Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 7 May 1869, p. 3

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All the Year RJund Athonaaum Arxizan ......... Annals of Namral History. . . _ . .. . Argosy (The).... Anny Lisl....... . . ArtJuuriml...... Astronomical Register. . .. . . . Aunt Judy’s Magazine. . . . .. . . . . . Bulb’s Magazine of Sports. . . . . . . B-vau (Le) Mondv............... Bolgmvia (including Christmas No) Bentley’s Miscellany. . . . . . . . . . . . . Bible Chrislin‘l’s Magazine. . . . . . . . Bible Subjects ..... Bible 'l'roamuyn............ .... Burgeon's Short. Sermon, . . . . . . .. Bnukwm'm .................... Boy’s Friend... ........... Boy’s Journal. . Bm’s ()wn Magazu-e. . . .. .. . . . . Bradshaw's Cmnineniinl Guide. . . British Conlruvarsialsl. . . . . . . . . .. British Friend. . . . .. . . . . . . British Harbinger. . . . .. ..... . . . . Biitiali Journal of Denial Science. . Bulwark... Buw Hell's Boys of England Broadway. The. . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . Builder, The (price varius; . . . BondSt............ . . . . . --- Boy’s Book of lhunauce. - - - . . . . Cussell’s Biographical Uiclionary” Cassell’s Magazine. . . . . .. . . . . . . . Chalnbers’ .qurnnl . . . .. Chanrbers‘ Etunoluuical D:clmnary Chess leers’ Manhz no. . . . . . . .. fliessV'urld............ . Children’s Hour. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . Chrislimi Advocate and Review. . . Christian Consular . . . . . . .. . . . . . _ (I. rislian OnserVur . . . . ...-....u... .....- LIST OF ENGLISH Newspapers and Magazines, ANY PUBLICATION m nus LIST MAILED To Christian Society. . . ... . . . .. . . . Chrian Spectator. . . . . . . . . ... . . Christian 'l‘reasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian “'ilIh-ss . . . . r . . . . . . Cllrisliau World Magazine . . . Chriztiun Work . . . .... . . . . . . (Thnnohnmn Magazine, ‘I he .. Ch. uf' l'Lnglnnd 'i'eniperance Mag. Chu'ch of the Venue. . . . . . . . .. . Church Choirma~tw and ()rgnmsr. Cliulch Mi~sionary lnmlliguncer . . Church \Vo:k........... , .. Churchniuu’s Companion. . . . . . . . Churclunau’s Family M gnziue. . Civil Engineer and Architect’s .lour Colonial Church Chronicle. . . . . .. .(‘ourempmarv Ituviow . . . . . . . . . Cnrnhill Magazine. . . . . .. .6 . . ... Cutters (The) Mo Juurnul . .1. . . . ‘Dq'ol'llost Dublin Univarsity Magaznie . East Anglian ......... . .. Ecclesianu and 'l'heolugian . . . . . Ecclesinlogis: (ah. mo ). . . . . . . .. . Eclectic &, Cuugregmiunal Review Ediwrgh Wedicul 6L Surgical J'mr Family Herald . . . . . . . act’s Maguzme. . . Floral Magrzine . . . . . . Floral Wand . . . . . . . . Florist and Pumulogisl . Eollel (1401:“ , ..... Enin I ‘Preshylexiau Mas-Sanger. . . Englis Mevllanic . . . . . . . . Endisllxman’s (The) Mngnzme. . . . English veln’lxlx"s_l)oule.~uc Mag . . Entomologist Enlom wlugisl’fi Manth Magazine Evangalical Chrismndmn . . . . . . . . . Evangelical Mugnzino . . . . . . . . . . . Exe er |ia|l............... Fa'l‘i'y Friend Famih 'l'nuuauu \ , . - v .i . \-.V, . . . . . V V . r , . , . V V V Fortnightly Review (mo). . . . . . . . Fraser’s Magaxine . . .... .... . . . . Fre’emason's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . Fliend .........r..,..;....--..--- 'Gardenel‘.......... . Gents Magazine of Fashion . Gc-ntlenmn’s Magazine... . .52. . . - - Geological Magazine . . . .. . . . . . . Geological & Nai. llisl. Keporlory. Good Storiusu.............;.... Good \Vonls . . . . . . . . . . "0- an goon Words for the Young .IL... , aspel anuzlna . .. .... , . .. '. . . . Herald and Geologist, (all. month) ’Homllistlp............. . . . . . Hurolnglcal Joarnal. . . . . . . . . .. . . lllluslrated London Mngaznne . . . . . intellectual ()hse: var . . . . . . . . . . . . lutelloclual Repository (New Ch.) Journal of Agriculuue . . . . . . . . . Journal of the Chemical Society . . Journal ‘of Practical M edicine. . . . . Journal of Social Science. . . . . .. . Kino'a Bible Illuflrallnlls. . . . . . . . . Ladies’ Cabinet of Fushiun. . . . . . . Ladies’ Companion. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies' Galena of Fashion . . . . . . . Ladies’ Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . ... . leisure llonr................... leisure llonr................... London . ournal. . . . . . . . . . . London Social? London and [’m Mechaniman . . . . . . . . . . . Medical .Vlirror. . . . . Merry and Wise . . ,. Melliodist ‘- flfl‘lzille .. . . . . . . . . . . - Missing Link Magazine . . Mission Lien...“ ....... .. .... . Mmthly Packet . . . .. Museum and Journal of Education Mupjcal 'l‘imes. .......... ... Nalurnlist. ...................... New Mont l\' Magazine New Mun. Mag. for S S. Teachers Once 1: Week. . . ... . .... .... Our own Fire Side . . . . . . . . Peoples Mu -uzina . . . . . . I‘Iisrniucenlical Journal . . . . . . Ph”0~'0”lli(‘8l Magnzine . . . ,, , _ , . , Phonographic Reporter. . . .V. .. . . . - Photographic I‘nilraiis . . . Post Office Director. . . . . . . . . .. PnulnyBunk.................... Practical Mechanics’ Journal . . . . . Primitive Meihoui>1 Magazine .. . ...-....A... Prophetic 'I‘i.iies . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . Pulnii Analrst Quiver('llie).......... . . . . . . Rellh‘lllhl'fllicer . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reynold’s Miscellanr . llohinliiiotl Roullv dge's Magazine for Burs . . . Si. .lzinies’ Magazine. . . ‘ Scienlific R: View , . .J Scottish Congregationalisl. . . . . .' . . Sharpe’s bondinn Magazine. . . . ... . Shorihand Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . Sixpenny Magazine . . . . . Sooner or Laim‘ .. . . . .. . . . . . . . Spirinal Magazine. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. Sunder Reader . . . . . . . . . .. . Sunday School 'I'eac'riers’ Meg. . .. Sundu)~ Magazine- . . . . ... . . .. . .‘ Sundiy at Home _St. Paul‘s Magazine . . . .... . . . . Simitish Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -Teclanolngisl...“.............. Temple Bar .......... Traill's Illustrated Josephus . . . .. 'l'ruiliseelier . . . . . ' Union Review [nlL mouth] , n , United Methadm Free Chum-h Ma; Unile l’reshyieiiw Magazine Veterinarian. . . . . . Victoria Magazine. . . . Watchword ................... West End Gazelle of Fashions. . _ World of Fashion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Young Englishwomnn . . . . . . .4 Young Apprentice. . . . . .. . . . . . . Young Ladies Journal... . .. . . . . Young Men of Great Britain .. .. MONTHLIES SUBSCRIBERS WITH PROMPTNESS. xear nJunu .. nn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 375 ......... ...375 )I' Namral History . . . . . . . . 9 50 [The).... 2 00 isl......... 575 'Im|..... 95.0 nical Register. . . .. . . 3 75 dy’s Magazinm . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Vlaguziue of Sports . . . . . . . 5 7.3 .e) Molldv............... 375 .. nurnal of Denial DUMMIES” d n) ... .........-.-.....-. ' .. 200 England................ ~00 v. 'l'ho................. 3 L‘he (price vm'ius; . . . . . . . 5 3 2 5...... .........--. x: \r U! CI :n 0k of Kumauce. ---.... Biographical Uicliouary.. 2 “(I Magazine.............. 2 ('0 ‘S’ Journal . . . . . . . . 2‘25 Scallullysu.-~nucvuuuo JV" ‘n’s Mngazine........ | 30 (I70 ‘I5'.................. 1H ilort Sermon,........ 2 (ll) 375 130 |'-.................. 2N) "azaziI-e...” 200 is ............ ..... ..-....-.... .................... 3s Mbmhly Magazine 1 H0 Chris-mnde . . . . . . . . . i! ()0 Mungino . 52 (I0 375 200 ‘aw\................ 200 :ld . . . . . . . ........... 200 uguzme . . . . . . . . . . . 7 50 Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515” . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . 2 ' 0 'umulogisl . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 ....s75 Review (mo) . . . . . ... 7 5|) gaxine ...... ...... .. 9 50 Magazine.......... 2M) ' 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’2 (I0 zine of Fashion 4 “0 x Magazine. . H3 ..-- 9 5“ ‘lagazinu . . . . . . . . . . . z Nm. llisl. Keporlory. U 7.) > . . . . . . . . . o . ...o- ...... ......a...‘...'.' sfor the Young . L... azma ........_...f'.... 2 ()(l r and Architect's Joul- rah Chronicle. ' Ituviow . mine... .....6..... ‘Mo Journal . .1. . . . 5 V -..... 'l)‘ Magazme . . . . . . d 'I'heulugiau . . . . . . . (all. mu . . . . mgregmiunal Review edicul 6L Surgical J'mr nylexiau Maswnger. . . anic ‘(T‘llefi Magazine. . . . 7 50 ' (H) 9 50 3 75 3 at) ’2 UN UIUIOV‘ MWVQLJU’W -)&â€"Lfi>’-l~1 13:0: ‘4 ww~ammmuoc RICHMOND HILL. .I.--I-~cc . I u I I s’.-|’6t} >.II'ua|............. ll” Iduu Mngazme ..... 375 nsezvar............ 575 epnsitory (New Ch.) 2 (ll) ricullune... ' Chemical Socier . . clirml Medicine..... cinl Science........ 'Hmtralions......... at of Fushiun....... union...... La of Faslnon....... ury . >144 UIU ‘IUTUVMUIUWUV (; ‘1 -1 q six! L 5 -.....-............ R3 NrN702UDUJQJUVQ:L:O. ml. 350 'nl'is Fashions. . . . . . . I.) . . . . . 951) 3 75 .......n.... ISB ............... l H) r‘I'I-ine............. 375 Mugazflm 20H 3-75 ‘.\ lvll‘lll )‘lllgflblllu - u n u ' all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 zazmo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . V I l0 azuue of Fashions. . _ . 3 75 ellioll . . . . . . . . . . . . .n 3 75 ishwomnn ....... 200 enlice..... 900 as Journal....,...... 325 of Great Britain .. . . . 2 00 :g. for S S. Teachers 1 '25 .............. . . . . . . 32'! Side . . . . . . . . . . . 2 U“ zinn . . . . . . . 2an a] Journal . . . . . . . . . . 375 Magazine ...,...... 95H ' Reporter. .‘. .V.V . . . . . - U 75 I‘mlrnils .... . . . . . . . ‘ '9 51! rector. . . . . . . . .. 3 75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 lmnics’ Journal . . . . . 3 75 humid Magazine .. . 2 ()0 ms . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . l 75 L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 “U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (m |r . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . I ll) :cellam‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (I0 . . . . ... - - . . . . . . . . . 2 U” ’lugnzine for Boys . . . 2 ()0 ngnziue . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 View ........ . . . . . . . . 2W) gregalimmlisl. . . . . .' . . l ‘25 Jun Magazine. . . . ... . 3 75 1ghzint‘........ . . . . . . 200 :aziue . . . . . “U m' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Lino...... ... . . . . . . 2 0 or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 3| 'I'eac'ners’ Mrg. . . . 2 (H) ,zine............. 20) mm . . . . . . . . . . .. QOU Ignzilxe . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 pal................. 2(30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 375 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 rated Josephus ...... 3 75 . . . . . ............I... ll" w [MIL mouth] . . . . . . . 3 75 H fix SUPPLIED BY .-.-...... ....--v Le and Keviuw. . . 3(10 . . . . . Ill) Ur........... .. 31;) .........‘....... 37.") ‘2UU 9(30 NW Magazine ....... ‘2 ()U 204) Maine, ‘I he .. . . . . 3 75 'V...” . . . . . . ... Per y’r. PrNo. .. .353 00 25 Mag 3 75 2 00 5 75 3 75 4 110 9 50 I 31) (I 70 1 1‘) 2 (m 1 30 2 (IO ‘2 00 5 75 2 00 2 nu i H) 2 ()I) 2 n0 2 ('0 2 25 ‘2 ()0 3 7.") ‘2 U0 ‘2 (10 \ UO ‘2 (H) 2 \H) 3 75 l H) 1 IO 1 I0 2 M) I H) 51 (10 I 10 3(10 1 ll) ‘10: (.7! \l 9 50 3 75 l H) 3 7;") l H) 2 0U 37.") 2 “0 0 (30 1 10 I3 00 l '25 3 2'» 2 (m ‘2 “U 3 75 950 ' U75 r9 51; I 75 2 ()(l 4 75 3 ‘25 I W 375 575 2 (10 33 33 50 I7 80 l 7 l 7 33 17 l7 17 20 ll l7 17 H) 33 M) 50 33 33 ll) I7 33 [U H) 10 I7 10 X7 33 3 (35 m 3H 33 33 l7 l7 17 IT 80 17 33 51) 65 an 1‘7 '17 17 33 80 50 0'1 10 15 if) I 7 80 30 I” 33 50 I7 33 33 33 5( 33 33 32! 33 2” l7 [7 30 33 80 33 1|! 33 10 l7 06 ll) [5 l3 3” 17 I? 33 08 H) 3:: I7 33 33 33 It) (in 17 13 50 33 m 33 33 l7 17 30 11 Currant Bushes, Fruit Trees and GardenPlants. SAVE MONEY, LABOR AND DISAPPOINTMENT. IN DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE COTTON S, NEW SEDRNG GCGDSE MI LLINERY, MANTLES, ALSO, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, IIADRWAR E, UROCKERY, New Stoveand Tin Shop on Richmond Hill. @MWM mwmm NEW STOVE & TIN SHOP TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE, STIIVES AND STOVE PIPES PUT UP [IN THE SHORTEST NBTIUE! 5‘LOWERS, FEATHERS, TRIMMINGS, PARASOLS, BUTTONS, &c., 0m: Door South of the " York Herald” Buildings. Toron'o, April 29, 1869 'I‘EASI TEAS H TEAS!!! Prepared in Canada only by March 25. I865} ISAAC CROSBY Richmond Hill. April 29, 1869. ISAAC CROSBY. Richmond Hill. April 29, 1869, Hats and Caps in every Variety and Style, OOP SKIRTS, INSECTS, SLUGS AND CATERPILLARS, ON RICHMOND HILL! FIRE-PROOF STORE, RICHMOND HILL. FOR SALE AT THE YORK HERALD BOOK STORE. 1869. USE IT EARLY IN TIâ€"IE SPRING, GEORGE SAWDON GENERAL DRY GOODS. AT WILLIAM ATKINSON’S IT DESTROYS CATERPILLARS! GRAND DISPLAY A GREAT VABI E'I'Y . AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES! GOOD AND CHEAP. PRICE 25 CENTS PER PACKAGE. ISAAC CROSBY’S, STOVES AND STOVE PIPES! SUMMER TWEEDS. BRAOD CLOTHS, All Kinds of Repairing Done! BRILLIAN'I'ES, PRINTS, NEYV RIBBONS, [In connection with his Establishment in Toronto] In fact everythan comprised in an Assortment of I-IOSIERY, GLOVES, BEGS TO STATE THAT HE HAS FITTED OUT A W. A. has also a FULL STOCK of When he is prepared to supply AND YOU “'ILL THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ON T.. FRIDAY, MAY .7 1869. DESTROYS 0N 557 HUGH MILLER & CO.. .Mcdical Hull. 167 King Street East, Toronto 5624f DOMINION FENCE, The attention] of the public is invited to the above Fence, it being Durnhle, Cheap, and also lnoks well. Tae wire required to hnid this Fence. wi‘l cost l'.ut little more than the nails required for an ordinary fence. No posts required. The undersigned is prepared to sell (‘0uiity,'l'uwtisliip. Concession or Farm Rights. and Will v sit the different villages for that pur- pose. You cannut invest your money to better advantage. Address. April l, 1869. GEORGE SAWDON. PATENTle SEP.4, 1863. R, J. COLEMAN. DJ g Richmond Hill. Ric'hnwudkill. the xvnuuicipal Council of Vaughan will meet at the 'l‘own Hall, on Tuesday. the 10th day of May next, at 10 o’clock, 4.51,, to con- sider any applications that may have been lodged with the Clerk for nlteratinnsiu the As- sessment Roll for 1869. All pm'tzcs interested are hereby notified to govern themselves ac- cordingly. Municipality of Vaughan. DRUG STOEE IN MAPLE JAéOB YELINSKIE 13EGS T0 -INFORM THE INHABI- D 1:1an or Maple and surrounding country that he has opened a Drug Store in Maple. All Kinds of Herbs and Herb Medicines supplied. Being the West Half of Lot 25.2116. Con ’3" Good Stablng attached. Trusty Host- ler alwaxs in attendance. Yonge St , April 7. 1869. 559-]y GOLDEN LION HOTEL, YONGE S'IREE’I‘, NELSON DAVIS, - - Proprietor. r ‘HERE is a Comfortable Dwelling House, a Ham and other out buildings: also a good orchard of grafted fruit. with a never- !‘ailing well of \vnlcr, soft water cistern, pumps and other conveniences, a spring crack runs across the farm. This is a good wheaigruwin‘g farm. 3 miles from Richmond Hill. ‘2; iron: Richmond UH] Station and 19,;- from the City 01 Tm'omo. Containing 100 Acres! This farm will be sold on reasonable Terms, part Cash down, the rest on Mme. For further particulars apply to the owner on the premises. Unionvilie. . . . . .. . lst Monday ofeach month. Weston.. . . . .. . . . . . . . . 91h day ofench month Kleinbnrg. ..........15lh f‘ “ Burwick, ............‘22nd ” " Scm‘horo’ ............‘23rd “ H Where he will be prepared and most happy to wait on those who may require his services, G. H. 11.. having had over Begs most respecfl‘ully to announce that he will be at To thuse who have favored him with lheu‘ patronage in the past he relurnw his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in the l'u- lure, he would say that no endeavor on his part wiil be w‘anling Lo meet their approval. Feels confidNn 9f givrinp‘r ergtjlie sali‘sfacljon REFERENCES The following genxiemen can. with confidence recommend G. U Husband. to a” requiring Denial aid: Dr. Reid, Thornhill; Dr. Bu“, Weston: Ur. D’Evan, BurwicK‘, Dr. Corsou, Brampton. RESIDENCE :â€"Thornhii| . Tliornhill, Sept. [7, 1868. 1y $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET SAP BUCKETS & PAILS Muplo, April 15, 1869- Toronto, April I, 1869. Vaughan. Ainl 14(1), 1869. For particuL rs address 03" Tu 1.1.: leIgPL’TABLM ! Vaughan, ‘March 10,1869. All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting, Knives, Forks, Spoons. (Jruim. &c., &c., 6L0 , Silver Plaiad in the best Style warranted to wear any length of lime. ' ' [SAVE TROUGHS OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALSO Flooring andother Lumber Dressed. ELEVEN YEARS PRACTICE, ONEY TO LEND ON GOOD FARM Shingles, Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawéd to Order. 8U ACRES UNDER GOOD CULTIVATION Thoruhill, April 21, 1868‘ G. H. HUSBAND L.D.s., FARM FOR SALE, Toronto. Fabruary )7. 186,9 Security, in Sums to suit applicants. Apply to COUNTY OF YORK, ON'I‘ “WATER S POUTS! COURT OF REVISION. Money to Lend. JAMES M. LAWRENCE. TO‘NNSHH’ 0F VAUGHAN, Manufactured and for Sale JL @Emwigm JOHN LANGSTAFF‘, DUGGAN & MEYERS, Attorneys, Court St. mil 1, 1869. 556-3m PATENT PUT UP A JAMES DUNTON. AI”) Steam Mills, 'I‘homhill Township 0ch k. 560-tf 560-4 5 5.. 510-111 552.1y 'Yorkvme, April 1, 1869. Baautifu! Slufi' Dresses. from $2 per dress. Splendid Prints, fast co'ors, {mm Izgc per yd. DeLaIues and Mohairs, a nice variety. from We per yd. Fancy and Chimz Brilviants from 20c per yd First-rate Bleached Callous. from liéc per yd. FaucyChecked and SLl'iped Cotton bhiriing, r Vf’lzorljll 12%;: per \‘d, Good Cotton Ticking, from from A large lot of other Goods equally low in price. HATS VVilh a full Assortment of Shelf and Heavy IIARD\VARE. Groceries. V‘Jines Bottled Ale and Porter, Paints and oils, and Window Glass in all sizes. ‘ IN TEAS I AM NOT SURI’ASSED IN PLAV'JUR, STRENGTH, [IR VALUE‘, UN YBNEB STREET. In Coats. Panis and Vests; also a Great Van-imy of Ladies’. Gents' and Childrhn's (lawn Hose and Socks. G‘oves, l‘amsols. Neckties, Collars, Lace ’l‘nmming, Buuuns, 6L smal. war.» DEALERS IN DRUGS, Richmond Hill, April 29, 1869. GE'o. H. LESLIE & 00., CHEMISTS AND DR UGGIS’I'S HEMP AND DUTCH CARPETING IN VARIOUS PATTERNS. G. A. BARNARD EGS’ TO ANNOUNCE ’J cusmmers and the public g lilal he has reecuived his f“ A Call is earnele solicilvd and examine Goods and Prices. COR 0F BLOOR & YOKGE SI‘S., YORKVILLP‘ Patent Medicines, Perfumery. &c. 111 the Newest P-atterns and Colours, Splendid Value. with aLayge assortment of COMPRISES THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST FOUND 0N RICHMOND HILL! THE VERY BEST FRESH PRUNES, FOR FIRST CLASS CHEESE! BEST & CHEAPEST TEAS The Finest Oranges in the Market. All should have it; the Justly Eelebrated Conks’ Fliend BAKING POWDER! WHICH MAKES THE VERY BEST LIGHT BREAD, FIGS! FIGS 1 FIGS ! FRGS GROCERIES, PROVISIONS ! OF ALL KINDS, WITH ONE FOURTH THE USUAL LABOR AND SIGN OF THE BRITISH FLAG STAFF. DON’T FORGET FRENCH 8b CO.’S, RICHMOND HILL. Cmmcus, Du Sun‘s. .A'J.‘ FRENCH (*3 CORE IMPORTANT 7'0 IIOUSEKEEPERS. Mo 51; Varied Assortment; 45 Cents and. Upwards. ECAPS IN ENDLESS VARIETY ALI. TVOOL, SCOTCH AND CANADIAN ’I‘WEEDS, FLOUR AND FEED 2 Go to French 8: Co.’s for the ELECTED WITH CARE! Go to French & Co.’s Winceys, Regatta Long Ciolh, Fianna! Shirts IN Go to French & Co.’s for -MADE CLOTHING-2 GENTS’ AND BOYS’ THE DOMINION, ARE SELLING AT 1200 per yd. Vâ€"E~Râ€"Y And bought on close prices. From 5 to 10 cents per 11» EXPENSE! PASTRY AND CAKES, YOU CAN GET \VHICH HAVE BEEN 558-] y AND THE ancy Summgr and All-wool Flannel Sllixt ings, from 350 per \‘d. Cam‘sroans and Deuime, Yam 2 e per Summer Tweeds. good value, {:qu Facmry Cotton. Crash and Towolling, fun: 80 per yd. Genls' Merino and Canon Under Shins, from 50¢ each. TO BE Arnica Liniment, THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN For Rheuxnat‘isna, Sprains, Tic Doloreux. Neura‘gia, &c. SPRING Aprn 1,. 1868. Prepared and Sold on by NEW GEO. H LESLIE & (10., Car. qf Blaovr Yang: $15., . 1868. 558-15’ Yunnan: I GEORGE A. BA RNA RD. T0 ANNOUNCE TO HIS AND F. nets and the public generally. reecuived his ‘AS H10? GOODS NABLE and Liquor- Richmond/till vd. aoc pe SPLEWID FARM F012 83,1119, HE Subscriber (films for sale a good farm‘ being lot No. 4. in the 81h concession of lhe lown>hip of Erin, 101) acres, 60 acres cleared and m a high slate of cultivation): the balance nearly all first rule llmdwood bush 'l‘helels (nu lhe plelnlses a goml lug house, barxx,al:<l1|e,&c.. With good water privllvgp. Also a lremuil'ul young Urclmrd of HM fruit trees, plunled 5 )cnrsl A good gravel road. passes along the from of the lot. This farm Is 35 milrs from Kirhmond Hill. 6 miles lrrm Geougulowumn the (hand TrunkRailwaymnd 30 unless from Toronto. l‘mms: Twenty five hundred dollars-park cash. balance on time. - For particulars apply to the owner. Fifi FARMZFOR SALE, COUNTY OF YORK, ONTARIO, Containing 100 Acres. SPLENDID ORCHARD 0F GRAFTED FRUIT A Spring Creek intersects the Farm Township 01" Vaughan : J. H. SANDERSGN, VETERINARY SURGEON, Sold on Rcaumablc Terms “‘5‘ This is mm of the bcsl wheat growmg films m [his part of Ihe nonnlrv. and is within 2% miles nl Richmond 11A“ Simian on xhe uI‘HINH Railway: 3 mile-.8 from Richmond H!” on Yonga Street, and 18 miles from the Cuv ul' l'oronlo. The [mm will be Cor. of Yonge 82: Centre St. East BEGS In announce u) the public xhal he is now px'nvllcing with H. SANDERSUV, ol the same. place. where they may becnnsuh- ed personally or by letter, on all diseases of Horsus, Came. 6w. ‘l‘lH-ZRl-l is a coml'urlhlxlc i‘mena Hausa. [ a Good Iiarn and otlu r buildmgs on the umnises: the is also a For Horses and Callie always on hand : such as Physic, DiureISc. Curdiu‘. 'l'ouic, Cough, Cnndilion and Worm Balls and Puwdurs. l'lxo Cough Balls have been found mom serdfialflo in alleviating many of the disu'esaing symp- toms of Brukunuind or [leaves in Herpes. (Ian. Ul‘allghls. Lin'menls for Sore "l'hnoats, Sprmns. Curb. Spaviu, Kingvbone, 31;.â€" film- eriug Ointmenls. also Hoof and HenfingOimv ments. Lotions for Wounds, Bruises, .baddm Guns. inlulliablo Oil and Sheep Tick Dei- Iroyer. For furllwr particulars apply to the owner :1) the premises - Mulicines of every Discripiion ’I'l TLE INDISP UTABLE All orders from a distance prom pfly stranded . and medicine: sent to any purl ol'the Pro- \‘lnce. Horses examined as to soundness, “so Bough! nnd Sold on commission. THE NEW CANADIAN National Series of Reading Books January X4. 1889 FIRST BOOK , wi(113l 4']lush'mionsmll‘ongh' bound in limp clothâ€"5 cents. Fmsr BOOK. (second part) with 54 illustrations. strongly hound in limp clothâ€"ll) cents SECOND Buoxl with 56 Illustrations. strongly bound in cloth [maidsâ€"2“ cenls. Inn 0 “00K. 4! iHusImliuns, strqngly bound in cloth boardsâ€"’3“ vents. Fouunu Buck. 45iHu3-‘ha1ious. strongly bound, in crulll boardsâ€"4“ cams. bum-H Hoax, 541 illusuatknm' strongly bound In clulh boardsâ€":3” cell's. Uomumum 30 TM: {hummusâ€"~25 cents. For szrle at BIBLE SDBIEI‘Y DENSITORY “’ill Restore Gray flair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightful llair Dressime It will pmmote luxuriant growth. FALLth HAIR. is immediately checked. Mrs. S A ALLIch ZYLOBALSAMUM, (mailer fr: aralz'au for the Hair ,' clear and transparent, 101' Iron! sediment. I t is wry simply and often froducu- wandeg'ful rexulfs. If: great superiority amz' tcmmmy a: a Hair Drawing aver lu‘g/z 60;! French I’amade: 1': acknowledged by all net only in Mi: countr but in Eurapa. The Resiartr and Z yloérz/mmum 5 zpuld no: 5: mm’ an: 1051/; 111a at/u‘r. SOLD 1!? ALL DRUMXHTS. L'tupri- turn. 5‘ R. Van Dun-r 5L Cn.‘ “'holesul - Druggi‘h, 35 Bulcluy St. and 40 Park Place. New-Yurk. A REAL KAiR RESTORER AND DRESSING Combined in One Bottle. MRS. S. A. ALLEN’S 1mm RESTORER' Vaughan. January . 1H3 '. Richmond Hill. April 23, 1868. Authorised ‘by the Count” of Public lu- struction for Ontario. Graduate uf Toronto Vntm‘inury College) BEING TH E [MIST HALF OF LOl‘ 1‘30. ‘28, March U, 1869. PART CASH 1|U\\' BALAN 1‘} ON TIME "-hmond Hill 1865. New Siylca Important Change. TOWNSHIP OF ERIN. \Vilh a good well of water 70 acres under (tuhivanun RicHMDND HILL, ERA NC" RICHMOND HILL. WILLIAM HARDING. IN 7m; 3}“) emu, R. H. HALL, Aum’r AT TH E 1N TH l4 WTHE THE HERALD OFFICE. HUGH DEVI/IN HERALD OFFICE Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. Nature’s Crown. You Must Cultivate it BEAUTIFUL HAIR, Rte/(mum! Hi"? 547-611) GRAY HAIR. Richmond Hill. 555â€"” 546-311) 10

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