Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 3 Dec 1869, p. 2

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of the Council in regald to the proposed By-luw on the Grey and Bruce leway -â€"that boihg the only part of the proceed- ings in which our readers and the public were intuesEed; there was much conver- sation and several speeches made by Messrs. Gamble, Laidlaw, Go: don, and the here, none of which are, properly, to be considered 11's- minutes of the pro- ceedings of the Councilâ€"â€"Mr. Law- rence 5 opinion to the antrary notwith- standing: Owing to the Clerk’s olfice being"¢15§gd for two daYs, and our pres- sure-thiatime, we felt it was best to pub. lish’lthlév resolutions, and not let the mat- terilay over for a second week. 1 The wealéffbllowing we published the prdceed- van. ings'o‘f Lilief‘rc’gula'r Council meeting, Mr. Lawrence says it “ is not true ” that we were denied access to the minute book, and that “any person can have ac- cess to it-L'at any time,” by calling at his ofliee. 'On the Tuesday followinr; the special meeting of the Council (which was held on Saturday, the 9th October) we .seht one of our employes to Ml. Lawrence’s ofliceâ€"â€"as has been our ens- tomâ€"â€"â€"for the minute book, in order to publish the minutes of special and reâ€" gular meetings of the Council, (the lat- ter having taken place on Monday, the 11th Oct.) The Cle1k was away at Newmaiket fair, and the book could not be had; on Wednesday we sent to the Clerk‘sofiice again, but he had not yet returned; on Thursday we sent, and the answer to our messenger was that “ the minutes. are not ready yet.” As we are always anxious to get to press on Thurs day evening ,to catch the mails, we were hard pressed for time , in consequence of not being able to get these minutes, and as it was of importance to our 1eaders to know what was done at the Council in re» gard' to the Railtvay matter we sent our‘ messenger back to ask Mr. Lawrence ifl l he would allow him to copy the 1 esolutions l Vaughan, called at our office,_ accom- panied by Mr. Hood, as a witness, (not Mr. H’s. first time to firrure in that oa- pacityl) and handed us a communication â€"â€"over his own signatureâ€"which he re- quested us to publish by way of a reply to our remarks 1n the last issue of the Herald. In strict justice to Mr. Law- rence, we publish his letter, verbatim, taking care neither to' 'add to or sub- tract from its intrinsic merit, .and there- by a'void the possibility of incurring the charge ci‘ “l tampering” with it; when Mr. Lawrence sees his productimi.‘ 1n print, he vv1ll doubtless, be delighted. We would suggest to him to cut it out, frauieiitt and hang it alongside of the letter inhis office he received, on' official business, from Mr. Blake, which he has framed and hung up for the amuseâ€" ment of all persons who call’fi at his oflice on business. If he thinks proper to act upon om suggestion, we give him per- mission to pl me these remarks alongside ofhis letterâ€"the framing and glazing will cost no mo1e. Having made these few,preliminary remarks, we shall now address ourself' to the question of fact, as that is of more importance than show- ing that Mr. Law rcnceâ€"like his proto- type,’Dogbe1'ryâ€"â€"has writ himself down an ass. i Until furthe1 notice. the mails will be closed (it this Post Office as Iollows: MORNING. On; Tuesday last,' Mr. James M. Lawrence, the Clerk of the Township of Southern Mail ............. 5.40 p.m. NB. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes before the time of closing. Mailshmadeflnpgat the Richmbnd " Hill Post Office- Northern Railway (31” Eanada {QQ BRITISH MAILS Are closed at Toronto as follows: By Cunard Line. every Monday, at 10 A.M. By Bx‘emen Line, every Tuesday, at 11 A.M. By Canadian Linc, every '1‘hu1-sday,at 10 P.M. Going North 8. 54 A. M. . . .. . .4. Going South 10. 02 A. M ..7. N. B. " ' LetLGIS f01 despatch by these lines of Steamels 911011111 be so mm'ned. M FEEI‘Y, Posmmstor. Richmond Hill, Nov. 29 1869 Wm éiflmch gmm. Northern Mail. Southern Mail. Mail for Almira Thornhill . New Advertisements. Auction Sale 01 Dry Gbodsâ€"H. Newton. Christmas Cheerâ€" R. Hopper & Son. Farm fur Sale -Juhn Benny. New Fruitâ€"Isaac French. NQLiceâ€"John Brunskill. Str'ayedâ€" Gideon Hislop. Dog Lostâ€"James Sykes. Cardâ€"Willium'MaHOy. Cardâ€"R. E. Law, RICHMOND HILL STATION. RlUHMOND HILL, DEC H Cashel, ........ Gormley, ....... Heudf'ord. . . . . . Victoria Square, CHANGE OF TIME EVENING MAIL. A GEM. Nov. 29, 1869 3, 1869. i 11.00A.M. ‘(on Tuesdays ! & Fridays. 7.30 A.M. NEW Zealand has sent commissioners to seek from the HOme Government two regi- ments for location in the colony, and to con- clude arrangements for organizing an addi- Lioual.force of disciplined men foerervice ,in the colony for a. period of. three years. held on Monday the 11th October; and finding that Mr. Lawrence had entered in the minute book an extended report of the dialogue which took place at the spe- cxal meetingâ€"0n the Railway questionâ€"â€" and as we had already published 1n the previous week’s issue the really impor- tantpart of the council’s proceedings~ the resolutions referred toâ€"u‘e did not consider it necessary to fill our columns with i the mere conversation of the persons assembled in the Council Chamber. If Mr. Lawrence saw fit to record all that was said that day, we only hope he has done so faitlif‘ully‘ with a greater regard for truth than his com- munication in to day’sllerald would indi- cate. For our part, we have no other 013- jcct to serve than to keep our readers “posted” 111 regard to all matters of public interest. It would'not serve our purpose to “tamper” with the minutes of the Council; for our readers are nume- rous, and entertain various opinions in regard to public matters; if we acted in bad faith, we would offend more than we could please, and for this reason alone, if no otherâ€"â€"that we cited, being one that we know would weigh heavy with Mr. Lawrence-4t is our inte1est, as well as inclination, to avoid tampering with anything that passes through oui hands. The minutes of the meeting of the November 8, are What our correspondent of last week referred to,as not being pub- lished; the reason we gave was that the clerk refuged to let us have them. His words were .' “ they will not be ready until after the next meeting.” The next meeting has not yet taken place, and we are not aware when it w1ll. However, we shall see what comes of all thisâ€" “ all’s well that ends well!" THE I“ECONOMIST ” ON SENAâ€" TOR AIKINS. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HIKE; ONT, FRIDAY,CDECEMB:ER 3, 1869. The Council adjourned to meet again on Saturday, the 18th December. [COPY. ] To the!’ Unrpo'ration of Markham “ MR. REEVEâ€"â€"At the next sitting of your Honorable Council Lgas .a rate- Mr. Milliken, Seconded by Mr. Lane, moves that the sum of' eighty five cents be refunded to Mr. John Webber, being an evercharge on his assessment. Also, that $21 be refunded to James Henderson on account of overcharge on dog tax.â€" Carried. Mr. Lane. seconded by Mr, Padget,l moves that the sum of $40 be granted to lay on gravel botween lots 25 and 26, in the 3rd and 4th concessions â€"-â€"on con- dition that the parties interested pay, in l labor or money two dollars For each one granted by this Council and that Thos Flisbv James Stoutenbumh and Clnistl tian Heise, be Commissioneis to ex pendf the same; said sum payable to theirl order.â€"Cm ried. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Padget, moves that the (7J‘Cl‘k be, and is hereby instructed to post the required Notices in Union Selma] Section N0. 6 With Whifchurch, and N0. 17 in I‘Iarkharri, relative to the change asked for In peti- flowâ€"Carried. Mr. Button. seconded by Mr. Milli» ken, moves that the Clerk be and is in- structed to cause the usual notices to be put up in the several School Soc'inns praying for alterations, and all Sections interested in the same.â€"â€"Carried. Mr. Button, seconded by Mr. Milli- ken, moves that the sum of' $40 be granted on the side- line between lots 25 and 26 in the 4th Con for purchasinw and loading gravel; provdiinv thepartiea interested rfives twice the amount_ and that, Benjamin Jenkins, Aaron P Tool and John Sumei‘f'eldt, be commisrioners to expend the sameâ€"payable to their or- denâ€"Curried. Mr. Button, seconded by Mr. Mini- ken, moves‘ that the Clerk place on the Assessment Roll of this Townshlp 81% acres Of'lot N0. 7. in the 10m (70m, and 333; acres of' lot No‘ 6, in the 10th Cnn. and assess the said land at an equit- able rate for School and Municipa} pur- mseq, such Lmd having been omitted from the Roll of the Assessor.â€"Carried. Mr. Lzmo, seconded by Mr. Padget, moves that the accuunt cf \Vm P. Mon- roe. amounting to $7 for plank and (im- ber for a bridge in front of lot No. 1.6 in the 3rd Com, be pnid.-â€"szrried. Mr, Padgot’, seconded bv Mr. Lane, moves that the sum of 854 be paid to 'l homas Brown. for plank furnished by him in Road Division No‘ 26,1‘01‘2‘6â€" pairing bridges during the year 1869.â€" Carried. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Padget, moves that the sum of $4 be paid to John Boyntwnn fm damage done to his sheop by dogs. - Carl 10d Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Button, moves that the sum of $12 be paid to Henry Lover for damciiire dpone to his Sheep by dogs. â€"~Carriid MP.Mi11iken. seconded by Mr. But- ton, moves that the sum of $12 be paid to Thos. Dennison, for damage done to his sheepby dogs.â€"-â€"Cnrried. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Millikan, moves that the sum of‘ $4 be paid to Wm. Kelly, for damage done to his sheep by waxâ€"Carried. Mr. MiHiken, seconded by Mr. Padg- et, moves that a certificate to obtain a shop License, be granted to Isaac French. of" Richmond Hill,‘ by paying: a propor- tionate fee for the balance of the year.â€" Carried. Mr. Millikan, seconded by Mr. Button, moves that the account of Mr. Andrew Cmsbyâ€"amountinm to $7: 68â€"« fm plank and puttlnrr Culvert 1n fiont of lot No 6 in the 8th Con. , said sum pay 111k to the mder of' the move) .â€"â€"Canied. Mr.~]3utton, seconded by" Mr. Lane, moves that the account of Samuel Ree- sor, amounting to $40245, for plank put on the Bridge and Culvert betwucn lots 10 and 11, in the 10th COIL, be paid.â€" Carried. VMr. I’adgret, seconded by Mr. Milh- ken. moves Shut the sum of 3510:85 be paid to Luton Millar, for cedar and plank for (‘ulvert and {'01- gravel on side line bc. tween lots 15 and 16 in the 8th Con. â€"â€"(‘arricd. The above Council met at Unionville, on the 27th-u1t. Reeve in the chair. Members all present Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. By Mr. Padget from James Stouten- boxouwh and others playing for aid to pulchase grave Ll. I3y the Reeve, from Thos. Dennison and others, concerning School Section No.12 By the Reeve. from Samuel Moorby and others, from School Section No. 7, praying that School Section No. 12 be broken up and a portion added to Section N0. 7. The Reeve presented a petition on be- half of Mr. John Form praying for a Ch“ certificate to obtaln a shop license, for Markham village. Said petitions were received and read. The Reeve laid before the Council a Communication from Joseph Bi'eak. re specting the Finances of the Township of Markham, which was read by the Clerk. By Mr‘.‘ Padget, from Benjamin Jenâ€" kins and others for the same purppse. 11 n1 mr-nn ,. By the Reeve f10n1 Jumps Doherty and others pmyino to be annvxed to Union Section N0. 6 with Whitcl1u1.cl1 Ml ',.L:1ne seconded by M1. B11tt,on moves that the sum 01 $3 be granted to Henry Segar an indigent pe1son, said sum to be paid to the or*de1 of the mover â€"Cu1ried. Ml. Lane seconded by Mr. Button, moves that the sum 01 $5 be Wanted to Thomas \Iartin an ir1di<rcntpelsom said sum 10 he paid 10 the mder of David Eyer, Jr.â€"â€"Cz11‘ricd. By Mr. Millikan f1 om Isiiaé lrcnch, p1 (g m" fui a celtificute to obtain a shop license MARKHAM COUNCIL PETITIONS Lane,[ POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANKS.â€"The fol lowing statement éxhibits the aggregate transactions at the Richmond Hiil anch of the Post office Savings Bank, 11p to the 30th N 0v ~â€" Total deposits to’30th Nov .-. “ withdrawals V “ . “ quqsfigs since 131; Jan: The adjourned meeting of the Managing Committee of the Richmond Hill' Mechan- ics’ Institute, will be held‘in the Temperance Hall on Monday evening. Dec. 6th, at eight o’clock, sharp, as the question of Incorpora- tion will be discussed 'on’ that occassion, a full attendance of members is requested. CHANGE OF TIME.-â€"Our readers should note the change of Railway time, and also the time of closing the mails at the Pest olfice here. See Time Tables in this issue. To CURRESPONDENTS. â€"A letter from Caiifm'nia will an ear next week; also a , 1 letter Slglled “ Inquher,” will appear in our next. Com‘s. â€"â€"Use Dr. J. Bliggs’ Curative for coms bunions, in growing Dnails, &c. Snld by dluggists. 1 ’ V 533Q not the man to allow false statements to go Abroad, while he is in a position to re- fute them; and when his duty, as a pub- lic officer, requires. that truth must be vindicated. Mr. O’Neill’s letter will produce good results, and prove to be an antidote to the McMahonGreele-y powâ€" wow at the Cooper Institute â€"-Fiatjus~ titia, ruat caelum/ Our readers are, doubtless aware that the Rev. Fathe1 McMahon figured re- cently bef'o1e a New Stork audience, at the Cooper Institute, and there made the assertion that he suffered unnecessarily harsh treatment While confined in our Provincial Penitentiary. The public are indebted to Terence J. O’Neill, Esq, the able and efficient chairman of the Board of Prison Inspectors of Canada, for the prompt and gentlemanly way in which he refutes the charges of Father Mc- Mahon, in a letter addressed to the Ottaâ€" wa Citizen, which we will publish in our next week’s issue. Mr, O’Neill is an Irish Catholic gentleman, and a resident of this Province over th' 11 Ly years; he is the last man to say or do anything un- necessarily to Wound the feelings of any man, be he layman or cleric. But he is Having been requested by Mr. Break to publish a communication over his name, which appeared in‘ a Toronto paper, commenting sev‘erely upon the Clerk and Treasurer of the Township of Markham ; we declined doing so, until we could make ourself certain as to the correct ness of' his charges. With this View, we called on the Clerk, and had a personal interwew with him. As we expected, he at once replied to our enquiries on the strong points of Mr. Break's charges, as brought before the Municipal Council, a copy of which we publish in to-day's issue. It appears that in, the printed statement of the Township accounts, a mistake was made. but the entries in the Treasurer‘s books were correct, and he produced vouchers satisfactory to the Council and Auditors, thus clearing up any wrong impression in regard to Mr. Broak’s imaginary “ frauds.” The Council instructed the Clerk and Trea- surer to use the Clergy Reserve Funds for the repair of Roads and Bridgges unâ€" til it was replaced by the yea; 5 taxes col- lected in the autumn, if the Council so instruct their officer, we cannot see that he should be held responsible; his duty is to obey orders, from that quarter. We are not so certain, however, that the Council are acting strictly according to law, in doing so, but they profess to be acting for the interests of the Township , they ‘_ 1y that It is to save the expense of beirouing from the Banks; be this as it may, we came away from the Clerk and Treasurer’s office quite satisfied that Mr. Brcak’s charges “ will not hold water" If his object is to rfet up an election cry, now that Janua1y 1s close at hand, we would recommend him to bring substantial charges against the Clerk’s masters; if there is any blame, it rests masters; i with them. FATHER MCMAHON BROUGHT TO BOOK. payer, intend to bri9'fg fo'rwm'd the mis- takes 01‘ f1 duds thaf. appear in the, Clergy Resolve accounts according to the Ba]- ance sheets, from the year 1860 'to 1868 “ Also, why the Clengy Reserve money, being received in July, 18 held by the Clerk till‘about' the middle of December. before commencing payment. “ Also, why thé'aéséts of each year are not paid up sharper: _ - “ Sighed JOSEPH BREAK. “ Box Grove, Nov. 25, 1869." 1.8691. . . .- .......... '.' withdraWall -' “ deposits m month of Nov” wi$hdrawals ‘.‘ BREAK L's.- EAKIN. 313mm gfrnm. M: Tamil J finuary, 'J’vonmaism $7526 00 1747' 80 6071 00 97213 2406 00 ;.195 00 Cardinal Cullen has issued a pastoral let- ter against Fenianism, in course of which he says the violence of Orangemen and land agents prevent useful legislation. DUBLIN, Nbv'. 29.â€"-â€"Kickham is candidate for Parliament for Mallow, and McKay for county of Longford. LONDON, Nov. 30.â€"The Times, referring to the possible cession of San Domin :0 to the Uuifed States says: -“F10m the p1e- seut aspect- of affairs. we should be disposed 'to expect the completion of the treatv to that effect, Such a. bargain would be bene- ficial, not onlv to the parties concerned, but, to Eumpe and the World. The Amen-leans could lbse but little, while they might gain a. great deal. The island ought to beettme a new emporium for trade, and in the crea- tion of such commercml stations no people are more deeply interested than ourselves.” TUESDAY, Dec. 7.â€"~Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &c., on lot No. 10, 3rd Con. Vaughan, the property of' Mr. Geo. Kuff'er. Sale to b‘egin at 11 o’clock, J. M. Patterson, Auctioneer. MONDAY, Dec. l3.â€"â€"(3ush Sale of' New Fur- niture, Hardware, &c., &(-., at Richmond Hill, the property of Mr. Thomas Cnghlan Sale at Lweive o’clock, noon. W. H. Myers, Auctioneer. ‘ FRIDAY, Dec. 10.â€"â€"Credit Sale of a Farm at. Mr. Thomas Buttery’s Railroad Hotel, Thm‘nhill Station. the property of Mr. Joel Snider. Sale at two o’clock, p. m. Michael Fisher, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, Dec. 24.â€"- Mortgage Sale, Pnr' suant to a power contained in a Mortgage made between Michael Peterman and wife. to Isaac Pnlerbouih, at Mr. R. Rumble’s Hotel, Maple, at 2 pm. H. Smelser,Auct. fl.“ Parties having Sale bills printed at this office, will have a. notice similar to the. above. free of charge. " MONTHLY FumwThe usual monthly fair was held in our village, on Wednesday last. On the whole, the business transacted was satisfactory to both buyers and sellers, many cattle having changed hands for feeding during the winter. Fat cattle and good sheep were in demand and brought good prices. CHRISTMAS BEERâ€"We are pleased to ob-- serve that Messrs. R. Hopper & Son, butch. ers of this village, are making arrangements to supply their customers With substantial Christmas cheer. They have secured three of the best beeves that the township of Vaughan, or even the county, can produce, and they purpose reserving them for the ’ hristmas festivities. We hope Messrs Hopper will be able to dispose of their ven- ture at a good profit, as a. reward for their enterprise, Richmond Hill, Nov. 30, 1869. 20 the Editor of the York Herald. LATEST -l-"ROM EUROPE @nrrrfipnuhmre. AUCTION SALES. T SHORT DATE, ON SATISFAC- TORY Joint Notes, V Apply to M. A.. HERALD ofl‘lce. Richmond H11). l 5. Richmond Hill, beg to inform [hair customers and the public, Illat thev have pur- chased full supplies of' nVerthing in their line. suinhle for enjoying-Christmas in the good old English stvle, and will be prepared to supply Bee". Mutmn, Pork. l’oultry. &c , of' the wry hast description, and a: reasonable prices 1â€"1 umber 3 Shepherd l)og.‘llgh\ led with a little while on lace. and breast, about 9 months old.‘ Any person gmng such infer union as will lead to his recoverv will be suitably re- warded. Any person found retaining the animal after this notice will be prosecuted uc~ cording to Law. "' ‘l - ' - 1.. sol-Her. war of Lot 5“, 151 Convex-Sam, Vaughan. about the 12th November last. EIGHI‘ Ewn. Any person giving information as to their whmeabouts. or bring Iheun lo the undersigned will be suitably rewalded, k / MUM: HILLI Physicmn‘s grescrlpfions carefully plepareo Richmond Hill, Dec. 1. 1569. 5944f .L) TOR in Chancery. (,‘unvmaucer, (Sic. Orncri: No 7rd King Sweet East, 'l'orovtlo: over the Wesle} an Bonk Ronny * . THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. 23, ’69 And continuing on Monday, the 27d], during the week. Bags to announce to [he [-ub'ic that he pur- poses offering the remain‘ng porlinn of his stock by l’uhhc Auction, commencing uu U El) cmns. buniuns. lnrgn' and small. in- growing nails, swuat scaldmi Ieel, Sic ,Ielim'ed IIIHIH'GHIIEh and snnn curt-d |I\ ap ])iI'U DI. J BIiggs’ Modem CIII‘ative accaIdIIIglo dirt c Iijs; iI never (1005 11mm, Luz II n wa‘w duos gruod. ‘ 583â€"1y-cq 1‘ Mv-engg and Itchv. I‘nlieved mt once and mm) cuwd by using: Dr J. Brigga’ u'nivezsal Pile remedy; soolhlng, safe and :eliuble. s [hing Iiubio E} nfi'uctions sf the llIrual lungs and chem IIIHIIediIivh relimfiod. and all but [10'76'6-‘5 (: svs cured by using H). J. Bliggs’ I montaaé lumr Healel. . 093- l\‘- lq ERYSIPELAS on ST. ANTIloxv’s F1RE.â€"â€"It is a spreading inflammation, characterized by a redness of the sléinLa‘cchnpanichgy g sensation of heat and itching, and more Or less a constitutional derangement, with swell- ing of the subcutaneous cellar tissues; Every part. ofthewbody is lioblelo erysipe- las inflammation, but it most frequently ap- pears on the face, legs and feet.‘ Females are more subject to it than males. Aftei it short time small vessicles, similar to those produced by blisters, .present themselves. They are filled’ with a. thin, watery'flu‘id, and are u gca’t'sourcetof annoyance until des- troyed. Dr. J'. Briggs’ ‘Ailevmnor, is a never failing remedy. Sold by druggists and country merchants. Flour. 11,9 ban-eh . . . .. .. Wheat. '2}? bush . . .. . . . Spring Wheat. “(9 bush . Harley. Tip bush. . . . . . . . Puma. do .... . ()als. do Ha\'.¢‘9t01l....... \' raw. 335) ton .. .. .. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1, 1869‘ COINSUMPTIVESâ€"Usta Dr;J Bfiggs’ throat and I'ung Healer for disea§es af the throat lungs, and (best. Vexy pleasant and eflica cious. Sold evexywhexte. 5‘ 583Q Plugsâ€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Pile Remedy for piles of every description. Sold by druggists. 583Q SPEAKING 0F Cornsâ€"It is (the belief of some philosophers that corms came into the world With tight boots, and that they \vere totally unknown to the ancients, as they wore sandals and other yielding coverings for the feet. It is doubtful whether the whole Roman empire could have produced a single corn or bunion, while it is equally cer- tain that there is no mention of a ehimpo dietin Scripture. We read of no Chiropo- dists in the Illiud, the oldest of all poems. All this proves that Corns. like newspapers and vaccination, are midern inventions Although the various ailments of the feet are very trleoub esnlne, )9: they we easily di ape-«ed of by usin;D r DI. J. 1311" 1’s Modern Curutive. Sold by all drnmrists and at Dr. Bligu‘s olfices 208 Broadway, N. Y... and N0. 6 King St., West, Toronto, Canada. Butmr T“) IL rolls... . Pmk mass 1,) perbhl. Wool 19 1h NEURALGIE, HEADACHE7 SORE 'I‘HRGAI‘. 610., (:u-eti very quickiy by E} I L ES , INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, M -edn. g and Itchv. relieveci mt once, mud JAMES SYKES. HollandLaudiug No‘v.\39. £869 594-] 5:; RONCHITIS LARINGITIS ANDALL Richmond Hill, Dec. 1,1869, WlLLIA‘M MALLOY, gARRIsT‘IgR, ATTORNEY. some] iQVERY WEEK FOR DECEMBER T 010nm. Decembur‘l. .1869 Elgin Mills, Dec. 1, 1869 R. E. LAW, 3111mm: AND DRUGGIST, RICH OST OR'STOLEN FROM THE SUB- Strayed ROM THE PREMISES‘OF THE SUB ORNS, HARD, SOFT AND‘ FESTER UOTION SALE OF DRY GOODS. HARDWARE. GROCERIES, &c , Bargains may be expected. TERMS CASH W H‘ MYERS, Auctioneer. gin Mills. Dec. 1, 1869 591 tf New fibuertisemcnts. HOPPER, 'I‘H RuAr. «V0,, (:u-eti very q'nickiy by Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevanlor. a safe and re~ renmdy. ‘ .383- tyccq {menial Noting; Christina’s Cheer. $1000 to- Lend. HENRY NEWTON TORONTO MA RKE'I‘S Arrived at the Herald Buck Store. Dog Lost- ELGIN MILLS. 3%.?{0Na BUTCHERS, Toromo, Dec. 2, 1869.?" Gl DEUN HISLOP. HF. $3 95 (a) 400 .0 9n@ n 93 ..0 86@ 091 ..053@ 055 . 0 55@ U 515 ”0 34@ I'UU . in nu @13 (m .8 t‘|'@ 9 (Hi . ”220) 025 .27 00/172800 0 L8@ U3U 5944f 594-3 594 k1 Ame Subwvihei. Hot 59.151Cou. Mavrk- Con. Mmkham. about NIB 151 of Sepzemheg last.A A’Fwo ymk oni STEER. '] he ownbt cah havé the same by moving property and pz‘umz expenb‘es. ‘ JOSEPH MORTSON _ ”\Iaxkhgm, Nov. 25, fé59': ‘1' 1“ 1 9 1- 93'31- u CAME? INTO‘.‘ THE- PhEMI'SESr 0F / the Subwvihei. Lot 59.1»ILouMark- Victoria Squarb and Ag why an of Whituhurch. A BLACK LEATHER 'l‘i.Avr;|.L1xaâ€" RAG, containing Dental lusn'nmvnt , &c. The finder will be wehfi‘ewarded by returning the same to ' 713048] N SO N. 1131' Int 01‘ _ HATS AND BONNETS That has been ot‘fuled on Richmond Hi” this %uasun. â€" J NOUNCE H) the FHI‘IIHM’S in the IIeigiIl Or- lIood that he has Ii kpl‘undm Br «101mm Bout, nearly thoroughâ€" -.i)l'k‘li humus vi>hmg to Impiove tIIeiI stuck will please take Imlice. r HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS’ TO AN- NOUNCE H) the Farmers ii) the neighl Or- Kept Constantly on hand Infants Wool Coats for $1, 60, usualh sold for $19 ' cents. Mimuing Bonnets S HE CANNOT BE ’ UNDE RSOLD.. Farmer and I’hvsirinns from (he coun.rv wi! find our Slack of \Ivd r':neswnnmlmeâ€"wan ant- ed geuu neâ€"and of the [nut qnuliu'. Drugs. Paints, Perfumery. Chemica's, Oils. 'I'nilsl Soaps. Medicinés, Varnishas. Funcyarticlas Dye Sluflk, Patent Memciuos. and all other articius kept by Draggi-Ira generally. "f‘ l‘li}siciavrs Prescrip! ons carefully Como pnundvd and all orders attended to With care and des :11 ~h. RICHMOND HILL, Having fiurohn'snd Ihn Smck and Interns! of R. H ‘Hall, (Into (‘Ixétnis! nnl Dmgghl ol' the same plncv) have gruafiy unlmgvd Ile nld‘ stuck and have now on hand a good asaort- ment of - Jâ€" ' on the premi es, on FRIDAY,THE ll TH DECEMMR, 1369. The NnI‘th East Quarter ot' Lot 16. in the 2nd CmI MarlIlIam. fil'tv acres, more or less The soil is (If excellvnt qnwlm and in a good state" 0" cultivation. and is va cunvenxenl m mar- lat h tug only. a‘lmnt H3 lltllf‘f llGIH “-laumvto. Se: lmol Home. Churches Grist. and ('aidiug Mills in the innuediate viciIIIty. There is on the Premises a fine Young; ()I'chmdz a Dwol' Ii 13 House. a first rate llnrn and a good well with a pumptlmeiu. The land is all clear and frev‘ I’I'om stumps., TITLE l’muu (21‘! Terms: $' UH at, time of 32.10, a further sum of $lll05‘ in tlu'ne months when a deed and pnssession WI“ be given : .tha ha’ame in four equal annual instalments with interest at 7 percent; to lm seemed h\ mortgage on the premises. 1 Sale at one o‘clock, r M. JOHN BEAT'I'Y, J. GURMLEY, Proprietor Auctioneer. JUST RECEIVED l CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, Splendid Farm OR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION on the plemi es on [1 claim against Ihe (SHIN) n we MM eorge l’extnn are rvqueslcd to memo: (he same, without delay, to LA BRAB'OR HERRING. OYSTERS! OYSTERSI OYSTERSI . * ROB'L HOPPER. BUNKER. Richmond Hill, Nov. ‘35. 1869. w 593 1f Aurora, New 25. 1669. A nice assoslmenl of llazlic-s’ Drvss Caps. Every descxiprion of Millinmy madejo ordar. ’ N. B.‘ STAMPING DONE. Richmond Hill, Nov 25. L369. Rice Velvet Hats. trimmfld. from $1 up“ ards: Ladies? anmls, from $2 1in lpwmds. Mir-865’ and lnfunls‘ Hands. Riuhmohd [1 ill. Nov Thornhill. Dec. 1. 1869 NHSATURDAY LASE, BETWEEN Richmond Hi“, December 2. 1868. 594 ' ' ‘MRS. MIYERS . AS NOW ON HAND THE CHEAP- LL PARTIES HAVING ANY BEAUTIFUL TROUT! H. SANDERSON & SONS, A SPLENDID ASSOSTMENT. Berkshire Boar. A_ SPLENDID LOT New Firm. ALSO A LOT OF Astray. Notice. Lost- OF FRESH JOHN BRUN SKILL, , 1:69 I. FRENCH, : gnod Male" em to mar- m anmvto, nd ('aldiug There is on DENTIST- 593- if Ezcnutor. 594 - 2 593-tf 59!}.

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