Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 17 Dec 1869, p. 3

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Kept Constantly on hand. f-YOUHG HYSON TEA, Also a full supply of Paints, Oils, Spirits 91' Turpexuine. Benzoin,Glass CHEWING & SMOKING TOBACCO Orange and Lemon Peel *With an excellent assortment.“ GROUND COFFEE, GUNPOWDER TEA, zCRUSHED SUGAR, $1015 for $1.00 20 1b for $1.00. CURRANTS, [nu m on) mun] Richmond Hill. Dec. 16. 1869‘ PARCELS DELIVERED LONDON LAYER VALENTIA RAISINS, WILL SELL AS CHEAP STAPLE AND FANCY PRUNE& U Public of Richmond iHEHâ€" ant-l 'Vici‘n‘ii; Thar he is now opened out with a SUPERIOR T BEBE THE PEOPLES STORE. 7 lb for $1130. 7 lb for $1.00. 25 em per 1b. 60 cts per lbl As any other House in the neighborhood. New and Fresh Ground Spices, 80 cts per lb, LAMPS, LAMP GHIMNE rs, VERY NICE lEgSWTOWANNOUNCE TO THE Suitable for the present Season, 10 lb for $1.00. nusms, SPLINDIB FLOUR AND FEED THE STOCK CONSISTS 0" &c. &c. &c, FULL SUPPLY P. G. SAVAGE GROCERIES, FINE SOUCHONG TEA, SI’LENDID SUPERIOR Y. HYSON, WHICH HE NICE NEW DRESSED SEEDLEES RAISIN S, GOOD JAPAN TEA, P. G. SAVAGE. 0F v53! 00 per lb. ‘75 ct: per lb. 161b for $1.00 8 lb for $1.00. 50 cts per 1b. SPLENDID NEW cnnmms. 8 lb for $1.00. .9} lb for $1.00 MUSCOVADO 20 lb for $1.00. RICE. :. Varnishes, is, Emty,&c. SUGAR, 596 AME INTO THE PREMISES OF the Subscriber. lot 46. let Con. Vaughan, Richmond Hill, about the latter part of Sept, A SMALL WHITE BOAR. The owner is re- quested lo prove propexty, pay expenses and take it away. ' U the Subscriber. lot 45. lsi 7661:3483;- haml about the middle ofJuly last, Two Ewns. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. THE THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OF the REFORM Assocu'non of Vaughan. will be held in the viliago of Maple. on Fi'iday, the l7th inst., at 2 o'clock. mu. ,for the discus- sion of matters of interest. [1. «claim against the estate of ihe lateCeorge Paxton are requested to present the same. without delay. to .JOHN BRUNSKILL, Executor. Thornhill, Dec. 1, 1869. 594-2 .LK- Richmond Hill, beg to inform their customers and the public, that thev have ur- chased full supplies of everything in their ine. suitable for enjoying Christmas in the good old English style. and will be prepared to supply Beef, Mutton. Pork. Poultry. &c , of the very host description, and at reasonable prices Nice Velvet Hats. trimmnd. from $1 upwards Ladies’ Bonnets. from $2 and tpwands. Misses’ and Infants' Hoods. Infants Wool Coats for $1.60, usually sold for $1,90 cents. Mourning Bonnets Kept Constantly on hand HATS AND BONNETS That has been offered on Richmond Hill ‘bis season. __ SHE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. Farmers and Physicians from the country will find our stock of Medicines completeâ€"Wanam- ed genuiueâ€"and oflhe best quality. Richmond Hill. Nov. 25, 1569. 593. "f‘ Physicians Prescriptions carefullv com- pounded. and all ordexs attended to wxih care and despntch. RICHOMND HILL, Having purchased the Stock and Interest of R. H. Hall, (late Chemist and Druggist of the same place) have greatly enlarged the old stock and have now on hand a good assort- ment. of Dru gs, Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps, Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Stuffs. Patent Medicines, and all other articles kept by Druggists generally. JOHN MINTON. Richmond Hill, Doc. 8, 1869. 595-3 g H. SANDERSON & SONS, Z CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, And continuing on Monday, the the week. JOHN PALMER. Richmond Hill, Dec. 8. 186.9. 595-3 Begs to announce to the pub'ic that he pur- poses ofi‘oring the remnimng ponion of his stock by Public Auction, commencing on THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. 23, ’69. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1. 1869. Maple, Dec. 8. l869. A nice assostmenl of Ladias’ Dress Caps. Every description of Milliuexy made to order. N. B. STAMPING DONE. Richmond um, Nov 25. 1869. 593-1! DRY GOODS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES CONCERTINAS, AMENINTQ THE "PREMISES OF WESLEYAN HYMNS Toy books 5w. A large stock of FANCY GOODS! &c.. &c.. NEW YEARS' PRESENTS! E‘mbra‘tiing q la'r‘ge assortment of MiscELIxANEOUS BOOKS l I I In History. Scienca. Biography, Poets, kc. ALEFMS Family Bibles, Packet Bibles, Testaments, ‘ PRAYER nooxs, LI: _PAB.TIES HAVING ANY Elgin Mills, Dec. 1,1869 For Christmas and New Year. MRS. MYERS 'AS NOW ON HAND THE CHEAP. HOPPER, & SON, B U Cg Q}: E 35, n:_l._,,M,J rw-u TERMS Cum. ELGIN MILLS. EST lot of T SCOTT’S WILL BE FOUND A Christmas Cheer. WITH SELF ISNSTRUCTOR nice assortment of Goods suitable for Bargains may be expected. AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. HENRY NEWTON CHRISTMAS GIFTS, Auction Sale of New Firm. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &0. Astray. Astray. Notice. Notice. AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. J. P. RUPERT, Smc. t. 595 AND w. H. MYERS, 271b, during Auclioneor. 5944f THI 5944f 593. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ON T., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1869 .,SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST! The above goods are in full supply and are of the best kinds and will be sold a! Prices to suit cash buyers. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO WINES AND LIQUORS! FAMILY GROCERIES OYSTERS! OYSTERSI I OYSTERS 1 I I LA BRABOR HERRING. CURRANTS, CITRON PEEL ORANGE PEEL chhmonfi Hill, Dec. 8, 1869. PIGKLES, WALNUTS, THE RICHMOND HILL BRAZILLIAN AND FILBERTS. AND GOODS DELIVERED. 8 cents per 1b. BEAUTIFUL TROUT I FLOUR AND FEED. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF A LOT OF APPLES, NEW NEW NEW NEW AND PROVISIONS, A LARGE STOCK 0F A SPLENDID LOT To be Sold Cheap. NEW SULTANA NEW SEEDLESS NEW NUTS, NEW VALENCIAS. (RAISINS.) NEW LAYER ALSO A LOT 01' HAS JUST RECEIVED OF FRESH (RAISINS.) (musma) (BAISINS.) I. FRENCH. CURRANTS, 3 cents per lb. EMON PEEL LMONDS, NEW OLD NEW NEW 585 SETTLED .FORTHWITH! DUE H. NEWTON, AT AND UNDER COST. DRY GOODS, Bigin Milli. Oct. 28, 1869. ABOUT 34 000 WORTH! IS SELLING OFF GIVING UP BUSINESS ! POSITIVELY TO THE PUBLIC !» Ami sales will 50 mud. for Cllh only. HIS ENTIRE STOCK ARE REQUESTED TO BE ALL ACCOUNTS . GROCERIES, H. NEWTON lee. (w. Joe. “IIIO‘H II .1 HENRY NEWTON. OF HARDWARE, 5924f BIBLE SOCIETY DE POSITORY Sold overywhem, in boxes at 35 cts. 70 cts, and $100. A 35 ct box will clean 20 sheep and 35 1......1... lambs. BRINGS ADDITIONAL TESTIMONY! Nu FLOCK-MASTER Snoun 31c WITHOUT I'r PROHOTES THE GROWTH OF THE WOOL T I C K DESTROYER ! FARMERS "SHOULD USE COLLARS AND CUFFS Pol It PREPARED GLYCERINE ! N0 HOUSE SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT 0f the Latest Styles on hand. Mrs. Clarke is alsa prepared to do Dress- making in. all its branchzs. INSPECTION INVITED. Richmond Hill. Nov. 4, 1869. 590-tf CHAPPED HANDS I NEW AND FASHIONABLE! Septembor 8, 1869. MRS. HENRY CLARKE BEGS TO AN- NOUNCE to the Ladies of RICHMOND HILL, And vicinity. that she has opened the Shop One door north of Mr. Bamard’s Store, WITH A CHOICE STOCK OF of $30 per week and expenses, or allow a large commission. to sell our new wonderful inventions. Address M. WAGNER. & Co. Marshall. Mich. December 10. 1869. 595-3m Agents! Read This ! WE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY of $30 nor weak and Prnnnnna m- nun... J. novxcn to the Farmers in the) neighbor- hood that he has a. splandid BERKSHIRE BOAR, nonrly thorough-bred. Farmers wishing to improve their stock will please take notics. ROBT. HOPPER, Buwcmm. Richmond Hill, Nov. 25. 1869. 5934f THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN- NOUNCE lo the Farms“: in H... “mm”, October 28. 1869. When you visit Toronto be sure and get I .5 -l An excellent assortment of Pure Ground Spices. Fine Fresh Ground Laguayra and Java Cofi'ees; also a varied assortment of Fine Flavored Young Hyson. Gunpowder, Oolong and Souchong Teas: Splendid Chewing and Smoking Tobaccoes, with a well selected slack of Canadian. Irish and Scotch Whiskies; Port. Sherry and Ginger Wines: Pure old French Brandi” of the Finest Brands; Holland Gin and London Old Tum, Jamaica Rum, 6w. The Highest Market Price will be paid for any quantity of Good Fresh Butler in pound Rolls, Lard, Tallow. &c. Fine Valentin Raiéifi‘é. per II: Extn new Valentin Raisins. 73d per lb Splendid new Layer Raisins. 9d per lb Fine Seedless Malaga Raisins, 7gd per fl! THOROUGH EFFEC TIVENESS. Richmond Hill. December 9, 1869. MILLINER (Riel-mom) HILL Banyan) AT nu: IT DESTROYS THE TICKS. TRIMMED HATS &. BONNETS Tm: Conmnox or 'ml: ANIMAL. THE LOWEST TORONTO PRICES: It will make the hands However Rough or Sore, SHOOT“ AND SOFT. THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE Embracing everything that At this season of the year. EXOELLEN T S TOOK OF FRESH FR U1 T ! FOR SHEEP. New Millinery. HUGH MILLGR & Co's, MEDICAL HALL. 167 King St. Exit, Toronto. 3. 1869. 5894f Berkshire Boar- HUGH MILLER & CO., Chemists, 'legs to nunounco! to his customers and the Public that he has now USE MILLER’S And improves 1 am not to be’ undersold in Prices or excelled in Qualities. GROCERI'ES. WINES AND LIQUORS. SUITABLE FOR THE APPROACHING SEASON, EVERY DAY mum’s HERALD 300K STGR I. HERALD BOOK STORE. 0]" [TI Christmas Cheer Comes but once : GEORGE A. BARNARD Tbaon'ro. 583-tf Which will be sold a! SCHOOL REQUISITES POCKET BOOKS OVERCOATS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS, 8w. JOB PRINTING MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS HYMN AND FRAYER BOOKS GAMES, TOYS FANCY GOODS AND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE DO- MINION, at $6 per 100 loot. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets. Paila.Cider Mills. Washing Machines. Shingles Waggon Felloes. and Lumber Sawed to order. For particulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills,Thornhill $1200 “If? Mortgage. Apply“; .l' scriber. rear of Lot 50, 13!. Concessmn, Vaughan, about the 12m November last, Emm- EwEs. Any person giving inform-{ion as to their whereabouts. or bring them to the undersigned will be suitably rewarded. Strayed FROM THE PREMISES OF THE SUB rscriber. rear of Lot 50. 13!. Concessmn W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. 585 Bananasâ€"Thefollowing endembncnn, with confidence,recommend Gil Husba‘nd,to all requiring Dental aid: Dr Reid,Thornhill; Dr. Bull. Weston; Dr. D'Evlyn, Burwick; Dr. Con-son, Brampton. RISIDENCE.-â€"Th0rnhi". Thornhill September 17, 1868. 1y To thole who have favored him with their patronagein the past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in the fu- ture. he would say that no endeavor on his part will be wanting to mebltheirnpprov’al. G. H: H., having had oiler ELEVEN YEARS’ PRACTICE} fobls confident of giving entire anus. faction. DENTIST, BEGS MOST RESPECT- fully to announce that he will be at Unionville, . . . 151 Monday ofeach month. Weston . . . . . . 9th day " Klineburg. . . .lfith “ Burwick . . . . . 22nd " Scafboro’. . . .231'd " Where he willbe prepared and moethappy to wait enthuse who may require his services. Thornhill, Nov. 3, 1869‘ Richmond Hill, Nov. 25. 1869. Fine Fresh Curtains, dressed. 4d pair 1?: Fxtra New Zunte Currants. 5d per 111 New Eleme Layer Figs. 10d per lb Fine Fresh Orange and Lemon Feel. 25 porn. GIDEON HISLOP. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1,1869. 594-3 Done Neat and Quick at the Herald Office AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- LBUMS 1 ALBUMS ! I DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES. For sale, Cheap. only 25 c!s.,at the HERALD BOOK STORE. SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE G. H. HUSBAND, L.D.S. Patent Eaveâ€"trough CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THI 0’ ALL KINDS, A‘l' um That may be relied on. Money to Lend. OF ALL KINDS AT THE SUPPLIED AT 1‘!!! FOR SALE AT THE FOR SALE AT THI ;HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD noox swam: TO LEND, FOR A TERM of years, on a satisfactory l . AA HERALD BOOK STORE HERALD BOOK STORE» HERALD BOOK STORE HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE- HERALD BOOK STORE. GEORGE A. BARNARD. GEO. B. NICOL, Barrister. 5934f 5104f. The services of James Bowman. Esq., nnd Joseph C‘onk. Esq.. (who are well known In first-cine workmen.) having been secured, the subscriber feels confident in stating to the public that satisfaction will be given. Elan/iange. Parties coming from a distance can have their wool carded and grisls ground while walling. And made all meessar'y repairs. the subscriber hopes to give good satisfaction. Parties wish. ing to have their wool manufactured from the fleece can havo it made into any kind of Cloth or Flannel. Having added to the Carding Machines, NEW BURRING MACHINES Gristing in 3. Superior Manner. CARDIN G, SPINNING ! The subscriber, having purchased the above Mills and fitted thum up In a superior manner, begs leave to intimate to the inhabitant: of Markham and surroundih'g‘ toWnships that he is now prepared [b do ERIST MILL a. wnnLnN' mm“. BOWMAN’S MILLS, Can be had at the Post-ofiice, for 10 um wmzx. THE MORNING PAPERS OF TORONTO 2 in nu: Towxsmr or WEST MchLvaLi, 45 acres of which are clear. with a good frat'n’o‘ barn and hewed log house, a good bearing on chard, only two miles from Parkhili Station. T E R. M S E A S Y.- For further particulars apply to JOHN HARRISON. Parkhill P.O-, Ont. September 23th. 1869, 86-4 .1 UV OF WEST VIILLIAMS; r Of which 70 acres are clear of Stumps, with a good frame barn and hewed log house. Ind a good bearing orchard-within 6 miIoa from tho flourishing Village of Parkhill. leira, Icy 19, 1869. A STRONG, ’SMART'BO'Y, TO CUT‘ wood, look ufler n Cow, and do the our- door work round a house. Apply at this office; Two Beautiful Farms for Sale; 100 HERE. May 14, 1869. GROCERIES, HAKRDWARII, NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS Richmond Hm, sum, 30 l869. FIRE PROOF STORE I YARN DYED IN ANY COLOR FALL AND WINTER GOODS TVEAVING, DYEING Cloth Dressing. 4-0.. and Telegraph, 00K A LARGE AND VARIED Cash for Wool or Cloth Given Wanted Immediately. KEPT CONSTANTL Y I. Accofinla rbndered is! October. FALL AND WINTER TRADE: And at Reasonable Priceul Tempérance Works; CATALOGUE on appflcatfon a! me A FULL SUPPLY of those int'orc‘sliug‘ and well-written Works. which will be disposed of at a Low Kata. If you want got the publications a? the ScoT-usn Tmurmuncn LIAM". AcgEngjHE TOWNSHIP The Sub‘sCriber has now in flock ALSO 50 ACRES HERALD BOOK STORE AssoR‘T‘MEN'l' of W. SPOF‘F‘ORD. JR.. Prnpmmr} » 1869. 585-1! l LARGE STOCK 0F IIII’I‘AB LE FOR THE Apply 16 ALMIRA.’ due. 6w. ac. ON HAND; Globé, M. TEEFY. ‘ Richmaud Hill. 5644f. ISAAC CROSBY. New AT THE Leadéi‘; 583

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