a. bun} so quick.†EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! ACOBS’ l~3lxemnatic Liquid is the best thing in the world. except a skillfull phy- sician, to have at hand in case of any accident. “ 1 want it where I can put my hand on it at any time.†" 1 consider it the greatest remedy known.†“ Nothing 1 ever saw can touch it as a re- medy.†USE OF ETHER SPRAY, Which Affects the Tooth Only. J- insansible wich this externaT agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and Without endangering the Life! willbe in the following places prepared to extract taeth with his new apparatus.- All other operations in Dentistry performed in a workmanlike manner :â€" [1E Subscriber would intimate to the arm- ers and others of Richmond Hill and surrounding Country having. This treatment does not nece>s being: laid aside only for a few days. My charge is $1 50 if paid when operated on" ifno: ()0 will be charged to ensure a scum. ' Residencerearoflot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan JAMES DUNTON. {ichm ondHil], Oct. 25, ’66 V 72-ly Ifyou want a beautiful, luxuriant growth ox hair, use Hum’s Empire Hair Gloss. 1f\'011 wth to keep your hair from falling out. use Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. It is the cheapest, cleanest, bust. PRICE 25) CENTS PER BOTTLE. S. J. FOSS & CO., Proprietors. R. H‘, HALL, AGENT. Richmondhm. November 19. 1868. 540-137 THE tooth and gum surrounding become insansibie with this external agencv. Aurora . . . . . . . . Newmarkot B:‘elsf0rd hotel Stouï¬ville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Victoria Square.... . , . . . . Thornhill......... Richmond Hill. . . . . . . Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . Burwick.... . . . . . . ... Kloinhurg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nubioton........ . Whei'er ihey will attend U Aoml‘a, June That he has éucccssf‘mly treated the above for the past ten years without a single failure. Quite a number of reference given if requir- ed ol'pcrsuns whose horses have been cured by the hafr Erï¬piï¬fï¬a’i; 615;; Richmond Hill. Sept. 1.1866 Novembfl‘ 19, [868.» Horses ' Afflicted with Ring-hone, 'l‘he‘j November 19, 18684 "I would not attempt to keep house without Jacobs’ Rheumatic Liquid. R COLBY’S Amitcostive and Tonic Pills never fail but always relieve if taken mining to Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. UNT’S Empire Hair Glass is the †Ne .‘plus ultra.†of all preparations for DRS. PECK & ROBINSON always producewlh‘e sam'e beneï¬clal As in the use of Chloroform. S. J. FOSS & Co.. Sole proprietors. R. H. HALL. AGENT, JRichmand/till. )el' 19, 1868. 54 f-ly Worth Knowing. quare. . . . . . . . . - ‘L'Iï¬iffILIIIIfI Land for Sale; will attend to any business per- auy branch of “mil-profession. 7 1565‘ NEW METHOD OF BY THE . . . . 1st ofeuch month 2nd 18th 20th 23rd 24th 5261b 28th 29th 30th A. WRIGHT. E6. 469 nece>situie their 540-Jy