‘Msn Inn.l\nfzu-h'.‘"P~“ a 1mm.“ for cislm'ns and «shallow walls, so :3: “gum-ted w Ill mu endings oflhe handlu as 1': mukn 5L “1' light. mu! pr». .venting childrvu l'rnm putï¬mf ï¬ll}‘lllillg iuln it: which is imnrinhly 11h- 'aso wilh common 'pumps. l’uit-a 95‘; cvmplete. for cistwns nul [exceeding eighl feet. On the Shortest Notice! Tm: PUMP ls EAHEsT Wumwp, MOST DURA- BLE AND Nun: 1' Mam; 1N Tmr. Dummms. This Pump on Trial for One Month! And if accepted PURE WHITE LEAD, Churn Pumps ibr Cisiorns" April 1. 1869. _ A call frmn intending purchasers is respect- fu ly solicited. llnl l'usinï¬co. L51 3145', 1569 :â€" Baies. Jasper B‘icknell. W. Hall v. John VBlfillillgel. Jacob “0851"â€. Mr. Baker. Catharine JSIltou. Widiam Cooper. W. Corner. \V. Cook. W Couulnnd. “1'. (II-0s l_\'. U. Davin. Nathaniel Devlin. Eilvn Dolmml, Eliza Dnlmaya. Gid. Douer. Margarht ‘Duner. Mr. Hum-r Manuel _Drjuiue. Mrs Dobsou. J. Downs. Jerry 3Freek. James I ~Goad w in. Rom-fl Purim, Mrs. Grunt J. Hmse. Jowob Henderson, Mr. Harris. J. L. Jenkins, Bnn. JnmbI rt. R bert Mallow-V. Ins. Mnrunn. \\ Ilhmn MlKumon, Au-hy 31¢: W'i “mum, Jus. McVan', Jug. Phillipe. Thomas Rankin, A. M601. Ii Slanov, \V. SiSI-u: ih'n‘ga SWWML Jis. "'- dxl, Gimme VVue. And réw \\ hilelwud. John ] “'iulroua Mnies, iniliamu, ‘UIHI Whaleâ€, Dan. He will Sell Cheap for Cash! OR APPROVED CREDIT. EXCELSIOR PUMP FIRST CLASS HARNESS ,To give satis’nctinn. Also on hand 21 Superior Stock of VVhips _ And Whiplashes. I cannot be Undersold in this Line. Or if they are not preferred to nnv olhey pump they may be returned, an†the money wil be Containing [03 Acres, 60 01‘ which are clawed and in a High sxale of cultivation 'l'In-m is on tllepl‘omi.~es 7: L10 (3 Frame “erlihg House, Barn, Stable. a Guod ()rclml'd, Plunlut'ul Sup- ph‘ of Water, 610.. The subsclilmr a su oifms for sale: RICHMOND HILL; He ' has n0VV on Hand I A CHOICE ASS 0R TMEx 'T, These Pumps are Suitable to all Depths from a cistern to 9. Well of 150 feet. English Paints & Oils. .l huH'of‘lut Nu. 55. in lhu Ixt (:nncvssion, Township of Vaughan. on Yungu ereul, In Richmnud HM, on whmh 11mm i4 Prede a good Frame (lounge, and other hcccésah' buildings. - For particulars apply to the owner. [if by 1e1- ter post [mid] ' Leader, Can be had at (he Post-uflive, for Jo CENTS A WEEK. CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE In the trade. HUGH MILLER, SL Cm, Medical hall, [67 Ktug Sheet East, 'l'm'ontn. HE FARM COM PRISES THE N ")RTII lIuH'of'lut Nu. 55. in lha ht (:uncvssion. THE MORNING PAPERS Address, stating dqni. of “'6’â€, May 3. 1860. 'ISA AC CROSBY. Richmond Hill. April 29, 1869 May 14, 1869. Richmond Hill, April ‘39. [$69 \V. H. MYERS Richmond Hill, April 2‘2, 10(59. .5: May 6, 13651 RILLIANTES AND PRINTS, "E W DRESS GOODS, HE Subscriber wnuld resportfnlly an- nounce 1hul he is prepu.ed to put in List. of Letters EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND OF TORONTO : Telegraph, ’ 4 VERY LARGE STOCK WARRANTILD TWO YEAR‘S, H". II. .7?! VERS,’ P. 1’ H l L LI 1’ NEAR RICHMOND HILL, MKS. MALINDA CLARK .WICLL DIGGLVG DON E A VILLAGE LOT. REFUNDED. 0f Blendell and Spence’s A SPLEEIHD ASSORTMEXT . Farm for Sale. WE HAVE RECEIVED A A BEAUTIFUL STOCK, Which we will sell M «\NUI") CTUR El) BY DO YOU \VANT RICHMDND HILL Appiy tn H“ SH 00 T0 “ HIGH Globe, $isl'u. Uc'n'go " . .7 - J ' ' ‘ v. 1 Stem.†Jâ€. > (um and Bn}. [mom I“ end.e.~s vanel}. .,. ‘ . . '7‘“: ‘JH‘VL’B In fact the mock Is ool‘npleto and cnml'l‘lses VS we. Andrew ‘ Home ul‘ Hm Innsl lwamiin! goods that has ever \\ Imam-ad. John [3] breu offered in this vlace “'iulroea, Mnies, ! I WimmnuJuIm A call is Earnestly Requested. Remember Iwill not be Undersold;‘ "M. TEEFY. 1m, 3 Richmond 11m,Aprn22.1869. 534-ly a ISAAC CROSBY. LH Warrantcd M. TE EFY, RLChmOIId Hill. {(Mâ€"ll Riclmw'Iul/till l’.< 56'2-(f PHILLIPS, RILHMHND “ILL (I: 534-15‘ 5634i Currant Bushes, Fruit Trees and Garden Plants. NEW SPRING GOODS ls nnw cnmplele in all its d'partments. and being determined to maintain his well-known I- qualiou l'ur BOOTS & SHQES And giving every a'lentinn 10 [ha wnn's and rtqnierenls of his customers. He would now ilH‘iLu Special anemic: to the NHL-wing Departments: SA VE M ONE Y, LABOR AND DISAPPOINTMENT. THE LATEST STYLES. At unusually low Prices. Mourning Goods of Every Description 0N RICHMOND HILL, AND AT ’I’Hl‘} Lowest, Toronto Prices! The Lotvest Possible Cash Prices Parasol? in all 'l'zllnlu Linens. Gloves, Druhs lhnnets and Flats) in all the Novelties of the season 1 STAPLE 82 FANCY DRY GOODS! Town 0. April 99, 1869 Riulm‘l Tmonto. Mly l9Lh, 1869 Prepared in Canada. only by "AS much plensrm in announcing to his numerous customers and friends in the Counlios Yalk and Peel {hat OOP SKIRTS; Lad7m' Boots 7.: (:15 and upwards, ISAAC CROSBY “fond Hiâ€, April 29. 1869. INSECTS, SLUGS AND CATERPILLARS, . LI. NIYE RS’. FOR SALE AT THE YORK HERALD BOOK STORE. FIRE-PROOF STORE, RICHMOND HILL. 1869.. USE IT EARLY IN THE SPRING, THE LARGI Sf bT-‘ICK 0F A GREAT VABI E'l Y . (.‘el‘mlllalx‘s in all the New Suhm.‘ from 30 cm $350 each. Shrelings. Shiniings. Toweï¬ngs. Vil'HHi’i Tn". uCrw rs. ('ountvrpmms, 15rd lels. Clullw, Twawis. Uosiexy. 'l'riumxiugs, SIN-buns, Flowers, Feathers, Culluls. TIeS. Ale , &C.,all ER OFFERED IT DESTROYS CATERPILLARS! NO. 203 KENG STREET, CORNER CHURCH STREET. ~ ETEAND DIEPLAY In all the new Materials and Colorings. Mantles, Millmery. PRICE 25 CENTS PER PACKAGE. ISAAC OROSBY’S, Suitable for the present season, DRESS GOODS! WILLIAM MITCHELL, SELLING FIRSTâ€"CLASS GOODS AT HIS STOCIi OF AND YOU WILL DESTROYS THE YORK HERALD, RfCHMOND" ONT}; FRIDAY, MAY 21,1869. 0N Has just ranaivnn' awnâ€: “'3†lials’ malm‘inls. Aiso a WINE exprezsly for his own lownl'or Cash. ’l‘uz‘oato, April 29, 1869. fEl‘ll’S always on hand the hesLof Bat-f. _ MuILun. Lamb. Veal, Pork, Sausages, S: c. and sells at the, luww prizes. The highest‘ market price given for Cattle. Sheep. lambs &c. A1 . C ‘ Drleonagl.Bd aqd Spiced Beef. Smoked/any] J. L. MARGACH, 2nd door north of Barnard’s stage. RICII MOND HILL, WILLIAM COX, Empower and Dealer in Dzugs, . CIIEMCALS, PAINTS, OILS, r: 721 7311193, DYE STUFFS, (£13., HUGH MILLER 61, CO.. Medical Hull. 167 King Sheet East, Tin-onto 562-“ Richmond Hill. October 15 1.867: FOURTH DOOR \VEST 0F TORONTO S'RELT. “Ht r809;an Spring impurlalinns of Ar- lmmrihlg Aim a While Lfldml prepn'ed exprezsly for Ills own .m‘ ‘3' '3, “ VVhiC-h is Pure I All articles warranted, and will be sold TORONTO! Successor to James Holliday, No 4‘ King St. I‘Inst EUTCHER, 550-1y .THE LEADING HOUSE! To thosu wlm havï¬e‘t‘avrured him will] the†patronagein the past he returns his sincere‘ thanks. and tu thnss who may do so in the t'u- turn. he would say that no endeavorun his part wit) be wanting to meet their approval. UnimwiHe... . . ... . 15: Monday ofeach month. “IE-“om - - v - . . . . . .. . . .9â€: day ol'each momh Klgim',‘_'||'.\2‘. ..........1r;m .‘ u .,v.. .........‘£9nd “ n BHH’Hle, . . . , . “'23â€! fl “ Scurhoro’ . . . . . . . .. «I d 1 Where he win he pramâ€! a!) most tappy to wait on those who may requn“: 1"5 5°TV|CES. G. H. H.. having had over‘ ELEVEN YEARS PRACTICE, The following gemiemen van. with conï¬dence recmnmend G. H Hushnud. to a†requiring Denml aid: I): Reid, Thornhill: DI" Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Eviyu, Burwien} Dr. Corson, Brampton. Feg‘s {zonï¬dem of giving entire satisfaction. Begs most respectfully lo announce that he will be at UnimwiHe... . . ... . 15: Monday ofeach month. Weston" . . . . . . . . .. . . .9â€! day ol'each momh y - "nrnr “nun-JIM) " " Idem... m “flunggnd †“ Bnrwick, . . . .' 23rd “ n Smu-hnrn’ . . . . . . A . - 0 - ' Ladies’ Cloth Jacksls. Caps. Head Dresses. Bunnet Ribbons“, Feadlers. Flowers, Bead Trimmings; Cheap. Alao will keep onJIand a nice msuntnwm of Mourning Bonnets. ‘3‘“ Stamping done to Order. Riclnnund Ili‘l. Aprii 22. £8478. 534-ly SAP BUCKETS & FAILS Shingles. Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. For particulars uddregs JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills, Thornhill MILLINERY GOODS ! $6 PER. ONE HUNDRED FEET. NEW SPRING GOODS All kinds of‘ Carriage and Harness Mounting, Knives. Forks, Spoons. Cruils. &c., 510.. &c , Silver Plated in the, best Style warranted to wear any length of lime. EAVE TROUGâ€"HS ‘HERE is a Comfortable UWeHing House, a 1am and other out buildings; also a good orchard of grafted fruit. with a never- l‘ailing well of water, soft water cistern. pumps and other conveniences, a spring creek runs across the farm. F0" further particulars appTy to the owner on the piemises. FARM FOR SALE, Being the West Half of Lot 25. 2nd Con This is a gnod \‘vheatgrowing fmm, 3 miles from Richmond Hill. ‘2‘- h'oln Rivhmund HUI Station and 19% from the City at Toronto. This farm will he sold on reasonable Terms, part Cnsh down, [heirest on ume. Arnica Liniment, THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN For Rheumatism, Sprains, Tic Doloreux. Neura?gia,l&c. Prepared and 801d on by COUNTY OF YORK, ONT., Containing 100 Acres! RESl DE NC E ;-â€"Tho rnhill . Thornhill, 89m. [1, 1868. ALSO Flooring and other Lumber Dressed. Toronto. February 17. 18694 Thomhill. April 21Y 1868 [13’ THâ€: iwuxsnmuw ! Vaughan, March 10, l869. April I, 1868. Richmond Hill, April 29, 1869. Richmond Hiâ€, April 29, 1859, ‘EASI TEAS H TEAS!!! G‘ H. HUSBAND L-D.S-, 8“ ACRES UNDER (3100.0 CULTIVATION ESPELER TWEEDS, THE LATEST STYLES, Mrs. BIYERS’. WATER SPOUTS! RICHMOND HILL GEO. II. LESLIE & 00., Car. qf' Bluor ‘9 Yangc $15., , 1863. 553-ly YRoKVILLE. Manufactured and for Sa'le 01' every description, is at E) E} 1131' '50 IL' {S Ta A LARGE STOCK OF TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. REFERENCES GOOD AND CHEAP. SPLENDID VALUE. RECEIVED AT PATENT PUT 'UP AT IN ALL JAMES DUNION. AND JSAAC CROSBY. ISAAC C ROSBY. 55-2-ly 510-lf. rd fxu Ono Door South of 1118 “York Herald †Buildings. STUVBS AND swuvn PIPES m Err [IN THE smmsw mama: IN TEAS I AM .NOT SURPASSED IN PLAVEIIB, STRENGTH, an VANS“, EH YflNGB STREET. New Stove and Tin Shop on Richmond Hill. With a full Assortment of Shelf and Heavy HARDWARE, Groceries. Wines and Liquor Bottled Ale and Porter, Paints and oils, and Window Glass in all sizes. TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE, READY-'MADE CLOTHING: NEW STOVE & TIN SHOP Beauliful Stuï¬' Dresses. from $2 per drz‘ss. Splendid Prints, fast co'ors, from ir2$c per yd. Deeres and Mohairs, a nice variety. flom A large lot of other Goods equally low in price. ï¬oï¬l 123335161“ \d. Good Comm Ticking, from from 20c per yd. GENTS’ AND BOYS’ HATS CAFS IN ENDLESS VARIE'J‘X GRQCEREES, MADRWAER 3*), 0 Rib CI‘SERY, 10c per yd. Fancy and Chile Bril‘iants flom 29c per yd First-rate Bleached thloxw._frnm lzgu per yd. Fancy Checked and Striped Cotton bhming, ln Coats, Pants and Vests; also a Great Vnr'miy of Ladies’, 691115’ and Children‘s Cuum Hose and Socks, Gloves, l’arasols, Neckties, CoHars, Lacq'l‘rmuuing. Buuuns, & small ware.- FLOWERS, FEATHERS, _TRIMMINGS, I’AI’LASOLS7 BUTTONS, &c IN DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE COTTONS ALSO, READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, CAMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WINDOW CURTAIN FIXTURES, NEW SPRNG Cï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ lurch 25‘ l869. Richmond Hill, April ‘29, 1869. HEMP AND DUTCH CARPETING IN VARIOUS PATTERNS. G. A I EGS TO (“Emma that he has me A Call is earnestiy solicited and examine Goods and l‘li'ces. 1n the Newest Patterns and Colours. Splendid Value, with a Large age-ormmm of Hats and Gaps in every Variety and Style, ON BI'CIâ€"IMOND HILL! COMPRISES THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST FOUND 0N RICHMOND. HILL! SIGN OF THE BRITISH FLz MILLINERY, MANTE GENERAL DRY GGGDS. Most Varied Assortment; AT THE LOWEST JIJARKET PRICES! GEORGE SAWDON ALL TVOOL, SCOTCH AND CANADIAN 'I‘IVEEDS, STOVES AND STOVE PIPES' All Kinds of Repairing Done! SUMMER TW’EEDS, BRAOD CLOTHS, SELECTED VVITH CARE! [In connection with his Establishment in Toronto] BRILLIAN’I'ES, PRINTS, NEW RIBBONS, In fact everything comprised in all Assortment of VVinceys. Regatta Long C'xoth, Flannel thins WILLIAM ATKINSON’S BEGS TO STATE THAT HE HAS FITTED OUT A HOSIERY, GLOVES, W. A. has also a FULL STOCK of For Sale, Cheap, only 25 cents. at Whers he is prepared to supply And bought on close prices. WHICH HAVE BEEN AND THE Faucy'Summer and All-wool Flannel Shillâ€" ings, from 3.30 per yd. ‘ Gamlzroons and Denime, fiom 2 e per yd. Summer'l‘weeds, good value, 1101:1350 ye: \d. Fat-Jory Cotton. Crash and 'l‘owolling, {mm 8t: per yd. Genls’ Merino and Canon Under Shirts. from We each. SPRING GOODS THE HERALD BOOK STORE. GEORGE SAWDON. NEW JAG STAFF. GEORGE A. 13A RNA“ D. ners and the public leoceiwd his AND FASHIONABLE ANNOUNCE TO HIS, BARNARD IIic'zmaml/zil/ onerulh Will Restore V Gray’ flair to its Natural Life. Color and Beauty. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. ‘Mrs. S A ALLENS ZYLOBALSAMUM, Imoflzer preparafimz for fizz [lair ,' cigar and transparent, wit/mid xea’l'nmzl. It is very simple and 9/1212 pradncz: 'waujer ul 72511115. Its great supzriorz'fy and ewuamy m a } az'r Dressing avm‘ lug/z cost French Pomade: 13' acknowledged {I}! all not 97:1)! in 1515:": 501mm}! but in Eurapn T/tv Ratorzr and Z ylahzlmmmn should not be used one with M: other. SOLD BY ALL Dancers“. haywi- mrn. 5. l1 'Vau Duzx~r 5:. Cm, \V‘nnlosul-a Dragging, 35 Buiuluy Sc. and (U Park Place. New-Yuk. ("or Horses and Culxle always on hand : such d5 l’ln‘sic. Dimmic. Cvrdial. Tunic, Cough, (Inluï¬liull and Worm Balls and Powders. The Cough Balls have [men luund nmsl sexviceablu‘ in allevinlillg many ol the (harassing 'sympa mum of limkvnu ind nr Hanvos in Horses. ‘l’olic. Urn gins. Mn'mouls ['ur Sow 'l humus, Spruins. Cu‘h. Fpm’in, lï¬iuLv-‘lwne, 8'0. BIN- ering Ointmvnls. nlm Ilonl' mul HenlingOint- mems. Lononsfor Wounds, Bruises. baddio Galls. lnl'uliiable Oil and Sheep Tuck Des- 1ro3er. 7 All orders from a distance promptly att‘nuded :o. and medicine: sent to any part 01 the Pro- \‘ince. Cor. of Yonge & Centre StEasï¬ RICHMOND HILL. BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITQRY BICGS m nnnnnnce to the public «hat he is now prac‘ucillg with H. SANDERSON’, ol'lhra same pluco,‘wlmre they mnymmmsuR-jâ€"w ed pe|‘~:00flH_\' or, hy leuer. on. all diseases of Horses. Cattle, 5&0. Horses o'xamined as to soundnesn, also Bough: and bind on commission. Fms'r BOOK, with 131 illustrations. struneg bound in limp clothâ€"5 cents. Fiks'r 1300K. (socond parl) with 54 illustrations, strongly hound in limp clothâ€"ll) cents. Macaw) 1300K Wilh 56 Illustrations. strongly bound in cloth bunrdsâ€"QD cents. um.“ BnnK. 41 iilnsirations, strongly bound in cloth hoardsâ€"4m rents. Woum u IBnuK."4-5 illustralions, strongly bound, in cmih boixl'dsâ€"IMI «ems. ' FIFTH HOUR, 5U illustmlions’ strongly bound in (-Iuln boardsâ€"5*) cvn‘s. COMPANION 1o Tm; RmvEnSâ€"QS cents. Fur suée at J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, THE NE‘V‘CANADIAN National Series of Reading Books New Siyle. Important Ohnhge. A REAL HAIR RESTORER AND DRESSING Combined in One Bottle. A Spring Creek intersects the Farm M RS. S. A. ALLEN’S HAIR RESTADRER SPLENBiD ORCHARB 0F GRAFTED FBUIY “WHERE is a comfortable DWELLING “buss, L a Good [Sam and other buildings 011‘ the‘ pxemises; [here is also a Hcdicines of every Discriptiou FARMFOR SALE, COUNTY OF YORK, ONTARIO, Containing 100 Acres *j‘ This is one of the best wheat growmg I'qum In this park of the counh'v, and is within "§ miles «31 Ruhmnud Hill Siatio'n. on ‘ho l\urx|mm Rummy; 3 miins from llxchmond um on Yungo Street, mu} l8,miles from the Guy ol' l'oronlo. The farm will be Sold on Reasonable Terms (ha ln\vn.~hip cf Emu. )UO [mu-s, (50 acres clean-(l and III a Mle shits of cullivution: the balance nearly all ï¬rst mate Hardwood bush. '1 hum is on tho pumises n goud log house. l):1l‘n,2l’1b!e,é\'c., wnh gum! \vmel' [:I‘ivilugen Also a hemuil'nl young chhmd of IO†fruit trees, Planted 5 3mm. A good gzavel road pa.._es along 11m from of the lot. This farm is 3.3 milm l'rom Hiclnmmd Hill. 6 mill-s Irnm (kuongelnwn‘ml the Grand Trunk Railway,md 30 miles from Toronto. I‘mws: Twenty ï¬ve hundred dollarsâ€"part- :ash‘ (valance on Limo. For particulars nppiy to the owrmr, ’I'I TLE INVIJIL'P UTABLE' Fur l'urihm' [lilniculaus apply to the owner H) Um pxomhes “ vanship of Vaughan .' SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE, TH E Subscriber emu-s for sale a good farm; 7 being Bot (V0. 4. in the 8th concPssion‘ of March 11, 1869. mol‘a‘uyond Hill, 1965. Authorised by the Council of Public lu- slruction for Ontario. January 14. 1839; {Graduate of Toronto I’Llerinary College) Richmond Hill. Apri123, lb’GB. HUGH DEVLIN. Vaughan. Janualy ':. It-Gf). 546 3m BEING THE EAST HALF OF L0 1' No. 28, PART CASH IMHVN. BALA ON TIME WM: :1 good well of waler 70 acres under cxfltivaliom RICHMOND HILL, BRANCH TOWNSHIP' OF ERIN» R. 11-. HALL, AGENT. 1N Tm: 3RD com, WILLIAM HA RDlN G, AT THE THE HERALD OFFICE. IN THE IN THE HERALD OFFICE GRAY HAIR Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, Nature’s Oro'wn. You Mu‘st Cultivate it Richmond Hill. 555va Richmond H’ilé 547-6111 5H)