Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 18 Jun 1869, p. 1

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tithe {tutti jittulh IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. BY ALEXANDER COTT, RICHMOND HILL, And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mails.“otherconveyauce,whenso desired. The YORK I'IEKALIJ will always be found to containthelatestand most importantFoi-oign /1 3 and Provincial News and Markets,and the greatest care will be taken to rouderit ac- ceptable to the man 0fbusiuoss.and 21 Valu- able Family Newspaper. TERMS:â€"â€"0ne VANLE;lf110tp&ld within 'l‘wo Mouths,0no Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. Alliettors addressed to the Editor must be post-paid. No paper discontinued ttntil all arrearages Dollar per annum, IN All- orepxid: and paitiesrefusing papers without paying up. will be held accountable for the subscription. RATES OF ADVEI'I‘ISING. Sixliuesand under, iirstiusertion.. “$00 50 Each subsequent Hisei'tlull.. . .. .. .. . . 00 ill Ten lilies and under. tirstinsoition.. . 00 7;) Each subsequent vusertion” . . . . .. . . . . . 00 ‘20 Above tenlines, firstiuscrtion, porlino. 0007 Each subsequent insertion. per line. . . . 00 0‘2 Une Column per [wolve months. . . ... . 50 0t] Halfacoluuin do do 3000 Quarter ofa column portwelve months. 20 00 One column [)u] six months.. . . . . , ,, . 40 0t) Hali'ncolumn do . . . . . ...... 2500 Quarter of a column per six months. . . . 18 00 A card of ten lilies, for one year. . . . . . 4 00 Acard ot'tifteen lines. (10 6‘25 A card oftwentv lines. do 650 [E’Advertisementswithoutwritten directions userted till forbid, and charged accordingly All advertisements published for a less period than one month. must he paid for in advance. Alltrensitory advertisements. from strangers nrirregularcustomers. must he paid for when handed in for insertion. Business mirsttorp. DR. HOSTETTER, Registered Medical Prac- itiouer OI“ ONTARIO. \Iember of the Royal Col- lege ofSurgeons. England. [by examina- tion]; and late from Guy’s Hospital. London. England: will continue to devote the wholo of his time and attention to tho practise of Medi- cine. Surgery and Midwifery. RESIDENCE «Opposite the Elgiu North of Richmond 1111 December 8, 1863. House, 1142' tf DR. JAS. LANGSTA F \, TILL vcn r. lly he found at home before ' halfrpast 8 21.111. and from 1 to '2 p m. Allpartiesowing 1)r. .l.1.angstaifure expect- ed to call and pay promptly. as he has pay- . lllellli“ HOW Lllal. “Inst [)8 11181. Mr. Ii. Burket is authorised to collect, and give receipts for him. Richmondllill,.It1ne,1965 1 JOIIIT N. IREID, A 008.01: YONGE Alla CULBURi‘lE 813., 'I‘IIORNIIILL. ‘N Consultationsin the office on the mornings of Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. 5 to 10 a. m. lD‘Al! consultations in the otlice. Cash. ‘l‘hornhill. June 9. 1865 DRUG STOIjlilN M JACOB YELINSKIE EGS TO INFORM TlIE lNIIABI- tants of Maple and surrounding country that he has opened a Drug Store in Maple. l A PLE All Kinds of Herbs and Herb Medicines supplied. Maple, April 15,1869- GEO. H. LESLIE & 00., CHEMISTS AND DRUGGIS'I'S, 56(‘-tf C011. 01“ BLOOR Sly YONGIZ 81's., YURKVILIJ), DEALERS 1N DR U (IS, CHILMICAI.S, L‘vi: S'rmrrs. Patent Medicines, Perfumery, &c. Yorkville,Aprii l. 1869. R. H. HALL, DRUGGIST. AND I‘IIA RM A C E U Tl ST , RlCllMON l) I] 1 L11. Richmond Hill. Jan. :31, 18.67. THOMAS CARR, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINE S, GROOERIES, ‘Wincs and Liquors: THORNIIILL. By Royal Letters patently has been appointed Issut‘r of .MARRIAGE LICEIYSES. Thornhilhlt‘eb, $5. 1808 D5. flaw Gar J. N. BLAKE, BARRISTER AT LAW, 0 ON VE' YA N CE] 3, ice. 5b8-1y ‘ ' LICENSED .I'UCI‘IONEICH, $1944; fr: it“ .-a‘. . V01. XI, N0. 3. GEO. B. NICOL, BAHIUSTEIE, ATTOIBNEY-AT-LAW, SULIL‘I'I‘UR 1N CIIANCEKY, coxvumxcun, &t:., do, he. Orvrcâ€"In tho " York Ilcrttld77 lluildingsd ltichmond llill. Money July, 5th, 1800 . to Lend. 5â€"ly STRONG. EDGAR 8: GRAHAME. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS. OFEICHIâ€"\Vdnlllgloll Chambers, Jordon St. Toronto. S. H. STRONG. J. U. EDGAR. R. GRAHAMI‘I. Toronto. .luucl8.1b‘b'b‘. DUGGAN a MEYERS, Barristers, Sitter 33 ~ at ~ flaw. SOLICITORS l.‘\ t ll.h\(‘it)’, CONVEYAN n . tit, ()rr‘lcr;zâ€"l’rovinciallnsurai. 'c Buildings,Court Street, Toronto. JOHN DUGGAN Q.c. AerM n.Mr.Yi1ns, Jn. Toronto Doc. 24, 1858. 544-1y READ AIVID BCIYD, Barristers, Aittii’ilffi‘t; at Law, SOLICITORS 1N CHANUILRY, &c., v 77,1{ing Street l-last, lover 'l but s_isoti’s I‘last Indiu House) Toum'io. 11.1%. nun), Q.C. J. A. May 6, 156 . .4 in), B.A. 4‘l-if mum.» v. gn-s r 5 v.- m- \vsm flitt‘nsco Qtnttio $8155. l HENRY SI’vIEL‘.” 1 i, y ICI'INSICI) AUCTIth l‘Ii‘ ‘i i'tzrtho coun- J tics of York and l’cel, (lo L-tttol‘ of Notos. AGUt)llliI~',t\'(3. Small churn - ...«t plenty to do Lashes. March End 1 351-1 FRAI‘ICIS BU .C CON, JR , LICENSED AIR. 'E.‘IONEER, Ft)” 'l‘Il C O U N TY (T YORK Sales attended on tl: "nortost notice at moderate rutcs. I’.O. 1\«.ii.’L‘SS,BlitiOllYlile. Markham, Jany ‘2 l, lv‘b‘a‘. 1197 H. D. LICENSED "\ vim DLJLIDIETT, A UCTI ONEER, FD“. THE COUNTY 01“ YORK. I“) l‘ZSlllEme, Lot No. 14. 2nd (30.1. lb; Vaughan I’ost Dilloe Address (Iltrvillo,i All orders left at the “ York llcl'uld” oilit‘c. lichuionn Ilill, or at tho I’.0. Maple, will be attended to. ‘ Vaughan. Oct. 10 1.807. in JOHN CARTER, V‘OllthoCountios of York. l'eeland ()1)- ll tario. liosidence: l.oth€,tiihconcess.un Markham. l’ostUtlicoâ€"Uniouvilio. Soles attended on the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. Orders left at the “ llorald" oiiluo for Mr Carter’s services will be promptly attended to .lnne.‘27. 1:57- EDW. SANDE ON, Licensed. Auctioneer, Ft) R '1‘” IC OF YORK Residenceâ€"Jun ‘30, rrnroi'Ilrtl Concussion of Markham. l’,().Addrcssâ€"-l$uttonvillo. Parties requiring Mr. Shutlorson’s soi‘yices can mukearraugonicnts at the llMtALli otnco. n .)l . RE) COUNTIES AND I‘ltldli. ( Junuary 4.11705. Wflmwwmp¢ GEO. MCPHILLIPS 31; SON, OFFICEâ€"Over the Gas Company011ic),'1‘oronto Siteel, Toronto. Toronto. August 1, 1867. Matt ABB, MURRAY & JACKES, Barristers and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, CONVEYANCERS, doc. OFFICEâ€"In the Court House - - TORONTO. August 1, 1865. 95 Carriage and Waggon Maker it Provincial blunt Suwoyors, SidAr‘th'I‘ll. (I. \V. .lune7, 1005. 1 1’. SCOTT,’ tomcat: tourist ,, A N1) Jll'UJUTIt‘. issuer of Marriage Licenses, POST O F I“ I C E. w ‘ m» DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (Or any iiurri‘ieI‘â€"iiot exceeding three hundred dollars bv any one dopositor.) \Vlll be received at the iticbmomi lliil l’ost tltlice, (or which Government will allow Interest. For particulars apply to M. 'l‘EEFY. Postmaster. ‘,,* MR. Titici‘v is Government Agent for the sale of b [A HRIA (I II LI (1 E N SIS from (5:30 A.M. to 3:30 1‘.l\l. 503-tf S Oflice hours: May 4, 1609. R in gwood JIM rble BE"01'I.‘8 P. VVIDEMAN, MANUFACTURER 0F ALI. KINDS OF llle OiiIISN’I‘S, IIEIAIDSTOEES l the. the. duo. Call and examine my Stock and Prices be- for purcln'isiirgr elsewhere, as you will find it to your interest. 6:? Issuer offifztrriagc Licenses. liingwood. Sept, 13,1607. 497 JAMES BOWMAN, A LMIP A M 1 1.1.8, Mor-l;lmrn.b§ov 1.1865. 2 i2 GOLDEN LlON HOTEL, YONG E S '1 I? [31: ’1‘. NELSON DAVIS, â€" - Proprietor. *,,"‘ Good St'tbling attached. ler ulwavs in attendance. ongo St . April 7, 1809. Trusty llosl- 5.39 l y J. S. SCOTT, M.D., LIME. *1 UII.(12E(7) N 1) EN 'I‘ [ST ! Iticsimaxcrzâ€"rour norm. 5 i. ROB’T E. LAW, ASSISTANT, RICHMOND HILL. RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1869. FASTER, faster, friend of mine! Pour it not'like \'ui:ttr wine ; ’Tis a monarch~trcat it so. Let it frothiug, foaming, flow To the brim, o’er tne brimâ€"- Let the king his glories show 1 See it swell, and hiss, and froth Like it moclstom mud with wroth, Roaring“. raging, everywhere! Soc uprise those tiny bubbles, So our troubles, all our troubles, Thus shall melt away in air. Like rt lion in his don Startlcil by the trend of men, Forth it foaming“, flashing flies; And (‘tLCll bubble, ere it dics, . . Sparkles, spurklos, sparkles, sparkles, Spurklcs like a woman‘s cycs. Ah! ’tis still ! Its rage is spent From more want of ltlimcut; And its breath of life seems llod : It'ling the hungry \vrctch some broad. Bread from thee ! tltkc bread from thccl Sooner were the monarch dead. Up it springs, and swells his tides As to burst. the gloss! sides. Broad to him who wears it crown ! lirctul, the food if every clown! Now, my friend, the bottle end; Quail" the foaming)r monarch down. Elicitation. DOUBLES AND cur-rs: A COMEDY 0F ERRORSâ€"PART 111.! CHAPTER V11. ’ BI‘RRIIH} H’s STUDY CONTINI'IID. ‘ The next day I went up to sot: about, her, IIci‘ llltl‘itl conic down untl said, ‘What was to be done? hcr mistress“ had had some bad ncws that morning”. and was nearly out of hcr 1niudâ€"â€"‘ \‘i but was she to do 't’ ‘ .1 didn’t know,” I said, ‘ unless I could soc ho“ mistressâ€"could; I soc hcr ?7 The maid didn’t think she! was calm enough then ; I had better callt back in an hour or so, and so I did. lurlottrt was sittingr in a grout empty chocrlt‘ss room; bcr cycs wcrc rod and her l'zrcc as white as death, and her hair all tumblctl. She looked so wretched, {so NJ}. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless ldxirsction of ’I'ooth. Toronto, Jan. 27, 1801). 549-1y as, 7 ‘ . . i DENTISTRY. I VT. 0. ADAMIS, D.D.S., 4 35 King Street. East, Toronto, NEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his profossional services in ordorto preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approvotistylo. Alsoto regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. June. 1865. ill-y Money to Lend. ONEY 'J‘O lililND ON GOOD FARM Sectiriiv, in Sums to suit applicants. . Apply to DUGGAN t‘L' MlCYl‘IllS, Atturnrys, Cowl St. Toronto, April 1, 18H). 55-3111 Money to Lend on Landed Security. Til I} Undersigned is authorized to statetlia' $20,000 Can be procured, Ill sums to stilt borrowers. on Landed security, lcrms made known on poisonalapplication to BI . T Id 7151 I” Kr , Notary Public, Agent,th 9 N.l'>. Deeds, Mortgages. “’ills, Bonds. Sic, t‘izc, drawn with neutncss and (it-spewinâ€" M. 'l‘. continues to R(.l. as Division COUR'I Act! 11‘. Fees moderate. 618 Yonge Street, Toronto. n...â€" .Bh'nds, Doors, Sash, ' S]: (Biting, Flooring, I'lltl7lftfl'll‘t/o (f'c. A1111 KINDS 01“ Building Materials Supplied ! l’ost Ollice address, Yorkvillo. Toronto, May 18,1865. 3-m. “I. THOMAS SEDMAN, UNDER ’ bl [Ur/111’, (fro. atesidenceâ€"Nearlv opposite the Post Oiiice HichJiontl llill. WILLIAM G. CASTELL, MANUFACTURE“ OF Pure and Unadulterated Confectionery, 363 rows STREET, TORONTO, W. G. C. ca'ls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill everv two weeks. ltitmnontl llill, Nov. 28,1806. J. SEGSVVORTH, IMI’Ull'I'l’t 01" lb fik’iI‘EE'E E553, CLOCIQS, AND FINE JEIVL‘LRY. 1.13 3:01ng Street, Toronto Mfg“ ilfrtsonio and other Emblems made to order. Toronto, April 27, le‘bG. 47. W. WIIARIN 35 00., iniron'ricnsnnn DI‘JALENS LY IVA TUNES, CLOCKS, AND JE‘Yl‘lltLElitY ELECTKO l’er'l'l‘ll) \VARlLCUT ERY. 81.0., doc, the. T” A (iv 1' t) it t; VT it 1“ i at y Eatteution ofthel’nhlicisinlviedtotlmir Stock, consisting of CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, Of the bes‘ description and newest designs. ‘Jurefti' attention given to the repairing; ol Watches aurl Clocks ‘4. (fill; â€"-‘l‘." Jeweh' 'manufactured I , ) ’ lheartbroken, and, as I believed. so fond desolate, who could have helped pitying her ? I did from my heart, as I thought, ‘ I’oor”thing! what, for her! to be w, own or! waiting to be "mined to a fellow who begins by allowingr her to arrive in this dcvil of a. country without a welcome! ‘Carlottu,’ I said, ‘what‘s the mutter. my poor girl ‘3’ but she didn’t speak. I asked her again, but she only moaned out, I wish I wore dead! I wish to heaven I were dead! I am disgraced, dishonored, betrayed !’ I took her hand â€"it felt like a bit of lead. "I‘cll me what has liappcnod,’ I said. She raised her bond for a moment and pointed to a note that lay on the table. It looked its, if she had been crumplng and biting and doubt, ‘Am I to road it ‘3’ I asked; and she made a sign that I was. Ilcro it is, Donald, I’ve kept. it you son, inâ€"â€"â€"in hopes oilâ€"I don't: know what. and he read ‘ it: “)IADAMâ€"I came to Calcutta i0 moot you ycstcrday but, an accident mode me into in reaching the steamer. :uid whcu I did reach it you were gone. [do not regret the accident now, as it has bccn the means of preventing inc from taking a stop which I should, no doubt, have lived to regret bitterly. Making inquiries on board the ship as to your movements, I was informed by a very sensible person, who gave her nznno as (iligsby. that you had hurriedly loft the ship With a IItiss:u' officer a .IAlCll‘ ttanant Burridgo; and on my expressing' surprise, she said that, in her opinion,, you would have left sooner if tlierc lltltl been any land touched at; for that ofall the ‘discrcditnblo conduct,’ as she ox~ presscd it, your conduct with this officer was the most. discredituble she had ever witnessed. ‘Billings and cooings,‘ she said, morn, noon, and night; and whtlt was worse. ‘frcqucnt kissiugs almost in public.7 That under the circumstances, I should decline to fulfill my engagement will scarcely surprise you. I regret the trouble you have been put to in Coming out; but Lieutenant Bnrridgc will. no ldpubt, indemnify you for that, if he has one Spark of honour, one ray of finpr {‘Cgling, one iota of humanity left, he will make to you the only reparation WlUClL as a man and a soldier, 110 0“” do; by marrying you himself without a mo" ment’s deluymâ€"I am yours, &c.. “'1‘. \V. ‘ ‘1’. S.â€"I should add that the captain of the ship fully corroborates the painful' statement of Mrs. Gligsby.’ ‘When I read this there was a kind of mist came over my eyes, and all sort of things flushed through my mind as quick as lightning. Did I want to .mar. ry Carlotta? No, certainly not. I didn't care for her, and I didn’t want to marry at all then. I was young and rich7 and had large prospects, and I had very soon learned the value of these things in the world. A marriage like this would be :1 flooring thing“ for all my after-life. I could never shake it offâ€"never. Then I looked at her, so desolate, so ill-used, so ulltl Repaired. 1nd supplies Coufectionary of all‘kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 1865. ., No. 11. King Street East, 6 doors can: of Yonge Street. ‘ Toronto, April 96, 1856. of me, and I said to myself, ‘If I forâ€" h me, I um the most selfish scouudrcl in the world, and would deserve to be drum- med out; and I’ll stick to her so help me God! I will.’ All this pusscd in a moment. Then I knelt down beside her, and lot my arm around her waist, and said, ‘ Dent cry, darling,’ but she cried all the more; and I said, ‘Curlottzt, will you let me comfort you ? Will you let me take the placc of the scoundrcl (moaning thc person in the highest official position) ‘ who has betrayed you 2” Then she looked upâ€" so sad and woaricd slic lookedâ€"and said, ‘NO, Adolphus, I love you too fondly to wish you to sacrifice your life to min. Boâ€" bo ‘3 I can’t accept a husband without his loveâ€"and yours, I know I haven’t got." I thought this very noble and dis- interested of her, and I cried out, ‘ But I do lovc you, Carlottaâ€"I sw ‘ar I do” (and I believed it for five minutes) ‘und if you’ll take inc, hero I :tni. I’ll do my bost to make you happy, and be a good husband to you as long as I live.’ i ‘ Thor. she threw her arms around my neck, and said I had raised her from the deadâ€"that shc cared for nothing, else, now that I had said that I lovcd hermthnt she was perfectly happy, only ' would I mind sayingr it againand again 1? I did so. I vowed and sworn that I adored her, and I kissed hcrlikcâ€"liko a good deal, and then we had a tiflin. I went out oftcr to make arrangements for the marriage, and than we rode in ‘ the, Coursc.’ .I was in a, sort of dream, I rcuiomomber the band playing" thcrcâ€"a savor: ofair, and 1'.lillc‘1‘ a sad 0110, and it. scoured to say, ‘ You've (-ookt'd you're goose, Dollyr my boy, and all your jolly days are over. liy (loorgo! tho lltllltl was right. ‘ 'l'hroc days after. we were married .in the church at Fort William, you, know the church, Donald 1) I didn't know! :1 soul. no more (llil Carlotta, and she. coulilirt ask ‘ thc person in the, di:(}.,7 togive her away. I boned the doctor whose seat she had taken on bond the I‘llccco, and he gave her away. ‘ \Vc had alittlc makeâ€"believe marriage (ltl'jc’ll’llrt'l‘ at the hotel after. Gad ! how miserable I was I The doctor got tight, and Iinsistcd on making spec-hos, I rc K mombcrathonu'h we were only thrccâ€"â€"~ proposed ‘ The Queen ’ and ’ The Rest of the Royal Family,’ ‘The Army and Navy.’ ‘ The Church, &c., &c., and kept cheering away like fun, .JJtIOtSflllh; and brenginfl-punkahnvnl Q ,Jmld him to return thanks for the Church, be- cause he was ‘jupannod,’ he said, like a purson ; and he kicked the beggar down stairs because he wouldn’t do it couldn’t you know, of courseâ€"and dropped an ice-pail after him ; and the landlord came up, and we had a row. ()1), it was hor~ riblo! it’s all like :1 bad dream. I recol- lect triflingr little things as if it was yesâ€" terday, and I remember thinking how unlike it all was to what a good man’s and a good woman’s marriage ought to be. But Carlotta was in high spirits, and wc . drove down in the evening to Barrackâ€" honcymoon. The honeymoon didn’t lust . longâ€"only three days. I had reported myself in Calcutta, ofcourso, and in fact i not leave, you know, to go away from" the town for :1 week, leavingr my address ; in case I was wanted. My regiment l, was tip country, but I was to march up l‘1 charge of detachments or something". whenever there was anything to go. It i was the Mutiny time, and no follow could travel up country like agcntlcumn, then, i I can tell you. his shoulder to the wheel. \Vcll, we had bceu honcyniooning at Barrackporc for three daysâ€"Lord, how sick I was ofit! when an orderly arrivcd with a thun- dering oflicial for me. ‘I was to march up country with a mixed draft in flirty-eight hours. I didn't know what the deuce to do with Carlotta. You see I had made no preparations, boâ€" causc the marriage had come off so sud~ dculy. But. in we wont to Calcutta, and put up at Spences; and I thought I would go and consult the regimental agent, and I (lid. He looked gloomy at first, and said, patronisingly, he didn’t soc what was to be done, leaving,r :1 lady at on hotel was an oxpcnsivc busincss for a subaltorn, and there were no lodgings in Calcutta. I said ‘loilu'ings, bc hanng ! I must take a house for her. of course.7 He laughed and said, ‘ Who’s to pay the piper?’ and I flared up and said, ‘ \Vho s/Loultlpuy the piper for a man’s will- but a man himself?” And he fumbled his keys and thlngrs in his pocket, and said, coolly, ‘ You have private moans, perhaps; but rent hero is enormous: it_ would take more than your whole pay. figg' it isn’t even full butttt down horo.’ 1‘ said, yes of course I have private means; I have four thousandâ€"your, and and as much more) as GVCI‘ I like 10mm my gmntlmothcr.’ ’i‘llml his lllflnllt‘l' changed at onceâ€"I’ll bc hnnu‘Od if I CWT mot :L fellow of that sort, Donald. whose manner didn’t change when he found I was coiny. Coin can do 21 lot of things. but it can't make me happy now. con found it. \Vcll, he became as civil as possiblo. and I gave him a letter from iny bunkers at home; and then he wantâ€" ed me to tilfm, and come and live with himfland have :t brandyand-soda than and there. and :1 wood, all among his lodgers and things. He was very useful, and took any amount of trouble, and found a very nice house before next fore-« noon, in Garden Bench, all furnished and cause I am wrctchcd, why should you- “711010 No. 369. .7 If I'H‘r"'°"'w"’WWV-W 'va 1 and you know you can gotscrvants (of it sort) by whistling tlicre; so that. night Carlotta and I took up house in our new abode. I gave her an unlimited c1‘cdit (like a fool) with the agent, and next. day said ‘ Good-bye.’ She cried of course, tremendously. I cunlt say I did, for as soon as we were married her mannor and style secured to Chang/c, and I saw she was a horribly course, low~brcd vulâ€" gar woman, and that she had been acting :thc lady, just as if she were on the stage, all the time before. She could act like fun, she was amazingly clover. So i went away up the cmntry with my draft. and I thought; as 1 left Calcutta, ‘ l don"t care if J never came down country again] ‘ l neodn'tborc you with the march up. At Bcnaros they took us and sent us off with a ‘flyingfir column,7 and we were dodging: about. aftcr rcbcls for nine weeks; and thou we got to Allahabad, and off again on another cruise, and so! on we were handed about from one place to another, and all through Central lndiu. The dciachmentwus separated and brokcn up by this time, for they boned men and oliicers just as they wanted them, and didn’t care what regiment you belonged to, and wricthor you were cavalry, iir funtry, or urtillcr-y but you know all that. I had very oil‘cctionato letters from Curlottttcvcry now and then; to read them you would have believed that she spent hulfhor time in praying for moy and the other half in bullyingr tho postollicc authorities about not getting my lcttcrs regularly. ‘It was; a horrid campaignwnothinu but murchcsanil forced marches polling away after the nmtinccrs in the heat of the sun, just. as if we were in Northern Europewnight alarms and day alarms short commons and longr firstsâ€"~fcvor, ziguc, cholera, and sunstroko~thttt was about the programme. llcuccd little lighting. Now and then we got. it chance, and blazed at them at longr range; and sometimes, whcu they were two hundrcd to one, they would stand up to their guns â€"â€"thCll thcrc wus t1 rush and a little bayoncting; but it was all over in a minute or two, and they were off like the wind, and it had all to begin again wptldiizurgcring away after tho beggars, and all for no satisfaction. I was sick of it, and uncommon glad W! on we were ordcrcd into quarters. Then I joined my new ‘9gimcnt. They were at Walâ€" lahabad, a small station near the bills. Inlnrd never seen them all the time. for theyqrad â€"bct~.rfmuisirrg in another dircc: tion. I liked themâ€"they were a good set of follows; and when I had joined I found I had just got my troop. Promo- tion was going fast then (the sun had something to say to that, and cholera, a good (10211;) but as I was an infantry follow, I had the drill and ridiugschool business to {:0 through, and that was 21 bore. Somehow I couldn’t make up my mind to tcll the follows I was married, and [was so young,r no one would have dreamt of it. I was desperately unwill» int: that Carlotta should come up. and always wanted her to put off and 00'. I crying over it_a,,d so She hay 1 do,” pore, and wont to the hotel there for the tilld her I was kept so busy “'llll the drill and ridiugschool it \‘tlS no good her coming up yet awhile, and that she had bottcl' stay where sho was. So she did for a bit ; but I suppose she got sick ol‘itl, for all of it sudden up she came without any warning. 'I'lmt put me in :1 nice fix, I can tell you. I rcmonibcr hcr arrival so wcll. It was just after tillin, and all the fellows were hanging: about in the mess-compound, for it was coolish weather. The public road run Every one had to put just past the compound; and all of a sudden some one sung out, ‘IIullOtt! an art'ivulâ€"â€"\vliat's this “.9 and we looked, and there was a string of dak gharrics four or five of them covered with baggage and servants and things. a This was great excitement, and we tl.ll run and lookcd ovcr the wall ; and the first char» ric who do you think was in it ‘3 who but Kitty (.‘oloony, my wife’s drunkon Irish maid! She was drunk then, and drinkingout of a black bottle, and a monkey and it parrot were cruising about loose in the trap with llCI‘. When she passed us she waved her hand and holâ€" loacd out, ‘ The top of tho marnin’ to yo. bhoys l Conucmurra for ivcr !’ and sink back into the gharrio, kicking hcr abominable hccls up into the air. I heard u voice saying. ‘It’s the Queen of Sheba, and she’s as drunk as an owl of the desert. ‘But my heart seemed to stand till, and I know‘but before I could think, up came the second ghurric, and there, sure enough, was Carlotta herself. She spotted me at once, halted the gbar- ric, jumped out like mod, thrcwhor urms round my neck over the compound wall. singingout,‘ Darling Dolly! my chocildl my chccild! my Adolphus! just as if she was on the stage. ‘All the follows roared; and I saw she was as drunk as Kitty Coloony. ‘tho is this woman, sir ‘3’ cried the Colo- ncl to me (he was married, and :1 religious follow) ; and I said, ‘ It's all right, sir; I'll put, it all squuro.’ I hardly know what .1 was saying or doing, but I jump ed the compound wall, bundled Carlotta into the glizti‘ric, and told the whole cola van to drive to my bungalow. As we moved off I could soc all the follows doubled up with laughing; some of them kicking aboutin fits on the grass, and the Colonel marching into themcsshousc with it face like a scourge IVcll, thch was :1 subaltcrn of mine, Fred Lascellcs, shared the bungalow with me. When the procession arrived, Fred was sitting sake this poor woman in her grief, when really (in fact, I believe he turned out Smoking in the verandah, and you should she had lost all her prospects through of it hiinself~therentwas so enormous); have his fa cc. I never told him about Carlotta, you know. He gave a.. view-11011021 whcu he saw Kitty Coloony, and she jumped out and began to dance a jig; and I‘li't‘d, who was a. lively bird, joined her, and. thch they were cupcring away on the gross: when I came 11 . ‘ ‘ “7hth tlous it, all moan, Dolly i’.’ 11c cried, lholdiug his sides; and thou he saw by my face them was something wrong; and I said, ‘ My wifc’s in the second gharrie, ,Frcd. and i want. you to turn out for her, like goodfcllow.’ ‘Your uifc!’ he said, with aqncor twinkle in his eye. ‘Wlltlker! all right though, Dolly. 1’11 1 turn out in u jilfy.’ ‘ hp '11 my honor, Fred, she's my married wife,’ I said; and he wont uwziyiu toordcr his servants to move his traps, muttering something about ‘having cut his eye tooth.’ V ‘I got Carlotta quieted down, and to! bed, and her baggage and triggers and monkeys and parrots and Kitty Coloony stowed away; and l was just sitting down to smoke it wood, and think over my troublcs, when up come an Orderly and told mo that the Colonel wished to see me immediately. Off i wont to the ordcrly-roomâ€"â€"protty savage l was tooâ€"â€" and there was the Colonel looking like thunder. ‘Whut till] I to understand, 1 Captain 13nrridgc,’hc said, ‘by the dis- grucci'ul scene we have just. witnessed ?’ ‘It wasn‘t my fault,sir,’ l replied. ‘How dare you bringr that disreputable woman into my station, sir ‘3’ (He was com- Inzmding the station too, you know.) ‘She’s my wifc, sir, I suppose l have a right to bring her anywhere, and as to disreputable how duro you use that word?’ “She was drunk, sir,’ said the Colonel, tpmiliug :1 littlo though. ‘Shc was not; drunkâ€"n0 man shall say she was; she was overcome by the bout. is this all ’ you have to say to me, ColoucllVinthrop?’ ‘ I beg your pardon, Captain Burridgc, if she is really your wifc.‘ She is really my wife, sir, upon my honor !’ I replied. "l‘hcu l bogr your pardon, Captain Bur- ridgc. But he spoke very coldly, and I knew he didn’t bclicvc she was my wife a bit. However. I could only say good. morning, and Come away. ‘Thc life 1 1011 there after this was driezulful. Carlotta had thrown off her mask altogether: lioi temper was awful ~ -hor language was abominableâ€"and she constantly got drunk and insulted people. She wanted to (full on all the ladies in the station, but l sworc, if she did, that I would sell out. and go to tho backwoods ofAmoricu, so she grave it up; but at; hand she usotl to make remarks on the pcoplo in a loud voice, and stare impuâ€" dcntly at the ladies and laugh in their faces. and turn round and sometimes call out. things alter them. so that I forbade her to go to thc band. I couldn’t pre- vcnt it soniotimcs though; and at last. one cvcninoj whon I was on guard, she took the opportunity of going“r there by horsolf. The collector of the district was there in his buggyâ€"a fut old codger, awfully bumptious; and Carlotta, who was furiously drunk, rode up and asked him what the devil he meant by driving a. white horse. He said ho supposed he, might drive what kind of a horstie, plrnsod; and she said, ‘No,’ that that was his mistake, and that if she ever caught him there with anythingr but pie- bulds again, she would leather him with- in an inch of his life. Then the old follow got in a rage and said, ‘ Leather away 1’ and she didâ€"cut his face open with her whip, and broke his hat with the butt-0nd, and gulloped off. You can, imagine the row. The Colonel sent for mo and said, ‘ ,nptain Burridgc, I won’t. discuss with you whether the person undor your protection is your wife or not; One thing is now certain, that she is disâ€" reputable and a public annoyance, and, being so. she shall not remain in my stir-- tion. She must be out of it in twentyâ€" four hours.’ 1 could only say, ‘I am ashamed to rcpoat that she is my wife, but oi'courso l quite see that she must go. and g0 shc shull.’ The next morning l hull it out with hcr and such it shinin ! Shc vowed She wouldn’t move, but 1 told her the Colonel would cithcr have her locked up or re: moved by force, so off she went, away down the country, with Kitty Coloony and all the other boosts, back to Calcutta, to the house in Gordon Roach, which I had kept on all the time. i didn’t go with her, but I couldn’t remain in the station â€"l was too ashznncd; so 1 got leave and wont away to the bills for a cruise by myself, waiting: till 1 could get an exchange. it was comingr down tigain that l mot your brother in the Nyncc Tu] and hc took me for you, and that was the first I ovcrhourd of you, Donald, At Nynce Tal I not a letter from the Valentin agent, saying that my wife was spending» ft lot of moneyâ€"and had come and oskctl for It £1000, in {I lump. He had declined to give it to her without consultng mc ; and was he to give it to her? I wrote back to say No, not in :1. lump, but that he might; pay for her any bills she wanted paid, but not to give her umro than £100 at a time. 1 didn’t; know what tricks she might be up to. I remained at Nynco 'l‘al and Simlrt for a. bit, and then I not another letter front the uncut. (none from Carlotta all this time) saying that, she had come again for 15110131000, and that when he told her my decision she was very abusive; and that her brother, who was with her and llilOKlCZlIt'd. had also abused and struck him ; and that therefore he had fut com- pollod to tvzinsfcv the agency in the meantime to othor hands, as he could not have transactions with such a persouond, 0n the whole. he thought. I had better come down without delay. Down I went post husto. I had never heard of her brother before. and I was naturally in- quisitive about him, you sec. 1 sent no warning to Carlotta, and arrived in Gar- den Roach one morning:r about seven o’clock. (1 L0 (CONTINUED) A LADY said to her husband in Jerrold’s presence :â€"“1\Iy dear, you certainly want; some new tronsers."-â€"“ No I think not,” replied the husbaud. “Well,” said Jerrold, “I think the lady, who always wears them, ought to know.’3 i 51

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