Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Feb 1870, p. 2

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Mr. Lepper presented the second Report of the Standing Committee on Printing, re. commending the Clerk to receive tenders for the oriming of the Minutes, Reports, By Laws. &c., of the Council. The Report also authorized the Treasurer to pay Messrs. Copp, Clarke & 00., the amount of their contract. THURSDAY, Feb. 3.â€"The Council resum- ed this morning amen o’clock, the Warden in the chair. Mr. Playter moved, seconded by Mr. Jones " That the Council go into Committee of the Whole to take into consideration the propriety of petitioning the Legislature of Ontario, praying so to amend sections 230 to 233 of the Muiicipal Corporation Act, to allow the Council to appmpriate the sur- plus revenue derived from the York h’oads to any purpose whatever required by the Council.” M'r. Chester moved, seconded by Mr. Rid‘ dell, that leave be granted to introduce a By-law to repeal Bylaw N0. 162, in refer ence to award:. for the apprehension of hurse thieves. passed bv the Council on the tenth of Jmmary, HGTâ€"Curried. The Bylaw was read a. first and second girlie. The Council wem into Committee of the‘ Whole on the Byâ€"law, and rose without. 7 reporting it. 7 ' Mr. Walla moved. seconded by Mr. Patâ€" terson, “ That the Warden is here by instruct- ed to execute an agreement with 1he city authorities, on behalf of the county of Ym k. for the keep and maintainance of County prisoners in the City gaul, in accordance with the views expressed in the report of the Select. Committo-e appointed to confer with a Committee of the City Council on that subje't, and adopted by this Council yesterday "â€"Uarried. After a. Short discussion. the motion was lost on a divisim. of 12 to 13. The Cnuncil went into Committee of the Whole on Mr. Piuyter's notice of motion, in reference to the proprietv of petitioning the Legislntuie of Onlariu, praying that an special Act may he passed enacting that an prisoners confined m the City and County gaols, and sentenced to hard labor. be al- lowed to Wul‘k on city streets, or in the County, within a certain distance of the gag]. v On motion Messrs. Bull. Gorham, Christie and Playtex- were appmnted to draft. a peti- tion to the Legislature on the subject. The Committee rose and then reported. The Council resumed, and the report was adopted. Mr. Christie asked leave to introduce a Bylaw to repeal By law No. 91 of the Council, as far as regards the appointment of a County Attorney. The By-law was read a first and second time. The Council went into Committee on the By law, and reported it unameuded The By-law was rem-1;». third time and passed. Mr. Wallis moved, seconded by Mr. Rob insop, that inrfqturg, all ordained MinisLels} ot the Gospel. having pastoral charge and residing Within the County, shall, upon ap- plication to the Warden, be entitled to a pas: permitting them to travel through all the gates on the York Roads free of toll; Ind that. the name and address of the appli- cant sha‘l be Written on such pass. signed by the Warden ; and that the several passes shall bear a uniform date, and be in force one year from date onlyâ€"Carried. The Council then. adjourned until two o’clock ‘ The Council resumed at. two o’clock, the Wman in the chair. WIgBMLmfi-‘fon, will) a vivw to en- quire into the \validity and sufliciency of the Sub-Treasurer’s bonds. The Councxl then adjourned until seven o’clock. The Standing Committee on Roads and Bridges. presented their repnrt, which was read by the Secretary, and adopted clause by clause. To the Council 0/ the County of York.T 'l'hére has been an increase in the acres assessed as cmnpured with last year. of 2,- 758, Lhe must. of which is in East Gwillim Bury. The tut-41 numhel of acres on the rolls are 541,122, against 538.364 last . a ' Thr‘re is also an increase in both the In some and Personal Property; but in Real estate there is a cousxderable falling off. ex- cept in East Gwillimbury, Markham and York. In the former theze IS an increase of $131,903, and $21,706 and $10,287 in the others. The rest of the Towrrships show a decrease. in Etobicoke,of $12,340; Geor- gina. $133,550; North Gwillimhury, $35,~ 143; Kim, $36,485; Scarboro’, $88,338; Vaughan. $2,506; and Whitchurch. $15,604. The Warden took the chair at seven o’clock. luv Whilchm'ch the Committee find that they have adopted the system of assessing from two to six personsâ€"apparently the lame fumllyâ€" fox the same property and numbering them on the roll ; also the own- els and occupants are numbered, making the persons on the roll appear larger than if they had been numbered in other municipa- li'ies. In some cases the same name is on the roll ten or twelve Limes. l1: r-qnzmzing‘ the nonâ€"resident lanrls your ‘ 'nve mndn' no change from the m, .13 made by [he assesmrs. In arm of the villages your Com- m, in order to get, an equalized \‘U The petition of Thus. Glaver and others, praying for a grunt of money for the improv- ment of the town line between East and Norm Gwillimhury. Nut granted. Yuut' Committee examined the following; Petitions and Cummuuicatious which have been laid befbte them :â€" Pelitiou of Mirtiu Taylor, praying for the confirmatinn of bv-law No. 207 ut' lhe Corporzuiou of North Gwillimbury, for the stopping up and dispuml of a certain road allowance. {'31 law defective. Nomgranted. .Tney have examined the Assessment Rolls and allecmrs’ Roll; of the several Mumcipalilies, and find that, they are care fully prepared, and on the whnle very satis factory. The following is an epitome of the repgl‘t:â€"‘ Communication from MuNab and J ckes, Soliciturs for James L'oulwr, asking can] pens-anon {bu-damages sustained by his_hm-se failing thruth a budge at Weston. $40 damages :‘Iluwed. Aiso, communication from T. P. Wads worth claim”); damages for harness and burgy injured by breaking (111-0th (1 bridge at. Weston. $20 damages allowed. Also. a hill from C. & W‘ Wadsworth, nmzzumillg to $5 fur repairs done to the budge over the Humber at Weston. Al- lowed. The necessary resolutions for the pavment of the sums [herein named were then passed. and the Council adjourned Lil. ten o‘clock this morning. FRIDAY, Feb. 4. The Council resumed It ten o’clock this morning, the War- den in the chair: The Chairman of the S‘unding Committee on Equa'izuliml presented the report N0. 1 of that Committee. The Council went into Committee of the Whole 0!} {he ‘l‘epOljt. County Council. value, added to the capitalized value as fol- lows:â€"-Yorkville, 25 per cent; Newmar- ket, Holland Landing and Aurora, 33% per cent; and they have taken the assessment value at, 6 per cent, and capitalized the same at 10_ per _cen_t. Schedule showing the assessor’s value of each municipality; also the average value per acre; and also the equalized value of the same. Municipalities. Etobicoke . . . . . . . ‘ Georgina. . . . . . ‘ . North Gwillimbury East. “ King . . . . . . . . . . . Markham . . . . . . . ‘ Scarboro’ . . . . . . . . Vaughan . . . . . . . . . W hitchurch . . . . . . ‘ York . . . . . . . . . Yorkville . . . . . Nwwmarket . . . . 'Hollnnd Landing Aurora . . . . . . . . . Total . . . . . . . . . . 14,226,229 . . . . E I’d MunlClpalltles. vague. Etobicoke . . . . . . . . . . . 1.004.086 Georgina. . . . . _ . . . . . 278.475 Norih Gwillimbury . . . 349,312 East " ... 810.153 King . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.752,217 Max‘kham . m . . . . . . . . . . 2,401,753 Searburo' . . . . . . . . . . . 1,301.642 Vuu'zhan . . . . . . . . . . . 2 076 623 Whitchul‘ch . . . . . . . . 1232.690 York ‘ . . . . . . . .fl . . . . . 2,516,850 Yorkville . . . . . . Newmarket . . . . Holland Landing. Aurora. . . . . . .. . The report was adopted and the committee reported. The council resumed and the re- poLt. was received and adopted. ~ .u Mr. Tyrell presented the report of the Standing Committee on Finance Assessment. On motion the (‘ouncil went into Committee 0" the. Whole on the report. The Council then adjburned until two o’clock. We find the Treasurer’s books kept in a. satisfactory manner, and have pleasure in making mention of the ma. that during our labors he afforded every oppm‘tuuity‘and aid for the fullest. scrutiny into all matters under his charge. All of which is respectfully submitted, .. E. JACKSON . W. H. Nox’ms, lAud‘W‘“ The report states that the Treasurer’s re. ports were most satisfactory, and that the Finances of the county are in a flourishing condition. The report recommends that the Council make the following grants: The Boys’ Home. $200; the Girls’ Home, $100; the Magdalen Asylum. $100; the Burnside Lying-in Hospital, $100; the House of Pro Videnee, $100; the News Boys’ Home. $50. Your Auditors have much pleasure in stating that the accounts as presented this year are in a much better shape than here- tofore; the authority for payment of each item being carefully noted upon its voucher. The Council resumed at two o’clock, the Warden in the chair. The Committee cannot make an increase in the salaries of the constables connected with the Court. House, as it is a matter in which they have no voice. By the Abstract Statement, herewith sub- mitted, of the General Account, it will he observed there is quite an increase in some few of the items of expenditure, consequent, no doubL upon the altered relations of the County to the City of Toronto. The Covmmiltee recommend that William Paynter be granted a one horse pedlar's license. A petition is recommended to His Excel lency the Lieutenant‘Governor in Council and the Legistulure of Ontario to erect plain, substantial. and suitable buildings for a Blind Instimtion of this Province. v 1,“ » > "â€"7", P7 #35" Assessment Law;and recommend L11eC0ux:- oil to petition the Ontario Legislathe for its amendment. The account of Adam Hope and Wilham M. Walton has not been sworn to, and being of that class that should be paid by the Gov ernment, and can see no reason why payment should be refused. . ‘ “ That they have carefully examined and audited the detailed statements of receipts and expenditures for the Quarters, ending 31st March. 30th June, 30th September and 31st December, 1869; also the non-resi dent Lam] and Grammar School accounts. and find the same correct and satisfactory with the excepuon of a charge by the Sheriff for the conveyance of lunatics to Rockwood Asylum from the city gaol for the payment of which your aurliiors cannot find statutory authority, but as they have been recommend- ed for payment by your Council the same have been allowed : the balance on hand on account current being $2,926'44. The Committee are of opinion that the Exci§e duty on refined Petroleumfigught to he refiEuled. , r.” The Committee are of opinion that an import uuty should be imposed on bread- stuffs imported from Foreign countries. The Committe recommend the Council to me- movialize several branches of the Dominion Legislature to that effect. ’Ihey on .not recommend a. grant to the Ontario Rifle Association. The report was taken up clause by clause alliadupted.‘ The c'ommiltee rose and the Council re sumed. The report was received and adupted. The Council resumed at seven o’clock, the Wurllen in the clmir. The Warden laid upon the table the Audi- mrs’s Report for 1869. The following is the report 2â€"- Tu the Warden and Council of the County of Ymk : GENTLEMENâ€" c . An merease m the Treasurer’s salary is not. recommended. The Comumtee recommend that Robert Marsh he paid $67 30, and Joseph Ward $45 00 for survey made of the hue between lb? Tuwnships of York and Vuughan.' The payment of Charles Unwin’s account of $226 85 for surveys recommended. Mussm. l'atm'sun, Harrison 51, Paterson’s claim of $50 00, is recommended to be paid. Messrs. Jacques & Hays account of $7 00 is recommended to be paid. The Committee recommend that the Clerk of the Council be insLi-ucled to communicate with the Chairman of the Board 0t School Trustees, and suggest to them the expediency of appointing hnL one member of respective Boards to attend the meeiings of the Board of Public Instruclion. We the undersigned Auditors for the County of York beg respectively to report~ Mr David McBridé’s claim is recom mended to be paid. The Uouucill then adjourned until s'even o’clock. Total . . JKU.---..-...- n8... -..‘..... Gwillimbury . . . ‘6 am ro’ .......... an...... 1u1‘ch.......... JR“...... na. Gwillimbury . . . Ifi lln.m-......... ro' ........... 3.1I........... lurch lNCORPUHATEI) palities. a . . . . . . . . . . . 1.004.086 . . . . . . . . . . 278.475 villimbury . . . 349,312 " . . . 810.153 . . . . . . . . . . .1.752,217 . m . . . . . . . . . . 2,401,753 ' . . . . . . . . . . . 1,301.642 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 076 623 'ch . . . . . . . . 1232.690 . . . . . 2,516,850 INCORPORATED VILLAGES. : . . . . . . . . . . . 499 445 ret . . . . . . . . . . 280.162 Landing . . . . . 80,106 110,617 E. value per acre. 31 9 11 15 18 31 28 00 25 00 50 75 50 00 50 ....14.694,041 Total 218- Nd value ’sed value. per acre. 979,180 . 264943 407.261 947,072 1,654,320 1 2332.523 1,260,105 1.806.765 1,198 676 2.109.942 ) VILLAGES. 665.928 350.271 100.021 139,522 30 6 12 15 17 30 26 25 06 90 15 17 30 26 25 18 29 YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILLs"'0NT;, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1870. Abstract. of the detailed Statement of Re- ceipts and Disbursements of the Corpora- tion of the County of York, for the year 1869 : To Cash from Jury fund account. do do do do do do Criminal Justice do Interest do do . . License Fund do . . Rem, do. . Non-Resident Local Fund do . Miscellane 0 us 8. c- Jan. 1, 1869. Balance due Treasurer . . . . . . . . . To Cash paid Coroners . . . . . . . . . do Inquest, expenses . . do Constables . . . . . . . do Crown Witnesses . do County Crown At’y do Clerk of Lhe Peace do Sheriff Jarvis . . . . . do Intelest . . . . . . . . . do Jury Expenses . . . do Miscellaneous . . . . do Members Wages. . do Printing & Stat’ry. do Board of Public In- PILES.-â€"-Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Pile Remedy for piles of every description. Sold by druggists. 688% Buildings ‘ . . . . . 654 68 do Horse'l‘hieves. . . . 40 00 do Jury Fund Acc’t. . 6,144 30 Balance in hands of Treasurer. . 2,926 44 The Standing Committee on County Pro- perty handed in their Report No. 1. On the motion the Council went into Com- mittee of the Whole on the report. The following is an epitome of the report The Committee find the report of the Superintendent of the York Roads very sa- tisfactory and creditable to that. oflicer. It will be necessary, during the present year, to renew some of the last bridges on the York Roads, and the Committee recom- mend that the Commissioner ot'Connty ProA perty be empowered to see that the necessary repairs be made. TUESDAY, March 1.â€"]mportant Credit Sale of Thorough-bred Cattle and Long Wool Sheep, on lot. No. 36, let Con, Markham, belonging to Mr. George Weldrick. Sale at 12 o’clock. J. Gormley, Auctioneer. "f Parties having Sale bills printed at this office, will have a notice similar to the above. free of charge. 'The old toll-gate at Holland Landing is recommended to be sold. The bill north of Thornhill 13 recommend- ed "t? be~reduc_ed, and made in} egsy made. The Committee recommends that the por- tion of the County Gaol grounds lying south of a. line drawn parallel to Palace street, and 100 feet to the Gaol building, together with the water lot. thereofY be granted to the Toronto and Nipissing Railway Company; and that the aditional 40 feet asked for in the communication of the Company, be granted to the Company, on a. lease of 42 years, at the nominal rent of one dollar per year, with the right to purchase the same at a valuation, at any time the County may be disposed to sell. The whole is granted on condition that the Company settle all claims which the City may have against. the County for filling up of the water lot of the Gaol grounds. John Sheddnn's petition is not granted. The Committee see no sufficient reason for granting the petition of G. D. James. And if no other reason existed for refusing it, the offensrve nature of its language, re- flec ' as it does upon justice of the Conn: WHO has not suffered from corns. bunions, club or inverted nails, enlarged and diseased joints, chilblains, frosted feet, &c.? Who has not been willing to make any sacrifice, and incur any expense to effect their cure; but as years rolled on, and no relief came, the sufferer has concluded they were inevi- table, evils,and has endured martyrdom from the oparenfly simple causes which have tor- mented mOre people than any other ailment ot' the human frame! There is none that entail agonies so great or suffering more se- vere. We are glad to know that corns will soon be numbered among,r the things of the past, owing to the skill of Dr. J. Briggs, the far famed chiropodist, whose success in treat- ing; diseases of the feet almost surpasses be- lief. His method involves no pain, no drawâ€" ing of blood, and no application to the loot, but the result is. the patient is effectually re- lieved, in such a manner as to excite both wonder and grmitude. Dr. Briggs may be consulted at his office, No. 6 Klng-SL, west, Toronto, by those who wish his professional services. His Modern Curative is sold by druggists and country merchants. fused The Superintendent of the York roads is instructed to see to the removal of the uni- sance complained of in the petition of Wil lium Mather C. J. Humphrey’s petition is granted. The Committee cannot recommend the grantingr of Andrew Ward‘s petition. r The Committee cannot recommend the TG‘ moval of Gate No. 1 on Kingston Road. The application of D. McDongal, for com- pensation for damage sustained to convey ance on one ot’the bridges, either in whole or in part. cannot be granted. The Commit- tee are of opinion that the statements set forth in the communication are incorrect. The Rev. C. J. Bethune, of Springfield, is granted a pass through No. 3 and 4, Dun- d s street, free of charge. The Committee recommend that the War- den and Messrs. Chester and Wallis be ap- pointed Commissioneus of County Property for the current year. The report 'was considered clause by clause. and was adopted. The Committee rose, and the COULCil resumed. ' The report was received and adopted. Mr. Lune moved, seconded by Mr. Robin- son, that the Committee on annce and As- sessment be instructed to report such sum to be paid to the several members of the Select Committee appointed to attend the last Session ot the Legislature of Ontario as in their opinion may Seem just. Carried. Ihe Council then'adjuurned until nine o’clock thls morning. SATURDAY, Feb. 5.â€"~The County Councd resumed their sittings this morning at nine o‘clock, and after passing some unimportant routine business adjourned until the second Tuesday in June next. WW Robt. Boyd’s petition is not granted. William Ireson’s petition is reluctantly re- AUCTION SALE. counts . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Commission do. . 13 50 County Tax do. .23.471 24 struction . . . . . . Salaries ‘ . . . . . . . . Appropriations . . . Repa' ‘s to Public Total ........ $29,538 59 DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS. $29,538 59 $682 50 4,035 69 242 35 784 00 135 00 $569 74 168 20 305 20 1,933 64 157 15 48140 917 71 1,525 30 180 50 1,114 98 2.973 69 1,001.» 00 434 08 4,370 75 2,700 00 17231 950 83 @hfiflmh gmm. The Dominion Parliament will assemble next week for the dispatch of business. 1 Many of the members of the House of Commons are on their way to Ottawa, in order to get comfortably settled down be- fore entering upon their labours; Mr. Wright left here yesterday morning in good spirits, eager for the fray. We look forward to a lively session, and hope to find the government well prepared to meet the expectations of the country. Many old politicians will be anxious to learn what ceurse will be taken bywSir F. Hincks in the great question of Banking and Currency; it is one with which the Finance Minister is quite familiar, and is likely to receive his best attention. The Red River d’ifiieulty will be venti- lated, and we may expect an animated debate on it before the session closes. Sir Francis Hincks will, no doubt, re ceive a large support from the Reform section of both houses, having Mr. Aikins as a colleague in the Senate, to draw strength to the government. On the whole, we believe the government is popular, and will have a strong working majority. The debates will be watched with great interest, as a matter of course. We shall take note of all that is going on, in which our readers feel interested. CATAKRH.â€"If your head. nose and throat are filled with a burdensome mass of mucus either dry or moist, thin or thick, white or yellow, and your eyes swollen and heavy, your head feeling unusually large, with a constant, dull, hervy pain all through it, re su‘tiug from Catarrh, use Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevantor. The mucus will be immediately discharged from the head, nose and throat, the eyes brighten, and sparkle with delight; the head feels natural again. all pem has fled, and life once more desirable. Sold by druggists and country merchants generally. Dr. J. Briggs & 00., proprietors, 208 Broadway, N‘ Y., and N o. 6 King-St, West Toronto, Canada. YONGEâ€"SI‘. SABBATH SCHOOL TEACHERS” ASSOCIATION. SABBATH SCHOOL TEA.â€"The Teachers of the W. M. Sabbath School, in this village, will give a. tea in the lecture-100m of the Methodist Church, this (Friday) evening at 6:30 o’clock, P.M. Several gentlemen have kindly consented to give appropriate read- ings on the occasion, interspersed With music. Admission 20 cents. Proceeds to procure papers for the School. We hope that this effort on the part of the Teachers, Will meet with the patronage of the friends of Sabbath Schools in this neighborhood. W11» )4; u“, uuuvu ame f owed by the Rev. W. W. Carson, Mr William Harrison, Mr. John Hamilton, Mr. A. P. Conger, Mr. James Ness and the Chairman. We have received a communication com- menting severely upon the claims made upon the County Council by Messrs. Robert Marsh, Joseph Ward and sur- veyor Unwin. We make it a rule not to publish communications when the writers withhold their names. If our corres- pondent will send us his name, we may endeavour to make room for his letter in some future issue. We must say that there is great reason to feel that the charges made by these gentlemen-â€" as may be seen in our report of the County Council proceedings â€" are such as to challenge enquiry. The above Association met at Patter- son, on Tuesday last, the 8th inst. In the absence of the President, the Rev. Mr. Fishburn was appointed chairman. The meeting was opened with singing, prayer and the reading of' the Scriptures. The minutes of the meetings of' October 4th and DecembepZ4th, 1869, were read and adopted. The chairman then called for discussion on the subject chosen by the committee on topics : “ The pre- requisites of a Sabbath School Teacher.” mix. James Dick opened the dis- Representatives from the following Sabbath Schools Pwere present: Patter- son Union, Wesleyan and Presbyterian, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Carrville and Evangelical 4th Gen. Vaughan. It was moved by Mr. Conger, seconded by Mr. Carson, that the committee on topics be imrowered to vary from the or- dinary rule of appointing subjects for discussion to that of a lecture motionâ€"â€" Carried. ' Moved by Mr Harrison, seconded by Mr Conger, that the next meeting of this Association be held in the village of Carrvihe, on Monday, the 2nd May.â€" Carried. THE SURVEY OF YORK AND VAUGHAN TOWN LINE. A Rare Opportunityâ€"Geofge Weltfrick. County Board of Public Instruction. List of Letters in P. 0. Money Foundâ€"Wm. Atkinson. MEETING OF PARLIAMENT. The meeting then adjourned. RICHMOND HILL, FEB. 11, 1870. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. To the Editor of the York Herald. These are bloody times indeed. The Township of Markham’s veins have been in a sluggish state for some years; but at the last municipal election “ new blood was in- fused” into the council by the return of Speight and Reesor, instead of Button and Milliken. Poor Button was wiped out completely, and Milhken was made to stay at home ; and at the first sitting of the Council it, was made really apparent that the choice made by the free and independent electors was very juqicio‘ue. ' ... A.-- .. . u .v .< . iu the Assessorship is just what we wanted, and we have it in the appointment of Mr. David Crosbyâ€"brother ot the most worthy local memberâ€" who lives at Unionville, where the only station on the T. :35 N. R. R. will be placed for the Township of Mark- ham. Mr. D. Crosby is a person of vast eX' perience, no matter what “ Critic” may say in the Economist to the contrary. Suppose he has not the necessary property qualifica- sions for the office, what is that his busi‘ nessl can’t he make it up in “Blood.”{ The “new blooded” members of the County l Council introduced “ new blood” into i many things â€"â€" they did â€" among othersl into the Trusteeship of the Grammar School of Markham. The Editor of the Economist said it was time that “new blood ” should be infused, and so it was, by the appoint: ment of the Rev. Donald Fletcher. of Scar- boro’, and by the dismissal of the fogy mem- berâ€"Squire Barkerâ€"the Old Church Pres- byterian corruptionist, whose “old blooded” ideas were a dragon the wheels ot progress “more especially with reference to Gram- mar School Affairs. I understand the “new ‘ blooded” Educational Committee, of the “new blooded ” council, were desirous to appoint educated men to these offices ; and I believe they have appointed classical scholars in every instanceâ€"men fit to fill any chair of learning in any of our Universities. The “new blood” in the Markham Grammar School Board lives only nine miles away. and he can attend all meetings of the board without the least inconveniencemand “ new blood” being always strong, I don’t see why he can’t. Scarboro’ has struggled for years for her rights, and now she has at- tained them at last. It is said that since the " new blood ” was introduced â€"â€"- although there are no Searboro’ students attending the school at the present time, there will be no less than fifty scholars ready at the com- mencement of next quarter. Nothing like “new blood ” for this age of improvementl Since so much has been accomplished by the “ new blood 7’ from Scarboro’, why not try some of our “new blood" from Whit- chureh, which I think is just as good as Searboro’ ever had or ever will have ; and I don’t see why it is not better. because the EAST RIDING on YORK AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.â€"The annual meeting of the above Society was held at M1llikeu’s Corners, on Wednesday, 19th January. The following officers for the ensuing year were elected :â€" Mr. John Gibson, President; Mr. William Thomson, lst Vice-President; Mr. James Robinson, Secretary and Treasurer. Direc- torsâ€"Messrs. Wm.Lea, J.P.Wheeler, John Crawford, Simpson Rennie, Robert Reesor, George Weldrick. John Stevenson, Hugh McGill, Thomas Hall. Auditors-Hr. H. Lane, and James J. Barker. A vote of thanks was tendered to the retiring oflioers and the meeting adjourned. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP SABBATH SCHooL Assocrnioxâ€"A meeting of this Associa- tion will be held at Markham Village on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 15111 and 16th insts., in the Wesleyan Church there. Min~ isters from all Evangelical Churches and two delegates from each Sabbath School in the Township are invited to attend and take part in the proceedings. within our 'l‘owhship and further away from that immoral village called Toronto. As our Township has furnished more scholars to the Markham Grammar Schonl than Scar- boro’, I think, in all justice, we ought to have three “new bloods” to get our rights and intereststs attended to in a pro- per manner. I may safely say that if the “new blooded” educational committee would give us our rights in this matter, that when Scarboro will sendher fifty scholars,no doubt, the Township of Whitchurch will send one hundred and fifty more; in this way the Mark- ham School will be one of the largest and best Schools of the kind in the whole Do- minion, and second only to the University in Toronto. These two townships being able to furnish two hundred scholars through the influence of the “ new blood,” with the few furnished by Markham, you will see. Mr. Editor, that the attendance will be very respectable indeed. As I said be- fore, these are “bloody " times. I almost forgot to mention that our township has had “new blood” infused into her councilâ€"by the addition of one Deputy Reeveâ€"and] can’t understand why our interests were not attended to at the meeting of the County Council. But. the “new blood” from Markham rather overfreached our “new blood” this time; but if I know mvself, I will see that this sort of business has been done about long enough; and that when the next meeting of the County Council will take place, there shall be, at least. two “new bloods” appointed from this town‘ ship, to the Markham Grammar School Board. Mr. Editor. I believe in “blood,” espem- ally “new blood.” when it is necessary to frustrate lhe recommendation made by a Grammar School Board. for the reappoint mth uf‘two ofils “old bloods.” Does not “ new blood” know where “ new blood ” is requiree ? Of course it does; even if it does put out or dismiss a. very efficient “old blooded ” member. Newmarket had “ new blood,” three years ago, and says “blood,” now; Whitchurch says “ blood ;” Stoufl‘ville says “ blood ;” Unionville says “blood ;” Ringwood says “blood :” Markhathrough the Economist, says “ new blood ;” the York Herald says “blood,” and all say “blood,” and I sign myself, Nothing like “New blood.” New blood Whitchurch, February 5, 1870. @nrrezpnnhenre. TIMES OF BLOOD. Yours, 850., BLOOD. VALENTINES.-â€"A large selection can be bought cheap at the HERALD Book Store. COUNCIL Mannaâ€"The Vaughan Conn- cil will meet on Monday the 14th instant, at 10 a.m,. in the Town Hall. LOCAL LEGISLATION.â€"~We have reason to believe that the day is not far distant, when there W111 be a. general election for the local legislature. Attention is directed to the advertisement headed “ Important to builders.” The Wes- leyans in the village of Maple, request ten- ders for the erection of a Church in that village. RICHMOND HILL Mncnmrcs’ INSTITUTE.â€" The third and last Re-Union of the season, will be held m"the Temperance Hall, Rich- mond Hill, on Tuesday evening, February 15. Several talented Amateurs from Toron- to,‘ are expected to take part. Doors open at 7:30; performance to commence at 8. Prices as‘ usual. Extra effort is being put forth to make this Re-Union particularly in4 teresting. MARKHAM GRAMMAR Sermonâ€"We regret that our old friend, A. Barker, Esq., has not been re-appointed a member of the Board of Trustees of the Markham Gram- mar School. Mr. Barker is an energetic and intelligent man; he made an excellent School Trustee. There has been wire-pull- ing in the County Council to accomplish this unjust act. What can the Committee on Education have been about? I1. Tl-CNED not to give credit to any one on my account as I will not be responsible {or any debts contracted in my name after this date. K 7 0n the counter of the subsc'riber’s slox'e'. The owner can have it by proving property and paying cost. of advertisement. LUTHERAN MISSIONS.~â€"A missionary ser- mon will be preached on Sabbath, February 13, 1870, by the Rev. W.W. Carson, at 6:30 p.m., in the Zion E. L. Church, 4th Con. Vaughan. The Missionary Meeting will be held in the same church, on Wednesday, the 161k instant, at 6:30 p.m. ; Rev. J. Bredin, and Rev. W. Stephenson, of Toronto, will assist at this meeting. Collections and sub- scriptions will be taken up in aid of the Mission Fund. Also at the Bethseda E. L. Church, 6th Con. Markham, near Uuionville. Sermon by the Rev. J. Fishburne, on Sabbath, the 13th inst.Y at 10 a.m. Meeting on Tuesday, the 15th inst, at 6:30 p.m., at which the Revd's. John Bredin and J. Fishburn will assist. U ED coms. bunions. large and small. in- growing nails, sweat scalded feet, &c , relieved imnmdialely and soon cured by apglyivg Dr. J. Briggs’ Modern €urative according to din-so lions : is never does harm, but it a'ways does good. 583-ly cq - POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK AT RICH- MOND HILLâ€"The following statement will show the amount of business transacted in tlns Branch of the Post office Savings Bank, up to 131: February, 1870: Total Deposits to 3lst Jan. 1870 . .$9564 00 THROAT. &c., cured very qilickly by using Dr. J. Brigg's’ Allevamor. a safe and re- liable remedy, 583-ly-cq l hleedifig and itchy. relieved at once anti soon cured by using Dr J. Briggs’ universal Pile remedy; soothing. safe and neliable. s 1) nfl'octious of the throat. lungs and chesl immediately relieved. and all but hopeless cases cured by using Dr. J. Briggs’ Throat and lung Healer. 583-1y-cq Spring heat, 3139 bush . . Barley. QB bush......... [’ease, do ......... Oats, do ........ Hayfigton .... Sunwflifiton Butter % 1?; rolls.... Pork mess 31$} per bbl.... . W001 7191!]. ..... ILES, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, bleeding and itchy. relieved at once and Deposits of one dollar, or any number of dollarsâ€"up to three hundredâ€"taken at one time; which will draw interest at the rate of four per centum per annum, and may be withdrawn at less than a. week’s notice. If made a special deposit, in sums of one hundred dollars, interest at five per centum per annum will be allowed. Special Deposits are subject to three months’ notice before they can be withdrawn. ' MRS. FANNY WILLIAMS. Markh-m. January 97. 1870. 602- Richmond Hill. Feb. 9, 1870. 0W BELLS FOR FEBRUARI, ,N§A1'URDAY EyENmG, FEB. 5m, LL PARTIES ARE HEREBY CAU- ‘VERY WEEK FOR JANUARY, R0§CHITI§ LARINGITISAND ALL ORNS, HARDi SOFT AND FESTER‘ EURALGIE, HEADACHE 501er New abnertissmeuts. Withhrawals H Epetial TORONTO MARKETS. Inrul 5km. Arrived at the Herald Book Store. .....- a: lush ......... ... al,§9bush......-- msh. . . ...-u 9 per bbl . . .-.-.... Arrived at the Herald Book Store. Money Found N otiee. Toronto, Feb. 10, 1870. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. WM. ATKINSON. Noting. 604-“ 125 00 The Subscriber has received instructed to sell by Public Auction, on 011 Lot No. 36. in the Isl Con. Markham. near Thornhill. Yonge Street, the properly of Mr. GEORGE WELDRICK, viz.: l Cow. aged 1 Cow,5 Years old 3 Cows, 7 yearspid. 1 1 ch! 4 333an old, re- DURHAM CATTLE. 1 Bull. 2 years old 1 Heifen 1 Ram, 3 shears im- 10 Ewe, 1 shear poried by Mr. Stone, 12 Ewes,2shears&over Guelph If! Eyve Lambs l one-horse Sled ] Patterson Plough 1 Iron Plough And numerous other articles not Enumernted- recen‘tly calved l Cow, 6 years old SALE WITHOUT RESERVE! As the Proprietor is leaving the Farm. And within 3% miles of Yonge Street. A good barn; 10 acres of hardwood bush; well watered, and within fiva minutes walk of church and post office. Tumsâ€"$10. and under. Cash; over that amount seven months’ Credit will be given on furnishing approved Joint Notes. 8 per cent. discount for Cash. TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM. EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill I’ostx, fiiée. lst. Feb.. 1870:â€" Anderson. Mrs. Brown. James Bernard. H G Barry. Mrs. Barlow. W. Cleary, W Clay. W. S. Cowan, J. M. Culberl, William Dale, James Dore. Robert H. Fierheller. John Fahey, Margret Glen. William, Hopkins. J. D. Harris. Mrs. John L. Heslop. John Hodgens, John Klinck, Joseph Lymhurner, Robert Munshaw, Wm. (2) Marshall. Thomas McBride, John McWiiliams. James McConnell. Joseph (3) McNair. Matthew McQuillan. James McConnell. James O’Brien, Ann Palmer, Joseph Philemon, Thomas Pom. Richard Quarlzsh, Emily Reid. Theodore Spencer, John Shella Levi Simmers. W'iliiam Siver, R. Vickm-s, Maryann Whalen. Daniel} Williams, John ‘Nidiams. M. I1 Subscriber. A Doe. mouse colored. white ring around his neck, white breast and answers to the name 0! " Bob,” Any person returning him to the undersigned will be suitably rewarde, and any person retaining the same after this date will be proser‘ated with the utmo trigor of the law. Parties wishing to obtain chea Goods would do well to avail themselves of the above 0361' which Willi only be granted from Monday. 24th JanuaryJill Tuesday, 1st March. 1870.. J. PURKJSS, UBLIC INSTRUCTIONâ€"YORK. 0n purchases of $1 and upwards, of Dry Goods. Clothing, Boots and shoas. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the usual half-yearly meeting of the Board will be held AT NOON U scriber begs to inform the puth that having a large amount of Goods and. anxious to Feduceuthe same before taking Stuck, THE FIRST DAY OF MARCH NEXT. He has decided to offer an inducement. to all Cash buyers. by allowing IN THE COURT HOUSE, CITY OF TORONTO. ON TUESDAY, 22m DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1870. In the Village of Maple. up to the 16th day of February next. at one o’clock P. M. Plans and Specifications can be seen on and after the 4th dav of February next, at J. P. Ruperts Store, Maple. *3," Brick and Stone furnished by Committee. 1. P. RUPERT, Sec. Round the School Site of said S. S. Plans and specifications maybe seen at the under- signed. City of Toronto. 3rd February, 1870 ENDERS \VILL BE RECEIVED BY the Trusle‘s of S. S No 4. Markham- CATTLE & LONG WOOL SHEEP. O: to the Postmaster, Buttonvillo. January 12, 1870, 600â€"213: Markham. Feb. 8, 1870. SALE AT 12 O’CLOCK. NOON. Davisville, January 19. 1870 Thornhill. January 15, 1870. BEAT AUCTION SALE OF THO-‘ Maple, January 2:3, 1b70 Farm for Sale, ONSISTING OF 61 ACRES, THE ERECTION OF A FENCE Malkham, Feb. 1, 1870 EALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- ‘ ceived by the Building Committee for the erection of a BEAT INDUCEMENTSWTHE SUB. T 3pCHMONp gILL, FROM THE For terms. &.c , apply to TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT TUESDAY, MARCH 1811‘, 1870, rough-bred LOT 15. IN REAR OF 3RD CON. A Rare Opportunity. the Truslms of S. S No 4, Markham, till SATURDAY. FEB. 12, 1870, for Important to Bu ilders- MB. NIGH'I‘INGALE. BUTCHLR, W. M. BRICK CHURCH, List. of Letters Tenders Wanted- Lost or Stolen, rs old 1 Heifer. 3 years old HIGH 13mm GRADES. County Board Cheap Goods. lSoW inpig IMPLEMENTS. BEING PART 01' J. J. JENNINGS, D.D.. ROBERT LEARY, JACOB ATKINSON. JOHN HEISE. Txustees of S. S. No. 4. SHEEP. OF THE JAMES SUTTON. cently c-alved J . GORMLEY. 0. Auctioneer. M. TEEFY, PM. Chairman. 604 601-3 604-2 603-2

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