Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Jun 1869, p. 3

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3. 16211th 631111111111. U) *1: El E1 2 U 1â€"1 U E? 13> U1 {39. _ l-E H (I) {>- b> Q lid Pd F1 2 Q E, U} SIGN OF THE ISAAC FRENCH Has just received a large lot of S P L E N D I D TE A S Lumber Planed to Order on the Shotest Notice at their Saw Mill. At 45 cts and upwards; And would direct special attention to his Japan Tea, at 75 cents per lb. JUST TO HAND, A fresh lot of We PBUNES ! FRESH ARRIVALS OF Prime Tobacco ! SMOKING AND CHEWING: Our Chewing Tobacco (PLUG AND FINE CUT) Is especially worthy of notice. OUR STOCK 0F FAmxI-Y GROCERIES! Is Largo AND WELL SELECTED ! And we would invite the attention of all those who wish A Really Good Article! AS WE Warrant every Article TO BE AS REPRESENTED. Oranges Lemons &c. &c, &c. SIGN or THE- TEA CHEST ! ISAAC FRENCH. Richmond Hill. May 13. 1869. 1869. GRAND DISPLAY FIRE-PROOF STORE, RICHMOND HILL. WILSON’S IMPROVED DOUBLE ACTION FANNI-NG MILL ‘- ' 1 - - 5 In all its branches. and by strict attention to l a In {not evarymmg comprised m an Assortment 0f passes along the from 0f me lo" THESE MILLS HAVE STOOD THE TEST OF COMPETITION AT ALL THE Provincial Exhibitions and County Fairs Whenever shown. and are pronounced by com- peiout judges as being the Best Fanning Mill, Manufactured in Canada, AND l'lIEY HAVE BEEN STILL FURTI IER IMPROVED. The subscribers are now Manufacturing a large Number of the above: And having increased fluid. its for preparing the lumber. Can Supply all sDrders Prompt-.137 Farmers will consult their own interest if thry will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere, as we feel confident they will be satisfied 11.11‘ riluchines are not surpassed if equalled. Richmond Hill, May 27, 1869. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1869. 'SPRING, O F Do do AT ISAAC CROSBY’S, ' Notice. 0 FARMERS AND OTHERS RE- quiring Male and Female Servants in the Township of Vaughan, Whereas the Local Government is desirous of obtaining information, what number of Imi- RECEIVED AT . . grants that would be able to find employment _ in this Township. (according to the following N E w s P R I N G G o o D s 2 It on Schedule hereto annexed) and have requested RICH MOND HILL the Council to’ tarnish them with a list of the same : AT , FUR WILLIAM ATKINSON S MILLINERY GOODS !: 01‘ every description, is- at Mrs. MYERS". Ladies’ Cloth Jackets. Caps, Head Dressesf Bonnet Ribbons, Feathers. Flowers, Bend Trimmings; Cheap. Also will keop'on hand“ ,a nice assortment of Mourning Bonnets. '3 Stamping done to Order. Richmond Hit]. April 2‘2. 186 8. 534-117 A LARGE STOCK OF NEW SPRING GOODS: IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES, CAMISBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WINDOW CURTAIN FIXTURES, For Sale, Cheap, only 25 cents. at THE HERALD BOOK STORE. 1869. The number of Farm Servants by the Year. D0 do by the Month by the Day Do Mechanics in the difl'ereiitTrades D0 Female Servants by the Year by the Month BRILLIA ‘ « labourers in any of the ditferent Classes above NTES’ PRINT’b’ NFW RIBBONS’ named, are requested to communicate the same to the Reeve, according to said schedule, on or before the 12th day of June next. so 1; to enable him to furnish the Government win. a list at that date. By order of the Council. JAS. M. LAWRENCE. Township Clerk. Dated the 10th day of May, 1869. 563 MILLINERY, MANTLES, ALSO. READY-MADE CLOTHING. SUMMER TWEEDS, BRAOD CLOTHS, sump") FARM FOR SALE,“ ‘ IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ERIN. Blacksmithing. Hats and Caps in every Variety and. Style, ETER CRAIK BEGS T0 INTIMATE to the farmers and others in the llelglh borhood of the Elgiii Mills that he has leased the shop owned by Mr. Wm. Trench, sen.. where he is prepared to do GENERAL BLACKSMITHING, THE Subscriber offers for sale a good farm,; being lot No. 4. in the 8th concession of the township of Erin, 100 acres, 60 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation; tho' _ balance nearly all first rate Hardwood bush. V - There is on the premises a good log house,. hLOWERS, FEATHERS, TRIMMINGS, PARASOLS. BUTTONS &c. bamdtable}&c.. with good water privilege- ’ ’ ’ Also a beautiful young Orchard of 100 fruit Iâ€"IOSIERY, GLOVES, A good gravel roadi This form, is 35 miles from Richmond Hill. 6 miles from Georgetown.on the Grand Trunk Ruilway,and‘ 30 miles from Toronto. I‘nnms: Twenty-five hundred dollarsâ€"part5 cash. balance on time. For particulars apply to the owner, WILLIAM HARDING, ' Richmond Hill GROCERIES, HADRWAIRE, CROCKERY, January14.18691 547-6m 86 C .I, business he hopes to meiit a share of public support PETER CRAlK. Elgin Mils. May 13, 1869. GENERAL DRY GOODS. 1 564-tf AGENTS WANTEDâ€"$10 A DAY. TWO $10 TIAâ€"1.3% FOR $4. W. A. has also a FULL STOCK of LLOYD’s PATENT KEVIN-VINE llllilBLIi MAPS Two Continents. AMERICA AND EUROPE, And America with the United States portion on an immense scale. Colored FARM FOR SALE, ‘ - “ii :23 . BEING THE EAST HALF 01“ LOT NO. 28, in run 3RD coN., Township of Vaughan! 860., 860., ...â€"- AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES! â€"-fiâ€"â€"â€"v-â€"â€"â€"___ _ , .â€"_._._..â€"..._ .._.. .. -04.”... ....__ _..._ .._._, _..._-":== NEW AND FASHIONABLE â€"in 4.000 Counties. m THE a HESE GREAT MAPS NOW JUST , ' T completed, 64 x 6‘2 inches large, show S P R I N G G O O D S C OUN ’1 Y O F Y 0 RK’ every place ofimportaiice, all Railroads to date, ONTARIO, and the latest alterations in the various Euro- pean States. These Maps are needed in every school and family in the landâ€"they occupy the space of one Map. and by means of the Reversei‘. either side can be thrown front. and any part broughtlevel to the eye. County Rights and large discount given to good Agents. Apply for Circulals, Terms, and send 1' , money for, and see Sample Maps first, if not t" (â€"l r} j sold taken back on demand, Also ready $25,- ; t _\_/l , l. , 000 steel and plate illustrated subscription ‘ AV’T book, “De Soto, the discoverer of tho Missis- sippi River." J. T. LLOYD. Containing 100 Acres 70 acres under cultivation. G. A. BARNARD EGS T0 ANNOUNCE TO HIS customers and the public generally, that he has reeceived his HERE is a comfortable Dwaniina House; it Good Barn and other buildings on the premises; there is also a 1116i 8% 619910151 SHE”"'tfi‘flilli’lfillff”“w” WHICH HAVE BEEN A. & W. WILSON. 566-tf A Spring Creek intersects the Farm IT DESTROY S CATERPILLARS! RENEE?th SELECTED VVITIâ€"I'CARE! And bought on close prices, 23 Cortlandt St, NY. *fi" This is one of the best Wheat growing’ 564-“ forms in this part of the country. and is within 2.}. miles of Richmond Hill Station. on the Northern Railway; 3 miles from Richmond Hill on Yoiige Street, aIiLdelfirrlnnilpvsnfr‘pgii the City of Toronto. May 12. 1869, THE LARGEST & BEST ASSORTED S'I‘oci: or _.. DRY GOODS run was $016. on Reasonable Terms DESTROYS , V I on RiChmond H“. is at PART CASH DOWN, BALANCE ON TIME. INSECTS, SLUGS AND CATERPILLARS, ' WMIATKWSOWS, To“ ’I'JTLEJNDISPUTABLE on Richmond Hill, ii‘ay 13.1869. 564-tt‘ ; “ ' ' Oth'rant Bushes, Fruit Trees and. Garden Plants. USE IT‘EARLY IN TIâ€"IE SPRING, AND YOU WILL SA VE MONEY, LABOR AND DZSAPPOINTMENT. For further particulars apply to the owner on the premises. FOUND ON RICHMOND H'ILL! Beautiful Stuff DressésIIr'oni $215M dress. I Fancy Summer and Alli‘w'ooi Flannel Shirt- Splendid Prints, fast colors, from l2§c per yd. iiigs, from 35c peryd. DeLaiiies and Mohairs, a nice variety, from Gamhroons and Denims, from 26c per yd. 10c pa} yd, Summer Tweeds, good value, from 350 per Fancy and Chintz Brilliants from 20c per yd. yd. . First-rate Bleached Cottons. from 12‘50 per yd. Factory Cotton. 0181811 and Towelling, fiom Fancy Checked and Striped Cotton Shirtiiig, 8c per yd. .5 L. from 12%;; per vd. Gents’ Merino and Cotton Under Shirts, from ' ‘EAS! TEAS ll TEAS!!! HUGH DEVLIN __._ M . - .-. 1,5.â€" eoon AND CHEAP. Vaughan, .lanuary 7. 1869. 546-3m " ISAAC CROSBY. Richmond Hill, April 29, 1869. Arnica Liniment, PRICE 25 CENTS PER PACKAGE. FOR SALE AT THE YORK HERALD BOOK STORE. Prepared in Canada only by Toronto. April 29, 1869. TI-IE EXCELSIOR PUMP MANUFI CTURED BY P.” PHILLIPS: RICHMOND HILL. ...-â€"â€"-â€" Tins Pour is EASIEST VVOBKED, Mos'r DURA- BLE nun NEATEST M101: 1N 'riiis Dowsiou. THE Subscriber would respectfully an- . nounce that he is prepared to put in This Pump on Trial for One Month! And if accepted WARRANTED TWO YEARS, 01‘ if they are not preferred to any otliey pump they may be returned, and the money Will be REFUNDED, These Pumps are Suitable to all Depths from a. cistern to it Well of 150 feet. Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells, so constructed with the castings ofthe handle as to make it all tight, and pre- venting children from putting anything into it ; which is iiiyariably the case with common pumps. Price $6 complete. for cisterns not exceeding eight feet. Churn Pumps for Cisterns $3. WELL DIGGING DONE On the Shortest Address, stating depth of well, , P. PHILLIPS, April 1, 1869. 558-1 y W I L L I A M C O X, Containing 105 Acres. 60 of which are cleared Successor to James Hollidny, BUTCHER. 2nd door north of Barnard’s store. for sale RICHMOND HILL, EEI’S always on haiidtlie best of Beef. Mutton. Lamb, Veal,Pork, Sausages, &c, and sells at the lowest prices. The higheSt marketprice given for Cattle. Sheep. Lambs &c. Also. Corned and Spiced Beef. Smoked and Dried Hams. Richmond Hill, October 15 1.867. Notice 1 RICHMOND Hii.i.. 1-51 Good Cotton Ticking.'from from 2110 per yd. 50c each. "- J. H. SNDERsoN, VETERINARY SURGEON, ( Graduate of Toronto Veterinary College) Cor. of Yonge & Centre St-Easb RICHMOND HILL. EGS to annouuCe to the pabli‘cthat be it now practicing with H. SANDERSON. of the same place. where they may be consult- ed personally or by letter. on all diseases of Horses, Cattle. 62.1%. ' V ‘HE BEST REMEDY KNOWN For Rheumatism, A large lot of other Goods equally low in prices Sprains, Tic Doloreux, Neuralgia, &c. " GENTS’ AND BOYS’ HATS EOAPS IN ENDLESS VARIETY Winceys. Regatta Long Cioth, Flannel Shirts, Prepared and Sold on by GEO. II. LESLlE do 00., Car. of Blaar 5‘ Yongc Sts., April 1, 1868. 558-1y HUGH MILLER &. C0.. Medical Hall. 167 King Street East, Toronto. 562-tf YROKVILLE. English Paints & Oils. WE HAVE RECEIVED A VER Y LARGE STOCK Of Blendell and Spence’s PURE WHITE LEAD, Which we will sell CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE 111 the trade. HUGH MILLER. & Co., Medical hall, 167 ng Street East, Toronto. May 6. 1869. 563-6 HESPELER TWEEDS’ ALL WOOL, SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS', In the Newest Patterns and Colours, Splendid Value. with a Large assortment of READY-‘MADE CLOTHING-ii! SPLENDID VALUE- lSAAC CROSBY, Richmond Hill, April 29. 1869. Medicines of every Ilis‘cription For Horses and Cattle always on hand : suclt as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough. Condition and Worm Balls and Powders. 'lhd Cough Baits have been found most serviceablé in alleviating many of the distressing V sympi toms of Brokenwind or Heaves in Heroes: Colic, Draughts. Liiiiments for Sore Throats‘. Sprains. Curb. Spavin, [ting-bone, &c. Blisté in Coats. Pants and Vests; also a Great Variety of Ladies’, Geiits’ and Children’s Cotton Hose and Socks, Gloves, I’arasois, Neckties, Collars, Lace Trimming, Buttons. 6L small wares FARM FOR SALE, Being the West Half of Lot 25, 2nd 0011 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. COUNTY OF YORK, ONT.. HEMP AND DUTCH CARPETING IN VARIOUS PATTERNS. With a. full Assortment of Shelf and Heavy HARDWARE. Groceries. Wines and Liquors, Bottled Ale and Porter, Paints and oils, and Window Glass in all sizes. ments, Lotions for Wounds, Bruises, naddié Galls. Infalliable Oil and Sheep Tick Desé troyer. ‘ All orders from a distance promptly attended to, and medicines sent to any part ofthe Pro; vince'. Horses examined as to soundness, alsé Bought and Sold on commission. Richmond Hill. April 23, 1868. 510 IN TEAS I AM NOT sURrAssED IN PLAVflllll, STRENGTH, DR VALUE, llN YllNlill .‘ISTREET. "‘3’ A Call is earnestly solicited and examine GoodsZand Prices. SIGN OF THE BRITISH FLAG STAFF. GEORGE A. BARNA RD. Richma ndhilt Containing 100 Acres! 80 ACRES UNDER coon CULTIVATION. J. L. M A R G. A C H, THERE is a Comfortable Dwelling House, 11 Born and other out buildings; also a No.44 King St. East good orchard of grafted fruit. with a never- T O B O N T O 1 failing Well of water. soft water eistern, pumps soun’rn Deon wnsr or TORONTO ornniir, and other conveniences. a spring creek runs across the farm» Richmond Hill. April 29, 1869. New Stove and Tin Shop" on Richmond Hill. ' . w This is a cod wheatgrowing farm. 3 miles Importer and Dealer In Ding”, from Riciimgond Hill. 2; train Richmond Hill CHEMCALS, PAINTS, OILS, Station and 19; from the City oi Toronto. g , This farm will be sold on reasonable Terms VARNI‘SHLSI DYE STUFFS’ ‘MV part Cash down. the rest on time. ’ lg Has just received Spring importatious of Ar- A. ! tists’ materials; Also a White Lead prepzred a? Tnu“ INDISPUTIBLE G E o R G E S A W D o N E expressly for his own trade, For further particulars apply to the owner on . Q . . the remises. v ‘L VVthh 1S Pure l” p JAMES DUNTON. BEGS TO STATE THAT HE nos FITTED our A Q *3," All articles warranted, and will be sold Vaughan, March 10, 1869. 555- , low for Cash. _ _ w *1 :3} Toronto, April 29 1869. 550-1y i=6 ' PATENT ,5 [In connection with his Establishment in Toronto] ON RICHMOND' HILL 3 - EAVE TROUGHS Farm for Sale. usem ‘199115 11991115 ‘08 '03; HELLqu HEIA'IIS (ESO'IO (INV 09.1.0315 ‘dIuVHorI'IIIAI 1AA. HE FARM COMâ€"rhisns THE NORTH W A TER SPOUTS l T half of lotVNo. $5. in the let concession, PUT UP AT Knives. Forks, Spoons. Cruits. &c., &c.. 81.0.; OWHShIP 01' 1mg all, on Yonge Sll‘eel- $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET. Silver Plated in the best,Style warranted to‘ NEAR RICHMOND HILL, ALSO TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON W ARE, Wearanylength oftime. ' Toronto, Februar I7. 1869. Flooring endother Lumber Dressed. _ 3’ Where he is prepared to supply All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting; 55241y and in a high state of cultivation. There is on the premises a gmd Frame Dwelling House, B .Stbl. GdO‘hd,Pl l'i’lS - .1272? Witei, 3.030 Thbcsdbscribgil .113. odd. SAP BUCKETS & FAILS A VILLAGE LOT, in Richmond Hill. on which there is erected shingles’ Waggon Fences, and a good Frame Cottage, and other necessary buildings. Lumber Sawed to Order. For particulars apply to the owner, [if by 161- For particulars address ‘1 .d MPG-5 P13111118 MALINDA CLARK JOHN LANGSTAFF’ ’ Steam Mills, Tliornhill Richmond/fill I’.0. 562-tf Thornhill, April 21, 1863. 510-111 STOVES AND STOVE PIPES! IFYOUWANT llIIIlAP BillllIS AND STATIUNERY, CALL AT THE HERALD OFFICE. Manufactured and for Sale 513911113 AND STOVE PIPES PUT 111’ EN THE SHBRTEST NllTIllE! A11 Iiinds of Repairing D0110! NEW DRESS GOODS, V I A srLrsniD ASSORTMENT. One Door South of the "York Herald ” Buildings. lSAAC C OSBY. Richmond Hill. April '29, 18695 GEORGE SAWDON. May 3, 1869. March 25. 1869. 557 Richmond Hill, ering Oiiitments. also Hoof and Healing Oiiit-‘ .

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