Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 25 Jun 1869, p. 3

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,w’SIGNED HAVING RE- »,jap/au'alions at the Whitevale Wool- 511 Facmr-y. wili *Ti‘féy Cash "01' Exchange Goods, FOR ANY QUANTITY OF {mowcst Toronto Prices! I /-' \ x , Girls’ and 865’ Bpots ifixendless variety. .In fact the stock is compiete‘mnd comprises soma of the most beautiqu good - that has ever been offered in this place. in returning thanks for the extensive pat- ronage with which 1 have been favored, while in busines at No 44. King St. East. 1 would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same to our new firm. which. in future. will be known as that of Margach. Anderson & Co.. feeling confident that entire satisfaction] will be given in every department, as we have an- larged our premises and increased our stock from the best markets. Respectfully, J . L. MARGACH. A call is Ewfifestly fequested. Remember 2 will not be If dersold. Parties from a distance brmging their Wool Lo ‘08 Carded into Rolls. mm. by coming early, imam it done in a Superior Manner, in SHORT N OTICE . Tl)! undersigned would beg to say, that as éhe Whiievale Fadory is a very large and a Fret-class Establishmth superior {‘0 any in {he Counties of Oimariu and York, and the Ma- chinery equal to any in the .DO'DiHiOH. the Farming community and others in H1010 COND- iies \viH find it to their advantage to faVN it with their patronage. Sâ€"Pâ€"L~E’â€"Nâ€"Dâ€"Iâ€"D Gâ€"Oâ€"Oâ€"Dâ€"S; GOOD CLEAN WOOL, . ' IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. VIZ», malnufacturing, Card'mg and Spinning, Guarding Rolls, Cloth Dressing, (£70. Wool Manufactured into 'I‘weeds, F111] Cloths, Satinels, White Blankets. Horse Blankets. Dress and Shifting Flunnols. Union Flannels. &c. A large stock of these Goods will be kept consumfly on hand, which Will be sold cheap for cash or exchanged for wool. Leader, Can be had at the Post-office, for 10 CENTS A WEEK. A portion of the machinery will be devoted exclusively to CUSTOM SI’INNJNG, so that those leaving their wool to be Car-dad and Spun, may depend on having it Dona Well and PUNCTUAL T0 PROMISE. NEW SPRENC‘. GOODS THE LexTEt'SJ.‘ STYLES. BOOTS & SHGES ’1'. P. WHITE. JONATHAN ELLlS Whitevale. 5th Con. Y’ickering. May 5, 1869. 563-2111 HE DRUG BUSINESS FORMERLY conducted by J. 1.. MARGACH, at 44 King Street East, will in future be carried on by the undersigned, under the style of THE MORNING PAPERS MAREACH, ANEEERSGN & Co. GARDENS, MILL N 2 00L! WOOL I! WOOL 111 JOHN EYER Begs leave to intimatq to the inhabitants of Markham and surrounding Township that he has fitted up A CARDINC MACHINE ANY AMOUNT BF WOBL HARDING A First-class Carder He warrants perfect satisfaction to all parties. *3 Parties residing on the West side of Yonge street can lanve their wool a! French’s Stern, one door south of Logan’s hotel, Rich- mond Hill. and can getitfrom there when done. A Trial is Respectfuly invited. JOHN 1mm. Richmond Hill, AM] 22. 1865“ 534-1y May 14, 1869. Toronto, June 16, 1869. Richmond Hi”, Alix-i129, 1869. HE LARGEST & BEST IASSORTED CUSTOM WORK, Headford. May 3, ISG‘J W. H. NIYERS’. OF TORONTO Telegraph, GRIST MILL, ATHEADFORD, And that he is prepared to do OOP SKIRTS, ON RICHMOND HILL, Ladies’ Boofis 75 cts and upwards, DRY go; 9508 CEOâ€"Partnership. THE LARGEST STOCK 0F A CAIKD. In connection with his AT HEADFORD. A GREAT VARIETY Gentleman’s in all Having engaged a. EVER OFFERED AND ALSO D0 Appiy to. AND AT THE STOCK ‘oF' WM Globe, sOLEN FACTORY ISAAC CROSBY MARGAOH, ANDERSON. BUCIIAN. M’. TEEFY, "ATKINSON'S. “‘9, 5644f Richmond Hill. 550-1y 564-”. April 1. 1869. 558-Iy 564-11. Being the West Half of Lt: 25, 2nd Con Lumber Planed to 9:119; en the She/mt Notice at their Saw Mill. This is a good whealgrowing farm, 3 miles from Richmond Hill. 9% 1mm Richmond UN Station and 195 from the City 01 Toronto. Containing 100 Acres THERE is a Comfortable Dwelling House. a Barn and other out buildings; also a good orchard of grafted fruit. with a neverâ€" failing Well of water. soft water cistern. pumps and other Conveniences, a spring creek runs across the farm. This farm “fill be sold on reasonable Terms, part Cash down. the rest on time. I? Tum: INDISPUTABLE ! For further particulars apply to the owner on the premises. Farmers will consult their own interest if they will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere, as we feel confident they will be ' ' lied nnr Machines are not surpassed if equalled. Can Supply- all Orders Promptly Agar, S 2' Bales, J ( ) Biggins. W Branlon. J Bricknell, W. Brilliuger. Miss M A Clark. Miss \l Best Fanning; Mill, Manufactured in Canada, ('ovtnor. W (2) Cook. W. Cooper. W. Davis. Nathaniel Donaldson, J A Doner. E (Q) Emery. R Senior Evans, E S Fawcelt. W Franks &. Raltray Glass, W Grist, Mrs. Hayslip. l’hiiiip Harding, W Harris. J. L. Hislop, Gid. Homer. J, Senior WILSON’S IMPRGVED DOUBLE ACTION FANNING MILL THIS PUMP IS EASIEST WORKED, MOST DURA- BLE AND NEA'I'EST MADE IN THE DOMINION. This Pump EXCELSIOR PUMP Or if they are not preferred to any othey pump they maybe returned, and the money will be These Pumps are Suitable to all Depths from a cistern to a Well of 150 feet. Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells, so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it all tight, and pre- venting children from putting anything into it ; which is invariably the case with common pumps. Price $6 complete, for cisterns not exceeding eightfeet. ‘ ' Churn Pumps for Cisterns $3. WELL DIGGING DONE On the Shortest Notice! Richmond Hill, May 27, 1850 _ JAMES DUNTON. Vaughan, March 10, ISGQ. 555- 80 ACRES UNDER GOOD CULTIVATION Address, stating depth of well, P. PHILLIPS, HESE MILLS HAVE STOOD THE TEST OF COMPETITION AT ALL THE EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill PostOflico. ISL Jul;e,1869:-â€" HE Subscribar “7F nounce that he .‘ FALth: FOIL SALE, Provincial Exhibitions and County Fairs whenever shown, and are pronounced by com- petent Judges as being the COUNTY OF YURI-i, ONT.. WARRANT ED TWO YEARS, Elanufactlu‘ing a large Number of the above; 3 w (-2) P. PIIILLFPSs FIRE-PROOF STORE, RICHMON D HILL. Eifllfliflfi TOWNSHIP OF VA UG HAN. 1869. SPRING, 1869. REFUNDED. List of Letters MANUFI CTURED BY And if accepted on Trial for One Month! RICHMOND HILL STILL‘ FURTHER IMPROVED. GRAND DISPLAY And havin increased facililies for preparing the lumber, a: ISAAC CROSBY’S, would respectfully an- , jg prepaied to put in Jones. Geo. Klmwlton, J Lambert. R Lord, R S Mortimer. MissfiI McKay, H MuKinnon. A McMorran, T McNair, M McWilliams. Mr Peck, Dr. N J (5) Phillips. T Richmond. Miss J Slaney. W. Steele. R T Teasdnll, Mrs M J Teasdall‘ '1‘ Thompson; S :chdd, G Vanhorn, M M \Valz, J Whitehead. J (3) VViIsou, W 'Wise, A M. 'l‘EEFY. P.M RICHMOND HILL Miss J A The subscribers are now AND THEY HAVE BEEN THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1869. FIRST CLASS HARNESS RICHMOND HILL; He has now on Hand! A CHOICE ASSORTMENT, He will Sell Cheap“ for Cash! OR APPROVED CREDIT. My Collars {wall Warranted AGENTS WANTEDâ€"$10 A DAY. ERNIE-VINE BRUBLE MAPS Superior Stock of Whips And Whiplashes. I cannot be Underseld in this Linc. HESE GREAT MAPS NOW JUST completed, 64 x 62 inches large. show And America with the United States portion on an immense scale. Colored â€"in 4.000 Counties. every place of importance, all Railroads to date, and the latest alterations in the various Euro- pean States. These Maps are needed in every sclzool and family in the landâ€"they occupy the space of one Map, and by means oithe Reverser, either side can be thrown from, and any part broung level to the eye. County lights and large discount given to good Agents. 2nd door north of Barnard’s store- u Apply for Circulals, Terms, and send money for, and sea Sample Maps first, if not sold taken back on demand, Also ready $25.- 000 steel and plate illustrated subscription book. "De Soto, the discoverer of the Missis- sippi River.” WILLIAM COX, ' EEPS always on hand the best of Beef. _L Mutton, Lamb, Veal,Pork, Sausages, 3L}: am} sells at the lowest prices. The highest ,;3ark0tprice given for Cattle. Sheep, [iambst &c: N ‘ Vn AN 1 . . N-Kisro'. Quid Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. U Subscriber. Lot No. 42, lat conceésion. Vaughan, about the last of May. The owner is requested to prove property day expenses and take them away. May 1‘2, 18b9 Richmond Hill, October 15 1.867. Richmond Hill, April 29, 1869. AMERICA AND EUROPE, To give satisfaction). Also on hand a. Vaughan, June 9. 1869‘ AME INTO THE PREMISES OF THE ESPELER TWEEDS, completed, BE”. EE- JPI YERS,’ RICHMOND HILL TWO $10 MAPS FOR $4. Successor to James Holliday, A E‘WE AND LAMB. A. & W. WILSON. LLOYD’s PATENT BUTCHER, DO YOU WANT Two Continefits, J. T, LLOYD, 23 Cortlandt SL, N.Y. )9. 564-tf EPLENDID VALUE. Strayed. “’IHCH WILLIAM STREET. V JSAAC CROSBY. inches large. show 5664f 568-3 Japan Tea, at 75 cents per lb. SPLENDID TEAS SMOKING AND CHEWING: Qflljfim ‘5,“ . ~ hw- m -. SPLENDID PRUNES ! GROCERiES! And we would invite the attention of ail those Warrant every Artlcle THE TEA CHEST! And would direct special attention to his Our Chewing Tobacco Oranges IGN OF THE Richmond Hill, May 13, 1869: 5. jfzwtb’fi, @nlumu. Prime Tobacco ! JUST. A Really Good Article! Has just receivéd a huge 1c: of WELL SELECTED 1 At 45 01:5 and upwards; Is especially worthy of notices AS REPRESENTED. FAMILY FRESH ARRIVALS OF ISAAC FRENCH (PLUG AND FINE CUT) Is Langé A fresh lot 01‘ 01m noon at Lemons who wish SIGN OF AS WE WIT TO BE AND ISAAC FRENCH. 5w. 8m, 8w. GROCERIES, HE ADRWARE, CROCIKERY‘ HOSIERY, GLOVES, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, TRIMMINGS, PARASOLS, BUTTONS, &c Beautiful Stuff Dresses. from $2 per drbss. Splendid Prints, fast coKors, from 12;c per yd. DeLames and Mohairs, a nice variety, from 10c per yd, Fancy and Chintz Brilliants from 2(‘c per yd. First-rate Bleached Cottons. from 12% per yd. Fancy Checked and Striped Cotton Shining. IN DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE COTTONS MILLINERY, MANTLES, ALSO, READY-MADE CLOTHING, ' filial] i23c per \‘d. ‘ Good Cotton Ticking. from from 2% per yd. A large lot of other Goods equally 10W in price. HATS READY-MADE CLOTHING-z With a full Assortmant of Shelf Bottled Ale and Porter, Palnts an IN TEAS I AM NOT SURPASSED IN PLAVBUR, STRENGTH, UR VALUE, 0N YIJNGB STREET. 1n Coats. Pants and Vests; also a Great Variety of Lndies’, Genfs’ and Children’s Cotton Hose and Socks. Gloves, l’arasols, Neckties, Collars, Lace Trimming, Buttons, & small wares SAVE MONE Y, LABOR AND DISAPPOINTMENT. NEW SPRNG GOODS? Currant Bushes, Fruit Trees and Garden Plants I, 10 the farmers and olhers in the neigh‘ borhood of the Elzin Mills that he has leased the shop owned by Mr. Wm. Trench, sen., where he is prepared to do Blacksmithing. ..__... PETER CRAIK BEGS TO INTIMATE 10 the farmers and mhers in the neigh: In all its branches, and by strict attention to business he hopes to mexit a share of public support PETER. CRAIK. Elgin Mils. May 13,1869. 564 u GENERAL BLACKSMITHING, Toronto. April 29. 1869. “fl” A Call is earnestly solicited andrexamine Goods and Prices. Richmond Hill, April 29, HEMP AND DUTCH CARPETING IN VARIOUS PATTERNS. Prepared in Canada only by Hats and. Caps in every Variety and Style, In the Newest Patterns and Colours. SplendN Value. with a Large assortment of COMPRISES THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST FOUND ON RICHMOND HILL! INSECTS, SLUGS AND CATERPILLARS FOR SALE AT THE YORK HERALD BOOK STORE.- SIGN OF THE BRITISH FLAG STAFF. USE IT EARLY IN THE SPRING, GENERAL DRY GOODS. AT WILLIAM ATKINSON’S Most Varied Assortment; AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES! IT DESTROYS CATERPILLARS! GENTS’ AND BOYS’ CAPS IN ENDLESS VARIETY ALL WOOL, SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS, SUMMER TWEEDS, BRAOD CLOTHS, SELECTED WITH CARE! PRICE 25 CENTS PER PACKAGE. BRILLIAN'I‘ES, PRINTS, NEW' RIBBONS, In fact everything comprised in an Assortment of Wiuceys, \V. A. has also a FULL STOCK of 1869. )11‘ and Heavy HARDWARE. Groceries. Wines and Liquors. and oils, and Window Glass in all sizes. ' ' Regatta Lon-g Cio‘th, Flannel Shirts, And bought on close prices. A D YOU “’ILL WHICH HAVE 11mm DESTROYS AND THE ON Fancy S_ummfle_r and I'm-wool Flannb) Shirt- T0 ingé, from 35!: per yd. Gambroons and Denims SummerTweeds. good vd. Factory Cotton. Crash and Towelling. from Sc per yd. Gems’ Merino and Cotton Under Shirls. from 50c each. . THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN Sprains, Tic Doloreux, Neuralgia, &c. HUGH MILLER & CO.. fichical Hall. 167 King Street East, Toronto 562-“ Prepared and Sold on by GEO.’H. LESLIE & Co., April 1, 1868 SPRING GOODS D customers, and the public generally. that he has reeceived his ‘ For Rheumatism, EGS TO ANNOUNCE TO HIS NEW AND FASHIONABLE Arnica Liniment, G. A. BARNARD GEORGE A. BARNARD, 007‘. Q)" Blaor :5- Yonga 515., mm 558-] y , from We per yd. value, fxom 35c per Richmond/fill YROKVILLE ’TAR‘ITASH'WWWWWTIHE. SPLENDIB ORCHARD 0F GHAFTED FRUJ A Spring Creek intersect-s thq F; J. H. SANDERSON; VETERINARY SURGEON, HERE is a comfortabie DWELI'ANG HOUSE a Good Barn and other buildings on the premises ; there is also a ‘ ’2," This is one of the best wheat ‘ ‘ V farms In this part of the country, and is Ni 1 2; miles of Richmond Hill Station. on J Northern Hallway; 3 miles from Ric’hmdl{d H!” on Yonge Street, and 18 miles from the City of Toronto. The farm will be For further particulars apply to the oWner‘ on the premises. . I '. EGS [0 announce to the public that 1 now practicing with H. SANDER/a ofthe same place. where they may be c? ed personally or by letter, on all 11;“; Horses, Cattle. &c, 7' Sold on Reasonable Terms Cor. of Yonge & Cen‘t're 8*; ‘ RICHMOND HILL; / COUNTY OF YORK,- A ONTARIO, , Containing 100 Acres For Horses and Callie always on hand : ‘1 as Physic. Diurelic. Cordial, Tonic, Coil Condition and Worm Balls and Powders. K - Cough Balls have been found most servicealx in alleviating many of the distressing symp3 toms of Brokenwind or Heaves in Horses: Colic, Draughls. Liniments for Sore 'I'llronls‘. Sprains. Curl). Spavin, Mingâ€"bone, &c. Blistl erng Ointments, also H‘oof and Healing Ointé ments. Lotions for Wounds, Bruises. saddle Galls. infalliable Oil and Sheep Tick Desi troyer. _ Medicines of ovary Discri}, 7 All orders from a distance promptly atlandeé {0, and medicine: sent x0 any part ofthe Pro; vinco. Horses examined as to soundness, als‘d Bought and Sold on commission]. Richmond Hill. April 523, 1868. 510 THE Subscriber offers for sale a good farm; being lot No. 4. in the 8th concession of the township of Erin, 100 acres, 60 acres‘ cleared and in a high state of cultivation; the balance nearly all first raie Hardwood bush. There is on the premises a good log house, barmstable, &c.. with good water privilege. Also a beautiful young Orchard of 100 fruit trees, planted 5 years. A good gravel road passes along the front of the lot. This farm is 35 miles from Richmond Hill. 6 miles from Georgetown. on the Grand Trunk Railwaymnd 30 miles from Toronto. [‘Emls: Twenty-five hundred dollérsâ€"pnrfi cash, balance on time. For particulars apply to the owner, WILLIAM HARDING, Richmond Hi“ SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE,- Townshéy of Vaughan Ladies’ Cloth Jackels. Caps, Head Dresse'w Bonnet Ribbons, Feathers. Flowers, Bend Trimmings; Cheap. Also will keep on hand a nice assortment of Mourning Bonnets. *.* Stamping done to Order. Richmond Hill. April 22. 1858. 534-ly T1 TLE INDISP UTABLE All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting; Knives. Forks, Spoons. Cruits, &c., &c.. &c., Silver Plated in the best Style warranted to wear any length of time. MILLINERY GOODS I1 NEW SPRING GOODS THE LEADING HOUSE ." January 14. -1889 HUGH ‘DEypmgi Vaughan, January 7, 186935.375“ 151$.an (Graduate of Toronto Vatm‘inary'Cbl‘lé‘ Richmond Hill, April 29, 1869 {‘EAS! TEAS !! TEAS I I! Toronto, February 17. 1869. ISAAC CROSBY. Richmond Hill, April 29, 1869, 'EW DRESS GOODS, EAST HALF OF LOT NO. 28, THE LATEST STYLES,- Mrs. MYERS’. FARM FOR SALE, With a good well ofWater.’ RICHMOND HILL '70 acres under cultivation. TOWNSHIP OF ERIN or every description, is at A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT, A LARGE STOCK 0F IN THE 31m com, GOOD AND CHEAP. RECEXVED AT BEING THE IN THE IN THE IN ALL FUR ISA AC C ROSBY. 547-6m 552-1y

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