" HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NEW FALL GOODS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS, 8w. JOB PRINTING MILLINERY, HOME-MADE FLANNEL POCKET BOOKS GAMES, TOYS, &c., FRESH GROCERIES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, SCOTCH & GALLAW PLAIDS FANCY WOOLEN GOODS, SCHOOL REQUISITES DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, A Splendid lot of thoabove, which will be sold Cheap. W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hillfi'Oct. 14.1889. ' 587 CARPETS, BLANKETS, WHITEFISH AND TROUT. W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, 1669, 585 Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1:69. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill. Sop. 30. 1869. 30R THE CRANIUM, Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, 1869. W. ATKlNSON. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. 555 Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, [869. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. 1869. W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. Sep. 39. I869. 585 Richmond HI“. Sep. 30. 1869. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. 1869. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. [869. Richmond mu. Sop. 30,1809. W. ATKINSON. , Richmond Hill. Sop. 30’. 186:9. ' .585 .- I'ACES, TATTING, ,VERCOATS, Done Neat and Quick at “10' Herald Ofï¬ce. ’REY GOTTONS, R chmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1969. Comprising all that is Chute 5L Eloglm. CCOUNTS LMONTE TWEEDS, To which punicuhr allomion is directed. W. ATKINSON. A niece nssoflmem 'o chocso from. The Cheapest Norm of Toronto. W. ATKINSON. Rende‘red Oct. lst and April lat, 1n endleu Variety tnd Styles. In Coatu.‘Pants,3V"ama,â€" 6w An Excellent Assortment. Stands on its own Merit. Glassware. Lumps. 5m. A sylendid Assortment. A Large Assortment. That may be rolied on. 0" ALL KINDS. A‘l‘ 'l'll OF ALL KISDS AT THE ‘Cho Ipel‘ than ever. A nice Assortment. SUPPLIED LT THI A full Assortment. FOR SALE AT 11" Hats and Caps. Noted for Wear. ,HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERA LD BOOK STORE. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. 585 585 585 85 585 585 585. 585 585 585 Of the Newest Styles and most Durable-Ta!» rics 3n THE PRETTIEST AND CHEAP- KST DRESS GOODS And are highly esteemed by the Medical them from us or direct fro n the Vineyard. esteemed {or Sacmmemal purposes. THE NEWEST AND MOST ELE- ___‘ a...L, ,n I hereby appoint Messrs. Barnard. Spry Jr. Liquors music) and [nod-wed by ths Canada of Toronto. under and by virtue of I'M power HIGH WILL BE SOLD AS CHI“! an nnv Ilmnm unrul- nf 'l‘nrmnn CANADIAN WOOL TWEEDS up FULL CLOTHS,†Boolh’s, London’s, Old Tom and Dekeyput’s Olard's, Dupey 5L Co'n. Jule's. Robin, A. 45 1“ Ion 6i Co's Genuinoandiu. Stewan and Sherrifl'a Scotch Whiskey. kor's, Gooderhnm, Thomas JL Rae's Mall and VERY PRETTY FANCY WOOL, CLOUDS, BLANKETS, THE PURE AND UNA NlEN’S AND BOY’S HATS AND CAPS. Consisting in put! of Fine Fresh Young Hymn, Tens; Pure Ground Coï¬'eeu and Spices; Muscovadn and Roï¬nld Sugars: New Fruits mom of Groceries. '- U mum's Guns. Hon. Soon, up Fae! Tun, For Vlriety. Value or Styles. can’t be ban! on Richmond Hill. . ,G. A. BARNARD. - Richmond Hill. Pun imported Sherry, Burgundy and Port GROCERIES. WINES PREMISES LATELY OCCUPIED On Richmond Hill. at October 28. 1869. ' gum Styles of Burns“- Smwu, Mvrnzks AND FANCY Wool. Goons, A! 30 ct: and upwards. at G. A. BARNARD'S. Unnnn & van Cons. PANTS &. VES'I‘B. The best value on Richmond Hill, at G. A. BARNAï¬DfS, A large Assonmont. at G. A. BARNAIjD’S, in the New Styles, a Splendid Variety. at G. A. BARNAEDjS, ’PLENDID WINCEYS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, _ADIES’, GENTS’ AND CHIL- LARGE NEW AND SELECT To be had at SELECT ASSORTMENT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, From [0 cts per yd. and upwards. at G. A. BARNA RD’S. Assorlmem of CANADA VINE GRO PLAIN um Fucv Funnns. an Rmnrn SIIR'I'IIIG, Cm“! as any house north of Toronto. A CALL IS EARNESTLYAND G. A. BAR-N'Agofs, BA RHN3A‘RD, G. A. BARNARD'S G. A. BARNARD'S, G. A; BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD'S. I35 Yongo Street Toronto, whh Jamaica and Demerarn Rum CANADIAN AS CHEAP AS ANY Bag to inform the Public Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Richmond g Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richniond H ill. Note the address, Richmond Hill. Richn'xond Hill. nichu'wnd Hill. BRAN WHIS THE WINES mond Hill. WIN Which they Of this a: THE YORK HERALD; RICHMONH‘HHJE 589 0)‘ THE LARGEST AND BEST AS- Faculty; and parliés purchasing can procure Owing to their purity the H’inu are highly Tonccos um GEIIRAI. Gnocnmu, I am no: to be surpassed in Quulity, or under- aold in price. G. A. BARNARD, Richmond Hill, SCOTCH qumxa Yjum‘s. um Cnumut WOOLEN Yum- In all the Chico Coloré of the best quality. In G. A‘ BARNARD'S, IN FRESH TEAS, 'l'lll RESPECTFULL Y S OLIC'I TED. SHELF AND ï¬mvr HARDWARE, Wmuow Guss, Pun-rs J; 011.9. To be had north of Toronto Ind .1 Toronto Prices, is at socidion are I have of the but brands Ind a good Value (.9 any house in ‘he Dominion. D UL TERA TED JUICE WINES AND LIQUORS AND BRANDIES TOOTH, NAIL, CLOTH, Q»-..LL:__ n--.‘m.;_ n...-, n. Cm. Agent: for the; 5:10 of the Wine: and Vine Growers’ Associngion. in and for the Cixy obtained In the‘Charlor of said Association. GENT’S Konnnhan Jz Dunvillo’n Irish Whiskey, Wal- Old Rye Whiskios, WERS’ ASSOCIATION. 1 'sZrBEBithalâ€"nâ€"fis’xerfï¬ï¬le‘.EgkaWEzf wash. Paint nnd Varnish Holland Gin . KIES: Wines . DIES: Mnrtell‘a. Heunessey’s and Ponnetlo'a, Cantil- Japan. Gunpowder. Sonchong 'and Congo Sp'en‘lid Smoking and Chawing 'l‘obnccoa; in Currants and Raisins. with a general assort- CAST STEEL CHOPPING AXES! will no“ HOUSE IN THE TRADE. a large and select assortmen; of BY MESSRS- EHA W 4~ CAMPBELL, LINE†have opened the BARNARD. SPRY & C0. . 135 Youige Suget. Non Door :0 Best’s Bay Home Hotel Torcsro, PAPER COLLARS. CUFFS a SHIRT FRONTS. In I“ the New Styles. very Cheap. at G. L BARNARD’S October 7, 1869. ‘TOVE PIPES, 12} cents each. VINEGAR AND CIDER BARKELS, From 50' conii eaéh, at - ‘ a. A. BARNARD’S, I . Richmond Hill. C. BOEKS. TORONTO. XES. Broad, Simmonds, Dates and flurrill’l INST Srov: Wm]. no Sum" ch, A'I‘ sorlmont of PPLE BARRELS AND LIQUORS! Cooksville. 22nd cholur, 1869. A LARGE Asaonnuurr ! not 10 01mm 3! G. A. BARNA RD‘S. G. A. BARNA RD'S, G. A. BARNARD’S. S. WHITE. Pnormsrox. G. A. BARNARD, ‘G. Aiï¬ARNAnD, BR UsHm FOR Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond H ill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill. DRY GOODS, ABOUT. 34 000 WORTH! IS' SELLING OFF AT AND UNDER 7 COST. DUE H. NEVWTON, SETTLED FORTHWITH! GIVING ' 'UP BUSINESS ! POSITIVEL‘Y TO PUBLIC! mu. mm. on. no, mo. sow And Idea will to ml. for Cub o'lly. Hlszï¬NTlRE STOCK. ARE REQUESTED TO BE H. NEW’RO. ALL ACCOUNTS Gnocnnms, be. ï¬ne. 81c. OOIIIITHI' HENRY NEWTON. HARDWARE, 015:1, FRIDAY. MVEMBER 20,1869. T I C K DESTROYER ! PROMOTES THE GROWTH 01' THE WOOL, BRINGS ADDITIONAL TESTIMONY! Sold evorywhoxo, in boxes at 35 eta. 70 cm, and $l-00. . ‘ Nu FLocx-Mnnn A 35 ct box will clean 20 sheep and 35 limbs. HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS FARMERS SHOULD USE mum's '3,†All work warranted to give general su- liq/ï¬ction. . H. A. DAVID. Richmond Hill. June 23. 1869. 570-157 When you visit. Toronto be sure 3nd got a Pot It HUGH MILLGR J: Co's, HE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding country. that he has com- menced business as NO HOUSE SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT HOUSE, SIGN AND Ornamental Painter ! In the shop formerly occupied by Mr, John Hutchins STATIONERY Two Beautiful Farms for Sale. PREPARED GLYCERINE ! 1 UU 0! Wu? WILLIAMS. 7 Vï¬" Of which 70 acres are clear of Stumps, with a good frame barn and hewed log house. and a good hearing orchard-wilhin 6 miles from the flouriahing Villugo of Parkhill. CHAPPED HANDS I In nu Townmlr or Wnr McGILuvnn, 45 acre: of which no clear, with a good frame barn and hewmi log house, a good' bearing or- chard, only two miles from Parkhill Station. A magniï¬cent Slock 0! Grey, While; [Back and Fine-((313515. Scotch and Canadian ’l'weeds, a very large Stock. cut lengths sale Prices. ' Every Department is now fully assorted. AH Goods marked in Plflill Figures. The lowest price asked at ï¬rst. 590-“. TERMS EASY. For further particulars apply to JOHN HARRISON. Parkla'll P.O., Ont. Soptomhu 33th. 1869, 86-4 From SIRS. to $6 the (M Dress: much under regular prices. Scomh Clan 'l‘artuns. all 'he lending pallarns in Palm: Goods and Shawls. the largest und chenpastSlock in [he Cily. CANADIAN Bunxu'rs. Welsh Sammy and Medium Flannels, First-class Value. Canadian Flannels and Woolgn Sheglingf. lwq )1"st wide. the» bust make. A m._..:c.‘-... 0., ,I lll- . n Respectfullv invites the attention of his friends and the Public generally. in the Counties of York and Pool. to the following Speculitios, now in Sm: k, SCOTCH CLAN TARTAN WAREHOUSE September 8, 1869. October 28. 1869. THOROUGH EFFECTIVENESS. IT DESTROYS THE TICKS. NEW, PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS! HOWEVER ROUGH OR SORE,, TII COIDI'I'IOK 0" TH. ANIMAL. mug IN "THE TOWNSHIP Al this season of the year. $1,000 Reward. It will make the lands FOR SHEEP. OF ALL KINDS AT THE ALSO 50 ACRES IOOTH AND GOFT. HUGH MILLER 5L C0., Chemists. ron SALE A'l‘ THE USE MILLER’S And improve: I'm! DA Y HERALD BOOK STORE. Mame“. Hum. 167 King St. Elm, Toronto. 9. 5S9~ tf 103 KING STREET. Comma or Cuuncu STREET, Tonon'ro. HERALD BOOK STORE. OF IT! SnoLLn n: Wnuour h. T onon-ro. 5834f GROCERIES, HARDWARE, NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS The subscriber will stop long enough to give any one wishing to buy him out instruction: in this art gratis. .l of engaging in an easy and proï¬table business and ha a small capital at his control. will ï¬nd it to his Idvantuge to call on the un- dersigned immediately as he ofl'ers for solo his entire stock, Photographic apparatus. and everything appertaining thereto. as he talks of leaving the country. for any quantity of good fresh Butler. in h: rolls, at G. A. BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill, Oct. 27. 1869‘ 589-3 BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY CONCERTINAS, COLLARS AND CUFFS Proceeds from the gallery average about $600 per year. FIRE PROOF STORE ! FANCY GOODS FALL 'ANJ) WINTER. GOODS MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS N. B. Account: rendered lat-Ocmbor. Richmond Hill, Sept. 30 l869. A. M. HOOD. Richmond Hill, Oct. 21. 1869. 568-lf A LARGE AND VARIED LBUMS! ALBUMS I ! KEPT CONSTANTL Y FALL AND WINTER TRADE. The Subscriber hm: now in stock ANY YOUNG MAN DESIROUS (nlcumow HILL BRANCH) AT THE CENTS PER. lb WILL BE GIVEN WITH SELF ISNSTRUCTOR, AT Till Clm‘les and Woolen Goéds, Very Cheap; lengths lo Merchant Tailors a: Whole- .Iun‘uu' 103 Human: n nu: THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE CHEAPER THAN EVLR AT THE FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THI Fresh Butter- Photography. ASSOBTMENT 0F wr’rnu ros nu: A LARGE "06‘ 0! an. ac. 0N HAND. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STOR E. HERALD 300K STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STOEE. New ‘1' I'll. ISAAC CROSBY. ‘ To than who have favored him with their patronagein the past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in the fu- ture. he would say that no endeavor on hi part will be wanting to meet their approval. G. H. H., having had over ELEVEN Yluns’ PRACTICE, feels conï¬dent of giving entire satis- faction. HIST HILL 8. WBDLEN I'AETDRY. BOWMAN ’S MILLS, U fully to‘annennce [hat he will be at Unionville.. . .15! Monday ofeach montln Weston . . . . . . 91h day H Klineburg. . . .lmh " Burwick . . . . .2‘2nd " Scarboro’. . . .23rd " Where he willbe prepared and mosthappy to wait on those who may require his services. anlumcus.â€"Thefollowinggendemencau, with conï¬dence,recommend G. H Husband,to I" requiring Dental aid: [)1 Reid, Thornhill; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D'Evlyn, Dal-wick; Dr. Carson, Brampton. RnslnmncE.-â€"Tllornhill, Thornhill Soplember 17. )868. 1y The subscriber, havin'g purcnnsod the above Mills and ï¬ned them up III I superior manner, bags leave to intimate to the inhabitants of Markham and surrounding townships that ho is now prepared [0‘ do CARDIN G, SPINNING ! WEAVING, D YEING,. Cloth Dressing. 442., and Gristing in 9. Superior Manner. And at Reasonable Prices. And made all necessary repairs. the subscriber hopes to give good satisfaction. Parties wish- ing-to have their wool manufactured from the fleece can have it made into any kind of Cloth or Flannel. Having added to the Carding Machines, UCCESSOR TU JAMES HOLLIDAY, BUTCHER, 2nd door north of G. A. Barnards store. Rickmund Hill. keeps always on hand {he best of Beef, Mutton. Lamb. veal, Pork. Sausages. &c. and sells at the lowestprices. The services of James Bowman, Esq., and Joseph Cock. Esq.. (who are well known as ï¬rst-class workman.) having been secured, the subscriber feels conï¬dent in stating lo the public that satisfaction will be given. W. SPOFFORD. JR., Therhighest marketprice given for Cattle. Sheep. Lambs. &c. " 5‘ Cash for IVool or Cloth Given in «- Exchange. Cln be had at the Post-ofï¬ca, for 10 CENT! wux. [1 the west. 35 acres of which are cleared. having u Frame Barn. also somo valuable pine timber. This property will be sold together or sepu' rater on 03:55: Ierms 9f paypgul._ A Po} purlict'llars apply i0 'A. Houllbee. Esq. of to [he subscriber on the promises, Parties coming from a distance can have their wool carded and grist: ground while waiting. Also. Corned and Spicud Beef. Smoked and Dried Hams. WILLIAM COX. Richmond Hill. October 15. 1867. 1-3] This is one of the bust farms on Yonga St, (II macadamised‘ road) and is 98 miles from Toronto, and about midway between Newmur- hat and Aurora stations on the Nonhern R.R.. both of which or“ good G rain Markets. Grammar and other Schools. Flour and Saw Mills Within short distanc’vs, also 9. Cheese Factory within 39 rods of-Fnrm. THE MORNING PAPERS 0F TORONTO : The premises are well watered. There are 160 acres cleared. the remainder is we“ flooded with hardwood. There is a large lwo-slorey Frame Dwelling. also three Barns and other oulbuifdings, and au‘ cxcel‘lanl Orchard of bearing fruit trees. South lmIves of lots Nos. 1'2 and 13. ist Con. Township of Mosa. 200 acres. situate about I; mik-s from Newbmy. whom cordwoad May a good price, and it is well limbered with hardwood. Alto fayms and wilds in Various other counties. Apply (if by letter, prepmd; to J. N. BLAKE. Banister, 4'0‘ No. 64 Church St. opposite St. Jamea' Camm drnl, Toronto. Farm in ||Ie Township of A Holnido. fronting on the Egremom Gravn. Road, of 200 acres, 70 .cres cleared and free from slumps; on tho premises more N ti good house, 1mm, stable. &c. 'l‘hc-re is a spring close In Hm house. and a spr'ing creek runs ut-ross the lot. l'he un- cleared pa‘rl is wolf timlm'ed with hardwood, shunned about 3 Milan lrom Korwood Station. and 7 miles from Stud-1'0)» l1 msmmss FARMS AND WILD LANDS, CHEAP AND EASY TERMS or PAYMENT; Viz -â€"Fnrm of I33 nchs, situated in the‘ Township of Vaughan. nu Yonge Slreot, about [2 miles uor'h of Toronto. on which xlmm is a cumulodions house, ham '1 slab as, sheds, an orchard. nhout 291mm»; pin:- and hardwood Lim- be: mixud; wall watered. Sep. 30. 1869 NEW BURRING MACHINES. Almirn, May 19, 1869. May 14, 1869. :OR SALE, LOT NO. 90, WEST SILE of Yongo Street. in the Townsle or KING. County of York. CONTAINING 210 ACRES, “ember 3‘7. ISb9 ,ENTIST, BEGS MOST RESPECT- LSO 100 ACRES ADJOINING 0N Telegraph, YARN DYED IN ANY COLOR. G. H HUSBAND, L.D.S. WILLIAM COX, Farms for Sale. PIIICE $65 rm: Acme. PRICE $35 I'm Annie. N. ALLAN GAMBLE, Apply to ALMIRA. For Sale. Globe, M. TEEFY. Richmond Hill. 566-". Nclomurkét P. 0. Leader, Prlqiruto r. 5654f 5884f