NEW FALL & WINTER GOODS AT THE FIRE PROOF STORE. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS' NOW IN SI‘OCK NEW & SEASONABLE GOODS GROCE RIES, HARWARE, &c., ON HAND. BIBLE SOCIETY DE POSITORY BLANKETS, MILLINERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING, OVERCOATS, FRESH GROCERIES, TRIMMINGS, N. B. Accounts rendered Isl. October. Richmond H Sept. 30 1869. UITABLE FOR THE FOR THE URANIUM, Richmond Hill, Sép. 30,1869. W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, 1869. 585 ALL AND WINTER. TRADE. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, 1869. LARGE & VARIED ASSORTâ€" MENT OF Richmond Hill, Sep. 430. 1869. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1869 Richmond Hi“, Sep. 30. 1869. LARGE STOCK 0F Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1869 Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1869. EPT CONSTANTLY W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. Sep, 30, 1669, 585 LBUMS ! ALBUMS I l Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1-69. w. ATKINSON, Richmond Hill, 8619.30, 1869, b85 REY COTTONS, AT THE IN S l‘OCK Comprising all that is Chaste & Elegant. W. ATKINSON. .ACES, TATTING, ARDWARE, CROCKERY, CCOUNTS (RICHMOND mu, BRANCH) AT nu: The Cheapest North of Toronto. CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE Rendered Oct. lat and April lst. In endless Variety and Styles. W. ATKINSON, 1n Coats: Pants, Vests, &c‘ Than may be relied on. Glassware. Lamps, &c, A splendid Assortment. Cheaper than ever, A full Assortment. Hats and Caps. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. ISAAC CROSBY. W. ATKINSON, W'. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON W. ATKINSON. 585 585. 85 585 585 585 565 85 585 OR SALE, LOT NO. 90, WEST SIDE of Yonge Slre'et. in the TOWNSHIP OF‘ KING. County of York, CONTAINING 210 ACRES. The premises are well watered. There are 160 acres cleared. the remainder is we†wooded with hardwood. There is a large two-slorey Frame Dwalling. also three Barns and other outbuifdings, and an excellam Orchard of bea_ring fruit trees. . .r n. This is one of the best farms on Yonge SL, (:1 macadamised road) and is 28 miles from Toronto, and about midway between Newman-- hat and Aurora stations on the Northern R.R.. both of which ara good Grain Markets. Grammar and other Schoois. Flour and Saw Mills wiLhiu short distances, also a Cheese Factory within 39 rods of Farm. A the west. 35 acres of which are cleared, having :1 Flame Barn. also some valuable pme timber. This property will be sold together or sepa- ralrgly on easy lorms of payrmeintn ‘ For pariiéï¬lai‘é apply Ito "A. Bodllbee. Esq. or to (he subacriber on the premises, Anderson. Geo. Beynon, John Curran, Thos, Cosgrova. Bernard Cosgxove, Ellen~ Donor, Emanuel Grey. John Hedger. William JenningJohn Kerswell, Mrs. C. Lambert. Robrrt Longhurst, James, PEMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill Posthflice. 15L Oct.. 1869 :â€" CONCERTINAS, COLLARS AND CUFFS FANCY GOODS GAMES, TOYS, &c., POCKET BOOKS SCHOOL REQUISITES Sep. 30, 1869 THE MORNING PAPERS Can be had atthe Post-oï¬ice, for 10 CENTS A WEEK. \V. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Sep. 23, 1969- 584 HE POLEMICA'L CORRESPOND- ENCE between T. J. M.. the Rev. JOHN BREMN and olhers, (in the York HERALD during the momhs of Ju!y, August and Sep- tember, le8). is neatly printed in pampth form. and worth a peru=al. PRICE 15 CENTS. For sale at tho HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hill ; BANNER Ofï¬ce, Aurora ; H. Wilson’s Fancy Store. Markham ; Wesleyan Book Room. A.‘S. Irving’s and M. Shewau’s, Toronto. Richmond Hill, April 529, 1869 a nice selection of mixed varielies III Tulips. Hyacinths, and Crown Imperial, at low pnces. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, Sept. 8,1869. 5824f Choice Flowering Bulbs, OR AUTUMN PLANTING. I HAVE :1 nice selection of mixed varielies III Richmond Hill, April 29, 1869. LSO 160 ACRES ADJOINING 0N RILLIANTES AND PRINTS, Richmond Hill, April 29, 1869, LOT OF APPLE BARRELS, ‘EAS! TEAS I! TEAS I !! 'EW DRESS GOODS, May 14, 1869. TATIONERY ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AGAZINES, PAPERS, 8w. Telegraph, “’ITH SELF lSNSTRUCTOR, AT THE ENCE between T. J, M., Quake}; JOHN SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE To Cdntroversialists. Farms for Sale. List of Letters FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE PRICE $65 rm ACRE. PRICE $35 PER ABIï¬z. A SPLENDID ASSOE'I'MENT. A BEAUTIFUL STOCK, OF ALL KINDS, AT THE OF ALL KINDS AT THE N. ALLAN GAMBLE, 9, Nawmarket P. O. FOR SALE. CHEAP 01“ ALL KINDS AT THE FOR SALE AT THE SUPPLIED AT THE GOOD AND CHEAP OF TORONTO 2 HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HE R ALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. Apply to HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. Marï¬n, Jesse Mcl’hurson, Timothy McQueen. Alex. Pothuzu'd, W . ium‘nle, John Reuuflds. James Smith, A. VV' Shu‘ten James i Sheppard, C. E, S‘vel', R, Trench. W. Globe, ISAAC CROSBY M. TEEFY, Richmond Hill. 564-“. ISAAC CROSBY. ISA AC C ROSBY. M. TEEFY, m. Leader, THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1869. Richmond Hill, Sept. 30, 1869. 585 TO THE PUBLIC! The Great North West in the shade I But H. Newton’s is the place to tradeâ€" For there you gel your fortunes readymade. The weather is cold and the crops are good. Come buyNewton's hlankels and save your wood Comb ladies. come gents. and see him this fall. For he has Dry Goods &Groceries to suit you all, And satisfy yourselves, then you can tell If he is determined his goods for to sell. J. opportunity of returning hissincere thanks to his numerous friends and customers. for the very liberal patronage he has received since l): commenced business at the Elgin Mills. and he would now beg tostate that. as he intends giving up business at the expiration of this present year, he will. before doing so, give his customers and the public generally an oppor' tunity of purchasing (FEE UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS ABOUT $3,000 WORTH! Dry Goods, Mr. N. also’wisbes it to be understoood by the public mm in addition to the above he has just. purchased AT COST &; LESS ! Select New Dry Goods, BLANKETS, PLANNELS, WINBEYZ All ofwhich he is determined to sell 20 pt ct Below the Regular Retail Prices Monday, the 20th inst a" All parties indebted to the undersigned are requested to call and settle their accounts by the Isl October next. COTTONS, PRINTS, TPVEEDS, 6w , Elgin Mills. 899:. 9, 1869. HIS ENTIRE STOCK. And sales will be made for Cash only. THIS GRAND SALE TO BEGIN 81000 WORTH OF Groceries, (ï¬e. dac. (ï¬e. (ï¬e. CONSISTING 0' Hardware, CONSISTING 0F 0F HENRY NEWTON. Boots db Shoes, Wall lfaper, Crockery; FARMERS SHOULD USE TECK DESTROYER ! PHOMUTES THE GROWTH OF THE HAIR, Additional Testimony No Flock-Master should be Without it. Sold averyWhera, in boxes at 35 cts. 7O cts, and $1-OU. Weaving, Cloth Dressing, and Coloring. A 35 ct box will clean 20 sheep and 35 lambs. .1. thanks [or the liberal patronage he has received since he commenced business, has much pleasure in announcing that he has had his Factory By adding several new Machines, and is now prepared to do WEAVING IN A SUPERIOR MANNEH, CLOTH DRESSING & COLORING 32 YEARS EXPERIENCE Eleven Years a Designer, Who will devote his undivided attention to the) wishes and requirements of the customers. *3 All kinds qf Golm-ing‘dnnc. . Ho has also secured the services of In EAVE TROUGHS $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET. SAP BUGKETS & FAILS Shingles. Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. Fox-particulars address And improves the condition of the animal. All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting, Knives. Forks, Spoons. Cruits, &c., 610., &c , Silver Plated in the best Style warranted to wearany long“) of Lime. HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS ferred their Librarv to the HERALD Boob .1. ferred their Library to the HERALD Book Store. whore Stockholders and oilxers may procure Books every Friday afternoon, A. SCOTT , Librarian. September 8, 1869 . ‘HE SUBSCRIBER IN RETURNING Lot 42, lst Con. Vaughan, August 2, 1869. ALSO Flooring andother Lumber Dressed. Thomhill. April 21, 1868. one of the best Factor'es in Glasgow, Scot- land, where he was Toronto, February 17. 1869. THOROUGH EFFECTIVENESS. WM. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Aug.11,1869.~ 578M LIBRARY ASSOCATION. Dir. Peter \Veir, IT DESTROYS THE TICKS, STILL FURTHER IMPROVED. Just Opened, CASE OF DARK PRINTS. WATER SPOUTS! EVERY DAY BRINGS Manufactured and for Saie Call and see them. FOR SHEEP. JOHN LANGSTA FF, Steam Mills,Thornhi]l HUGH MILLER & CO., Chemists, RICHMOND HILL MILLER’S who has had PATENT PUT UP AT OF ITS AND W . H. LAWRENCE. TORONTO. 583-xf 510-tf. 5774f A DWELLING HOUSE AND FOUNDRY, With about 29; acres of land. The above pro- perky will be sold at a great sacriï¬ce, as the proprietor is about leaving the country. It is nrare chance for a man with a small capital to carry on tho Foundry business. as there is a good business already established in the Plough line. It is also eligibly siluated for any other kind of business. How and various other patterns and moulding boxes for sale. Apply immediately to .L Saie his property, in the village of Rich- mond Hill, Framing Yonge Street, consisting of HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Saie his property, in the village of Rich- ’F‘HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Of excellent land, 55 of which are cleared,and in a good state of cultivation, The buildings are good and in a thorough slate of repair. There is also asplendid Or- chard-on the premises. This Farm is only 16 miies from Toronto, and ‘2 miles from Yonge Street. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises, or If by letter prepaid to GEO. TEASDALL. 01“ THE Township of Markham CONTAINING 68 ACRES COIICEESlOH of Markham, JOHN EVER would return thanks to his custo- mers for their liheral support during the Card- ing Season. and would inform them, and others. in adjoining Townships, that he will be ready to do their Pulling, Coloring, Cloth Dre sing, l’xcssing. &C.. as good. cheap“ and as quick as any other establishment in the Dominion. ‘ Gristing will be attended to all times as ‘formerly, CARDiNG, SPINNING AND WEAVING. Having also put in New Machinery. he is prepared to do Spinning and Cardng by the pound, if required. \Vi|1 take the wool. as sheared from the sheep, and make it up into Fullcloth ol' auv kind. or pnt'el'o. to suit parties, such as Cloihs. Tweeds. CaSsimeies. Saiineus, l’laiu or 'l‘wiH Flannels. Dress Flannels, Blankeis (Horse or Bed), While or Colored Stocking Yam (2 or 3 If“). .n ~17 n!- r r A,- He Will have on hand Cotton Warp, of 5 superior qualllv, that persons wishing to have their yarn wave, can have it done at a Lower {ale man they possibly can buy buncn cotton. Having spared neither lime'nor expousq in gelling good Machinery and Workman to fulï¬ll promises, he hopes slilllo receive a share of public patronage. Justine unto all. I intend lo give; My motto shall beâ€"lo live and let live. D County of York. Township of Markham, lot 56, ï¬rstconcessiou. frowning on Yunge SL , l8 miles from ’l‘oionlo, 212 miles from Rich- mond Hill. Soil, Clay Luau]. 1182 AcreS. llll claal'ed. New Brick House, 26 x 38: Cellar, full size; Back Kilehenfll} X 26. Frame Barn and Slahles- 2 wells and a livmg stream of waler across the lot. School House \vullin forty rods; Church, one mile; Saw Mill, hall' mile; Grist Mill, three miles. Tran humm- TABLE. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. Hy; JAS. HODGUNS 1â€" to inform the inhabilams of Richmond Hill and surrounding cnuutry, that he has com- menced business as *3 All work warranted to give general sa- lisflt’étian. H. A. DAVID. Richmond Hill. June 23. 1869. 570-ly HOUSE, SIGN AND Ornamental Painter ! In the shop formerly occupied by Mr. John Hutchins. all patties found trespassing on lots No. 19 and ‘20, in the Qud concession of the Town- ship nf Vaughan, alter this date will be proseâ€" cuted to the utmost rigor of the law. WILLIAM GRAHAME. ERIST MILL 8o WGDLBN I'AflTflRY. Desirable Property for Sale. BOWMAN’S MILLS, The subscriber, having purcnased the above MiHs and ï¬lted them up In a superior manner, begs leave to intimaie to the inhabitants of Markham and surrounding townships that he 5 is now prepared [0 do WEA VING, 1) YEING, Cloth Dressing. &c., and Gristing in a Superior Manner. Having adda'd to the Gaming Machines, Richmond Hill, July 15, 1869. NEW BURRING MACHINES. And made all necessary repairs. the subscriber hopes to give good sntisl'aclion. Pal-lies wish- ing to have their wool manufactured from the fleece can have i'. made into any kind of Cloth or Flannel. Markham, July 16, 1869. Parties Coming from a distance can have their wool carded and grisls ground while waiting. Exchange. The services of James Bowman, Esq., and Joseph Conk. Esq., (who are well known as ï¬rst-class workman.) having been secured, the subscriber feels conï¬dent in stating lo the public that satisfaction will be gwon. Hoadl‘ord Grist Mill and Woolen Factory. August 3, l869. 577-“. UARDIN G, SPINN 1NG ! Vaughan. May 25, 1869. PLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR SALE EADFORD WOOLEN MILLS, 3RD Almira, Hayr19. 1869. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Sale his farm, being LOT NO. 17, SECOND CON. E UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE YARN DYED IN ANY COLOR. MANUFAC TURING. Cash for Ile or Cloth Given in And at Reasonable Prices. Farm for Sale. $1,000 Reward. Public N otioe. No Fiction ! ALMIRA. W. SPOFFORD, JR., Proprietor, HENRY HALL. JOHN EYER I‘IEADFORD P. O 5694? 5734f 566-tf 5654f FIRST CLASS HARNESS He will‘ 8911 Cheap for Cash! OR APPROVED CREDIT. My Collars areâ€"all Warranted RICHMOND HILL; He has now on Hahd ! A CHOICE ASSORTMEN T, Superior Stock of Whips And Whiplashes. ' I cannot be Undcrsold'in this line. A call from intending purchasers is respect- fully solicited. W. H. MYERS. Richmond Hill, April 22, 1569. 534-ly ' NEW SPRING GOODS BOOTS}; SHOES Lowest Toronto Prices! Girls’ and Boys’ Booxs in endless variety. In fact the stock is complete and comprises some of the most beautiful goods that has ever been offered in this piace. A call is Earnestly Requested. Remember I will not be Undersold. Richmond Uill,April 22,1869. 534-]y THE LATEST STYLES. Equally adapted for applying to Sheep and Lambs by Dipping, Pouring. Smearing or Salving Used also as a wash for Horses and Caltlc.. Sold only by Feels conï¬dant 9f givring entire satisfactionr U nnneuuce that he will be at Unimlville. . . . lst Monday ofeach month. hlrwick, . . . . . . ...9th day of each month Where he will he prepared and mosthappy to wait enthuse who may require his services. G. H. H.. having had over ELEVEN YEARS PRACTICE, To glose who have favored him with their pan-nuagein the past he returns his sincere ihanks, and in Lhuseyvho may do so in the fu- xure, he would say that no endeavor on his part will be wanting to meet their approval. lilclrnmm‘cns.â€"~Tho followng gemiemeucan, with conï¬dence,recommend G. H Husband,to all requiring Denial aid: Dr Reid,Thornhill; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwick; Dr. Carson, Brampton. RESIDENCE.â€"-Th()rllhiâ€. Thornhill Soplember 17, 1868. 1y NEW SPRING GOODS THE LEADING HOUSE! MILLINERY GOODS ! Arnica Liniment, ’[HE BEST REMEDY KNOWN For Rheunlatism, Sprains, Tic Doloreux, Neuralgia. &c. Prepared and Sold on by SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE, Ladies’ Cloth Jackets, Caps, Head Dresses» Bonnet Ribbons, Femhers. Flowers, Bead Trimmings; Cheap. also will keep on hand a nice assortmnnl of Mourning Bonnets. 2* Stamping done to Order; Richmond Hi I. Aprii 22. ISES. 534-ly HE Subscriber oï¬'ers for sale a good farm. being lot No. 4. in the 8th concession of lhe township of Erin, 101) acros, 60 auras cleared and in a high state of cullivalion; (hu balance nearly all ï¬rst rate Hurdwnnd bllsh. ’l‘horeis on lhe premisss a good lug house. barn, Mable, &c.. With good- waxer privilege- Also a liéauliï¬il young Urchm‘d 0f MG fl'u'ii trees, planted 5 years A gnod gravel road passes alongihe from m" iho 10!, This faint is 35 miles from Riuhmv :‘3 Hill. 6% miles ill-in Georgetownmn the (In-:1: ll'x‘runkllailwaymnd 30 miles from 'l‘m'uulo. KEEP DIPPINE GEMPHSITIBN! I‘mms: Twenty ï¬ve hundred dollarsâ€"part cash, balance nu tinny For particuEurs appiy tn the owner. June 23. 1869. ON RICHMOND HILL, April I, 1868 To give satisfaction. Also on hand a ERFECT SAFETY IN SHEEP DIP- January 14. 1869‘ EGS, MOST RESPECTFULLY, T0 W". H. JVIYERS,’ Ladies’ Boots 75 cts and upwards, PING. G. H. HUSBAND, L.D.S. THE LA TEST STYLES, ,1) ner FROM ARSEHIG OK MERCURY. ‘VARRAN GEO. H. LESLIE & Cm, hr. of Bloor & Yangc St. 23. 18139. 670% . YonxvxLu: M’DOUGAI.L’S NON-I ozscsuus RICHMOND HILL GEO. H. LESLIE & 00., Car. «5f Blnor ‘8- Yonge $19., , 1868. 553-] y Yonxvmu. TOWNSHIP OF ERIN. Of every description, is at THE LARGEST STOCK OI" A LARGE STOCK 0F To Farmers“ DO YOU WANT Gentleman’s in all EVER OFFERED WILLIAM HARDING. Richmond Hm. 1869. 547-Gm IF SO GO TO AND AT TH \‘VHICH IN ALL IN THE FUR