Consisting in part of Fine Fresh Young Hyson, Tens; Pure Ground Coffees and Spices ; Mnscovado and Reï¬ned Sugars; New Fruits mom of Groceries. And are highly esteemed by the Medical them from us or direct from the Vineyard. anteemed for Sactamemal purposes. PREMISES LA TELY OCCUPIED GROCERIES, WINES Pure imported Sherry, Burgundy and Port Omd’a, Dupey &. Co’s, Jule’s, Robin, A. & F. Ion 65 Co’s Genuine Brandies. PREPARED GLYCERINE ! Stow'nrt and Sherriï¬â€˜ ’s Scotch Whiskey, ker’a, Gooderhum, Thomas & Rae's Malt. and Booth’s, London’s, Old Tom and Dekoyper'a I hereby appoint Messrs. Barnard, Spry dz, Liquors made and produced by the Canada of Toronto, under and by virtue of the power NO HOUSE SHOULD BE WITHOUT l'I‘ CHAPPED HANDS I T I C K DESTROYER ! FARMER’S SHOULDUSE PROMOTES TH]: GROWTH OF THE WOOL, THE PURE AND UNA BRINGS ADDITIONAL TESTIMONY! No Fnocx-MAsnn Sold everywhere, in boxes at 35 eta, 70 cts, 9nd $1410. A 35 ct box will clean 20 sheep and 35 lambs. A large business has been done during the past summer,which can be greatly exceeded in _a warmer one. October 28, 1869. September 8, 1869. Richmond Hill, 09!. 14, 1869. Valuable Business for Sale. THOROUGH EFFEC TIVENESS. & R.,H. HALL OFFER FOR SALE CANADA VINE GRO HOWEVER ROUGH 0R SORE, IT DESTROYS THE TICKS'. THE CONDITION or Tn: ANIMAL. their Stock in the SODA WATER BUSINESS. A CALL IS EARNESTLY AND At this season of the your. BABNARD, it will make the hands FOR SHEEP. SMOOTH AND SOFT. 135 Yonge Street Toronto, with USE MILLEB’S ' HUGH MILLER & 00., Chemisy, Jamaica and Demerara Rum. And improves CANADIAN MILLER’S EVERY DAY OF IT! Snoun ml: Wrraou'r IT. Beg to inforn‘n the Public AS CHEAP AS ANY M] BRAN WHIS Note the addross, THE WINES WIN Which they Tbkono. 5834f Of this as 5374f 589 0F that they have opened the a. large and select assortment of will all Japan. Gunpowder, Souchong and Congo Splendid Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos; in Currants and Raisins, with; general assort- Wines . DIES: Kennahan & Dunvillo’s Irish Whiskey. Wal- Old Rye Whiskies, THE HOUSE IN THE TRADE. KIES: RESPEOTFULL Y S OLI C'I TED. Martoll’s. Hounessey'a and Pennette'a, Castil- (30.. Agents for the Sale of the Wine: and Vine Growers' Association. in and for the City obtained in the Charter of said Association. sociation are D UL TERA TED J U1 0E Holland Gin‘. WERS’ ASSOCIATION. Faculty; and parties purchasing can procure Owing to their purity the Wines are highly BY MESSRS- SHAW 4- GAMPBELL, AND BRANDI ES . ' ï¬Ã©togiï¬phy. TO ANY YOUNG MAN DESIROUS of engaging in pl: 695; angiyroï¬tablp of engaging in an easy and promablo business and has a small capital at his control. will ï¬nd it to his advantage to call on the un- dersigned immediately as he oï¬'ers for sale his entire stock, Pholographic apparatus. and everything appertaining thereto. as he talks of leaving the country. The subscriber will stop long enough to give any one wishing to buy him out instruction in the art gratis. Proceeds from the gallery average about $600 per year. A. M. HOOD. U tho subscriber. rear of Lot 42 lst Con. Vaughan, about the 20th September last,a large pig. The owner is requested l0 pron property pay expenses and take it avay. W. H. LAWRENCE. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 1‘ scriber. Richmond Hill, the 5th inst, A Dalk Bay Colt, 3 years old. with a. white at“ on its face. Any person giving Information as to its whereabouts. or returning the lame 10 the undersigned will be suitably rewarded. P. PHILLIPS. Richmond Hill, Oct. 14, 1869, 587-3 Strayed ROM THE PREMISES OF THE SUB- scriber. Richmond Hill. the 5th inst. A Two Beautiful Farms for Sale. 1 UU 0F VVES‘I‘ WILLIAMS, 7 Of which 70 acres are clear of Stumps, with a good frame barn and hewed log- house. and a good bearing orchard-within 6 miles from the flourishing Village of Parkhill. IN nu: TOWNSHIP or Wns'r MCGILLIVRAY, 45 acres of which are clear. with a good frame barn and hewed log house, a good bearing 01'- chard, only two miles from Parkhill Station. TERMS EASY. For further particulars apply to ' JOHN HARRISON. Parkhill P. 0., 032. September 23m, 1869, 286-4 100 BARNARD, SBRY & C0. 135 Yonge Street. Next. Door to Best’s Bay Horse Hotel I Tonono, GRAPE! Richmond Hill, Oct. 21. 1869. Vaughan. Oct. 21. 1869. Apply [prepaid] to October 13. 1869. AND LIQUOLD TATIONERY AME INTO THE PREMISES OF Seylembor 231b, 1869, ,N APPROVED FARM PROPERTY, for a term of years, at 8_p°l‘ cont. Interest. One Thousand Dollars to Lend. Cooksvillo. 22nd October, 1869. SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE ACRES IN THE TOWNSHIP S. WHITE. Pnormmon. OF ALL KINDS AT THE J. GREGORY, 78 King Street End. . 1869. 587 Tonon'ro. ALSO 50 ACRES Astray. HERALD BOOK STORE. flERALD BOOIK STORE- THE YORK HERALD,» RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1869. TO THE PUBLIC! POSITIVELY IS SELLING OFF GIVING UP BUSINESS! ABOUT 84,000 WORTH ! DRY GOODS, AT AND UNDER COST. DUE H. NEWTON, SETTLED FORTHWITH! Elfin mm. cat. as, 1359. And Ides vi“ be and. for (Sub only. HIS_ENTIRE STOCK. ARE REQUESTED TO BE H. NEWTON ALL ACCOUNTS GROCERIES, comm!" or HENRY NEWTON. HARDWARE, 5324f FRESH GROCERIES, DRESS GOODS, FAN CY WOOLEN GOODS, GAMES, TOYS, 8m CARPETS, BLANKETS, HOME-MADE FLANNEL HARDWARE, CROCKERY, JOB PRINTING NEW FALL GOODS, OVERGOATS, POCKET BOOKS MILLINERY, SCOTCH & GALLAW PLAIDS MAGAZINES, PAPERS, 8w. READY-MADE CLOTHING, SCHOOL REQUISITES TRIMMINGS, A Splendid lot of the above, which will be sold Cheap. W. ATKINSON. Bichmopd Hill, Oct. 14,1869. 597 WHITEFISH AND TROUT. $011 THE CRANIUM, Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. 1869. Richmond Hm, Sep. 30. 1869. W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, 1869. 585 . w. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. 535 Richmond Hill, Soy. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Sop. 39, 1869k 585 W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, 1869. 585 Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1869. Richmond Ell]. Sep. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. 1869. W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. Sop. 30, 1869, ' 585 Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. 1869. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. Richmond Hill, Sep. 39, l869. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. 1869. LMONTE TWEEDS, Noted for Wear. CGOUNTS .REY COTTONS, ,AoEs, TATTING, Done N eat and Quick at the_ Herald Ofï¬ce. w. ATKINSOF‘} chmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. 585 Comprising all that is Chute & Elegant. To which particular attention in directed. W. ATKINSON. A niece assortment to chooae from. W. ATKINSON. The Cheap est North of Toronto. W. ATKINSON. Rendered Oct. lst and April 15!. W. ATKINSON. In endless Variety and Styles. W. ATKIN SON , An Excellent Assortme; In Coats. Pants, Vesta. 850. W. ATKINSON. Stands on its own Merit. Glassware.“ I IN A splendid Assortment. That may be relied on. A Large Assortment. OF ALL KINDS. AT THE OF ALL KINDS AT THE Cheaper than pver, A full Assortment. A nice Assortment. FOR SALE AT Till Hats and Caps. wrnmu AT mt HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD xBOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. ’W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. 585 585 585 585 585 585 5.85 585 585 585 THE NEWEST AND MOST ELE- “A Qua-" -r â€" READY-MADE CLOTHING, 0f the Newest Styles and most Durable Fab- rics in THE PRETTIEST AND CHEAP- EST DRESS GOODS ' WHICH WILL BE SOLD AS Cnnu as auv house north of Tommi). SPLENDID WINCEYS, CANADIAN WOOL TWEEDS AND FULL 0L 0 TH-S, VERY PRETTY FANCY WOOL CLOUDS, BLANKETS, MEN’S AND BOY’S HA'i‘S AND CAPS. ‘4 mum's GLOVES, Hosn. Socxs, AND FANCY Tues, E91" Variejx._Xalue or Styles. can’t be beat on Richmond 'HHI. IN FRESH (TEAS, Tomccos AND GENERAL Gnocnnmsf I am not to be surpassed in Quality, or under sold in price. G. A. BARNARD, THE LARGEST AND BEST AS- ...“uwuflu -t TOOTH, NAIL, CLOTH, SHOE, 0......kkinu Dun“:ainr Rnuln Q4“..- “nu... SCOTCH FINGERING YARNS. AND CANADIAN WOOLEN YARNS ‘ In all the Choice Colors of the best quality. at G. A. BARNARD’S, ’ WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS & 011.3. To be had north of Toronto and at Toronto Prices. is at GENT’S J‘ Scrubbihg.Baunis'ter. Bottle. Stbve.White: wash. Paint and Varnish I have of the best brands and as good Value :5 any house in the Dominion. WINES AND LIQUORS CAST STEEL CHOPPING AXES! 011 Richmond Hill. at ‘ gant Styles of Bantu“ SHAWLS, Murrmms AND FANCY WOOL Goons, At. 30 etc and upwards. at G, A. BARNARD'S, The 1393! value on Richmond Hill, at G. A. BARNARD’S, PLAIN AND chy anums. Ann REGETTA Sana-mo, A large Assortment. at In the New Styles, 3 Splendid Variety. at UNDER dz. OVER Cone. PANTS &. VESTB. PAPER COLLARS, CUFFS & SHIRT FRONTS. In all the New Styles. very Cheap. in G. A. BARNARD’S SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ‘TOVE PIPES, VINEGAR AND CIDER BA RRELS, From 50 cents each, at G. A. BARNARVD’S, A IADIES’,‘ GENTS’ AND CHIL- C. BOEKS. TORONTO. October 7, 1869. To be had at LARGE NEW AND SELECT PPLE BARRELS Pram 10 on per yd. and upwuds. at G. A. BARNARD’S, SHEET ch, AT Broad, Simmonds, Dates and Burrill’s BEST SELECT ASSORTMENT OF sortment of Anonmem of CHEAP as any house north oi! Tommi). A LARGE 'AsaoRiMENT ! Mum TO ORDER BY G. A. BARNARD’S, G. A. BARNA RD’S, G. A. BARNARD’S, G. A. BARNARD’S, G. A. BARN ARD’S G. A. BARNARD’S, G. A. BARNARD’S, G. A. BARNARD’S. G, A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNA RD. G. A. BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill, 12; cents each. G. A. BARNARD, BR USHES, Srovn Wm. AND G. A. WmNARD. Richmond Hill. FOB. AT AT Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hi1). Richmond Hill . Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Rio mond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hi“, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill. Richmo‘nd Hill 5864! FALL AND WINTER GOODS FIRE PROOF STORE ! GROCERIES, HARDWARE, NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS .“xx 7"“- ,< FOR SALEWO, WEST SIDE of Yomze Striath [ht THE 20TH Du or NOVEMBER, Now next insuing, Persons having claims against the estate will please send in detailed accgunts, in order that they may be settled as soon as possible. and the aï¬â€˜airs of the estate closed. LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE Ealate of the late David Bridgford of Richmond Hill, are hereby requested to call on the undersigned, at Richmond Hill, and pay the same on or before The premises are well watered, There are 160 acres cleared. the remainder is well wooded with hardwood. There is a large two-storey Frame Dwelling, also three Barns and other outbuifdings, and an‘, excellant Orchard of bearing fruit trees. This is one of the best farms on Yonge SL, (a macadamised road) and is 28 miles from Toronto, and about midway between Newmar- hat and Aurora stations on the Northern R.R.. both of which are good Grain Markets, Grammar and other Schools. Flour and Saw Mill: within short distances, also a Cheese Factory within 39 rods of Farm. II. the west, 35 acres of which are cleared, having 3 Frame Barn. also some valuable pine timber. ' This property will be sold together or sepa- rately on efisy‘ lerms o_f payfngllt,_ _ Fdr particlilars apply in 'A. Boï¬ltbee. Esq. or to the subscriber on the premises, N. ALLAN GAMBLE, Sep. 30. 1869. Nawmarket P.O. Hill Post Uflice. Anderson, Geo. Beynon, John Curran, Thos. Cosgrove. Bernard Cosgxove, Ellen Doner, Emanuel Grey. John Hodger, William Jenning,Jolm Kerswell, Mrs. C. Lambert, Robe rt Longhurst, James. BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY CONCERTINAS, COLLARS AND CUFFS FANCY GOODS N. B. Accounts rendered Isl October. Richmond Hill, Sept. 30 1869. A LARGE AND VARIED Richmond Hill. Oct. 20, 1869. V of Yonge'Su-ebhglï¬v 'w Towxsmp or . KING. I County of York. , CONTAINING 210 ACRES. Executor’s Notice; AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN‘ LSO 100 ACRES ADJOINING 0N KEPT CONSTANTLY List of Letters EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND LBUMS ! ALBUMS I I DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES, For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts., at the HERALD BOOK STORE. FALL AND HUNTER TRADE. The Subscriber has now in s‘ock (RICHMOND HILL BRANCH) AT THE WITH SELF ISNSTRUCTOR, AT THE DAVID anaronn’s ESTATE. THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE Farms for Sale. FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE [Signed] P. CROSBY. PRICE $65 PER Acme. ASSORTMENT OF PRICE $35 PER Axum. SUITABLE FOR THE A LARGE STOCK 0P &c. &c. &c. 0N HAND. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE‘ New HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOQK STORE. AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. ISAAC CROSBY. lst chq 1869 :â€" Martin, Jesse McPhorson, Timothy McQueen, Alex. Pothuard, W. Rumble, John Reynolds, James Smith. A. W‘ Shuter. James g? Sheppard, C. E. Siver, R, Trench. W. M. TEEFY, P.M. Executor. 588 = subscxiber artist: Wish- REFERIENCEs.â€"-Thef0]lowinggendemencaq, with conï¬dence,recommeud G. Hr Husband,to all requiring Dental aid : Dr Reid, Thornhili; Dr. Bull. Weston; Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwick; Dr. Corson, Brampton. RESIDENCE.â€"-Thorllhi“, Thornhill September 17. 1868. 1y To those who have favored him with their pntronagein the past he returns his silicei‘o thanks, and to those who my do so in the fu- ture, he would say that no endeavor on his part will be wanting to meet their approval. THE 151‘ DA! or NOVEMBER. Now next insuing. Persons having claims- aguinst the estate will please send in detailed accounts. in order that they may be settled as. soon as possible. and the affairs of the 'estlte. closed. ’ (Signed) JOHN HART . ' ROBERT ROBINSON: Emmaâ€- G. H. H., having had over ELEVEN YEARS" PRACTICE, feels conï¬dent of giving entire satin faction. - 11. Estate of the late Wallis Biggins, of Richmond Hill. are hereby requesiod to cull on the undersigned, at Richmond Hill. and pay» the same on or before U fully to.anneunce that he will be at. Unionville, . . .lst Monday ofeach month. Weston . . . . . .9th day " Klineburg. . . .lSth “ Burwick . . . . . 22nd “ Scarboro’. . . .23rd ' " Where he wille prepared and mosthuppy to. wait on those who may raquire his services, PLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR SALE County of York. Township of Markham. lot 56. ï¬rst concession, fronting on Yonge St-, l8 miles from Toronto, 2:} miles from Rich- mond Hill. Soil, Clay Loam. 118§ Acre. 110 cleared. New Brick House, 28 x 3B; Cellar, full size; Back Kitchen,26 x 26. Frame Barn and Stables. 2 wells and a living stream of water across the lot. School House within forty rods; Church, one mile; Saw Mill, half“ mile; Grist Mill. three miles. TITLE INDISPU- TABLE. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. Hy; JAS. HODGONSK BOWMAN’S MILLS, ERIST MILL & WGDLEN PAETURY. The subscriber, having purchased the above Mills and ï¬tted them up in a superior manner, begs leava to intimate to the inhabitants of' Markham and surrounding townships that he is now prepared [0 do CARDING, SPINNING ! Having added to the Carding Machines, 77â€"-«7 3-." v.7 w l'xopes to give good 'sails action. Pal-glen Wish- ing to have their wool manufacturedr from the fleece can have it made into any kind of Cloth or Flannel. IVEAVING, DYEING, Cloth Dressing. é-cu and Gristing in a Superior Manner. And at Reasonable Prices. Exchange. Parties coming from a distance can have their wool carded and gf‘ists ground while waiting. The services of James Bowman, Esq., and Joseph Cook. Esq.. (who are well known as ï¬rst-class workmen.) having been secured, the subscriber feels conï¬dent in stating to the public that satisfaction) will be Ewen. SUCCESSOR T0 JAMES HOLLIDAY, BUTCHER, 2nd door north of G. A. Barnards store. Rickmond Hill. keeps always on build the best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pink, sausages, &c, and sells at the lowestprices. *ï¬ All work warranted to give ganaral m- tisfaotion. * H. A. DAVID- Richmond Hill, June 23. 1869. 570-†The highest marketprice given for Cattle. Sheep, Lambs. &c. THE MORNING PAPERS 0F TORONTO: NW" Leader, Can be had at the Post-oflice, for 10 curs A l to inform the {xliigï¬itallts of Richmond Hill and surrounding cnuntry, that he has com- menced business as In the shop formerly occupied by Mt. John Hutchins ' Also. Corned and Spiced Beef, Smokedand Dried Hams. WILLIAM COX. .1. ENCE between T. J, M., the Rev. JOHN BREDIN and others, (in the. York HERALD during the months of July, August and Sep. tember, F4154}, I< .matly printed in pamphlet form, and ‘u m-m a puwal. _ H0 USE, SIGN AND Ornamental Painter ! HE POLEMICAL CORRESPOND- ENCE between T. J, M., the Rev. JOHN $1,000 Reward. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE to inform the inhabitants of Richmond PRICE 15 CENTS. For sale at tho HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hill; BANNER Ofï¬ce, Aurora ; H. Wilson’s Fancy Store, Markham ; Wesleyan Book Room. A. S. Irving’s and SheWan’s, Torontg, ‘~ Richmond Hill, 7t hOct. 1869. NEVW BURRING MACHIMS, Almira, May 19, 1869. Executors’ Notice. May 14, 1869. Richmond Hill, October 15. 1867. ‘ENTIST, BEGS _MO_ST RESPECT- LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE YMN AND PRAYER BOOKS Telegraph, YARN DYED IN ANY COLOR. G. H. HUSBAND, LDAS. Cash for Wool or Glth Given in To ControVersialists. WALLIS mecms’ ESTATE. WILLIAM COX, FOR SALE AT THE Apply to ALMIRA. W. SPOFFORD, JR.. Prapmtor. . 1869. 565-“ HERALD BOOK STORE. Globe, M. TEEFY, Richmond Hill; 564-“. Executors. 586-4