din tint trier-tilt†EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, ' BY ALEXANDER SCOTT, RICHMOND HILL, And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mails,orotherconveyance,whenso desired. ._ The YORK HERALD will alwa s be found to _ v containthelatestand mostimgortantl‘breign ’ V 01. XI) N0. 10. and Provincial News and Murkets,and the Hum greatest care will be taken to renderitam ' ceptableto the maxi ofbusiness.and a valu- able h’amily Newspaper. TERMS:-â€"-One Dollar per annum. IN AD- VANLE; ifnotpaid within ’I‘wo Months,0ne Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. . Allietters addressed to the Editor must be post-paid. ‘ . Nopaperdiscoutinued until all arrearages nre paid: audpaitiesrefusiug papers without paying up, will be held accountable for the subscription, 33am QEarhs. MCNABB, MURRAY & JACKES, Barristers and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, , convnvitucnns, o'izc. OFFICEâ€"In the Court House - - TORONTO. August 1, 1865. 95 RATES OF ADVERTISING. Slxlines and u uder, ï¬rstinsertion.. ..$t)0 5“ Eachsubsoquent insertion.... .... .. .. 0013 Ten lines and under. Iirstinsertion. . .. 0t! 75 Each subsequentinsertion.. . . . ... . . ... (It) 2t] Above tenlines, ï¬rstinsertion, periine. 0007 Each subsequentinsertion, per line. . . . 01102 One Column per twelve months. . . ... ~ 50 OU , . .r R, Halfa column do do . . . . . . - 30 (it) s‘ H‘ “ROMP J' D' L m†Quarter ot‘acolumn pertwelve months. 20 00 Tommon June 18. 1863- One column pm] six months†. . . . . . . . 4|) ()0 . “A. _ Halfacolumn do . 25 (’0 J. ELAkE, Quarter of a column per six months. . . . 18 0t] Acardoftenlines,toroneyear.... .. ,A card ottifteen lines. do 6 so CONVEYAA’OEli’, (to. A card oftwenty litres. do . 11:53Advertisernentswtthoutwritten directions 01],,C'E_Ovm,lhe GascouumnyOmc,yT°,.om0 Street, Toronto. nserted till forbid. and charged accordineg Toronto, August 1, 1807. STRONG. EDGAR & GRA'HAME, BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS. Orsicnaâ€"W'ellington Chambers. Jordon St. Toronto. R. GRAHAME. Alladvertiseinents published for a less period than one month. must he paid for in advance. Alltrausitory advertisoments, from strangers orirregularcustomers. must he paid for when handed in forinsertiou. _- 4.. ,, DUGiGAN u. MEYERS, ,, ,, , Barristers, Qttturncpe ~ at ~ 13am, ’3 It 5 I It 5 5’ m i t B t I o Li . SOLICITORS 1N CIIANCRY, r r 1;: CONVEYANCERS,&C,&¢. JNO. D. McCONNELL, M.D., (Graduate of Toronto University) ICENSED PRACTITIONER. IN ME‘ mi†DDGGAN‘ Q'C' CINE, Surgery, Obstetrics, doc. Form!†339' 24' 1868' RESIDENCEâ€"Adjoining Thornhill Hotel. ' ’ m“ " " July 22, 169. READ AND BOYD, Barristers, Attorneys at Law, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, &c., Tl, King StreetEast, 'cvnr Thompson’s East India Ilonso) TORONTO. OFFICE:â€"I’rovinciallnsurance Buildings,Court Street, Toronto . ADAM II. MEYERS. JR. 544-1y 570-13! DR. JAS. LANG-STAFF " ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home from 8 to 9 11.1“. Richmond Hill, June 9, 186’). 558* DR. HOSTETTER, 1 EGISTERED MEDICAL PRACTI- TIONER of Ontario, ileinhercf the Royal College of Surgeons. England. [hyexmnina- “Hm W "’**’T i*:::: .. tron]; and late from Guy’s Hospital. London. Iâ€"IENRY SMZELsoR’ England : will continue to devote the whole of . his time and attention to tho practise of Medi- ICENSEI) AUC'I‘JONEER fortho coun- ties of York and Pool, Collector of Notes, I). B» READ, Q.C. Nlay ti, 186 , J. A. norm, B.A. qll-tf flircitsch Stitrtionzore. cine. Sni'gery and Midwifery. RESIDENCE â€" Opposite the Elgin House, Accntuits,&c. Small charges and plenty to do NW." 0f Richmmld 1"†Lasltey. March 53nd 1865 3524 December 8, 1863. 342 if JOHN N. REID, M-D-i ‘iOR. 0F YONGE AND COLBORNE , 'streets, 'I‘horuhrll. Consultations in the cities on the mornings v-t’ 'l‘imsdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. from d to I“ A M. FRANCIS BUTTON. JR. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, you I'll- COUNTY OF YORK Sales nttcndiiil on .lllO. shortest notice at 1 moderate rates. I’.O. Address, Buttonvrlle. ~ 7 _â€" Murkham, Juny 21, 1868. 497 MARGACII, ANDERSON & C0,, " "v ’ [Formerly J. L. Margach] Wholesale and Retail Drnggists, _ d4 King Shoot East, Toronto, FFERS FOR SALE A LARGE AND Varied Assortment of DRUGS. CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils, Vn rnishes I BRUSHES, ARTISTS’ MATERIAL. &c., &c, At Low Rates for Cash. ’f,,* All consultations in tho otlice. Cash. 'I‘horn'iill. June 5!. 18th"). H. D. BENNETT, ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FDR THE COUNTY 01“ YORK. RESIDENCE, Lot No. 14, 2nd Con. Vaughan I’ost Otlice Address Carville. All orders left at the “ York Ilorald†otIico. Richmond Hill. or at the I’.O. Maple, will be attended to. Vaughan, Oct. 10 1867. 1-\' ’ LICENSED .tUC'rIcNEEn, ORthe Counties of York, l’eeland On- I tario. Residence: I.ot8,6th concessmn Markham. I’ostOï¬iceâ€"Unionville. Sales attended on the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. Orders leftat the “Herald†oflide for Mr Carter’s services will be promptly attended to 1667. EDW. SANDERSON, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE Call when you visit the city. inspect the Stock and learn the prices; we shall feel plea- sure in showing goods'whether you purchase or not. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Toronto, July 15, 1869. 550-1y Jnne.2'7. DRUG STORE IN MAPLE. ACOB YELINSKIE BEGS TO INFORM the Inhabitants of Maple and surrounding country that he has opened a Drug Store in the above named place. P. (5'. SAVINGS BANK. RICHMOND HILL POS’I‘ , AUGUST (5, 1869: V__H_‘_ .v._.-4â€" __._. “711016 No. 577. cnclnnation lately under discussion. “’0 don’t mind saying I’ve seen a few things. Show IN? 11180 11031331101 -’ I’ve been up the Niger and the Getty. bellowed outside the door, I where, sure enough, were the ‘palehead,’ . Wotty. I’ve topped the ‘ImalayaS, and preceded the entrance of the Irresistible all started, and looked towards the door. -â€"dcvil out in ~â€" in ‘ Taint enoughâ€"I might be lagged myself; but I’ll come round and talk a bit.’ He rose and groped his way round to me, falling repeatedly in the transit, ’ ‘ I’m sick of the dâ€"d businessâ€"hie â€"~I ’ont- stand it, there. I’ll p-p-peach for £250 ; promise me £250 and not to lag meâ€"â€"hicâ€"and I’ll p-peach for £250 â€"â€"â€"I’will, by gum !’ ‘ I promisc.’ , ‘ Well, then, your missus was married when you~when you married theâ€"~hic’ I ‘ Hwhare is he? Tayke me to um These words immediately the fez, the black goggles, and the wav- TRUST. ‘ I’ve crossed the Rocky Mountains.’ who burst into the room in a state ofthe OFFICE. DEPOSITS 0F NE DOLLAR, (Or enynum'ierâ€"uotexceeding three hundred dollars by any one depositor.) Will be received at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce. for which . Government will allow Interest. ’Tis sweet to feel in our p, 18 That. grim, unfailing tr Which gives us full assura fee that Our Father’s ways are fist. It soothes us on the couchgcf pain, It brings us peaceful rcsi, And whispers, what our Father gives Is always for the best. ' ' For particulars apply to M. ’I‘EEFY, Postmaster. , n i It IS a balm for every care, It softens hittcr grief, , And says, Our Father’s love alone Can give us sure relief. *,,"‘ Mn. TEEFY is Government Agent for: the sale of MARRIAGE LICENSES Office hours: from 623‘) A.M. to 9:30 P.1II. may 4, 1869. 5G3â€"tf It bids us freely go to Him When weary and oprcsst, For, in his love all merciful, He says he’ll give us rest. Ringwood .7Warblc Erorks P. WIDEMAN, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF MONUIIIIN’I‘S, HEADSTONES l &c.&c. &c. Call and examine my Stock and Prices be‘ for purchasing elsewhere, as you will ï¬nd it to your interest. (If? Issuer of Jllarridge Licenses. hugwood. Sept, 13, 1867. 497 It lifts the dreary clouds of gloom, lt bids us know no fear, > And tells us in the darkest night, Our Father’s aim is near. Oh! let us ever trusttul be In all our gricfs and pains, And truly feel, whate’er betide, Our Heavenly Father reigns. s l)â€; \ ‘ ’ Question. I DOUBLES AND7;QUITS: A COMEDY 0F ERRORSoâ€"I’ART V. (‘IIAPTER XI.â€"-CONTINUED. JAMES BOWMAN. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, Markham.Nov 1.13565. 22 Nothing could be more successful. thcn the ï¬rst batch was disposed of there was a call for more, and again and again there swarmed on to the platform scores of fresh assailants, anxious to match their volitions against the singular powers of the woman. It must be con! fesscd that, on the whole, she justiï¬ed the title she had assumed. At the close of her cx,r)cri.ncnts with the last batch a ‘ pale head ’ slowly and cautiously introâ€" duced itself at the door of exit from the platform, behind Madnmc~â€"a pole head adorned with a fez and garnished with GOLDEN LION HOTEL, I’ONGL‘ STREET, NELSON DAVIS, - - Proprietor. *,,* Good Stabling attached. ler always in attendance. Yonge St, April 7, 1869. Trusty Ilost - 559 1y ’ J. s. SCOTT, M.D., L.D.S. ing pow of the Professor. ‘ J ‘ I’m a lookin’ at you I’ he cried,arohly applying his foreï¬nger to his nose. hour you aâ€"talkin of me. Talk of the devil ! ‘devil a bit. Ha! ha!†‘ Confound the fellow, he’s mad !’ muttered the Major in great confusion. ‘ Come in, Professor; delighted to see you; just saying what a bore it was of you not coming.’ said I, recovering my presence of mind, and rising to receive him. ‘Gammon !’ growled the eminent perâ€". son. ‘I heal-you a carrying on about me; but I’ll come in ; no malice; least- wisc none. a drop 0’ brandy and wu’cr won’t make all right.’ The Signor, had apparently acquired the English tongue with considerable flu- ency since the fbnenoon, though perhaps not according to the best models. ‘ I hopc you’ve quite recovered your â€" your â€"â€" a â€" a â€"â€"little attack, Signor Plotski,’ said the Major blandly, as the invalid seated himself. ‘Ah! that was gammonâ€"a trifle of the old enemy. I mean. I’ll take some medicine though, if you’ll ’scuse the freedom.’ ‘ Oh! certainly, ccrtainly,’ said the Major ; ‘ pray take every frecdotn.’ ‘ But you must get it for mc.’ ‘ Certainly; but what would you take? ’ The hospital is at handâ€"a draught or a pill of any kind ? or ’ ‘Ila ! ha 1’ roared the invalid. ‘Pills no dâ€"w-d ! brrundy and wa’rr to be sure. Why, man alive I professors and signiors have throats ; they’re st like you all ; thirst, thirst, thirst. that’s the d’scaseâ€" brmndy’s the pcrï¬ckcure. Gets a go 0’ brrnndy, old swivelâ€"eye !’ This was addressed to our very respec- table butler, who had a slight obliquity of Vision. ' ‘ Martin,’ said the llIujct', in a manner intended to rebuke Signor with dignity. ' ‘ have the goodness to bring a small glass SU’RGEON DENTIST I block spectacles.‘ Madame was uncon- RESIDENCEâ€"PORT HOPE. scious of the apparotion, but not, so the audience generally, who beheld with breathless interest what they supposed ROB’T E. LAW, ASSISTANT, RICHMOND HILL. new diablcric, if not of the ï¬end himself In 1,)7’0177'1’1/6 _7')(’)'SOll/Cl. ‘Thc senncc,’ Madame began to 0b- servc, ‘ must now to my shitgroenfce " h.’ ‘ "" Lnr ‘ ’ ’ .r. g-yu _. N.B. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless Exn‘action of ’l‘eeth. Toronto. Jan. 27, 1869. DENTISTRY. W. C. ADAMS, D.D.S., 549~1y L... the introduction of a 9v; nrncus .; claw, which was waved, as if in ti towards us. ‘ Wheat yOu have sécn,’ continued the - n m lad I, ‘rs not much but it is what I can 95 King Sheet Ensâ€, loroni’oi do.) The offlc malhdy of Saynor Plotski NEAR CHURW STREET, will not allow his priscnce this nightâ€"’ ’ ‘Hal IIzt!’ ejaculated the head, in the Lasso rprqfnni'lo of a molodramic ruï¬ian, instantly Withdrawing itself. Madame gave a tremendous start and looked round, and a thrill of expectation ran through the audience. ‘The oiilc malndy,’ she repented, ‘of me imiucnt hosband, will not allow his priscnce this night. she bolted hurriedly from the platform, and through the doorway where the vi- sion had displayed itself. The audience applauded, 'expccting that: this was a coup dc theatre to work them up; but Madame not rte-appearing, and the ofï¬cials proceeding to turn out IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional. services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Alscto regu- late the teeth of those who need it. ’ Consultation free. and all work warranted. June. 1865. 2L). Money to Lend. ONEY TO LEND ON GOOD FARM Security, in Sums to suit applicants. Apply to DUGGAN So MEYERS, Attorneys, Court St. Toronto, April I, 1889. 55 i-3m murmuring, as well they might. A supper had been prepared in the mess-room in honor of the servant,- ‘and although it seemed that his company could not now be hoped for, we, with the adaptability of circumstances of the miâ€" litnry appetite, at once set down to its discussion. The conversation, of course, Money to Lend on Landed Security. ’ I ‘IlEUndersiguedis nuthorizodtostatcthat , n - vet-its“ clear that the great man was far from my,’ he cried. sober, and was in fact a drunken English â€"what was it ?â€"-â€"011 C I thank ouâ€"farewell " and i ous countenance and a air of blearinrr ’ y 1 or blinking, red eyes. mind, if I pick a bit, any devilled truf- ’ tics ? N0. coves! YVhen I dine with the Hcmperor. the lights, they broke up mystiï¬ed and i ‘ I’lotski, my jolly young watcrman,’ he of brundv.’ ' v ' ‘A small one for the Gcn’ral, cock-eye, and a Whopper for me,’ amended the proâ€" fessor. ‘ I can’t abide your thimble-fulls to be :t prcmonitory symptom of some of brandy gents; they take no grip of Top me. the stummick ; what I likes IS something to take me by the hinside, and shake me like a dawg.’ Dï¬ï¬rotbssor’s lectui’e.’ It was blakguard, Moscow, Amsterdam Bucnos Ayrcs, notwithstanding. At this juncture the Major rose, and muttering something about ‘an cugagemcnt,’ left the room. ‘And now’ said Plotski, when he was supplied with a. huge beaker full of brandy which he scorned to diluteâ€" ‘now that old Stickin-thcâ€"mud’s gone, lets be jolly! gay young dogs all ;’ and (rogglcs. thereby disclosing a most villain- ‘ By the by,’ hc continued, ‘I don’t \Voll, then, a fried hoystcr ? None. ’Ang it, you’ve no kweeseen, you 2113 Moscow, he’s always up to the mark. s ‘ I know our ’abits. Your tastes )7 i and Now I could tell you ’bout yourself. Your name’s Bâ€" Bâ€"â€" Bâ€"~ Your name begins with a B; don’t it, now?’ have told _ , There was a roar of laughter, hints of he shoved back his fez, and took off his my condition having got abroad. mor him. cried dition there. three years ago, and‘he has “0100 Ofï¬SlleI‘S l’ CODtlm-led “.10 never been heard of sincc.’ ‘ His name sir,’ cried the Professor. ‘ \Vilson,’ said the ensign. ‘ Which of the Wilsons, sir ?’ ‘, Thomas.’ ‘ Thomas Wilson~very fair ?’ cheek.’ ‘ That’s the man, sir,’ decidedly. more, sir ; we were all starving; drew cried Plotski, man-meat in half an hour.’ ‘ VVh â€"whâ€"â€"whâ€"What do you mean ?’ faltered the cnSign. ‘ Why, we ate him, of courSe. I had a grill of him, and a boil of him, and I had him cold, and then we had him heated up and hashed, and devilish tough the poor fellow was all ways. Give us the hinge till I wash the memory of him off my palate. I am afraid there was a shout of laughter at this disgusting anecdote, and young Wilson fled from the room. ‘ Pooh !’ said the Signor, ‘ he needn’t frctâ€" we all heat each other in the lt/ockics ,’ and he plunged into his tun- kard. On‘cmcrging thercftom his eye again rested on me, and winked. I returned it vaguely; he then shook his head and gave a drunken giggle. ‘ Let’s have some spirit rapping ‘Pro- fessor,"sziid the Spiritualist. ‘ What for,’ said the professor, on whom his repeated droughts were begin- ning to make awfulutavagcs.’ . . ‘ Ohl get them" up and ask them all sorts of thingsâ€"secrets, you knowâ€"you I promised you would.’ h ‘ Did I ‘3’ said Plotski, ‘ then I’ll keep the word. Plotski’s faithful and true. I don’t need to rap. I don’t care a rap. I’m a spirit myself. I rimâ€"what you want know ? ,I could tell you all -’bout yourselves. Spirits tell me everything. Blaze away.’ And he winked at very tight wink at me again. ‘Tcll us when we’ll get out of this abominable quarter,’ I said, ‘Don’t goâ€"donft leave us Thingu’m’: ‘I’ll tell youâ€"sit down yes I I’ll tell youâ€" Hang it! ‘ Bravo! Professor, but any one might you that.’ ' r ‘Devil a bit!’ you’ve been in India i" ‘ch of course; but everybody has.’ ‘Dcvil a bit! You’ve been in love.’ ‘IVell,’ I said, ‘every one has,’ ' ‘ Devil a bit! You’re married.’ , ‘Of courseâ€"of course,’ I said to huâ€" ‘ The Rocky Mountains, have you ?’ highest excitement. ‘As fair as I am,’ said the milk- wlnte youth, ‘with a red scar on his ‘ Poor Thomas I’Vilson is no lots; lot fell on T. Wilson, and he was I, I , risino to. _ We had now‘a pretty fair notion of leave the room, and putting the qde’dtion malady which had pre- to cover my retreat. The shock tumbled an ensign, much interested; ‘a Plotski off his chair, and he remained ‘1 poor brother of mine went with an expe- beneath the table 0000651196!- ‘ Moighty . lady; ‘ moighty p’lorte indeed, to keep a. ladyr standin’ out forcmnst the door in the strayte, and thim blur/guards of soldgers to say sich things to the loikes of me I No admitt’ncc, was it ? I’Vcll, here I am, annyhow, and now, hwhare’s mee husband, Mr. Impiddcnce ?’ and she fetched Jack Leslie .1 whack across the check, which stopped his grinning.â€" There was a very biological energy about), the lady certainly. “ Hwhare is he, ye varmints l’ she scrcamcd. . ‘ Herc,’ piped Plotski from his lair,’ ‘ I’Iwhare ?’ she cried, advancing. , ‘ I’Icrc.’ , rejoined Plotski, raising his white sodden face abtjve the tableâ€"‘ here â€"drunk; and Ishay, demure, I’ve done it ! I’ve done with you too, you blasted- WIlCli ! I’ve pcachcdâ€"â€"I have by gum.’ ‘ Ilwlmt ?’ yelled the woman; then recovering herself, she raised her fore; ï¬nger mena’cingly, ï¬xed her" horrible, eye incantation, ‘ Oran-barrel Klimpéki kho- bana !’ H i ,V . ; ‘ Cranberry yourself? Give me a â€"‘giâ€"glimpse of the cabana, and I’ll sh; â€"â€"â€"-shmokc him,’ cried I’lotslti.-. I stell’, you I’ve done it (hie) ,I’vesoldl Three ï¬gures. Two (hie), ï¬ve nought l that’s my priceâ€"going, going, gone !’ and his head came down with a bang on the table that made the gleSscs dance: » .t ‘Hc’s dronck, jontlemcn!’ cried the Irresistible; ‘bclayvc nothing he says, Come home at worst, Maximilian,’ ~ . ‘ I ’ont, I tell yo. I aint agein’ to be ’ocus-pocussed about the countryâ€",Javin’ eclectic ï¬tsâ€"and gnmmonin’ (hie) bout Bngdud and Lcctchurcsâ€"l’m done with it, I tell yo. Two, ï¬vc. noughtâ€"4Cap’u; come to King’s ’Ed t‘morrowâ€"you’ll ’av it all out.’ , . i ' ' ~ ‘ I’ll be with you at ten,’ I said. The woman looked keenly at me, and her countenance changed. ,’ ‘ He’s been telling you,ponsc,nse,,,sir,’ she said. - ‘ You won’t trouble to come?’ ‘ Oh !-I’ll come to ask for the Signor’s health,’ I said, with a laugh, and a look intended to convey the idea, ‘ I only say thist humour him . Itwon’t comc.’ There was some difï¬culty in getting the Professor off the premises; but at last the barrack-gatcs fairly closed :upon him and Madame, and fainter andfain- ter from away dowu the empty street: came back their voicesâ€"sound of ï¬erae vitupcration, mingled with t e shrill tipsy laughter of the man. .. To my brethcr-oflicers the scene. had suggested nothing but the disgusting in- toxication of Plotski, and steps,..indeed, had just been about to be taken for his ejection at the moment when the woman presented herself. The conversation whichth Signor had addressed to me had excited no curiosity whatever, being set down simply to the maunderings of a drunknrd so, after one or two little bits of chaff about ‘gctting rid of that abom- inable wife of mine,’ we separated. ‘But you don’t; hit it oh†with the missus.’ ‘ ‘Not at all.’ ‘You’ve‘not seen her forsix years.’ .‘ No, I certainly haven’t.’ ‘Give me the brandy,’ said the Pro- fessor, looking round the table with are genteel, but simpleâ€"come and feed drunken triumph, ‘I’ll rest after that,’ today â€" taity, taity â€"~ no cardinals or nonsense â€"honly my himpcrial sclfâ€" t some dcvillcd cavyhairy and four bottles of clo-voojoâ€"in the smoking-room. Don’t dross.’ Oh! he’s a wunner, is the Hour ’ peror. 'IIcre’s to him. Hurrah! Hur- I’vc told you a thing or two.’ a clever bird like me. He took mother tremendous pull: the man’s in- terior must have been lined with cast- iron. ‘ Lawyers can do nothink for you like All Kinds of Herbs and IIcrlz Medicines supplied. Maple, April 15, 1869. 560-tt GEO. H. LESLIE 8; 00., CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, COUNTIES OF YORK AND PEEL. Residenceâ€"â€"I.ot 20,1‘earof3rd Concession of Markham. P,O.Adtlrcss~â€"â€"llnttonville. Parties requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services tan makearrangemcnts at the HERALD oflrce. Junuary 4, 1:65, 31 $230,000: Can benroc‘ured, in sinus to suit borrowers. on Landed security. ’I‘erms made known on personalapplication to M.TEEFY, Notary Public, Agent.&c NJ}. Deeds, Mortgages. V’Vills. Ilonds, &c. turned upon the mysterious I’lotski and his strange appurntion at the door of the platft rm. ‘My impression is,’ said the Major, pompously (he had suddenly constituted himself a biological authority)â€"‘ my impression is that, standing where he was I’ll tell you ’nothcr secret, now. You’ve paid mom-y to try and g’rid of. missus, and you can’t â€"â€"ain’t you, now '3’ ‘ Yes, of course.’ rah !’ and be drained his tumbler with a gasp of satisfaction. , ‘ Was any of you ever at Aleppo?’ he continued. ‘ch,’ said Jack Leslie, who consti- ' tutcd himself the chai’fer 0f the mess in sh-shop for you, Bur-Burridge, my boy' generalâ€"‘ yes, I was born there; were -â€"â€"that’s yer blartned nameâ€"I’ve got ‘You’ve gone t’wrong' shopâ€"this is . MARRIAGE LICENSES RICHMOND HILL. . TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND A’ . Commissioner in B IL, is Government Agent for issuing Marriage Licenses in the County of York. Office hoursâ€"7 A.M. to 9:30 mu. Richmond Hill. October 23, 1869. COR 0F BLOG'K YONGE 51's., YORKVILLE. DEALERS IN DRUGS. CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS. Patent Medicines, Perfumery, &c. Yorkvtite, April I, 1869. She-1y Sic. drawn with nentness and despatch.â€" N1. '1’. continues to act as DIVISION COURT AGY 1T. Fees moderate. littitmond Hill. Nov. 28,1856. the Professor was exerting a magnetic! influence upon us; he was compelling us to leave the place without. objecting on the ground of an unï¬lled programme, I was quite conscious of a. strange sensa- tion when he threw out his hand.’ ‘But what did ‘Ha! ha!’ mean ?’ inquired some one. ‘Ah, that ‘Ilnl ha!’ moantâ€"â€"â€"I sup. pose that ‘Ha! ha I’ conveyed some imâ€" J- SEGSVVORTH, \VA'I‘CHES, CLOCIï¬S, AND FINE JE IVELR Y. THOMAS CARR, DEALER IN 1? . A. SCOTT, DRUGS, MEDICINES, LUMBER MERCHANT, GROCER’F‘S’ AND BUILDER, ’W’ines and Liquors, 618 Yonge Street, Toronto. ’I’HORNIIILL. â€"_ . Doors. Sash, Blinds, . , , . By Royal Letters patently has been appointed Flooring. b/Lccttng, lsstici'of MARRIAGE LIUEI’VSES. Thornhill, Feb. 1'6, 1868 Illoultll'ugs (kc. ALL KINDS OF Building Materials Supplied ! l’ost Ollice address, Yorkville. Toronto. May 18, 1868. 3410. JOHN BARRON, I H Manufacturer-and Dealerin allkiudsof R. H. HALL, 4 DRIUGGIST, BOOTS & SHOES. AND 38 West MarketSquare,’l'oronto [13' Boots and Shoes made to Measure. of the Best Materials and Workmanship. at the Lowest Remuneratng Prices. Toronto, I)ec.7. 1863, PHARMACEUTIST, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill. Jan. 31. 1867. 35 " , r 111 Farmcrts Boot & shoe Store. 1 Stock. consisting of pressionâ€"someâ€"~â€"some-â€" ch? to most of us, eh?’ ‘ My imprcsion, Major,’ said a port 7 youngster, ‘is, that the whole thing was made w Order‘ a swindlc,and when it was all over, ‘Hu! Toronta,Aori'i 27,1866. 47. hal’ meant 'sold again,’ or words to that . .. w - cifect.’ w. WHARIN & co†‘Considcring the success of the exper- mcnts,’ rcphcd the major, loftrlyfthc word IMPOR'I'ERSAND swindle can scarcely uppiy,‘ i111}:ll‘essi01]57 said another, ifs, AND JEWELLERY that the fellow was beginning to have another ï¬t, and was tolegraphing for as- ELECTRO I’LA'I’EI) WARE, CUT LERY, &c., &c., &c. 118 Yonge Street, Toronto page Masonic and other Emblems sistmicc.’ ‘ch, that would account for his wife hurrying off as she did.’ ‘At all events,’ I rcma’iked, ‘I don’t think we w'e’rc losers by his abscnsc now it dirticr looking rufï¬nrfl never came across} ‘ Genius has its eccentricities,’ said the Major, sentcniouslv. ‘I wonder if he ever was at; Moscow,’ Eatleution oflhePuldicisi:iivtodtotheir l A Great Variety CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, Of the bes‘ desm-iprion and newest designs, ‘Jarefu! attention given to the repairing ct - Watches and Clocks Jewelry manufactured S’Hd onei . . - . ‘ Dcvrl a bit. and Repaired. , ‘Ha! ha! N0.11. King Street East. 6 doors east of Yonge Street. , 'I‘oronto. April 26. 18‘? i, The sound proceeded/from the door- you ?’ ‘ No, I wasn’t born there: I ai’nt otâ€" lcper. Ha, ha, ha, twig? ah? ha, ha, ha, not so dusty, ch? ha, ha, ha. you at lazt.’ There was a roar of laughter down the table, and the Professor blinked and I nodded round at the lairghcrs,,llke an was’nt born there, but I was hambassu- owl surveying a row of candles, and dor there wonst.’ ‘ From what king ‘3’ said Jack. The Professor blinked at him a mo- mcnt, and then said, ‘ If any one-axes you the question, little pii1l(.and-ivhitc, you can say it was from the King of the. Cannibal Islands, if you like. I won’t contradick you. and you can say I’m a Kokesiun, if he wants to know any more about me, and that I’ll dine with him the ï¬rst ï¬nc Sunday next week.’ He emptied his glass, and nodded at Jack with his eye very tight closed, and thou favored us with an isolated scrap of intelligence. ‘ We drank nothing but ‘Ticklyâ€"Bis- ky,’ down at Aleppoâ€"nothink; it’s strongâ€"it makes me thirsty to think of it; pass the bingo.’ ‘ You seem to have been a great tra- vcllcr, Professor,’ I remarked. ‘Yes, sir,’ said the Professor, and as his eye rested on me, it seemed to dilute and acquire a look of puzzled and hazy interest, almost of recognition. ‘ Why damme !’ he stammercd,half risingâ€"‘ damme !â€"it’sâ€"~it’sâ€"oh ! blow me tight ! here’s a go !’ Then he took a pull at his liquor, nodded three times to me with an expression of drunken wis- dom, and went onâ€" ‘ Yes, I’ve travelled, sir, all round the feeling the worse of it, I felt as if an electric telegraph had passed through my head. Who was this rufï¬au? Did he know all about Bur- ridgc ? Could he be of any use ? Had he really got a. secret that could help us ? . ~ I composed myself and said, ‘ch, but the secret, Professorâ€"the sccrct. How am I to get rid of this confounded wife of mine ?’ ‘ Ah! yes; that’s wot you want to knowâ€"hicâ€"of course; but. the termsâ€" hisâ€"the rowdicsâ€"hicâ€"the rhinoâ€"tho flimsies? eh, old Burgage? What’ll ye stand ?’ ‘ Tell me what you’ll do ï¬rst.’ ‘I shay,d’ye remember Garden Reach? and Count Smufflcfrowski a â€" ridin’ through the desert, eh? Oh Lor! how thcâ€"â€"â€"how she did pile it. up !â€"â€"hicâ€" mountaineousâ€"hicâ€"I call it, oh Lor ! She’s a clever oneâ€"ain’t she now, Bugâ€" gy ? that blarmed wife of yours ?’ ‘ But you forget the scoredâ€"the sc- cret.’ ‘ What’ll sheâ€"male ? lib’ral.’ ‘ If you put me in the way of getting ye give to be rid of the Can’dly now, Capt’n?~-â€"be (CONTINUED) To PREVENT Houses BEING TEASE!) BY Finnsâ€"Take two or three small handfulls of walnut. leaves, upon which pour two or three quarts of cold water; 4 let it infuse one night and pour the whole neXt morning into a kettle and let it boil for it quarter of an hour. When cold it will be ï¬t for use. No more is required that to moisten a sponge and be- fore the horse goes out of the stable let those parts which are most irritable be smeared with the liquorâ€"viz: between and upon the ears, the neck, the flanks, &c. Not only the lady or gentleman 'who rides outlor pleasure will derive beneï¬t from the walnut leaves thus pre- pared, but the couchnmn, the waggoner, and all others who use horses during the hot months- THE BLOODâ€"Every organ of the body is formed out of the blood ; and if the blood be vitiutcd, every organ suï¬'ers in proportion to its delicacy; and the brain, being the most delicate and highly specialized of all organs, sutfers most of all and soonest of all, as every one knows who has tried to work his bruin when his digestion was the least out of order.â€"â€"- Charles Kingsley. 'A HINI‘ TO IlIOTHERS.â€"If you allow a child to get into the habit of sleeping with its head under the bed clothes, and breuthing its own breath over and over again, that. child will assuredly grow pulc, woukand ill. Medical men have cases on record of scrofulu appearing in children previously healthy, which could ’ only be accounted for from this habit, . and which ceased when the habit stop- ped.-â€"â€"Gooil Words. DR. FRANKLIN once remarked, ‘ When I see a house well furnished with books, newspapers and magazines, there I gen- erally see intelligent and wellâ€"informed children ; but where there are no .books or newswpapers, the children are often found ignorant, if not proflgatc.†HEINTZMAN & Co's Agriifl' Bar Piano Fortes were awarded the 1st prize and Diploma at the last Provincial Exhibition, rid of her, if you give me real documents that will do that, I’ll give you a couple we r and was the twin‘ brother of the boron eâ€"â€"I’ve seen men and mannersâ€"I of hundreds.’ 3 g. . over twelve competitor . Intending pur- chasers waited upon at their residence, by addressing C Chapman, Music hall,Markham. on Plotski, and ejaculated. as it were an '