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()0 [3 Ten Hues and undpv, iirslinsertion.. .. 00 75 Each subsequentmsertiun.. . . . . .. . . ... 00 ‘20 Abovetenlinos, ï¬rstinsertion, perline. 00 ()7 Each snleequonLinsertion. per line. . . . 01! 02 Una Column per twelve months. . . . 50 ()(I llalfacolnmn do do 30 (N) Quarlornfa column perlwelve months. 20 00 _One column pm six months†.. . . . .. . 41) ()0 Hall'acolurnn do ....... . 25 00 Quarter of a column per six months. , . . 18 (H) A card of Ion lines, for one year. . . . . . 4 ()0 A card ol'ï¬fleen lines. do .. 5 25 A card oftwontv lines. do . . . . . . . G 50 UTAIIvertigemantswithoutwi‘itten directions “sorted till forbid, and charged accordingly Ailmlvertisemenls published for aless period than onennomh,nm~1 be paid for in advance. Alliransitoryrx s .;<n:11011ts, From strangers nrzrmgukin-customers. must he. [mid for when handed in Forinsm‘ï¬on. ALEXANDER SCOTT, RICHMJND HILL, lVL- 1mxcr‘..Nm'1h of [Tir‘hmnud Hillâ€"(Imm- site the Main Huuse. Ofï¬ce hours from 6 ï¬o .‘2 .\.I\‘[ , druly., The Dr. ban to announce that his books are posted, and lese indrlum‘.L lo hm hy account, will ï¬nd it In their advantage [0 call and settle without further notice. niï¬ccou 59d Hat M. Cali when you virit flue CH“. inspect the Mack and lean: {he priceâ€"‘; we shall fee) plea- sure in shewng gnodu whslher you purchase or not. Smlsfacliou Guaranteed. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, £3aints. Oils, Yarnishes i BRUSHES, ARTISTS’ MA'K'EMAL, dcc†&c., At. Low Rates fur Cash. Wholesale and Retail Druggiats, GEO. H. LESLIE & 00., CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS Yorkvxlle, April I, 1369 DEALERS IN DRUGS, DRUGS, MEDICINES, JOHN H. REID, M.D., mm. ()1? YONGE 2ND CULBORNE DEL JAS. LANGSTAFF ', ILL GENERALLY BE FOUD b humn from $109 A.M. ICENSED PRACTITIONER IN ME 1 (1x11. lergeiy, ()bsxetriCS, Ate. lhasnmxc19~â€"Adjoining Thornhill Hole]. "y humn from r4 to ic'hmont’; Hiâ€. JIHH; Elgm Mills, Aug. 26. 1869 RATE S ()F ADVERTISING. VOL. XI, N O. 19. Toronto, July 15,1869 mo. D. MCCONNELL, M.D., PHARM AQEUTIST, COP. OY BLOCK (V YONGE 51‘s., YORKVILIJQ‘ Business mitotic! 10H! Roya‘l Letters pnmnth' has been appointed lssuur of MA [UNA GE Li difNQES, Thornhill, Feb, ‘16. 1868. EVERY FRIDAY BIORNIL RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. JNOH HOSTETTER, 1)., 11.11.03, ENGLAND -â€" 111351 Fl (Grail/mic (If Tar/min University) reels, 'I‘lluruhifl. (funsullaliuzm in u the morning's 1‘ 'l'uesdaya. Thurs: Amway, from 8 to H) AJL L If consultaiious in the 0mm}. Cash will. June 5), 1855‘ GROCERIES, “Vines an d Liquors, 'l‘HURNHILL. DRUGGIST, 44 King Sit-act Edsi, Tumult}. [Formai‘h J, L. Matgach] led me Cur ncus, DYE STUFFS, THOMAS CARR, IS PUBLISHED R. H. HALL, DEA LICK {N June 9,1869 AND (fnusultmiuzm in [he 1‘ 'l'uosdaya. Thursdays FOUND AT 5804f 558* S-Iy 558-15 35 MCNABB, M URRAY & JACKES, Barristers and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, CONVEYANCICRS, &c. OFFICEâ€"Ill the Court House - - TORONTO. August 1, 12365. 9g STRONG. EDGAR & GRAHAME. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS. Ol-‘ncmâ€"VVoIIington Chambers. Jordon St Toronto. s. H. STRONG. 1.1). EDGAR Toronto, June )8. 1868 OFFICEâ€"Ovel‘lhe Gas CompanyOIï¬ca,Toronto Street, Toronto. Toronto, August], 1867. JOHN DUGGAN (1,0. Toronto Dec. 24. 1868‘ 77. Kingr Strap OH‘Icmâ€"Provinciallnsurance Buildings.Court Street. Toromo. DUGGAN 6L MEYERS, Barriaters, (Attorneys ~ at ~ flan), SOLICITORS m onucm’, CONVEYANCERS, &c,&c. READ AND BOYD, Barristers, Atlorneys at Law, FRANCIS BUTTON, JR , LICENSED AUC"IONEER, ICEU‘SI‘II) AUC'I‘JONICER forum coun- J ties of York umi Peal, (Julleuior of Notes. Aacmxl.ts,&c. Small charges and plenty Ir- do Luske\'. March 51nd 1865 39-1 AH Ul'dm's 1min! tho " Y Richmond Hill. oral the 1 “UL-“(It‘d 10. Vaughnâ€, 01:1. 10 1867 tuna. Residence: homilth comer: Markham. 1’08:()tliceâ€"Uuiouyillu. Subs amended m! the shortest norms on mammath terms. 1‘0“ Hm Counties of York, J‘eï¬â€˜unnd ()rdam ioflut [he “ Hamid†ofï¬ce for Mr Carlcr’ serv" s will be plomplly attended to JOHN CARTER.- LICENSED AUCTIONEER, EDV‘J. SANDERSON, Licensed, Auctioneer, Residenceâ€"â€"Loi 20.1warof'3rd Concussion cf Markham. l’,0.Addressâ€"«BuuonvflIe. Parties requiring Mr. Saudersou’s services can mukearrangameutsatthe11mmâ€) oflimp Junumy 4, 1865, 31 II. D. BENNETT, LIC'EL ’8' 3D AUCTIONEEIZ, ‘) JCS! .L V BARRISTER AT LAW, LUMBER MERCHANT, ALL KINDS o Buiding Materials Doors, Sash, Flooring Farmer’s Boat 6: shoe Store {3:5 SHOES, 1? Basis an"~ ‘ 11101355: Malena, Lowest Homnner 'J'omnio, I)“: Jnn‘ Riugwood .Wurblc W'm'lis _)JVZSH)1CNCE) Lot N0. 14, 2nd Co... MONUMENTS, ilEABSTiDN‘ES ! &c. &c. &c. Cal] am examine my Stock and Prices be- for pnrcl’ asiug elsewhere, as you will ï¬nd it to your interest. $1? Issuer of flIarriage Licenses. Ringwood. Sept, 13,1867. 497 May (E, 186 ‘. SOIJCI'J‘IHIS 1N CHANCERY. &c., fliccnï¬cb Toronm, Mny18,186t5 AND J31;'ILJ)ER, 618 Yonge Street, Toronot. 1!. IL P‘IAD, (LC COUNTIES OF YORK AN!) PEEL. Manufacturerand Deals: in all kiudsof COUNTY OF YORK. FORTH COUNTY OF YORK aughun MANUFAC URER OF ALL KINDS OF HENRY SMELSOR, COIVVE YA NCEIB, (be 11am QEarhs. llldi'l 36 W Post Ofï¬ce address, Yorkville JOHN BARRON, 15‘) J. N. BLAKE, P. meMAN, P. A. SCOTT, Post (Nice Adrh'sss Uarville, at tho " Ym'k Herald†oflicm oral the 1’.U.Muple, le be ï¬louldiwgs (fro M. ,wnr 'E‘hnmpson’s East FOR 'HH‘ FOR. THE ADAM H. MEYERS, Jli‘ , 544â€"1y an!“ to 3!“?15112‘6. of 'Iiusivip M the Blinds, Supplied ! “(NJ J‘eelnnd ()n- R. GRAHAM}: were. Sheeting, CBS?! 0“ 43-†onto and RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, OCFOBER 8, 1869. P. O. SAVINGS BANK. DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (Or any nu1n'~er-â€"-uotexcoediugthreehundred dollars by any one deposilor.) wul! be received allhe Richmond Hill Post Ufllco, for which Governme will allow Interest. “,f‘ Mn. TEEFY is Government Agent for the sale of d \he Inhabitants 01' Muplaand surrounding country that he has opelmd a Drug Store in the above named place. All Kinds of Herbs and IIerb Medicines srqqflz'ed. ROB’T E. LAW, ASSISTANT, BIARRIAGE NELSON DAVIS, - - Proprietor. ’3" Good Stabliug attached. Trusty Host- ler alwnvs in attendance. J. S COTT, IvI.D., L.D.S. SURG-EON DENTIST! N.B. Nitrous Oxide (ias administered for [he painlesa Exxrm-nuu of Tamil]. 'l‘oxontn. Jam. 9.7, 1565). 549-1\‘ 18 prepared to wait upon any whonoedhis prof'wsaionni services in m'derto preserve their teeth, or relieve snfleriug nnd supply new teeth in the most npprovedstyle. Alsolo regu- lats the teeth of those who need it. (‘ “loner in Ii IL, is vaerm’nem Agent fur issuing Marriage Li(‘l“l:€5 in the County of York. Ofï¬ce hour>-â€"â€"T Ann. '0913U x‘na Richmm.d Hili. Oclo‘w/r 73.1869. ‘ MES BOWMAN, Issuer m“ iiï¬arriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, W. C. ADAMS, 11113., 95 King Street Eagt, Tommie. GOLDEN LION HOTEL, M. RICHMOND HILL Money in Land on Landsd Seanrity MARRIAGE LICENSES} Can henrocnred, in sums [a suit borrowers. on Landed security. Perms made known on pexsuuaiapp'licatiun {0 N.B. Deeds,1\101‘tgngom VViHs, Bonds. &c. &c, drawn with neutness and despalch.â€" M. '1‘. continues to act as DIVISION COURT Am‘ 1T. Fees moderate. DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELLERY ELECTROJ’LATEI)WARE,CUTLERY. CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, Maple, April [5, 1869‘ Of Hu‘ bee“ deSI‘rimion and “Dwest designs ‘Jhr‘ofu‘ autuan given n the repairing Watchnsaw“ Cluck? vam‘vnmhufactu: and llmmiwi N0. 11. King Slx’wet East, 6 doors east of Yonge Sir/net. 'I‘n, :l’r \.pril£i3.1\,(3(§. Ofï¬ce hours: from 6:31! Ami. to 9:30 P.M. May 4, [869. ' 5634f DRUG STORE IN MAPLE. AND FINE JEWELRY. 113 Yonge Street, Toronto Markham . Nov 1.1865 June. 1865 \VATUEH I353, C LOUKSS“ 11$“ Masonic and other Emblems made to order. Toronto,Apnl 27,1866. 47. ACOB YELINSKIE BEGS T0 INFORM 'l‘nronm, April 1, ISO†Yongo St , April 7. 1869 RiULmond Hill. Nev. 28.1866 onsullntion free. and all work warramad FOL particulars apply to IlEUudorsignedis au‘hm’ized Lostalei..a1 ONEY T0 LEND ON GOUD FARM H Eattention of'lle l’uhlicisi:Hvledtotheir Stock, consisï¬ng of A Great ‘Variety TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND kurin, in Sums to suit applicants 1’95 . T E RESlDE NCEâ€"PORT HOPE Apply to 20,000 W. WHARIN 85 con IMoney to Lend NEAR CHURCH STEEL ‘ RICHMOND DENTIS'I‘RY. YONGE STREE T, J. SEGSWORTH, DUGGAN & MEYEHS‘ RICHMOND HILL g5‘z.c.. &c.. &c IMPURTERSAND IMPORT“ OF Notary Public, Age-m. Sac 0F M. TEEFY. Atlnrm-ys, Court St ICENSES HILL POST OFFI C E. Postmaster. 559.1 y 560-tf QI-y m ‘ Ufcourseâ€"-I dare say,’ responded Mr. Portcruss. ‘ But what’s your exact idea Othe best wife in the world ‘?-â€"â€" Jones says he’s got the best wife in the world, because she keeps his stockings darned, takes him to church three times of a Sunday. and never lets him have an idea ol'his own. Jenkins says he’s got the same identical article7 but Jenkins’ wife keeps all the moncy. draws his sul- m'v, for him, and makes him live in lhv buck kitchen because the parlor in too good for the family to use.’ ‘The best wife in the worldl’ said Herbert Ainscourt. ‘ Oh! but Daisy isn’t a bit ogreish~ a little, submissive,sof't-voiced tlï¬ng that hasn’t an idea except what is Zreflvcted from me. I tell you what, old fellow, I’m the master ofmy own house; I come when I please, and go when I pleaseâ€"e Daisy never ventures 0113. word of re- proaeh.’ ‘ Then, you ought to be ashamed of yourself, lurking around at the elubs us you do, dissiputcdvbachelor fashion.’ ‘ Ashamed I what 01'?’ ‘ Why, I suppose you owe sonic duties to your wife? "‘ "Where's the harm ? My wifgé docs- n’t care.’ «‘9‘ A ‘Probably you think so heck’ï¬se she is quiet, and submissive; but if 51% were to objectâ€".7 a ‘ ‘Ubjcct! I’d like to hear her ï¬g it.’ ‘ Now, look here, Ainscourt, wife may be a model wife, but you oeflgainly are not a model llquled. I’eoplg uru beginning to talk about the Wi _ neglect that pretty little blue eyed 'girl ‘ l'll thunk neoplc to mind their own busingss. vall‘ti lzm'. {vulcodl Why. man, I lave lmr m l my, own soul ‘ "" treat- her as i1 7 mm. why (loll ‘L you did ‘3’ ‘ Oh, come. Portcross, that question just ShOWS What a regular 01d bachelor you are. It. Won’t do to make too much 01' your wife, 1111109: you want to Spoil hcr.’ ‘ Mr. Pm‘lcross shook his head. ‘ I ‘ That sounds selï¬sh. I don’t like the ring; 01' that metal.’ ‘ And ht, went away, leavin; Mr. Ains- court to ï¬nish his game of billiards at leasux‘c. ' “ ‘ What. a regular old fuss budget Pott- crnss is,’ lnughml lhe lulter. ‘Klway‘s poking his nnsn into sonicbody elsé's businosri. 'l‘li-“i'c's mm Winï¬Wfl puv any :itiv-nfinn to wlmi‘ he Snys.’ Meanwhile 3] rs. Ainscnurt was sit alone in hcr drawing-mun), her two lit white hnnds lightly loclwd in one :nmi‘h nnd her fair hand slightly droopingâ€" a nlolicnio littl \ appleâ€"blossmn of {L vmnnm7 with blue, wistful eyes and curly {lnxcn hair, looking more like a grownup child than a wil'c OJ“ twenty-one sunnnnrs. ‘Odo:i1‘!' sighed Daisy. ‘It is so dull hero. I wish Herbert would come home. He never spends any time with me now-u-dnys, and I practice :ill hiu {'11â€" Vnritc songs, and Pad the HCWSPRPO‘IS) so I can talk about the things he’s llllCI i,- 'P" lo 1 t (rd in, and try so hard to be cntertainin It’s very Strung :7 And then hm‘ oval face brightened Into sudden brilliance, and the spurhhas stoic into her eyes ; for the quick car had defected her husband's inotsteps 0n the stairs. The next moment he came in. ‘ W011, pen how are you ?'y with :1 piny- fui pinch of hor chock. ‘ There are some hon-horas for you. “'hcro are. my iight ghWL-S ?’ ‘ 0 Herbert! you are not going away again i†t, ‘I must Daisy. There are a lot of Fellows going; to drive to High Bridge, and I’m one 01' the party. You 02m 3:0 (war t0 my mother's fur dinner. or send ï¬n one 01'ym1r1'rimds or somvthmg.â€" 'I‘erv, gnod-byo, puss, I'm in a deuce of a l1m'1'Y-' And “vim one careless kiss pressed on the quivering dmmisk rose 01" a mouth that was lifted up to him, he was gene. Daisy Ainscourt neither went to her nmtlmr-imlnw‘ 1101' sent for one OTIICI‘ girl- friends. > She Spent, the evening" all alone, pondering: en the shadow which was fast evel rowing her life. I \(Vhat éhall I (10 ?’ thought the little timid, shrinking wife, ‘Oh, what Shall i do 17†But, child as strong‘ resolute her, nor was she cision. ’Daisy,’ Said her husband to her the next day, " you haven’t any objectlons to my attendng the Orion Bu] Masque- ?' ... www.mh .,..L u... . ‘ Are masked balls nice places, Herr bert ?’ ‘ 0 yes, everybody goes ;only I thought I‘d {my you the~comp1imcnt of asking whether you disapproved or not.’ V ‘ Can I {:0 WM] you i†‘\Vcll-â€"n‘.wmâ€"â€"not verv Well this timo. Daisy. You 900, Mrs. Funchurch really himcrl so sfronqlv for me to take her, that I coulan 1:011) :.r,.’ ‘Vorv Wu"? ; w W ? [whey and “Mb. "3, rupr u within lximssoil' tle pman nf' praises he had ehanéed in Mr. Portcross’ cars; ‘ The best little wife in the wofld !’ THE BEST WIFE IN THE WORLD But, notwithstanding all this, Mr. Ainscourt ersnot exactly pleased, when, at the Bell’samc Bill Masque, dunng the gay period ofunnmsking. he saw his wife's innocent» face crowning the picturesque costume of u Bavarian peasant. girl. ‘ Hallo !' he ejaculated, rather ungra- ciously ‘g/mz here ly ‘ ers,’ lispcd Daisy with a girlish smile. ‘ You said everybody went I And oh, Herbert», isn’t it nice ?' @iimhm. she was, Daisy had a woman’s heal-t within long in coming: to a dc- Shc (M7 chnngo‘ somehow. She went out, driving, hem, them, and (>\‘c1'_v\\'he' c. He never ww whcn he \NS certain 01' a quiet uv . 111;: with her; she joined not: only the dub but» innumerable societies for a thousand and one ‘knxrpnscs, which took her away i'mm 110nm :tlnmst continâ€" ually. Mr. Ainscnnrl. chaf'cJ against the bit, but it was umhws. Dnisy always had an excuse to pluad. Presently her mother-in law bore down gxpnn her, an austere 01d Indy in luck ‘ silk nnd n Chasmut-ln‘mvn wig. g ‘ Duixy, you are making my son wretch- He was late at dinner the next day ; but, late as he was, he found himself more yunctual than his wife, and the solitary meal was half over before M Daisy tripped in7 her cashmere shawl trailing“ over her shoulders, and her dimp~ led cheelm :ill pink with the fresh wind ‘Am I behind time? , Reallv I am so sorry! But we have been driving in the park, and â€"â€"â€"’ ‘ We! Who are we ‘2†growled her husbnnd. ‘ Why, Colonel Adair and Iâ€"the Co] one] Adair that you goout with so much. What men gut I don’t You, belong 'i'huz's 31m; [311%. why is h'cmâ€"â€"-\\'hy budy can we w] ‘ ,[ muat bu \' com't. (hunuruiy discwmimtn tin aha ( ‘ New look here, Daisy 1' ejaculated Mr. Aichourt, rising from the table and push- ing back his chair, “ Adair isn’t exactly the man I want you to drive with I’ ‘ But ynu go everywhere wi1h him !' ‘ I dare say~ -hut you and I are two diï¬l'rcut pexsons.' ‘ an, dear Herbert interposed Daisy, wilf'u‘uly misundm'shmdiug him, ‘ you know]. never was a bit proud, and the associates that are good enough for my husband are good enough for me. Let me give you :1 few more oysters.’ Ainscnurt inokcd sharply at his wife, Was she really in earnest, or was thm'c a mockng undercurrent. of satire in 1101- tone? But he could not decide, so art- less was her countenance. discwmimtn U104 Hm‘bwrt Ainsc‘ he di‘l not :19, M 1‘; lately come over dream. Mr. Ainscourt said nothing more, but Mrs. Fenchurcli found him away stupid companion for the remainder of the even. ing. I’ll tall: to her about it sometime, was his internal dtlcigion. ' ‘ Duigy,’ he ï¬nial carelessly, when din- ner was over, ‘ I've asked uld Mm. Bur bex'ry to come and sluzud the day with you toâ€"nmrmw.’ ‘Uh, ha you? I'm scrry for I am CH unlmppt ‘Bocauw you would 112m B. Tw'wlatl 111C: idea, and called it :1 \vmrnm'wnl:i1n. ' l rcmlml when we werc- mun is ‘3. (millilâ€" ‘ (or :mny neitlmi‘ time 1.01' l)‘.‘(‘fl’ill in idle moniplain’m. llmvc 710: complained; l have simply lbllnwcd your example If it was wt 21 good one, whose fault was l that? Not mine, surely." l ‘ N0 Daisy. not ymn‘s.’ ‘ T (lnn‘t like this kind of lil'o,’ went 4 0n Daisy. “ It is: u false excitcmmtâ€"n lmllmv LllVOI‘HlUlI ; but I {7813.413 in it for >l' the same rmwn, I suppose, that. you did 3 ï¬becziilse it was the fashion. Now tell l' mo, llvrbcrl’, WllOlllOI‘ you prefer afushâ€" giant/1M0 wife, 01. Daisy ?†Am I ?‘ crled Daisy. ‘Ucnr me, I hadn’t 2m iduu 01‘ it ! \thf’s thu trmlbtu? ‘You must ask himself] suit: tho motherâ€"in law7 who lugiimcd â€"â€" FUHRHHU 0H ladyâ€"win fauna); married lwopio's s4)!- ang Illvir ner difllcullics. ‘ All 1 know IS the 1mm {'ucl.’ Am I "VP. crux] I. hadn’t 2m idea 01‘ it ! ‘ You must ask motherâ€"in law, who 80 Daisy went hmne t0 the drawingr room, where Hmhcrt lay on 1hr! MEX ln‘omnrling l0 read. but in reality hromlâ€" 'ng over his troubles. ‘thxt’s the matter, Herbert ?’ said Daisv, lmuoling on the floor beside him} and puiting her soft, cool hands on his fevcl'od brow. ‘ ' he matter ? Nothing: much. only I am Jl‘lisemble.’ he sullonly answered. ‘ But why 1†she persisted. ‘Bccnusc you are so changed, Daisy.’ ‘ Him: um I changed ‘3' ‘You are never at home; you huvo 1.33, the dmnestlcitv which was, in my eyes. yuur greatest, charm. I never have yhn f0 mygelf' (my more. Daisy don’t you see how this is embittcring my lil'c‘." ‘ D005 it make you unhappy ‘3’ she asked softly. V ‘ You know that it: dong, Dnisy.’ ‘ And do you suppose I liked it, Hm“- bert ‘ What do you mean ?’ he asked. ‘ I mean that I passed the ï¬l‘St your of my married life 111 just. Mich a 3mm some my, Yum, had no ‘domexticityf C'iu'os7 dl'i‘m‘, bil'Iinrd playing, and (:‘nznn- gmgnc suplx'rs summed your whniu time. IY your wife, lived a); home mm). :llonc ï¬led out try-1m You! “{th 1021, belong to Hi :9, mum, i 'i'huz's JIMflrgthvr'n dilbrout I311? Iii/131 is H diffur’cnt T h'cmâ€"â€"-\\'hy I? bet-thwâ€"(d‘ cc 7* can we why~ it's EAL-Mimic ‘ Daisyâ€"é: thousaï¬d times Daisy lut \ b v hwc f ilnnufm’s. I’v‘ Club, {HM Min .9 I'm scrry for I am n'ow.’ lmme t0 the drawin' aim-t lay on ("rm FM ‘1. but in rcniity broodâ€" .z‘t, sud rm nmrfl, hut \331 the Change Hub had the Spirit of Duisy’s (50H toil me you wen “4:13. mm:â€" 1 cannot 1111‘.‘ (‘ut n “.115 NuUnALau..â€"Uso Dr. J. Briggs' Allevan- tor for neuralgia, headache). cutarrh. sore throat. Bronchitis, (hm IL is ,SLEI'OPHIflQ to use, and mHzL’ulC. Sold by da'u‘m'kts. 55;;Q There is no malady which causes so large :1 mortality as cmmunption. Statis- tics show that throughout the civilized world. 2m average of one tl'L‘ILll] in six7 every sixth in the list 01' mortality, may be attributed toitsagem-y. Though nur own city shows a smaller average f'rnnl this scourge, yet it is cmnpnted that even here it is the (5:111:10 ofonc death in every .‘evcn or eight. It was formerly consider- ed. an incurable disease. and mm often left hopelesaly to run its fatal course unâ€" ulwcltcd; but, modern investigation and scivncc have proved that the tnlmrculur denm‘itmtn which zll its dinnlly results, nnay be tracedâ€"will t‘ruqnmitly diminish under suitzthh} troutnmnt‘. This is {hit thor pmrilml hy poet morlwm UK'HIIlHIl- lions, whvru (loath has occurred From other (liltb‘ï¬S. in which the lung‘s, satirer :nnl iniclmrcil, attentctl the hmxlthy lein; of' turn uml crun illl't‘D large tulm‘cnlur cavitius. l“(:\' are :nmrv how much tln‘ provmitinn u’tll‘fl even cure of. this (lrcml <iis._é:i::0 «lupomls upon their own efforts. An emian .\nn&ric:m physician has re- cnntiy (loclm‘ml that. with proper proczur lions, by any one now in health. con- sumption will be well nigh rm iinth~;il_>ili- if even thm l1 ln'u‘tlita influence may 3» But Daisy can’t get, along with a theatre-going, club living husband.’ ‘ Then she shall have a husband who ï¬nds his greatest happiness at his own he'n'lhstoneâ€"wllose wife is his dearest treasureâ€"who has tried the experience of sui'liice and ï¬nds it, unmatislilctory. Duisv, slmll we begin our nmtrimoniul career anew '3’ And. Duisy’s whispered answer was, Yes. ‘ But: what must you have thought. of 11m :11] this time i†rsllc asked him, alter :2 liltle while. ‘ I know what I think now.’ ‘And what is that ‘2’ ‘ I think,’ said Mr. Ainscourt, with emphasis. ‘ that you are the, bust Wife in the world.’ IS one (:1 the best (-urat1r3 and prerentatlres is to expand and sttrtniethen the lungs themselves by deep inspirations or brea- thing in ol’ pure air. 'l‘hese inspirations should be made as slowly as possible through a small tube. or with the mouth nearly eloS-‘td, and the shoulders thrown back or downwards. When the lungs or chest, are tilled, the air should be as slowly and gradually breathed out. By continual practise it will be iouud easy to take long; inspirations, and the chest itselt’ will become permanently expanded, so as to give the lungs fuller play. Where strength has begun to decline, of course the ellorts must be proportionalily milder. As the air at first enters the lower part, of' the lungs it only ï¬lls the apex after a long and sustained eiiort, and hence the necessity of making the the inspiration as slov as possible. Six times a day is not too much for this 0:- ereise. In lee-d, the great advantage 0th mild or dry elm-ate to consumptives is, the possibility of passingr so much of the timeout ot' doors. Much is jusl said of tltt‘ pure and bracing air 0," )l innesotta. but those who go there for lunar diseases should remember that only as they breathe the pure outside air habitually can it, ‘prove l.)t'!1t.'llCittl. A lady with tuberou~ lar deposits and severe cough went there Some time since, and a month spent in the ordinary way brought her no impron nugut. She then joined a camping- par’y of ladies and gentlemen, who started in an open wagony and slept in tents at night. After three days’ exposure to this open air she. manifestly improved, and though frequently exposed in the evening, took no cold. The continuance of this mode of lii'e restored health. and so strengthenv ed tier eonstitution, that in two months she could sleep with impunity while the air was blowing lreely across her. Many similar, and even more remarkable, in- stances took place anion;y the young!r men ol' our own army in the late Var, many of whom enlisted against the adviceot' their friends, and returned with greatly imâ€" proved constitutions. The exercise thus induced is most essential to the desired end. Abundance ot’ nutritious and whole some food, including, fatty articles, is -r , old men. 1seen at; least eighty winters. “V vol 5 . bloddy iron) a preceding: iloj_1‘:;in;_:j go: not flog him at that time, asl where he got, his liquor. ll' it iron: Jack. it}; the Captain Jack was brought and tied up. one ol' the best sailors on board did not tare much for liquor The} :3 Jack rt dozen blows, and all the stared in :unazement, for he was. tit drunk; but, the captain said; ‘ V. 11 ." sum int. n. i will not hare drunkminess, and t: case of the kind that. l have ,l \ti1l the man that lets: the other have liquor.’7 There never a (-a» drunkenness on board that ship al'tew #Neal Dow. Hm A SINGULIXR ADVENTURE. Once upon a time a. traveller to into a stagecoach. He was a young, starting,)‘ in lil'e. Ho lound six pass-a about him, all gray headrd and at The young st appeared t I tlur trth-llel', struck with the singularit. and happy aspect. which distinguish his fellow passengers, deurmiued ' certain the seeret of a long}; lite anv secret of making,r old age eotnloriab lie addressed the one apparently eldest. who told llltll he always led at lar and abstentious lii'e, 0:11ng \‘egjet and drinking Voter. The young was rather dillltllt'tl a: this, inasniu: he liked the good thian ol' this lil'e. uddres>ed the second who astonished by saying" he had always eaten bee!" gone to bed regularly l'uddled for tln seventy years, adding all depends" regularity. The third had prolong-.1 days by never seeking or m-eepti _( the fourth by resolutely abstaining; . all political and religions eontrove. the filth by going to bed at snnst t and rising at dawn. The sixth parently much younger than the tiveâ€"â€"his hoir was less gray and was more ol‘ itsâ€"a plaeid smile, (in. a perfectly easy eonseimn'e, mantle! lace and his voice was joeund and st They were all surprised to 1mm he was, by ten years, the oldest 1‘ the coach. t \ x 1-1 Abundance of’ nutritious and \VllOlCâ€" some food; including fatty arliclcs, is scnlial in the arrest Ol' clmsumption. M 051' of (lime who have such tendencies «jam fut moat, but its place may he Snp~ ml with butter, inilk m' CI‘CJU'I. 1105- li'iciinn in Lin-,1, in thwe CHRCS in highly injnrizms. The diess is also a nnltior bearing; strongly (in the health (if the lungs. \Voolcn liiln'ics WOI‘H next the skin7 and WHI'IH covering forthc or l‘mni ties are all important. So also (he shay»: of the garment, which shnnH allow play to the muscles. Relief From mm nnd :inxiciy, as lin' as it can he Secured, is impni‘tunt.â€"â€"â€"I’/iilzzdcbihia Ledger. SUM] ZI'RAIAGLK Tm: slave of 1110 macawâ€"Tim surf. CGHSUBKI 1011 r11) |Dr, .T. Briggs" Avann- Cahn‘x'h, hmduchv‘, &(‘. 3Q Yunkccs the gl'eatosl timl? ivmmse thov r. '1: spectacle in thal'mllcc(:«1111'111111111111 um :1l1‘u:sdy dweribwl. Thu (,ll'llnh'fl'tl 11011.1( be brmwht, 11) and the 'uilu‘c would 511‘. L_‘ 7 A. ./ to llllll, “ 'l omy whm'u (ml you get yum liquor i?†“ At the I’il'th Awnuu Ilutol v 7’ H ) ' . . ' . " )(1111‘ 1101101. 1011001111111, 540 101 nlr Fifth Avcnuc.†Ilc cmms down - iii his miller: his ~(twcls: and his gold Ch. i“ . 7 .. and 110 IS himighl hicu tn lug-15111111331111 who swears that he um, the limmr at l i V_ I“ . I place. lfllfll Avenue: 15; very sorry, lJL thcjmlgc tells the clerk in lit him ya for sixty days :11 Blackwell’s lshami How many (lrunkurds do you think “will; 001110 110111 the Fifth Avonuc 011 the 110:: Mnmlri 11101111311: 01'1'1'11111tl1c Astm‘ N' y t 7 7 ti'npnhm11701‘ N. N1clmlzls 3 funny 11:1} jflll would (:11 re the \Vlmlv CUNCUTH. Th was :1 little much of Mai-.11. l:L\\' lmhW {bro it 11354 llmnghti (W. A l'r'ignl: from Bash)“ :1? iln: 17.1110 “hm: l1 illll'. ll, 1+1il1'2'1 :32 rations \1'01‘1‘ given to (ho w arranged in such :2 Way 1h (\xchun‘m‘ liqm‘i‘ 1':11iu11~' 2111mm; 1"; 501110 (lid 1101 (“we HHH'll :‘l‘rl‘lil Eu: 21ml otha'rsczn'cd :1 ymul (ll'ill 1311' j: and \\‘(‘,r01mnishodM'fl sinm: bum :x1,mli:~iwd. usml mm 2, whip “ill: .1 having ten 01‘ hw‘ivc stl' cord. which made tho blm uswl mm 2, \\"mp mm .‘l HINT: having ion or twwivc stl'nn‘h n cord, which much: tho blew! and ;~- 'I‘he whn‘w crew musshtrul 21%; HI, :- to witness the puuimhmrnf, and \n \\'21M'u:ady, the (:Hlmt‘w' \\":. strippc m the wzu<1 and his :n‘ms tied n} g:n1f_r\‘,r‘uy,m‘.d tho Cupmin, in 1H mum it to see how it Wu.» dam: L Tom was; brought up in he; punish the mpmin swing 11ml hi< hm hinddy fwm a pruwdingg f'iuj.:':;121j; not flog him at that tinmy ithkt where he got, hit» hqum'. He, v» i‘ it 1mm Jn By thv (3.x;utnhx’. Jack r» dozen ans, and all the stared in :xmuzmnrxm, {111' he was. drunk; but, the ’up’min wid; ‘ 4 wiil not hum drunktmmw, : (3:180 of tin: kind that I have I the mzm that lube the other 1mm, Eiqunr.†There never mm a 0:1» drunkenness on board that ship :d'tui'v â€"â€"ch11 Dow. Once upon a time :1. traveller m’ into a stugwcmch. He was :1 wrm starting,)‘ in lii'v. He (hum! six 1mm The old gentleman in ed the young: l1‘:‘;011<‘r “ I hum drunk \\':1 have, (mun mlwt, :11111 \‘q (lzibhlntl in pnlitirs 2111‘] pzunphlutswl have P“ bod 21L midnight; and “ How is it that you have pm We freshness of life?" exclzlinu‘ young trawme TWO E’ARTIES TO DRUNKENNE Withâ€"“ 01" course, we :1l\\‘il_‘y’\ I fly and in m’lvxmco7 for our me No 1mm deserves long life who «In this.†7 len the young man resulvm also would render llimwll (law. lnnglil‘c and immcdintuly snbscr five newspnpwns‘ pwying‘ l'm' then; advance. He is li\’l1]f.§)'t‘tl Reader-'go and do likewin WHOLE N0. 586. 1 t0 Hm NHIHI'. :2 \*.‘:i}'1hut:+sil Himw znnmx; r"; '0 11:11le NIH-u :1 gout] di'Fl l3 anilan \VuuH Hlllk‘ti life an nil 11h Ill Illa! \11 hue" J)