'Cail when you visit the city. inspect the .stock and learn the priceq we shall fen] plea- sure in shelving good: whether you purchase or not. Salisfaclion Guaranteed. Toronto, July 15, 1869. 550-13' k} streets, rI‘lloruhill. Consultations in the olï¬cenu the mornings .l' 'l‘uesduys. 'l‘huxsdays and Saturdays. from 8 to 10 AJIL *96" All consultations in the ofï¬ce. Cash. ’l‘hornlzill. June 9, 1865‘ l DR UGS, CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils, Varnishes! BRUSHES, ARTIS'I‘S’ MATERIAL. &c.. &c., Whélesale and Retail Draggists, The Dr. begs to announce that his books are posted, and those indebted to h m by account, will ï¬nd it to their advantage to call and settle without further notice. .LVlo DENCE,NOI'UI “Richmond Uill-â€"oppo~ site the Elgiu House. Ofï¬ce hours from 6 to 9 A.M-, daily. GEO. H. LESLIE 85 00-, ;CHEMISTS AND DRUGGJS'I'S DEALERS IN DRUGS, Yorkvllle, April 1, 1869. U GroceriesflVines and Liqums. ThornhiJ'. By Royal Letters patently has been aï¬pointed Issuer of Marriage Licenses. home from 8 to 9 am. Mr A. F. Armstrong is authorised to collect Accounts. Alltransitory ad vertisements. from strangers orirrngularcustomers. must be paid for when handed inforinsel'fion. Alladvertisements published for a less period than one month. must be paid for in advance. J the Inhabitants of Maple and surromuliug ‘counn'y that he has opened a Drug Store in Llw above named place. Allkindaqf Herbs and Herb Medicines supslied. Maple, April 15, 1869. 5604! A card 0! tan hues, for one year. . . . . . 4 ()0 Acard ofï¬f'tean lines. do ....... 5‘25 Acal'dofhventylines. do ....... 650 FAdvertisementswithoutwritten directions Inserted UH forbid, and charged accordingly Ten iiuusaml under, ï¬rstinsertiou. . .. Each subsequentmsertimL. . . ... . . . ... Above teulines, ï¬rslinsertion, perliue. Each subsaquentinsertion. per line. . . . Uue Column per twelve months. . . . .. . Halfacolnmu do do ......- Quarterol'a column pertwelve months. One column pm six months.. Halfacolumn do ........ Quarter ofu column per six monLhS. . . . A card of tan lines, for one year. . . . . . Acard ofï¬f'tean lines. do A card ofhventylines. do DR. JAS. LANG-STAFF " ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home from 8 1n 9 A M Sianesand under, firsti martian†..$00 5“ Each subsequent insertion.... .... .... 0013 Ten iinusaml under, ï¬rstinsertiou. . .. 00 75 Each subsequentInsertion†. . ... . . . ... 00 ‘20 Above teulines, ï¬rslinsertion, perliue. ()0 07 Each subsaquentinsertion. per line. . . . 00 02 One Column per twelve months. . . . .. . 50 00 Halfacolnmu do do ....... 30 00 Quarterol'a column pertwelve months. 20 00 One column pm six months.- . . . . . .. . 40 00 Halfacolumn do ........... 2500 Quarter ofu column per six monLhS. . . . [8 ()0 A card of tan lines, for one year. . . . . . 4 ()0 Acard ofï¬f'tean lines. do 5‘25 Acal'dofhventylines. do ....... 650 Nopaperdisconlinued until all arrearages Ire plld: and paxliesrefusing papers without paying up, wille held accountable for the subscription. And dispatched to subscribersb) the earliest mails.â€otherconveyance,wlienso desired. The YORK HERALD will always be f'nund to contaimhelatestnud must importunth'cign and Provincial News and Markets,aud the greatest care will be taken to renderit ac- ceptable to the man ol'businessmnd a valu- able Family Newspaper. TERMS:â€"One Dollar per annum. 1N AD- VANCE: if notpaid within 'l‘wo Months,0ne Dollar and Fifty cents willbo charged. Allletturs addressed to the Editormustbe post-paid. JOHN N. REID, M.D., NOR. 0F YONGE AND COLBORNE MARGACH, ANDERSON & Co., J CINE, Surgely‘. Obstetrics, ch. RESIDENCEâ€"Adjoining Thornhiil Hotel. July 22, 1'69. 575-1y Elgin Mills, Aug. 26. 18M) ALEXANDER SCOTT, RICHMOND HILL, Richmond Hill, Oct. 14, 1859. Tllonthill, Feb. 526. 1868 (It): 331%- germ COP. OF BLOOR St, YONGE 51's., YORKVILLE. ICENSED PRACTITIONER. IN ME January 3l,1867 :‘Patentï¬edicines, Perfumery, &c. DRUG STORE IN MAPLE ACOB YELINSKIE BEGS T0 INFOR“. ‘FFERS FOR SALE A LARGE AND Varied Assortment of THOMAS CARR, ‘EQLERV IgUDRUQSA MEDICINES, R. H. HALL, ‘ngqxsr Am) PHARMACEUTIST, RATES OF ADVERTISING. Busiucsï¬ minnow. VOL. XL N0. 22. Richmond Hill‘ 44 King Street East, Toronto, EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, JNO.. HOSTETTER, ‘, M. RIVC. 3., ENGLAND“ RESI- [Formerly J. L. Malgach] BflGCON-‘N‘ CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, At Low Rates for Cash IS PUBLISHED 580-lf 35â€"h] 568* 5b8-1y Residence-â€"Lol 20,1‘ear0f3rd Concession of Markham. l’,().Addressâ€"â€"BnttonviHe. Parties requiring Mr. Snuderson’s services can makearrangemenls at the HERALD oflice. 1ORLha Counties of York, l’eeland On- tario. Residenca: LotS,GLh concesszon Markham. l'ostOliicoâ€"Uuionville. Sales amended on the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. Orders lef'tatthe †Herald†ofï¬ce for Mr Carter’ssarvices win be promptly attended to EDW’. SANDERSON, Licensed Auctioneer, Sales attended on the shortest notice at moderate rates. P.O. Address, Buttonville. RESIDENCE, Lot No. 14. 2nd C04. Vaughan. Post Uliice Address Carville. All orders left at the "York Herald†ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill, or at [he I’,(.). Maple, will be attended [0. H. D. BENNETT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, JOHN CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FRANCIS BUTTON, JR, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Farmer’s Boot 5; shoe Store 11 (HS Yongu Streel, Toronto. Doors, Sash. Flooring, Blinds, Sheeiing. Mouldings, 620. All kinds uf Building Materials supplied. Post Ofï¬ce Addressâ€"Yorkville. Toronto. Mny18,1868. 3-m, {133 Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of the Best Materials and Workmauship, at the Lowest Remuneratng l’rices BOOTS 85 SHOES, ICENSED AUC'I‘IONEER fortho coun- ties of York and Peel, Collaclor of Notes, Aecoux.ts,&c, Small charges and plumy to do Ringwood .Wlarble “Work. Arc. &c. &c. Call an». vxamiue my Stock and Prices im~ for purci‘asing elsewhere, as you will ï¬nd it to your interest. 8:? Issuer of flIarriage Licenses. Ringwoud. Sept. 13, 1807. 497 MQBK HE} 77, KingSlreetEast, (over Thompson’s East India House) Tonom‘o. READ AND BOYD, Barristers, Attorneys at Law, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. &c., OFFIcmâ€"Provinciallnsurance Buildings,Court Street, Toronto . JOHN DquAN, Q,C. ADAI n. mums. JR. Toronto Dec. 24,1868. 544-]y OiFlczâ€"Ovnrthe Gas Company OIï¬c),Toronto Street, Toronto. DUGGAN 62. MEYERS, Barristers, Elmomcus ~ at ~ £11m, June.‘27. 1857 Junuary 4. 1565. Vaughan, Out. 10 1867. OFFICE}-â€"W’6Hingi011 Chambers, Jordon St‘ Toronto. 5. H. STRONG. J. I). EDGAR. R. GHAHAME. Toronto. June 18. 1868 STRONG. EDGAR & GRAHAME, BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS. Laskev, March 2nd 1865 Juns7,1865 McNABB, MURRAY & JACKES, Barristers and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, CONVEYANCERS, «Sac. OFFICEâ€"In the Court House - - TORONTO, August1.1865. 95 '1‘01'o.x11o,Dec, 3. 1867. Mauufacturerand Dealerin all kinds of BARRISTER AT ,LAW, I). B. READ, (1.0 May 6, 186‘. flircnsch Qturtioucsrs. P. A. SCOTT, UMBER MERCHANT & BUILDER, Toronto, August 1, 1867‘ COUNTIES 0E YORK AND PEEL. RUVINCIAL LAND SURVEYORS} Seaforth, Ontario. GEO. MCPHILLIPS & SON CONVEYANCERS, &c,&c. AIQUFACTUIUZR OF ALL KINDS OF COUNTY OF YORK. FORTH COUNTY OF YORK HENRY SMELSO R, 38 West Market Square, Toronto JOHN BARRON, SOLICITORS IN CHANCRY, CONVEYANCER, cï¬'c. P. WLDEMAN, "V'I‘S Ju. flaw QEarbs. J. N.‘ BLAKE, F OR TH E FOR THE S, HEADSTONES ! J. A. BOYD, B.A. 39-1y 4041' _ NEAR CHURCH STREET, Wp‘fiï¬tr'eddo wait- upon any whmï¬ed his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or reiieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Alsoto regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Can boprocured, in sums to suit borrowers. on Landed security, Terms made known on personulapphcntion Lo MOE Money to Lend on Landed Security. TI‘IEUndcrsignedis authorizedtostatetha! W DENTISTRY. W. o. ADAMS, D.D.S., 95 King Street East, Toronto, N.B. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills. Bonds. &c. &c, drawn with nemuess and despaiclLâ€" M.’I‘. continues to act as DIVISION COURT AGV IT. Fees moderate. 0f the bes‘ desrriptinn and newest designs Careful aunmiou given to the repairing of Watches anr‘ Clncks Jewelry manufactured and Remix-ed. DEALERS IN ATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELLERY ELECTROJ’LATEI) WARE, CUTLERY. No.1l. King Street East. 6 doors east of Yonge Strnet. CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS AND FINE JEWELRY. 118 Yonge Street, Toronto NB. Nitrous Oxide Ga} administered for the painless Exxraction of Toelh. Toronto, Jan. 27, 1869. 549-137 WATCHIES, CLOCISS, Masonic and other Emblems made to order. l [erred 111er Library to the HHMLD Bonk Slnre. whore Stockholders and others may procure Books every Friday afternoon. ROB’T E. LAW, ASSISTANT, J. S. SCOTT, M.D., L.D.S. SUR,GEON DENTIST ! RESIDENCEâ€"PORT HOPE. JAMES BOWMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1869 fl/i . Commissioner in B.R., is Government Agent for issuing Marriage Licanses in the County of York. June. 1865 Consultation free. and all work warranted ‘2†Good Stabling attached. Trusty Host- lor always in attendance. Toronto, April 1, 1869‘ GOLDEN LION HOTEL, YONGE S’IREET. NELSON DAVIS, - - Proprietor. MARRIAGE LICENSES RiULmoud Hill. Nov, 28,1866. a“ MR. TEEFY is Government Agent for the sale of MARRIAGE LICENSES Toronto, Ann] 27 , 1866. (Or any numberâ€"notexceading t’hree hundred dollars by any one depositor.) will be received atthe Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce, for which Government will allow Interest. Foronto A.pril 26. 1866. DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR “HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS A LMIRA MILLS, Markham, Nov 1 . 1865. LIBRARY ASSOCATION Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"7 A.M. to 9:30 PJ‘I. Richmond Hill. October 23, 1869‘ RICHMOND [{Ealtention oflhePublicisiinvtedtotheir Stock, consisting of Yonge St, April 7, 1869 ONEY TO LEND 0N GOOD FARM A Great Variety OF Oflice hours: fxom May 4, 1869. ‘. O. SAVINGS BANK. Security, in Sums to suit applicants Apply to Fol particulars apply to ELEFYZ NOTARY PUBLIC AND W. WHARIN 8; 00.. Money to Lend. J. SEGSWORTH, DUGGA N & MEYERS, RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL &c.. &c., &c IMPORTERSAND RICHMOND HILL. IMPORTR OF‘ Notary Public, Agont.&c A . SCOTT, Librarian. 6:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M- 5634f Attorneys, Court St 553-3m M. TEEFY, POST OFFICE. 'astmastcr 549-137 559.1 y In our age the rule is to ADVERTISE. All classes do it, and they do it in every way. There is no general method or set- term of phrases, for every one is unmis- takably for himself. As a general rule advertisements are well written, striking and characteristic, but sometimes they are worded with an utter disregard to syntax, and sometimes the punctuation renders them a trifle obscure, as witness the following, cut from various papers in our ofï¬ce : “ \Krï¬ntnfl r: ctnnflu vnnnlv “1nn 4n ‘nn‘r To take a newspaper for 21 Leisure hour and beginning with the ï¬rst \lumn read carefully through to tlicjlasï¬g‘ e doubt if any part will be found’eitljieg'more en- tertaining, instructive ,or .itrimsing than that especially set aphrt it : adver- tising public, and “he W'th ' ‘ ' perusal looses uraniughoh ma ha much v n Wilm- Iori‘imtiou.,.am " Vi; undergoing a change of‘i’ï¬le; e The man who formerly refused introducing himself or his wares to the public atten- tion, through the medlum of the press. now eagerly covets its assistance; and the old foggy, and penurious alone remain ignorant of its > advantages. “ \Vantcd a steady young man to look after a hmse of the Methodist persua- ion.†“ T0 Letâ€"A cottage in Newport con- taining eight rooms and an acre of ground.†v“ For Saleâ€"A piano by a lady about to cross the Channel in an oak case with carved legs.†“ Lost !~A small lady’s watch with a White face, also two ivory young ladies’ work-boxes. A mahogany gentleman’s dressing-case, and a small pony belonging to a young lady with silver mime and tail.†“Lost or strade from the scriber a sheep all over whiteâ€"mm: leg was black and half his b0dy-â€"all persons shall re- ceive ï¬fty dollars to bring him. He was a she goat.†A lady recently advertised in a city paper that she wanted a “gentleman for breakfast and tea,†while another in the same journal asks for “ a husband having a Roman nose with strong religious ten- dcucics,†and a third party seeks to re- cover " a lost wallet belonging a gentle- man made of calf Skin.†An advertisement of cheap shoes in a country paper hag the following nota bena: “ N: B.â€";Ladies wishing tlvllose cheap shoes, will do well to call soon, as they won’t last long.†A man onco advertised for “ competent persons to undertake the sale of a new medicine, and adds, we doubt not with truth, “ it will be proï¬table to the under- taker.†The following); ath‘flCt from a medical advertisement, is perhaps correct : “ Consumptivcs, cough while you can, for after you have taken one bottle of my mixture you can’t.†A \Vestern paper advertises thus : “ Run Away.â€"A hlred man named John ; his nose turned up five feet eight inches high, and had on a pair of cordu- roments much worn.†How that was must have looked dress up in a pair 03‘ coulmoy pants! The advertisement of a. doctor who undertakes the cure of madness begins thus 2 “ Woathy the atten‘ion of the inv sane.†A wholesale hsuse recently advertised " Wanted women to sell on commission.†In a shop window an obscure part of London is this announcement: “ Goods Look now, mother, for thy ehildren !â€" Look ns mothers always do ; (For the baby that has vani‘ hed, “ Baby †ever seems to u)â€" Look for Minnie’s golden z glet, Chubby shoulder white Look for Freddie’s little ja As he wore it years agoe Eï¬now ,- Slowly by the line of capt‘i ' Wondered the reluctant} But no glance of love Iéme Made the bitter n'iomelit.SSveet. Turn again! A mother’s ei'aving Clumors through thy loving heart, Though the eyes have thee forgotten, Send thy voice to ï¬ndithe heart. Soft and tender, with a. quiver Bornof love and agony, Rose up softly as a vesper, ‘ Through the air a lullaby. Blessed song 1 Its feathered-arrow Woke, though strung by hand st) weak, Mem’ry from her tent of slumber. Bid her, panting, rise and/speak. Stalwart youth and forest maiden, Eagle Eye and Silver Dove, " Fred †and “Minnie ’3 stood before her. Ere she closed the song: oflovel Shadows draped the forest arches, _0’er the hills came sombre Night; But the lamp of love was burning, And their homewurd path was light. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENTS. Soft the sunbeams o’er the brarie Levellell tawny bars of gold ' All across the Indian lodges, Till the camp ï¬re faded (Sold. While the moments held within them Mighty throbs of pain and'fear, As a. group of captive childfe'n With their dusky guide dï¬ew nearâ€" Nearer to the Christian mega-rs, Hither called to seek the Most, Who for this had dared theï¬i‘est, And the lonely prarie A , E’en the very boughs were i let, As they feared a leaf to sgr‘r; Not a. sound the silence trot led, Save the sailing swallowsfiwhir. REMEMBERED' mimic. ï¬rmth L newspaper for 21 Leisure hour r mg with the ï¬rst \lumn read fc‘: 'ough to thejlasï¬g‘ e doubt if or‘ 11 be fouud’eitljgg'more en- Lnstructive ,br aligning than .lly set aphrtit“ adver- :, andï¬ahe vvjlhm, ' S ' Emmi One more withoutL couimuut, shall close the list of pm‘Snnuls: “ Dearest Lui'liue Shall we ever meet. again l 011 dearest tell um. All wille forgivon and forgotten. I have sent you a bottle of the far-Famed Buniun Extraa tor. Let it propitiate thee. Thine ever, GUSTAVE.†The poetic in advertising is of impor- tance, and by 119 means to be neglected. flow entiuii’w‘g For ingtnnï¬o. 1g ,_ 0 £2,110 - f “Should sm-i'ow o’er thy brow its darkened shadows fling. l‘ Go buy a hat ofJigglesâ€"you’ll ï¬nd it just the thing.†Here is another that surely requires a place in the front rank : Two well dressed boys did meet one day. Each did Lhe other eye; Each to the other then did sayâ€" “ That ‘Dross’ where did you buy 7†Says BilI--“ This ‘Suit’I bought 30 low, ..1 I I’ll gladly tell you where ; I purchased it of George Fenno, At 22 Dock Square.†‘-’ Now Bill,†said Joe, “ is not that queer, What I now say is true ; This ‘Suit‘ I purchased there last year, Thls year I shall buy Two.†Says a Hair Restorative man up in New Hampshire : In the world’s subiimer calling, Where we each our race must run, If your hair be falling. falling, Use the “Mamba. Washington.†Trust no otherâ€"howe’or nleasantâ€" None can do what. this has done; Try itâ€"alwnrs keep it presentâ€" Use the “ Mai-[hit Washington.†Twenty thousand howls remind us What a noble test it stood; Miliions more shall come behind us, With their tresses all renewed.†The next is from a New Orleans paper: “ WHAT IS A REBUS 17’ As close by my side a fair maiden was seated ; I saw her eyes sink and her countenance vary, As she said in 'replyâ€"“ ’Tis a kiss, sir, repented.†“ Miss Mary is a sensible girl; just the kind that will make a fellow a good wife; 'and we trust the happy possessor of so valuable a prize, in bestowing upon her the solid comforts of life, will not ne- glect to provide a Charter Oak Cooking Stove, the only really perfect stove in the market.†Equally poetic in sentiment, if not in metre, is the following, from a card of a Dry Goods ï¬rm out West : “ But not to pile up the agony of Wesâ€" tern eloquence, we state With great conï¬. dence that ladies attired in our new styles of Fall and Winter goods, will ï¬nd the effect so rejuvenating, that all the cares incident to domestic life will be as blithe some as kissing the dew from the roses of beauty that bloom in perennial fraâ€" grance in the elysian ï¬elds of estatic To V0 Matrimonial advertisements have their peculiarities. A dOWnâ€"easter advertises his Wife thus: 0n the sixteenth of July, on the night of Monday, Elopod from her husband, the. wife of Juhn Grundy ; His grief forher absenz-e each day growing deeper, Should any one ï¬nd hr-r, he begs them toâ€"~ keep her. ANOW York husband szys on the same subject: u y l. The young man who advertised for a boarding place where his pious example would be considered equivalent for board and lodging, is matched by the l-nly x'lm wants a house where cunt Act, with boâ€" lievers would be an mmndzmt Ixircumâ€" “ Address . stance, and concludes w Sinner Saved, B. post oilh “\thï¬eas, the m" Peter Smith has left his bed and beam}. the public are cautioned against trusting her, as he will pay no debts of her 00nm'acting. N. B. The best of garden seed sold by the said “ Sam H: H.â€"â€"M0ther is dead, and Will be buried on Thursday. 0311’? you I ) 7/ come on P I 11 pay your frxpegses. nu “ Personalâ€"\Vanted, a hzmd to hold mine own as down life's vale I glide; Wanted an arm to lean upon, forever by my side. Address Miss Emma M Han- dlin, Chicago P.O.†In the next issue appeared this answer : “ l’ersonul.â€"â€"I have a hand for Emma H., ’tis hanging by my side, but willingly with her will hitch and down life’s vale will glide. Address Tippo Saib, Chicago Post ofï¬ce.†Who can tell how signiï¬cant may be the following: In a Chicago morning daily quite re. candy, :1 young lady advertised : “ Fun and Mirth.â€" 1f the ladies on Madison Square, next to park, going down, about. hnlï¬past one, P.M., on Tues- day, who recognised the gentleman in omnibuq, going up, would oblige by fur- ther acquaintance, will please address A. Donkey, Metropolitan Hotel.†How expressive is the next: “Any person who advanced money on Saturday night on a Gold \Vntch, to a gentleman who was very drunk, will please communicate with box 5,051 Post ofï¬ce. See rewards.†Another class of advertisements evin- cing peculiar characteristics, are to be found under the head of personals in city dailies. Take for instance the following, where the man evidently signs his right name: A Sign on an Academy out‘West reads : “Freeman & Huggs: Freeman teaches the boys and Huggs the girls.†A Brooklyn Storekeeper announces: “ Umbrellas recavered here.†A hyphen after the “ re " would undoubtedly renâ€" der the advertisers meaning more literally correct. removed, messages taken, carpets beaten, and poetry composed on l'ny‘subject." In I forbeur 0n the present occasion to point out particular Objects for your Deâ€" liberations, being convinced, that your knowledge of the respective situations of his Majesty’s Subjects whom you here represent, will be the surest Guide to di reet you, in the enacting of such Laws as still may be necessary for their Seem rity and Comfort, (as well as in the cen- tinuing of Laws heretofore enacted, but now about to expire, Whose beneï¬cial effects we have already felt and experi- enced.) Gentlemm (3f the House of Assembly, .7; i ‘or 3'11}: '~ PROVINCE OF UPPER CANADA. 1806. On Tuesday the 4th of February, His Honor ALEXANDER. GRANT, Esquire, President,Administering the Government of the Province of Upper Canada’ opened the Second Session of the Fourth Pro- vincial Parliament with the following Speech : Honorable Gentlemen of Ike Legislative Council, and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly, “ By the much lamented death of Lieutenant Governor Hunter, the Admiâ€" nistration of the Government of this Pro vinee hath devolved on me :â€"â€"I most sin- cerely eondole with you on that melanâ€" choly event; his faithful and meritorims Services to the Public, in this part of his Majesty’s Donsinions, will be long felt and remembered : It shall be my endeu~ vor to imitate and Follow his Example. I have ordered the Public Accounts to be laid before you, not doubting, but that you will pay that attention in the exami- nation of them, which the nature of the subject requires. IIonorable Gentlemen of tile Legislative Council, and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly. It is with the highest satsf‘action that I congratulate you on the great Naval Victory which lately hath crowned with success his Majesty’s Arms; though our joy is not unmixed, as we have deep-- ly to regret the loss of one of the bravest and most able Defenders of his King and his country. Penis 1%." them what plces To pay It and thrippouLs for them what Dunt. a. liberal reduckshin For Fair 11101003. for more ptu‘licklers pleas to cawl on Old Dick. ' Since the lust Session of this Legislaâ€" tul‘e7 Crnnmissioners have been appointed. for carrying into effect the Provisions of an Act, for aifol‘ding‘ relief to those Per sons, who may be entitled to claim Lands in this province, as Heirs or Devisces oi' the Nominees ol' the Crown to such lands; I make no doubt, by the exertions and abilities of those Gentlemen, to whom that important trust is delegated, the Public. will soon receive the most impor- tant Beneï¬ts from the operation of that salutary Law. Nay Great Britain. our Parent State, vvr-r have such men to ï¬ght her Battles; and may she, by the Blnssing 0f Provi- (lcnco, he enabled to drt'mml herself and her Widvly cxtendml Dominions from the assaults of her Enemies, and transmit her Territories with her invaluable Constitu- tion, unimpaired, to the latest Posterity.†"' Nounâ€"Victory sud death of Lord Nel‘ son as Trafalgar, October 21, 1805, man With a large Fummely being sicks yer ould, .and werx‘y - Wenmnus. ha is now inA books and can! Hurt nobody \‘x'ici; is mulch Better than To be runnin Wild cause he cant. Vth to out 11013.1â€. :uhnittance is Nick \Ve w1]l select only one more advertise- ment from our collection at present, and it shall be that of a \Vestcrn Showman : A RATTEL SNAICK TO BE SIIOED. The history of this szmick is as follers: he was ketcht on Lung mountain by a poore “ My husband is no more. ‘He did not wish to live longer, and if he had it would have made no difference, for gout entered his stomach and was soon follow- ed by death. I shall marry the doctor who so kinle attended my late husband; I learned then to trust him. Soft rest the ashes of the departed one, Whose wholesale liquor business I shall continue at the old stand.†“ Sir, I do not enclose my czrrte, for, though there is some authority for putâ€" ting a carte before a horse, I know of none {or putting one before an ass.†Here is a queer obituary which recen- tly appeared in a German paper: One man ‘advartised for a wife, who requested each candidate to enclose her cum-to dc visite. A spirited young lady wrote to the advertiser as follows: “ A young gentleman on the point of getting married is desirous 01' meeting a man of experience who will dissuade him from the step.†Peter Smith at the sign of the Golda Hammer. Here is a call from a country bachelor : I want a wifeâ€"~21 ï¬rst-rate wifeâ€"â€" A girl that’s all my own. To cook my‘meals and cheer my life, With smiling word and tone. A girl that ne’er will pledge a. vow To any chap but me; That’s been brought. up to milk a. cow, A have warm calms for tea. She must be graceful as the bell Upon the lilly found, And make such butter as will sell For thirty cents a pound. A Bremen Journal has the following: 109113 .Swswn 07 PARLIAMENTARY PnOCEEDINGS M Q’Mmflï¬. of the Golden§ On Wednesday the; 5th day of Feb ruary, the Commons Song? of Assuubly my bachelor; resolved itself into a Cmnniittgequ’ tqke 5“,ife__ his Honor the President’s Speech into: ], consideration, and agreed on the following eer my life, Address,which was accordineg pi'eSéxitéd: Numerous itlhlmices or", al- 11 result: ing‘ from the wear of ' Ehlze, ‘ sucks. have been reported lately. An lninois gentle- man came near dying a low days since Arum a disease of this character. Some nmnlhs since, Ur. Tardieu, 01' Paris, pre- sented belore the Academy of Medicine the history of several cases which came under his observation, and which cases at ï¬rst were also incorrectly diagnosed crysipelas, (he. The doctor not satisï¬ed with his diagnosis, and the remedies apâ€" plied not effecting the result anticipated ; paid his attention to the socks which his patients had been in the habit of wearing The socks were of' a violet color, with round red stripes, and were imported from .hliiglzind. A chemical analysis showed that the violet color was produced by aniline, and the red by eorr‘alline. The doctor, then, in conjunction with Dr. Boussin, instituted a number of physio- logical experiments, in order to ascertain the eifects of this togical substance. By means of'hypadermie injections they in~o troduced under the skin of dogs, rabbits. and frogs very minute portions of corra- line. The results were that the animals died in from two to four days. This is certainly a matter deserving attention. IN Sp‘isms of‘ muscles in various parts of the lmdy, excruciating pain is the only mani- festation of disease. and by relieving the pain a. cure is (flkacted. hump and colic are familiar examples of this kind of pain. As the pi‘nxinmle uuses of inflammation as a sense of injury felt by the organic nerves, giving rise to pain, which is the ï¬rst symp- tom manifested, it is evident that the inflam- mation can he prevented by a. remedy capa- hle of soothing and allaying nervous irrita- lion and inducing a comfortable state offeel- I]. “Hi IS (\3 ( ()Ilil'UIHKLh . 6 King SS: It will be seen from the above considera‘ tion of pain in its relation to morbid states of the system, that in numerous cases it is nhe snle elvment 0? disease, and that a reme- dy that possesses the power of relieving pain, is all that is requisite for a cure. We can futinish such incontrovertible proof nf the magical virtues of the Allevanv tor in all those diseases in which pain is the prominent characteristic, that the most scep- tical can no longer (Inubt its superiority to all other pain relieving agents. Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevantor sold by dmggistu, “I rettirn you" 'inf'Bé‘ï¬Wtï¬â€˜ankSToi‘ your respecrful Address, and have no doubt, but that yuur deliberations and exertions mll cï¬lvctunlly promote the hapo piness and pruspcri‘y of his Majesty's bfubjects in this Province.†1D 6th February, 1806. His Honor the President, was pleased t9 returnrthe following Answer to the We feel more tlHn ordinary pleasure in your Cox-'municatim of his Majesty’s lute Naval Vicfm'y‘ 21nd 1l)rm;:la we may much regret. the full of the illustrious Nelson in that Aciion, yet we cannot 1204 Frzliu from expressing: in our sensations of' joy zâ€"Muy our Navy be permanent and its successes perpetual†(Signed) ALEXANDER MACDONELL, Speaker. (1 1‘ .. . WONDERS wi‘ll ne‘vm (""‘Nl’ wonder is. Illesuowh~ x: em Curzuivu iu umi- ,' foot. Corns \‘Ulliair‘ I grown}: nmés us this Ct‘iehrmml. . rembdy. 'l‘hw w as diwwttld uli in Try it and .5113? rims and ('lez. We shall with Achecrf'ul assiduity de‘ vote our attention to the Public Accounts, and shall f'cel ourselves happy in submit- ting to you such observations as may be deemed essential either in the retrenchâ€" ment of' the expenditure of the public monies, 01' in devising the means of a more necessary :Ipplication of' them. Commons House of Assemby We derive much pleasure from being informed that the Act of the last Session of this Parliament “for affording relief to those persons who may be entitled to claim lands in this Province as Heirs or Devrsees of the Nominees of' the Crown, in cases where no Patent hath issued for such Lands.†will. in its operation,pr0ve a salutary Law -, as we fell impressed with the pn'lliclpie, that the protection of the Subject and the security 01' his Pre- perty, ought to be legibly evinced in every act of legislation in which a regard to our happy Constitution can ï¬nd either ascendancy or suv port.» l‘ogntii/e of the Representative ofua gm. cious and benevolent Sovereign ; but we chm‘ish the fond hope, that you, in your relation to Mujusty, and from your ex- perience in the public Concerns of this Country, will, in the Administration of the Government of ii, preserve unsullied t} 1' important trust. VVo affect not to describe to you the career in which disinterested virtue may display itself} in exercising the high pre- “ \Ve his Majesty’s dutiful and loyal Subjects the Commons of' Upper Canada in Parliament assembled, beg leave to present to you our gratulations on your accession to the Administration of the Government of this Province.- To the Honorable Alexander Grant Esquire, President. Administering the Government cf the Province :17" Upper Canada, (to. May it please your Honor, WHOLE N 0. 589. (mxw‘nxmcrx‘) , and the latest J. Bri‘ ’Mod- iimmxm of the -’}iszxype:1r, in- '}~3'-,i:, by using m7 Lonaï¬de ' henused ceases. ldrug: . Dr. ‘ :zclical (Lumdn.