SPLENDID TEAS Japan Tea, at 75 cents per 11). Wu “Hâ€lli NI ‘ Mill | “it“mhu Yl‘l‘l’aflrflfl Uh“? SMOKING AND CHEWING: SPLENDSD PRUNES ! GROCERIES! And we would invite the Mtenï¬on of all those Warrant every Art1cle And WOMd direct special ‘atte'ntion to his THE TEA CHEST! IGN OF THE 01n- C'hew'ing Tobacco Oranges Prime Tobacco ! JUST TO HAND, Richmond Hill. May 13. 1869 A Really Good Article! Has just received a iarge l‘otbf '. Murbw @ulumn. WELL SELECTED ! At 45 cts and upwards; {s especiaily Worthy of notices FAMILY FRESH ARRIVALS OF ISAAC FRENCH AS REPRESENTED. (PLUG AND FINE CUT) Is Large A fresh lot of ova floor: or Lemons a.th wish SIGN o'F 18 WE 'TO BE ISAAC FRENCH Best Fanning Mill, Manufactured in Canada, Can Supply a1]. Orders Promptly Farmers will consult thelr own interest if they will examine our Mill bel’ore buying elsewhere, as we feel conï¬dent they will be satisï¬ed our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. Lumber Planed to Order on the Silo/coat Noï¬ce at their Saw Mill. Currant Bashes, Fruit Trees and. Garden Plants. WILSON’S IMPROVED DOUBLE ACTION FANNING MILL SAVE MONEY, LABOR AND DISAPPOINTMENT. EXCELSIOR PUMP Tms Pour ls EASIEST WORKED, Mos'r Dum- BLE AND NEATEST MADE IN THE DOMINION. This Pump on Trial for One Month! And if accepted WARRANTED TWO YEARS, Or if they are not preferred to any othey pump they may be returned, and the money will be REFUNDED. These Pumps are Suitable to all Depths from a. cistern to it Well of 150 feet. Also manufactures a pump 'for cisterns and shallow wells, so consu‘ucted with the castings of the handle as to make in all tight. and pre- venting children from pulling anything into it; which is invariably 1116 case will) common pumps. Price $6 complete. for ciszams not exceeding eight feet. ' Churn Pumps for Cistcrns WELL DIGGING DONE Richmond Hill, May 527, 1869 April 1, 1869. 5584,: Toronto. Apri129. 1869. WILLIAM COX, 2nd door north of Barnard’s store. EEPS always on handthe best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb. Veal, Pork. Sausages. &c. and sells at the lowest prices. The highest market price given for Caycle, Shggp. liambs: &c: N ' 1n pn,,,1d:-_.1 "115.63%: {xx-d Spiced Beef. Smoked and Dried Hams. HESE‘MILL'S HAVE STOOD THE TEST OF COMPETITION AT ALL THE Address, stating depth of well, P. PHILLIPS, HE Subscriber would respectfully an- nounce that he is prepmed to put in Prepared in Canada only by Richmond Hill. October 15 1.867 Provinéi'al Exhibitions and County Fairs whenever shown, and are pronbunccdï¬y com- petent Judges as being the Manufacturing :1 large Number of the above, ‘INSECTS, SLUGS AND CAATERPILLARS, P. PHILLIPS) RICHMOND HILL, the Shortest Notice! FIRE-PROS F STORE, RICHMOND HILL. FOR SALE AT THE YORK HERALD BOOK STORE 1869; SPRING, 1869. Successor to J ames Holliday, USE IT EARLY IN THE SPRING, MANUF! CTURED BY STILL FURTHER IMPROVED. IT DESTROYS CATERPILLARS! RICHMOND HILL GRAND DISPLAY BUTCHER, PRICE 25 CENTS PER PACKAGE. And having increased facilitie‘s for preparing the lumber. ISAAC CROSBY’S, Rlcmwm) HILL. The subscribers are now AND THEY HAVE BEEN AND YOU WXLL THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1869. DESTROYS ON FIRST CLASS HARNESS HUGH MILLER & 00.. Medical Hall. 167 King Street East, Toronto 5624f RICHMOND HILL ; He has now on Hand! A CHOICE ASSORTMENT, \leCH He will Sell Cheap for Cash! 0R APPROVED CREDIT. My Collars aréâ€"gll Warranted To give satisfaction. Also on hand :1 Superior Stock of VVhips » And Whiplashes. I cannot be Undcrsold in this Line. A call from intending purchasars is respect- fu'Jy solicited. v" .. ..unnm MARRIAGE LiCENSES 1V1. Commissioner in B.R., is Government Agent. for issuing Marriage Licenses in the County of York. Oï¬ice hoursâ€"7 A.M. to 9:30 15.1w. Richmond Hill. October 23, 1869. f V BE FARM COMPRISES THE NORTH half aflot No. 55. in thew lst concession, .1. half aflot No. 55. in thew lst concession, Township of Vaughan, on Yonge Street, Coptgininng Acres,n60 of_which are cleared and in a lligh state of cultivation There is on the premises a gmd Frame Dwelling House, Barn. Stable. a Good Orchard, Plenliful Sup- ply of Water, &c., The subscriber also offars for sale In Richmond Hill, on which there is erected agood Frame Cottage, and other necessary bufldings. _ For Sarticulars apply to the owner. [if by let- t-er post paid} Richmond H ih, April 22,1569. 534-1y May 3. 1869 IIâ€. 11. W1 1'1913899 TEEFY, NOTARXHPUBLIC AND A. & W. WILSON. NEAR R‘lCHMOND HILL, MRS. MALINDA CLARK, A VILLAGE LOT, RICH MON D HILL. Farm for Sale. DO YOU WANT IF 50 GO TO W. II . MY ERS Richmond/ï¬ll P.0. 562 tf 566-tf In fact the. siock is complete and comprises some of the most beautiful goods that has ever been offered in this piace. A can is Earnestly Requested. Remember I will not be Undersold. In all its branches, and by strict attention (0 business he hopes to merit a share of public support PETER CRAIK. Elgin MUS. May 13, 1859. 564~tf 1. lo the fill'lUBI‘» and others in the neigh borhood of the Elgin Mills that he has leased the shop owned by Mr. Wm. Trench, 561).. where he is prepared to do REVELVINE BBUBLE MAPS a App!y for Circulars, Terms, and send money for, and see Stampie Maps ï¬I'SK, if not sold taken back on demand. Also ready $25,- GUO steel and plate illuslrated subscription book, "De Soto, the discoverer of tho Missis- sippi River." I S-Pâ€" rEâ€"Nâ€"D#1~D (2â€" 0â€" AGENTS WANTEDâ€"$19 A DAY. HESE GREAT MAPS NOW JUST completed, 64 x 62 inches Jurga, Show J- completed, 64 x 62 inches large, Show every place of impm‘lame, all Railroads to date, and the latest alterations in the varlnus Euro- pean Slams. 'l'hese Maps are needed in every school and family in the lundâ€"tlmy occupy lhe space of one Map, and by means o‘rthe RdVGrSO', either side can be thrown from. and any part brought lvvel lo the eye, County Rights and huge discount given to good Agenxs. ETER. CRAIK BEGS T0 INTIMATE lo the fill'lUBI‘» and others in the neigh GENERAL BLACKSMITHING, THE LATEST STYLES. And America with the United States portion on an immense scale. Colored â€"in 4,000 Count" ON RICHMOND HILL, AND AT THE Lowest Toronto Prices! 011 Richmond Hi“. is at BGOTS & SHOES Arnica Liniment, THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN For Rheunlatisn'l, Sprains, Tic Boloreux. Neuralgia, &e. Prepafed and Sold on by GEO. H. LESLIE & 00., HE Being the West Half of Lot 25. 2nd Con NEW SPRING GOODS COUNTY OF YORK, ONT., Containing ~ 100 Acres 3 ‘HERE is a Cnmfortable Dwelling House, :1 Barn and other out buildings; also a good orchard of grafted fruit. with a never- I‘ailing well of wmer, soft water cistern. pumps and olher conveniences. a spring creek runs across the farm. This is a good wheatgrowing farm. 3 miles from Richmond Hill. 2; irom Richmond Hi‘J St11ti011 and 19% from the City at Toronto. This farm will be sold on reasonable Terms, part Cash down, the rest on lime, EC? TITLE lNUIsPL‘TABLE ! For further particulars apply to the oWnar on the premises. EAVE TROUGHS $6.PER ONE HUNDRED FEET. Richmond Hill, April 22,1869. 534-137 May 12. 1869 SAP BUCKETS & PAILS Richmond Hill. April 29, 1869, ‘EAS! TEAS 1! TEAS '! l ! w M. ArKINSON'S. Richmond um, May 13, 1869. 564~tf Shingles. Waggon Fellbes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. For particulars address April 1,1868. Richmond Hill, April 29, 1869‘ Girls’ and Boys’ Boois in endless variety. HE LARGEST & BEï¬T ASSORTED JAMES DUNTON. Vaughan, March 10, 1869. 555- AMERICA AND EUROPE, ALSO Flooring andother Lumber Dressed. 8†ACRES UNDER GOOD CULTIVATION \V. H. MYERS’. Thornhill. Apri121,1868 FARM FOR SALE, Ladies’ Boots 75 cts and up wards, SPELER TWEEDS, TWO $10 MAPS FOR $4. ‘VATER SPOUTS! TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. Blacksmithin g. Manufactured and for Sale THE LARGEST s'mcx or LLOYD’S PATENT Gentleman’s in all JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills, Thprnhill GOOD ANJ CHEAP. Two Continents. J. T, LLOYD. ‘33 Cortlandt SL, N.Y. )9. 564-“ SFIaEflDID VALUE. Car. of Elnor & Yonge 815., EVER OFFERED PATENT 's’rock or PUT UP AT 558-] y AND ISAAC CROSBY. JSAAC CROSBY. 'nuxvxLLE. 510.â€: Beamiful Stuff Dresses. from $2 per dress. Spiendid Prims, fast com-s, from lflgc per yd. DaLHnes and Mohairs, a nice vnnet‘y. from 10c per yd, Fandy and Chintz Briliiants from 29c per yd First-rate Bleached Cottons. from 12:31: per yd. Fancy Checked and Striped Cotton bhirling, With a full Assortment of Shelf and Heavy HARDWARE, Groceries. Wines and Liquors, Bottled Ale and Porter, Paints and 031s, and Window Glass in all sizes. IN TEAS I AM NOT SURPASSED ' IN PLAVGIIR, STRENGTH, 0E1 VALUE, UN YflNï¬E STREET. froï¬l 12k: per \‘d. Good Cotton Ticking, from from 200 per yd. A large lot of other Goods equally low in price. HATS? CAPS IN ENDLESS VARIETY IN DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE COTTONS m Coats, pants and Vests; also a Grnat Variely of Ladies’, Gents’ and Children’s Cotton dose and Socks‘ Gloves, l’ax'asols. Neckties, Collars, Lace Tnmming, Buttons, & small wares NEW SPRENG GOODS! MILLINERY, MANTLES, ALSO, REA DY-MADE CLOTHING, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, TRIMMINGS, PARASOLS, BUTTONS, &c., CAMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC 'WINDOW CURTAIN FIXTURES, GRO‘CERIES, EH ADRWAR E, GROCKERY, New Stove and Tin Shop on Richmond. Hill. NEW STOVE & TIN SHOP TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE, *1.†A Call is earnesfly soIicited and examine Goods and Prices. Ricjhmlond Hill. Apr“ 29, 1869. STINES AND STEVE PIPES PUT 7UP [IN THE SHURTEST NDTIGB! HEMP AND DUTCH CARPETING IN VARIOUS PATTERNS. One Dbor South of the “York Herald " Buildings. Much 25‘. 1869‘ Hats and Gaps. in. every Variety and Style, In the Newest Patterns and Co‘murs. Splendid Value. with a Large assortment of FOUND 0N RICHMOND HILL! COMPRISES THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST SIGN OF THE BRITISH FLAG STAFF. GENERAL ER? GOODS. AT WILLIAM ATKINSON’S Most Varied. Assortmentï¬ ALL TVOOL, SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! GEORGE SAWDON SUMMER TI/VEEDS, BRAOD CLOTHS, SELECTED WITH CARE! STOVES AND STOVE PIPES? All Kinds of Repairing Done RICHMOND HILL! BRILLIANTES, PRINTS, NEW RIBBONS‘, [In connection with his Establishment in Toronto] In Fact everything cbmprised in an Assortment of VVinceys, Regatta Long Cioth, Flannel Shirts, -MADE CLOTHING-2 GENTS’ AND BOYS’ Iâ€"I OSIERY, GLOVE S", BEG-S TO STATE THAT HE HAS FKTTED OUT W. A.1zas also a FULL STOCK of For Sale, Cheap, only Q5 cents. at Whera he is prepared to supply And bought on close prices. WHICH H AVE BEEN AND THE ings, from 350 per yd. Gambroons and Denims, from Qi‘c per yd. Summer Tweeds, good vniue, from 350 per ~Vd' Famory Cotton, Crash and Towelling, from Sc per yd. Gems‘ Merino and Cotton Under Shirts. from 500 each. Fqncy Summit and All-wool Flannel Shirt- SPRING GOODS THE HERALD BOOK STORE. NEW AND FASHIONABLE GEORGE SAWDON. G. A. BARNARD GEORGE A. BA RNA RD, Richmond Hm, Richmondhill H E Subscriber offers for sale a good farm; being lot No. 4. in the 81h concession of the township of Erin, 100 acros, 60 acres‘ cleared and in a high stale of cultivation: tho balance nearly all ï¬rst rate Hardwood bush. There is on the premisos a good log house; barmstable, ($10.. with good water privilege. Also a beautiful young Orchard of 100 fruit trees, planted 5 years. A good gravel road passes along the front of the lot. This farm is 35 miles from Richmond Hill. 6 miles from Georgetownmn the Grand Trunk Railway,and 30 miles from Toronto. I‘ERMS: TWthy-ï¬ve hundred doliarsépart cash. valance on time.- For particulars apply to the aim“, VI‘HERE is a comfortable DWELLING Housin.‘ a Geod Barn and other buildings on thb’ plemisea; there is also a A Spring Creek intersects the Farm†For further particulars apply to the owner on the premises. ' HUGH DEVLIN. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE; *3 This is 0119' of the best wheat growing farms in this part ofthe country. and is within 2,} miles of Richmond Hill Station. on 'ho Northern Railway: 3 miles from Richmond Hill on Yonge Street, and 18 miles from the City of Toronto. The farm will be J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, COUNTY OF YORK, ONTARIO, I Containing 100 Acres SPLENDID ORCHARD 0F GBAFTED FRUIT Sold on Reasonable Terms M’ILLINEE‘Y GOODS ! Ladies’ Cloth JackMs. Caps, Head Dresses; Bonnnt Ribbons, Feathers. Flowers, Bead Trimmings; Chaap. Also will ke'ep on hand a nice assurtment 0f Mourning Bonnets. *f Stamping done to Order. Richmond Hill. Aprii 22, 1868. 534-†Cor. of Yonge & Centre St. East RICHMOND HILL». NEW SPRING GOODS.) EAST HALF OF 'LO'l‘ NO. 28, IN THE 3Rbc61v., Township of Vaughan! BEGS to announce to the public‘t‘ha't be it now practicing with H . SANDERSON‘. ofthe same. place. where they may b’e consult: ed personally or by letter, on 'uï¬ dikesées‘o? Horses. Cattle, 6:0. THE LEADING HOUSE 1: Medicines of chr‘y Dis‘cripfion " ‘1‘: FARM FOR SALE, L. For Horses and Cattle alw’aysb‘n hind: such as Physic, Diureric. Cordial, Tonic, Cough. Cnnd‘nion and Worm Balls mid Powders. Th5 Cough Balls have been found most servicean in alleviating many of lhe distressing symp3 toms of Brokenwind or Heaves in Kareem Colic, Dra Lights. Linimelitsl‘or Sore 'l'hroals, Sprains, Curl). Spaviu, Ring-bone, &c, Blist; oring Ointments, also Hoof and Healing Ointi ments. Lotions fo‘r Wounds, Bruises. baddib Gulls. Inl'alliable Oil and Sheep Tick Dds: troyer. Ail orders from a distance promptly attendoa to. and medicine: sent to any part ofthe Pro? Vince. TW‘TNDISP ‘U TABLE Horses examinéd as to sduxiaxieé‘a, hlsb Boung and Sold on commission. January 14. 1859 All kinds of Carriage and Harman Mdunï¬tigr, Knives. Forks, Spoons, Cruits, &c., &g.j.. &lc.‘, Silver Plated in the best Style wuramed '16 wear any length of time. iF YOU WANT cum nouns AND STATIDNERY, CALL AT 1 W ‘ THE HERALD OFFICE Vaughan, January 7. 1869. ( Graduate of Toronto Vaterindry College) Richmond 11m. Aprn'23, 1868. Toronto, February 17. 1869 Richmqn (Hill, April 29, 1869. PART CASH DOWN, BALANCE ON TIME. THE LATEST STYLES, EW DRESS GOODS, 3021‘s. DIY‘ERS’. RICHMOND HILL With a good well of Water. TOWNSHIP OF ERIN '70 acres under cultivation. Of every description, is at A LARGE STOCK 01' A srnmnm Assonmsx‘r. WILLIAM HARDING. _ Richmond Hill 1859. 547-Gm RECEIVED AT BEING THE N THE IN THE in ALL FUR ‘iSAAC C 08M. '546 I311! 552:1 510