The Sun from his cloud pillowed chamber Smiles soft on a vision so guy, And dreams that his favorite children, The flowers, have not yet passed away. There’s a luminous mist on the mountain, A light, azure haze in the air, As if angels, while heavenward soaring, Had left their bright robes floating there ; The breeze is so soft, so caressing, It seems a mute token of love, And floats to the heart like a blessing, From some happy spirit above. These days so serene and so charming, Awaken a dreamy delightâ€" A tremulous, fearful enjoyment, Like soft strains of music at night; We know they’re fading and fleeting, That quickly, too quickly, they’ll end, Andwe watch them with a yearning affection, , _As at parting. we watch a dear friend. l Ohl beautiful Indian Summer! Thou fey'orite' child of the year, Thou darling,,'Whom Nature enriches, With gifts and adornments so dear! How fain Would we woo thee to linger ‘ 0n mountain and meadow awhile, For Our heartsflike the sweet haunts of nature Rejoice and grow young in thy smile. Not alone to the {sad fields of Autumn Dost thou a lost brightness restore, But thou bringst a World-weary spirit ' . Sweet dreams of itschildhood once more Th5 loveliness ï¬lls us with memories f all that was brightest and best-â€" Thy peace-and serenity offer A. foretusts of heavenly rest. ' ' dï¬nsj'a'xn nuns. Hunt's Epipife‘Héit GldSS is the best. Commâ€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Curative foi' cox-'ns,'bunions, ill-growing nails, 6:0. Sold by aruggists. _ ‘ . 5830 PROMISES .made ‘ in ‘ghe time of aï¬iictibn require a better memory than people com- monly possess. Just after the death of the flowers, And before they are buried in snow There comes a fertival season, When nature is all aglowâ€" A low with a. mystical splendor, hat rivals the brightness of Springâ€" Aglow With a. beauty more tender Than aught which fair Summer could DISPEPSIA.â€"Use Dr. J.- Briggs’ Allevan- Mr (or ' disp'epsiag? flatulency, heartburn, 63c. Bold by druggists. 5830' WHEN you hear a man say, 9 Life is but a. dream,†tread on his cams and wake him up. Life is real. To mingle the usent with the beautiful, is the highest style of‘ art. 'The one adds grace, .the otheg value. Some spirit akin to the rainbow, Then borrows its magical dyes, And mantles the far spreading landscape 7 In hues that bewiider‘the eyes. A BE deaf to the quarrelsome, blind to the learner, and dumb to those who are mis- cheviously inquisitive. ' Br always sure (if-doing good;-â€"â€"This will make your life comiortable, your death happy, and. ypur account glorious. WHENr Friendship .is to be valued.â€"-â€"Value the friendship of him who stands by you in the storm; swarms of ’insects'will surround you in the gunshine. Win: yéu} learhipg like a watch, 'in a pri- vate‘ packdgjand‘ dop’t endeavor to show it unless‘yo‘p are asked what o’clock it is. WRITE your name in kindness love and mercy, on thp'heartgof those you‘ come in contact with,and "you Will never-"be fbigouen. PILES.â€"-Use Dr. J. hriggs’ Pile Remedy for internal, external; bleeding and itching Piles. It gives immediate relief and is re- liable. Sold by druggists. ‘533Q HORACE Greeley gays that the darkest. day in auy'man’s career is that in which he {im- cies there is some easier wayof‘ getting a dollar than by squarely earning it. SUCCESS in_ Life is vefy apt to make us for: get the time whenwve; wï¬Â§t1’t much. It is just so with a frdg on a jump ; 'he can't re- member when hewas a tadpoleâ€"but. other folks can. ‘ NEURALGIAqâ€"Usé Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevan- tor’for neuralgia, héa’dachp‘, ciztérrh. sore throat, Bronchitis, &c. It is agreeable to use, and reliable. Sold by ardggists.‘ 5333:; PAPER did not come in to use till the 13 centuiry. The ï¬rst machine for the produc- tion of paper was constructed in 1260, at Ravensburg, and paper was ï¬rst manufac- tured. in Italy, in 1335. in France, in 1560, in Switzerland in 1470, in England in 1588, in Holland in 1685, in Russia in 1712, and in Pennsylvania in 1725. The number of paper mills now existing in the principal States 'of Europe is as follows: 'GI‘eat Bri- tain, 408; France, 276;_ Germany, 243; Austria, 78; Russia, 40; Italy-.30; Belgium“ 26; Spain, 17-, Switzerland, 13; Sweden, 8; Turkey, 1. In the United States .there are 430 paper mills. The annual produc- tion of paper'in Europe is 8.966.000‘ewm‘ uniued at_ 515,000,000. The iin’p‘r‘o'ved paper mills, working cantinuonsly for a whole year, would manufacture 62.5Q0.000 sheets, which, if 'laid side by side, youibd'exa tend ‘over a length equal to thfl‘df the ding“ meter of the earth. “' DON’T forth to secure a .copy pf the Polemical Correspondence, betwgegn T.J.M. and the Rev. ohn anedin, no‘w,pnblished‘in amphlgt;.form abd for; sale at the Herald £00k storé._ Price 15 cents. ' HEWEZMAN: 55 ;GO’S"?Agr'aff Bar Piano Fortesâ€"were awarded the lst prize and Diploma' at the last ngvincial Exhibiï¬opi over twelve competitbfé.’ Intending pur- cï¬asers waited upon at their resudence, by addressingC,Ohypq1,Mpsquah,hia-rk" ' ': FEEDING SWEDISH Tunmps 'ro MILcn Cows.â€"The feeding of turnips to cows in winter, when pasturage is gone, has a ten- dency to add largely to the flow of milk. The use of them is disliked however-,7 by dairynien, on account __of the strong and dis- agreeable turnipfflavor'they-impert, both to the milk and-butler... ,A remedy for the evil was discovered-some years since by Rev. A. Huxtablc, of England. [This remedy is im- portant, and as'many‘ of our readers may have never seen It in print, we insert the re- cipe which is 8,8 .foilows:~‘f.Dissolve half an ounce of chloride of lime in one gallon of water. and add a tablespoonful of this to each gallon of milk. Frequently, if the turnips are very stronglthree times as much will be required ; but this will depend upon the dairywoman’s taste.†HERE is something for dairymen: If“ twentyseven inches~ 'of Showgivc three iaach- es of water, how much milk will a~ qoquve when fed on ruta-baga turnips? ‘ '1?! ply the flakes 9f§nowhy t'hé hairs on the cow’s tail; th‘en‘divi‘de the product by u turnip; add a. pound of chalk, and the' sun: will be the answer. bring. INDIAN SUMMER. @mm. EXCELSIOBh PUMP. Tm: Pumr ls EASIEST Wonxu), Mos'r DURA- FLE AND NEATEST MADE IN THE Bowman. mHE Subscribar would respectfully an- .I. nounce that he is propmod to 3",: in This Pump on Trial for One Month! And if accepted WARRANTED TWO YEARS, Or if they are not preferred to any olhoy pump they may be returned, and the money will be REFUNDED. These Pumps are suitabis to ail Depths frgm la cistern to a. Well‘bf 150 feet. Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow walls, so cgnslgucled with tho outings of the handle as $0 malt: it all light. and pre- venting children from putting uw‘hing inn: 2: ; which is invariably the 0.156 wzlh uoxmncu pumpa. Prico $6 complete. for cisterns not excoudin; eight (‘60:, Churn Pumps for Cisterns $3. WELL DIGGING DONE On the Shortest Notice! April 1. 1869. 558-]y Choice Flowering Bulbs, OR AUTUMN PLANTING. I‘HAVE 3 mos selecmn “Emmi Tuneties in D a nice selection of mixed than.“ i" . - » « .A '1 ‘ flw'giicolgync'mhs: “‘«u \xl‘own Imperial, at all parties found trespassing on lots No. l9'and flu, in the 2nd concession] of the Town- ship of Vaughan, after this date will be proseâ€" cuted to the utmost rigor of the law. lo the farmers and others in the neigh- borhood of the Elgin Mills that he has leased the shoptowued by Mr. Wm. Trench. 5021., where he is prepared :0 do / . ETER CRAIK BEGS TO INTIMATE 19 the farng nuldlfkhgrs in the neigh- In all its branches, and by shim: utzzuticz: to businasa ho hopes to mam n. {slum of public support 3 '31! CRAIK. Elgin Mile. May 13, 1869. 564-†GENERAL ‘BLACKSMITHING, Arnica. Liniment, THE BEST BEMEM‘KNOWN For Rheumatism, swims; T'Iict ’Dblyoreux, Neï¬ralgia 6w. Prepared and Sold on by SHEEP BIPPINE MMPBSITIGN! Equally adapted L: applying to Sheep and Lamb: by Dipping, Pouring. Smearing or Salving. ' VUSMI also as a. wash fur Horses and Cattle.. Sold only by SITE-ND“) ' FARM F08 SALE, ERFECT SAFETY IN SHEEP DIP- PING. yhï¬aration far the Hair ; clear a; train/a at, wit/um! :edimznt. It is wry WM»: [redund- wna'nj/ul results. 1!: great wflrfa%{ty and tm'ua'my‘ a: a Hair Dru-sing over high (mt French Pamadts 2': acknawledg‘m' by all th'ml} in this’wil’rtlr but in "Eurape. The Restorer and Zybbakamum : 141' no! 34 uudmwftï¬ ï¬ltqgfligr. 2301.32 at ALL Dauaaxa'rs. V'HEISubecI-ibsr of: ï¬rsals a good farm. 5 Being H): No. 4.’ m HM Cth concession 01' flu township of Eris, ECO acres, ii†13mg clawed 2nd in a; Ixégh Baa-to cf cuh‘ivation; the b‘uiauu uszriy ‘JE ï¬rs: rate Hardwxao'd bush. Thxoi km: 'éhc‘ puttdscu a. good log hymn, ham, gen-)5, 451m, 3withrgcod water priviiegm Alw a. baacliu‘} you“; Urchan of 100 fruit trees, pEantad 5 ycaru. A gaod grew! road [msses ,zzbng 1hej1roupofLl)o.lot:"’Thia farm jg 35 mm from'ï¬iéhn’x'and [1111.6 miles from Gag; _etowu,pn the Grand Trunk Rnilwny,und 301ml“fromiToionto. Address, stating depth of well, 1’. PHILLIPS [‘2'an :‘TWbIIt3' ï¬vé' Hundred dollarsâ€"spud cash. balzguqe Am] Lima. For pa'rti'cilifarsfaï¬ply to the owner, waLIA'M‘ HARDING, New Style. Impqï¬ggï¬ï¬mg'e'b A REAL HAIR. RESTORE]! AND DRESSING Combined in Omsnottlc. Will Restore GraxJ.Hair-Eto ..its Natural Li‘fe,’ Color ‘ahd Beauty. It is a, most delightful Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING’HAIR is immediately checked. “My. SLA. A_LL§N’§ _zyL01_3AL5Ar_wM, anathf MRS. S. A. ALLEN’S HAIR RESToRER huprietorl, S. R. Vm Duzer AL 00., \Vholesalo Drunk“, 35 Batch, 8t. Ind 40 Park Place. New-York. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill. Sept. 8,1869 5824f Vaughan. May 25, 1869‘ April 1, 1868. January 14. 1869. June 23,1869. Hawk 11,18“ ~‘BEKUTIFUL HAIR, Nature‘s Grown. - You Must Cultivate it GRAY. HAIR Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. 019mm IS HEREBY GIVEN $3ng P. PHILLiPS: WARRANTED FREE FROM ARSENIC 0R M URI- GEO. H. LESLIE & C0,, GEO. H." LESLIE '& Co., ' Gar. of floor 4‘ Fangs St. 33.1809. 67 i 1f Yoaxvxunx M’DOUGALL’S NON-l OISONDUS TOWNSHIP (l. ‘ ERIN. MANUFA cumin) BY Public Notice. Blacksmithing. RICEKOND HILL. R. H. HALL. Ayn, To Farmers. WILLIAM GRAHAME. Car. qulaar é- Yongo $13., N TX: 558-] y RICHMOND Hun. Riamonu‘ Hmâ€. 553-11' Richmond Hill P 547-611: Yonxvmw SGG-Lf (ioncesï¬b‘h of Markham. .zank'a to his custo- : .81ngsz would tour i rhexf‘sfi‘ér ï¬nish- .libgmi rs. ' ' g LEN) Card- iï¬g S V ‘ 1;. and 'blildviil 6m; mi: others. in ndjoinirig limit!!!“ '5: a ready to do their F ï¬g, Lgloxing,‘C}'o ‘reasiug, Prr‘ssing. ï¬engs £9013, ghaggvgrad ï¬sfluick as my other ï¬ttabhalmioï¬tin thé'Déniiniou. cAitiemm'ismmgfl'mmm' Having club'qu in Nail-Maï¬a†‘he is weaned-$03130- nginï¬ing.’ ï¬nd,"0§f&ing;§y the pound."if'requirod. ? Wiil la‘xo the woo}, as sham-pd fromithe sheep, and make ix up into Funclé‘fh‘ef am kind. 9: pattern. to suit parties, subh as Cloths. 'l‘weeds. Cassimeres. Smizsno, Plain ar 'l‘wm Manuals. Dress Flmiuals, Bhnke}: (Home a».- Sed), “'hita e; Colored Stocking Yum (£3 a: 3 Ply). 3.50.. Having spared neither timo ner‘ezyenm In getting good Machinay and VVcrkn’mu u.- fulï¬ll yromisaa. 71'.) Lopu aiH‘m rccaiw u sham of public pe 1mm 3:. ‘ ngino unto “.i‘ I intend. to give ; My Inca; aha]; b3â€"-t2 livepxxd ht live. Gristing wiZo' b; atuzsded to .15! 3.3.93 a: formerly, 1nrny v‘ynn lie wuihhmé on hand Cntton Warp, of 2 superior qunlnv. :‘mh persons wishing :2 ksva tl)eir_ynrn wove, Can hqvg it done a: a Lawn Ram than they possï¬h j can b"‘j bmzzu (30:: r. THOMAS ‘SEDMAN, MARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, U Undertaker, 6w. REszpnNcm.â€"Nenrlycppositothe Post Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN USE OF ETHER SPRAY, Which Affects the Tooth Only. THE lnoth and gum surrounding bacomé -1. iizsezzaibla with this extamal agmtcy, wheuzhe {cozh can beextructod with no pain, and Without endangering the Life! As in the use of Chloroform. willba in the following places prepared to extra“: teeth will) hls 1261‘! apparams. All other operations in Dentistry performed in n workmanlike manner :â€" Aurora . . . . . . . . NewmarketBrelnford hotel 2nd “ Stouflvillo. ...' 18th Victoria Square. . . . . t . . . . 20th Thomhill..a........ ...... 23rd RichmoudHlll. 24th Maple . . . . . . . .-........-. 26th Burwick.... 28th Kleinburg.......... . . . . . 29th Nobleton................ 30th u.......... n u u u u H H to Is! ofeacn month .5 u n ‘1 u ll u u .4 Aomra, Juno 7 1565.. J. H. SANDERSON verimï¬w 3mm, Cor. of chgc & Centre E33. E35 Where they will atlendto nllybusiness per mining to any branch of {hail-profession. EGS to announco :0 the public Ilnnt he is new practicing viii) Ii, SANDERLON. chho azme plaza. where they may ‘08 crmsuh- ed parsonafly or by ieuar, on a“ diseases of Homes, Came. &c. For Horses and Cnttla always on hand: 51:. as Physic. Dixrexiu. Cardia‘n, Tonic, Cough. Cnnd'ï¬lonï¬nd ch'n Balls and Powders. The Cough Bails have Loan [can E mos: servicenbk in alloiiung many of the dimrassing S".‘|’np- lems of Brokenwixd o:- flea-ms in Horsea. Coiic. Dru u;,h1s. Linimsn'... far Sara Them-a. Spr‘ . Curb. Spavixz, Ring-bane, 6m. Bins:- Ointmonm. 1:220 Hoof and Ending 02";- FIHB’I‘ Body, with 31 illustrations. stronglyboimd in limp clothâ€",Spgnts. I, V ‘y FIRST Boox. (second part} with 54 illustrations. strongly bound in limp cloth-10 cents. SECOND Boon, with 56 illustrations. strongly ' boultd invcloth: bqardséâ€"Qolcentg‘.“ v V l'HmD BOOK, 41 lllustmtions, strongly Bound in cloth boardsâ€"30 cents. _ > ' Fovk'r'a‘ï¬ob‘kf‘tlsillustrations; stronglyfbound,‘ in‘ cloth boa’rdéâ€"‘m‘cents. ' FIFTH Boox, 50 illystrntioun' strongly bound in cloth boards- 5?) cents. Com-ANION 10 THE Runny-#225 cents. ' For sale at the ‘ Medicines of Every Biscriptien media. Lolionsf‘cr Wounds, Bruises. Eaddm Calls. Infalliable Oil and Sheep Tick Des- â€Oy‘ir' _ All orders from a distance promptly attended to. and medicine: sent to any part ohhe Pro- Vince. Horses examined as to soundness, also Bought and Sold on commission. National Series of Reading Books Hendford Grist Mill and Woolen f‘gcxory. M. EADFOED WOOLEN MILLS, 3RD (Graduatcof Tweak: Vehrinary Cellsg‘c) Richmond Hill. Apri123, 1868. Richmond HULJIuna ll. ’68. Authorised by did Council of, Public in- struction for Ontario. August 3, 1869. DRSaE‘ECK 85 ROBINSON ICE'S ALLOY'S AXES MANUFACTURING. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . Ist ofeacn month stBranford hotel 2nd “ “ ...............‘18th " u quare..........20lh “ H .A.............. 23rd " H Hill........... 24111 H H ....-.......... 26th " U 28th “ H . . . . . 29th H H _ _ _ . , _ , _ _ ‘ _ _ _ _ _ Sam M .4 r. «on a, _ ..-... .H apiace. where they me} so consult- .ly or by ietiar, on all diseases of stile. &c. es of every Biscription :alld Cottlo always on hand: such Dinrasic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough. and W .m Balls and Powders. The is have Laeu four: ’. mos: serviceable :22 many of the distressing symp- -oke:u ’ o:- Hen-:38 it; Horses. .imsn'... for Sire 'i‘lncata. .ir‘o. Spcvin, Ring-bone, dim. Blist- nonts, also Hoof and ifsnling CZ";- otionsi‘or Vv’ounds, Bruises. baddm inlliable Oil and Sheep Tick Dos- 's from a distance promptly attended dicine: sent to any part ofthe Pro- examined as to soundness, also i Sold on commission. id Hill. April-23, 1868. 510 OY'S AXES IFOB TALE BY DANIEL it, rum, Lot 20, 2nd con. Markham IZCT‘NE l PULZPS FOR SALE BY J. BZILLINGER, , slicimvm] Hill id Hillfllune ll. ’68. 5i7-tf THE NEW o.ii{ADIAN y l Series of Reading Books :ed by the Council of, Public in. struction for Ontario. :, with 31 illustrations. stronglybohud p‘clothâ€"fSpdnts. V, V 1 r. (second part} with 54 illustrations. Iy bound in limp cloth-10 cents. mil, with 56 illustrations. strongly in cloth: Vboardséâ€"VQchnts.“ v V 5K, 41 illustrations, strongly bound h boardsâ€"30 cents. _ y ' Wn.745’ill_ostrations'. strongiyfbounfl.‘ h bodrdsâ€"40‘cents. ' x, 50 illpsirntioon' strongly bound h boards- 51) cents. 10 THE READERS-“‘95 cents. ' or sale at the :.. HERALD DOOR STOIIo Ladieo' Cahinot of Fashion. . . . . 37 Ladies’ Cmnonnion. . . . .. . . . . . . . 3 75 Ladiec’ Gazette oi“ Fashion. . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies’ Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 2 1‘5 Leisure Hour.......... . . . . . . 200 London .ournol. ............... 9 00 London Sociaiv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 London and Paris Fashions. . . . . . . 3 75 Mechanicmn.... . . . . . .......... 950 Medical Wrmm. .... . . .... 3 75 Merry and Win? l 30 Mmhodist Vagaziue . . . .. . . . . .. . . 3 75 Missing Link Msgaxino . . . . . I 10 Mission. Life............. .. 200 l‘donihly Pushy: .............. 375 Museum and Journal of Education 2 00 Musical 'i‘i::ies........ . . . . . . . ... 060 Naturalist... . . . . . . . . .‘...‘........I l 10 Now Monthly Mzguziim i , , . . , . 53 00 New Man. LJngJ'or S. S. Teachers 1 ‘25 OnceaWeuk . . . . . .............. 325 Our own Fire Side .. ... .... ..... 2 “0 Peoples Magazine . .. . . .... . . ‘2 0†Pharmaceutical Journal . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Philosonhical Magazine .«rnn . , , , 9 50 Phonogrophic Reporter. . . . . . . . . 0 75 Photographic Poiiraits . . . . . . 9 50 PostOfï¬ce i31roctor.............. 3 75 PoultryBocl: . . . . . ...............375 Practical Meahaznics' Journal . . . , . 3 75 Primitive Methodist Magazine . ., . 2 00 Prophetic Times n. . .. .. . .. .175 Pulpit Analyst . . L . . . . 2 ()0 Quiver (The)... ...... 2 ()9 Remembrancer.. .......... . ... .110 Reynold’s niaceileny . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Robinhood 2 00 Routlidge’a Magazine for Boys . . . 2 00 St. Jamos’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . 3 75 Scientiï¬c Riviow ......... ‘. 21,0 Scottish Congregationalist. . . . . . . . l 25 Sharpe’u London Magazine. . . . . . . 3 75 Shorihund Magazine. . . .... . . . . . . 2 120 Sixpenny Magazine . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ‘3 00 Sooneroanler........ . . . . . .... 375 Spirtual Magazine. . . . . . . . . 2 00 Sunday Retailer . . ... ... . .... . ... _ 2.00 Sunday School Teachers’ Mag. .’_ _ 2‘00 Sunday Magazine. . . ...... . . . . . . . 2 00 Spiiduyatilome...†. . . . . . ..... 900 St. Paul’s Magazine . . . . . .. . . . . 3 75 Scottish Journal. . . . .. n , _ 2 00 3T6cknologist. . . . . . . . 3 75 ‘Tomple‘Bar 3 75 Trhilf’s [Hustraled Josephus . . . ... '3 75 'Pruihseeker . . . . . l 10 Union Review [alt. month], , , _ , _ , 3 75 United Methodist Free Church Mag 2 00 United Presbyterian Magazine . . . . l 25 T-Vaterinurian 5 75 Mictmia Magazine. . . . . .. . . . .. 3 75 'Watchwpedw..~..... . ......qp . ... 1]†West End Gazette of Fashions. . . . 3 75 World ofFushion . . . . . ..... 375 ,Young Englishwoman . . n . . 2 OU_ Young Apprentice. . . . . . . . 2 00 Young Ladies’ Journal... . . . . . . . . 3 25 Inn; Ila of Gun 3mm . . .. aim RXC" ‘ A JUN!) “IL A L PU 1. NEW METHOD 0" BY THE JOHN EYER. 577-“. Newspapr 223:1 Mag-mines, AlltheYear Round ............$300 Athenreum . . . . . “...-...... 375 Artizezi ......... -- 375 Annals of Natural History. . . .... . 9 50 Argosy (The).... 353 " r r Al'myu:st...... . . . . , 0'? Aridournnl . . . . . ................‘353 Aetronorriical Register. . . .. .. . . . 3 7'5 Aunt Judy's Magazine. . . . . . .. . . . if 9Q Baily’s Magazine of Sports. . . . . . . a 7.: Bean (Le) Mamie... . . . . . J 75 Bulgravia (includingflhrinimus P60) 4 ill) Bentley’s Miscellnnv . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 Bible Christian’s Magazine. . . . . . . . l 30 Bible Subjects . n... 3 70 Bible 'l‘rasasury............... ... H!) l tiurgeun'n Short Seaman. . . . . . . . . .‘l (h) lilnutiworm .....,.. . . . . . . A . .... itioy’sFriend . . . . . ............... 1:13 Boy's Journal . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . 9 33 Boy‘s Own Magazine . . . . . , . . . . . . ll 3‘} Bradshaw's Cunticiomiul Guide... 5 75 British Controveuiaifl. ~, . .. . .. . .. 2 90 llritiuli E‘riend....... . .... ...... 2153 [Must Harbinger . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . l 20 British Journal of Dental Science†3 75 Bulwark... ........-.r.......-.109 BOW Bell’e ...... i........... .. 230 lays cf England ......“ ........ ‘2 00 Broadway. 'i‘he................. 3 75 Rainier, '1‘ho(prico varies) ... .... 5 7.5 303“ S"'V'I‘BhIlsa-t-IIOIIIQI‘IO 3 75 lioy‘u Rock of lluinanceu ~ ...... ‘2 {)0 t Cassell's Biographical Dictionary. . 2 00 Cessell‘s Magazine. . ... . u ‘ . ~ . . ' 2 00 Chamber“ Ja'umal. a 25 l Chï¬lfllfflisi i‘Jivmolugical Dictib‘nry ‘2 00 iChess Pleyors’ Magazine... . . . . . 3 75 ‘01).“ World 3 75 Children’s Hon!†...... .. . . . . .110 Christian Advocate and Review. . . 3 10 CLrislian Consular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Chrisilasl Observer . . . . r v. . .. . . . . . 5 75 Christian Society. . . . ... . . .. .. . . . .3 75 Christian Spectamr. . . . . . . . . . .. . . 2 00 Christian Treasury .. . .... . ... . .. 200 Christian Wiï¬ieea . . . ._ . . . ... U “A I Christian World Magazine . . .... . 9 00. Christina Work . . . 0...... 2 00 Chi-:rchmau Magazine,’ lie . . . . . . 3 75 Ch. of England 'i'emperanca Mug. 1‘ 10 Church of the Maple. . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 10' Church Clioirinnster and Organisa. l. l'} ‘Chuich Missionary Iiiielligencor . . 2 00 Church Worli........... .. HO ‘ Clllll'C‘lmaB'n (‘mnpuuioin . . . .1. ‘2 75, Churclminn's Fulniiy Magazine. . 3 50 Civil Engineer and Architeez’s Jonr 7 50 (felonial Church Chronicle, . . . ... _ ‘J 75 Coniempomry’ Review . . . . . .. . . 9 00 ’Cornliill Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 (I0 Cniiors (The) Mo Journal. . . . . . . 3 :20 Dayofliest .............. .. . 200 Dublin University Magazine . . . . . K 9 50 East Anglian ..........,. 3 25 Eccisa'miie and 'l'healagian. . . .. . . 3 75 EccleeiuhgiS-i (alt. :no.). . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Eclectic (KL Congregational Review 3 75 Edinburgh Vladicnléb Surgical Jour 7 50 Elllzljnil Presbyterian Messenger. . , l 10 'Pf::glii.i’u Mechanic . . . . . . . . z . . . . . . 3 25 Englishman’s (The) Magazine. . . . 3 75 t Englishwoman'smmessi: Mag . . 3 75 Entomclogist . . 3.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‘00 Entomologist’s Monthly Msgaï¬n: ‘2 00 Evangelical Chri ndem. . . . . . . . . 2 00 Eva hinge] ‘ *........200 Exet ' Ha: .,.';.- .7 - . (-4 . . (' 335 Family Frieï¬di . .3.,.. .. . .. 9 00 Family Treasurv. . . ..-.. . . .... . . . 2 00 Familv Herald. . . r. . . . . . . 2 00 Farmer’s Margarine. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 50 Floral hingnzi'le. I“ . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5t) Florachrld..........--. ~ - - - . - - 290 Florist and Pumulogist . . . . . . . . . . $775 Follet (l.e)..................... ‘5 75 » Fortnightly Review (mo). . . . .. . . 'I 5') Fraser’s Magazine . . .... .... . . . . 9 50 Freemasons Magazins. . . . .. . . . . 2 (IO Friend.................. . . . . . . . 200 Gardener. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Gt) Gents Magazine of Feshmn . . . . . . 4 “0 Gentleman’s Mags-gins. . . . . . .. . . . 9 50 Geologicll Magmhw . . .. . . , , , , 5 75 Geological S; N Hist. Repertory. 0 75 Good Stories . . . . . ......i........ 110 (lochords . . . . . . I75 Good Words for the Young. . . ... . l 75 3 Gospel lxlmzawnï¬....... . . . . . .... 2 00 Herald an". Geologist.(ul$.month) 475 Hcmilist . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . .325 Horalogicul Journal...†I ll) Illustraten’ London Mega, . . . i . 3 75 Intellectual Observe! . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 75 Intellectual Repnsilory (New Ch.) 2 (m Journal of Agvi'znituie. . . . . . . . . 3 75 Journal of the Chemian Sociaiy . . 3 75 Journal of l‘rnciinai Medicine. . . . . 3 75 is Journal of Social Science. . . . . ._ . 5 75 Kitto’s Bible lllusiraiionu. . . . . . . . . 3 75 ;. Ledioe' Cahinet of Fashion. . . . . . . 3 75 3f Lndies’ (lmnunuiou. . . . .. . . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies’ Gazetzï¬ 0:“ Fashion. . . b . . . 3 75 Ladies’ Treasury . . . . . _ . . . . . ,. . _ 2 1‘5 Leisure Hour.......... . . . . . . 290 London .ournnl. ............... 9 00 t9 MONTHLIIS- ALEX. SCOTT. I‘VIJKIII l [08â€) lq‘llflél maJBUngI- I , 1 IU glib§'n}.10t‘!:num . . . . . ‘ . . x . . . . . . 325 ishmnu’s (The) Magazine. . . . 3 75 mishwomau'smmsssi: Mag . . 3 '15 r9 Lomclogisï¬ . . 3.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3300 tomologist's Monthiy Magaï¬n: ‘2 00 angelicnl Chri ndw. . . . . . . . . 2 00 [91 » 200 at +33: (-4.. .(‘335 mily Frieï¬d". . .'..,.. .. ...... . l. 9 00 mily Treasurv. k . ..-.. . . .... . . . 2 00 mily Hamid†.n.......... 200 rmer’s Magaï¬u. 750 Jul hingnzi'le................. 95H urachrld...._...,.... . . . . . . . 291] mist and Pumulogist . . . . . .. . . . $775 Met 575 “nightly Rsview (mo). . . . .. . . 'I 5'] user’s Magazine . . .... .... . . . . 9 5G eemnson-‘s Magazins. . . ... . . . . 2 (IO iend.................. . . . . . . . 200 1rdener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CL ants Magazine of Fasi‘nn‘. . . . . . . 4 UC antlemma’a Magnina. . . . . . .. . . . 9 50 selogicll Magar' : . - .,. . . . . . . 5 75 aoEogica} & Na: flint. Repertory. 0 7.5 nod Stories; . . . . . ‘........ 11(2 )chords . . . . . . 175 mu Words for the Young. l '15 ospel Manlawnï¬ ... .... . . . . . .. . . 2 0( u: ngviuuuulv... ... n- 0 l0 y of flu: ()hemEcne Sociau’ . . 3 75 ué‘ l‘muicaE Medicina. . . . . 3 75 of Social Scioaice........ 5 75 Bibb Illugsraiiom......... 3 75 Cahinetol‘ Fashim....... 375 (lmnunuiou...... 375 Gazelzï¬ of Fashion....... 3 '15 Treasury Hour................... 200 .ournnl. ........‘...... 900 Social“................. 35“ and Paris Fashions....... 375 nicmn..................- 950 IMin-mm...............L 375 mg; Wis? l m iszVagazine ........ 375 -Link Magaxiwau 110 200 yPuckvi.............-... 375 LXST OF ENGLISH UHIUL‘SUIdnn.--.QI v Review ......- nine... Mo Journal.. ............. ..... rsity Magazine . . . . . K ... d '1 healogian... (all. :no.). . . . . . mgregaiional Renew ....----o-o.~-,q fl a . u ~ n ICIIIIUIQI-IIA v. «blue az:na............... an} Jeurnal . . . . . [Magazine n n.. . . . . c Repnrcer. . . : Pmiraits . . Elrcctor. . . . ...-..-..n. u . . . . . .....~-.-..- almnica' Journal . . . , . aiilodiat Magazine . ., . mes nu... . .n..-~. ,3 ‘J 2 ()0 ‘2 on 3 75 9 50 0 75 . 9 50 375 .375 3 75 2 00 l 75 2 ()0 2 ()9 .110 ".200 Magazine for Boys . . . Hagnzino............ viow...... igregatioualist........ idon Magazine. .. . . . . Ingazine............. gazine.............. ;ler........ . . . . . . xziua. Jar“... -,.~.....iu. ml Teachers’ Mag. .’_ _ aziiio............ . DIDQ..... . . u - . . ..... agazine......... ‘nal.......... . ... .-..... iéie'é hbégilil'ilgiz 217.: . . . . - v....-......-.. w [nip month], . . , . . . 2 00 2 00 3 .75 2 no 1 25 3 75 2 “0 9, 00 3 75 2 00 200 2‘00 . 2 00 2 00 ., 37.1 .200 .375 375 '375 110 375 SUPPLIED BY ungamMU-u....u. v Iv ......q.......... 375 '..‘.....‘.. .... 110 um and Review... 310 let......--......100 vcr....‘r......... 575 y......;..........375 am:.............. 200 ury.............. 200 aa.,..._......\.(“ ‘0,“ iMagarï¬no ...‘.._.. 900, ...‘_...‘....,,..... 200 gazine,’ 'he .. .. 375 3 Temperance Mug. 1 10 ’eopla. . . ... . . . . . . 1‘ H) aster and Orgauiaa. I, I9 my Imelllgencor . . 2 00 uuu nu: umuu . 1 an: E u o u 575 no . . . . . . 375 ..-$-..-..r.§,..... 1]†.m of Fashions..., 375 . . . . . 375 voman........,.. 200 co..... 200 3oqrnal........... 325 but Eli-him... mm of Education 200 060 I 10 mo ‘ . . . . , . 53001 )200 . 375 110 325 375 3'15 10 33 m l7 17 33 50 33 17 17 20 i7 33 33 10 325 E0 50 33 17 17 19 2'1 17 9. a. 10 N 10 17 10 I7 33 55 I7 80 33 !7 80 l7 I7 65 80 17 33 5|) 65 8H l7 l7 17 33 80 50 07 10 l5 17 80 I!) 33 50 33 33 33 33 33 33 20 l7 I7 30 33 80 33 l“ 33 IO [7 I7 l7 l7 17 33 17 13 l7 17 33 l7 l7 l7 l7 l7 17 33 ’Plated and Britannia ~Metal Goods-of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, All fui‘y Warranxed and delivered at Manufacturer’s prices. Send for Circu‘ars and information. Address 0- CHAPMAN, General Agent, WELSQN’S EMPROVED DOUBLE ACTION FANNING MILL Best Fanning Mill, Manufactured in Canada, Can. Suppi'y all ‘Cï¬rderas Prommptly Farmers will consult their own interns! if tlvay will examine our Mill before) bming elsewhere, as we feel conï¬dent they will his satisï¬ed our Machines are not. surpassed if (.quallad. humber Baneé‘; té‘ï¬rder of: the Sharte‘st‘ï¬zi‘iké‘m tEéï¬â€™SéIï¬ mm. LAMP ~ GLOBES, BURNERS, EHIMNEYS, SHADES AND WIUKS. House Furnishing. Establishment, 83 Yunge 81,3’D'unrs above‘Ki‘ng St. Alse on hand a large stock of Table Cutlery. Spoons, 51c. Special attention is directed to his Lapms and Chandeliers; the stock of which‘isgvery large, embracing all that is New and Chuste. and also the Plumest and Cheapest; thus meeting the requirements of all classes. E. "' 1 ," 5'“ " G. (9'5. b. -g ‘5’“ E. I i Flo‘iif,†’Féged, Provision and Grocery ‘ Store! w LAITERKS. Square and Globe Shape, in great variety. for oil or candlas. H. P. would ‘ also direct Special allemion lolhe stock of 0'1 ARE and. CROCKERY Where he keeps on i1m|d,FJouI-, Shorts.zBran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal,Buck- when}, Bacon, Hams, Chiegsg,lFipp_apd ,} iii . ,, I g ’ .1 a iiélli'diriégTables’,Chairs, Be‘dSteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stands, VV’asb Stand§, Sic; 8w. Also a Iai‘ge assortment of Room Paper, Bmdering. White Lead Paints and Colors,Baw and Boded Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, Rock Oil. Varnish Turpentine, Benzéne,Glass,Pulty, Glue, 8m. 8w. Parties Furnishing, Papering, 0; Painting their Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewnere. Also. _ N returning thanks for the very liberal suppmt he has received since commencing businessin Richmond Hillzi‘begs to inform the public that lie has greatly increas- ed his Stock and has now on hand A CHOICE ASSORTMENT 0F FURNITURE! " ’ war»; ’ ' Ohgldren s Cawflges 2.3.x. Feamazbula‘tors! CABINET ESTABLISHMENT Richmcnd Hill, May 537, 1869. *,' Intvnding buyer. an invited to inspect the stock, a». it will bu Toronto, February 7, 1868. HESS MILLS HAVE STOOD THE TEST OF COMPETITION AT ALL THE Provincial Exhibitions and County Fairs whenever shown. and are pronoumod’ by comâ€" petent judges as being the , . _.f 1.35.1"; Cash‘létï¬lsï¬fcep that cahnoi be surlmcted. Bicbufnfl“ Hill, November 9; 1866. EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of House Fn'nishing Goods. > among which will be found "’ES.â€"Cooking Stoves. Parlor Stoves, Box Stuv‘xs. Dumb Grain hid‘dflhoé, ..pp!u 1’.;ro.a,C1:/J;uu W.lngom. &c., the. cheers 6’: 50’s. Celebrated *First-prize Piano Fortes ! Manufactu'i'ing a large Number: of the above, Hi A nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also call attention to his Repairs of all 1111-615 BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, BENZOLE, STILL FURTHER IMPROVED. THOMAS COG-ELAN, H I R. A M PI PEIR And having increassd facilities for preparing the lumber. Manufactured and Imported, “12101-33310 and Retail A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Which will be found both good and cheap. RICHMOND HILL The subcribers are now E! HAVE BEEN AND 1' A. & W. WILSON. Stoveg, and Stem Plpes found wonky ofiuapaction MABXHAM VILLAGE 5664f other 493 All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting, Knives. Forks, Spoons. Cruits. &c., &c., &c., Silver Plated in the best Style warranted to wear any lengrh of Lime. POETICAL WORKS: Q Coniin of Yurk, Township of Markham. 10156. ï¬rst concession. fronting on Yonge Sl‘ , l8 miles from Toronto, ‘4’; miles from Rich- mond Hill. Soil, Clay Loam. 118% Acres. llll cleared. New Brick House, ‘25 x 38; Cellar. full size; Back Kiiclieii,26 x 526, Frame Barn and Siables- 2 Wells anda living stream of waier across the lot. Schoel House within forty rods; Church. one mile ;. Saw Mill, half mile; Grist Mill, three miles. Trru: INDISPU- TABLE. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. Hy; JAS. HODGONS~ HE POLEMICAL CORRESPOND~ ENCE belweeu T. J, M., the Rev. JOHN BREUXN and others, (in the York HERALD- during the months of July. August and Sep- tember, 1868). is neatly printed in pamphlet form. and worth a peruml. For sale at the HERALD, Book Store. Richmond Hi-ll ; BANNER Oï¬ice, Aurora ; H. Wilson’s Fancy Store. Markham ',- Wesleyan quRRoom. A. S. Irving’s and M. Shewau’s, Toronto. HE Subscriber would intimate to the farm,- ers and others of Richmond Hill andA surrounding Country having. Thathelms successhflly treated the above for the past ten years without a single failure. Horses Afflicted with Ringâ€"hone, This treatment does not necessitate their being laid aside only for a few days. Quite a number ofreference given if faquir- ed ofprrsons whose horses haveboen cured by Mycharge is $1 50 if paid when operated? 01L ifnot$3 00 willbe charged to ensnm a cure. Residence rear oflot 525, 2nd Con. Vaughmr, JAMES DUNTON. the hair. If you want a dean. 00.01 head use Va Empire Hair Gloss. ’ an“ ' Toronto, February 17. 1869 If you want a beautiful, luxuyiant growth 0} hair. use Hunt’s Empire ll' ':' (Hess. ‘ If you want to keep your hair from falling om. use Hunt‘s Empiro H air Gloss. 1!. is the c/wupcsl, clwnost, best. PRICE 2:) cums PER BOTTLE. .5, J. FOSS éip CO., Proprietors. R. H. HALL, AGENT. Richmond/tilt November 19. 1868, 540-ly ACOBS’ Rheumatic Liquid is the best thing in the world, except a skillfull phy- sician, to have at hand in case ofany accident. 999 out of [.000 of‘Ihe accidems to which wo are daily liable may be greatly relieveu, and A large proportion rendered no longer trouble:- some by a timely application of lhisjusliy celeq braked medicine. “ I do notcuusider an. sprain or lameness of any account if] can {rel hold ofa botlie of Jan Lohï¬â€™ Rheumatic Liquid †“ [L (sures n cold imnnlerï¬â€™ ‘- It is the only thing I know that cute: scratches on lmrsesf’ " l usver mw anything that would relieve a. bum 510 quick.“ †1 war}. it whare I can put. my hand on it at any time.†“1 consider it the) greaaest remedy known." “ Nothing 1 ever saw can touch it as n to: Above-am somo._0f the statements being daily made by those who have used Jacobs“ Rheumatic Liquid The mum-3 ofthe medicine is blown in each bottle of the genuine; all others are worthlei: h'uitatiuns. Dr. Colby's Anti-costive and Tonic Pills‘. They were not invented in {day by ignorant parties as a meahs of} money :g'plting, but. werg originated by M F.. COLBY, M.D., one ofthq ï¬rst physicians of the country. 81);!) ppm: lad during a course of 40 YEARS suég'zesflullwfac-g we so Ihatf'ul‘the pumoseinlended they cm} osm'cely be iuprured. ’ For certiï¬cate: of cures see gn'cnlars. All genuine pms are sugahcoatod and will in future have on; nigglamre pg] lhetlwgwpgr,‘ S. J. FOSS & (10., Proprietoyg. *9“ Sold by'druggists everywhere. R. H. HALL,‘ Aim“ Riahmnndiddg Novombgr 19. “365. 54,041. med in time. ‘ Thsy can be‘mkqn by the runs; deljcate. 'l‘hay do ndt‘sickbn'or grip in'h'tiy bike. They always produce the snmo beneï¬cial results. ‘ Thaw are an eï¬'ectu al butmildgculramio‘r.» They cannot be excelled as an amibilioua remedy- Theyfar‘e the greafest lilde inn-Midi ‘kï¬Hwn. They afl‘ord immediate relieffor bowel com- plaint. " r “ ' " They are the best and safest remedy for children. ‘ They are a positive cure for, epsilveuess. They cure the Worst forms of dyspébsiq. ' They cure all diseases arising from any do: rangemant of the Stomach. Liver, apd pryolq. "I‘he‘v are recognised by all'medical men whq know the formula as a standard remedy. PLENDID W HEAT FARM FOR SALE Richm 011d Hill. 00L 95, ’66 November 19, 1868‘ Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. Jacobs' Rheumaic Liquid. UNITS Empire Hqit Gloss is the '0 Ne. {Aug mm» of an preparations £0» Ru COLBY’S Ami-costive and Tonic Pilh never fail but always rolievo if ’tnknn. I wcula‘ not attempt to keep house within“ OF THE DIFFERENT POI-2T5, AT THE To Controversialists. Worth Knowing. S. J. FOSS 6'; Co“ Sole proprietom R. H. HALL, AGENT, Richmond/um HERALD BOOK STORE. 72-h! 548-“