Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 Oct 1869, p. 2

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Tat: WELCOME TO Panic}: ARTHUR DISPEPS]A.â€"USE Dr. J. Bxiggs’ Allevan “or for dispepsia, flutulency, heunburn, &0. Sold by dl‘uggist's. . 533g; The enthusiasm with which Prince Arthur has been greeted at every step of his journey through the British Ameri- can Province, is a tribute of respect to the virtues of his illustrious mother. Under the benign sway of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, the British nation has been more respected for the characteris- tics proper to'good citizenship than ever before, anrlhthe nation Stands to day fore- most in literature, morals, and cultiva- tion. Naturally some, nay much, of the veneration in which she is held is reflect- ed in the respect shown towards ,her children. Similarly hearty have been the greet- ings awarded to Prince Alfred, the Duke of Edinburgh, in Australia and elsewhere. They have been proper and grugifying. The character 'of' these demonstrations should, however, be understood by the: two Princes now on their travels. Their l mOther has accomplished her fame in the eyes of her people and before history. Theirs is yet to be made. A high des- tiny awaits them if, as is persumetlfihey are to be at the head respectfully of an army and navy the history of which is bead-roll to glory. The elder brother already sees a seeptre nearly within his grasp which stretches over the habitable globe. Will he and they cherish as well as inherit the traditions of order and purity, and affection which guard the memory of' Albert and Victoria ? It is to be hoped that they will. We believe that they will. A publicity which can- not be avoided rests upon their every ac- tion, and a social code which ins1sts upon obedience will pass judgement. If there must be errorsâ€"some faua: pas--â€"some little 'forgetf'ulness of propriety at times, let the wild-oat sowing be brief. The British people wish to respect and love their princes; let the prince love the people enough to cultivate both. Cowsâ€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Modern Cur- afive for corns, bunions, ingroping nails. tender feet,&c. Mild, soothing, softening and healing. ' Sold by druggists. 583Q OTTAWA, Oct. 5.â€"Ameet1ngof the Privv Council was lwld to day. at which the ten~ ders of J. B, Taylor for printing the Canada Gazette and laws were accepted. It is said on good authority that Hon. Mr. Kenney will shortly vacate the ofiice of Re- ceiver-General and tulie the pumtlon of President of the Council, vice Hon. Mr. Howe, who will remain in the Gove'nment ua Secretary of State for the Province, a de- partment which has been without a head since the resignation of the. Hon. A. G. Archibald. A PERFECTer Jl’S’I‘lFIEI) Srlcmu.~â€"Is suicide everjustifiuble? A Pittsburgh paper slates that a melancholy case of self-murder occurred on Suudav, near Titusville. Pennâ€" sylvania. The following schedule of mis- fortune was found in the victim‘s left boot: “'I married a widow who had a grownup daughter. My father visited our house very often, fell in love with my step-daughter, ‘und married her. So my father became my son-in-law, and my step-daughter my mother, because she was my father’s wife. Some time after my wife had a sonâ€"he was my father's brother-inlaw, and my uncle, for he was the brother of my step mother. My fatherls wife, '12. 9. my step-daughter, had also a son; he was of course my brother, and in the meantime my grandchild, for he was the son of my daughter. My wife was my grandmother, because 'she was my mo- ther. I was mywife's husband and grand child .at the“ same time. And as the husband of a person’s grandmother is his grandfather I was my own grandfather.” Hon Mr. Mitchell is expected to airlivc here 10 morl'ow. Sir Francis Hint-ks arrived here to day and is staying at the Russel House. He will be iwgrn in as Finance Minister on Friday. Mr. McTavish, late Governor of the Hud- son’s Bay Company at Red River; John Black, Recorder bf Red River; and Capt. Cameron, R.A., members of the Executive Council of Rupert’s Land and the North West Territory. have been appointed Com missmners to adulinster the oath of ofl‘ice to the Hon. Mr‘. Macdougall, Governor of the Terri'ory. Godfrey Morenu and Benj. Beaucaire were fined $20 and $10 respectively for beating (me of the witnesses against the twenty tavern keepers charged with sellingr liquor on Sunday. Infornmtions have been laid againata number of other tavern keepers, who appear on Friday. The classificalion of Goods afr‘the Ottawa Agricultural Society Fair has been going on to-day. Everything goes to prove that the present fair will be one of the most impor- tant and successful ever held in this section of the Province. Up to this eveningr 2,400 entries have b0811_ made. and it is probable Ihat by to-morrow the number will be in- creased to 2.500. Two thnusand five hun- dred dollars in prizes are offered. The Bommissions of Mr. Morrison and Mr. Provencher, as members of the Council of Red River, have been made out. Along the streets, along the streets The welcome loudly flew»â€" Such Welcome never yet, I ween, Our Prince most royal knew. Thousands of voices raised the shouts, Thousands the welcome given ; Thonsands responded, as it shook The trembhng ether riveu. From thousand, thousand loyal throats The voice of welcome flew; And louder than the thunder storm :Its echoes rung anew. Gaily there fluttered in the air Pennons of varied hue ,- Softly the breezes kissed them as They oh their bosom flew. Lilly white hands their welcomes waves, As on he slowly moved; _ And, as Canadian subjects true, Their fond devotion proved. E'en as «he wave mid Ocean’s breast POurs loudly on its way, So all the sons of Canada Welcomed their Prince that day. 380 will we Welcome all the sons Of our thrice royal Queen ; And thus our gracious‘Queen herself Whose peer has never been. HEBV MAJEFJTY'S SONS LATEST FROM OTTAWA. BY J. G. MANLY. Northern Railway of Canada Going North 8.04 A.M Going Soutl' 9.32 A.M Mails made up at the Richmond Hill Post Office. Until further notice, the mails will be nlosed at this Post Office as follows: N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes before the time of closing. BRITISH MAILS Are closed at Toronto as follows: By Cunard Line. every Monday, at 10 A.M. By Bremen Line, every Tuesday, at 11 _A.M. By Canadian Line, every ’fbursday,at 10 P.M. NB. ‘3' Letteis for despatch by these lines of Steamers should be so marked. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. Richmond Hill, May 3, 1869. mp “gfi-BWML The recent visit of Prince Arthur l Patrickâ€"third son of our beloved Queen _â€"to Toronto, has been a grand ovation, equalled only by the demonstration in honor of his brother, the Prince of Wales, nine years ago. Judging by the detailed accounts given in the Toronto dailies, nothing was left undone by the citizens of Toronto to make the visit of His Royal Highness as agreeable as pOSSible, and convince him of the heart- felt devotion of the inhabitants of Toron- to, and surrounding country, to his august mother. Prince Arthur, on his part, accepted the demonstration in the spirit in which it was tendered, and mani- fested a proper appreciation of all that was done. If he was‘not self-denying, and agreeable, we are of opinion he would not have consented to dance in twenty ‘ difi'erent sets during one eveningâ€"which he did, at the Music Hall on Monday night; but, like a true gentleman,under- went the fatigue because he was awar:e that it would afi'ord pleasure to those whose hospitality he was enjoying. On the whole, he cannot but entertain most ‘ pleasing recollections of' his visit to To- ronto, and of its inhabitants generally. We are glad to see that there was less exclusiveness in the arrangements than. was at one time feared ; the names of those who figured at the receptions and balls are evidences of what we refer to. It Would be a fatal mistake to have al- lowed the visit of the Prince and Govorw nor General to be an occasion for a mush- room aristocracy to make an offensive dis- play of exclusive monopoly, under such circumstances as the visit of the Queen’s son and the Governor General. \Ve rcâ€" joioc to see that wise counsels have pre- vailed, and that snobbery had to knock under this time. ' Northern Mail. Southern Mail. Mail for Almira RICHMOND HILL STATION. “7e have seen it announced that the Provincial Legislature is to meet, for the despateh of business, at Toronto, on- Wednesday, the third November next. It is understood that there are a number of useful measures in course of prepara- tion, and that the new school bill Will be submitted to the representatives of the people. We trust that the Attorney General will use great caution in regard to this particular measure, as there is a general feeling of dissatisfaction 1n regard ; to the changes proposed, both as regards.“ Common and Grammar Schools. \Ve' think Dr. Ryerson could have been much better employed than by attempting to dis- . figure his ido‘l ; so far it is comely enough, and receives the homage of the people; but the Dr. is a little wilful on this par- ticular subject, and inclines to having his own Way, under the plausible pretence of consulting the people. All know how that was done ; the fact is, he dearly loves a little flattery, and as he grows older, he seems more inclined to yearn for itâ€" hence his occasional tours ; and Trustees are Willing to‘indulge him for the sake of his past usefulness. We are quite wil-Z ling to recognise Dr. Ryerson’s merits,‘ but we are not blind to his weak points, and trust he Will not be allowed to undo, in his old age, the good he has spent so many years of his life in doing, and which the public haveso- often manifestâ€" ed a lively appreciation. Southern Mail New Adve vtisements. Fall and Winter Goodsâ€"G. A. Barnard. Executox‘s Notice. To Wm. Tylerâ€"â€"M. Teefy. Farms for Sale-John .Harrison. - RwHMoNn HILL, OCT. 8. 1869. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. THE PRINCE’S VISIT Cashel, . . . . . . . . . . Gormley, . . . . . . . . . Headfox'd . . . . . . . . Victoria Square, . . CHANGE OF TIME. EVENING MAIL. MORNING. 41 02 :08 May 2. 1868 ..6.45 p.m LL AA. .0 K0 44. 1 11.00 A.M. } on Tuesdays I 85 Fridays. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, oomBER ‘8, ~‘ 1869. YONGE ST. SABBATH SCHOOL TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION. The above Society met on Monday last. in the Methodist Church in this village. After the opening exercises. the Rev. l James Dick gave a. model Bible class les- son, from the 4th chapter of the Gospel by St. John. The Rev. gentleman’s remarks were lucid and very appropriate; illus- trating Scripture by Scripture; he showed a thorough knowledge of the Bible, and ‘his ability to convey a portion of thel 1same to the minds of his auditors in a manner which will not fail to fasten itself on their memory; On motion of the Rev. Mr. Carson. the thanks of the members of the Association were tendered to the‘ Rev. gentleman, for the model lesson to which they had listened with so much pleasure. This being the close of the second annual session of the Association, the President for the past year gave his valedictory, and received the thanks of the Association for his past services. The Secretary read the report for his term of office, showing the virgin pro- gress and present standing of the society ; some of the benefits derived from it by the Teachers, and the impetus to greater prosperity imparted to the Sabbath Schools in this locality by its. influence. Among the subjects brought before the members for discussion are the following: “ Does the giving of rewards tend to promote the prosperity of a Sabbath School.” “ Should tbe number oflessons learned, or' verses reeited,be limited by the Oificers of a Sabbath School.” “ Should the subject of Temperance be taught in our Sabbath Schools.” “ The best method 01 conducting In- fant classes.” “ The best method of distributing Libraries.” “ The best mode of conveying instruc- tion from the Scripture to the scholars of the higher classes.” “ Are any other than stricth religious books suitable for a Sabbath School,” “The best method of securing the punctual attendance of Scholars.” “The best method of protecting the Libraries.” ‘ I V “The best means to be adapted by the Teacher that will result in the edifi- cation and ultimate conversion of the scholars under his charge.” “ Singing, its importance as an exercise in our Sabbath Schools.” The following gentlemen were elected as officers for the ensuing year: P. Patterson, Esq., President. A. Marsh, Esq., Vice President. Mr. James Ness, Secretary. Mr. Wm. Harrison, Treasurer. The President elect, after delivering his opening address, appointed the,3f’0_l- lowing gentlemen as committee on topics for discussion: Revds. James Dick, C. Fish, and Mr. Wm. Harrison. In the evening of the same day the society celebrated their second anniver‘ sary by having a public meeting. The audience was not large, owing to the darkness of the evening and the fore- boding aspect of the weather. The Rev. Messrs. Dick, Bredln, and Carson were speakers on the occasion, and delivered able and eloquent addresses on the sub- ject of Sabbath Schools, dwelling on their past, present’and future influence. The speeches were. interspersed 'with singing by Sabbath School scholars, making the meeting interesting to all, and reflecting credit upon themselves. A REMEDY that is valuable not only as a counter-irritant L0 drive. pain and inflamma- tion from the internal organs to the surface, thereby relieving deep seated injuries and or. grnic lesions, but Dr.‘J. Briggs’ Allevunmr will be specially useful in restoring the skin to a healthy condition in all those annoying affections attended with inflammation and eruption. Sold by druggiSts and country merchants generally. _Dr. J. Briggs & 00., propiie'tors, 208‘Broadivay, N. Y., 5nd No. 6 King Street, West, Toronto, Canada, MONDAY. Oct. 11, 1869.-â€"-Auction sale ofim- plemente,furniture.Dwellingr House, Work- shop and Lot, &c., on the premises, Rich mend Hill. the property of Mr. H. Hall. Sale at 1p.m. W. [1.7Myers, Auctioneer. VVEDNESAY & Tnunsmv,0ct. 13 & 14â€"Casli Sale of Dry Goods, at Wm. Hand’s Hall, Alliston. the property of Mr. C. Cowan. Sale to commence at 10 n.m., each dav. J. Seager, Auctioneer. - THURSDAY, Oct. 14.~â€"Crcdit Sale of Goods and Chattels belonging to the estate of ‘ the late Wallis Biggins, at Richmond Hill. Sale to commence at one o’clock, sharp, W. H. Myers, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15.â€"-â€"Credit Sale of Household Furniture, 820.. on lot No. 42, 1st Con. Vaughan, near Richmond Hill, the property of A. C. Lawrence. Esq. Sale at 10 21.111. W. H. Myers, Auctioneer. MONDAY, October 18.â€"Credi£ sale of Farm Stock. Implements, £50., on lot 4, 4th Con Whitchurch. the property of Mr. Andrew Clubinc. Sale to commence at ten A.M. Gurmley and Sanderson, Auctioneers. TUESDAY, October ISLâ€"Credit Sale of over 500 cords of Maple, Beech, &c., on lot 24, 3rd Con.M-arkham, imile south of Victoria Square, belonging.r to Mr. D. F. Homer. Sale at one P.M. S. Ecliardt, Auctioneer. '3' Parties having Sale bills printed at this office, will have a notice similar to the above, free of charge. The next session will be held at the village of Patterson, on the 24th day of December nefit. AUCTION SALES. MARKIIAM Finnâ€"This Fair was held on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, at Markham village. Our rambling reporter was preseht and will give to the public his notes in our next issue. MONTHLY Rumâ€"The usual fair was held in our village on Wednesday last. There was an extra supply of Beef cattle, Cows, and Sheep, and quite a number of buyers, both local and flOlll Toronto, who gave good prices for what was sold. To the Editor of the York Herald. DEAR Sm : If any of the puplls attending our village public salmols, get their limbs broken in those "‘ chlld-Ll'aps” in the school yard, who is responsible? “A stitch in time saves nine.” . Yours, &c., ANMVERSARY.â€"-On Sabbath, October 17, three sermons will be preached in the Primi- tive Methodist Ebenezer Church, on the 6th line of Vaughan, by the Rev. J. S. Boyes: of Etobicoke circuit; services to commence at‘lO A.M., 2:30 P.M., and 6:30 P.M. A cq1. lection will be taken at the close of each service towards liquidating the Church debt. See notice of Tea. meeting. POST OchmI SAVINGS BANK.â€" The fol- lowing stateme "'t‘éxhibits the aggregate tranw sactions in the'Riquond Hill Post Office Savings Bankj'up {0 30th September: ‘ : Total Deposi’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4949 00 u _als . . . . . . 1444 79 Depmaits in myth of Sept” . 319 00 Wilhdrawals‘.‘ “ " . . . 81 BL SABBATH Spade}. FESTIVALâ€"A tea festi- val in conneiion with the ZionE. L. Church. 4th Con. Vaughan, in the grove belonging to Mr. John Cooper, near the church, on Friday, (to-day) the 8th inst. Tea to be served at 12 o’clock Addresses suitable for the occa'sidrr will be delivered by the Rev. J. Fishbum. Rev. and the Messrs. J. Bredin and C. Fish. Proceeds to be apple primed to the Sabbath school. Tickets 25 cents. NEW WiM‘ER GOODSLâ€"In this weeks’ issue, Mr. G. A. Barnard announces the at" rival of his large purchases, ‘for- the falland winter trade. Mr. B. is an old and experi- enced buyer in Toronto market, and the public need hardly “be told that they will find only in his store, such geods as his fami- liarin with théir wants and requirements warrant him in keeping. He sells at reason- able pi-iéesm‘a‘ very choic’e stock to choose from. TEA MEETixG.â€"On Monday, the 18th inst., a grand 'l‘eajleeting will be held, to commence at one o’clock, at the Primitive Methodist Ebenezer Church, 011 _the 6th concession of Vaughan. The audience will be addressed in the afternoon by the Rev. Messrs. R. McKee, G. Wood, R. Boyle, and H. Harris (recently from England). Also a Soiree in the eveniniar , refieshments served at 6:30; addresses will be again de- livered by the above named Ministers and others. An efficient choir will be in atten- dance at both services. Tickets for each entertainment, 25 cents to be obtained at l the door. Dr. J. Briggs has opened a. branch office at No. 6 King StyeetLWest, Toronto, Cana- da, where he will treat. all diseases of the feet, in the most skilful manner. HIS Mod- em Cut-amt) is soldi’iby 'allzdruggists and country merchants. DEPARTURE or DR. Bracesâ€"This gentle. man, who has justly been termed a. “famed chiropodist,” leavesthis morning for New York city, where prior engagements demand his immediate presence. His stay in theeity has indeed been short, but in that period he has made a host of friends, and has himself been so kindly treated that he requests us to express to his many kind patrons his grati tude for the courtesy extended to him during his stay. In fact no one could come in con- tact with the Doctor except to-meet him as a gentleman; kind, social and affable in his manners, possessing- a genial nature and warm heart. and in his profession skillful be- yond a doubt. He became so enamoured of his success. and the friendship shown, that he has resolved as soon asthis business en- gagements will permit, to return about the latter part of the month, whenvhe willagain take rooms with the most'excellent host of the " Russell.”â€"0ttawa Times. I S'AD ACCIDENT.-â€"Ou Tuesday, lasl; amel- ancholy acoident occurred to a young man named Sisco, while attending a. threshing machine on lot 32, 3rd Concession of Van- ghan. 11. appears thnt while in the act of oiling the gearing of the shaft and cilinder, his right hand was drawn into the cogs, and so terribly crushed as to cause amputation of that valuable member necessary; which act was successfully performed by Dr. Hos- tetter, as soon as his valuable services could be secured.» As the unfortunate is an ener getic and industrious young man, and the main stay of the family, the occu rren'ee is doubly painful. He is reported to be doing: well. THE latest thing outâ€"The gas, when it is turned off, and everybody has gone to bed. SIGNATURES â€"What a silly pedantl-y that is which induces some people to Sign their names so that home can decipher them. If anything that a. man puts upon paper ought to be bold and unmistakable, it is his s1guuture. A FRXGHTFUL case of the immolation of a human being in one of those Spanish bull- fights patronised by the CroWn has occurred at Jul-us, in the Gard. On Sunday, one of the bulls tossed a man, killed him in an instant, and ran about the circus with his en- trails twisted about the horns. Nobody thought of stopping the performance, which went on for three hours afterwards. Richmond Hill, 0th 7, 1869. 331ml! 5m. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. PATER . Luxuriant Hair secured by using Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. Dr. Colby’s Pills are approved by all Phy‘ siciuns who have seen the foxmula. Should always have a bottle of Jacobs’ Liquid ready. ' THE remains of Lady Palmerston were interred am. Westminster on Sept. 17Lh. . THE blacking manufactory of_Day & Mar' Lin in London, was lately destroyed by fire. A FRENCH scientific paper informs us that hair combs are now being made out of old bouts. ' PILES.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs" PilezRemedy for piles 01" every deseription. Sold by druggisis. 583Q ARRANGEMENTS have been made for an All-England Eleven to visit Australia during the comm; winter. CORNS.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Cuwtive for corms, buuious, ill-growing nails, &0. Sold by druggisls. T 5330 WHELPLEY, the Canadian defrauder, has been convicted and sentenced .to penal servi- tude for seven years. A CORRESPONDENT of the Times says it is wonderful to see what improvement the Prus sinn army has made since the war of 1866. DON’T forget to secure a copy of the .Polemical Correspondence, between T.J.M. and the Rev. John Bredin, now published in pamphlet form and for sale at the Herald book store. Price 15 cents. ' PRINCE Napoleon has written a cordial let- ter to the Secretary oflhe Cobden Club, in acknowledgement of his election as an hon- orary member, and expressing sympathy with the international objects of the Club. A MATTER ot considerable interest In a mining point of View is the decision ol Messrs. Bolckow, Vaughan & 00.. to coun- mence sinking at once to the immense salt deposits which they have pioved to exist unâ€" derneath Middlesbrough. HEIN'I‘ZMAN & Co’s Agrafi" Bar Piano Fortes were awarded the 1st prize and Diploma. at the last Provincial Exhibition, over twelve competitors. Intending pur- chase-1's waited upon at their resulence, by addressing C.Chapman,Mnsic Hali,Markham THE Spanish Government evidently con- template a large reduction in the Church Establishment. The minister ol‘Justice pro poses to reduce the upper hierarchy to five archbishoprics and thirIy-two bishoprics. At present there are nine archbishops and seventy bishops. LARGE quamilies of fish, Which are pecu- liar to the tropical regions, have been recent» ly seen along Ihe southern coast of Ireland. Shoals ol the honita, the dolphin, sword-fish and other species are observed. This visit is attributed to the lumisual warmth in this latitude. ‘ * ' MR. Tmne, captain of the Oxford 'crew in the late race, is a son to Mr. J. A. Tinne, a well-known Liverpool merchant and ship- owuer. Miss Tinne, whose murder in Afri- calis announced by {elegl-aph, is a sister of Mr. J. A.'Tinne. and (me or" the “ Three Dutéh Ladies” whose bo'olis of Travel in Equatorial Africa is well known. THE followmg curious superstitious custom is said to be still prevalent is some of the re- moter districts of NOI‘thumbel‘l‘dnd. The straw of the bed on which a person has died is burnt outside the house, when a foot-print will be found corresponding to that of the one who is next fated to follow. THE fanatical sect of lllystes have com- mitted such excesses in the neighborhood of Cracow that {he Goveinment. has been forced to Oi'de ' an inquiry. This sect. allied in some degree to the fanatical practices of the Indian Thugs, remrdmg assassination as an oll'eringr agreeable to the Diety. have committed murders in thermal districts 0n the 6th inst, at the residence of the bride’s father, Whitchurch. MR. ROBT. W. LAUDEE, of Prjgce Edward, andMiss, MARY GAMBLE. ‘ " " THE St. Petersbutfg papers avow that Ptiuce Chirles’s visit to the Czar in the Crimea had a political object, and insist that Roumaniu must be bound to Russia, rather than to Austria, Prussia or France. Prince Charles is about to marry a. Russian grand duchess; The Prince has lately received from the Emperor Alexrnder the Order of Alexander Newski. At Richmond Hill, on the 3rd inst, the wife of J. P. LOWRY, Printer, of a daughter. MARRIED. 0n the 2nd Sept.. at the residence of the bride’s mother, 6th Con.’Vaughan, MR. JNO. PLAXTON, of township 'Dorchester, and Miss AMANDA L. FRANKS. THE EXPOSITION UNIVERSALLE, at Paris, 1867, awarded Wheeler & Wilson the high- est premium, a gold medal, for the perfec- tion of their Sewing Machines, over82 com- petitors. This xzincliine is crowned with 67 nmlals, hm luwn tested beyond allquestion, and stands 14; (lay without, a rival. Over 00,000 mat-1mm mm: Sold in the year 1868. 99nd for circular and samples of. work to Charles Chf:;,mzul, n; mt, Markham village; he gives instructimvs lrm and warrants every At Patterson, on the 6th inst, the wife of MR. JAMES SHAW, of a. daughter..- THE Hungarians have set themselves with their usual practical spirit to the ditficult task of etfecting radical reforms in their national church Among these are the suppression of convents and the abolition of the com. pulsory celibacy of the clergyâ€"a system against which the Hungarian bishops protest- ed before the Uouncil of Trent, and which has repeatedly been condemned by the Hun- garian Parliaments. It was also decided at a congress of the Hugerian Catholics, the other day, that steps should be taken for se- curing to the laity the privilege of electing not. only their priests, but also theirbishops, and for inducing the Emperor to renounce his right of appointing the latter. Two LOVERS KILLED BY LIGlI'l‘NING.~â€"Oll Sunday evening", a storm of thunder and lightning passed over Bradford, and the dis- trict, accompanied with heavy rain. Thos, Hardakor, 21 years old, cloth weaver, of Pudsey, and his sweetheart, Emma Garrick, 22 years ofage, daughter of Henry Garrick, basket maker, of Stanningley, were walking in a footpath through the fields when they were overtaken by the Storm, were struck by the fluid, and their dead bodies were found about half-past ten the same night laid across the footpath. ' AMONG the different means employed by the Russian Government to effect the thoronh Russification of Poland the most singular is undoubtedly adecree lutely issued at Warsaw In future all public clocks throughout the kingdom are to mark no longer Polish, but St. Petersburg time. An amusing anecdote is reported in connection with this new act of despotism. The Emperor happened a few days after the promulgation ofthe decree to ask one of his aid~:s-de-camp, a Pole, what o’clock it was. The officer, without looking at his watch, replied. “ L’heure qu’il plaira u votre Majeste.” MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS BIRTHS Flour. Q9 ban-91......" . Wheat. #9 bush . . Spring Wheat, #9 bush . . Barley, $9 bush. . . . .. . . . Pease, do ......... Oats, do . . . . . ... Hayfigtou Swawfifiton .. ..‘ Butterqfilb roll ......... Fork mess % perbbl.... . Wool Q'Qfl)...”.... .. BOW BELLS FOR OCT., THROAT. &c.,. cured very q'uickly by using Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevautor, a safe and re- liable remedy. SSS-ly-cq .L bIeedidg and itchy, relieved at onca ana soon cured by using Dr J. Briggs’ universal Pile remedy; soothing. safe and reliable. s IL E S, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, bIeeding and ilchv. relieved at once and U afi‘octions of the throat. lungs and chest immediately relieved. and all but hopeless cases cured by using Dr. J. Briggs’ Throat and lung Healer. 583-13‘-cq U r21) cams. bullions. large and small, inâ€" growing nails, sweat scalded lent, &c.,relio\'ed immediately and soon cuer by apylyilvg Dr. J, Briggs’ Modern Curative accordinglo direc- tions; it never doea harm, but it always does good. 583-l'y‘cq .1. of Ur, William Tyler. formerly of the Township of Whilchurch, or any person who ran give his~presem Post Ofiico Address. they wil greatly oblige by communicating with the undersigned, IL Estate of the late Wallis Higgins, of Richmond Hill, are hereby requeslod to call on the undersigned. at Richmond Hill. and pay the same on o'r before Now next illsuifig. Persons having claims ag lust the estate will please send in detailed accounts, in order that they may be settled as soon as possible,'and the affairs of the estate clased. Two Beautiful Farms for Sale. J. UU OF W551~ Vt’lLLIAMS, Of which 70 acres are plear of Stumps, with a gum! frame barn and hewed .log house. and a good bearing orchard - within 6 miles from the flourishing Village of l’arkhifl. IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST MCGILLIVRAY, 45 acres of which are clear, with a good frame barn and hewed log house, a good bearipg or- chard, only two miles from Parkhiii Station. For further particulars apply to JOHN HARRISON. NEW FALL GOODS, 100 SCOTCH & GALLOW PLAIDS CARPETS, HOME-MADE FL ANNEL F THIS SHOULD MEET THE EYE October 7. 1869. Richmond Hill, 7th Oct. 1569. Juhe7,1965. EURALGIE, HEADACHEL soar: Executors’ Notice. Roycmm, LABINGITIS, AND ALL ORNS, HARDx SOFT AND VFESTER- September 23th. 1869, '1AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, 1869. Richmond HI”. Sep. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1369. To William Tyler, W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. 1869. 585 Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill, Sep. 39. l8b9. W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1369. 585 New chneniszmeuts. LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYORS, Seafonh, Ontario. ANCY 'WOOLEN GOODS, LMONTE TWEEDS, BESS GOODS, GEO. McPHILLIPS 8; SON, For sale, Cheap. only 25 Ms, at the fipetial Natives. To which particular attention is directed DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES, A nice Assortment 9o choose from TORONTO MARKETS. ARRIVED AT THE Tm: 151' DA! or NOVEMBER. ,a) JOHN HART, ROBERT ROBINSON. (Formerly of Whitchurch.) An Excellent Assortment. ACRES IN THE TOWNSHIP Ural-nuuucn. a: hush .--1 ‘a1,?{9bush........ 0 Iush......... ...0 ............... O 10 . . . . . . ...0- l................. 7 roils----........... 0 TERMS EASY. WALLIS meams’ ESTATE. Stands on its own Merit. A Large Assortment. ALSO 5U ACRES A nice Assortment. HERALD BOOK STORE. Naked for Wear. Torpnto, Oct. 7, 1869. HERALD BOOK STOR E- M. TEEFY, $4 35 @ 445 1 nn@ 1 n3 ........0 90@ 093 Richmond Hill P 04 5864f Park/till P. O. , Ont. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. Ezecutov's. 586-4 585 585 585 C! U: 585 WHICH WILL BE, SOLD, AS CHEAP as any house north of Toronto. A SELECT ASSORTMENT OF READ Y-MADE CLOTHING, Of the Newest Styles and most Durable Fnbo tics in THE PRETTIEST AND CHEAP- EST DRESS G0 ODS THE NEWEST AND MOST ELE- CANADIAN WOOL TWEEDS'AND F UL L 0L 0 THS, VERY PRETTY FANCY WOOL CLOUDS, I‘ll-ENS AND BOY’S HAT-S AND CAPS. ‘4 mum's GLovics. HOSE, Socxs. AND FAN" TIES, For Variety. V nlue or Styles, can’t be bnat-on Richmond Hill. G, A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill. Fmamuna YARNS. AND CANADIAN Woom-zN YARNS In all the Choice Colors of the best quality. at Tomccos AND GENERAL GRUCERIES, I am not to be surpassed in Quality, or under- sold in price. . G. A. BARNARD, SCOTCH THE LARGEST AND BEST AS. TOOTH, NAIL, CLOTH, SHOE, Scrubbing. Bannister. Bottle. Slove.Whlle- WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS & OILS. To be had liorlh of Toronto and at. Toronto Prices. is at I have of the best brands and as good Value :3 any house in the Dominion. '1‘ VSLrubbi'ng. Bunnis'ter. Bottle. Sl'ove.Whlle‘ wash. Pain: and Varnish WLNES AND LIQUORS On Richmond Hill. at FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AT G. A. BARN ARD’S UNDER & OVER'COATS. PANTS & Vnsm. 'gaut Styles of Bmmns'r SHAWLS, MUFFLEBS AND FANCY WuoL Goonsl At 30 eta and izpwards. at The best value on Richmond Hill, at G. A. BARNARD'S, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS. All) “EC-ETTA SHIRTING, A large Assortmen. at IPLENDID WINOEYS, CAST STEEL éHOPPING AXES! [n the New Styles, A Splendid Variety. at N FRESH TEAS, LARGE NEW AND SELECT 1ENT’S sortment of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. Ockobor 7, 1869- I PAPER ’COLLARS, CUFFS &. SHIRT FRONTS. In all the New Styles. very Cheap. at G. A. BARNARD’S LAD' VINEGAR AND CIDER BARRELS. To be had at Assortment of ADIESL GENTS AND CHHr C. BOEKS. TORONTO. TOVE PIPES, From 10 aka per yd. and upwards. at PPLE BARRELS‘ XES, SHEET Zlnc, AT Broad, Simmonds, Dates and Burrill’s ‘ BEST ’ From 50 cents each, at. NKETS, A LARGE AssuR'rMENT ! MADE TO ORDER BY G. 'A. BARNARD'S, G. A. BARNARD‘S. G, A. BARNARD. G. A.:BARNARD’S. G. A. BARNARD'S, G. A. BARNA RD'S, G. A. BARNAHD-‘S, G. A. BAR'NARD’S, G. A. BARNARD’S, G. A. BARNARD’S, G. A. BARNARD’S. G. A. BARNARD'S. Richmond Hill. G. A. BARNA RD, 12% cents each. G. A. BARNARD, BR USHES, u. A. BARNARD’S, STOVE WIRE, Aim FOR AT Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hi“. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Richmond Hing

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