GOING To Bramâ€"No good work that can be commenced at once should ever be postponed. Men sometimes compromise with their consciences by promising to aban- don some pet vice at a future day. We have no faith in post dated promises of reform. Persons who make them may think they are earnest, but they deceive themselves. Why not resolve and execute simultaneously ? Ifa. habit is evil and dangerous, give it no- qnarter. Slay it on the spot. Respitcd vices are rarely conquered. Welderly gentleman, accustomed to “ in- dul‘ge,†entered the room ofa certain tavern, where sat a grave Friend by the ï¬re. Lift- ing a pair of green spectacles upon his fore- head, rubbing his inflamed eyes, and calling for hot brandy and water, he complained to the Friend that “ his eyes were getting weaker, and that even spectacles did’nt do them any good.â€â€"“I’ll tell thee, friend,†said the Quaker, “ what I think. If thee were to wear thy spectacles over thy mouth for a few months thy eyes would get well again.†THE Comtrsmn CORNER.â€"â€"TlllS is the name given to an advertising department in some of the Scotch newspapers, answering to the “Personal†column in some of our American journals. In justice to "' Cannic Scotland,†we must say that its “Courtship . Corners†are not occupied by notice: as equi- vocal, or rather as mzeqvivoal, as those which offend public decency in this country under the head of“ Personals.†The Caledonians in pursuit of love through the press seem to be in search of the legitimate, not the con- traband article. Matrimony appears to be their object, and a characteristic desire for “ tocher " is most unromantically apparent in many of the advertisements. Some of them are very funny. For example, three young ladies, “ aged respectively 17. 19 and 21,†announce that they have set their hearts ‘ on marrying “three special constables.†l -Why special constables ? Upon what meta- physical principle can_ this prejudice in favor of tipstaves be explained. “ A jilted young lady†wishes to unite herself to a “jilted young gentlemanâ€â€"for the reason, we sup- pose, that misery loves company. Advertis- ing being costly, and the Scotch an econo nomical people,the candidates for matrimony in the “Courtship Corner†appeal in groups to the sesilyilitics of the unwived; the expense of the notices being divided, share and share alike, among'the parties interested. Four young ladies can announce that they are in thematrimonial market (through the Scots- man) for the small sum ofseven and Sixpence sterling, and certainly four fond husbands may be considered remarkably cheap at that ï¬gure. It is satisfactory to know thatYoung Scotland is tolerably fast, although it can- not keep pace with Young America. I A CLOCK has just been completed for the cathederal of Beauvis, France, which far sur- passes all the existing specimens of the clockmaker’s art. It contains no less than 90.000 wheels, and indicates, among many other things 1: to numerous to recite,the days of the week, the month, the year, the signs of the zodiac, the equation of time,the course of the planets, the phases ofthe moon, the time at every capital in the World, the mova- ble feasts for a. hundred years, the saints’ days, &c. Perhaps the most curious part of the mechanism is that which gives the addi- tional day in leap year, and which conse- quently is called into action only once in four years. The clock is wound up every eight days, The main dial is twelve feet in diame- ter, and the total cost exceeds $50,000. A RICH and handsome widow in Philadel' phia having fallen violently in love vyith a gentleman of that city, and havmg dlSCOV- ered that he was paying attenuon to a poor but interesting seamstress, who “ had seen better days.†she wéj’laid the seamStl‘eSS, {Ind made a violent assault upon her, scraiclllng her face and pulling out herhair,(which was the poor girl’s own,) until she was seized by a policeman. The lover, on learning of the outrage, at once married the seamstress, that i he might have the legal right to protect her against all comers. IT is stated that the Hoangho, one of the largest rivers of China, has recently changed, or 15 changing, its outlet, and now enters the sea at a point 500 miles north of its recent month. Ar a hotel dinner table in Tuscumbia, Ala.., two “gentlemen †sitting opposite one another simultaneouly arose and began a. duel with revolvers across the table. One was shot dead, and the other was wonnded. The room was full of people at the time, in- cluding many ladies and children. AN old man of sixty, living in Linneaus, Maine. went into the woods one momng last week, and not coming at night, search was made for him, and the next day his dead body was found lying near a tree which he had cut down. and which in falling had A COUPLE were to have been married at Indianapolis the other evening, and the bride 'was ready for the ceremony at the appoint- ed time,but the bridegroom was not on hand. A messenger was sent for him, but. instead of fulï¬lling his duty, he sent back word that he never intended to marry the lady, and Only “wanted to see how she could take a joke.†The brother of the slighted lady has gone in pursuit of the joker, to see how he will take a cowhiding. COUNT BISMARK, speaking to a Russian diplomatist, saidâ€"“ I do not fear your or- mies; I fear the influence of your communal instxtutions on European society.†evidently struck him on the head, as hiélskull was fractured. AN Illinois paper says :â€"-A Chicago pub- lishing ï¬rm is about to bring outa new edition of the Scriptures, to be known as The Chicago Bible, the chief feature in which will be the family record, will .be adapted to the growing wants of the West. In addi- tion to the blanks for Marriages, Births. Deaths, &c., there will be several pages for divorces. Steer our vessel frall; Be thou ever with us, In the storm and gale. And when skies are fairest, Oh will thou be near, Safely from life’s breakers Our frail boats to steer' Be thy love our guide-star, Never growing dim 5 When the storm is round us, Chanting its wild hymn, May we sail right onward Toward the country Blest, Some day to cast anchor By its shores of rest. We are sailing outward, On the sea of lite, To a haven, layi‘hg Free from storm and Strife, In a peaceful country Sobn, 0h soon we’il reach it, If we sail aright. Gong, be thou our~ Eiqu, ODDS A'ND ENDS Emmy SAILING. HIS ASSOCIA'i Z'JN has transferred their LIBRARY to the “HERALD ’ Book Store where Stockholders and others may Drocuro BOOKS evory Friday afternoon. from. (to B clock. P-Hn BICE’S PUMPS DANIEL HORNER, Jun, MALLOY’S AXE Mrs. S. A. ALLEN’S ZYLOBALSAMUM, allot/1N preparation far the Iiaz'r ; clear and transï¬arext, wit/tout sediment. It 2': very simple mule/Zen )raduce: walkier resulls. It: great superion'ï¬y and gamma] as a Ii'zzz‘r Dressing amr ln'g/z cm: FTL’IIL‘IL Pumades 2': acknowlmflgaz' éy all Ith only in this country 51:! in Europe. T/zc Rextnrer and Z Jlaéalxamum .r/zoulzi not é: um! «me wit/z tlze at/zer. SOLD my ALL Dxmaaxsu. Btopriofnra, S. R. Van Duzor 8L Cm, “’holeaaln Druggiul, 35 Barclay St. and 40 Purk Place. New-York. I‘Vill Restore Gray flair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a, most delightful Hair-Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. New Style. Important Change. A REAL HAIR. RESTORER AND DRESSING Combined in One Bottle. MRS. S. A. ALLEN’S HAIR RESEdbRER Richmond Hill, June 11. ’68 STOVES.â€"Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Dux Grain Measures, Apple Parers, “Iothes Wringers, 626., &c‘ LAMP ELBES, BURNERS, EHIB’INEYS, ‘SHAEES AND WISKS. Also on hand a large stock of Table Cutlery. Spoons, &c. Special attention is directed to his Lapms and Chandeliers; the slack of which is very large, embracing all that is New and Chaste. and also the Plalnest and Cheapest; thus meeting the requirements of all Classes. LANTERNS, Square and Globe. Shape, in Rock. 011 and Machinery 011 Children’s Carriages and Perambulators! RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCATION. Is now complete in all its departments, and being determmed reputation for And giving avary alteniion to the wants and renuirements of his customers. He would now invite special attention to the following Departments : Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, At unusually low Prices. Mourning Goods of Every Description H‘ The Lowest Posgflale (3th Prices; Parasois in all Hie New Styles. from 30 Table Linens. Victoria Tnbie Covers. ( Gioves, Dress Trimmings. Ribbons. Fk House Furnishing Establishment, 83Ynnge 31,3 [103; Qhuve Kingsi. STAPLE & FANCY DRY. GOODS! Bonnets and Hats, in all the Novelties of the season 1 March 11, 1869 *ï¬ 1;:3811d1ng buyers are invited to inspect the stock, as it will be found worthy ofinspection Toronto, Fflbl'ual'y 7. 1869. 493 Toxonto. May 19m, 1869‘ EGS (a can tho attention of the public to his extensive stock of House Fu‘nishing Goods. among which will be found ’AS much pleasure in announcing to his numerous customers and friends in the Counties of York and I’ee) that TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER. WARE: Repairs of all kinds promptly Executed. Lot 20, 52nd ceossion. Markham FOR SALE BY R. H. HALL. AGENT. BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, BENZOLE, "ye. FOR SALE BY NO. 103 KING STREET, CORNER CHURCH STREET. In all the new Makerials and Colorings. Mnntles, Milllnery. J. BRILLINGER, Richmond Hill mm H. ’68. 517-“ HIRAE‘E PEPER Suitable for the present season, . SCOTT, Librarian. Ma' uf'actured and Imported, Wholesale and R WILLIAM MITCHELL, ’ GRAY HAIR Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL IIAIR, Nature‘s Crown. You Must Cultivate it Styles, from 30 cls $3.00 each. Slwelings. Shirï¬ngs, Towelings, Table Cevm'sI Counterpanes, Bed Quills. Cloths, Tweeds. Hosiery, gs. Ribbons, Flowers, Fealhers, Collars. Ties, 6L0, 81.0., all SELLING FIRST-CLASS GOODS AT Which will be found both good and cheap Iâ€"IIS STOCIi OF 9 Shape, in grcat varietv. for oil or candles. II. I‘. would also direct Special attention to the stock of Richmond Hill 555-13; ESS GOODS ! THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1869 REFERENCES The following geluiemen can, with conï¬dence recommend G. H Husband. to a“ requirng Dental aid: Dr Reid, Thornhil]; Dr. Bull. Weston; Dr. D’Evlyn, Bul‘wicx; Dr. Corson, Brampton. To those who have favored him with their patronage in the past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in the fu- ture, he would say that no endeavor on his part will be wanting to meet their approval. F0919; conï¬an of giving entire satisfaction Begs most respectfully to announce that he will be at Unionville, . . . . .. . 15: Monday ofeach month. Weston,......... . . . . . Blh dayofeach month Kleinhm'g, ...,......16lh " " Bun-wick, ............‘.’2ud †H Scarboro’ . . . . .. . . . . . .‘231‘d " “ Where he will be prepared and most happy to wait on those who may require his services, G. H. H.. having had over 38 West Market Square, Toronto 03’ Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of the Best Materials and Workmanship, at the Lowest Remnnerating Prices. Thornhill, Sept: 17, 18684 Fa mner’s Boat 6; shoe Store Eflï¬â€˜E‘S £5 SHQES, RESIDENCE :â€"Thornhill . "DRILLIANTES AND PRINTS ELEVEN YEARS PRACTICE Toronto, Dec. 3. 1867. ,ISAAC Richmond Hill, April 29, 18c“: Manufacturer and Dealerin all kinds of G, H. HUSBAND L.:D.s., JOHN BARRON, Dumb Stoves, and Stoio Piposl AL , A BEAUTIFUL STOCK to maintain his well-known letail CROSBY 4"...“ u. _ Meâ€); Hut Magazine . . . . . . . 3 75 . u ., ., . Missing Linn .m‘qgazme ‘ " I ; Mission Mien...“5"““n'†Monthly Packet ............"‘:" Museum and Journal of Educatiui.‘ '4 z,‘ Musical Times.................. 060 Naturalist...“ . . . . . ......u..... 110 New Monthly Magazine .. . . . . . . 13 00 New Men. Mag. for S. S. Teachers 1 95 Once a Week . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3 Our own Fire Side . . . . . .. .. H. 2 00 Peoples Magazine . . . _.. .. . . . ... .. 2 00 Pharmaceutical Journal. . . . . . . . .. 3 75 Philosophical Magazine . . ...... . . 9 50 Phonographic Reporter. . . . . .. . . . - 0 75 Photographic Portraits . 9 50 Post Office Director... . 3 75 PoultryBeok. . . . . . . . ............ 375 Practical Mechanics’ Journal .. . . . 3 75 y...,-.--. ..---.-.S. Primitive Methodist Magazine .. . 2 00 Prophetic Times 175 Pulpit Analyst .................. 2 00 Quiver (The). .. . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . ‘3 00 Remembrancer . . . . . 1.10 lteynold’s Miscellany . . . . . . . . . t . . 2 00 Robinhood . . . . . . .............. 200 Routlodge’s Magazine for Boys . . . 2 00 St. James’ Magazine..... . . . . . .. 3 75 Scientiï¬c Review . . . . . . 2 00 Scottish Congregationalist. . . . . . . . 1 25 Sharpe’s London Magazine. . . . .. . 3 75 Shorthand Magazine. . . .... . . . .. . 2 00 Sixpenin Magazine . . . . . . . .. .. .. . 9 00 Sooner orLater........ . . . . . . . .. 375 Spirtualll’lagazine........ 210 Sunday Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Sunday School 'l‘eachers’ Mag. . . . 2 00 Sunday Magazine. ‘ . . .... . . .. -. . 2 OJ Sunday at Home ................ 2 00 St. Paul’s Magazine . . . . . .. . . . . . 3 75 Scottish Journal. . . . . . . - 2 00 Technologist. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Temple Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Traill’s Illustrated Josephus . . . . . . 3 75 'l'rulhseeker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 Union Review [alt. month]. . . . . . . 3 75 United Methodist Free Church Mag- 2 00 United Presbyterian Magazine . . . . l 25 Veterinarian 5 75 Victoria Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Watchword . . . . . . . . . . . 110 West End Gazette of Fashions. . . . 3 75 World of Fashion .. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Young Englishwoman . . .... r. . . - 2 00 Young Apprentice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Young Ladies’ Journal... . . . . . . . . 3 25 Young Men of Great Britain . . . 2W! MHHthznupian-HHA. ~.i Leisure Hour. . . London .‘ournal. London Societv. London and Paris Mechanimau . . . Medical Mirror. . "any and Wise F0116: (Le)...............T:..7 Fortnightly Review (mo). . . . . . . Fraser’s Magaxine . . .. .. .... . . . Freemason’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . Friend ........................ Gardener...................... Gents Magazine of Fashion . . . . . Gentleman’s Magazine. . . . . . . . .. Geological Magazine . . . .... . . Geological & Nat. Hist. Reportery 'Good Stories...;............... Good Words...................‘ Good Words for the You ngi . . Gospel Maaazme . .. .... . . . . . . .. Herald and Geologist. (alt. mouth Homilist Horological Journal. . . . . .-. . . . . .. Illustrated London Magazine . Intellectual Observer . . . . . . . . . ... Intelleclnal Repository (New Ch." Journal of Agriculture. . . . . . ... Journal of the Chemical Society .. Journal of Practical Medicine. . .. . Journal of Social Science. . . . . ... Kitto’s Bible Illustrations. . . . . . .. . Ladies’ Cabinet of Fashion. . . . . . . Ladies’ Companion . . . . .. . . . . . . . Ladies’ Gazette of‘ Fashion. . . . . . . Ladies’ Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . ... . leisure Houi‘....... . London .‘ournal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . London Societv. London and Paris Fashions. . . . . . . ANY PUBLICATION IN THIS LIST MAILED T0 Susscmmms WITH Pxommmss. All the Year Round . . . . . . . t Athenaaum . . . . . . . . l . Artizan Annals of Nalural History. . . . Argosy (The). ... ... ..... .. Army List......... .... ... . ArtJnnrnal . . . . . Astronomical Register. . . .. u Aunt Judy’s Magazine. . . . .. . Buily’s Magazine of Sports‘ . . Beau (Le) Manda. . . . . . . . . . . Belgravia (including Christmas Bentley’s Miscellanv . . . . . . . .. Bible Christian’s Magazine. . . . Bible Subjucls . . .......... . Bible 'l‘reasuly. . . .... . . .. . . . Burgeon’s Short Sermon. . . . . Beulnvorm Boy’s Friend. . . Boy’s Journal . . . . . .......... B0) ’5 Own Magazine. . . . . . . . Bradshaw‘s Continemial Guid LIST OF ENGLI‘SH Newspapers and Magazines, British Controvorsifllsn . . I _ _ , British Friend. . _ _ . . . . . “mist Hal‘hinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bl‘iliSh J ournal of Dental Scionce. . Bl‘l‘fuark.... . How 5611’: ...... -............. Boys of'ICngland Broadway, 'I‘he....... .. . Builder, The (price varies) . . . . .... BondSt............, . . . . . . ..... Boy’s Book of Romance . - - - - . . .. Casseii’s Biographical Dictionary. . 2 (t0 Cusseii’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (i0 .......--- wmwwwâ€"mâ€"wwe quOocaâ€"oc- wmutooowcccc w E: .. Chnmbers’ .Iomnal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 25 Chambers’ Etvmolugical Dictionary ‘2 00 Chess Players’ Magazine . . . . . . . .. 3 75 Chess “'urld . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Children’s Hour........... 110 Christian Advocate and Review. . . 3 00 Ch'ristian Consoler . . . . . . - . . . . . . . 1 10 Christian Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Christian Society. . . .... . . . ... y . . 3 75 Christian Spectator . . . . . . . . . ... . . 9 00 Christian Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Christian Witness . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1 00 Christian World Magazine . . ..... 2 (IO MONTHIJES ALEX. SCOTT, nu Auur nJuuu .......‘..-.§)J UU naaum. . . . . . . . . . ..........- 375 -- 375 11s of Nalurai History. . ..... . 9 50 sy(The).... .............. 900 yList................ ..... 5'75 [oumhl . . . . . 950 momiéal Register...†H... 375 ,Judy’a Magazine........... 200 ’s Magazine of Sports†..... 5 75 a“ ......... (Le) {Vivaldi-3...n . . . . . . . . .. 3 75 ravia (includingChristmas No) 4 00 ley’s Miscellanv . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5U ‘Chrislian’s Magazine........ 1 39 >SubjUCLS ..... 0 70 r'l‘reasuly............ ".110 son’s Short Sermon. . . .. . . . - 2 00 worm ....................375 sFriond....................130 sJournal . . . . . .........-‘... 200 sOwn Magazine............ 200 Shaw‘s Continemial Guide, _ _ 5 75 :11 Controvwsifllsn . . . , , , 200 ‘hFl'iend-n... . . . . . . . 200 ‘hHal‘mnger . . . . . 110 Eh J’ournal of Denial Seance†3 75 11:11.... . . . . . 100 5611’: ...... ....... :of'England ................ dway, 'I‘he................. ier, The (price varies) iSt............,... 8 Book of Romance . - - - - . . . en’s Biographical Dictionary. . en’s Magazine. . . . . .. . . .. . . . 2 ('10 nbers’ .Iomnal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 25 ....... 2 3 5 3 2 2 I; nun.“ mognmuu . . . - ... gaziue........ n..........-- azetxo of Fashions. . . . shion u shwoman . . . ... . r. . . . amine. . 9’ Journal... of Great Britain . . . IIJUD-na .u.... - .o.--..n..- My Magazine ... .. Mag. for S. S. Teachers eek. . . . . 'ire Side ............,. igaziue \Licfll Journal :al Magazine . . . . mc Reporter. . . . . ic Portraits . , . . u- . . . . Director............s. echanics’ Journal .. . . . ieihodist Magazine .. . ‘i.)ies................ .-.-..o njusuhlllw JUL DU)“ .I l flggazine............ vxaw gregatxo:)al{st........ dun Magazmeu agaz?l)e......... 5azine.............. ,er zine................ 61‘.... -......-,... )1 Teachers’ Mag. . . . zine.‘.......... me ........--...... gazine . . . 1&1. . . . .. ... u. ated Josephus . . . . . . Y falt. month] nuuuulu... on. It. Chemical Society . tical Medicine. . nion...... ‘of‘ Fashion....... .........o ris Fashions. . . . r.......---..-..-- pgazine . . . . ..,",.c.-... ‘olo. Ill-IIIIIOI....." lx‘nal nf' Emu-Ann.“ m-mwwwâ€"mwwwmwwwwwwmwmc (:QQHK‘.Hkifn>1(nnflyin_1_‘_1»l-1~‘_u_ RICHMOND HILL. SUPPLIED BY month) 475 3 25 Per y’r. Pr No‘ Hmwwwmwwwwwwm aqmqmoowQQQMq cmomcooummmmm .$300 .375 .375 .950 .200 1 10 2 on 375 2‘ 90 " Obu l 10 3 25 3 75 3 75 2 00 ‘4 00 2 ()0 2 00 3 75 2 00 52 00 ‘2 00 7 50 9 50 2 LO r 5 110 300 110 575 375 200 200 100 200 200 37: 3 110 110 1 IO 200 110 200 375 750 wâ€" :7 E7 17 5U 8U 17 33 33 80 13 ()6 112 l7 17 33 17 80 25 33 33 80 I7 50 33 17 10 IO l 10 ' ‘“ ‘ 1‘ ‘ 1‘1‘ wi @mmmï¬m "'tuulmu "Wm "mum ‘vmmn haw: Mun Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! Where he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts. Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal,Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and HaRDWAR and. CROCKERY A nice "assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also call altentnon to his lncluding Tables, Chairs Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stands, \Vas'p Stands, 3L0. 8m. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering, White Lead Paints and Colors, Raw and lionled Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, Rock Oil, Varnish 'l‘urpemine, Benzene, Glass, Putty, Glue, 8m. &0. Parties Furnishing, Papering, or Painting their Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewnere. Also ! PATENT SWIN G AND DOMINION FORCE PUMPS- N returning thanks for the very liberal stpport he has received since commencing businessin Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly increas- ed his Stock and has now on hand CABINET ESTABLISHMENT Machinery Supplied. and Illsnuuc‘flons for making given. Rare chances for men of energy ad limited capital. *f When Ordering Pumps, please sill.†DGPH‘ °f We“ 0r Cis‘eml‘ 1), Q_ Addressâ€"CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook Also Notice that Messrs. PHILLH’S. Pump Makers, UDORA. have purchased the Rights of Georgina North Gwillimbury, ON) and lnnisï¬l, and, having abandoned the manufacture on Inferior Kinds of Pumps. are prepared to supply the m mm “WW1? WEme mm ‘W “W Wm "‘ For Cash, at Prices that cannot be surpasmd. Richmond Hill, November 9, 1866. ‘THE DRAUGHT IS EXCEEDINGLY LIGHT! See Judgment Courtof Chancery. The Hon. 1’. ‘M. Vankouglmet. in delivering Judgment on the celebrated Patent Swing Pump trial: remarked. afterjustly eulogisiug the merits of the Pump. "That, the person who infringes on a Patent. is a wrong-deer and should be punished, and that an infringer’s opera- tions are, not only a Rubberv of the Pateulee, but also a Fraud upon the Public.††The Novelty of making A WOODEN FORCE PUMP, was introduced by the Plaintiff. (C. Powell) and it has that MERIT OF INVENTION which emies it to the protection†a Paient.†‘ " The usefullnesé ofthis invention is unquestioned; it is both ingenious and worthy of merit and to the isolated dweller, must. be of the groatestpossiblo value.†EH 1] THEM WT BM PI. CASTENG AND ALL JOB WORK THE REVEREND JOHN BREDIN, This Plough can he Regulated tn Euta Furmw any Required Shape AND SET IT AT ANY ANGLE. Newton Brook. July 15, 1868. AGREGEEFE‘W%&E Wï¬ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ Richmond Hill, December 10. 1868 Fittings far Eran and Wood Ploughs, Steel 61' Metal, supplied and sold at a Low Price. CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE! Their successis wonderful and Well-deserved.â€â€"â€"0ntario Observer. Richmond Hill. July 30. 1868 (3.2V I July. August and Septen‘apber, 1868, LIFT AND SUCTION PUMPS, FOR ALL DEPTHS ; FORCE Limited Number of Rights for Sale yet “ THE YORK HERALD†clone to Order. EXTRACTS FROM JUDGMENT OP COURI' OF CHANCERY. EYER & BROTHER, NE %PUMP@,¢§U PRICE 15 CENTS. POLEMICAL AR "m‘ RICHMOND HILL LEASE NOTICE THAT ()rdelsfrom North York should be sent to ROGERS &- CO., NEWMARKE'I‘, who have acquired the Patent Right for East and West Gwillim- ' bury. Whitchumh and King. for the “ Churn †Pumps for Cisterns, Patent Swing and Dominion Force Pumps. ARE CHEAPER AND SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS AND OTHERS. MANUFACTURERS OF A ï¬,@M@EM@Ea Common Pumps of any Make, DURING THE MONTHS OF RICHMOND HILL. T. J. 1m, AN ENTIRELY AS PUBLISHED 1N EYER & BROTHER, FOR TANKS, CISTLRNS I‘ND SHALLOVV WELLS; BETWEEN AT TWO THIRDS THE ORDINARY PRICES; TWO DOLLARS EACH. Hon. P. M. VANKOIIGHNET. ALSO, Richmond, Hill, Ontario 5244: 5923111 They were not invented in a day by ignorant parties as a means of money getting, but were originated by M F. COLBY, M.D., one of the ï¬rst physicians of the country. and perfected during a course of 40 runs succesrtul prac- tice, so that for the purpose intended they can scarcely be improved, For certiï¬cates of cures see circulars. All genuine pills are sugar-coated and will in future have our bignalure on the wrapper. S. J. FOSS & CO., Proprietors. ,3 Sold by druggists everywhere. R. H. HALL, AGENT, Richmondhill. plaint. They are the best and safest remedy for children. ’l‘hey are a positive cure for costiveness. They owe the worst forms of dyspepsia. They cure all diseases arising from any de- rangement of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels. 'l‘hev are recognised by all medical men who know the formula as a standard remedy. in time. They can be taken by the most delicate. They do not sicken or grip in any cage_ They always produce the same beneï¬clal results._ They are an effectual! but mild cathartic. They cannot be excelled as an antibilious remedy. They are the greatest blood puriï¬er known. They afford immediate relief for bowel com- Dr. Colby’s Anti-costive and Tonic Pills. November 19, 1868. The name of-the medicine is blown in each bottle ofthe genuine ; 13]] others are worthless imitations. Above‘are some of the statements being daily made by those who have used Jacobs’ lilljumatic Ligurid. “ I do not consider a sprain or lameness of any account if 1 can get hold of a. bottle of Jan cobs’ Rheumatic Liquid.†“ It cures a cold in tamer.†"It is the only thing I know that cures scratches on horses.†" 1 never saw anything that would reï¬evo I buy} so quick.†H I want it where I c‘an put my hand on it at any time.†“ 1 consider it the greatest remedy known.†“ No|hing I ever saw can touch it as a re» medy.†ACOBS’ Rheumatic Liquid is the best thing in the world, except a skillful] phy- sician, to have at hand in case of any accident» 999 out of 1.000 0mm accidents to which w. are daily liable may be greatly relieved, and a large proportion rendered no longer trouble- some by a timely application of (his justly cole- brated medicine. My charge is $1 50 if paid when operated on, ifnot $3 00 will be charged to ensure a acute. ‘ Residence renroflot ‘25, 2nd Con‘ Vaughan JAMES DUNTON. Ifyou want a beautiful, luxuriant growth 0| hair. use Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. If you want {flkeop- yea-r! r' ‘ out. use Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. It is the cheapest, cleanest, best. PRICE ‘25 CENTS PER. BOTTLE. S. J‘ FOSS Sb CO., Proprietors. R. H. HALL, AGENT. Richmond/till. Partof Lot No 30, on ï¬nd Con. Vaughan. containing 63 acre“; also, Village Propertyon Richmond Hill. Forpurticulars apply to the proprietor. A. WRIGHT. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1. 1866. 469- That he‘has successfully treated the above for the past ten years without a single failure. This treatment does not nece>situte their being laid aside only fora few days. the hafr HE SL1bscr_'1herwouHintimntotolhe arm- ers and others of Richmond Hill and surrounding Country having. Quite a number ofreference given if requir- ed ofpersons whose horses have been cured by If you want a clean. cool head, use Hunt's Empire Ilaix‘ Gloss. EXTRACTING .TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! willbe in the following places prepared to extract teeth with his new apparatus, All other operations in Dentistry performed in a wmlsmanlike manner :â€"- USE OF ETHER SPRAY, Which Affects the Tooth Only. Without endangering the Life! 0 BE SOLD ouroasonablo terms, the fol- lowing )l'opelt‘)‘ :â€" V WHE tooth and gum surrounding become . insensible with this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and Aurora . . . . . . . . lsto Newmarket B:-elsl’ord hotel 2nd Stouï¬ville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18th Vicloria Square. . . . . . . . . . 20th Tllomllill...............- 93rd Richmond Hill. 24th Maple . . . . . . . 26m Burwick................ 2811) Klein|2urg............... 29â€] Nobleton..... . . . . . . 30th Horses Afflicted with Ring-bone, Where they will attend to any business per- taining to any branch oftheirprcfessian. Aomra, June 7 1565.. November 19, 1868. R. COLBY’S Ami-costive and Tonic Pills never fail but always relieve if taken November 19. Iflé68, Richm ondHiH. Oct. 25, ’66 Jacobs’ Rheumatic Liquid, Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. I would not attempt to keep house without“ UN'F’S Empire Hair Gloss is the “No plus ultra †of all preparations for DRS. PECK 85 ROBINSON lowing )l'opelt)' IIIU . . . . u n - a . g n u o a I 21 Square.......... till...............- oudIâ€"Iill........... um b..----....-...- 311...... . . . . . . ..... As in the use of Chloroform. Worth Knowing. w J. FOSS & (30., Solo proprietors. R. H. HALL, AGENT, Richmond/till. r19, 1868. 54r-1y Land for Sale NEW METHOD OF BY THE 1st ofeach month 540-137 540vly 72-ly