Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 24 Sep 1869, p. 3

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Of exceilent land, 55 of which are cleared,and in a good state of cultivation. The buildings are good and in a thorough slate of repair. There is also a splendid Or- chard 011 the premises. This Farm is only 16 miles from Toronto, and 2 miles from Yonge Street. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. or If by letter prepaid to GE' ‘. TEASDALL. POETICAL WORKS FPHE SUBSCRIBER. OFFERS FOR With about 2% acres of land. The above pro- perty will be sold at a great sacrifice, as the proprietor is about leaving the country. It is nrare chance for a man with apmall capital to carry on the Foundry business. as there is a good business already established in the Plough line. It is also eligibly situated for any other kind of business. How and various other patterns and moulding boxes for sale. To’wn ship of Markham ! CONTAINING 68 ACRES The Commissioners appointed to Construct the Intercoionial Railway give PUBLIC NOTICE that they are now prepared to receive Tenders for five further Sections of the line. CONTRACT No. 8 will be in the Province of Quebec. and extend from the Easterly and of Contract No- 5, at Rimonski. to a [mint near the Melis River, about 20; milos in length. That portion of contract No. 12 east 'of Folly River to 'l‘rnro to he finished and ready for lay- ing track by the Is' day of October 187v. from Folly River to a point opposite the London< den'y Iron Works by the lst January, 1871. and the remaining portion of said contract by. the Is: day of Jul_\. 1871. Plans and profiles, with specifications and (arms of contract, will be exhibited at the offices of the Commissioners in Oltawn, Ri- mouski, Dnlhousie. St. John. Halifax ; Toronto and Quebec. on and alter the 13m September next. and.soal$(l Tenders addressed to the Com- missioners ol‘ the lnlercolonial Railway will be received at their office. in Ottawa. up to 7 o’clock, pm., on the 13th October, 1869. CONTRACT No. 9 will be in the Province of New Brunswick, and extend from the Easterly end of Contract No 6. towards the Town of Bathurst, about 20.11 miles in length. CONTRACT No Ill will be in the Province of New Brunswick. and extend from the centre of the Chaplain Island road. near the Court House, at New Castle. towards Buthurst, about 90 miles in length. A DWELLING HOUSE AND FOUNDRY, INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. CONTRACT No 11 will be in the Province of Nova Scolia. and will extend from the Easterly end of th Eastern Extension Railway 10 the, W'cfl'ly end of Section Nu. 4. (including ’the' bridge across‘ the Mlssiqnnsh river excepf’flio‘ western abulemom) about 3% miles in length. Contracts Nos. 8. 9 and 10th he completely finished before the first day of July, l871. Cunâ€" tract No. 11 to be completely finished by lst July, 1870. .L Sale his property, in the village of Rich- mond Hill. Frontng Yonge Slreet,consistiug of COLLARS AND CUFFS CONTRACT No. 12 will ha in the Province of Nova Scotia and extend from the easterly end of contract No 7. at Folly Lake, to a junclinn with the existing Railway at Truro. about 24% miles in length. Suretias for the completion of the contract .will be required to Sign the Tender. Commissioners’ Office, Ottawa. 3rd August, 1869. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Sale his property, in the village of Rich- ERIST MILI- & WGDLEN PABTURY. BOWMAN’S MILLS, The subscriber, having purcnased the above Mill and fitted them up in a superior manner. begs leave to intimate to the inhabitants of VMarkham and surrounding townships that he is now prepared [0 do CARDIN Gr, SPINNING ! Having added to the Carding Machines, NEW BURRlNG MACHINES. Gristing in a. Superior Manner. And made all necessary repairs. the subscriber hopes to give good satisfaction. Parties wile ing to have their wool manufactured from the fleece can have it made into any kind of Cloth 01' Flannel. The services of James Bowman, Esq., and Joseph Cook. Esq., (who are well known as first-class worlnnen.) having been secured, the subscriber feels confident in stating. to the public that. satisfaction will be given. W. SPOFFORD. JR., ‘ Proprietor. ‘Almira, May 19, 1859. 565-tf Parties coming from a distance can have their wool carded and g‘rists ground while waiting. Ezc'hangc‘ Markham, July Apply immediately to Richmond Hill, Juiy 15, 1869. 79-6 Defira‘ble Property for Sale. ‘AMPBELL'S PATENT MAGIC WIN- For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts., at the WEAVING, DYEING, Sale his farm, being DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES, LOT NO. 17, SECOND CON. YARN DYED IN ANY COLOR. OF THE DIFFERENT POETS, AT THE Cash fm- TVaal or Cloth Given in THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE And at Reasonable Prices. Cloth Dressing. rim, and Farm for Sale. A. "'ALSH, ED. 13. CHANDLER. C. J. BRYDGES, A. w. McLEAN, HERALD BOOK STORE. 16, 1869. HERALD BOOK STORE- HERALD BOOK STORE. ALMIRA. OF THE HENRY HALL. Commissioners. I‘IEADFORD P. O 5694f 573-tf J. opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his numerous friends and customers. for the very liberal patronage he has received since he commenced business at the Elgin Mills. and he would now beg to state that. as he Intends giving up business at the expiration of this present year, he will. before doing so. give his customers and the public generally an oppor- tunity of purchasing Mr. N. also wishes it (o be understoood by the public that in addition to tho above he has just purchased ABOUT $3,000 WORTH! Dry Goods, HE UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS oDDortunitV of returning his sincere thanks AT COST &; LESS ! TO THE PUBLIC! The Great North West in the shade i But H. Newton’s is the place to tradeâ€"- For there you get. your fortunes readymade. The weather is cold and the crops are good. Come buyNewton’s hlnnkets and save yourwood Come indies. come gents. and see him this fall. For he has Dry Goods &Groceries to suit you all, And satisfy yourselves, then you can tell If he is determined his goods for to sell. Select New Dry Goods, BLANKETS, PLANNELE, WINEEYZ A" of which he is determined to sell 20 pr ct Below the Regular Retail Prices Monday, the 20th inst “'3‘ All parties indebted to the undersigned are requested to call and settle their accounts by the let October next. COTTONS, PRINTS, TTVEEDS. 4-5 , Elgin Mills. Sept. 9,1859 And snies will be made for Cub only. THIS GRAND SALE TO BEGIN HIS ENTIRE STOCK, $1000 WORTH OF Groceries, &'c. (fie. cEc. d’cc. CONBISTING 0F Hardware, CONSISTING 0F HENRY NEWTON. Boots (fa Shoes, Wall Paper, THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1869. Crockery, 5822-“ No Flock-Master should be without it. Having spared neither time'nor expense in getting good Machinery and Workman to fulfill promisesJie hopes stilltp receive a share of public patronage. e Justice unto all, I intend to give : My motto shall beâ€"to live and let live. Grisling will be attended to all times as formerly, Additional Testimony HE POLEMICAL CORRESPOND- ENCE between T. J. M., the Rev. JOHN BREmN and others, (in the York HERALD during the months of July. August and Sep- (omber, leS), is neatly printed in pamphlet form. and worth a. mural. PRICE [5 Cums. For sale at the HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hill; BANNER Oflice, Aurora ; H. Wilson’s Fancy Store. Markham: Wesleyan Book Room. A. b‘. Irving’s and M. Shewa‘l’s, Toronto. A 35 ct. box will clean .‘20 sheep and 35 lambs. Sold everywhere, in boxes at 35 019. 70 cts, and $100. Having also put in New Machinery. he is prepared to do Spinning and Carding by the pound, ifrequired. concession of M nrkham . JOHN EYER would return thanks to his cuslo' mers for their liberal support during the Card- ing Season. and would inform them, and olhers. in adjoining Townships, that he will be ready to do their Fulling, Coloring, Cloth Dressing. Pressing, &c.. as good, cheap, and as quick as any other establishment in the Dominion. CAHDING, SPINNING AND WEAVING. Will take the wool. as sheared from the sheep, and makeit up into Fullcloth of any kind. or pattern. to suit parties, such as Cloths. 'I‘weeds. Cassimeres. Satinetts, Plain or Twill Flannels, Dress Flammls. Blankets (Horse or Bad), While or Colored Stocking Yam (2 or 3 ljly). ' H'e' will have on hand Cotton Wdrp, of 5 superior quality. that persons wishing to have their yarn wove, can havo it done at a Lower Rate than they possiny can buy bunch cotton. PHOMOTES THE GROWTH OF THE HAIR, FARMER’S SHOULD USE TICK DESTROYER! TEAS! TEAS !! TEAS! ! I Arthur, S [2] Allison, J Basingtwnit, W. Buttery. Miss E S Clarke, H H Curran,J Coleman. D Donor. E Freak, J Grey. .l Glover. T Gourlny, Mrs. Graham, W Jr Grant, George Hardy. R Hodge, W lnnis. W Jones, G Kinner, J Lowe, C. B. Lockwood. Miss Lawrence, Joseph Munroe. Brothers Marshall, Mrs Myers. C A J.‘ all parties found trespassing on lots No. [9 and 20, in the 2nd concession of the Town- ship of Vaughan, after this date will be prose- cuted to the utmost rigor of the law. ' OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT all parties found tresDassimr on lots No. September 8, 1869. And improves the condition of the animal. Headford Grist Mill and Woolen Factory. August 3, 1869. 577-“. ISAAC CROSBY. Richmond Hill, April 29, 1869, WILLIAM GRAHAME. Vaughan. May 25, 1869. 566-” EADFORD VXQQLEN mus, 3RD THOROUGH EFFECTIVENESS. EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND ' Hill PostL/fiice. lst Sep.. 1869 :â€"â€"- nur, S [2] Miller. S. son, J McCague, Wm iiigtwait, W. McCutcheon, J tel-y. Miss E S Phillips, R rke, H H Patterson, A 'ran, J Priest, G amml. D Parkes. Miss ier. E Quantz, Mnrv ek, J Reid, Mrs M [2] ‘37. J Russel, Jus ver. '1‘ Ralston. Jasa xrlny, Mrs. Schell, W [2] mam, W Jr Stackley. D mt. George Siver, R. rdy. R Trench. W igo, W . Trench. G is. W Vanderburgli, J as, G Wise, H IT DESTROYS THE TICKS, To Controversialists. MANUFA (I T URIN G. EVERY DAY BRINGS List of Letters FOR. SHEEP. Public N otiee. No Fiction ! GOOD AND CHEAP. HUGH MILLER & CO., Chemists. MILLER’s OF ITS Wise, A Wellman, G Wilkinson. B VViIliamson. Miss M White. Jas Williams J JOHN EYER. M. TEEFY, P.M. TORONTO. 5834f Equally adapted for applying to Sheep and Lambs by Dipping, Pouring. Smoaring or Salving. Used also as a washfvr Horses and Cattle" Sold only by WHICH He will 3911 Cheap for Cash! OR APPROVED CREDIT. My Collars areâ€"£1.11 Warranfied MAGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. FIRST CLASS HARNESS To give satisfaction. Also on hand 3 Superior Stock of Whips And Whiplashes. I cannot be Undersold in this Zine. SHEEP DIPPING EUMPDSITIIIN! RICHMOND HILL; He has now on Hand! A CHOICE ASSORTMEM; A call from intending purchasers is respect- fu'ly solicited. D County of York. Township of Markham. lot 56. first concession, fronting on Yonge Sr, l8 miles from Toronto, ‘2; miles from Rich- mond Hill. Soil, Clay Loam. 1l83 Acres. 110 cleared. New Brick House, 28 x 38 ; Cellar, full size; Back Kitchen,26 x 26. Frame Barn and Siables- 2 wells and a living stream of water across the lot. School House within forty rods; Church. one mile; Saw Mill, half mile: Grist MillI three miles. Tn'u: INDISPU- TABLE. Fur particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. Hy; JAS. HODGONS. THIS PUMP 1s EASIEST WORKED, MOST DURA- BLE AND Nm'msw MADE IN THE DOMINION. This wPump on Trial for One Month! And if accepted WARRANTED TWO YEARS, Or if they are nm preferred to any othey pump they maybe returned, and the money will be Can be had at the Post'oflice, for 10 CENTS A WEEK. EXCELSIOR PUMP These Pumps are suitable to all Depths from a. cistern to 3 Well of 150 ‘feet. ‘ THE MORNING' PAPERS POCKET BOOKS r HE Subscriber would respectfully nn~ nounco that he is prepaxed to put in Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow weils, so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it all light. and pre- venting children from putting anything into it 3 which is invariably the case with common pumps. Price $6 complete, for cisturns not exceeding eight feet. Churn Pumps for Cisterns $3. WELL DIGGING DONE April]. 1869. 558-237 NEW SPRING GOODS On the Shortest Notice! Sâ€"Pâ€"Lâ€"Eâ€"Nâ€"Dâ€"LD G~0â€"0â€"Dâ€"-S. Girls' and Boys’ Boots in endless variety, In fact the stock is complete and comprises some of the most beautiful goods that has ever been offered in this place. A call is Earnestly Requested. Remember I will not be Undersold. Richmond Hill, April 29.1869. 534-1y BOOTS & SHOES Lowest Toronto Prices! THE LATEST STYLES. 1 W. H. MYERS. Richmond Hill, Apri122,1569. 534-13‘ Java ‘23. 1869. May 14, 1869 Address, Mating depth of we“, P. PHILLIPS, PLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR SALE TATIONERY ERFECT SAFETY IN SHEEP DIP- ON RICHMOND HILL, Telegraph, W. H. MYEBS’. PING. M". II. .771 YERS,’ VVARRANTED FREE FROM ARSENIC 0R MERCURY. Ladies’ Boots 75 cts and upwards, P. PHILLIPS, GEO. H. LESLIE & Co., 001'. If Bluor 4S- Yongc St. 23. 1869. €70-tf YORKVILLE M’DousALL’s NON-l oleoxous REFUNDED. THE LARGEST STOCK 0F OF ALL KINDS AT THE OF ALL KINDS AT THE To Farmers MANUFA CTURED BY DO YOU WANT SUPPLIED AT THE Gentleman’s in all 0F TORONTO RICHMOND HILL EVER OFFERED Appiy lo HERALD BOOK STORE. IF SO G0.T0 HERALD BOOK STORE. AND AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. Globe; M. TEEFY, Richmond Hill. 5644! RICHMOND HILL. Leader, All fully-Warranted and delivered at Manufacturer’s prices. Sand for Circu‘ars and information. Address SPLENDID SMOKING TOBACCO. 40 CTS. PER 117. ' “ “BARNARD’S HONEY- DEW z” AS CHEAP AS CAN BE SOLD ANYWHERE. Good Muscovada Sugar 10% lbs for $1. Bright Refined Sugar 10 for $1 Refined White 8 lbs for $1 Good Fresh Ground Coffee ‘25 cents per ll). Finest Pure Ground West India do 33c per lb. Best Carolina Rice, 20 lb for $1. Patna Rice, ‘24 lb for $l. Fina New Valentin Raisins. 12 lb (or $1. Fresh Seedless Malaga do, r. lb for $1. Finest Zante Currantsâ€"new fruit dressed, 15 lb for $1. Fme Fresh Currantsâ€"new fruitâ€"18 lb. for $1 Chewing Tobacco, manufactured expressb' for ms of Fine Pure Leaf 40 cts. per ib ; with an excellent general assortment of Fine fresh Groceries. Good Common Whiskey, 80 cts per gallon. Good Old RVe. $1 per gallon. Extra Old Malt and Rye, $120 per gallon. Jamacia Rum, $1.50 to $2 per gallon. Old Jamacia Rum (very strong) $2.50 to $3,- Window Glass in all sizes and cut to Order. Good Common Whiskey, 80 cts per gallon. ! Superior old Oporte Wine. for Medicinal and Good Old RVB. $1 per gallon. Sacremental purposes, $3 to $5 per gal. Extra Old Malt and Rye, $120 per gallon. Dufi'erdon’s Superior Sherry Wine. $1.50 in Jamacia Rum, $1.50 to $2 per gallon. ’53 per gallon. Old Jamacia Rum (very strong) $2.50 to $3.- DeKuyper's Holland Gin. $2 per gallon. 50 per gallon. London Old Tom Gin, $1.50 per gallon. Fine Flavored Domestic Brandy $l,5n per gal. Hennessey’s Otards 6L l’inettis’ pure imported Fine Burgandy and Torragona Port Wine $l,- French Brandy,$2,50 to $4 per gal.(bought 5010 $2,50 per'gallon, in Bond ) English Ale. Dublin Stout and London Porter in Bottle. also Stewart’s and Sherifl"s Scotch V‘Jhiskey, Dunvill’s and Kinnahem’s Irish VVhiskey,various brands ol‘ Finest French Brandies, Holland Gin. London Dock Port and Sherry Wines, Claret and Champagne ; with a large as- sortment of Oils. Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil. Elephant, 'l‘anners’ and Lubricating Machine Oil : Neal’s foot and Pennsylvania Coal Oil. Turpentine, Dry and Mixed White Lead, Red Lead. Venetian Red, Yellow Ochre. Chrome Yellow, in fact all coonrs in Points usually sold. Putty, Paint Brushes. Glue. Varnish, Cut, Wrought, Pressed, and Hbrse Shoe Nails, Screws. Butts. Files, Shelf& Heavy Hardware, fl” A call is earnestly and respectfully solicited, and an inspection of Stock and Prices, the Public will then realise the fact that they can not do better north of Toronto. than at MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS THE NE‘V CANADIAI" National Series of Reading Books FIRST Boon,with 31 illustrations.stronglyhonnd in limp clothâ€"5 cents. FIRST BOOK. (second part) with 54 illustrations. Strongly bound in limp clothâ€"10 cents. SECOND BOOK; with 56 illustrations. strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"20 cents. THIRD Boox, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"30 cents. FOUR'IH Book, 45 illustrations, strongly bound, in cloth boardsâ€"40 cents. FIFTH BOOK, 50 illustrations’ strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"50 cents. ' COMPANION TO THE READERSâ€"25 cents. For sale at the Richmond Hill, July 22, 1869. Richmond Hill. April 29. 18694 Authorised by the. Council of Public [11- struction for Ontario. Heintzman & Ee’s. Celebrated Hfsfâ€"prize Piane Furies ! OOP SKIRTS, PURE AND. GENUINE DYE STUFFS ! UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY, FLAVOR 0R PRICE! Begs to announce to his coustomers and the Public that he has on hand GHEAP GRGGEREES, SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE A GREAT VABIETY . VVINES ANI) LIQUORS: THAN USUALLY SOLD IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD: HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. GEORGE A. BARNARD For all colours. Which can be relied on and warranted Which have boen bought at close prices and will be found ISAAC CROSBY SUGARS AND LIQUORS, A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED A FULL ASSORTMENT OF C. CHAPMAN, General Agent, STOCK OF D Good Currants, 20 lb for $1. Good Fresh Young Hvson Tea 50 cts per lb. Do Fine Flavored do 70 cts per lb. Strong Fine Flavored do, 80_cts per 1b. Finest Mayune Young Hyson Teaâ€"delicious flavored, and strongâ€"unsurpassed in Toronto or elsewhere for $1 per lb Good Black Congo Tea. 50 cts per lb. Good Strong. Flavored Souchong Tea. 70 01.8 per lb- Finest Souchong Tea, Pekoe flavored 90 cents per lb, BIBLE SOCIETY DE POSITORY GAMES, TOYS, &c., MALLOY’S AXES Richmond Hill, April 99, 1869. Richmond Hill,June I] . ’68. RILLIANTES AND PRINTS, ICE’S PUMPS GROCERIES! (RICHMOND HILL BRANCH) AT THE DANIEL HORNER, JUN, Lot 20. 2nd con. Markham A BEAUTIFUL STOCK, FOR SALE AT THE U. A . BARNARD’S, FOR SALE BY FOR SALE BY CIâ€"IEAP HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. J. BRILLINGER, Richmond Hill mm 11 . ’68. 517-tf AND ISAAC CROSBY MARKHAM VILLAGE Richmond Hill other To those who haiio favored him with their pal‘ronagain the past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in the fu- ture. he would say that no endeavor on his part will be wanting to meet their approval. REFERENCES.â€"-The following gen demon can, with confidence,recommend G. H. Husband,to all requirng Dental aid: Dr Reid, Thornhill; Dr. BullI Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Bun-wick; Dr. Carson, Brampton. RESIDENCE.â€"Thornhi". Thornhill September 17. 1868. 1y F0315 qonfidept 9f givjug eqtjrp salirsfuctjon. .1) announce that he will be at ' UnionviHe, . . . lst Monday ofeach month,_ Burwick,. . . . . . . . .9th day of each month Where he willbe prepared and mosthuppy to wait on those who may require his services, ' G. I]. H., having had over FANCY GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS Ladies’ Cloth Jackets. Caps, Head Dresses, Bonnnt Ribbons, Feathers. Flowers, Bend Trimmings; Cheap. Also will keep on hand a nice assortment of Mourning Bonnets. '.’ Stamping done to Order. Richmond Hill. Aprii 22. 1868. 534-ly MILLINERY GOODS ! THE LEADING HOUSE! I la the farmers and others in the neigh- borhood of the Elgin Vlills that he has leased the shop owned by Mr. Wm. Trench. sen.. where he is prapared to do In all its branches. and by strict attention to business he hopes to men: a share of public support PETER CRAlK. Elgin Mils. May 13, 1869. 5644f ETER CRAIK BEGS TO INTIMATE lo the farmers and others in the neigh- THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN For Rheumatism, Sprains, Tic Doloreux. Neuralgia &c. “,3 All work warranlcd to giro general sa- tigfzwtion. H . A. DAVID. GENERAL BLA CKSMITHING, Hill and surrounding country. that he has 06m- mencad business as SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE, HE Subscriber offers for sale a good farm,- being lot No. 4. in the 8th concession of the township of Erin, 100 acres, 60 acres clean‘d and in a high state of cultivation: the balance nearly all first rate Hardwood bush. Thoreis on the premises a good log house,. barn,stable. &c., with good water privilege. Also a beautiful young Orchard of 100 fruit trees, planted 5 years. A good gravel road passes along the front of the lot. This farm is 35 miles from Richmond Hill. 6 miles from Georgetown.on the Grand Trunk RaiIWny,nnd' 30 miles from Toronto. ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker, &c. Rnsmnncz.â€"-Near)yopposite the Post Ofiice, Richmond Hill. H0 USE, SIGN A ND Ornamental Painter 1 In the shop formerly occupied by Mr. John H utchins. D BUTCHER, 2nd door north of G. A. Barnard; store, Rickmond Hili. keeps always on hand the best of Beef. Mutton. Lamb. V331, Pork. Sausages, &c. and sails at the lowest prices; The highest marketprice given for Cdulo. Sheap, Lambs &c. I‘Emis: Twenty five hundred dollarsâ€".1131? cash. balance on time. For particulars apply to the owner, WILLIAM HARDING. HE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE to inform the inhabilants of Richmond Also. Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. WILLIAM COX. Jpnuary 14. 1869‘ Prepared and Sold on by April 1, 1868. Richmond Hill. April 29, 1869. Richmond Hill, June 23. 1869. 70-” ELEVEN YEARS PRACTICE, Richmond Hill, April 29. 1869. Richmond Hill. October 15. 1867. WILLIAM COX, UCCESSOR fr‘o JAMES EIQLQIDAX, D E N T I S T ! EGS. MOST REquQTFULLY, To EW DRESS GOODS, ESPELER TWEEDS, THE LATEST STYLES, Mrs. MYERS’. G. H. HUSBAND, L.D.S. RICHMOND HILL GEO. H. LESLIE & Co., THOMAS SEDMAN, Arnica Liniment, Of every description, is at IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ERIN. FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE A LARGE STOCK OF A EPLENDID ASSORTMENT- $1,000 Reward. Blacksmithing. SPLENDID VALUE. Cu r. qf Blaor ‘5‘ Yunga 8:3,, I. 558-1y Yonxvxnnx. RECEIVED AT HER ALI) BOOK STORE. N ALL FUR ISAAC CROSBY} ISA AC CROSBY. Richmnml Hill 547-6m

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