OF THE Township of Markham ! CONTAINING 68 ACRES UT exceZIent land, 55 of which are clenred,and in a good state of cultivation, Equally adapted lor applying to Sheep and Lambs by Dipping, Pouring. Smearing or Salving. Used also as a. wash for Horses and Cattle.. Sold only by ERFECT SAFETY IN SH - PING. P 00 KB T BOOKS SHEEP BIPPINE BEMPQSITIHN Can hq had at the Post-ofï¬ce, for 10 CENTS A WEEK. NIAGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. 2nd door north of Barnard’s store. EEPS u‘lwn5's on hand the best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb. Veal, Pork, Sausages, 6m, and sells at the lowest prices. The highest mark‘exprice given for Cattle. Shee‘pq Lambs. 5w. 1 ’k E MAI LOY Q AX S THE MORNING PAPERS WILLIAM COX, The buildings am good and in a thorough slate of repair. There is also a splendid ()r- chard on the premises. This Farm is only 16 miles from Toronto. and 2 miles from Yonge Street. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. or If by Ieiler prepaid to GE". 'I‘EASDALL. NW ., .4 ._.. Also. Corned and Spiced Beef. Smoked and Dried Hams. Richmond Hill. October 15. 1867. 1-3; School Books 2 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Stationery and Fancy Goods, &c., .1 L B UJVI S Good Vinegar . .. ........... .. 25¢ per gal Pure Mail l’nzkling Vinegar ..... 30c â€" Fine Impound Frnnch do. . . . . . . 50¢: â€" Bust 'l‘i'iple Disulled Bordeaux, in Demijohns...... 750 â€" These are guaranteed the Best and Cheapest Vinegars ever ofl'ured on Richmond HI“. G. A. BARNARD. Blafk’s Patent lndelible Pencil, With about “7‘; acres of land. The above pro- perly will be sold at In great suctiï¬ce, as the proprietor is about leaving the country. It is nrnre chance for a man with a small capital to carry on the Foundry business. as there is a good business already established in the l’lough line. It is also eligibly situated for any other kind of business. How and various other patterns and moulding boxes for sale. FOR MARKING LINEN, &c., WITHOUT THE RISK OF BLOTI‘ING‘ One Pencil will mark 1500 Pieeces. ALEX SCOTT. A DWELLING HOUSE AND FOUNDRY, .1. Sale his property. in the village of Rich- mond Hiâ€, Framing Yonge Su'eel,consisting of HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Sale his pronerh‘. in the village of Rich- Ju e 23. 1869. May 14, 1869 Markham, July 16, 1869. Richmond Hill, Aug. 3,1869 ISAAC CROSBY Richmond Hill, April 2:). 1869. Apply immediataly to HENRY HALL Richmond Hiâ€, July 15. 1869. 572 IAMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- Deï¬irable Property for Sale. GIVE IT ATRIAL. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS L'Oh For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts., at the Telegraph, OOP SKIRTS, DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES, RiCHMOND HILL, b'ale his farm, being LO'l‘ NO. 17, SECOND CON. From 25 cents to Five Dollars. VVAILRAN'I'ED FREE FROM ARSENIC 0R ME (JURY. Successor to James Holliday, GEO. H. LESLIE &. Co., Car. of River 4- Vunga St. 23. 1869. €70v1f Yoxxvxum M'DDUGAI.L’5 NON-I wxsox‘ous Or any 'roublesome direction. DA Farm for Sale. OF ALL' KINDS AT THE PRICE 25 CENTS ! To Farme- A LARGE STOCK or BUTCHER, A GREAT VARIETY . SUPPLIED AT 1 HI OF TORONTO NIEL HORNER, JUN., Lot 20. 2nd con. Markham FOR SALE BY Vinegar ! Apply to II ERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE- Globe, M. TE EFY. Richmond Hill. 564-1! I'S Hmm‘ouu P. O 5694f Leader, EP DIP- 577-“ 573-lf THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage and Waggon Maker! UNDER TAKEN, (ï¬r. $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET. P OETICAL WORKS BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY SAP BU CKETS & FAILS For Rheunlatisnl, Sprains, Tic Doloreux. Neuralgia &c. flesidonceâ€"Nenrly opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill. Shingles. Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. For particulars address BoOks & Fancy Goods J. [erred then Liurarv 10 the HMIAI l! Book Store. where Stockholders and olhels Illfl_procure Bucks even 1‘ Iidau almrnouu. ’I‘HE BEST REMEDY KNOWN EAVE T ROUGHS ' \HE Subscriber, ever mindful of the wants 1 oflhe public. has just received a HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS lerred then Liurarv 10 the Hum“. RnuL SUBSCRIBE FOR YOUR Magazines and Periodicals ! At A. Scott’s, RICHMOND HILL. In various styles of Bindings. The services of James Bowman. Esq., and Joseph Cook. Esq.. (who are well known as ï¬rst-class workman.) having been secured, the subscriber teels conï¬dent in stating it) the public that sutisfaciiun will be given. BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS! HYMN (E PRAYER BOOKS, In all the diï¬'erem styles of Binding Exchange Parties coming from a distance can have their wool carded and gris(s ground while walling. And mada all necessary repairs. the subscriber hopes to give good satisfaction. l’arlies wish» ing to have [hair wool manufactured from the fleece can have i; made into any kind of Cloth or Flannel. Albums from 25 Cents to $6. Toys of Various Kinds, Pocket Books, Purses, &c. Having added to the Gaming Machines, NEW BURRING MACHINES. Gristing in a Superior Manner. CARDIN G, SPINNING I BOWMAN‘S MILLS, ERI‘ST MILL & WGflLEN PAGTDRY. The subscriber, having purcxmsed the above Mills and ï¬tted them up In a supelim manner, begs leave to intimate to the ini. abilants of Markham and suxrounding townships [hat he is now prepared [0 do PLAIN 85 FANCY STATIONERY ALEX. SCOTT, ALSO Flooring andother Lumber Dressed. April I, 1868 Thomhill, April 21, 1868 STANDARD AUTHORS! Prepared and Said on by Large and Miscellaneous Stock Richmond Hill,Ju1m ll. ’68 Ahnira, May 19, 1869‘ LIBRARY ASSOCATION. ICE'S ‘1’1 MPS He has also received a heavy stock of IVEAVING, DYEIN'G, YARN DYEI) IN ANY COLOR. OF THE DH‘X-‘ERENT POICTS, AT THE (RICHMOND mu. BRANCH) n nu: \VATER SPOUTS! Cash for GEO. H. LESLIE & Co., Cur. of L‘lnar ($- Yange Sm, , 1868. 558-13' YORKVILLE Arnica Liniment, Manufactured and for Sale And at. Reasonable Prices JOHN LANGSTAFF, 0F CAREFULLY SELECTLI‘I CLUDING MANY 01‘ THE Cloth Dressing. .S‘c‘, and RICHMOND HILL FOR SALE HY PATENT PUT UP AT W. Sl’OFFORD, JR.. Pruprwlar. . 1869. 555-“ HERALD BOOK STORE. H ERA LD BOOK STOR E. ALMIRA. H’ual or Cloth Given in J. BRILLINGER, Richmond Hill um: I]. ’68. 5174f A. SCOTT, [librarian AND Steam Mills, ThornhiH 510.11‘ THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1869. THls Pump [8 EAsmsT VVDRKED, MOST DURA- BLE AND NEATEST MAUI-z IN THE DOMINION. This Pump on Trial for One Month! Or if they are not preferred to any othey pump they may be roxurued, and the money wilt be Also manufactures a pump for cisierns and shallow wells, so constructed with the castings oflhe handle as to make it all light. and preâ€" venting children from pulling anything into it; which is invariably the case wilh common pumps. Price $6 hcomplete, for cisterns not exceeding eight feet. These Pumps are suitable to all Depths from a cistern to :1 Well of 150 feet. Churn Pumps for Cisterns $3. WELL DIGGING DONE J“ completed, (54 x (32 inches lalge. show every place of importance, all Railroads l0 dnte, and the latest nlmrations in lhe various Euro- pean States. These Maps are needed In every scliool and family in the landâ€"they occupy the space of one Map, and by means m the Ruversev, eilhar side can be thrown from. and any part brought level to the eye. Counl“ Rights and large discount given to good Agenls. GAMES, TOYS, 850., EXCELSIOR PUMP On the Shortest Notice! April I. 1869. 558-iy HESE Gl’lLAT MAPS NOW JUST “.1... .l 1:,1 v 1:1;....1.A,.|_.N_ Apply for Circulals, Terms, and send money for. and see Sample Maps ï¬rst, if not sold taken back on demand. Also ready $2.3,â€" CUU steel and plans illustrated subwripliou book. “De Soto, the discoverer of the Misma- s‘ppi River.†NEW SPRING GOODS MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS REVOLVING DDUBLE MAPS And America With the United States portion on an immense scale. Colored â€"in 4.000 Counties. BOOTS & SHOES Girls’ and Boys’ Boots in endless variety. In fact the stock is complete and comprises some of the musL beautiful goods thal has ever beau offered in lbis place, A call is Earnestly Requested. Remember Iwill not be Undcrsold. Richmond Hill, April 22.1869. 534-ly AGENTS WANTEDâ€"$10 A DAY. THE LATEST STYLES. J. lo the farmers and others in the neigh- borhood of the Elgin Mills that he has leased the shop owned by Mr. Wm. Trench, 5611.. where he is prepared to do Lowest .Toronto Prices! ETER. CRAIK BEGS TO INTIMATE lo the farmers and others in the neighv In all its branches, and bv strict attention to business he hopes to ment a share of public support PETER, CRAIK. Elgin Mils, May 13. 1869. 5644f GENERAL BLA CKSMITHING, He will Sell Cheap for Cash! OR APPROVED CREDIT. My Collars aura." Warranted Superior Stock of \Vhips And Whiplashes. I cannot be U/dersold in this Line. RICHMOND HILL; He has noxv 011 IrIand I A 011 010E ASSOR TMENT, FIRST CLASS HARNESS Address, stating depth of we“, May 12, new HE Subscriber would respectfully an- nounce that he is prepmed to put in TATIONERY AMERICA AND EUROPE, \V. H. MYERS’. To give satisfaction. Also on hand a 0N RICHMOND HILL, And if accepted \VARRANTED 'I‘WO YEAR‘S Ladies‘ Boots 75 sis and upwards. P. I’IIILLIPS, IV. 11. .771 YEIES,’ SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE TWO $10 MAPS FOR $4. REFUNI)E]). THE LARGEST STOCK 0F Blacksmithing. LLOYD’S PATENT MANUl-‘A CTURED BY OF ALL KINDS AT THE FOR SALE AT THE Gentleman’s in all J. T. LLOYD. 23 Cortlandt SL, N.Y. )9. 564-“ Two Comments, DO YOU ‘VANT VER OFFERED AND AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE- IF SO GO TO WHICH P. PHILLIPS, Rlcmwm) HILL. Japan Tea, at 75 cents per lb. SPLENDID PRUNES SPLENDID TEAS SMOKING AND CHEWINGJ GROCERIES! And we would invite the attention of all those Warrant every Art1cle THE TEA CHEST! And would direct special attention to his Richmond Hill, May ‘13. 1869 Oranges Our Chewing Tobacco IG-N OF Prime Tobacco ! JUST TO I-IANI), A Really Good Article! Has just received a large lot of WELL SELECTED I At 45 cts and upwards; Is especially worthy of notice. AS REPRESENTED. . jfmurbua @nlumn. FAMILY FRESH ARRIVALS O F (PLUG AND FINE CUT) ISAAC FRENCH IS Large ‘ mm A fresh lot 0“ 0U R STOCK 0F who wish gemons SIGN OF AS WE Iâ€"nmnum TO BE AND THE ISAAC FRENCH WWI &c. &c. &c. 53W â€um Good Muscovnda Sugar 10; lbs for $1. Bright Reï¬ned Sugar 10 for $1 Reï¬ned White 8 lbs for $1 Good Fresh Ground Coffee ‘35 cents per 11). Finest Pure Ground West India do 331.: per lb. Best Carolina Rice, 20 11) for $1. Patna “188,24 lb for $1. Fine New Vulentia Raisins, 1211) for $1. Fresh Seedless Malaga do, r lb for $1. Finest Zame Currantsâ€"new fruit dressed, 15 All ful'y Wm‘ranled and delivered at Manufacturer’s prices. Send for Circu‘ars and other information. Address lb for $1. Flue Fresh Currantsâ€"n ew fruitâ€"18 lb for $1 AS CHEAP AS CAN BE SOLD ANYWHERE “ BARNARD’S HONEY - DEW 2 †Chewing Tobacco, manufactured expressly for me of Fine Pure Leaf 40 eta. per It excellem general assortment of Fine fresh Groceries. Good Common Whiskey, 80 cts per gallon. Good Old Rm. $l per gallon. Extra Old Mull and Rye. $1,520 per gallon. Jumacia Rum, $1.50 to $2 per gailon. Old Jamacia Hum (very strong) $2.50 to $3.- Good Common Whiskey, 80 cts per gallon. . Superior old Oporte Wine. for Medicinal and Good Old Rm. $l per gallon. Sacramental purposes, $3 to $5 per gal. Extra Old Mull and Rye. $1.20 per gallon. Dufl‘urdon’s Superior Sherry Wine. $1.50 to Jumacia Rum, $1.50 10 $2 per gailon. £3 per gallon. Old Jamacia Hum (very strong) $2.50 to $3.- l DeKuyper’s Holland Gin. $2 per gallon. 5†per gallon. London Old 'l‘orn Gin. $1.50 per gallon. Fine Flavored Domestic Brandy $51.5n per gal. Hennessey’s OLards do Pinettis’ pure imported Fine Burgundy and Terragona Port Wine 851,- . French Brnndyï¬iï¬om $4 per gal.(bought 50 to $2.50 per gallon. in Bond) English Ale. Dublin Stout and London Porter in Battle. also Stewart’s and Sheriff’s Sc‘olch Whiskey, Dunvill’s and K-nnahem’s Irish Whiskey. various brands of Finest French Brandies, Holland Gin. London Dock Port and Sherry Wines, Claret and Champagne : with a large as- sortment of Oils. Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil. Elephant, Tanners’ and thrioating Moulnnr Oil ; Neal’s {out and Pennsylvania Coal Oil. Turpentine, Dry and mixed While Lead, Rea Lead. Venetian Red, Yellow Ochre. Chrome Yellow. in fact all co ours in Paints usually solt’. Putty, l’uinl. Brushes. Glue. Varnish, Window Glass in all sizes and out to Order. Cut, Wrought, Pressed, and Horse Shoe Nails, Screws. Bulls, Files, Shelf& Heavy Hardware ‘3‘" A call is eurneslly and respectfullv solicited. and {an inspection of Stock and Prices; the Public will than reuXise the fact that they can not do better north of I‘oroulo. than a: Richmond HM, July :2, NEW Heintzman 81 [30’s. Belebra‘led Firstâ€"prize Piano Furies ! PURE AND GENUINE DYE STUFFS! Begs to announce to his coustomers and the Public that he has on hand CHEAP GRGï¬ERIEsg UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY, FLAVOR OR PRICE Therefore in Cheapncss, Dufabflfz‘y, and Ritrhncss of Color: \Ve cordinllly invite the Farming Community and all those interested THAN USUALLY SOLD [N THIS NEIGHBORHOOD VVINES AND LIQUORS: SPLENDID SMOKING TOBACCO. 4H C'I‘S. PER HI Large Quantities. and are selected with the graatast care GEGRGE A. BARE-“KARE IN DYING MATERIALS! To give us a Call. HUGH MILLER 65 00., M EDICAL HALL, 167 King Street, Easl, T()RONTO, ()NT. For all colours. which can be relied on and warranted. OUR. DYE STUFFS WE PURCHASE Which have been bought at‘close prices and will be found DYE STUFFS! S UGARS AND DYE STUFF-'5 2 A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED A FULL ASS ORTMENT OF DYE STUFFS! be Surpassed STOCK O F {$45 Good Cnrrants,201b for 55!. Good Fresh Young [ivsou Pen 50 (:15 per 11), Do F1116 Havomd do 70015115111) SLrong Fine Plavoud do {'50 cts per 1b 1‘ines1 Ma1une Young 1115011 'lpeaâ€"deliciOuS flavor-,ed and strongâ€"unsurpassed111"'1010111o r elsewhere {01 $1p er lb (xao'od B'ack Cong 0 Tea. 50 cts per lb. Good Suong, F|uvored Suucl1011g'1ea, 70 cts per lb Finest Souc‘noug Tea, Pekoe flavored 90 cents per lb, GROCEREES! SUG LJQ U012 G. A. BA RNARD’S, FRESH IN AND MARKHAM VILLAGE Richmond Hi†; with an H E Quhscriher offers for sale a good farm. being lot No. 4. in the 81h concession at [he township of Erin, 100 acres, 60 acres cleared and in a high slate of cultivation: lhu balance nearly all ï¬rst rule Hardwood bush. 'l‘herei's on tho premises a good log house, barinetable, &c., with good water privilege Also a beautiful young Orchard of 100 fruit trees, planted .) yams. A good gravel road passes along the lion! of the lot. This farm is 35 miles liom Richmond Hill. 6 milos lrom Georgetown.on the Grand Trunk Ruilwaymnd 30 miles from Toruiilo. Ladies’ Cloth Jackets. Caps, Head Drbbseh; BUIIIIM Ribbons. FeaIlIeI's. Flo‘Wbrs. Bead l‘rlmmings; Cheul ‘D Also will keep on hand a nice assmlmeul of MouIIIiIIg Bonnets. ‘2," Stamping done to OIder. Richmond Hill. Aprii 2'2. l868. 534-ly HERE is a con {aim rlc DWELLING Hour. 5 Good Barn mm other buildmg: oh thh pronises; there is 11150 a MILLINERY GOODS ! SPLESDID FARM FOR SALE, l‘nRus: Twenty ï¬ve hundred dollarsâ€"part cash. balance on time. For particulars apply to the owner. WILLIAM HARDING, COUN'IY 0F YORK, ONTAiiIo, Containing 100 Acres 70 acres l ndor cultivation. SPLENDID ORCHARD 0F GRAFTED FRUIT A Spring Creek intersects the Farm NEW SPRING GOODS * * This Is one of the best wheat growing firms In this part of the countrv and us within 2‘ miles at Richmond Hill Simian. on ‘he Ni'urlhein REIlWRY.‘ 3 miles finm Richmond Hlll on Yonge Street and 18 miles llom tho City 01".loronto 'llle farm will be Sold on Reasonable Terms For further particulars apply-lo the owilï¬i on the premises. THE LEADING HOUSE! Township of Vaughan .' J.- H. SANDERSON’; VETERINARY SURGEON, To those who have ï¬naled him with their pltronagein the past he lelurn'F his sincere t lallks and to thuse who may do sd in the In- the, he would an} that no endeavor on his if nrt will be wanting to meet their approan SCHOOL REQUISITES EGS w annnunce to the publicthat he is now practncing with U. SANDERSON. ofthe same. place. where they may be consul!- ed personauy or by Ietlbi‘, on all diseases of Horses. Caltle, 6w. Cor. of Yonge & Centre St. East; Foals conï¬den‘t of giving erytjlje satiAs-i‘acgion. KEFHERENCI‘S -‘- l‘ he folIowinggemiemencun, withconï¬donce, recommend G. H Husband, to all requiring Denial aid: Ur Reid, Thornhill; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwicx; Dr. Carson, Brampton. Rxsioi2Ncm.â€"â€"Tiiorllllill. Thornhill Sepiember 17, 1868. 1y FANCY GOODS Medicines of every Discripï¬oxl For Horses and Cattle al‘wuys on hand: such as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough. Condition and Worm Balls and Powders. l'ho Cough Balls have been found most serviceable in alleviating many of the distressing symp'o toms of Brokenwind or Heaves ianoi'ses. Colic. Dranghls. Liniments‘for Sore 'l'llroats, Sprains, Curl). Spavin, Hingâ€"bone, &e, Ulisl- ering Ointments, also Hoof and HenlingOint- ments. Lotionsfor Wounds, Bruises. baddie Galls. Inlulliable Oil and Slump Tick Dell'- lroyer. ‘ AH orders I'rom a distance promptlyattan'dod to. and medicines sent to any pun ofthe Pro- Hora†exalifnru‘. as to sun Rough! and Sold on commisï¬on. Richmond Hill. April 93, 1868 Tl TLE JNDISP UTABLE U amleuuce that he will be a! Unionville. . . . lst Monday ofeach montll. Burwick, ..... . .. .91h day of each uloutfl Where he will be prepared and moslhappy to wait on those who may require his services, G. H. H†having had over January 14. 1809 Vaughan, January 7. 1869 ELEVEN YEARS PRACTICE, Graduate of Toronto Veterinary College) EAST HALF OF LOT NO. 28, EGS, MOST RESEECTFULLY, T0 PART CASH DOWN, BALANCE ON TIME. THE LA TES T S TYLES, Mrs. IVIYERS’. G. H. HUSBAND, L.D.S; RICHMOND HILL FARM FOR SALE, 5 With a good well of water. TOWNSHIP OF ERIN. Of every description, is at FOR SALE, CHEAP A'l‘ Tm: A LARGE STOCK OF OF ALL KINDS, AT THE RICHMOND HILL; N THE 3RD com, RECEIVED A'l‘ BEING THE HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. IN THE IN THE IN ALL FUR HUGH DEV LIN. to smmdn'esti, also Richmond Hill 547-b'm 546-3m 510