A Splendid lot of the above, which gold Cheap. POCKET BOOKS READY-MADE CLOTHING: SCHOOL REQUISITES EW FALL GOODS, TRIMMINGS, OVERCOATS, MAGAZINES, PAPE RS, &c. SCOTCH & GALLAW PLAIDS MILLINERY, ‘VHITEFISH AND TROUT. JOB PRINTING HOME-MADE FLANNEL GAMES, TOYS, &c., FRESH GROCERIES, FANCY WOOLEN GOODS, DRESS GOODS, w. ATKINSON. guchmond Hill. 0a. 14. 18.09. 567 Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1369 CARPETS, W. AffKINSON. Richmond Hill. Sep. 39. 1369. 585 Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. 1869‘ Richmond Hull. Sep. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. Richmond Hill. Sop. 30. 1869. W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hi". Sep. 30, 1569, 585 Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1869. ‘4‘ OR THE URANIUM, Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, 1869. W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. 585 Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. 186:), Richmond Hill. Sop. 30,1869. iACES, TATTING, Done Neat and Quick at the Herald Ofï¬ce. Comprising all that is Chasm &. Elegant. REY COTTONS, LLANKETS, CCOUNTS LMONTE TWEEDS, To which particular attention is directed. W. ATKINSON. chmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. 585 A niece assortment 10 choose from. In endless Variety and Styles- W. ATKINSON, The Cheapest North of Toronto. W. ATKINSON. 1n Coats. Pants, Vests, &c. W. ATKINSON. Rendered Oct. 1st and April lat. W. ATKINSON. TDWARE, CROCKERY, An Excellent Assortment. Stands on its own Merit. A splendid Assortment. That may be relied on. Glassware. Lamps, 6w. A Large Assortment on ALL xmns, A1' {a}; OF ALL KINDS AT THE A nice Assortmoxg. sun-mum AT 'I'HI Chanper than ever, A full Assortment. FOR SALE AT THE H nts and Caps. HERALD BOOK STORE _HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD 300:5 STORE. Noted for Wear. HERALD BOOK STORE. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. will be 585 585 J 85 585 585 585 565 585 585. 585 585 ‘4 mum 's GLOVES. Hosm. Socxa, AND F ANCY TIES, For Variety. Value or Styles. can’t be but on Richmond Hill. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill. MEN’S AND BQY’S HATS AND CAPS. In tho New Styles, 3 Splendid Variety, at G. A. BARNAngS, BLANKETS, CANADIAN WOOL TWEE DS AND F UL L 0L 0 T HS, THE NEWEST AND MOST ELE- _____L 0.,J n THE PRETTIEST AND CHEAP- EST DRESS GOODS VERY PRETTY FANCY WOOL CLOUDS, 0f the Newest Styles and most Durable Fab- rics in WHICH WILL BE SOLD A Cnvnv an nnv hmm- “mm "r 'I‘........ And Ire highly esteemed by lhe Medical them from us or direct from the Vineyard. esteemed for Sacramental purposes. Booth’s, London’s. Old Tom and Dekoyper’a I hereby appoint Messrs. B'nrnnrd. Spry & Liquors made and pxoduced by the Canada of Toronto. under and by virtue of zhu Power Stewart and Sherriï¬â€™a Scotch Whiskey. ker’a, Goodarham. Thomas 6L Rae’s Mal: and Card's, Dupey 6t. Co’s. Jule’s. Robin, A. 6:. F‘ Ion &. Co's Genuine Brandies. Pure imported Sherry, Burgundy and Port THE PURE AND UNA Consisting in part of Fine Fresh Young Hyson, Tens ; Pure Ground Coffees and Spices ; Muscovado and Reï¬ned Sugars ; New Fruits mom of Groceries. A large Assortmeu, u as. A- BARNAng-‘S. At 30 chi and upwards. at G. A. BARNARD'S. The best value on Richmond Hill, at G. A. BARNAflD'S, GROCERIES, WINES PREMISES LA TELY OCCUPIED On Richmond Hill. at 'gnnt Styles of BREKFLSTSKAWLS, Murrums AND FANCY W001. Goons, October 28. 1869. 'ADIES’, GENTS’ AND CHIL‘ UNDIRGL OVER Cons, PANTS &. VESTs, IPLENDID WINCEYS, - Assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AT G. A. BARN ARD’S To be had at From 1Q on per yd. and upwards. at G. A. BARNARD’S, LARGE SELECT ASSORTMENT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, Run! 4m: FANCY FLANNELS. nu) Exam“ Samrmc, CANADA VINE GRO CHEAP as any house nonth 'of Toroiitg A CALL IS EARNESTLYAND G. A. BARNAIED'S, BARNARD, G. A. BARNABDfS, G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD’S. 135 Yongo Street Toronto, with Jamaica and Domerara Rum. NEW CANADIAN Beg to inform the Public AS CHEAP AS ANY AND SELECT Richmnd Hill. Richniond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richniond Hi“. Richmond Hill. Richmoan Hill Richmond H ill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Note the address, BRAN WHIS THE WINES mond Hill. WIN Which they Of this as THE YORK HERALD; RICHMOND OM; FRIDAY} NOVEMBER 5, 1869. 589 0F TOOTH, NAIL! 099171}, SE03 c‘_A_LL2_ A n, "' Scrubbihg. Bannisiter. Bomb. 33;»; wush. Rain! and Varnish GENT’S THE LARGEST AND BEST AS- sorlmont of I have of the best brands and as good Value :5 any house in the Dominion. SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. Wmuow Gums, PAINT! 6; 011.3. Tobe had north of Toronto and a! Toronto Prices. is at Tomccos AND Gunman. Gnucnmu, I am not to be surpassed in Quality, or under- sold in price. G. A. BARNARD, WINES AND LIQUORS IN FRESH TEAS, qunmo Yuan. AND CANADIAN WODLEN YARN- In all the Choice Colors of the best quality. t! G. A. BARNARD’S, THE RESPECTFULL Y S OLIC’I TED. SCOTCH Faculty; and parties purchasing can procure Owing to their purity the Wines are highly sociation are D UL TERA TED JUICE (20.. Agents for the Stile of tho Wines and Vine Growers’ Association. in and for the City obtained m the Charter of said Aslocintions AND BRANDIES CAST STEEL CHOPPING AXES! October 7, 1869. WERS’ ASSOCIATION. Kennnhnn &, Dunvillo’s Irish, Whiskey. Wal- Old Rye Whiskies, Holland Gin; KIES: DIES: Martell’a. Hennessey's and Pennetto's, Castil- PAPER COLLARS. CUFFS & SHIRT FRONTS. In all the New Styles. very Cheap. at G, A. BARNARD’S Wines . anan. Gunpowder. Souchong and Congo Splendid Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos; in Currants and Raisins. with a general assort- will sell HOUSE IN THE TRADE. 12; cents each. VINEGAR AND CIDER BARRELS‘ From 50 cents each, at ‘ ’G. A. BARNARD’S. a large and select assortment of BY MESSRS- SHAW 4. UAMPBELL that! they hue opened the BARNARD, SPRY & CO. ‘TOVE PIPES, PPLE BARRELS XEs, SHEET ch. AT A LARGE Assonumm' 2 rum; 1'0 ORDER 3! E, BOEKS. TORONTO, FOR G. A. BABNARD, Broad, Simmonds, Dates and Burrill's ans-r AND LIQUORS! Cooksville. 92nd October, 1869. 135 Yonge Street. Next Door to Best’s Bay Home Hotel Tones-m. G. A. BARNARD‘S, G. A. BARNARD’S. G. A. BARNARD’S, S. WHITE. Pnornm'ron. G. A. BARNA RD, BR USHES, STOVE Wmn, um Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richï¬umd Hill. ‘ Richmond Hill. Richmond Hm, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hi1}. RichmEnd Hill. sea-u .Wizile- SETTLE!) FORTHWITH! DUE H. NEWTON, AT AND UNDER COST. DRY GOODS, ABOUT 34‘000 WORTHi this In)... 0.1. :9, mo. IS SELLING OFF GIVING UP BUSINESS! POSITIVELY TO THE PUBLIC! And nlel will b0 Ind. for Cal: only. HIS ENTIRE STOCK, ARE REQUESTED TO BE ALL 11000 UN TS 1.3. NEWTO. GROCERIES, doc. be. M. barium. qr HEN RY NEWTON. HARDWARE, 583-“ IN THE Towxsmr or WEST MchLuvnu, 45 acres of which are clear. with a good frame barn and hewed log house, a good bearing 01'- chard, only two miles from Parkhill Station. For further particulars apply to JOHN HARRISON, Parkhil‘l P.0. , Ont. 1 UV OF WEST VV’ILLIAMS. Of which 70 acres are clear of Stumps, with a good frame barn and hewod log house. and a good bearing orchard-within 6 miles from the flourishing Village of Parkhill. THE 20TH Du or NOVEMBER, Now next insuing. Persons having claims againstthe estate will please send in detailed accounts, in order that they may be settled as soon as possible. and the affairs of the estate closed. Two Beautiful Farms for Sale. LL PERSONS VIVA Estate of the :‘Me L Richmond Hill, are hereby req the undersigned. at Richmom. the same on or before 100 A large business has past summer.which r a warmer one. Sold everywhere, in boxes at 35 me, 70 cts, and $1-OU. A 35 oz box will clean 20 sheep and 35 lambs. No FLOCX-MASTER BRINGS ADDITIONAL TESTIMONY! noxious THE GROWTH OF THE WOOL, And improves TEE CONDITION or "in ANIMAL. T I C K DESTROYER ! FARMER’S SHOULD USE NO HOUSE SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT When you visit Toronto be sure and get a Pot at HUGH MILLGR & Co's, Septamber 23m, 1369, PREPARED GLYCERINE ! CHAPPED HANDS ! , 7 _____._.. - ._.....-.., w..- .. Wm. a. mu ,uma mw. ulu um. um“. A magniï¬cent Stock of Grey, White, Black and Fancy Cloids and Woolen Goods, Very Cheap. 8001(3) and Canadian Tweeds, a. very large Stock, cut lengths to Merchant Tailors at Whole- sale ricos. U. Every Department is now fully'lbéérled. All Goods murked in Plain Figures, The loï¬ui price asked at. ï¬rst. 5904f. From 9.25. to $6 the full Dress; much under regular prices. Scotch Clan antans. all the leading patterns in Plaid Goods and Shawls. \he largest and cheapest Stock in the City. CANADIAN anxms. Welch Saxony and Medium Flannels. First-class Value. Canadian Flannels and Wogliu Shillings) two_ )[qrdg wide. llxejest make. A ...A_..:c,_... ,l Richmond Hill, Oct. 20, 1869. Respectfullv invites the attention of his friends and the Public generally York and Pool. to the following Specalitios, now in Stork, Richmond Hm, C SCOTCH CLAN TARTAN WAREHOUSE September 8, 1869. Executoi Valuable Business for S9 October 28. 1869. b R. H. HALL OFFER H their Stock in the THOROUGH EFFECTIVENESS. IT DESTROYS THE TICKS. SODA WATER NEW, PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS! nownvnn ROUGH on son, ACRES IN THE TOWNSHIP DAVID mung TERMB EASY. At this season of the year, [Signed] P. CROSB Y. ALSO 50 ACRES It will make the hands FOR SHEEP. HUGH MILLER & 00., Chemists. SMOOTH AND SOFT. USE MILLER’S EVERY DAY MILLER’S MEDICAL 167 King St. East, 103 KING gran“. CORNER or CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. ’or rrs SHOLLD m: WITHOUT IT. Executor. 586 TORONTO. 583-1“ HALL, Toronto. 589' tf MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FANCY GOODS COLLARS AND CUFFS BIBLE SOCIETY DE POSITORY CONCE RTINAS, J- of engaging in an easy and proï¬table business and has a small capital at his control. will ï¬nd it to his advantage to call on the un- dersigned immediately as he offers for sale his entire stock, Photographic apparatus. and everything appertaining thereta. as he talks of leaving the countiy. The subscriber will stop long enough to give "' ' ‘ wishing to buy him out instruction in GROCER‘IES, HARDWARE, NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS FIRE PROOF STORE ! FALL AND WINTER GOODS Richmond Hill, Sept. 30 1869. N. B. Accounts rendered lst October. LBUMS! ALBUMS ! I A LARGE AND VARIED KEPT CONSTANTLY (monuono Hm. BRANCH) AT THE .SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE FALL AND TVINTER TRADE. WITH SELF ISNSTRUCTOR, AT THE Photography ANY YOUNG MAN DESIROUS THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE The Subscriber ha‘é now in Stock CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE ASSORTMENT OF SUITABLE FOR THE A LARGE STOCK 01' IE PREMISES 0F ear of Lot 42 lst Con. 20th September last, a net is requested to prove 'ses and take it away. W. H. LAWRENCE. ‘t. 21. 1869. 288-4 HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. 6w. 51.0. &c. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE; 0N HAND. '110 \gallery average about New AT THE ISAAC CROSBY. ray. A. m. HOOD. . 1869. sea-w ‘. in the Counties of 585 x" All work warranted to gin general sa- tisfaction. In the shop formerly occupied by Hutchins HOUSE, SIGN AND Ornamental Painter I l. to inform the inhabith. Hill and surrounding cmnmy. thm menced business as HE UN DERSIGNB. to inform the inhah HYMN AND PEA/J‘s"? :T’i .; " The highest marketprice given for Can Sheep. Lambs. &c. D BUTCHER,2nd door north of G. A. Bamam store, Rickmund Hill. keeps always on [w v the best of Beef, Mullen. Lamb. Veal, Pi Sausages. &.c. and sells at the lowestprl Can be had at the Post-ofï¬ce, {or 10 can: 1; WEEK. - The serViCes of James Bowman. Esq., and Joseph Cook. Esq., (who are well known as ï¬rst-class worknmu.) having been gecured, the subscriber feels conï¬dent in stating to the‘ public that satisfaction will be ngen. THE MORNING PAPERS Parties coming from a distance can hava their wool carded and grisls ground while waning. Exchange. And made all necessary repairs. the subscriber hopes (0 give good satisfaction. Parties wish- ing to have their wool manufactured from ihe fleece can have it made into any kind of Cloth or Flannel. Having added tq the Carding Machines, Cloth Dressing. &c., and Gristing in 9, Superior Manner. And at Reasonable Prices. Richmond Hill. June 23, 1869. 570-†BOWMAN’S MILLS, ALMIRA. ERIST MILL s. Winn mmnv. The subscriber, having purcmmed the above~ Mills and ï¬tted them up In a superior mannerl begs leave to intimate to the inhabitants of Markham and surrounding townships that he is now prepared to do CARDIN Gr, SPINNING ! To those who have favol‘ed him with Litelr palronagein the past he returns! his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in the fu- ture. he would say that no endeavoron his part will be wanting to meet their approval. Knummcns.â€"â€"'I‘hefollowinggentiemencan, with conï¬dence,recommend G. 11 Husband, to all requiring Dental aid: Dr Reid,ThornhiH; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwick; Dr. Carson, Brampton. REleENcE.â€"Thornhill. Thornhill September 17. 1868. 1y U fully to'unneunce that he will be at Unionville. . . . lst Monday oi'each month. Weston .. . . . .9th day " Klineburg‘ . ; .lï¬th “ Burwick.....‘22nd “ Scarboro". . . .23rd ‘5 Where’ ho wille prepared and wait anthose who may require 1: G. H. H.. having had over EL; PRACTICE. feels Conï¬demofgivhsgj faction. Fdr particï¬lars applv lto iAigBoultbee. Esq. 01" to the subscriber on the premises, ' This property will be sold together or sepa'; rately on easy terms'qf payment._ _ May 14, 18694 [1. the west. 35 acres of which are cleared. having :1 Frame Barn, also some valuabb pine timber. This is one of the besl (arms on Yongo St., (a macadamised road) and is 28 miles from Toronto, and about midway between Newmar- ket and Aurora stations on the Norlhnrn R.R.. both of which urn good Grain Markets. Grammar and other Schools, Flour and Saw Mills within short distances, also a Chen-0 Factory within 39 rods of Farm. Almira, May 19, 1869. The premises are well watered. Tllex‘o [mg 160 acres cleared. the remainder is well wooded with hardwood. There is a large two-slorey Frame Dwelling. also three Burns and other outbuildings. and an? excollaut Orchard of bearing fruit trees. WILLIAM 003:, UCCESSOR TO JAMES HOLLIDAY NEW BURRING MACHINES; OR SALE, LOT N0. 90, WEST SIDE 6f Yonue Slraat. in the Sep. 30, 1869 Telegraph, 6f Yonge' Street. in the I TOWNSHIP OF KING, County of York, CONTAINING 210 ACRES, J for a term of years, 818 per cent. lntorerst" Apply [pl-amid} to October 13'. 1869'. ENTIST, BEGS MOST RESPECT. WEAV'ING, DYEING, YARN DYED IN ANY COLOR. LSO 100 ACRES ADJUINING UN One Thousand Dollars to Lend. }N BAPPROVRED FARRM PROPERTY, G. H. HUSBAND, L-D-Sa Cash for Wool or Cloth Given in' $1,000 B 2 FOR SAL} AT THE Farms for Sales PRICE $35 PER Azure. PRICE $35 run Acmz. 0F TORONTO 3 J. GREGORY, ' 78 King Street East. , 1869. 587 TORONTD‘ N. ALLAN GAMBLE, 9, Newmarlat P.0. Apply to HEB 'v ’1‘) V- W. SPOFFORD, JR., Globe, ‘1 M. TEEFY . Richmond HilL 564â€"“. H. A. DAVID OI; STORE Leader} I’rnprzcta r. 565-tf . John