Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Nov 1869, p. 4

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I Mood l1; tlm lufly elm braw-lws rz’clslmrlml When Summer’s l'wsh msys wcm bring on the wall. Ana thought of lllO lime “hon their lmcs would be ladedâ€" When the hand of declly would have gather‘d llmm all. I gazed on the beauty that cluslur'd around The great) golden landscape the sun ling- l ered o’er. I And sigh'd for the spells with which youth l had enwound me, l In the days of my childhood, returnng no t more. 3 I stand in the garden now Summer is diiurzj. l And grieve that her beauty so em ly shouul cease ; . ‘ The Wind in the branches is wailingr and sighingâ€" The Cry of a spirit that findeth no peace. I think of the Home that our Father hulh for us, 0f the rest; we shall gain when the race has been run, When the grass and the daisies are beautiful , o’er us, And the manifold labors oflife are all done. I think of the land at affection innnmtal. And wonder that men should he sorry to go To the sweet Fatherland, of which Dcnth is the pOrtal. And leave all the cares that oppress them below. For thorns are surrounding the flow‘rs which glow brightest, And grief, such as will not for sympathy Crave, Is often consuming the heart which seems lightest ; How welcome to such is the rest, of the: grave. A NEW c3mpany has been Formed to bore for salt at Clinton. A GOOD way to find a woman out.â€"â€"~Cull when she isn’t at home. WHY is the sun like a good loaf? â€"l‘$v- cause it’s light when it rises. WHEN may we presume Ilmta man is vev) hung1y7â€"Wlxeu he (levuuzs lmuks. UXNCINATTI is about to pl)! 113) :l “ Mar» chaut’s exchange" that will cost 5310.000 WHY is manuscript culled NIS‘. ‘Iâ€"Rw: um: that is the state in which edttors Inuit he quently find it. v BdlLED eggs sell at 23 cents a piece in Denvcrs. V THE rice crop of Wis vem‘ is exyectm be double that of 1863, Ihu total being at 20,000.000 lbs. NEuRALGIA.â€"â€"Use Dr. J. Brigzs' Allemn- tor for neulu‘lgia, Cfitun‘h, hemlzwlw, &c. Sold by druggists. 5530 MANY of the colored men of Richmond are getting rich, some being alrezuly worth from $20,000 to $30 000. A MAN in Portland has‘ built an ark to save himself and family from the next fitmd which he thinks is near at hand. “HIRE Coltâ€"anmmfgmtmtios M Hartford, are making 30.000 breech loaders fur '{Uussiat and expect more orders from the same Guv ernment, IN Prescoit, Arizona, the latest market quotations are: Flour. $36 per bb1.; butter, 82 per 1b; eggs. $2 per dozen. A MASS of gold, welghing 9‘, ounces. and worth $160, was discovered recently in Montgomery County, Maryland. lt \vusim bedded in brown quartz. CORNS.â€"Usc Dr. J. Brizgs’ Modm'n Cur- Itive for corns, buuions. ingrowng nails. tender feet,&c. Mud. soothing,sul’teningund healing. Sold by druggisls. 583; THE State Geologist of North Carolina, thinks that the Black Mountains in that State are composed of the first dry land, and they are the oldest earth in the globe. THE refinery belongin'r lo Meésrs. BurcIny, Simmonds &. Cooley, Pen-0|i.1, was consider ably injured by fire. and much of the con tents burned, last Sunday. IN consequence of the early frosts this season the frozen apples mound Gait hau- been ground to citer, and the Inner was selling there at only a dollar a barrel. “ BIDDY,” said a lady to her servant “I msh you would step over and sue Imw old Mrs. Jones is this morning.” In :L fmv mu ments Biddy returned With the infinumlim. that Mrs. Jones was just 72 years, 7 mumhs, and 2 days old. , CATACAZY, the Russian Minister to the United States, tcle‘g‘rnphs as follows In the Bussian Consul at Sun Francisen :â€"â€"‘~ l’resi dent. Grant havinflr designated the 18th of November as uthmikslgivinér daty I instruct on to have a. i]12ltlh’S_§iVlnn" service uelebta ted on that day in the Russian Chapel. at Sun Francisco, inviting all linssinn subjects to unite their prayers with these of the Ameri can people.” PARXS, Nov. 16.â€"The Emperor gave an audience to Baron \Verther. the newly up pointed Ambassador from Prussia. ill Unin peigne, yesterday. Much grind l‘eelinj wns manifested. ’nu'on \Verther assured the Emperot that: the Prussian Government de sired to preserve the present amicable relu- tiOnb with France. Nztt'oletm replin War!“- 15' and at conside ‘ahle length concluding br saying he much wished for the dt-veltqinmnt of a good understanding between the i‘rns lian and German Cuntederution on one side, and France on the other. REGIMENTAL RICGHET,â€" The dtill-instrut- tor of an old regiment of the line-~oue ut‘ the old stamp of mnrtiuet sergeantsâ€"“ht. was the terror of everv recruit, and the. It» morseless tyrant of the awkward squat]. was putting a firlng party through the funeral ex ercisé. Having openedthe ranks, so as to admit the passage of the supposed cm‘lege between them, the instructor ordered the men to rest, on their arms rerersad. Then. by way of Dractical exphmation. he walked slowly down the lane formed by the two ranks. saying, as he moved: I ~‘9N6w I am the corpse. Pay attention." Having-reached the end of the party, he turned round, regarded them steadily thh a 'scrfliiu'izing eye for a. moment. 0r two. and then iremarkéd, in a most. solemn tone of mien» . . t.“V‘V-,Y.on"r ’ands is right, and your ’eads is rights. but. you ’av’n’t got that look of "- .mt you ought to ‘nvo. ‘ ‘ " COBOURG, Nov. IG.~-â€"About one O‘Chwh’ yesterday, Mr. Henny Ensign, Cullvcmr ul' Costums for Cobuurg. during a (it of msmnhy shot himself with a, short rifle. The hull assed through the heart, causin: insumt death. There being no witnesses In lhw shooting, the jury at the inquest. returned n verdict of death from the cill-uls of a gun shot Wound, accidentally, or while luhnrin; under temporary mental “hen-rulinn, under circumstrnces unknown 10 the jury. Much sympathy is felt for 1116 widi and family. Mrs. Easton. having lost a hr lther by uuci dental death in Bellvillo on Saturday lalsl. AUTUMN THOUGHT S ODDS AND ENDS ammo HUI S C O T CI! (J L A .'V ’1' A ller‘pPr-iquv inth the allemiun (4' his fru‘nds -. Yqu and PN‘L to 1h» “Mowing Specnhlims, mm; 1 Fun): $1.23, 1031i the In I Dress; mum under rugulnr pri 9.x Fcnurh Clan Panama. a}: inn} '1 Nu; na'lm‘ns m Pow. (I‘m rde and Slm'vls \he I wast and rhean Nmk in Ihe ( H‘s. \QMAMAN BI.A'\KHIS, erh :w- I my and mi a.” r'innm-‘s: I‘ ‘1 this.“ Val/w. (fauadlam l‘munlu and Wu ule'v Shrevirng mu yru-(L uia'r. ‘9 l mat. « m gllzficfllll Stock 0 Hrs Whim.l§1m-k ahd 'rancx' (Slum uni '\\ uu‘mu (hunk ‘n y (filmy Scotch and Canadian Tweuds, a wry lmgu Slur’n. cut langths (0 Merchant lzuluxs~ n Winnie- snlu Prices. V Eva he’xnmnflt i; now ruH\' mama 1. A31 limn' u o '.»d in P-i‘n '5" Mrs. Thu 'nw-N; pnit‘e '» :m! -1 fi ‘1. . 30 fl. flrnpzznzfz'wz for til: [lair : char and lrmuparr'nt, 101713.171! sydi'mwll. It 71: 7’6"} MEN/)1; am! (if/2» )rmlna‘l woujerful run/ls. 1/3573”! priority am! rmuomy as a Hair I 72'4'3x1' 3* over /1 ‘ rust Fruity/L Pommz'e: is athlanrludjm’r/ /} (1/1 1w! 0 [y ('71 {In} mmztr but in Eurapu. 'IYze Al's/0727‘ and 7y]0/>a/sanmm s 0141‘! m)! be used one will; [/13 oflacr. SOLD BY ALLDRUOOFSTI. Propriv mru. R R. Van nut-r 3: CL, \thlemL- nggin“, 35 Burciuy Sit. uunl (0 I’mk Pluur. Ncvauxk. New Style. Important Chnnhe A REAL HAIR RESTORER All?) .03; Combined in One Bn‘cla. MAKER EEESTC-i} "33 “’ill hesmro Gray Um! no its Nalural Lift}. Culor and Sunny. It is a most (lolightful Hair Dressing. It will promntxs luxuriwt, growth. FALLIMR HAIR is imnmdintely checked. Mrs. s A ALLENS ZYLOIMLSANUM nnaflrrr RE R80 S. {$0 A. I'. I0 Inl'vrm lhu iymthnnx. uf [L l and >urrnund1»: v n: y. lll'cl h mamental Paint '3‘ All wmk [cantor/{ml lo gin lisflu'liun, k.) UUICHEIL find (1:. n m-nh u <Inre l‘u‘ nun-d HM. kmgu ; Ilu- iwq m {Ln-1'. Many”. Inn ‘w‘uu nun, £12. and Ils m luv In the shop formvrly ocuupied lay Mr. John Hulchin-u ~s‘uu sum, luv. mg SIM-up. I” SHEEP RIP???” 3 Ul'iul “in Equally adapted Inr npph‘in'; m Shut-p an L'unhs by Diypmg Pnnrmg. Nlllfrll g; o th’mg Um! Ills” as a who-'1 for I‘Jrsps (mil Cull/4:" Sold unly i 0 HM hum-r and when: in horhn 1d m We I‘ll” n iil< HHI 11 me shop 0‘. mid In .\]r\ \Vm ‘l‘ whav In is propnrwu Lu In an! iLs Mano,in and by striu auennon to |m.~||l¢'.~.\ hu hopes to mum a share 0" mulic Nutiunail Series 4: Wading; F500!“ Fms‘l' Buox,wilh 3| Hlnsvrmiuns.strunglxIman i balance nourh‘ al! ii in limp clothâ€"5 cums Then? is on the» [n barn, enable, -\'C.. \Also a bemnil'nl yw r n . . laces planted 5 \v “ . . I y f' ‘ 4 . ‘ A ’ .. bum”) LuuK mlh ah xlluslrnlmns. sirongl) ’pmses along Hm h," bound in cloth beamsâ€"2h cents, .k 3., mu“ from m. 1“”‘51' l’muk. (wrond [mm with 5~l€|iustralionfi strongly hound in Iinm Mothâ€"W ce‘nls. I'Hlur BOOK, 4| “lush-minus, slrongly bound ' Gomgmmvu.on the in cloth hearth-BU vents. 1‘30 nnleh from Town I . FOUR'I H Human-15 illustrations.strongly bound. Pumas: Twentv 1 in ckuth boardsâ€"4” cents. cash, mlance on lil FIFTH BOOK. 5n illustrnliuns’ strongly bound; Forpamwlus up in cloth boardsâ€"5“ crn’r. Couramun 10 THE R'hhngngâ€"‘Jfi mum 3 “(IL _ N. Fm sale at the. i x . “ "fi’xnm 19001: are“. J¢;fiary14,186§l E EHG'I'ER. CRAIK MEGS TO IN'I‘IMA'I'E npllhil i Elgin Mils. 1' 3 GET ICAL WUR KS Mmo'l h, Richrmmd Hill. J1~m~23 £869. Rich” und HI”. Aulhnlised by tho (‘unm-il ol' l’uhlic In- struction lur Unumo. AI WILLIAM. COX, I'CCESx‘OR TU JAMES [IOLLIDAY, HE UNDE {SIGNED BEGS LEAVE NEW, PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS! ERFECT SAFETY L“. BET-1E!” Dll‘ L‘NEHA L B LACKSMI’I'UING [I 0 US I’IBG. OF THE I‘I‘I',‘ I51" PUFFS. AT ‘l N!) “'ARIIANI‘PJD FRED- FIHHI AH‘ENIC 0d MrAuUny. ‘23. 18W GEO, I; .I‘I\oua.u.l.’s NON-l' anulU“ ‘m‘x nyu‘uelgrmw aide“ r'nr Lani- luhs Ac madam! Spice-(I Ho‘ Smukm THE NE\V CA NADI $1.0]00 Rewaer- \VILLIABl BLI’ECIIITELL Biacksmi Lhing R. U III To Fatima; “‘3 KING (702'. .‘f [Hour 4~ Villgl‘ S'L .r:, SIG N A N!) lhu iymthnnx. uf NIL-hman 11»: v 1\:.l'}‘. (in! he has cun- mzpd husim 5- ns H‘ R‘LD BOOK “1“;le )(‘H ALIA. Ami-1' WHJJ \ ‘J COX :1»! I5. IN”. nmlh (H H .\' H-unmdv kn“... :xi \‘H‘S on hand m. lamb. Veal. I'urk. Is :L certain indication of decay at the roots. You MIN Cultivate it Harm (111.le BEAUTIFUL 11 H R I‘ll‘ when: in lhu |< HHI h~- Imp Nature’s C mwn GRAY HAIR In'l’c/IMvmd “I'll, DAVID. L STU-Iv - has luusrd much. M'n , I!” I“ "3“ ’54 1mm. URKVHJJ z *‘RIGMGIW‘ 3mg; 01' it 'I" A N ‘v'n mu‘lu - u I ~~ w.» in- am: 10-. liw, Gristng will be attended to all tits»; m formerly, , i“ H I“, Suhsnriber (Ifi‘ms forsnle a good farm. [wing iot No 4. in the Sth coucemiun u" the lmvmhip of Em), WU acres, (HI horas r-lenrvd and m a high 311% urcullivaliun: 1h: huhle nourh‘ al! first ram, Hml‘dWOP-d buwh 'l‘hme is on the» premise-s a good Mg lax-aw. barlu,unlfla. -\'c.. \vnh goud waxer privrlvgn Also a bemnil'nl young (ll-chard of hm flue! trees, planted 5 )vurs A good gravel ruad passes along Ihu I'runl 01'1le lot This farm is 35 nIHr-s from Richmond Hill. 6 miles [rum Gourgnmwn. on the, Gland Trunk Railway,and ‘30 nnleh from Turnnlo. I‘mws: Twenty fivo hundred doll-rso-pnn cash, mlance on time. For particulars nppiy to tho owner. Ur H lllev m» not plet'm‘rud m nm' oIhI-y pump “.63” may lw r~-\urne<1, MI lhe money wil 1m Mun umnufaolnrt-s a pump fnr cimerns and Willow \qus. so It. nxh'llt'ltd W‘lll [he (:asliugs Il'llm hanle as tu nnku it all fight. and pr!- u-uung rmxlz'rvn Irwxn putvng auylhing into it: whit-h is Imavialuly lhu L‘nsa wrn cmmnm: pumps l’fmc‘ $65 caulplale. (or cine ns nu rxvu-dlng elgln feet. Chum Pumps On the Shortest Notice! Tm. PLVP Is Fun: \prxl 3‘. T ‘ i.)2.\(\x Ah.» i’ump R EFUNI‘)ED. These Pumps are suuable to all Depths fz‘flii} :: 2:133:32‘h to 5» Well of 150 feet. i 1‘ ’ Public galorolly. in lho (Lumie- 0f mrk. Pr 4 1‘. Q '. ed a In! {u 0. .. .I l) y at‘ A V) H L If 'I Addrms, UM,ng depln of wull \pri' I, I‘PiH HE BEST REMEDY KNOWN HP: Sn}: n-mmxr. And if at-ce-pxon WARRXNTILD 'I‘Wx YEAR'S I569. um mans rn W ELL “JUGI‘ G U()L\ E um FAR M x... b‘ I \hl TOWNSHIP OF WAREHOUSE ruin: Linimexnt, Griz! "THY bondJWDUIUH Tumor} ’H 'J. ‘ . 577-”. WILLIAM HA RDING. l'lihmr \lwllll, rnupfirl’hli} an- liml he a mu.” ed lt- pm In Cur. If Btu/’1' In}. 5".» on Trial for One Manch MILD-O 'U NIL] H r. E 1‘ zlrl \.I i I\_ 1.!!! T ..\. ‘lmruk‘ IN THE ‘7 1". p..|;. “on Dun. H .nl‘u fists-13' ('lUl‘Dll) fur Cisterm $3. JFH ‘-' LYH‘. PHILLIPQ, [hum-mu llu.l. ERIN. ma: Richmorpdx Hil' PU" “7-01! I‘MKVILL'; LIST'OF ENGLISH ' Newspapers and Magazines, 1'41:nulugiu................. '1‘:-IIIpIflBfl|‘-. . .... . Tmih‘s lllummtad Josephus E‘rmhsetker .. . ......... . Unmu HeVIew [BIL month] _ Ullik'd Mnlh::di.~l FreaChurn n It United l’rmhyverian Magazine . Velerium‘iflll ,, Vimuria Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . Wmchword ...... . . . West End Gazelle of Fnhions. World oanshion .. .......... onung Englishwmnan s.‘.Q-.. -.. Y},an Am‘irentice. . . . . .. . . . . . Yuma: Ladies Journal. ..i.'-.a. Young Man of Gun: Brluil p. . 5‘31; ALEX. SCO wmch- M THID Lu'r Mum.» 1 m a u I E’uunr’rh‘nss. HILL vvl .uu ‘ulléllnhllu .n........-..-..-.- iziue. . .o-u-a an... zetle of F ions.... uion hwmnan s.‘.Q-.. .. ntice..... ;J_ourn SUPPLX hD BY bankr- Suki... 'Pery’r. PTNu “3‘ “U ‘3, 125 ..575 “375‘ .’ 110 I....375 ....375 .. 200 ....200 Iti’nlal‘u“) it Mag 2 un . 575 ’20“ I .‘m ‘1 1h! a w 5 75 'a' W 'J 00 I 10 3 75 . H‘s t: W 37 M' 54 r {‘U Wt u 17 m .,. 1h )7 l7 It) 33 It 10 10 l7 l0 33 3!) '7 Hi) 39! 5:) 33 65 In 3n 3:1 33 l7 l7 4) 5“ if .I7 33 l7 l7 l7 l7 17 33 17 33 33 33 10 60 l7 l3 50 33 l (J 33 33 11 17 so 97 l7 I? In I7 ~1 'Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON J: 0014131313 WARE. “ESE NULLS HAVE STOOD THE '1‘ :ST l’xuvIncIal Exhiinitimnr and (Km ty Ffiv- 'A'lufuf Best Fanning Mill, Manufactured in Canada, HI ful'v Wurunud ‘nd deliurod nt Mmufacturar‘s prices. Send for Circu‘srs and information. Address 0. CHAP MAN, General Agent, "'1"- pt-LJ “om 192. _ :3 1 " or If all 0:. c. “313 Can F-rmers will rwmm than ow. intone! i! may win "amino our Mill bu‘oto hnz'wg n’lmvlwrp, as We feel confident thn' win be satiefiud nur Machine.- are notsurpaasad if oqunliud. YVILSBN’S XMPROVED DOUBLE A (353103" FAN N I G Haber Hamil to Ordn- on the Sharing! Mike at. flmir Saw mm. Including Tables, Chairs. Bedsleads, Burt-ans. Cupbmnds‘ hl-sZ-HIg 5‘1th \Vmi Stands, 8w. 8L0. Also a large assnrhmmi of Room :Papvr. Bonk-ling. \Vhile 1.9:"? Paints and Colors. Raw and ijmlod LinwrdOils. Machinr ()il, ‘mck Oil‘ "IS-mid: 'l‘urlwrtine. Benznne, Glass, Pmty, (Hue. 8w. 3&0. Parlias F‘uinishi'..-5. iia'rf‘l'my, or Paimiugtheir l-l‘ou<es._wil]'dq We” to call before pumllasing e.'§flhwre. Aim Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store 2 A CHOICE ASSORTMENT 0F FURNITURE! HARDWARE and. CROCKER-‘Y House Fumishing Establishment, 83 Ynnge SL3 Bums abava King LAM? ELBBS, SEEKERS, GEEZNEYS, N returning thanks for the very xibvml supme he hm (Pt'viVl’ll siucv Cfll'l-lnPNLiII'. businessin Richmond Hill, begs to inform [lu- public Ilml he has greally increas ed his Stock and has now on hand \Vhére he keeps onfllland Flour. Shorh' I51 an, Oats. Peas. Uallnénl. Cnnum-al. Flu-L: wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cfipese,‘Fisll'ynd: ' ' ' ‘_ V”-â€" lmpms and (Thnmlkéiers: Ihe Stork of wh h IS very large, embracing all that vs New and Chasm. and 11150 'ere Piamest and Lhenpem; thus Ineeliug {he requimmenls of I.“ clasees. 1710011 011 and l’xIaohinlory all STOVES.â€"Cnoking Stown Pnflor Stoves: Rnx Sluvvfl. Dumb Stoves, and Sm" Pulas‘ (:rain Meaaurea, Appke Parem,(.l‘uthes “ringers, Jim, 51c CABINET Eifi'i‘A‘B LlSH 1‘}! EN} Lurruus. Square and Globe Shape, in green \‘nrirtv. for oil or candles. H. would also dutct Special Attention toils. much of Children’s Carriages and Perambulators! Also on hand a hrga mock of Tame Cullnry. Spoons, .ch. Spel‘inl nit-union mama " 'zi'zam Hein‘aman 8: [20’s. Eelebrated Firstâ€"prize Piano Fortes ! Richmond Hill, May ‘37, [869 Tmouto, February 7. 1868. EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock nf House Fumisvhinl Goods. among which will be found -u A nice assortment, good and cheap. DUNHQQQCHI!‘UI§€ a large Nmnber of Rpairs of a kinds prom pty Executed. Londmg buvors nro invited to inspect mo stock, as it will le found worthy “inspection BURNING FLUID‘ ALCOHOL. BENZOLE, STILL FURTI 1 ER I)!P1}OVEI). HIRAM PIPER And having invrensed facilixim for "rt-paring the lumber. Ma“ ut‘acuned and Imgtorted, Whuiluh and Hamil ' “““ . : foam}: w gar Cashh‘gt‘fficel tha'gipannof flying»:qu «a nil A FULL ASSORTMENT 0F hich will be round both good and cheap. _ my zy F-iv- when-VIr nhnmn, am! am pmuuummd by com- pe.eul judges R" boiu; vim RICHMOND HILL The subcriben are now AND 'I'OI‘PV Il'l: I Ho would‘also cull atlenllon'tnhis ()F CON???” "1”.‘3 AT Al I. THE A. & W. WILSON. 53.5.33 213’}! WI‘JES the :nbm'e, Mutant VILLAGE in diMl'led m hls U. l {.91 ‘11 j l_ W JAusgppNTON. “A ‘Wehnonimfl.6ofi’§5i’50‘ 17-43499?” 5C3 other 493 If Uh J. H. SANDERSON, VETE BRNREY SUREECN, bl‘lGh‘ lu Mnmunuo In the public 'IIM} hp is now pnu'lll'lllg Willi h SANHHICS‘)V, ol the same plnur. wharn Ihey mm he cum-n11- ed permunlh' or ny loner. on all dlsemes of Horses. Cultle. thc. Cor. of Yonge & Centre St.East L1 Umlvrluknr.&l:. Itnunrmdmâ€"Nuarl)‘ nppusithu l'nsl Uflicq ‘ich nnnu Hxll. Fm Horses and Cunle alwa}: on hand : such as l’ln‘xic. Diurmic. Cordial. 'I‘umch Cough, (Jumlitiun and Worm Balls and Puwdvr‘. I‘llo Cough Balls lmve lmen l'uund 1mm serviceable, in alleviating mum‘ of [he (lu~1res.~ing sump- lmns of Brokmm ind or Heaven: in Hm'ses. (folio. llranghls. Lin‘nmuls for Fore 'I Immls. Spa-mus. Curl). Spnviu, King-Junie, No. Blist- sling Uinluwnh. also “out and Hauling (Jim- Illt‘lzls. Lmhmsl‘nr \r\"nnntls. llmiws, balldm J‘nlls. Inlullinblr Oil and Slxrep Tick Des- Iron-r. Malicist of every Dircripfion A H orders From a dISUIIxC(' so. and medicine: sen! [0 u: wince. Hun-n ntnminvd as In smmdneu, DIM) Bought -nd Suld on cmuuns‘iuu, Richmond Hull. ‘ypru’ 2‘: , [418. 510 'l'ewh nulmul l'nm. In H 1- us» m‘ , lher Spray. wlm h « fl’ech llw luml. um}. 'I he qudr and gum rlln‘wlInI-iny I): ("-v . inst-"~th will» (his Ullt-I'nhl "gr-um}. win-ll (Ire lmrlh can be rxlzacu-fl will: no pun, mu! THOMAS SEDMAN. "AERIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, \VH‘HUU'I‘ REUAKPLEIUNH 'IHI- “Hz in tho urr 0', willhu H. Um .‘HvI"! l-tlh \ uh l-i ullwr pay-rim». In I n H'Immnv I mun: 'urmn. . ‘ , .-\\'H-l| iu-I 5lunh'ullh‘ . (Gradual: nl' 'I'urmlln I’rlm I‘IuIT1J ('u/lrglt) Who-I llwv OI“ l-xmng' in 1H) Bi "hm hnlms sllvt'essfnll_\' (realedllve nlvovg fa; I]... pm! mu nun.» \\ ixlmm n singlt I'uilun‘. > This tremrnmnl dons no! news silnm lhI-it: lming lh'ul nsidu (ml) l'ur n l‘t w thus, " Quite a nnmlu-I ol‘rrhurnm Lrn'r‘n if ruqmr- ad 0 prl‘leIr when» hurwr fun-I. horn cured by "19. ' . V ‘ 5‘ '1‘” If Subwrilwu “mull! ‘nlun'zh to tho farm-s . . «hundplllm': M m- humud m” “"3 fidrmumling Comm) hnviuy‘ 1‘. "9 ALLOY’S AXES ’ H E PULENH'A I: CORRESPOND. 5 mm}: It» men T J. NL, llm Krv Jmm "l-E‘Iln n-(l mhvrs. (in 19 Y-rk “mun duviug I' a mnmhs ul' Ju'y. August mud :14”- uuulwr, IHIH . is Im‘ll} Hilmd in phlhllhfl“ furl". and wnHlI a pm“ in r I‘m”; I5 ('Isrs For rll’t' n’ llu‘ “Hun”, If uk Slum. mchuunul Hill; BANMR (:fl'um, Any-um : H “ il..on'.~ Fauna-y Sime. Mtg-khan"; "\ eslrrau llmk I'M-mu. '. b‘ lI‘vmg's angl Shflwa'n’n 'l'ommn Horses ’Affl'thed with Ring-hogan ‘My charg‘o iw .50 if nuid \\ hen lope-wer un ifno! #11:! no willlm cinugen In ensure q a, (tnunn ol Ymk, ’l‘uwushipul Mmkham. Im 56 fir lcum'sssiun, Imnliuu uu Yunge Sl , h n 3395 (rum 'I'o'omo, '; mules 1mm Rich- mond Hill Suil, (fin |.(8Ill. lH-fi Al'res. lull clam-ml 1\ew Brick “oust, 2K x 38: Callar. full siz»; Hm k K:xnl:en,‘)li x 98 Frame inn: and Shhles- ‘4 we! 5 m d a hung all't-fllfl of Wale-r :'Cru.~§ MI" 101. Shthl Hume u'llhin rmh‘ rolls; Churn h. mm n ilu , Saw Mill. lm|f Ini‘n: (hisl Mil]. xhrm‘ mm“. 'I'nu. INImPU- {'AHIJI. For parlimj‘ms n! p'\ In In- prupflelol‘ unuluprumiaes. Ji‘; JAS I.HIUGUL\S. All laindsqunrringe mu! Harness Mounting, Kuivus, Vania. Spuuns. ('ru'ur. 5m , &t'.. fire , Silvur Hva in Hm hem Slyiv wnrrnmrd m wear any langzh of limb l'mn; I.) '5 uk Slum» AIn-ura : H “ICE’S YUM IlH' . Residencc reurof’l0125. 2nd (“on Vruughan. lliuh-mmd Hill Irm- anontn, Frlnuuly 17. [855k DES. PECK 8t. ROBINSOK’S EW METHOD OF EXTRACTING PLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR SALE To Controvelsialists. Worth Knowing. RIC-“MUN” lIlLi DANIEL Mir-n; n 11553.. [All '1‘). ’nd (tun. Mhl‘khmm fi'Dh 3H.) 31' ('Mn-Mnl‘m Dr,» I“. and R. ullmalng pliuw pyrpuwd m In his new M'lml-HH. All m Imnnslr) pml'ouned in m ,‘Uh «0| 0 NY .‘d PS .u-mdxu '-1t_\h»\Ii\.b'.v pul- m-h uf I‘m :1 prnftssn-iun BULL I“GI“.R prtm-p‘l} "IN-lulu} y pun 0| (he Pru- Ts! urumm mom.” til-d -" " l‘lh " " -‘u,m .. l- :Jml " “ .- u .. u .I tl’ 'K (I Niclmmm/ Hill: L 5 I 7-1I‘ 55-243- I.” E,

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