Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Oct 1869, p. 3

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Flour. afibarreh............ $417 @ 0 00 Wheat. bush . . . . . . . . . .-. O 85 @ O 95 Spring Wheatflfié} bush ........ 0 80 @ 0 85 Barley, 39 bush............... 0 65@ 0 80 Pease. do ...............fl73@000 Oats, do ...... 0@0u0 Hay/Wm” .. . @12 00 Strnwflig [on @ 9 00 ButlerQlerolIs . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . 0 23417 024 York messquerbbl. . . . . . . . . . QB 00 @28 5O WoolYfiQib......... ........ 0;:8@030 THROAT. 620., cured vary qhickly by using Dr. J. Briggs’ Alievantor, a safe and re- liable remedy. ' 583-ly-cq IL E S, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, bleeding and itchv. relieved at once and J. bleedhig and itchy. relieved at once and soon cured by using Dr. J. Briggs’ universal Pile remedy; soothing. snfe and reliable. I! .1.) affections of the throat. lungs and chest immediately relieved, and all but hopeless cases cured by using Dr. J. Briggs’ Throat and lung Healer. 583-1)‘-cq U M) Corns. bunions. large and smallJn- growing nails, swaal scalded feel. A'ncqrelieved immediately and soon cured by upplyivg Dr. J. Briggs’ Modern Curative according to direc- lions : i! never doe» harm, but it a!ways does good, ' 583-1 ' cq A large business has been done during the past summemvhich can be greatly exceeded in a warmer due. A Splendid lot of the above, which will be sold Cheap. E scriben Richmond Hill, the 5th inst, A Dmk Bay Cult, 3 years old. with a. whfle star on its face. Anyperson givmg information a; (0 its whereabonis. or lemming the same to the undersigned Will be suitably rewarded, JOB PRINTING Two Beautiful Farms for Sale. VV HITE FISH AND TROUT. l U‘j OF WEST VV’ILLIAMs, Of which 71) acres are clear of Stumps, with a good frame barn and howod 10;: house. and a good bearing orchmd ~»wix.h!n 6 mHes from the flourishing Village of I’m'khill. 45 acres of which are clear, with a good frame ham and hewed log house, a good hearing or- chard, only two miles from l’arkhill Station. For further particulars apply to JOHN HARRISON, 100 .1. of vh'. VViHiam Tyler, formerly of the Township of Whitchurch, or any person 'who can give his present Post Office Address, they win greatly obfige by communicating with the illiderzignod. M. TEEFY, J". Estate of the law Wallis Higgins, of Richmond Hill. are herebv requested to call on the undersigned. at Richnhond Hill, and pay the same on or before ' Now next insuing. Persons having claims against the estate {vill please send in detailed accounts. in order that they may be soltloi as soon as possible, and the affalls of the estate closed. Richmond HiP], Oct. 14, 1869 Richmond Hill, Oct. 14. 1869. J for a term of years, at 8 per cent. linerest'. Apply >[prepaid] to Ociober 13. 1869. Valuable Business for Sale. N EW FALL GOODS, o their Stock in the P. PHILLIPS. lichmond Hi", Oct. )4, 1869. 587-3 lOW BELLS FOR NOVEMBER, THE MORNING PAPERS lRO‘lFCHITIS, LARINGITIS, AND ALL ORNS, HAW SOFT ANDVFESTER‘ "F THIS SHOULD MEET THE EYE Can be had 31 (he l’ust‘ofiice, for 10 CENTS A WEEK. 'EURALGIE, HEADACHE SORE September 23th. 1869, Dctober 7. 1869 (B R. H. HALL OFFER FOR SALE Strayed ROM THE PREMISES OF THE SUB One “Thousand Dollars to Lend, IN APPROVED FARM PROPERTY, New ‘Ahnertisements. Done Neat and Quick at the Herald Office. Executors’ Notice. (Signet?) To William Tyler, (Formerly of VVhitchm‘ch.) Richmond Hill, 7th Oct. 1869. Richmond HM], Sep. 30, 1869 LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE May 14, 1869 Epocial Notices. IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST MCGILLIVRAY 1 SODA WA'I'E R BUSINESS. Telegraph, ARRIVED AT THE TORONTO MA RKETS. ACRES KN THE TOWNSHIP Tm: ls'r DAY or NOVEMBER ..1) JOHN HART, ROBERT ROBINSON, TERMS EASY. . . . . . . . . . .-. 1' I >at,’<?9bush........ 0 )ush....-.......... U Bperbbl. . . . . . . . . . 29 . . . . . . . . U WALLIS BIGGINS’ ESTATE. J. GREGORY, 78 King Street Easl. . 1869. 587 TORONTO- ALSO 50 ACRES A Lirge Assortment. HERALD BOOK STORE. OF TORONTO I Toronto, 09!. 14, 1869. Appiy to Globe, W. ATKINSON. M. TEEFY, Pm‘khill P. 0., Ont 286 -4 mclmiond mm P 0. 586-tf W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. 564-”. Leader, Ezecutars. 587-lf 587 586-4 585 TEAS, WHO OU.GHT TO BE YOUR GROCER P TEAS FROM FRESH COFFEES PRIME TOBACCOS, JUST RECEIVED, BLACK LEAD, GOODS AND PRICES SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST, RICHMOND HILL. A FRENCH will confer a great favor by pay- mg up this month. ANY QUANTITY, ALL PRICES AND EVERY QUALITY, AT YOU WANT Richmund Hill, Oct. 14,1369. ALL KINDS AND ALL PRICES, AT I. FRENCH’S. THE BEST AND PURE-ST TEAS, GO 1'0 A SPLENDID LOT OF VINEGAR. LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO I. SMOKING AND CHEWING, A’I‘ I, FRENCH’S. 45 cm. 1‘0 $1 PER 5.4” TO SUIT THE TIMES. AT I. FRENCH’S. I. FRENCH’S. l. FRENCH’S. I. FRENCH'S. I. FRENCH’S. I. FRENCH. I. FRENCH. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ON T.,' FRIDAY, OCFOBER 15*, 1869. Of the Newest Styles and those. Durable Fab- rics in THE NEWEST AND MOST ELE- _A cud-,, ,1- THE PRETTIEST AND CHEAP- EST DRESS GOODS "VHICH WILL BE SOLD AS Cnvnn nu nnv hnnnn “Ar-Hm nl‘ "‘nvnnln VERY PRETTY FANCY WOOL GLOUDS, CANADIAN WOOL TWEEDS AND F UL L 0L 0 TBS, MEN’S AND BOY’S HATS AND u mum's GLOVES, Hosn, SocKs, AND FANCY Tms, For Variety. Value or Styles. can’t be bnat on Richmond Hill. V G. A. BARNARD. FINGERING YARNS. AND CANADIAN WOOLEN YARNS In all the Choice Colors of the best quality. at G. A. BARNARD’S, SCOTCH Tomccos AND GEvEML GROCERIES, I am not to be surpassed in Quality, 01' under- sold in price. G. A. BARNARD, THE LARGEST AND BEST AS- nA..Im....6 [‘6‘ WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS & OILS. To be had north of Toronto and at Toronto Prices. is at WlNES AND LIQUORS I have of the best brands and as good Value as any house in the Dominion. On Richmond Hill. at ' gum. Styles of BRIKFAST SHAWLS, MUFFLEBS AND FANCY WOOL Goons, At 30 cm and upwards. at G, A. BARNARD'S. The best value on Richmond Hill, at A Iurge Assortmeat, at G. A. BARNARD’S, [n the New Styles, n Splendid Variety. at UNDER &. OVER Cons. PANTS 6L VESTs. ‘PLEN DID WIN CEYS, TOOTH, NAIL, CLOTH, SHOE, Camus...- n-nn:aln‘r Rnnln Rum“ Wk:m. N FRESH TEAS, ‘1‘ Scrubbi'ng.Bannis'Ler. Bottle. Stbve.While; wash. Paint and Varnish CAST STEEL CHOPPING AXES! SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, lLANKETS, ‘ADIES’,’ GENTS’ AND CHIL- To be had at LARGE NEW AND SELECT PAPER COLLARS. CUFFS & SHIRT FRONTS, In all the New Styles. very Cheap. at G. A. BARNARD’S From 10 cts per yd. and upwards. at G. A. BARNARD’S, SELECT ASSORTMENT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, ‘TOVE PIPES, XES. October 7, 1869. Assortment of sorlment of Broad, Simmonds, Dates and Rurrill’s BEST .ENT’S VINEGAR AND CIDER BARRELS. From 50 cents each, at . (i. A. BARNARD’S, A 7 SHEET 2150. AT PLAIN AND 1“;ch FLANNELI. All.) REGETTA SHIKHNG, PPLE BARRELS CHEAP as any house north of Toronto. :, BOEKs. TORONTO. G. A. BARNARD’S, A LARGE ASSORTMENT 3 Mum 1‘0 03mm BY G. A. BARNARD’S, GLA. BARNARD'S, G. A. BARN ARD’S G. A. BARNARD’S, G. A. BARNARD‘S, G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD’S, G. A. BARNARD’S, G. A. BARNARD’S. G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNAR D, BR USHES, 12% cents each. S19v3: WIRE. AND AT FOR Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond H in. Richmond Hill. Richmond H ill. Richmond Hill Ric mond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill, Richmond Hi“, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill. Richmohd Hill 586-“ FIRE PROOF STORE ! NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS GROCERIES, HARDWARE, FALL AND WINTER GOODS OR SALE, LOT NO. 90, WEST SIDE of Yonge Street. in [he The premises are well watered. There are “30 acres cleared. the remainder is well wooded with hardwood. There is a largo two-storey Frame Dwelling. also three Burns and other outbuildings, and an excellant Orchard of bearing fruit trees. This is one of the best farms on Yonge St., (a macadamised road) and is 28 miles from Toronto, and about midway betwoen Newman'- ket and Aurora. stations on the Northern R.R.. both of which are good Grain Markets. Grammar and other Schools, Flour and Saw Mills within short distal 13 also n Cheese Factory within 39 rods of E'aqnl '3' ‘1‘ ’ A the west, 35 acres of which are cleared. having a Frame Barn. also some valuable pine timber. This property will be sold together or .sepa- ralgly on easy» terms of payment. «n ....‘.., “Wu .-. . _. __. , For particulars apply In A.Boullbee. Esq. or to the subscriber on the premises, BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSIT ORY COLLARS AND CUFFS FANCY GOODS D County of York, Township of Markham. lol. 56. first concession, fronting on Yonge Sl , I8 miles from Toxonto, ‘2; mlles from Rich- mond Hill. Soil. Clay Loam. 1183 Acres. 110 cleared. New Brick House, 28 x 38 ; N. B. Accounts rendered lst October. Richmond Hill, Sept. 30 1869. Cellar, full size; Back Kilchenflfi x 26. Frame Barn and Slables. 2 wells and a living stream of waler across the lot. School House within forty rods; Church. one mile; Saw Mill, half mile; Grist MillI three miles. Ti'ru; lNDisPu- TABLE. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. Jiy} JAS. HODGONS. I of Yonge'Sueet. in [he ' Towxsuxv or KING. County of York. CONTA'INING 210 ACRES. A LARGE AND VARIED Anderson. Geo. Beynon, John Curran. Thus. Cosgrove. Bernard Cosglove, Ellen Donor, Emanuel Grey. John Hedger, William Jenning,John Ken-swell, Mrs. C. Lambert. Robe rt Longhurst, James. Sep. 30. 1869. HE POLEMICAL CORRESPOND- ENCE between T. J. M., the Rev. JOHN .1. ENCE between T. J. M., the Rev. JOHN BREDIN and others, (in the York HERALD durng the months of July. August and Sep- tember. 18138), is neatly printed in pampth form. and worth a permal, r 7 fl Pmcr. 15 CENTS. For tale at “no HERALD Book Store. Richmond H‘ll; BANNER Office, Aurora ; H. Wilson’s Fancy Store. Markham : Wesleyan Book Room. A.S. Irving's and M. Shawn's, Toronto. LSO 100 ACRES ADJOINING ON KEPT CONSTANTLY LBUMS I ALBUMS ! ! AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN PLENDID WHEAT FARM SALE FALL AND WINTER TRADE. uow CURTAIN FIXTURES, For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts., at the HERALD BOOK STORE- The Subscriber has now in smck EMAINING IN THE ’RICHMOND Hill Pastufiice. lst 0ct.. l869 :â€" (kxcuMoNn HILL BRANCH) AT THE CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE um LATEST-STYLES, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. To Controversialists. Farms for Sale. FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE PRICE $65 PER ACRE. ASSORTMENT 0F PRICE $35 PER ABEE. List of Letters SUITABLE FOR THE A LARGE STOC‘ 03 N. ALLAN GAMBLE, 5:», 6:0. &c. 0N HAND. HERALD BOOK STORE New AT THI HERALD BOOK STORE. HER ALD BOOK STORE. ISAAC CROSBY. Martin, Jesse Mcl’horson, Timothy McQueen. Alex. l’othuard, W . Rumble, John Reynolds. James Smnh. A. W' Shuter. James 9 Sheppard, C. E. Siver, R. Trench. W. Newmm‘két P. 0‘ M. TEEFY, m. 585 CARPETS, DRESS GOODS, FANCY WOOLEN GOODS, FRESH 'GROCERIES, BLANKE TS, GAMES, TOYS, &c., HOME-MADE FLANN EL NiILLINERY, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FOR THE CRANIUM, Richmond-l OVERCOATS, Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. 1869. Richmond HI", Sep. 30. 1869‘ Richmond Hill. Sep. 23. 1669. Richmond Hill, Sop. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1869 Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. POCKET BOOKS W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1869. 585 Richmond Hi”, Sep. 30. 1869. READY-MADE CLOTHING, SCHOOL REQUISITES SCOTCH & GALLAW PLAIDS W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1569. 585 - ‘ w, ATKINSON. Richmond Hm, Sep. 30, 1869. 535 TRIMMINGS, . w. ATKINSON. Richmond mu. Sep. 30, 1869, 585 CCOUNTS Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, 1869. LOT OF APPLE BARRELS, LMONTE TWEEDS, REY COTTONS, W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. 585 .ACES, TATTING, Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. 1869. W. ATKINSON; chmond Hill, Sep. 3?. 196°. 585 To which particuiu attemion is directed. W. ATKINSON. ARDWARE, CROCKERY, W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. Sep. 39. I869. 585 A niceo asaortm ent 9o choose from. W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1989. Comprising all that is Chaste 6L Elegant. W. ATKINSON. TATIONERY The Cheap "0th of Toronto. W. ATKINSON, lmom'l-l p. 30, 1869. 585. AGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. Rendered Oct. Is: and April lat. W.‘ ATKINSON. An Excellent Assortment. SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE Stands on its own Merit. In endless Variety and Skyles- [n Coats. Pants. Vests. 5w qussware. Lamps. &c, A splendid Assortment. Cheaper than ever. That may be relied on. A full Assortment. FOR. SALE. CHEAP. FOR SALE AT THE Hats and Caps. OF ALL KINDS, AT THE OF ALL KINDS AT THE Noted for Wear. OI" ALL KINDS AT THE A nice Assortment. SUPPLIED AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. 584 385 585 585 58$ 585 585 585 585 TO THE PUBLIC! J- opponunity of returning llissiucero thanks to his numerous friends Ind customers, fur the very liberal patronage he has recaivad since ha commenced busiigoss at the Elgiu Mills. and he would now beg to state that. as he Intends giving up business at the expiraliou of this present year, he win. befuro doing so. give his customers and xhe public generally an oppor- tunity of purchasing The Great North V‘Vost in the shade I But H. Newton's is the place to trade-â€" For lhere you got your l'oriunes rea '3'made. The wsnther is cold and the crops are guod. Come bm Newton's hlaukeis and savuynm‘ wood Com» Indies. coma gents. and see him this fall, For he has Dry Gouda &(_n‘ roceries to suit you all, And satipfy yomselvos, than you can tell If he is dumrmiued his goods for to sell. HE UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS opponunih‘ of returning llissiucero thanks ABOUT $3,000 WORTH! Dry Goods, AT COST & LESS ! Mr. N. also wishes it to be understoood by the public that in addifion lo the above he has just purchased Select New Dry Goods, BLANKETS, PLANNELS, WINGBYZ All of which ho is determined to sell 20 pt ct Below the Regular Retail Prices Monday, the 20131111131; '3’ All parties indebted to the undersigned are requested to call and settle their accounts by the 131 October next. COTTONS', PRINTS, TWEEDS. 4m , Elgin Mills. Sdpt. 9, 1999. HIS ENTfiRE STOCK. And snlea will be made for Cash only. $1000 WORTH OF THIS GRAND SALE TO BEGIN Groceries, doc. tfcc. o'cc. (fro. CONSISTINO 0' Hardware, coflsxsnn HENRY NEWTON. Boots (f: Shoes, Wall Paper, Crockery; 51:22.1! Additional Testimony No Flock-Master should be without it‘ PROMOTES THE GROWTH OF THE HAIR, Sold everywhere, in boxes at 35 cts. 70 cm, and $100. A 35 ct box will dean 20 sheep and 35 lambs. ' FARMERS SHOULD USE TICK DESTROYER ! CONCERTINAS, U i'tu \o'anneunc'e that he will be at Uuilorutvi‘lle, . . . 151 Monday oreggh month. Burwick, . . . . . . .. .9th day oréach mfinflr Where he willhe prepared and moslhappy to wnit on those who may require his services, G. H. H.. having had over ELEVEN YEARs’ PRACTICE. feels confidantof‘giving emirasulis- faction. To those whn have favored him with their patronage in the past he returns his sincere Lhanks, and to those who may do so in the fu- ture. he would say lhat no endeavor on his part will be wanting to meet their approval. REHRENCES.â€"â€"-’l'hefollowinggemlemencan, with confidence,recommend G. H H us_band,to all raquiring Dental aid: Dr Reid,ThornhiH; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwick; Dr. Carson, Brampton. REMDENCE.â€"Thorflhill. Thornhill September [7. 1868. 1y BOWMAN’S MILLS, ERIST MILL 8; WflflLEN PAETIIRY. {SAP BUCKETS & FAILS The subscriber, having pnrcmsed the above Mills and find them up in a superior manner. begs leave to intimate to the inhabitants of Markham and surrounding townships that he is now prepared to do WEA VING, 1) YEINCI, Clulh Dressing. &-c.. and Gristing in :3. Superior Manner. And at Reasonabla Prices. Having added to the Gaming Machines, And improves the condition of the animal And made a” necessary repairs. the subscriber hopes to give good satisfaction. Parties wish- ing to have their wool manufactured from the fleece can have ii made into any kind of Cloth or Flannel. September 8, 1869. Parties coming from a distance can have their wool carded and grisls ground while wanting. Exchange. The sarvices of Jfimes Bowman. Esq., and Josrph Cook, Esq” (who aria wall known as first-class worlnnen.) having been seamed, [he subseriber feels cuufidem in stating to the public that satisfaction will be ngan. EAVE TROUGHS $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET. Shingles. Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. For particulars address EARDING, SPINNING ! ‘ENTIST, BEGS MOST RESPECT: NEW BURRING MACHINES. THOROUGH EFFEC Tl VENESS. Almira, May 19. 1989. Flooring andother Lumber Dressed. Thomhill, April 2] , 1868. IT DESTROYS THE TICKS, G. H. HUSBAND, LD-S. WITH SELF ISNSTRUCTOR, AT THE YARN DYE!) IN ANY COLOR. \VA TER S [’OUTS ! EVERY DAY BRINGS Cash for “foal or FOR. SHEEP. Manufactured and for Sale JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mi)ls,Thomhill HUGH MILLER 6r. 00., Chemists. MILLER’S HERALD BOOK STORE. ALMIRA; or 11's PATENT W. SPOFFORI). ML. Prnprwtor. . 1989. 5854f PUT UP AT ALSO Cloth Given. in Tono'm'o. 5834f 5mm:

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