And dispatclmd to subscribers by the earliest mailsmr other conveyance. when so desired. The Your: HERALD will always be found to containthelatest and most importantF'oreign and Provincial News and Markets,and the greatest care will be taken to render-it ac- ceptable to the man ofbusineséï¬nd a valu- able Family Newspaper. TERLVIShâ€"Oiry Dollar p‘er annum, IN AD- VAME : if notpaid within Two Months, One Dollar and Fth cents will be charged. Allleuers addres‘s‘ed to the Editor must be post-paid. No.pnper discontinued until all arrearages are plld: and paniesrefusing papers without paying up, vl’ill be held accountable for the subscription. All advertisements published for aless period than one mum‘n, mm“ ho paid Torin advance. ’All transitory adv . 0211011Ls,ï¬'0m strangers orirmgulm'customers, must he paid for when handed in for insor‘ion. Six lines and n ndei', ï¬rstinseriion. . . . $00 5“ Each subsequent insertion" . . . . . . . . . . 0U 13 Ton lines; and 1111119)“ ï¬rstinsenion. . . . 00 75 Each subsequentinsertion. . . ... . . . . .-. 00 ‘20‘ Above tenlinos, ï¬i-siiiisevtion, perline. 00 07 Each subsequent insertion. per line. . . . 00 02 One Column per twelve months. . . ... . 50 00 Half a coinmn do . do . . . .. . . 30 00 Quarter nfn cuiumn poi-twelve months. 20 00 One column pm six months . . . . . . . . . .. 40 ()0 Hali’acolunmâ€" do 25 (10 Quarter of a coiumn per six months. . . . 18 00 A card of tan lines, for one year. . . . -. . 4 ()0 Acard ofï¬i'toen lines, do ....... 5‘25 A card oftweniy lines. do . . . . . . . G 50 FAtiv-artitimnonts without written directions nseriad tiii forbid. and charged accordingly. ALEXANDER SCOTT, RICHMOND HILL, ' JOHN N. REID, 1711)., EUR. 0F VDEEEE MD COLBUHNE STS.’, THORNH ILL . ï¬lBurkot is authorised to collect, and give receipts for him. Richmond Hill, June. 1965 1 Consultatimmin the ofï¬ce on the mornings: ef Tuesdays, Thuxsday: and Saturdays. 8 to 10 a. m. LLTAH consultations in the ofï¬ce. Cash; - (Em work ï¬ttalb OF ONTARiO. ‘Jembor of the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons. England, [by examina- tion] ; and law from Guy‘s Hospital, London. England ; will continue to devme the whole of his time and attentiun to the practise of Medi- cine. Surgery and Midwifery. RRZ'JLL 1cm “My he found at home before half-past 8 3.171. and from 1 to 2 p m. Allpm‘tiesowiug Dr. J.l.angstafl’m‘e expect- ed m cm“ and pay promptly. as be has payâ€" ments now that must be met. DR“ HOSTE‘I‘TER, Registered Medical Practitianar PH ARMACEUTIST, DRUGS, MEDICINES, By Royai Lettch patently has been Issuer of RESIDENCE â€"Opposite the Elgin House, North of Richmond Hill. 1‘31: Esq†NOTARY PUBLIC, SBMMISSESEERKNTHE QEEWS BENCH, CON 'EYANCER, AND Division Court Agent 2 RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. GREE MENTS, Bonds,I)aeds,Morfgage-s, A “71115, (“to , 8ch drawn with aziemion and pljomptitude. Terms moderate. Richmond HULJune 9.1865. 1 «DRUGGISTQ Ornamâ€" _ GEO B.NICOL, BARRmTEa AJTORNEKAmLAng SOLIbXTOR 1N CHANCERY, CONVEYANOER,&Q,&&,&& 'l‘hornhill. June 9,1865 Barristers and‘Attomeys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, CONVEYANCERS, &c. OyncEâ€"In the Court‘I-Iouse - - TORONTO. August 1,1865. ‘ 95 RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. December 8, 1868. BARNES? ER AT LAW, RATES OF ADVERTISING.- Thornhil}, Fob, 2‘6, 1868 anonâ€"Over the Gas Company Ofï¬cafl‘oron‘lo Stteet, Toronto. Toronto; August 1, 1867. Busiuegs mirstto FFICï¬Ã©â€"In'tlge “York Herald†Buildings \ liichmoudHill. ' " ’ Money to Len d. July; 5th, 1866. 5.1y IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. BY GROCERIES, Wines and Liquors, THORNHILL. DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF MARRIAGE LICENSES. LIGNABB, MURRAY & JACKES, 0 ON VE' YA NCER, (Ea TEOEEAS CARR, flaw (Earhs. R. H. HALL, J. N. BLAKE, LEE IN AND ........... .lsenion. . . . -...ou.. Lion, perllue} . per hne. . . . lonlhs. . . . do . . . 'olve months. .Sn.-...-..- ....... . x months. . .. eyear.... do ....... do appointed 542-“ OFFICESâ€"W’ell‘ingtou‘ “Chambers Toronto. s.‘H. STRONG. J. n. EDGAR. Toronto, June 18. 1868. OFFICE 2â€"P1'oviucial insurance Bui1dings,Court Street, Toronto . JOHN DUGGAN‘ (1.0. ADAM H. MEYERS, JR. Toronto Dec. 24. 1868. 544-1y DUGG-AN 85 MEYERS, Barristers, ï¬tmsz ~ at ~ flaw, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, CONVEYANCERS, &c,&c. FOtheCoumles a." York, i’celand Ou- tario. Residence: l.ot8,6lh concesszon Markham. PostOlï¬ceâ€"Uuionvllle. Sales attended on the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. Ordarsleflattha “ Herald" ofï¬ce for Mr Carter’s servicas will be promptly attended to ' ICENSED AUCTIONEER for tho coun- J tins of York axldl’eel,()oilect01‘of Notes, Accounts, &c. Small charges and plumy to do EDW. SANDERSON, Licensed Auctioneer, '7) ESIDEL'CE, Vaughan. . All orders left 1: Richmond Hill, I attended to. JOHN CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Residenceâ€"â€"Lol 20,1‘car0i‘3rd Concession of Markham. P,0.Address-mButtunville. Parties requiring Mx'. Sandorson’s services can makoarrangements at the HERALD umco. FRANGES BUTTON, JR, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, H. D. BENNETT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Prm’imial Lam Survey/mg, SEAFORTH, C. W. LUMEER MERCHANT, ALL KINDS or Bail-21mg P/Iatcrials Supplied ! Post Ofï¬ce address, Yorkvillo. Doors, Sash, Flooring \V. G. C, Cn'ls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks, and supplies Conl'ecllouary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesala prices. THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage and Waggcn Maker! UNDER TAKER, (ï¬e. READ AND B OYD, :arristei‘s, Atécrmys at Law, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. &c., Residenceâ€"Nearly opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill. Ringwood J‘e’fmtble Wflariss P. meMAï¬, MWUMENN, HEARSW‘NES E &c. &c. &c. Call and examine my Stock and Prices be- for purchasing elsewhero, as you willï¬ncLit to your interest. n. B. READ, Q.C. May 6. 186 ’, 111119.27. 1867. Vviaiughun, Out. 10 1867. J unuary 4, 1865, Juue7,1865. um and Bnadul‘cemted Confectionary, 363 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. Toronio. May fliczusch Qiitztiouczrz. AND BUILDER, 618 Yonge Street, Toronto. Toronto, July 20,1865. King Street East, (over Thompson's East India House) TORONTO. FOR THE _ COUNTIES OF YORK AND PEEL. GEO. MCPHILLIPS 6:. SON, (if? Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Ringwood, Sept. 13,1867. 4 V01. IX, N0. 43, VIII-1'41fo G. CASTELL, FOR THE COUNTY, OF YORK. MANUFACTURER OF ALL KfNDs OF FORTH COUNTY OF YORK HE 'RY SMELSOR, P. A. SCOTT, MANUFACTURER 0F 1: 2nd 185,3 , Lot No. 14. 2nd C04. Post Uflice Address Carville, In tho " York Herald†omco‘ or at the RC. Maple. will be Mouldings (f'c NU Cu 8 D. EDGAR. R. GRAHAME. J. A. BOYD, B.A Blinds, I . :1 I... Sheeting, 40-†39-1 31 m. 497 JAMES BOWMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, .ALMIRA MILLS, 118 Yonge Street, Toronto DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELLERY ELECTROaPLATEl) WARE, CUTLERY, 610., &c.. &c. Can be procured, in sums to suit borrowers. on Landed security, 'l‘erms made known on porsunampplicatlon to TEEFY, Notary Public and Commis-" . sioner in B R., is Government Agent or issuing Marriage Licensas in the County of York. Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"7 A.M. to 9'30 P.M. .Masonic and other Emblems made to order, Money to Lend 0x1 Landed Security Notary Public, Agent &c. N .B. Deeds, Mortgages.'WiIls. Bonds. 65w. «Sire. erWdo ‘ ~â€" M. ’1‘. continues to act as DIVISION COURT AGY Kr. Fees moderate. R. E. LAXV, ASSISTANT, RICHMOND HILL. NB. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the pailfless Extraction of' ’l‘oelh. Tommie. Jan. 27, 1809 ' 549v†Of‘ the bes‘ desr-riplion and newest design Jaref'ia‘ athmlivu given to the repairing of Watches (1113 ducks Jewelrymanufactured 3.1111 Repaired. J. S. SCOTT, M.D., L.D.S. SURGEON DENTIST ! OFFICE AND RESIDENCE.â€"90 Queen Street. near Osgoode Hall, Toromo. CHOXE‘E AND FANCY GOODS, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or reiieve‘sufl‘ering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Alsoto regu- late the teeth of those who need it. ‘EVA'K‘QJEEES, CLGQKS, No. 1 L King Street East, 6 doors east of Youge Strnet. Toronto, AprilQG. 1866. CARRVILLE MILLS , W. c. ADAMS, 3.3.3., 95 King Street East, Twonm, ‘jEGS lo intimate {0 his many friends in Vaughan and neighboring townships, that he has resumed possession of tho ubuve Mills. and that he will he prepared to attend to Rye and *** Tho lnghest pric funds) willile paid for Wheat. ‘HE SUBSCRIBER, in returning thanks '1 to his numerous custï¬mers forthe liberal support since ha purchased the above MMS ; begs to intimate that he has made great imâ€" provements and alterations, during the past summer, and he is now prepared to intend to At short notice. Parties from a distance mav have their Grist home with them, with us “(We delay as possible .nw‘v “(Yr-V“ GRISTING AND CIIOPPING ! WILLIAM COX9 21‘1d door north of Barnarï¬â€™s store. EEPS always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton. Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, 61c, and sells at the lowest prices. The highest market price given for Cattle. Sheep. Lambs. &c. Also. Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. Richmond Hill, October 15. 1867. l-y Markham, Nov. 1.1865 Toronto, Aoril 27,1856 Rimmond Hill, Nov. 28, 1866. October 23. 1868. Consultation free. and allwo‘rk warranted June. 1865 RISTEE‘EG AND CHOPPING WILLIAM COOK Carxviile, November, 2, 1868. Headford. S ept.23, 186°, HE Undursigned is authorized to stalethm H 7}} Minution of #he Public is imvled to their Siock, consisting of £520,000 M. TEEFY, RICHMOND HILL, AND FINE JE TVELR Y. W. WHARIN & 00.: Great Variety 0F Successor to James Holliday, .WILLIAM COOK J. SEGSWORTH, Headford Mills. NEAR. CHURCH STREET On the shortest notice Buckwheat ground lngh price, in Cash BUTCHER. IMPORTERS AND IMPORTER OF' , in Cash, (Bankable any quantity of good RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1869. JOHN EYER‘ to Orde 1 21-3’ 22 was a plump, oveEdreSSIed lit‘éle'hï¬'tron, with round, blue eyes and pug nose, not unlike a Dutch doll. IsaiahSouthmayed had married her for the ï¬ve thousand dollars, that seemed boundless wealth to him when he was a struggling clerk at three hundred per annumâ€"ftherefore it was rather unreasonable that Isaiah Southmayed should be annoyed at the absence of brains under her pink cap ribbons. He had not bargained for brainsâ€"What right had he to expect them ? But men have been‘unreasonable since the world began, and Isaiah was no exception to the ordinary rule. ‘My dear, you‘ll be very puggticular about the dinner,’ said Isaiah 80 "thmayâ€" ed, toasting his coat tails ’b [gore the ï¬re. ‘ And I beg and wheat of you, don't let Peggy spoil the wildï¬ucks.’ ‘ Mrs. Southmayed rubbgcï¬ï¬nzfomm ‘ Yes my dear,’ said Mrs Southmayed, nc‘rvously cluttering among her china cups and saucers. ‘T he soup (1 la Julienne, with plenty of pepperâ€"â€"and the ï¬sh stewed in wineâ€"apdâ€"and the best silver, and the tableâ€"cloth with the crimson border, and the blue silk covarlet on the bedâ€"and †‘There, there, that will do,’ said Mr. Southmayed petulantly. ‘ You never W111 have a spark of system, if you live to be a hundred years old. It’s strange I can’t accustom you to a more methodical Way of thinking.†‘I am sorry, dear,’ said the lady meekly, ‘but you know, just as you were telling me, yesterday, Charley’s wife came in to ask for plain sewing, and really my poor head got so confused; that ’ 1 expressly charge you not to mention Charley or his Wife? ’Sdeath, madam ! you’ll have ’em out before your Cousin Remington, as sure as you’re alive.’ ‘ I didn’t think, Isaiah I’m very sorry,’ ‘ You’ll have cause to be sorry, mn’am !’ enunciated Isaiah, growing very red in the face. ‘I don’t want Raymond Remington to know anything about Charley. Let him suppose that Charley is safe in California where he ought to be. Confound the lazy, idle fellow. I don‘t believe he’s a bit sicker than I am. Ithink that when a man gets to that stage of life when he’s bothering all his relations for money, he ought to be shut yup in some public institutionâ€"I do, upon lmy Bord.’ ‘ Charley’s wife !’ roared Isaiah, whirL ing round so rapidly that his coatâ€"tails narrowly escaped conflagamtion. ‘ There you go again, Mrs Southmayed. Didn’t ‘He’s your brother, dear,’ mildly suggested the Dutch doll of a Wife, who evidently had a little heart somewhere in her internal mechanism, ‘ and poor Fanny wears such shabby bonnets.’ ‘My brother! Is that any reason he should pester my life out of me, with his everlasting begging notes and letters, and his old White hat bobbing about among; the clerks in my ofï¬ce? I’ll put a stop to it,0nce for allâ€"I will,Mrs. Southmayed,’ ‘ But Fanny. tells ï¬ne she only waits a little work to keep them from starvation. There are six httle ones, Isaiah, aanâ€"J the clerks in my ofï¬ce? I’ll put a stopl ‘ I’ll go out and see Isaiah Soutlmm} to it,onoe fox-allâ€"I will,Mrs. Southnmyed,’ edâ€"Isaiah and I were boys together, ‘But Fanny. tells me she only wants a and Charley. Poor 0' ai-ley ! I little work to keep them from starvation. writes me he is in Culaf'ornia, dOln}; ‘ There are six little ones, Isaiah, andâ€"3 well. I wish he could have been here to ‘Fanny tells you the moon is made of shake his old friend’s handâ€"I used to be green cheese, and you believe it !’ iratelylfond of Charley. Isaiah’s well enough, interrupted her husband. ‘ Charley’s but somehow I can’t divest myself of coming to my oflice this afternoon, and the idea that its my money he’s counting it will be for the last time. The idea of Perhaps I’ve grown distrustful and “MISTAKEN EN THE PERSON." Provcn by the Mystic Word Let us to: the East repair, Brethern,‘l‘lnked 1n sweet accord, Lo. theâ€"Master waits us there I Wandering in benigted lands, We are journeying from the W est, Welcomed by Fraternal hands, We may tarry here, and rest. Builders of a Fane Divine, Here the glories of our Art Shaped to strength nail beauty, shine In the Temple of the Heart; . True to Level, Plumb, and Square, Its sublime proportions rise, Radiant Arch, and pillarffair, Lifting to eternal skies?“ Wide as the unmeasuredï¬â€™an, Grasping farthest starrï¬ispace, Love and charity for man?" In our Mystic creed have place: - As our fathers toiled of Ola We for Light and Knowilizdge toil, Crowned with blessings mï¬nifold, egRich in corn, and wineï¬and oill From the high, uneloucledEOOH, Westward sinks the ml) of Light, Past the hours of labor, 14an Conieth the eternal nighfl Swift the golden moments ï¬yl Solemn sounds the \s'arniï¬g Bell, Guard us, Thou;All-Seeing-Eye, From the lures of deathta'nd helll When our cheerful toil is i he, And we gather at the f Let Thy Love’s unselting F» Smile upon us in the ' Guide our stumbling fee May each Craftsman in V Eninlons in noble strifegï¬i Shape to symmetry anflgj The rough Ashlér of His: V I That, when the dark road , " We have safely joumeye‘db’ex‘, Faith’s sublimer Shibboleth Ops for us the heavenlypmorl Faggiiwmmm MASONIO HYMN. Emmi leath r er, . Teefy, Esq. ‘Well -â€" six will probably be $1111 ï¬ciently early. The Iberia comes in at fourâ€"and of course Mr. Remington will send for me immediately. N 0W, don’t. forget the pof'tâ€"Wine sauce for the ducks â€"nor the fresh currant jollyâ€"and see to selecting the raisins and almonds your- self"2 my dear. That’s all I remember just nowâ€"hm if any improvement should sugge‘st‘itsclf to me, I can easily send up a note from the oï¬ice.’ ‘Mammn, can I have a lime more molasses with my bread ?’ ‘ Hush, Tommy; said Clara with judicious warning, ‘ mamma has no more molasses for you.’ lips/plainly bctokehed thc‘prescncdé 0 some wearing, organic dis asemprobably consumphonâ€"â€"‘ and, besides, you know I must see Isaiah to-day.’ ‘ Isaiah, indeed,’ répeated the Wife with a toss of her head. ‘ Much good it will flo, to appeal to Isaiah. A hard- hearted, cold-blooded, mpney-worshiping’ And Isaiah Southmayed loftly put on his hat and went out, a portly and well to do specimen of the New York mar» chant. Nor need he have taken to him- self So much inward credit for his present mood of serene good humor with the world at large. Nov-r men are good humored who come from a bright ï¬re, after breakfast of real old Java coffee, With broiled chickens and hot rolls. ‘ Hush, children,’ said Mrs. Southmayâ€" ed, deftly transferring her own portion of of‘ bread to the plate of the hungryâ€"eyed elf before mentioned. ‘ Surely, Charles, you won’t think of going out this cold morning with that cough ?’ ‘ I think the fresh aii’ win do me good, gay love," answorqd the pallid, gyny~lm1ycd ‘ My dearâ€"my dear,’ ivntrcrruptea {He p00r_inva_lid_, ‘_hq ig 1ny})rotl1er.’ But Mrs. Southmnycd did not answer. She knew that she must sew diligently all the hours of the short Winter day, to earn the forty cents which were to feed the hungry child mouths around her. ‘I can’t help it,’ sobbed Mrs. South- mayed, ‘he has no more heart than a block of' stone. Clara bring me the rolls of work, dear.’ ‘ Are they soldiers’ clothes, mamma ?7 questioned curious hale Tommy. ‘ Are you going to sew on that pretty, yellow braid ?’ ‘ If ickyxâ€"lngrï¬bnâ€™ï¬ like his bread with- out molasses; chimed in a hungry-eyed littlgï¬lf 0ppqsite, ‘_I woulgeat i_t.’ ‘ Because,’ promptly responded Tommy, ‘the milk man said he wouldn’t leave anymore milk, till the old bill was settled. Oh, mamma, wouldn’t it be nice to have lots of money ?’ ‘What time-Will you have dinner?’ she asked, quietly. Breakfast at Chm-10y Sauthmaycd’s, was quite a different affair. ‘ Why ddn’t we have milk and water, this morning?’ asked Charley junior, eyeing his cup of cold water rather distastefull'y. ‘ Carriage, sir ? carriage ?’ ‘ Have a nice hack, sirâ€"4:119) you all the way up Broadway for two dollars ?’ ‘ Carriage, sinâ€"here’s your man.’ Mrs. Southmayed was silent. In her own secret heart she would much have preferred gentle Clara Southmayed to the French mademoiselle,who domineeer over the whole family and wore green spectacles and false curls, but she had long since learned that her will must bend before that of her imperative lord and master. The Iberia hgtd ï¬nally moored her penderous length in the sparkles of the Bay, and the little steamboat had just brought the eager passengers ashore. Amid the tumult of the piers, the rattle of stages, and the distant roar of Breadâ€" way, old Raymond Remington stalked through the crowd, with his hat sleuehed over his eyes, and his hands clasped he- hind his back, as placidly if he were stil among the bending; palms and feathery acacias of the fall' East. ' ‘ No use pesterin’ that old cove, J i111 !’ ejaculated :1 haeknmn to his persistent partner, who was flnllowing the saffron- f'aced stranger, with ‘Veheinent praises (11" some particular equipnqe. ‘ Iaint sure that sort 0‘ fellow puts money in our poekets.’ Raymond Remington smiled grimly to himself, as he mentally acknowledged the truth of the man’s inference. Yet, the rich 01d East Inéifm, could probably have bought up half the passengers of the Iberia. his asking me to employ that tall starving girl of his as governess to my children.’ I e sat (iown by the hastily kindled, smoky ï¬re of the hotel-parlor, unconsciâ€" ously shivering in the wintry draughts. ‘ And this is What I’ve looked forward to, for thirty years,’ mused Raymoml Remington, with a cold thrill of dis-ap- pointment athisheurt1 ‘ There’s no use disguising the fact that ihis isn’t just what I used to dream about when I ï¬rst went out to India. They say money can (lo anything-can it buy me a welcome?’ 1 {e sat motionless a nmment, then started up with a sudden impulse. 51171 km] 0:05 anï¬r colorless There was but one shaded light burn- ing in the little back olï¬ce, dedicated to Isaiah Southmaycd’s special use and beneï¬t, and the clerks in the counting- liousc beyond, glanced furtively ovu- their shoulders and whispered to one an» other various private opinions respecting the ‘awi’ul bad temper’ of their chicl‘, on this particular evening. ‘Don’t come a step nearer, sir. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself, coming here in that absurd dress, to degrade me before all my clerks ‘? ] won’t give you a cent â€"â€"n0r I would’nt if you were starving in the gutters! N ow you have your ul- i‘imatum, Charles Soutlnnayed, and I hope you’re satisï¬ed with it. I am not bound to provide for all my poor relations, and I tell you so once for all.- I haven’t Opened youglast begging letter "Michael, hand that note to the personâ€"and I re» turn it to you, as a proof" that I want no more of them. And I want you die tinetly to understand that the next time you eome'here, I shall hand you over to the police. Michael show him out!’ ‘It didn’t seem like coming home,’ pondered the yellowi‘aced East Indian, more. disappointed than he was willing to confess to himself. Isaiah Southmayed was crossâ€"mid perhaps not without reason. Six o’clock was approaching, and no note had been received from the rich East Indian, sumâ€" moning his obsoquious relative to attend his leisure moreover, ho had too good reason to believe that the ducks were spoiling, and the ï¬sh stowed in wine would be a total failure. ' ‘ It’s very siuguhn'~â€"it’s positively un- accountable ’ said Isaiah Southnm 'ed to . , ’ . . 3 lnmself fer at least the mnth tune for tT n lwt 1 -' 111} ‘ \I 111 " '1 ’ .1“ m min, J. 0w 911,511,“ mt s wanting ‘E’ ' ‘It’s that begging rascal Churley,’ roared Isaiah, losing all selï¬rcstraint in his towering passion. ‘I’Il sggle his business for him. Send him Niki-116151;] Raymond Remington walking through the surging current of Broadway, in his old accustomed way, with his eyes bent on the pavement, and his hands clasped in one another behind him, felt more and more lonely and disheartened as the dusk closed drearily over the great Babylon of sight and sound, and the gasâ€"lamps be- gan to glimmer like yellow stars through the twilight. The city had changed almost magically-«the splendid streets of his bnyheed were dingy and deserted now, and new thel‘onghlhres had risen in glisâ€" tening rows 01" nimble and brownstone. lsuiah caught up his big oiiice ruler vindictivcly, but: restrained his inclinaâ€" tion to throw it at the ofl'endcr’s head, luckily remembering in time,that Michael Arnott was a new clerk, and consequent» ly not an experienced one. ' The spare,» bowed ï¬gare, Wing, by some curious coincidence, just‘ishch a White hat as Isaiah had anathematised as belonging to poor broken-down Charley, had scarcely crossed the threshold of the darkened back ofï¬ce before the indig- nant merchant gave loose to his feelings, thus: ' ‘I’lansc sir, he says he’s aâ€"a relation of yours, sir.’ ‘If' you please sir, a gentleâ€"Iâ€"I mean a man wants to speak with you.’ ‘A man. Hag'en’t I said I wouldn’t see anyone tO-night, you idiot?’ And Isaiah Southmuycd plunged his head among a wilderness of mammoth ledgers and day-books, as a. signal that the interview had termined. For a pale-faced clerk with a quill pen behind his car had insinuated his head meefly thropgh the half own-(3003'. The spare, bowed ï¬gme turned slowly, Without a word, and glided through the counting-house where the clerks were al- ready turning down the gaslights and ostentatiausly preparing for departure, into the open street. ‘ A. singular welcomeâ€"5L strangely worded welcomc,’ muttered Raymond t0 him, as ha mechanically paused beâ€" neai‘h the glare of the lmnps without, and opeuetl the unsealed envelope that had been given into his nerveWy the oï¬icious Arnw// ,,,/LPUOTUhSLTEy! poor Ch: rlcy !’ he mumml'ezl. ‘And here is Charley’s ad- (lr SS {Lt the bottom. Starving, suï¬'ering Wife and little (meg, in want of the 0mm monest necessm'ies of life, eh ? I think I’ll cal on Charley. His own brother has rcpulscd‘ him from his door. Perhaps he’ll be glad to see old Raymoï¬d Rem- mingfon l’ doubtingâ€"it’s very possibIewâ€"but Char- ley used to be my favorite cousin.’ Mia. Seutliznayed was still stitching laboriously away at the soldierkielothes; and poor Clam, who had been out all day answering advertisements for ‘ agov- ernesryl’ was setting the table for :1 scanty evening meal; while the liltle ones played quietly in ï¬lm corner ; and Charles Southmayed lay upon the worn sofa, with closed eyes, thinking sorrow/fully of what future lay before his beloved ones, when he should be removed beyond all care or trial. ‘Mothcr,’ ejaculated Clara; ‘some one is knocking; at the door. If it- should be the cross old grocer withhis bill. And we have no money !’ I ‘ But it isn’t the cross old grocer I’ said a hearty voice. Am? in walked a fall, yellow-facetl man, with his hands behind his back, and two little black eyes sparkling genially beneath sliapwy eyebrows. “It‘s Raymond chnningtonâ€"your cousinâ€"Charley Soutbmayed ! My boy, I’m glad to see you!’ “711010 No. 558. ‘ W811, squire,’ said the Yankee coolly; I’d like to, but the truth is, I have never been here before myself.’ The traveller tum'ed in despair to a long, lzmk Jonathan, who was standing wliittling close by and made the same inquiry. ‘ May be you’re going to put. up there '2’ ‘ Yes, I intend to.’ ‘ Did you come from far off 7’ ‘ Yes, from Philadelphia ; but can you tell me Where ’ ‘ ‘ No, this is all,’ sggdvthe travellg: 991;; vinc’e'd’ flmtr' thazanLy-way tovgeuhe tion was to submibï¬r‘i ‘ ' " 5 . ‘ Goin‘ to stay long?’ ‘ ‘ Could’nt say.’ ‘ was the reply, in a crusty manner. ‘ But I’m in a. hurry.’ ‘Wait aminute. I. reckon you’re a- married man, ain’t you 7’ In less than a minute, a carpet bag, with a man attached, was seen hurrying away from that vicinity. And Isaiah Southmayed retreated, convinced that one little mistake had forfeited him the golden gleam of those East Indian hoards. “Gun you direct me to theâ€"d Hotel?†inquired a gentlemanwithacar‘ pct bag, of a burly Hibernian standing on tjiusfeps of the raiiroardrstation. ‘Got an more luggage ?’ said the impï¬fhrÃ©ï¬ Ã©_ Yaykee._ v ‘ No, I’m not, and I won’t answer any more questions till you have answered.’ A box 24 inches by 16 inches square and 28 inches deep will contain a barrel, or 5 b1 ‘1 91, or 10,752 cubicinchesa .A box 24 inches by 16. inches square and 14 inches deep will contain a half barrel, or ZJAâ€"Aburshwor 6_cujbie inches. ‘I’ve made up my mind,’ shortly tan-- swered Mr. Remmington ; ‘I don’t fancy the general style in which you address your relations, Isaiah. Poor Charla ' always was my favorite; and you know,’ added Raymond, with a gleam of grim, humor irradiating his face, ‘I am not- bound to provide for all my poor relar tions.’ ‘ Oh. foiblgwhy didn’t I think of that? Well, then, your honor must kape on till you get fo the applewoman’s standâ€"a on the corner of the brick church it isâ€"‘ and kape that on the right, and go on till ye get to the sign of the big watch, and mind you don’t fall down the cellar thereaway; and after that you turn to the right or left, but by the bones of St.- Patrick I don’t really know Which.’ A Box 15 inches' by 16.8 inqhes square and 8 inches deep Will contain one bushel or 2150.4 cubic inches. ‘ A box 8 inches by 8 inches square and 4.2 inches deep will contain half a; peck pr 2§8_.8 pubic in_c}1es_.v - ‘Fuith,’ was the reply, it’s jist I that» can do the same. ‘ You see, you jist go up this strata till you come to Thad O’Mulligan’s shop. Then you ’ A box 12 inches by 11.2 inches square and 8 inches deep will contain half 8r bushel or 1075.2 cubic inches. I. A box 7 inches by 4 inches square and 4.8 inches deep will contain half a gallon 01' 134.4 cubic inches. Size of squares containing WW an acre: _ Onc‘, V l 0 an acre contains 2721:; Square feet, and the side of a square enclosing: that area will be about 52 feeï¬ 29, makes. y “mucu- AOue eighth of an atom Contains 5445‘ square feat, and the side of the enclosing: squint; will be abgut 73 feet 10 inches; ‘Bufl. my dear Rer'nmington," spas-- modically urged Southmayed, ‘surely" He did not reflect that his whole life was ‘ a mistake.’ A box 8 inches by 8.4 inches square and 8 inches; deep will contain one peck, or 537.6 cublc inches. AOne quarter of an acre contains 10,-" 890 square feet, and the side of the e11-~ cloqing g€1§191‘<i will be about 101- ft. 4% in.- 1151f of an acre contain}: 21,780 square feet, and the side of the enclosing squflum will be about 147 feet 7 inches‘ ‘But you willvaccompan'y me home now 7’ ‘No 5 I’m going to set up housekeep- With_my cousir} Chagley.’ ‘ ' ‘It was an awkward mistakeâ€"very,’ assegted Remm‘iggton. curtly. ‘ One acvc contains 43,560 squaré feet, and. the side of the enclosing square is about 208 feet 831; inches. The East Indian had. no- reason (0‘ complain of the welcome'accorded whim: in this humble little household; for, in less than ï¬ve minutes, every. child was: clinging about his kneeâ€"pretty Clara crying on his kind Shoulder, and Charley, and his wife scarcely more restrainefl. ‘ And wheni the next day, Isaiah South-~ Innyed’s elegant carriage stopped at the' hotel to convey Mr. Remmington to his own residence, the yellow-faced old man overwhelmed his relative with contrition, by dryly reminding him of the oflice: scene the night before. ‘ My dear Raymond,’ ejaculated Isaiah, turning white and red, ‘how could I havm made such a mistake ?’ Two acres coniain 87,120 square feet, and the side of the enclosing square is about 295 feet 2 inches. son immisth 1311? iiiewsla’thiï¬yï¬ï¬'iflï¬t m. several other sections of the law 1n forco‘ before he leaves the towm Union for neglecting to exhibit the sign» “ Licensed to sell Wines, Beer, and Spiritw 0113 or Fermented Diquors,†over the doom of their respective places of business. Oue‘ acknowledged the noglecL, while the others’ defended their cases and had them adjourned till to-morrow, Information was laid against aï¬rm for selling liquors in less quantities than by the qum‘t; but was withdrawn on! account of a. defect in the information. Ma: ‘ I’ve come to the' right house, at last ’ thought old Raymond Remmington,wit . new happiness in his l1¢art._ WmsmzY MASON.â€"â€"-Windsor, March 24.- â€"Whiskey Detective Mason has been here‘ for about a week, and today had a number' of parties hauled up.before P'oliigz‘e‘Ma‘gistt-ate ‘BuE I don"t know ï¬bere Thady M‘ ' ‘ shopjsl’ _ _ _ _ _ L >â€" USEFUL MEMORAND A. ASKING DIRECTIONS.