She is fair, and very pretty, With a sparkling, bright, blue eye; And her cheeks with SIDIIOS are dimpled When she knows I’m standing by. Yet she says she does not love meâ€" Nevcr will he wife of mine; Bnt tliose smiles and dimples tell me \Villi dcspnir I no: d not pine. SO. I lei her meet my pleadings \Villi her l);‘i;lil and sunny smile, And Ibozv lwl'me {he alrelmesi Liglllin; up her ï¬ne the while. Listening \xitli n feigan emotion. And :i'pu! on 100k of" woe: For I love to hear her accent-â€" See her lips when saying“ No " Love to see the graceful action Of her foot upon the ground; As its tiny sole she palters, There is music in Llie sound. And the words come to my hearing Sweet as the murmurs of the dove; For I know their hidden meaning, Read them in the light of love. Thus, though still she “ No ’7 is saying1 I, at home, have named the day; And her mulher smilrs \vhilr; wuelï¬ngâ€" " SWH'HV win," 11m hours away; And my M ry is the {'oudest, Dearest 01‘ my {IthI’CH three. Why not mm 21111110 longer ‘3 Why this hurry ‘3 †questions she» But my ear is (leaf to pleading, Vainly :11 excuses flow; For my Mzu'y li-Itent: blushing, And no more she whisl'mrs “N0.†SO my life grows fair and joyous, Winning every new delight, From the tlmuflit that I have won her-â€" “fan my love, my life, my light! A ROYAL (lucroc abolishes slavery in all the Portuguese possessions, To Re )T A DUCKâ€"Prepare it for the spit in the same way {133 goose. Stuff with sage, onion, thyme, blend crumb, and but“ ter, and basic them well with salt and water and their own gravy. It will require an hour to cook. Serve with Currant jelly or apple-sauce. THE mail From South Australia brings dates to the 5th of January. The harvest had nearly bomlcmnylotcd. The average yield was 12 lmshols 1.) the acre, which, giving 2L total of ($000,090 bushels, prices had fuyther declined, and wheat was now 43. per bushel, and flour £12 per ton. Some members of a certain family, who live out West are in Washingthn seeking places. They ground their claims on the fact that when Mr. Grant was carting some wood forthem he tore his coat and their mother darned it for him. This is said to be a. “darned 7’ ï¬ne reason for asking ofï¬ce. POTATO Pornâ€"This is a favorite dish in jheJVVest Indian Islands. Wash, peel and grate two pounds of pol-aux 8; add four ounces each ofsugar and butter (or beef‘dl'ip- ping.) melted, one ten-spoonlul each of salt and pepper; mix well together; place it in a baking dish, and put; it into a b'risk oven until it is done and becomes nicely browned. Tm; Queen has become a patroncss of the society for Promoting, the Employment of \Vomen. and IL subscriber £0118 fHHdS The Crown Princess of Prussia and 1he Princess Louise have also become patl'onesseS 0f the society, and have sent donationsto its funds. The h-own Princess has long bestmvvd much Supportaml (invoux‘ugcmont 011:1.Eocicty with Eiu' 1r (miwh; in Bvl'lin. Tun l’n1‘..\t'111:nfs Rumorsâ€"In a neighborhood there lived a very pious oldiprrr (h .. who prided himself on the pos: 1H]! ot‘ a pet poll parrot. 7‘ 01110 of the inischeviorw boys of the place had taught the parrot to swear, much to the chagrin of the old gentleman. On enterâ€" ing the house one day he was grieved to hear his pet. swearing with a will at the old cat. This was more than he could stand, and to punish hcr, took the bias phemous bird trom hcr porch and repeat- edly plunged her into a tub of Water that that was standing near. \thn poll was relezned from her master’s grasp, she crawled under the stove to dry her feathers. Shortly after a female scrâ€" Vant found :1 chicken nearly drowned in a slop-bucket, and taking: it from the bucket. she put it under the stove to dry also. The pzn'rot quietly surveyed the DCWCOUH‘F tor a moment and then comi- caly turning: up one eye sagely clmttcred the following words as plainly as she could, ‘ You been saying dam, too, have you ‘3' The preacher was so pleased by the quaintness (11' Polls remark that he neVC' at'u‘nrards punished her for swear- ing. ADVICE T0 SMOKERS.~â€"Avoid smoking on an empty stomach, unless you have one of these organisms which are emi- nently insensihle; for not 01in does the absorption of Nicotine under such conâ€" ditions tikc place moo rapidly, whence the injurious accumulation results, but inasmuch as in most cases the sa ivary secretion is stimulated, this brings with it a stimulation of the gastric glands, and gastric juice is poured into the empty stomach. producing a feeling of nausea and constriction. Smoke slowly: the enjoyment is prolonged, and the danger of accumulation is lessened. Let your tobacco be dry. Nicotine is volatile at the temperature of combustion, and the greater part contained in a cigar evaporates in the air; but; Nicotine is very solublein water, and What is thus dissolved instead of evaporating enters the system. The practice of wetting the cigar all over before lighting it should theretore be avoided. Those who are susceptible should be careful in the choice of tobacco, the different kinds of which have widely (litlccrent amounts of Nicotine. In that of Turkey, Greece, and Hungary there is scarcely a trace of the poison. In that of Brazil, Havanna, and Para- guay the amount is 2 per cent. In that of Maryland, 2.29; of Alsace, 3.21; of Kentucky, 5; of Virginia, (3.87 ; and of "France, 7.30 per cent. THE death of Lord Wynford is annonced ODDS AND ENDS MARY’S “ N0." uh STATIONERY & FANCY GOODS, FUBNESHING ESTABLISHMENT HEREKM PEPER. Rated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, LAMP ELQBES, BEBNERS, flflil’vTNï¬YS, SHAE‘ES AND WIGKS. The stock of which is very large, embracmg all that is New and Chaste and also the I’laincst and Cheapest kinds,-thus meetin'g the requirements of all classes. Square and Globe shapes, in great variety, for Oil or Candles. Special attention is directed to the stock of Children’s Carriages Flour, Feed, Provision and Grecery Store! BICE’S PUMPS DANIEL HORNER, Jun, Lot 20, 2nd ceossion Markham RGCK 81E ARE MACHINERY GIL N returning thanks for the very liberal support he has received since commencino .buj'ncssm Rlchmond Hill, begs to mform the public that he has greatly increa; ed Ins bind; and has now on hand Tncluding Tables, Clmivs. Bedsleads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Slands, 'Wasb Stands, 310. &c. Also a largg assortment of Room Papgr, qudering, White {sad Palms and Colors, Raw and lioxlnd Linseed OllS, Machine 0:], Rock Oil, Varnish 'l‘urpertine, Bcnzmm, Glatss, Puéty, Glue), 8m. 8w. l’arhes Furnishing, Papeymg, or Painting lllelr Houses, Will do wall to call before purchasing elsewnere. Also Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, as it will be found worthy of inspection. ' Toronto, Februay 7" 1868. 493 MALLGY’S AXES “M ‘H w « “'1‘ l‘ .‘ Mum dam 'wnnu Mum; Wm CABINET ESTABLISHMENT Where he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal,Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, CheeseA Fish and looking Stoves, P Richmond Hill, June 11. ’68 Richmond Hill, November 9, i866. SPOON 7. is CUTLER BLE EGS to call the attention 0F the public to his extensive stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found Repairs of an kinds promptly executed. BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, BENZOLE. &c. CHOICE ASSORTMENT 0F FURNITURE! and CROCKEHY A nicu assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also call attention to his In Price and Quality ALEXANDER SCOTT LAMPS AIND CHANDELIERS! No. 83, Yongeestreet, 3 doors above King-street, TORONTO. FOR SALE BY 60% AM] mam HARNESS COG-3111.43.33", FOR SALE BY M anuflxcturcd and Imported, \Vholesalc and Retail. OUT THE TORONTO TRADE, October 14, 1868. , Parlor Stoves, Box SEOVCS, Dumb Stoves! and Stove Pipes in Measures, Apple Purcrs, Clothes Wringcrs’ Le. 3m. J. BRILLINGER, WM. HARRISON’S F x H. $5 “13‘ P R I z E Which will be found both good and cheap. or Cash, at Prices that cannot be surpafred. LARGE ADDITIONS ALL TO BITS. ESTABLISHMENT, Special attention is directed to Richmond. Hill Also on hand a large stock of LANTERNS RICHMOND HILL IF YOU WANT HAS RECEIVED TO HIS STOCK OF 5174f HOUSE WHICH WILL TO (I? Boots and Shoes made to Measure. of the Best Materials and Workmanship, at the f Lowest Remunerating Prices. BQï¬TS r35 SHGES Farmer’s Boot 5»; shoe Store Toromo, Dec, 3. 1867. Manufacturer and Dealerin all kinds of Richmond Hill. 535-3111 .d Pemmbulators Z 38 West Market Square, Toronto JOHN BARRON, pa &0. 4904f The York Herald $1.] 4;: Ordon feranv oi the undermemionod descrip- Hon f Fo Cards, &c..}just received. MW? lsentirely new and 01’ the latest patterns, ,largevariety of new BOOKS, 3715959)? LARGE um SMALL POSTERS, PAM PH LETS AND LettcruPreass Fri 331mg. WOHDERS PROMPT'X EXELUTED ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDF: Will ‘zepromptlyauendod to:â€" CHEAP UURASSORTMENT OF JOB PLAEN And every other kind 'of CIRCULARS, BLANK ‘CHECKS, AND LAW FORMS, AN!) DRAFTS , BILLS BILL HEADS, [um Wï¬mflï¬ï¬ @Ef FAIL-Ia AND WINTER ï¬TOGï¬E! Which,“ inspection. will be found the most fashionable and chaste he has ever had the plea- sure of submitting to their approval. "a" MELLENERY Which will be found to comprise everything that is new and elegant. GROCEBIES, HARDWARE, CEOEEEERY, Machinon supplied. alldjlustl’ucKiOnS for making given. Rare chances for men of energy ad limitAedAcagprital. _ PATENT SWING AND DOBHNION FORCE PUMPS Also Notice that Messrs. PHILLIPS. Pump Makers, UDORA. have purchade the Rights of Georgina North Gwillimbury. ()1'0 and Innisï¬l, and, having abandoned the manufacture on Inferior Kinds of Pumps. are prepared to supply the See Judgment Courl of Chancery. The Hon. 1’. M. Vankonglmet. in dalis’aring Judgment on tlm celeln‘nled Patent SW Pump trial: remarked. after justl5 culogising the “1mm of'tlle l’ump. “ That the per 1:} v infringes on a Patent. is a wrong-door and should he punished. and that an inï¬â€˜ingur’s (mo tions are, not only a Robberv of the l’ulcntou, but also a Fraud upon the Public.†‘ THE CHEAPEST AND BEST THAT WAS EVER OFFERD 0N RICHMOND HILL. “ Their success is wonderful and VVellwdoscrvor .â€â€"â€"Oniaria Observer. IZX’i'RACTS FROM JUhGMnM‘ 0F covnr on (IHANCERY. "The Novelty of making ./\ \VOODIQN FORCE l’UMl’, was introduced by the i‘laintiil, (C. Powell) and it has that MERIT 0F l‘NV ENTION which etitles it to the; protection of a Patent.†6‘ The usefullness of this invention is miquustionml; it is both ingenious and worthy ofmcz'il, and to the iselaicd dweller, must be of [1.0 grmlest 1)')s:~il»le value.†&@@“ yw@@EE®§ This Waugh can be 3395:. TEE DRAUGHT EXCEEDENGLY LEGBT. CASTlNG AND ALL JOB WGRK Richmond Hill. Sept. 23. 1868. Richmond Hm, September 12, 1868. Newton Brook. July 15, 1868. AS MUCH PLEASURE in announcing to his friends and customers the arrival o-flxis Fitï¬ngs {‘01- En‘mn {and “760671 Pkmghs, dice} swpgflflm} and scfld sat a Low Fries Richmond Hill. Ju‘.y 30. 1868‘ WINTER IS COMING! When Ordering Pumps, please state Depth of Well or Cislern, Limimd Number of Rights fm‘ Sale yet HESPELER’S CELEBRATED T WEEDS, In prepared for it; with a Large Cheap, and W'ell Selocï¬od Haurdxvarey Crockery, 650., £30., (‘vc LIFT AND SUCTION 1" AT THE LOWEST ZlIARKET PRICES! P. 0- Addressâ€"CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook WILLIAM ATKINSON can he Egggm’zad ’m Em Furmw any Requirad Shapa AND SET IT AT ANY ANGLE. A COMPLETE ASSORTMRNT OF 130.319 to O‘rder. NEAR Iâ€"EICHMOND HILL. ISAAC CROSBY THE MOST NOTICEABL FEATURE 0F \VIUCH IS W. A. directs special attention to his W. A. has also a FULL STOCK of DRY GOODS l “ 011mm†Fumps for Cistenfma9 PLEASE NOTICE THAT ()rdms from North York 51 be sent to ROGERS & (30., NIfl‘ï¬M; iii; '1‘, have acquired the Patent Right for Jflast and “fast Gui bury, \Vhitchurciz and King, for tho ARE CHEAPER AND summon TO ALL OTHERS; V ' ALso, Cmnmen 191113st of any Riakeo MANUVACTURERS OF A mm Swing and Deminion Parse Putz}; AN ENTIRELY PUMPS, 1531!, ALL DEPTHS ; FORCE EYER & BROTHER, Oll TANKS, CIS'I‘I'RNS LNI) SHALLO‘V \VELLS 0F AT T\V0 THIRDS THE ORDINARY PRICES AND 1'} [\Li a, My *1 ‘ (5.7.57. Fm) 4., 9 ~ W“: 2â€"1 |‘ 25:: TWO DOLLARS EACH. ISAAC CEGMYL Hon. P. M. VANKOUGH 'rz'x‘ Richmond Hill, Ontario 524% «xx “‘7 n (u' NCEIAE; .- z-x» .; Lw1m~nLg 29-3!!! ems? v should 1 , Mm ‘Gniliim- ,, i hay are H new the for! 510- tf‘. USE OF ETIIER SPRAY, Whisk 1119 Tooth Only. L 2 7‘ HE tooth and gum surrounding become . insunsibh with this external agancy, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and - Without endangering the Life! willbe in tho fol‘mwing places prepay“) to extract teeth v.iLl1 his now apparatus. All othernpomtions in Dentistry performed in a. worlmxanliko manner :â€" Aurom........ ......... Nownmzkct Brclsford hotel Stoufl'villa . . . . . . Victoria Squaw. . . . . .. . . . '1‘hmnhill.......... ...... Iiichnmnd Hill. . Mupio................... Burwick.... ............ chilllmrg Nubian)“. in 1' ’ 'lvoy are a positive cure for costiveness. c ho worst forms of dyspepsia. . cm .n'li discusses arising from any do- mrnt ci the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels. u'imr um I'Ccognised by all medical men who know the formula as a stande remedy. 'i'izcy were not invented in a day by ignorant, parties as a means of money getting, but were originated by M F. COLBY, M.D., one of the of the country. and perfected during on“ ‘0 ut' 11!) YEARS succesrï¬ll prac- tice. m Hint. 1-1120 purpose intended they can to? 43' be inmovv ‘ iiist physiciu Village apart}; 011 Richmond Hill. Ivorimrticuhrs apply to the proprietor. I'osnlt‘ TIN; Amum Where they win mini]: They )‘camr dy ’i‘hos’ H1 [mu nun the hair. If you want a clean, cool head, use Hunt's Empire Hair Gloss. Ifyou wer a beautiful, luxuriant growth or hair. use Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. If you want to keep your hair from falling out, usu Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. It is the cheapest, cleanest, bust. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. S. J. FOSS & CO., Proprietors. R. H. HALL, AGENT. Richmondhill, S01?) “ I do not consider a sprain or lameness of any account il'l can get hold of a bottle of Ja- cobs’ lilwmuatic Liquid)’ “ ll cures a cold in lzmler.†“IL is tho, only thing I know that cures Scratches on horses,†H 1 never HHV anythirg that would relieve a burn so quick.†Almvn am some of the statements being 3:le 1w those who have used Jacobs’ x (lailv l ) ‘ n V unmm-H: “:q..hl at m e d y I? November 19. 1868 A“. w c {csiiunco rearoflot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan Richm ondIIil]. Oct. 25, ’66 ’il November“ 19. 1868, “ 1 want it ' any time.†“1 considm' “ Nothingl DEER PEEK 85 ROBINSON Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. {1; COM [’15 ftmti-costive and Tonic Pills Have} “1†but always relieve if taken 110‘; UN'I"S Empire Hair Gloss is the “ NI plus ultra†of a†preparations for 03' (“X‘Hii'lt'aitcs 01' euros see circulars. ._ ino pills are sugar-coated and will mu have (:ur signature on the wrapper. J. FOSS 85 CO.; Proprietors. Sold by druggists everywhere. R. H. HALL. AGENT, Richmondhill. 1m»; ilv 1,, Lgfs Anti-costive and Tonic Pills. i? NEIL Elem. 1:1866 mum of tho.x110dicixle is blown in each 1'1110 genuine ; all others are worthless am an ofï¬mma‘t but mild cathartiC. czmzmi bn cxcclled as an antibilious As in tho use of Chloroform. cbs’ llheumatic Liquid. W; tic Liquid is the beat 1);: in Elm rid, except a skillful] phyâ€" 2) have a: hand in case of any accident. 1H o;'I.<}U()of1iio accidents to which we v lirblo may be greatly relieved, and a myoxliwn rendered no longer trouble- ‘ a Illncij‘ application of lhisjusliy cele- are the best and safest remedy for mrr m Hm gmaiesi blood puriï¬er known. {LL-rd immediate relief for bowel com- S. J. FOSS 6; Co., Sole proprietors. .30, on 51nd Con. Vaughan. ' “; alsoc 1‘ _d for Sale FE‘TH WITHOUT PAIN! I‘m} Mm} by the most delicate. . .mkcn or grip in any case. ys produce the same beneï¬cla] NLW‘ METHOD OF where I can put my hand on Hy lrcatedthe above for . mzit a single failure. not necmsitnte the]: ,r a few days. ' ice given if requir- liave been cured by h the greatest remedy known.†oversaw can touch it as a re- y 1} 1‘ 1 C n R. H. HALL, AGENT, 'mnpt t0 keep house Without with Ringâ€"bone, h Knowing. BY THE U. Mend to any business por- auch oftheirprofession. wk) intimate to the arm- of Richmond Hill and JAMES DUNTON. "I irpaid when operatod charged to ensure a . . . . lst ofeach month A. WRIGHT. Richmondhill. 540-1}? 54U-Iy 540-15! 72-1y