J UST RECEIVED, ’i‘EAS FROM 47‘ Emma Well confer a great favor bypuy- ug up this womb. ‘ 9; EA 'l ’ ivluh l'rr :Eemnug liIIin-.~ and links, ï¬lo-Fl. “war «r turn.“ uwn~i « it in nsluuisinug um mnnuul ul' tune 4nd :ulmy ll. raves. and how bunuliï¬ï¬‚ it makes everynlnng luck: to be pro- Cu:ed a! l. FRENCH’S. ' HE JUSTLY CELEBRATED STAR ivlhh l'rr :lamnug RUN» and I'orks. W .14 you: ï¬ngnrs l'rmn lmii g hunted. and save youmulves a awn! dnnl ul Iruuhta and almuy- ance. g" m Prwu-h’s and gel one ol'll.o.-e "am “No vav-lnudles, beautiful!) Hinpled for '{ukmg uï¬'b‘ (we id“. [m- Mates, pudding dishes, 624:. Fun: 15 our: man. IRESH COFFEES allot-oid‘ilwï¬em. am. Aw QI'AMI'N ALL PRICES AND EVERY QUALITY, AT F YOU WANT mm; TOBACCOS, TGN OF THE TEA CHEST,‘ mcmmxn Hm. LACK LEA 1), OODS AND PRICES LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO I. A SPLENDID LOT OF VINEGAR. (.7 HO OUGHT TO BE YOUR GROCER P ADIES. IF YOU WISH TO KEEP Important to the Ladies. ALL KINDS AND ALL PRlCES, THE BEST AND PUREST TEAS, SMOKING AND CHEWING, 4-? o'r-. 1'0 $l rm: {5. n‘ TO SUIT THE TIMES. AT Go To Al’ Ai' I. F‘RENCH’S. I. FRFNCH’S. l. VHF} wurs. I. FRENCH’S. I. HU'NCH’S. l. FRENCH’S. I. FRICNCI]’:. I. FRENCH. L FRENCH. l FRENCH. A Sylfllldid lot_,.of vggp‘ahove’. Min-h. “Iâ€de “M C-hw' A w A‘I'Kleo‘ii I) OCKET BOOKS ILLINERY, H. \V‘H ITEFISH AND TROUT. Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. IBM) ILL-Innode “in. Sep. 31), 1569‘ W. A'I'KINSUN. Richmond Hill. Sop. 31?, l 69, 585 Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. 1869‘ Richmond Hill. Sup‘ 30. 1869 FRESH GROCERIES, _ w. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. IBM). 585 Rialunund Hill’ Sell. 1H3, ( 62!. .IOR THE URANIUM, IREY COTTONS, Richmond Hiâ€. Sep. 2%“. may OB PRINTING \V. ATKINSON REI-lnnmld Hill, Sep. 39, ISM}, :85 , ‘ , . _. w ATKINSON. Richnmï¬d mu; Sep. 3:). r '69. ’ 585 almond HillQ‘O'cg Ri hmond Hill, Sep. 30. ISC‘). lichmmn’! Hill, Sop. 30. I~v£i1 W. ATKINSON. Richmond lliil. Sep 3“, lb'li9. 585 COTCH & GALLAW PLAIDS lVERQOATS, CHOOL BEQUISITES Richmond Ill“, Sep. 30. 1869 ACES, TATTING, EW FALL GOODS, ‘ W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill Sep. 32). |869. 585 Done Nunt and Quick at li‘o Herald Ofï¬ce. EADYâ€"IMAD'E CLOTHING, Richmond Hill. Sop. 30, ‘86!) jARPE 1‘s, ‘V. ATKINSON. Rmhmond lliIl. Sep. 30, 186:). 385 Comma»ng all that is Clusst & Elegant. RIB AGAZINES, PAPE RS, &e. AMES, TOYS, &c., ARDWARE, C ROC‘KE R‘Y, m w“- ‘‘‘‘‘ L.» I ANCY WOO LEN GOODS, R chmond Hill, Sep. 30. [969. OME-MADE FLANNEL RESS GOODS, lLANKETS, CCOUNTS LMONTE TWEEDS, To which particular alleution is directed. W. ATKINSON. A nicee assortment 'o chowe from. M MINGS, In endless Variew and swim!- The Cheapesl North of Toronto. lu Coats. Pants. VPslfl. 61c Rendered Oct. last and April Ist‘ Au ExcaHum Assortment Slamk 01 its nwu Merit A spleudud Assnmnenl. Glustare. Lumps. 61 c. That may be relied on. A Large Assort men I. OF‘AIJ. KINDS. Al‘ THE OF ALL KXVlï¬s AT ‘IHK A nice Assortment Che per than ever. *UPl'lJI-ill AT 'l “I: A full Assortment. FOR SALE 11"HIE Hats and Caps. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. Noted for Wear. HRI‘AIJ’) B IUK STORE. HERALD BJOK S'I‘OR H. W. ATKINSON. W. A'I'KlNSON. W. ATKINSON. W'. ATKINSON. W A'I‘KSVSHN W A'I‘KINSON. W. ATKINSON W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. W. ATKINSON. mm- HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT"; Emmi NOVEMBER 26,1869. 555 59 J tl 85 585 585 585‘ u) 85 DRY GOODS, AT AND UNDER COST. ABOUT $4 000 WORTH! DUE H. NEWTON, SETTLED FORTHWITH I. IS SELLING OFF GIVING UP BUSINESS ! POSITIVELY TO’ THE PUBLIC! And lulu will be min for Ch}! only. [IIS ENTIRE STOCK. ARE REQUESTED TO BE ALL ACCOUNTS H. NE IVTON GROCERIES, flu: 6w.“ &c. IS‘I‘ O)‘ 11mm NEWTON. Ii ARDWARE, THE LARGEST AND BEST AS- 'l'omrcos AND (hash:qu Gnucnmvm, I am um 10 In) aurpaswd in Q mlity, or under sold in pzipe. l hnve 06 Ill» brsl b-nnde and as good Value 5.: 1m" hum-u in tho Don-II-iolr. TOQTII,' NAIL, CLOTH, SHOE, t'HluLl" AND HEAVY IIARDWAR E. “‘1va Ga ASS. l’um‘s & Hug. Tobe had norll) of Toronto and at 'l'oronlo i uices. is u! ‘Kf INES AND LIQUORS asumhmng. B-mui‘mr. Home. mMuJ/Vlue wash. l'u'ml‘ nud Varnish Finn-Ina Yuws; Am 0lean “ ODLInb' YAuM‘ In all the Ch ~ice Cu‘nrs 0! [ha lwsl qual h‘. m U. .\ BARN A INNS. L ADIES’, GEN’i‘S' AX!) CHIL- J uni-5's - vaus. How. Sm Ks. up Egg-r TI: 5‘ Fur Vane-1y. V muu or Styles. (umth h“ .l U“ lgiclmmug ï¬lm, w 3. . M. THE NEWEST AND MOST ELE- CAST STEEL CHOI’PING AXES! V E RY PRE T T Y 'A NC’ Y WO CL CL 0 UDS. THE PIKEI‘TIEST AND CHEAPâ€" ES'I‘ DRESS GOODS 0f the Newest Slglus and most Durable Fab- )ica n N FRESH TE AS, IEN'PS PAP. n COLLARS. CUP‘FS .51. mil†flows In a†lhvo New Sn‘lw. wry (’lzeup. at ‘ G. A) mnmmvs WU ,, ‘86“. A large Asmrune l. at G. A. B sli.‘AliU‘.~‘. In We Now Sn'hs, a Splondsd Vurivl)‘, m §PLENDID WINCEYS, The boat value on Rmhnmnd Hill, a! {LA-SKINS, At 31’? cm and upwmds. M G. A. BIRNARD'S )ANADIAN WOOL TWEEDS AND FULL CLOTIIS, TOVE PIPES, 12:} cunis (em-h VINEGAR AM) emu; BARu‘riLs. COTCH "gum Sxyh-s of linuxrn'l SHAWLS. Murmurs .nn Put! 'Wool. Gan-m. XES, 0n Richmond hizl. at Sun-1m th. A‘I‘ PI’LE BARRELS Broud,‘Simmonds. Dales and 'hurrill’a BrST UNDER &. 0w.“ Cons, l’AN'rs & VESTS. Slallvncnt m' EN’S AND BOY‘S n A'rs A ND Tu ho had at FALL AND WINTER GOODS, IHICH WILL BE SOLD AS From N cm per ydxaï¬d upwards. at G. A. BARNA HD’S. From 5†ctkulu each; m I’Lam AN - Fun FLU-3'0 1.5, nu ma: ‘l’l‘l :‘mmna. LARGE NEW AND SELECT SELECT ASSORTMENT OF READ}"3MADE CLOTHING, BU EK‘S. ‘1'!) RD S T Assorlmon- of A 321mm; As» fl'l’MrNr ! M 5 In. 'ru ‘uan R 51’ Cumu- M nny hnuw hunk of "formula 0, A.‘ BARN nu), ‘ G. A (1‘. A. B ‘~.R.\,‘AR()"S, G A. BARNAI:D'S.- (i. A. BARN AHD'S G A BARNAHIVS‘ G. A. B-‘aRNARD'S, G. A 3mm mrs, G A. BARNA "D. G A. B « RNA'RI). G. A. BARNARD‘S B If DTN‘HES, G. A. UARNAHIYS. Richmnnd Hill‘ BARN \ ms, ' '. ~: ._1§;chumud_H.ll G. A BARNAIUO, Sun I: \Muu. AM) BARNA [RD S‘ run AT Rivhumud Hill [Unï¬nwad Hi†Richmond Hill. Rnchunmd Hili R x-hmuml Hill. lhvlnmml Hill. LIT-humid Hill. flichumnd Hill, nn .1, Kmimumd "ill. Richmond Hi“. ‘hmoms flul. Ru-hmolui Hill. Hivhumud HM Rich {mud mu Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill lhchmond Hill. Ric mond Hill. T I C K DESTROYER I PROMOTES THE GROWTH OF THE WOOL, L‘ all palm-s quud'lrmpmsiny (m lnls 310, I9 and ‘2". m the 2nd com-amnion of lh!‘ 'l'nwnl ship «‘1' Vmgh u all»: this «his win he pruse- culed to me Mums] rigor of Ihu law. When ycu visit l‘urun 0 he mm and gm n ['01 at PREPARED GLYCERINE ! NO HOUdIC SHOULD BEVWI'I‘HUIIT 1'5 BRINGS ADDITIONAL TESTiMONY! S ,m «V ryw‘nme, in hum-5 at 35 (:15. 70 cl“, and 3†UN. A 35 at box will than ‘2“ sheep and 35 Inmlm. ' And we highly eslvaurrd by lhe "h-dinm Ihr'n‘ fro us or dru-I ho Hw- Vmewrd. mmmued ‘nI‘ Sui-mu.thqu [mum-a- ‘ u FLMK‘HAkaR Smut.“ m: Wllunur IT ()TH‘E IS I†N all [unï¬t-s lull- 3 III-regn appu‘znl Mm: Us. Bwnard. Sp'y A" Lupuma unmv» .< If [and m 1! by ll-I' Canada at 'J mum», m chr mud In “:1!!! ul lhv IMAM" Bumh’s, London’s. ()ld Tom and Dokcypulk Newm'l and Slum“ ff's Fruit-h “'hi '.'. Inn's, liuudcrunm. Tlxumns 62 Rae’s Mull um! Otard‘s, Dupey & Co's. Jule's. Robin, A‘ &. F 'I'IIE I’U/H',‘ AND UNA, l’uro impelled Sholry, Burgundy and Perl $ARMER'S S HOULD USE Fonai ling in part nf Film Perl: Ynung Hymn. TJHS‘: :‘n e v Gmnud CUIWOS and Spires; .Hmcuwdn and oï¬nod Sugars; New Fruits nle of Grucurios on &. Co's Génuiue Brumiieu. Octulp r 25. 1869 Oz‘loher 28.496â€. " GROCERIES, WINES _ WILLIAM GRAHAME. Vaughn. Mly 95,1869. > 7566‘ Soph-nnlmr 8, MC 9 PREMISES. LATELY OCCUPIED HAPPE D HANDS! 0F Irs 7 H0!" 0170'" EFFEL.‘ 'I‘IVEA'ESS. II' DEN'IRUYS 'l'llE 'I'I(.‘KS. CANADA VINE GRO HOWEVER ROLGII OR- SORE, Tux-1041x141: us 4‘11â€: AMMAL .4 -‘ A L L IS E4“ RNES TL Y .4 NJ) Al (“is £651.41" ol' tile- 30:â€. h w.“ mth the hands Public Notice. HUGH MILLGR & Co’s, l“ 0 R S II I; E l’ § M001“ A ND “UH†MILI FR N CO ( .‘Ilmnmls. USE MILLER’s And nnyruvex I35 Yonge Street Toronto, with Jamaica and Demeer Rum MILLER’s tVfMV I)\Y Mums“. “ALL. ll-7 King bl. Eml. '; «name. 9. 5r9-LI' CANAI)I_AN EREBY GIVEN THAT AS our.“ AS ANY Reg to inform the Public Sul’T. Now I e addIeSs, BRAIN WHIS ‘I'IIE WIN WIN 'nImN‘ro. 583- If Which they ()f Illis as RU \BAJHARU. sr’uv & (:0. .2 CENTS PER, L [or hm (mum at} (or an} qmum in it: '0Hs, at To mow who have deUI'I'd him with [hear nulrmmgniu [he pas! he rallll'lw hh :incert- Imnlw, and [0 thus» will) "my (In in in lhe I'u- Ill'l‘. he would my Ihm no endmvnr an his uarl Whlhe wanting Io mrex their approval. lhtw,m:.\c|«:s.â€"’I‘he "oilmving genuu-mmwan. watlnvunï¬dchcv.reumnlnmld {i H lllwlmlu'.n. n“ quniliug Hen al md: 51 Raid, 'l‘lmrnhill; Dr Bull. Wrmm: Hr. U'l'lrlyu, Umwicm Hr. Cursuu. I‘rmrphul. ,Rrs mmcv..â€"'l‘lmrnlxill. :I‘hurnllill Sl-ptmnbel' l7. ISGS. 1y fully in aunt-mm:- [hut he. vnll to at Uniouvlllo. . . . ls! Monday ul'oauh "mull:- “'92:qu . . . . . .Slih day " Klinelun‘g _._I-x||l “ Bum-irk ‘. . . I ll “ St'nl‘hmu'. . . “.3â€! " Wilt-991m willlm prnpnw-d and must happv \Vhil (mm-he. \th m c) re-quiu' his sn-n‘iu G. H. 11.. havmg hml ovm ICHVHN YEA PRACTICE. I‘eens cunï¬dunuf giving entire sam- rt' lion. STATIONERY MISCE LL ANEOUS BOOKS Fncn‘n : anti p~r:i+\s p'll‘nhfwifl'j I'll-I prv-mlra )wmgh lhor purin the [Vines are~ Inghh [.’ESI’E/.TFULL I' SOLICI'I’ED. (‘0 . Moms I‘nrflm Pain 01 the “Nuts and Vin U'nwm'a' Assurinliun. in nnd l'u.’ lhu (lily uh'. -m- d nu ma (Simmer 02' said Association. DUL TERA TED JUICE Holland Gin Kennah-m S: Damville‘s I is" “"hislug'. Wal Uld lljo nmpkms, WERS’ ASSOCIATION. \ND BRANDIES .v Marloll’s, Hemiessr s and [’ennelle'u, ('nstil m-iahon are DIES: Wines. Ill’. Japan. Gunpowder. Sanchouu’ and Congo SD eu'iid \muking and (JIM-Wing 'l'olmccns; I'u Currantrnud Rusins. wiLII u general mac" "I ANCY GOODS HOUSE IN THE TRADE. “in so“ a large and soiect assortment of Richmond Hill, ()0: BY MESNRS- SHAW & CAMPBELL, ‘OLLARS ‘AND CUFFS hal lhey have opened the IBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY ONCERTINAS. LBUMS! ALBUMS ! ! ENTlST. MEGS MOST RESPECT AND LIQUORS! {MN AND PRAYER. BOOKS G. H HUSBAND, LD.S. (HICHMUNII uh I. muxcn) A'l' Tm: “If†SELF IS ‘RUC'I'OIK. AT THE SUI l ABLE FUR PR! RTE Al 'IHE Cr okavilka. 22in! OctoLer, 1359 CHEAPER. THAN i 12. AT THE THE LATE/ST STYL' , AT 1'" Ir. Nari. Uonrwr Bwl’wliuy. ‘ I urge llflolél ' r A AICV‘F‘IVWV 4M“ 4* FOR SALE, (‘Hl‘iAl‘ AT 'I'HE Fresh Butter. 01" hle‘KIXl)! AT THE S. WHITE. RBHPMETUR l-‘ou SALE AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. any» we: no“. HERALD BOOK STORE. H ER ALD B‘WK S1 ORE HERA LD BUCK ST')RE HE“A|.D B 10K STORE HER A LD BOOK 81")“ F. HENALD BDï¬K STORE. '3') Y“ xgn SIl'N‘I G. A BAKNAHD'S )0: 27. Jar-9 551 h WILL. BE GIVEN y u! guod I'rmh [Smlera 550.3 l0 The sen-ices of James Bowman. Esq., and Joseph Cook. Esq.. (who ï¬rewall knew“ a; ï¬ruI-class~ workmen.) having been sscggged, we {subscriber teels conï¬dent in staliuggw [.130 public that satisfaction will be given... ' f\ the west. .‘1'5 acres of which are cleai'ed: er-yi‘“ umwumn-nhmwv-a‘nmb‘rflï¬nr' (‘an be had at the Post-ofï¬ce, for 10 mm: WEEK. ERIST MILL & WGDLEN PAETDRY. Frame D‘quing. n|._~u three B11515 and other outbuildings. and an oxcollam Orchard of [mining fruit ire: s. ' This i< mm of (116 best farms on Yonge SL, :11 mm-ndamisvd mud) and is 28 mlles from Tumnm, and about midway between Newmar- km and A uvuru Maliuzm on the Northern“! RJL. hulh nl' which ar-A gond Gruiu Markets. Gmwmwr and olher Schools, Flour and Saw M lis u‘uhm shan distancn-S, also a Cheeso Fammy within 35! rods of Farm. > '.' he subscriber will stop long enough to give anv one wishing to buy him out instruction in lho an gums. CARDING, SPINNING 7! WEA VI‘NG, 1) YEING, Clnlh Dressing. @c.. and Gristing in a Superior Manner. ’I' HE MORNING PAPERS .‘laving addal to the Gaming Machines, NEW BURRING MACHINES.) .L‘ o! eugngiug in an easv and pruï¬mble |)I15ill¢'ss and has :1 sum! capm a: his control. wull ï¬nd h Io his advantage to call on the nu: mmigned imdeialt-ly as he offers for sale his enme hIIN k, l’holugrnphic apparatus. and own Ihiug appertaining thereto. as he talks of leaving llld country. l’l'nctvuds from the gallery average about $000 per year. A. M. HOOD. The subscriber. having purchased the above Hills and ï¬lter: [hum up III a suherior manner. hogs leave to imimmu to the inhabilanls of Méxkham and surrounding townships that he is now prepared to do And made all necessary repairs. the‘snbscribgt hupes to give good satisfaction. Parties wish‘ mg 10 have their wool ,manufnclured from the fleece can have i. made‘ lino any kind of Cloth or Flannel. ' Parties cnmiug from a. distance can have their wool carded and grisls ground while waning. “u†duéh fur IVool or Cloth Given}?! Exchange." ‘ ' timber.“ This properiy will be sold together or sepa- raw-n on (-‘flsv terms of payment. For pm-Iiculms npplv to A.Buuhbee‘. Esq. or [0 the subscriber 'm the premises, ’E‘O ANY YOUNG MAN DESIROUS BOWMAN’S MILLS, The premisvs me well watered. There are I6 I 5i1'll!.\ (:quretl. Ilw renmiuder is well wooded \mh Inn-dwuud. There is a lnrge two-surrey IN THE Tuwxsmr 0!“ WEST McGILvanu, 45 wires of which the clam. with a good frama ham and hewed 10;: house, a good bearing or. chmd, 0013' two miles from Parkhill Station. vj For further particulars apply to 'H‘ which 7“ acres are dam of Stumps, with a g“le l'l'mne ham and hewvd 102' house, and a ghoul hr‘nrinlj mthd - within 6 miles from the fluulishing Village of l’arkhill. Two Beautiful Farms for Sale.- J. N, BLAKE, 'Banister, 45.6; No. "4 f'lmrch St. opposike St. James’ Came. drnl, Toronto. ' 100 Farm in the Township of Adelaide. fronting nn the l-Ignemum Grav-a. Road, of 200 acres, 70 mrcs ulearud and flee from stumps; on tho premises there is a good house. barn, 'slable. &c. 'I‘Hore is a spring close to the» house. and a spring creek runs across the lot. The un: cleared pan is well limbered with hardwood; situated about 3 niilas Irnm Kerwood Station. and 7 miles from Stratln'oy. South halt-9s of lots Nos. 12 and 13. lst (fun. lnwnship u!" Mom. 200 acres. situate alum], lg milus from Nuwhury. where cordwmd brings :1 good prime. and it is well timbered with- hul'deud. Also larms and wilds in various other counties. Apply (if by letter, prepaid) to May 14, 186-9. 3 0R†§ALEPOT 15:0, 90, WEST SILE Viz â€"Farm of 133 acres, situated in the vaushEp of Vaughan. on Yonge Street, about 12 miles norm of 'l‘oront'l. on which there is a cnunnodluuu house, barn. 2 s1ab|es,sheds, an orchard, about, 5.‘ acre-s pine and hardwood tim- bm‘ mixed; well watered, Sup. 3!), 1869 Richmond “in, Oct. 21. 1569. FIRST-CLASS FARMS AND WILD LANDS, CHEAP AND EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT, ul' Yonge Slrcel. in the I 'l‘owuvuu’ 0F KING. County of York. CONTAINING 2:0 ACRES. September 23th. 1869, ' 'cwbsr :7. 1809‘. L50 100 ACRES ADJOINING- ON Telegraph, YARN DYE!) IN ANY COLOR. And at Reasonable Prices. Acawgu 1m 77mm TOWNSHIP TERMS EASY. Farms for Sale. Pmcn 35135 PH“ ACRE. Plum $35 PFR Aimx. Photography. U |-‘ Wx-zs'r WILLIAMS. ALSO 50 ACRES OF TORONTO : N. ALLAN GAMBLE, Apply to JOHN HARRISON. Park/till 9.0., 0m. [1, 1869, 86-4 w. SPOFFORD. mg} i v' Ppebï¬tm , 1869. ‘ 50M: For Sale. Globe, VMIRA. M. TEEFY. Richmond Hill. 5644f. Nuwmm'ltét P. 0. Leader, 588- if 5884f