bonus, that they would endorse to the extent of $20,000, that; the clause was put. in the notice of application to Parliament. That was the reason. and the only reason. And he took the whole and full responsibility himself inserting that paragraph, because he believed it. might turn out to he advantage one to the people and to the Sitthx‘llOdb‘l‘S of the Company. In replying to Mr. Holden, he (Mr. Perry,) would not go over the ques- non of Narrow or Broad Grunge. Mr. Huld- en was one of the directors of" the Unmpu y. He found llmt gentleman in his letter say- jiig, and I'Cpt‘fllinj it :tgnin this evening. that ‘stock “bogus ?†Dl‘. Gunnâ€"In a certain way. MnPert'j-JudgeBurnhum's $3,000 stock “bogus ?†And yet this was evevv dollar of stock on the books. lOb‘ll‘lE’S that lnlcen before the action of Dr. Gnnnaml MI‘. Holrl- en. And that was the fact? On the 11th Beta. 1867. llt’ftH'O the stock just mentiunml had been taken, Mr. Holden moved thztttlw Secretary give the necessary muffle for the meeting of the shareholders for the electivm Ofdirectors of the Company! And in I'll? face of all this he brazenly comes farwardt in his letter and tells the rutepuyms thth the stock is hogus l The notice is given in l the necessary pnpurs. and a resolution for n‘ call upon stock on the 15th January m =de‘ the same day. And that is not all. The same Mr. Holden votes for a rommittee. consisting of the sum? Mr. Holden and Mr. Paxton, to draft; a, contract between the Company anal the “ stool pigoqu‘“ (Lanzh- ter,) Kesteven (St Starratt. Tim-e was the some James Holden landing himself. and all that time. it should he recollected. he was acting in his double capacity as deputy reeve \of the town and as )rovisional director. He wind the people 0 the town to look to the hcvwns apprised tn the letting of lhe cmttmct, t agking why they dill not advertise for ten-t 'JCi'S, and so on. Rut what. was Mr. Hnl.‘ den’s course respecting the lettinr of theE Contract? Did he not 550 it. ":zvm- of giving the contract to, Kestemn S; Stun-mt Inst‘l fall? HI} (Mr'. Perry†tats tint :t. ltté’ltlbel“ Of the BBQ“! thf‘tl, but itttr-i! (‘(‘I'[:1inl_\' he‘ understand thnt at the thaw tenders were} asked {'m', Mr. Hoidcn summtted the actitm ‘ of the I} HH‘d. Mr. Holdenâ€"Never. Mr. Perry â€"â€" Them mnSL 310 somewhere, either In “x, that; /-I‘ ~ i in the minute hn h’ t-E tfw- tit-m. the date 01' 2151 Fr‘l‘tu it the fonmï¬ntr :â€" “ Mm“! seconded hyMr. Hulls-f†. ‘im. ttxt‘ttltntls fortendets f'orllw )‘miiditw, ('Ulth‘ .nt-ti m and equipment of the Whitby Mud Putt Pt-z-ty Railrmtd, he at once insmttd in tho, Gluing and Leader t'tewaHLPPI'S " There is Mr. Holden's own t-esnlutinn. The Company had not then [mounted the “th‘v dollar of wt vate stock, and the-v was neither phln, gut-â€" vey or speeiï¬mtimts, and _\‘-t he had the us surance to make the statement he did in his letter. and Dr. Gttnn suppmwd hi I] in it. he (Mr. Perry) supposed Yes. Mr. 1101.10,, was the very gentleman \vlm did thug as pm. visional director, “hen he t'uuml 1]“: $50“ 000 honus of the towu of W hith'; subscribed. And he was the man who had the assurance to recommend his own houm, honesty :‘nd consistency! 0n the 91h of November, ten ders hnd been receith -â€" four altogether. 0n the 16th there was uttl’llllel' Inc-Ming nt' of the directors. at which Mr. Holden, Dr. Draper. and Du: Gum! wete prosetttâ€"â€":tnd Dr. Gunn was himself the mun who seem-d (1d the resolnnnn. that the tender of the two Phylum Mr. Perry insisth that it. was previsely a similar contract to that with Mr Bumble, and the argument that; it could not be given out until the Company was legaHy organizad apniied with equal fame to one as to the other. The difference was that Doctor now found Fault with the same thing in nlhers he himself did in 1368. Turning: to other mat ters, Mr. Perrv said they had hand a good deal about; “bogus†stock. He knew of' none. Did thrw call the town hf \Vhithv stock “ bogus ‘2†Mr. Dumbie's $30,000 W ï¬d' th"31§§‘~ï¬a, amt Jhat. time the offer of Kesteven & Start-alt was re?“ ceived, they were looked upon as men of means and reported themselves to he Such : it was found out. lmzvemr, that that. was not the case. and the Sherifl‘. at a meetinu‘ at the Town Hall, admitted the fact. and that Mr. Cameron’s letter, recommending: them as men of wealth, was " hounce.†Such being: the case. it was considered the better course to get rid of them before any liahilities were incurred. He denied there was any contract with them. It was only an agree: ment for a. contract, upon certain conditions. And this lemlm’lf‘d him of the chavacter’ ot' the culverts. 3(Jt'nre then he rt’COllGle‘d Mr. Moberly having; spent as much as six hours going over the speciï¬cations. and his recol lecticn certainly was that the culverts were to be either Stun“. or concrete. His object was, utter hearing~ of Kostnven 5; Starratt were men of straw, to [n-nvt‘nt tlwm assum- ing a wmn-I 1m [inn and from in curring liabilitlt‘s: and he wanted' to give them notice at, nnne not to go on; that was hisnhiect in mtitringr them. He vanth the Dirr‘r-tors to (lo 94), hut thvy (lid not, and1 he (Dr. G.) rocm’v. tl Q'Otltl lnqral advice to do so in his Own behalf: and it was not Che next day or (lay after. as stated by M r. Per- ry, it was a month L r nmrt‘: afterwards that he tool; 11le stop. It «ultv'r Directors harl taken tl.~.-. 5.11m? (I: ll \rmth‘l also he acting an honest I . .. ls Ilm poor, and it; would havP l» H: ln’fi"? in: all parties In fact he had horn: :inm : wed hy the non- tractors that il‘ thn ml r. . ‘Pt'ltll'S had act- ed towards tlwm as l](‘ llutl done. Ill†con tractors would have heen saved a large amount of money and a large amount of trouble. Mr. Perry, resuminmsaid that vns all very well now: but lllP Doctor's "resent act-nan ï¬rm against the Direomrs was thth Hwy h:ul no power to give out thv cmm-uct, while he himself was :1 party to Ihn giving out of a contract. Thu]? was the question. Dr. Gunnâ€"No ---Ihe other was an a'rree- ment for a contract upon certain conditions. “stool-pigeons.†Kateren & Slal‘t’htt. he accepted. He (Mr. Perry) asked. if them had been st survey, plans 01' stxecillcuthnis the" 7 Not. 0U“, hm- wzts there the ï¬rst (lvl- lnr of' private stack suhscrihed. \thu did Mr. Hulden m- l)r. Gunn know then uinntt the cost of tlnh mad ? and yet they were the men who, had the efl'mntory to come t'nrwm-(l now and make the charges they did against the letting“ 05' the present, contract. But,true to the Dnctnr’s character, the next mornng 'or the day inllowinjj. he wrote at letter to Kesteven & Start-mt, warning them he would not be personally responsible for the uhxi- gations of the contract. No, the Ductor perfectly willing that ot‘ Whitby and others should be rospnnsihle; hut, he would assume no pm‘snnal responsibility him self, as one of the provisional directors, and that was how he wanted to have the contract, that he himself SGCGllflt'd to have accepted. carried nvt~hy notifying: the “stonlpige- ons.†He. Mr. Perry) challenged the con tradiction of this statement. At the same meeting, the next thing done was to open the stock books. And the nvxt was “ Muved by Mr. Draper. seennded bv Dr. Gunn, that Messrs. Reynolds and Ho'tlen he unpainted two of the Directors to buy the right nt way.†The right, of way on which the “stool-pigeons were to build the road. (Laughter.) M. ,n‘usl- r . ' , , n n. .l -. (-mm _li m and y and Pull PI-Hy md in the Clubs " Them is Mr. The Company I Hm, dollar of pl'i‘ Iwixher plan, Sm- _\‘It be had the as men! he did in his position of that gentlemanâ€"Mr. Holden. They saw a disappointed manâ€"~11 man who was all right so long as he held a position at the Railway Board; but. the moment he fail- ed to secure an election‘on the present di- rectory was all wrong. Was it not con- temptible? he asked. Yes, he took the same eontemptil)‘e position as on the pre- sent. occasion on that he did last year, when he was defeated at the polls. They found carrying the i‘stool pigeons†(L-mghter,) nll the way to the end, and sustaining the directors in all they had done up to the time he was rejected from the Board. On the 4th of October, 1869, all wns so right and satisfactory, and nice and pleasant to Mr. Holden, that, they found a resolutionâ€"- moved bv Mr. Snxton‘seconded by Mr. Hold en, appointing two gentlemen to purchase the right, of way ttotth of Brooklin to Port I’erty, two gentlemun to purchase the right of way south \of Brooklin to the town of Whitby. What For? To carry out the verv contract with Mr. Dumble. ‘And now, whife the same Mr. Holden hnd done all that. he u vs the directors hnd no right, to give out. the Contract :18 thev did. and that he was opposed to lettin‘r it ! After the contract hnd lM‘OJI entered into with Mr. humble, he (Mr. Perry.) llt pursuance of his (ltttY as one of the directors appointed to purchase the right of way, called upon Mr. Holden. He found that gentleman all right then, and the plea. smitest of gentleman to treat with; told him (Mr. .P..) that he cruld have the ridâ€, of \my. and could settle the terms afterwards: thnt he was willEIrz the Company should take possession, and thut. it was only neces- ‘ Sturv to see his tenant, Blinkttorn. This was l on'Sntnrdny. On the followingTuesday the stockholders met, and they having: come to the conclusion thth there were othe-s LS good men as Mr. Holden tohe on the Board of Directors. he was not elected, 't‘lmslfmm Saturday to 'l'uesday madc all the di‘ egence in everything. tad where all was so plea- Sam on the Saturday before, and the Com- 1 pany could have the right of way at any time 1 leaving the tetms to be settled :ti".et'\\‘2tt'(ls. ‘ on 'l‘uesdny, utter the election of Directors Mr. Holden (ll-munded $8th tor the ring nf'l way for two acres of swamp, not worth $25 ‘ an acre. \Vhat conclusion Could he come to? t This, that if" Mr. Holden had hem ehwicd ‘ a director he would endeaer to have t secured the 9900. And yet this was the honest man \tltu charged others with being; cheats and stt'hniiors, and the getters up at bogus stock. He could. he said, it" news-i snry, go over all the statements of Mr. Hot den, and disprove them in ll](5.SElm9 way. As to the statement about the location of the works at Port Perry. Mr. Holden refused to give his author for making it. hit if he had looked at; the nature of the hond given hy the Company to the town, he might have read as one of t. e conditions before the $50,- 000 debentures “'ete handed over, a condi- tion binding the Company to establish their head otliee at, Whithy, and to erect the chief workshops of the Company for the Construc- tion and repair of the Company's rolling stock and nmchinery. In addition to that the contract with Mr. Dumhle oblixod him to construct a two story passenger station in the town, freixh‘ shed, machine shop. engine house. &t-., giving the dimensions of each. This shows that Port Perry cannot be selert- ed and compels the Company to ereettlieinl in this town. There vas other point, its to the leg:i.lizin,.nr the general proceeding-s ot' the Company. He asserted that not a resolutiot of any importance at it†that xequircd to ‘11 THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOKD HILL, ONT., FRlDAY, k NOVEMBER-wklsaa unn. m of our the ef- hy the that but to our self-respect before the whole Cunnty. He alluded to a delegation, com- posed of himself and Mr. Sexton, tn Fene- lon Falls, thbcttygeon, Lindsay, and other points-north, enumerating the great. success that they met. having secured altogether some $20,000-â€"$18.000 as a, free gilt t0 the mud, and $2,000 stockâ€" and complained that. while he was doing this, his townsxnen, Mr. Holden, Dr. Gunn‘ and Mr. McMillan, cou‘d spend their Liane running up and down the streets of the town casting reflections upon him. Mr. Perry gave some interesting pm'ticulm‘s, as to the trade and inland navi- gation that would he opened up fortruflic to the Railway, which we ï¬nd ourselves, for Willl‘t. of Spnce, reluctantly obliged to omit, and concluded an able and masterly speech amidst cheers. us, if. is a terrible infliction to suffer the displeasure of so magniï¬cent a personage; but, having a fair share of animal spirits, we hold that the good old motto "m'l desperandum†will hear us up under the calamity. We can only say, that when the spirit moves our muni- Clpzll authorities to give us access [O the the minute book, as formerly, we shall most cheerfully publish their proceedings for the beneï¬t of the public. We are in receipt of a. letter from Mr Joseph Break, requesting us to copy a communication of his, which appeared in, a recent issue" of the Toronto Dain Telegraph. As a public journalist, we are at all times ready to contribute our mite in exposing public wrongs, when we are conï¬rmed that they do exist, so long as personulities are cschewed. The Markham vansh‘ip Clerk and_ Treasurer has nixvziys trenterl us with courtesy and attention -, we have always found him ready and willing to attend ‘to his duty, when we have. Lad occasion to approach attention; we have always found him ready and willing to attend ‘to his duty, when we have. Lad occasion to approach him; and, on this account, we are un- willing to copy a communication From a euicmnurury, such as that over Mr. Break’s signature. If he will bring speciï¬c charges against the Clerk and Treasurer, leaving out personalities, and send the communication direct to us, over his own name, we will insert it, and will be glad to hear from Mr. .Eakin in reply. From our acquaintance With that gentleman, we are inclined to believe that he will not allow such charges as Mr. Break has made to go unnoticed, or un- explained. ought for was the gum], and advancement of the. tmvn, and its security in connection with the Railway. Sallnw Cmnplexion rendered clear by a few dePS of Colhy's Pills. Hunt's Empine Hair Gloss is the neatest preparation for the Hair in the market. CONSUMP’I‘IYESâ€" Use Dr. J. Briggs’ throat and lung Healer for diseases of the throat, iuugs, and chest. Very pleasant and oï¬ca- cioua. Sold everywhere. m Dr Gunn arose to make some†further ex- phumtions. He warned xhe people not to he deluded bv what he called Mr. Perry’s hil'uluiinr,r speeches, and sophistry, and de- .ended his own pusinon, usseyting 111% all he nm<§)u§_ fiï¬gqlgsjuvaugh; cu courant, (iii-all municipal or other matters of a public-nature. Not. having control over the officers of the municipality, our cor- respondent will easily understand that, when they decide that we shall not have access to the minute book, itfollovirs that the ratepayers must Wait patiently until their high-mightinesses will condescend to let the electors know what is going on. When Mr. Pearce was Clerk, we were always courteously treated, and were enabled to publish the niinutes regularly, for the information of all concerned. A different state of things now exist, over which we have no control; the conse- quence is that those interested are com- pelled to suffer because we do not enjoy the favor of Mr. Pearce’s succcSSor. To M“ Perry :LISJ gave Further explanations us mgum-mueeingthe bonds of the Company rerun-in: more particularly L0 the clauses of the act healing on the subject. Mr. Hulda.“ denied Mivaerry’s veracity in some particulars relating to himself-â€"es~ peuiuily us to the .igln of way which Mr. Perry had stated Mr. Holden consented to give. Mr. Perry rejoined and appealed to Mr. HuErleu‘s honi‘n' and manhood to state the Hull unxnlst cansidembie interest ‘and no liille excitement. Mr. McMillan gnva explanations as to the Town taxes, and said that. the course taken by the cnuucxl in not disposing of the de- bentures bud sawed the town money. '»,We assure our'correspondent, over the aboï¬e signature, that the fault is not .093; aleuLs awmmcnm Mr. Bigelnw, Prqsident of ihc Company at sunw length defended his own course in cliangin,’r his opinion about letting the con- tract, stating that his object in acting as he did by Stilllt! I that $Rér000 was wanting, was to induce D Gum and others to subscribe. Thete were some further recriminations and questioni....r7 \-. lr-i at. last the resolution was put tn the met-1 j and declared lust‘ there. lH'li tn 'mil‘ dozen hands held Thele were and questionin..: was pm (u 11m llxere Ewing m r up in l'nvm- a?" 1 SL‘U (1|;vaqu mum»; rive Lindsay L'roks, was wind. uzrl \si‘h lim usual vote 01' thanks to lire chuirnmn, and three Cheers for the Rail- road, the mucuuor broke up at mlduight. u N: New Firmâ€"H. Sanderson & Son. Millineryâ€"-â€"Mx's. Myers. Berkshire Buurâ€" K. Hopper. Muuey to Lendâ€"Geo. B. Nicol. $1.000 to Lend As£1‘ayâ€"- Joseph Mortson. Lustâ€"A. Rubiuson. “ MARKHAM FINANCES.†memxn HILL, Nov. 26, 1869. “ CONSTAN'I' READER,†ITew Adv :3 rtisements. :1 by Mr. Perry, and ' requesting the May- .a, murmur in Council, In On Tuesday evening last, the ï¬rst re union of the season, was given by the above Institute, in the Temperance hall, to a large and appreciative assembly.â€" Through the able management of the President and committee the programme and other arrangements were admirable and most complete. The amateur per- formers did all remarkably well, and being purely local, evinced in a. prominent de- gree, that our Institute may, at any time,» present to the public an entertain- ment second to none in the country.â€" The following is the programme; it be- ing unnecessary to mention any one in particular where all did their best to make the entertainment a success : RICHMOND HILL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE HIE-UNION. PrLEs.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Pile Remedy for piles of every description. Sold by druggists. 5830 ing Pine and Hardwood, on lot No. 24 3rd Con. Vaughan, the property of Mr. Anthony Bowes. Sale to commence at 10 am. Michael Fisher, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, Nov. 30.â€" Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &c., on lot No. 1, 6th Con. Vaughan. the property Mr. George Castatur. Sale to begin at 12 o’clock, Michael Fisher, Auctioneer. \VEDNESDAY, December 1.â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, implements, &c., on lot No. 42, lst Con. Vaughan, the property of Mr William H. Lmvrenco. Sale to commence atone p.m. W. H. Myers, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, Dec. 2.â€"â€"Credit Sale of' Beech, Maple and Elm, on lot No. 12, 4th Con. Vaughan. the property of Mr. Jas. Gar- ton. Sale at twelve o’clock, noon. Henry Smelser, Auctioneer. Tcssnn; Dec.‘7.â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &c., on lot. No. 10, 3rd Con. Vuuzhan, the property of Mr. Geo. Ket’l‘er. Sale to begin at 11 o’clock, J. M. Patterson, Auctioneer. DISPEPsxA.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevan- tor tor dispepsia, flatulency, heartburn, M. Sold by dmygim. can It turns out that the persons resisting the entry of' Governor Macdougall, upon the Red River Territory, are not so con- temptible, after all, as was ï¬rst reported. We fear that» trouble may come of’ this business yet, although the cloud at pre- ‘sent may not appear to be bigger than a _man’s hand. When it is remembered. however, that the hero of the Battle of Ridgeway, “Surveyor-General" Denis, is thercaboups'isomewhere in the vicinity of the Stinkim River !â€"we may take cour- Whot British ki'nft‘ergstg‘, at the 61"! 0 e. ï¬h’d Tar west..bey0n' ' the Rocky Mountains, will be maintained, or he will know the reason why ? We are rejoiced to see that Mr. F. C. Capreol has been successful, in so far as to make a partial convert of Attorney General Macdonald. This is, in a great degree, owing to the exertions of our member, Mr. Thomas Grahame, and of Mr. Lount, M.P.P. for North Simcoe; the latter made a most eloquent and really practical speech in favor of the Canal. The result is, that the Govern- ment have so far relaxed their opposition as to consent to a Select Committee being appointed to enquire into the merits of this great commercial enter- prise. Mr. Capreol is hard to beat. May his shadow never grow less. SATURDAY, Norv. 7277aâ€"Crerjit Sa]e of__Stand We regret" to see that an attempt is being made to injure a very worthy young man named Murdoch McLeod, abrakes- man on the Grand Trunk Railway, by endeavoring to make him responsible for the recent accident and. loss of life near Kingston. We have read the evidence for the prosecution, and incline tO'the opinion that the conductor alone is re- sponsible. ‘and that young McLeod is likely to he made a victim of the mis- management of' his superior oï¬icer. Mc- Leod is a very respectable young man, and bears an excellent character; we hope he will not be victimized to save others from censure, and who are really to blame. PART FIRsr.â€"â€"“ Starlight Mazurka,†Miss Teef'y; Reading “ Thady O’Rann and the Bear,†Mr. R. A Gray; Chorus in the opera “ Les Vepres Siciliennes.†; “Still l’ll love thee,†Mr. T. S. Savage; Reading, Mr. G. A. Barnard; “ Augels’ Serenade,†Miss L. Bernard; “Young Lockinvar," Mr. J. G. Bernard ; Read- ing, Mr. W. H. Myers; “ The Messen- ger Swallow,†Miss C. Campbell & Mr. Savage. PART SECOND.â€"â€"-“ The Sum- mer is coming.†The Misses Campbell and Chorus; Readingâ€"“ Grim vs. Lap- stou,†Mr. A. M. Laï¬erty; “ La Pluie de perles,†Miss Teef'y; Song, Mr. T. S. Savage; “ My own Mountain Home,†Miss Moulds; “Widow McGee,†Mr. T. S. Savage; Reading, Rev, J. M. McCollum ; “ I’m saddest when I sing,†Mr. J. G. Bernard; “ God save the Queen.†Before closing this short notice of our Reunion, we regret we have to mention that the managing :mnmittee complain strongly of several acts of rowdyism com- mitted by young men and boys, who, we are sure, know how to conduct them- selves. The names of these parties have been handed to us for publication, but we stand between them and exposure, feeling sure that no unseemly conuuct will, in future, marr the success of any public assembly in this place. THE INSURRECTION AT RED RIVER. THEtAOCLD‘ENT ON THE GRAND TRUNK AT KINGS'ION. THE SHIP CANAL. AUCTION SALES. Friends are requested to attend the fune- ral on Friday (to-day), at halbpasz two o’clock. , V A ‘ , MINUTES OF VAUGHAN COUN‘éIL‘ (To the Editor of the Herald) SIR: As one of your many readers in the ‘ Township of Vaughan, who take a lively" interest in Municipal affairs, permit me to enquire why it is that you have ceased tol publish the Minutes of the Township Coun- } cil meetings? To those who cannot spare the time to attend at the Town Hall when the Council meets, it is a source of great satisfaction to be able to know what has been done; and, as you have regularly pub. lished the proceedings in your paper hereto- fore, T, as well as many others. have felt disappointed at ï¬nding this source of .in- formation cut off from your readers. There is business going on at the meetings of the Council, in which every ratepayer in the Township is interested, and if we are to be kept in ignorance of what is going on until the minutes are published in pamphlet form, at the termination of the year. it will be a cause of regret. Of course, Sir, I know it is not an easy matter to please all, but I do say you Will please a very great number of the ratepayers of this Township, if you con-" tinue to publish the minutes regularly, as you have done for years past. At the last meeting of the Council, held on the 8111 inst., I am informed that the Railroad ques- tion was to-come up. and that there are changes being made in some of our school sections; yet the public are kept in profound ignorance of what is going on, in conse- of' your not publishing the minutes as usual. Have you any object in keeping them quiet just now? or are you growing inditl‘erent in regard to the municipal affairs of the Township of Vaughan? An answer will oblige a NEURAI.GIA.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Ailevun- tor for neuralgia, headache. catai-rh. sore throat, Bronchitis, &c. It is atreeab‘m to use, and reliable. Sold by druggists. 553 Comstâ€"Huxmmâ€" On Wednesday. the 24th inst., at the residence of the Bride’s mother. in the Township of Markham, by the Rev. D. H. Fletcher, Minister of the Canada Presbyleriun Church at Agincoui't, Searboro", William Comiskv, Esq , Physici- an, to Miss Elizabeth Hunterâ€"all of Mark- hum. Com-“At Richmond Hill, on Wednesday the 24th, William George, infant son of Mr W. Cox, butcher, aged 14 months. SUFFER no more either with corns, bun- ions, or otheruilmenta ot' the feet. lestsome one should “step on your corns ;†you can- not whirl amid the mazes of the giddy dance, because of your painful feet, and you some- times out a hole in the boot-on purpose to give the “little tormentor†a peep at day- light and room to grow a little larger and more painful, when at the same time all this trouble and difï¬culty, not to sav positive mis cry, might: be so easily obviated, and its causes effectually cured by paying a visit to that celebrated chiropodist, Dr. Briggs, who has already cured the feet, of so many of our citizens by his method of extraction, which is peculiarly his own, and the only really succeSsi'ul method now practiced. His ofï¬ce is No. 6 ngSt, W est, Toronto and 208 Broadway, New York.â€"â€" Times. Jacobs’ Rheumatic Liquid cures Rea Bltes. Dr. J. Briggs prepares a remedy for bun- ions, corns ingrowing nails, &c., which he calls Modern Curative. It is sold by drugâ€" gists and country merchants generally, at 50 cents. NEW SCHOOL SECTIONrâ€"Tlle Municipal Council of this Township having former] a part of the townuhip into a School Section, and designated it School Section No. 19, its boundaries and limits are as follows: Lots 20 and 21, in the 2nd Con. Vaughan. Mr. Jas Ness having been authorized and re- quired by the Municipal Council to appoint the time and place for holding the ï¬rst meet- ingr for the election of trustees for the School Section above described, hereby notiï¬es the assessed freeholders and houselnllers of said School Section, that a public meetingr will be held at Patterson Ofï¬ce room on Saturday, November, 27th, at the hour of ten o’clock, in the forenoon, for the pur: pose of electing three ï¬t and proper persons from among the resident assessed freehold ers and householders as school trustees of the said section. as required by the eighth section of the Upper Canada, Consolidated Common School Act. ' Aslhg ucdlon- 0t luc'orpornnon will be discussénuflfammï¬sigymmmï¬slâ€˜ï¬ ACKNOWLEDGMEX’Lâ€"We have to thank Mr. H. P. Crosby and Mr. Thomas Grahame, M. P. R’s for Parliamentary papers. A meeting of the managing Committee of the Richmond Hill Mechanics} Insiiluto. will be held in the Temperance Hall, on Tuesday evening next, at. 8 p.m. slim-p. As 1119 flucdion- of luc'orpornnon will be PILEssLUse Dr. J. Briggs’ Pile Remedy for internal, external. bleeding and itching Piles. It; gives immediate relief and is re- liable. Sold by druggists. 5,ng NEW DOMINION Mox’rmAnâ€"We have re- ceived the December number of this peri- odical, and purpose giving extracts of it in our next issue. The present number con- tains portraits of Pope Plus the Ninth and Father Hyacimhe. tbwlmitutera‘re- reques’igï¬â€™tq be pI'OVSéq'Ih' NEW FIRM.â€" We take pleasure in direct- ing the attention of our readers to the ad- vertisement of Messxs. H. Sanderson & Sons. They have purchasrd the business and got-(l will of Mr. R. H. Hall, who has carried 0n the drug business for a number of years in our v1llage. Messrs. SunderSOn purpose keeping a lull stock of all goods usually found in a. ï¬rst class drug store. We wish them every success. New MiLLIXElW.~â€"1\I1‘s, Myers announces this week that she has a very fashionable and choice stock of Millinery, which she invites the ladies of our neighborhood to examine. Mrs Myers offers her stock at reasonable prices, and does a large business. Coxsmx'r READER. Vaughan, Nov. 22, 1869. @nrrmpnnhente. 330ml gm. MARRIED. DIED. VV Gnud Shin-Innkurs. will ï¬nd a guod jab for the winter,aud pav gsvery Saturd'vy night, on applying to Flour. 319bnrreh............ $3 95 @ 4 00 Nwheat. bush . . . . . . . .. ... “'90 @ 0 95 Spring Wheat, 3? bush ..... ..- 0 86 @ 0 9") Barley, $9 bush............... U 53 @ 0 55 Pause. do ...............U55fcb()515 Oats, do .. ..... ...0 34@ 000 “@4910†.. ...... b no @13 (m \‘Irawï¬ï¬‚é? tun . Butter a9 lb roils.... . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2'2 (1) U ‘25 Pork mess $9 perbbl.... 27 ()0 QB 28 an Wool .. U :8@ 03a: L} the Subsmllmr. but 55). El Jon. Mark- Cun. Mmkham. about the 15!; of Nuplmnber last. A 'J'wo YEAR OLD S'mlm. The owner can have Ihe rame by proving pl'opmty and pauuz expenses. JOSEPH MORTSON. Malkham. Nov. 25, 12553. 593 3 ’J‘HROA r. 620., (:uved very qllicki)‘ by using Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevanlor. a safe and re- liable ranmdy, $83â€" : y-cq U M) cams, buniuns. large and small. in- growng nails, swcnl scaidbd loci. «52c ,relim'ed inmmdialely and scan cured by up lying Dr. J, Briggs’ Modern Curative uccm'dinglo dine-- Lions : i| never due» harm, but it a‘wnys does good. 583-Iy cq U Victoria Squnre and Au'rm'nï¬by way of Wink-lunch. A BLACK LEATHER 'l'r.avm.lec- HA0. Conn-min: Dumal lusirnnmnt . éLu. 'l'lw ï¬nder wi†be we“ lewardcd by returning the same to HERE. .1. bleeding and Itch“. relieved “I once and soon cured by using [Jr J. Uriggs’ univexsal Pile remed '; soothing, safe and lulmble, s 1) aï¬bclions of Ihe throat. lungs and chest immedirtluly rnlieved. and all but hopelers cases cured byusiug llr. J. Briggs’ Throatuud lung Healer. 583-13‘wq 1- NOIINCE m the Farmers in lllu neighlor- hood that he has a Splvllllld Ulcuxsulm; 11mm. nearly lllurough-lyrml. Farmers Wlblllllg to Improve their stock will please Lake “mica. ILES, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, bleeding and Ilcln'. relieved ul once and f1. 'I'UHY Joint Nulus. Applv to HERALD ofï¬ce, Richmond HIâ€. That has been olfered on Richmond Hill Ibis season. ' -â€"â€" ’I‘HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN \ ANTED IMMEDIATELYâ€"TWO Gnud Shm-umkurs. will ï¬nd a (mod RICHMOND mm, Having purchased the Stock and [nlerwl of R. ll. Hull, (late Chemist unl Dmggi‘t of the same plncu) have gmmy (‘nlurged llm old stock and have now on hand a good nswrl- menl of Drugs. Palnls, Perfumery. Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Slufl's. Patent Memclnes, and all other arllcles kept by Drugghls genera“). SHE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD Nice anvet Hats. lrnnuled, from $1 upwards liotn-uetérlmm $1 and upwandu. Misséé’hndJlifanls' Hoods. Infants Wool Coats for $1.60, usually sold for:§;l‘91(:unls. M mrning Bonnets $1200 ’9,†musicians Prescriptions carefully com- pounded. and all orders attended to wuh cure and despakch. l"urnu-r.~ and l'ln'sicinns from [he countrv wi I ï¬nd our stock of Meduciuns cnmpluteâ€"war: aut- ed genuineuuml of the bed qnulily. g H. SANDERSON 52 SONS, g CHEMISTS AND DRUG 'JSTS: Kept Constantly on hand Mu: lgngo. QVERY WEEK FOR DECEMBER H _ 7 , :ruoquT-swag, Riohmand Hill. Nov,~ 1181869. 592.3 itOli’i. H UPPER, BUTCHER Richmond Hill. Nov. ‘25. “.69. 593 If Aurom. Nov. 25.1669. ichmond Hill, Nuv ‘25. 1869 . N. B. STAMPING DONE Richmond Hill, Nov 25. 11:69. A nice assushuem uf' Ladies’ Druss Caps. Evary descuiptiml of MHlinexy made to order Richmond Hill. Nov.:25,1069 00K ‘NHSATURDAY LAST, BETWEEN Roycmns, LARINGITIS,AND ALL ORNS, HARD, SOFT AND FESTER- EURALGIE, HEADACHE, SURE $1000 to Lend. T SHORT DATE, ON SATISFAC New thnerliscments. MRS‘ MYERS ASNOW 0N HAND THE CHEAP nsrlutol' HATS AND BONNE’I‘S ME INTO THE PgEMISES 0F ï¬petial Notices. Temperance W’orks. If you win}: EM 1110 pub'irml'mns of the Scm'usu 'l'EMPEmscE Luau 1-2. A‘ FULL SvPPLY of [hose iulorrsting and well wriw-n Walks. which wil bu dispo~ell of at a Low liaLe CATALOGUE on application at the TORONTO MA RKETS. To Shoemakers. Money to Lend. Berkshire Boar. Arrived at the Herald Book Store ILISH . . . . . . . .u n- “ ‘atï¬ï¬bush ......-- 0 msh............... U U m 5.... . . . . . . . . . . . (l Bperbbl.......... ‘27 ' ol' years, on a salasl'uclory Apply to New Firm. HER \Ll) BUCK STORE TO LEND, FOR A TERM Astray. Toronto, Nov. 25, 1869. Lost- GEO. B. NICOL A. ROBINSON. 8 (m 9 un ..... o 2-: mo «:25 “.27 UUï¬Dann U :8@ 03†Burrisler 593- (l' DENTIST. 5923-†5934f 923. Pauper. William Cnlnlw. Mary (‘owam J \' nuns-nu, Thomas J. Dmmm, Jam»; Dnhson. Mr. Dilvf'l5n .‘ W iHiam Donur, I‘Immuu-I I) ~vidsmL Hugh Pï¬yhsure. ("hm 05 Fisher. “Pl'hfll‘d Gnrman John (:Iemlwnod James homing. William Urey. John marksmvk. Duncan . I'u~. Huvid Puil‘i'u-zmz Smiih Blimnr. Charles Remand, I]. Bracken. James Barnard. ll. G, Bowman. Thomas (anhnt. Jana Conplnnd. William Jennings, John Jarksun. Richard Korn. Thomas Lawrence. Mrs. Chas. Lewis. John Lnggye, ’l‘homas 1.?Qge. Geo. "Mn n>haw, Mrs. George "Palmer. Julm KvnH, Miss (“amprL Amos“? [2]Reid. Mrs. M [:2] Case. Hem": Rm‘nulds, Jam: 5 door U the stilbcriher. 1.0146 Isl (Jon. Vaughan . {ichmuud Hill. on lhu 2211 October last, A Ram. The owner is requeelod to prove pro- perly pay expevses and take iL away. JOHN MlN'l'ON. Blimnr. Uh Remand, I] Bracken. J‘ Barnard. ll J. pvemi us. Lot 4‘2, tear of lst (Ion. Vaughan. 3 Few days ago, a Man Pig, with a mug in 'ns nose. and pzut of one ear cut 05’, is here-by requested In call on me and pay for the advmrllsing of the same. Ange". Carrie K. Bell. Miss M, Brilliugrr, Juchb Bowman, Junes Brown. VVillnuu Remind, JA G. 'nr‘kshmk. Duncan u~. Huvid And vicinity. that she has opened Ihe Shop NEW' AND FASHIONABLE! Of the Latest Slyies on hand. M129. Clarke is (£150 prrparcd to do Dress- mukiug In all its brunt/(cs. PEMAINING IN ,L lhlIl’uslUlï¬ce. One door north of Barnard's Store: .3 MlNHW. m 3'51} pur lUl) fem. Aim Floor- Ing HIHI mhm lemhcv “rm-:le : Sap Buckets, Pails, (,idm‘ ,‘xiiil ', Washing Machinpe. Shngle Waggon Fellow. and Lumber Snwcd 'o mder. For parxicula rs zuHre‘ss GROCERlEï¬. HARDWARE, FIRE PROOF STORE 1 NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS Patent Eaveâ€"tlough ND WATEIiSPOUTS FOR THE_D0 FALL AND WINTER GOODS Richmond Hill. Nov 10, 1869. “7. H. LA\VRENCE. Vaughan, Nov .11 1809. 591-3 N‘ B. Accovnls rendered 1st October. Richmond um, Sept 30 1869 ‘HE PARTY WHO TOOK FROM MY Richmond Hill. Nov. 4, “:69 T‘homhill. Nov. 3. 18(59 A LARGE AND VARIED AME INTO THE PREMISES 0F AMPRELL'S PATENT MAGIC WIN- For sale, Chean. 01113415 cls., at the Wanted Immediately. STRQNIG,‘ SMARTABDY, TO CUT wood. lodk after a Cow. an'd dc the out.- work round a house. Apply at this oflice. RS. HENRY CLARKE BEGS TO AN- KEPT CONSTANTL Y TRIMMICD HA'I'S & BONNETS 110W L'L‘ll'l AIN FIX l‘UlH‘lS, FALL AND HUNTER TRADE. NUUNCE lo the Ladies uf R‘lCHMOND HILL, The Subscri‘aer has now in stock Embracing everything llmt is ILLINEIiYI INSPECTION INVITED. \VITII A CHOICE STOCK 01" New Millinery. List of JOHN! ASSORTMENT OF SUITABLE FOR THE A IARGE STOCK 01“ &". Ale. &c‘ Astray. HERALD BOOK STORE. Notice. 0N HAND. New ‘ANGS'YA FF, Swan) Mills,'l‘hornhill AT THE ISAAC CROSBY. Rm‘nulds, Junk; ‘ Ruhinson. George ’muniu. W Rubinson, Robert S'vscoe Lam: Siynpmn. James Skene. June ‘S'lid'play. John Smile» Ga! rye Shophenl, Edward 'l‘vanaH Mrs. Mary ’- VVIIIIQ. Moses White. Jacob Walker. Hannah Whileoah. Siscelia THE RICHMOND ISL Now. 1869 :â€" Gulhrie, George GISGHWOOd, WIHiam German, Mrs. Hunler, Thomas, Horlgson. John Judd M C Letters M“ TEEFY, nu. 591-8 SULH‘ 590-tf 35'