Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Oct 1869, p. 4

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NEURALGIA.â€"â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevan- tor for neuralgia, catarrh, headache, &c. 501d by druggists. 583Q DON’T forget to secure a copy of the Polemical Correspondence, between T.J.M. and the Rev. John Bredin, now published in amphlet form and for sale at the Herald £00k more. Price 15 cents. THE EXPOSITION UNIVERSALLE, at Paris, 1867, awarded Wheeler & Wilson the high- est premium, 3 gold medal, for the perfec. tion of their Sewing Machines, over 82 corn- petitors. This machine is crowned with 67 medals, has been tested beyond all question, and stands to-day without a. rival. Over 60,000 machines were sold in the year 1868. Send for circular and samples of work to Charles Chapman, agent, Markham village ; he gives instructions free and warrants every Machine. MRS. S. A. ALLEN’S HAIR RESTORER Will Restore Gray flair to ill Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a. most delightful Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR. is immediately checked. in. E: K:1LLWYLUBAESAMUM. analh” Wraith» fir [he Hair ; clear and tramfiarent, without sediment. It is very ximple and 13/221: produce: wonder 1 results. It: great superiarz'g/ and economy a: a air Brewing over high cast French Pvmad'e: z'; acknowledged by all not only in this eourztr but in Europe. The Reslorer and Zylabalmmum séuld not “wed am: with the other. SOLD IS! ALL DRUCGISTI. Having spared neither time nor expense in gem ng good Machinery and Workman to fulfill promises. he hopes slillto receive a share of public patronage. Justine unto all, I intend to give: My motto shall beâ€"to live and let live. Gristz'ng will be attended to all times as formerly, CORNS.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Curative for cows, bunions, in-growing nails, 650. Sold by druggists. 583Q New style. Important Change, A REAL HAIR. BESTOBER AND DRESSING Combined in One Bottle. ‘ concession of Markham. ’Jol-IN EVER would return thanks to his custo- mers for their liberal support during the Card- ing Season, and would inform them, and others. in adjoining Townships, that he will be ready to do their Fulling. Coloring, Cloth Dressing. Pressing. &c.. as good, cheap. and as quick as any other ostablishment in the Dominion. Will take the \vool. as sheared from the Iheep, and mer it up into Fullcloth of any kind. or pattern. to suit parties, such as Cloths. TWeeds, Cassimeres. Satinetts, Plain or 'l‘will Flannels. Dress Flannels, Blankets (Horse 01' Bed), White or Colored Stocking Yam (2 or 3 Ply). &,r2_. All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting, Knives. Forks, Spoons, Cruits, &c., &c.,‘&c , Silver Platéd in ‘the best Style warranted to wear any length of lime. CARDING, SPINNING AND WEAVING. Having also put in New Machinery. he is prepared to do Spinning and Carding by the pound, if required. iV u|l parties found trespassing on lots No. 19 and 20, in the 2nd concession of the Town- ship of Vaughan, after this dale will be prose- cuted to the utmost rigor of the law. He will have on hand Cotton Warp, of 5 superior quaiitv. that persons wishing to have their yarn wove, can havo it done at a Lower Ra}? than they possibly can buy bunch cotton. prietorl, S. R. Van Duzer 8L Co. Whole-113 Drug ' ’0 3L Bucky 8:. um 40 Park Pl’ace. New-onk. "a. WILLIAM GRAHADJE. ‘Vanghan. May ‘25, 1809. 5664.! March 11,1869 Toronto, February 17. 186 9‘ Headford Grist Mill and Woolen Factory. August 3, “369. 577-“. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT EADFORD WQQLEN MILLS, 3RD Lif? him up. If he has not common sense, And can boast of a few pence, If he wears a good coat, Lift him up. lift him up ; Tllopngh Jae be but a bloat, Lift him up. ‘ If his face shows n6 shame, Lift him up, lift him up 5 Th_opgl_1_crime is his name. Lif: him up ; Though disgrace be his sport, Let him your daughters courtâ€" Lift him up. If woman once errs, Kick her down, kick her down; If misfortune is hers, If a man breaks her heart, Kick her down, k101i her down; Bedouble the smartâ€"â€" Kick her down 5 Though her tears fall like rain, And she ne’er smiles again, Kick her down. Kick her down ; And if low in condition, 011, on to perdition, Kick her down. MANUFAC TUBING. Public N otice. R. H. HALL. AGE", No Fiction! Quietng WOMAN. MAN. ’ GRAY HAIR Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. Nature’s Crown. You Must Cultivate it BEAUTIFUL HAIR, JOHN EYER. ' Richmond Hill. 555- 151 '.April I, 1869. Flpur, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! N returning thanks for the very liberal support he has ieceived since commencing businessin Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly increas- ed his Stock and has now on hand “eluding Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Slands, \Nasb Stands, 8m. &0. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering, White Lead Paints and (Mom, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, Rock Oil. Varnish Turpentine, Benzene, Glass, Putty, Glue, five. 8L0. Parhes Furnishing, Papering, or Painting then‘ Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewnere.‘ Also HARDWARE and CROCKERY‘ All fully Wurranted and deliverod at Manufacturer’s prices. Sand for Circuhrs and information. Address Where he keeps on hand quur, Shorts, Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornineal,Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and Weaving, Cloth Dressing, and Coloring. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT 0F FURNITURE! m { r 1% Wu H" u'n "Mun " 1 Wm ‘uuuu n' ‘ "Mum" " STILL FURTHER IMI’R O VED. Byndding several new Machines, and is now prepared to do This Pump on Trial for One Month! And if accepted Or if they are not preferred to any othey pump they may he returned, and the money will be CABINET ESTABLISHMENT Tum Ppnr ls E‘smsr Woman, M051 DURA- BLE AND NEATEST MADE IN Tm: Doumxorx. H E m These Bumps: are suitable to all Depths from a. cistern to a - Well of 150 feet. Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow walls, so constructed with the castings ol' the handle as to make it all tight. and pre- venting children from putting anything into it 3 which is invariably the case will) common pumps. Prion $6 complete. for cisterns not exceeding eight feet. J- lhanks for the liberal patronage he has received since ha commenced business, has much pleasure In announcing that he has had his Factory Eleven Years a Designer, Who will devote his undivided attention. m the wishes and requirements of the customers. “*9 All kind: qf Coloring dam. HE SUBSCRIBER IN RETURNING thanks for the liberal natromme he has WEAVING IN A SUPERIOR MANNER, CLOTH DRESSING & COLORING He has also secured the services of Mr. Peter Weir, 32 YEA RS EXPERIENCE In one of the best Factories in Glasgow, Scot- land, where he was Churn Pumps for Cisterns $3. WELL DIGGING DONE EXCELSIOR PUMP On the Shortest Notice! Address, stutingldept'h of well, P. PHILLIPS, Lot 42, lst Con. Vaughan, August 2, 1869. Richmond Hill, April 29. 1869. Heintzman [30’s. Belehrated Firstâ€"prize Piano Fortes ! For Cash, at Prices that cannot be surpas: ed. Richmond Hi1}, November 9, 1866. ESPELER TWEEDS, E Subscriber would respectfully an- nounce that he is propated to put in WARRANT ED TWO YEARS, A nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also cal! attention to his P. PHILLIPS: REFUNDED. MAN!!!“ CTURED BY SPLEKDID VALUE- BIGHIOND HILL. THOMAS» COG-ELAN, who has had 558-1)’ .RIOBII'JND HILL W. H. LAWRENCE. ISAAC CROSBY. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF RICHMOND HILL THE YORK. HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT“: FRIDAY; OCTOBER. 15', 1869.. C. CHAPMAN, General Agent, 57 7- tf Horses enmined as to soundnesn, also Bought. and Sold on commission. Richmond Hill. April 23, 1868. 510 For Horses and Cattle always on hand: such as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial. Tonic, Cough. Condition and Worm Balls and Powders. The Cough Balls have been found most serviceable in alleviatin many of the distressing symp- toms of Bro enwind or Heaves in Horses. Colic. Draughts. Liniments for‘Sora Threats, Spraius. Curb, Spnvin, Ring-bone, &c, Blist- ering Ointments, also Hoof and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for Wounds, Bruises. huddle Gulls. qunllinble Oil and Sheep Tick Des- troygr. _ All orders from a distance promptlyattended to. and medicines sent to any part ot'the Pro- Vince. D BUTCHER, 2nd door north (if G. A. Barnardé store, Rickmoud Hill. keeps always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, &c, and sells at the lowest prices. Thehighest marketprice giveufor Cattle, Sheep. Lambs. &c. J. H. SANDERSON, ' VETERINARY SURGEON, EGS to {announce to the public that he is now practicing with H. SANDERSON, oflhe same place. where they may be consult- ed personally or by letter, on all diseases of Hon-seas, Cattle. 6w. Also. Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. J. 10 the farmers and others in the neigh~ borhood of the Elain Mills that he has leased the shop ownéd by Mr. Wm. Trench. sen., where he is prepared to do In all its branches, and by strict attention to business he hopes to mom a share of public support PETER CRAIK Elgin Mils. May 13. 1869. 564-lf Medicines of every Discrlption ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker, «Sac. stumucm.â€"â€"Ncarlyoppositethe Post Office, Richmond Hill. . ETEB CRAIK BEGS TO INTIMATE 10 the farmers and others in the neigh~ GENERAL BLACKSMITHING, Cor. of Yonge & Centre St. East RICHMOND HILL. HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS ( Graduate of Toronto V aterinary College) VVlLLlAM COX. Richmond Hill. Combat 15, 1867. 1 WILLIAM cox, _ >U'(‘JCESSOAR frp JAMESAEIQLEIDAIT, THOMAS SEDMAN, Blacksmithing. FOR SALE AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. MARIHLI VILLAGE 23 other ll! mvullgullunl Ullll§LUlluUlllu . u c I I I n - Evangelical Magazine - .'. . . . . . . . . Exoier Hall. . . .. . . Familygl-lemlil’?’H . ..... . Farmer's Magazine. . . . . . Floral Magazine. . . . . Floral World..... Florist and Pomologist . . . . . . . . . anatomwwqmwwwdwwwuwu'~o ....‘..,..... Folio! (Le) . . . . . . . . . Fortnightly Review (mo). . . . . . . . Fraser’s Magaxine .... .... . . ._ . Fx'eeniason’s Magazine. . . .94. ‘ ., . . Friend ................ Gardener . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Gents Magazine of Fashion . . . . . . Gentleman’s Magazine. . . . . . .. .. . Geological Magazine . . . . ,. . . All the Year Round 00 Athenaeum... . . . . . . ............ 375 Artizan ......... -- 3 75 Annals of Natural History. . . . . . . . 9 50 Argosy (The).... .............. 9 00 Army List................ U... 5 75 Art Journal..................... 9 50 Astronomical Register. . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Aunt Judy's Magazine. . . . nu . . . 2 00 Baily's Magazine of Sports. . . . . . . 5 75 Beau (Le) Monde............... 3 75 Belgravia (including Christmas No) 4 UD Bentley’s Miscellany. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 Bible Christian’s Magazine. . . . . . . . l 30 Bible Subjects . ........... ...., (l 7" Bible Treasury.............. .... 110 Burgeou’s Short Sermon. . . . . . . . . 2 00 Bookworm ...................- 3 75 Boy's Friend. . . . a . . 1 30 Boy’s Journal . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Boy’s Own Magazine.. . ... . . . .. . 9 00 Bradshaw’u Continential Guide.. . 5 75 British Controversial“. . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 British Friend................... 2 00 British Harbinger .'..............110 . British Journal of Dental Science.. 3 75 Bulwark.... .................--100 Bow Bell’s .. 200 Boys of England . . . . 2 00 Broadway. The. . ..... ...... .... 3 75 Builder, The (price varies) . . . . . . . 5 75 Bond 3 75 Boy’s Book of Romance. . . . . . . . . 2 00 Cassell’s Biographical Dictionary. . 2 00 Cassell’s Magazine. . . .. . . . . . . . . . 2 ()0 Chambers’ Journal. . . . . . . .... . . . 2 25 Chambers’ Etymological Dictionary ‘2 00 Chess Players’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . 3 75 Chess World ................... 375 Children’s Hour........ ... . . . . 110 Christian Advocate and Review. . . 3 00 Christian Consoler . . . ... .~.- . . . . l 10 Christian Observer . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Christian Society... . .. . . . . . . . 3 75 Christian Spectator. . . . . . . . . ... . . 2 00 Christian Treasury . . . .... . . . . . . . 52 00 Christian Witness . . . . . . . . . ... t 00 Christian World Magazine . .. .. .. 2 ()0 ChristianWork..... . . . . . ....... 200 Churchman Magazine, The . . . . . . 3 75 Ch. of England Temperance Mag. 1 10 Church of the People . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 l0 Church Choirmaster and Organist. 1 )0 Church Missionary lntelligencer . . 2 00 ChurchWork........... 110 Churchman’s Companion. . . . . . . . 2 00 Churchman’s Family Magazine.. 3 75 ANY PUBLICATION In THIS LIST MAILED To LIST OF ENGLISH Newspapers and Magazines, Civil Engineer and Architect’s Jour 7 50 Colonial Church Chronicle. . . . . .. ‘4 00 Contemporary Review . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . .. . 3 75 Cutters (The) Mo Journal . . . . . . . 3 .50 DayofRest . . . . . . . . . . ..-. Dublin University Magazine . . . . . . EastAngiiau Ecclesiatic and 'l‘hcologian. . . . . . . Ecclesiologist (alt. ma). _ . . . . . .. . Eclectic & Congregational" Review Edinburgh ‘VlodicalézSurgical Jour English Presbyterian Messenger”. English Mechanic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Englishman’s (The) Magazine. . . . Euglishwoman’s Domestic Mag . . Entomologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine Evangelical Christendom . . . . . . . . . ‘ Evangelical Magazine . . . . . . . . . _ . Familyfi-leraldfl. . ‘Farmer’s Magazine. . . . . . . .. . . .t. OOOOUDOCOMMMOQMMMUIOO (aware!wwwdwwwwwwmtcwwmw-qwuwwww CQHUIKINTLWUOOOQOOQ¢~JQ¢Q~¢IQQQIQ¢1G Floral Magazine”..........,..... (1 FloralWorld....................., U Florist and Pomologist . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Follet (Le) . . . . . . . . . 5 Fortnightly Review (mo). fl Fraser’s Magaxine ......._. (l Freemason’s Magazine.. "a..." _ 0 Friend.................. . . . . . . . 200 Gardener . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 200 Gents Magazine of Fashion . . . . . . 4 00 Gentleman’s Magazine. . . . . . .. . . . 9 50 Geological Magazine . . . ,y ,. . . , . . 5 75 Geological 6: Nat. Hist. Repertory. 0 75 Good Stories.................... l 10 (ioodWords . . . . . . .............. 175 Good Words for the Young. . . ... . l 75 Gospel Marrazme ................ 2 0t Herald and Geologist, (alt. month) 475 Homilisl . . . . . . . . . . ...._.........325 Horological Journal. . . . . . . .... . .. i 10 illustrated London Magazine . . . . . 3 75 Intellectual Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Intellectual Repository (New Ch.) 2 00 Journal of Agriculture. . . . . . . . . 3 75 Journal of the Chemical Society . . 3 75 Journal of Practical Medicine. . . . . 3 75 Journal of Social Science. . . . . . . . 5 75 Kitto’s Bible Illustrations. . . . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies' Cabinet of Fashion. . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies’ Companion. '. . . .. . . . . .. . 3 75 Ladies’ Gazette oi‘ Fashion . . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies’ Treasury. .. .. . .. .. 2 95 Leisure Hour................... 2 00 London Journal. . 2 00 London Societv. . 3 50 London and Paris Fashions. . .,. . . . 3 75 Mechaniclan........... . . . . . 950 Medical Mirror.................. 375 Merry and Wise . . . . . 1 10 Methodist Magazine . . . .. . . .... . . 3 75 Missing Link Magazine . . . . . . . .. . 110 Mission Life.................... 2 00 Monthly Packet ................. 375 Museum and Journal of Education 2 00 Musical '1‘imes.-................. 0 60 Naturalist.......................110 New Monthly Magazine .. . . . . .13-00 New Mon. Mag. for S. S. Teachers 1 95 Queen Week...-..,............ 325 Ourown Fire Side 2 0“ Peoples Magazine .........,,..... 2 00 Pharmaceutical Journal. . . . . , . . . . 3 75 Philosophical Magazine .. ,,,., 9 50 Phonographic Reporter. . . .. .. . . . . O 75 Photographic Portraits . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 Post Office Director... . . . . . . . . . . . .3 75 PoultryBook. . . . . . . . 375 Practical Mechanics’ Journal . . . . . 3 75 Primitive MethodistMagazine ... . '2 00 PropheticTimes 1 75 Pulpit Analyst ...,, 2 00 Quiver (The)...... 900 Remembratwer..................110 Reynold’s Miscellany . , . . , . , , _ . , . 2 00 Robinhood ... 200 Rouuodge's Magazine for Boys . . . 2 00 St; James’ Magazine. .. .. . . . . , . . 3 75 Scientific Review ............... 2 00 Scottish Congregationalist. . . . . . . . l 25 Sharpe’s London Magazine. ...... 3 75 Shorthand Magazine. . . . .. . . . . . . . 2 00 Sixpenuy Magazine . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Q 00 Socneror leatel'.................. 375 SpirtnalMagazine. . . ... . . , . . . . . . . 2 {‘0 Sunday Reader....-............ 200. Sunday School ’l‘eachers’ Mag. . . _ 2 00 Sunday Magazine.......... 20‘) Sunday at Home ...... 200 St. Paul’s MagaZine . . a .... . . . . . 3 75 Scottish Journal................. 2 00 Technologist. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 TempleBar... . . . . . ............375 Traill’s Illustrated Josephus . . . . . . 3 75 'l‘ruthseeker ....................110 Union Review [aIL month]. . . . . .. 3 75 United Methodist Free Church Mag 2 00 United Presbyterian Magazine , , . , 1 25 Veterinarian...............,.... 575 Victoria Magazine......... 375 Watchword . . . . . . . 110 West End Gazette of Fashions. . . . 3 75 WorldofFushion 3 75 Young Englishwomau . . . . . .. . . .g 2 00 Young Apprentice. . . . . .. . . .. . . . 2 00 Young" Ladies’ Journal. . . . . . .', . . . 3 25 Young Men of Great Britain .‘,. ' 200 MONTHLIES. SUBSCRIBER» WITH PROMPTNESS. ‘ur nJuuu o--.~.-Iu--- l..............--....~ mil}; 1'1 35132ng I '. Z: .'. '. he).... \l................-.u. cal Register..." ..... '5 Magazine........... .gazina of Sports....... Monde............... lscuuany - n u I u . ian’s Magazine. . . . [:18 ..Io~onlo ury......... Wort Sermon ...-.-..... v fl...-a.....- IQ’-.-....- Mngazine...... Continemial Guide. . . xtrovoriialn. . nd. . . . . . . . . bingerfi...” ..... ‘nal of Dental balance. . on, 'l‘he................. 6 (price varies) . . . of Romance. -.... ographical Dictionary. . lagazine. Journal. . "‘!!o..--uaon-.. OZ?) Side.............. 20“ zine.......‘..,..... 900 a] Journal.....,.... 375 Magazine .......... 950 Reporter........... 075 Portraits... ... 950 rsler.... ".73 75 . . . . . . . 375 hanics’ Journal . . . . . 3 75 hodist_ Magazine . . . . '2 00 Ies,,,...‘.......... 175 200 900 tr............ ... 110 :cellany..... 200 . 200 lagazine for Boys . . . 2 0" agazine............ 375 wow ............... 200 gregationalist........ 1 25 km Magazine. ...... 3 75 lgazine............. 200 azine . . . . . . . .. 200 375 :ine........,....... 290 ar................. 200' y] ’l‘euchers’ Mag. . . . 2 00 zine............ 20‘) me................ 200 gazine..a...... ...375 Amid- Josephus . ...-noo.c---....... 2 . 3 3 l 3 râ€"uwuc acmmme {[alf: mogth]. wuuu Luvsuulllu . . . . az'me..‘....... iéio of Fashions. lion hwomau . .... ‘5 mice”... "Journal ...',.-- qu \Auuuuuu- - . . . .. '4 UU 'Review........... 950 aziue... ........... 375 Mo Journal....... 3.50 . . . . . . . . . ..-. 200 -sityMagazine...... 950 325 d 'l‘heologian....... 3 75 (alt. A110.).......... 575 RICHMOND HILL. “mum... .. . ihemical Society . . icai Medicine. 21] Science. . . . . . . ustrations. . . . . of Fashion, . . dong..." .... of‘ Fashion.. .. .. . 0-0.0... . ....-.........~ ......- is Fashions. Line . . . . . . . agazme ~nlnoc. SUPPLIED BY ‘aguAuAu-....-.~. o..~-.......-..- .-.... .-.- 16 and Review. . . 3r . o... u.- or. -. . .- lor.............. ry..... Magazine. .. aziue, 'l‘he month)475 325 I 10 e . . , . . 375 ‘ . . . . . . 575 w Ch.) 2 00 . . . . . . 3 75 ciety.. 375 16””: 375 575 375 375 375 375 225 . 200 . 200 . 350 . 375 950 375 110 375 110 200 375 ucalion200 060 ......110 7......13-00 nachorsli’5 325 ‘20“ 900 ..,.... 375 950 O75 950 ......375 Per y’r. Pr No. 3 75 3 75 200 2 00 3 25 30‘) 110 300 110 575 375 200 5200 ‘00 200 200 375 110 110 110 200 110 200 375 750 200 5000-3555 7.0052777 33293353 005550000 0 00)055J000000550550 512770000%0%05ML775500005771770 71333222232227923579222495011l2 ‘25 33 33 80 I7. 50 33 17 50 33 33 ‘ 80 13 06 10 17 33 l3 W 17 50 17 17 10 33 10 17 17 33 50 33 l7 l7 17 20 I7 33 33 10 25 30 50 33 17 17 10 I7 17 33 10 10 10 17 10 I7 65 17 80 33 30 :7 80 30 33 50 33 65 10 30 33 33 I7 17 17 17 33 06 10 15 13 30 l7 17 33 80 08 33 36 33 I7 15 17 17 10 17 17 17 33 17 13 33 l7 17 33 17 l7 17 17 17 17 33 33 33 10 I7 13 50 33 10 33 33 17 17 17 17 17 65 80 17 33 50 65 811 l7 l7 17 33 80 50 07 10 l5 l5 17 80 30 10 33 50 17 33 33 33 50 33 33 33 33 20 l7 )7 3O 33 80 33 10 10 Best Fanning Mill, Manufactured in Canada, WILSON’S IMPROVED DOUBLE ACTION FANNING MILL THESE MILLS HAVE-flSTOOD THE TEST OF COMPETITION AT ALL THE Provincial Exhibitions and County Fairs whenever shownI and are pronounced by com- Can Supply- a11 Orders Promptly Further: will consult their own interest if they will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere. as we feel confident they will be satisfied our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. Lumber Planed to Order on the§Shorteat Notice at their Saw Mill. STOVES.â€"Cooking Stoves. Parlor Stoves. Box Stoves, Dumb Stoves, and Stove Pipes. Grain Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes Wringers, &c., &c. ' LAMP ELDBBS, BURNBRS, GHIMNEYS, SHADES AN]! WIGKS. L MALLOY’S AXES H The Noveltv of making A WOODEN FORCE PUMP, was introduced by the Plaintiff, (C. Powell) and'it has that MERIT OF INVENTION which elitles it to the protection of a Patent." " T-he usefuilness of this invention is unquestioned; it is both ingenious and worthy of mom and to the isolated dweller. must be of the greatest possible value.” ‘ See Judgment Court of Chancery. The Hon. l’. M.Vankoughnet. in delivering Judgment on the celebrated Patent Swing Pump trial: remarked. altar justly eulogising the merits ofthe l’ump. “ That the person who infringes on a Patent. is a wrong-deer and should be punishedtand that an infi-ingeg’s opera. tions are, not only a Rubberv ofthe Patentee, but also a Fraud upon the Public.” Lurnn, Square Ind Globe Shapeyin great variety. {‘or oil or cwdhs. H. P. would also direct Special attention totho stock of Book 011 and. Machinery 011 OR AUTUMN PLANTING. I HAVE 3 nice selection of mixed varieties in Also on hand a large stock of Table Cutlery. fipoens, &c. Special attention is directed to his Lapms and Chandeliers: the stock of which Is very large, embracing all that, is New and Chaste. and also the Plainest and Cheapest; thus meeting Lhe requirements of all classes. Ghildren’s Carriages and Perambulators! BQWEEQENS ‘ Efififififig Also Notice that Messrs. PHiLLlPS, Pump Makers, UDORA. hava purchaged the Rights of Georgina North Gwillimbury, Oro and lnnisfil, and, having abandoned the .nnuufacmra 'm, Ififerior Kinds of Pumps. are prepared to supply the Plated and. Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, PATENT SWING AND DOMINION FORCE PUMPS- Machinery auppliad. and Instructiolvs for making given. Rare chances for men of energy ad limiled capitalg Hnuse Furnishing Establishment, B3 Ynnge 8i,3 iinnrs above King St. Richmond Hillflune ll. ’68. " Theirsuccossia wouderfq] and Well-deserved."â€"0ntaria Observer. “,3 Intending buyers are invited to inspect the stock, as it will be found worthy ofinspection. Toronto, February 7, 1868. I 493 Richmond Hill, May 27, 1869. a" When Ordering Pumps, please stale Depth of Well or Cistern'. P». O, Addressâ€"CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook Newton Brook. July 15. 1868. ‘ 522-3m ICE '8 PUMPS EGS «1 call the attention of the public to his- extensive stock of House Fu‘nishing Goods, among which will be found Choice Flowering Bulbs, Egoâ€"vifigifiaâ€"lâ€"Exhib}{iofisâ€"aud County Fairs whenever shownI and are pronounced by patent. judges as being the Manufacturing :1 large Number of the above: Repairs of all kinds promptly Executed. A Limited Number of Rights for Sale yet. FOR SALE BY DANIEL HORNER, JUN., Lot 20. 2nd con. Markham BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, BENZOLE, (Sac. LIFT AND SUCTION PUMPS, FOR ALL DEPTHS; FORCE STILL FURTHER IMPROVED. FOR SALE BY HIRAM PIPER And having increased facilities for preparing thq lumber. J. BRILLINGER, Richmond Hill une 1]. ’68. 517-“ Manufactured and Imported, Wholesale and Retail. EXTRACT! FROM JUDGMENT OI COURT OI" CHANCERY. Which win he foulid both good and cheap. “ Churn ” Pumps for Cisterns, [Eve acquired the Yatem Right for East and West Gvfillim- bury, Whitchurch and King,forthe ARE CHEAPER AND SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS; WPUMPS,:DU ’ntent Swing and Damiuion Force Pumps; The snbcribers are now Common Pumps of: any Make, AND THEY HAVE BEEN LEASE NOTICE THAT Ordelsfmm North York should be sent to ROGERS & C0., NEWMARKET, who FOR. TANKS: CIS'I'EKNS AND SHALLOW \VELLS; A'l' TWO THIRDS THE ORDINARY PRICES; FIRST Boox, with 31 illustrations, stronglybound in limp clothâ€"5 cents. 7 . FIRST BOOK, (second part) with 54 illustrations. strongly bound in limp clothâ€"10 cents. SECOND BOOK; with 56 illustrations. strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"20 cents. THIRD BOOK, 41 illustrations, strongly ‘bound in cloth boardsâ€"30 cents._ ‘ Fourt'n-r 15001:. 45 illustrations. strongly hound, in cloth boardsâ€"40 cents: ' ‘ ‘ FIFTH Boox, 50 illustrations’ strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"50 cents. COMPANION TO THE READERSâ€"25 cents. For sale at the National Series of Reading Books Authorised by the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario. TWO DOLLARS EACH. A. &‘ W. WILSON. Hon. P. M. VANIOUGHNET. THE NEW-CANADIAN ALSO, aERAijBoox STORE. 566-lf They were not invented in a day by ignorant parties as a means of money getting, but were originated by M F. COLBY, M.D.. one of the first physicians of the country, and perfected during a course of 40 YEARS succesrtul prac- tice. so that for the purpose intended they can osarcely be improved. For certificates of cures see circulars. All genuine pills are sugar-coated and will in future have our signature on the wrapper. EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! USE OF ETIIER SPRAY, Which Affects the Tooth. Only. J- insunsihle wi‘th this externaT agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and Without endangering the Life! wiliba in the following pinces prepared 10 extract teeth with his 116W apparatus, All other operations in Dentistry performed in a workmanlike manner :- ’ Aurora . . . . . . . . 1stofeacnmonm Newmarkat Brelsford hotel 2nd “ “ Stoufiville... . . . . . . 18th " " Victoria. Square.... . . . . . . 20th '“ " Thornhill................ 23rd " ‘- RichmondHill........... 24th “ “ Maple................... 26th n u Burwick................ 28th “ " Kleiuburg............... 29th 5‘ H Nobleton................ 30th “ " HE tooth and gum surrounding become - insunsihle with this external agencv. in time. . . They can be taken by the most delicate. They do not sicken or grip in any case. They always produce (he same beneficial results. They are an effectual hut mild cathartic; They cannot be excelled as an antibilious remedy. - They are the greatest blood purifier known. They afl'ord immediate relief for bowel com- plaint. I . They are the best and safest remedy for children. They are a positive cure for cosliveness. They cure the Worst forms of dyspepsia. They cure all diseases arising from any de- rangement of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowela. 'l‘hev are recognised by all medical men who know [he formula as a standard remedy. taining to any branc Aomra, June 7 1565. - POETICAL WORKS 0 BE SOLD onreasonablo terms, the fa}- lowing n‘opolty :- Partofhot No 30. on 2nd Con. Vaughan containing 63 acre»; also, Village Property on Richmond Hill Forpurticulars apply to the proprietor. Dr. Colby's Anti-costive and Tonic Pills. HE Subscriber would intimate to the farmâ€" ers and others of Richmond Hill and: surrounding Country having. Quite a number ofrei'erence given if requir- ed ofpersons whose horses have been cured by me. My charge is $1 50 if paid when operated‘ on,ifnot $300 willbe clmrggd to ensure a cure. Residence rear oflot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan. JAMES DUN'I‘ON. The nama uf‘the medicine is blown in each bottle ofthe genuine; all others are worthless imitatiuns. ‘ That he has successftu treated the above for the past {011 years without a single failure. This treatment does not nece~sitaie their being laid aside only for a few days. 999 out of 1.000 oflhe accidents to which we are daily liable may he groqu relieveu, and a large proportion rendered no longer tronblr some by a timely application of misjusz cole- brated medicine. *‘ 1 never saw anything that would relieve a burn so quick.” Above-are some of the statements being daily made by those who have used Jacobs! lihjumatic Ligqid WherAeA they will I A. WRLGHT. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1. 1866. 469 Horses Afflicted with Ring-bone), tire hair. If you want a clean. coal head, use Hunt's Empire Hair Gloss. ACOBS’ Rheumatic Liquid is the best thing in the world, except a skillful] phy- sician. to have at hand in case of ally accident. “ I do notconsider a sprain or lameness of" an y account if! can get hold of a bottle of Jae cobs’ Rheumatic Liquid ” “ It cures a cold instantm‘.” "It is the only thing I know that cures scratches on horses.” “you want. to keep your hair from falling out. use llunt’s Empire Hair Gloss; It is the cheapest, clcnmst, best. PRICE ‘25 CENTS man BOTTLE. S. J. FOSS & (10., Proprietors. R. H. HALL, AGENT. Ridmmndhill, November 29. 1868. 540vly “I want it where I can put my hand on it at any time.” "1 consider it the greatest remedy known.“ “ Nothing 1 ever saw can touch it as a re- medy Ifyou want a beautiful, luxuriant growth or hair. use Ilum’s Empire Hair Gloss. Novembpr 19. 1868. November 19, 1868‘ Richm and Hill, Oct. 25, ’66 Jacobs’ Rheumatic Liquid. ‘R. COLBY’S AIILi-coslive and Tonic Pills never fail bu_t always relieve if taken Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss.. DRS. PECK 82: ROBINSON I would not attempt to keep house withcut UN'F'S Empire Hair Gloss is the “ Ne plus ultra” of all preparations for lowing n‘opolty: S. J. FOSS 8:, CO., Proprietors. Sold by druggisls everywhere. R.. H. HALL”. AGENT, Richmond/till. ambpr 19. 1868. 540-137. OF THE DIFFERENT POETS, AT THE As in the use of Chloroform. Worth Knowing. lquare. . «cu-Inooontonnv S. J. FOSS & Co., Sole proprietors R. H. HALL, AGENT, Land for Sale. NEW METHOD OF attend to any business pex- branch ofkheir profession. HERALD BOOK STOR E. BY THE 26H) 28th 29th 30th 1st ofeacn momu 2nd tn u 18th u In 20th "‘ " 23rd ‘ ' ‘ ‘ 24th u u Richmond/till. 54A: -1 y 72-131

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