Plans and Proï¬les. with speciï¬cations and terms of contract. wi|l be exhibited at the Of- ï¬ce of the Chief Engineer in Ottawa; and at the ofï¬ces of the Commissioners in Toronto. Quebec, Rimouski, Dalhousie, Newcas’tie. St. John and Halifax, on and afterihe lOlh March next; and Sealed Tenders addressed to the Commissioners of the lntercoiouial Railway. and marked " Tenders†will be received at their ofï¬ce in Ottawa, up to 7 o’clock P.M.. on Monday, the 4th day of April. 1870 Commissioners’ Ofï¬ce. Ottawa, 26111 January, 1870. The Contracts for Sections No. 3 and 4 to be completelv ï¬nished and ready for' laying the hack by the lat day of.July, 1871. JUST ARRIVED AT The Commlssionei's also give Public notice ihat having annulled the Contracts for Sections Nos 3 and 4, they are now prepared to receive Tanders for re-leuing the sums. Section No. 3 is in the Province of New Brunswick, and extends from Stetion No. 370. about two miles South of the Restigouche Rives to Station No. 190, about 2.000 foot South of Eel River, near Dalhousie, being a distance of about 24 miles. THE PEOPLE’S STORE. Section No.|6,will be in the Province of New Brunswick, and will extend from the Easterly end of Section No. 15. to the Westerly end of Section No. 10. aboui 18E miles in length. Section No. 14, will be in the Province of Quebec. and will extend from the Easterly end of Section No. 13, to Station 543, a. point. be- tween the mouth ofthe river Amqui and the little Matayedia Lake. about. 22} miles in length. Section No. 4 is in the Province of Nova Scolia. and exiends from Station No. 230, on the Amherst Ridge. to Staiion O. on the Ridge about a mile Nor!!! of the River Phillip. a distance of about :27 miles. Section No. 15 will be in the Province of New Brunswick, and will extend from the Easterly end of Section No. 9 to Station No. 639, a point fully half a mile Easterly from the crossing of the River Nepissiguitâ€" length. twelve one~tenlh miles. The contracts for the above sections to be compietely ï¬nished and randy for laying the track by the 151 day of July, 1672. The Commissioners appointed to construct the Intel-colonial Railway give PUBLIC NOTICE that lhev are now prepared to receive Tenders for four 'funhei' Sections the line. Section No l3 will be in the Province of Que ac. and will extend from the Easterly end of \‘eclion No 8 to Station 906, near Malfait Lake. about 20; miles in length Sureï¬es for the completion of the contract will be required to sign the Tender. A. WALSH, ED. 8. CHANDLER, C._J. BRIDGES. A. W. MCLELAN, INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. NEW FURNITURE CHAIRS I CHAIRS! ! Tn Wnnd and Cane Rn WASHSTANDS, I N O A K BEDSTEADS, AND WALNUT. C R I B S , LOOKING GLASSES, MATTRESSES, &c. &c. &c. ROCKERS, BUREAUS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT TORONTO PRICES FORCASH V 0 take notice that Mr. John Tailor has ceased to coliect f0r John N. Reid. M.D., and that Mr. John Gnrlon, of 'l‘horuhill. is author- ised to collect for the subscriber until further notice. JOHN N. REID. MD. Themhin, December 99, 1869. 597 SAVAGE’s. Richmond Hill, Dec. 12. EGS T0 ANNOUNCE THAT HE has now received a B.-â€"-THE PUBLIC WILL PLEASE LARGE STOCK In Wood and Cane Bottoms, P. G. SAVAGE CONSISTING D‘l‘ Card. Ol' ARMCHAIRS, Commissxoners. NURSING AND CHILDREN’S 602-6 600 r SCRIBER, Richmond Hill, on Tuesday. the 4.h instant, Two Black and White l’igsâ€" weighing from 50 to 60 lbs each. Any person giving information as ‘0 their whereabonl, or bringing (hem to the undersigned will be; suitably rewarded. ROBERT HOPPER. It is now ofl'ergd in a form. and at a price. which must bring it within the reach of every one who may desire to possess it. being pub- lished at ahoutone-lifth the price of the London Quarto Edition, 1 have therefore no hesitation in saving that it is a work which should be in the hands of every Minister, Sabbath School 'l'eacher and heads of families. It certainlv supplies a long felt want in sacred literature. and. I trust it may have a general circulation. N. MCKINNON. 599â€"3m Publisher’s Agent. All of which will be sold for Cash or short ap- proved credit. Apply on the premises to HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks for past favors, would respectfully .L thanks for past favérs, wou_|d respectfully intimate that he is now prepared to show a l have much pleasure in recommending to the public lhe “ Life and Epistles of St. i’anl,†by Congbeane & Howson. It is a ï¬nel'.‘ got up edition of a thousand pages, with Maps, Engravings and Charts The work delineates the early life. education. conversion, teachings, labors. deal. of a man whose writings are now engaging more though, calling forth more learned discussion, and more powerfully im- pressing the ming and heart. of the :»ge, than those of any author. ancient or modern. This work has also the warmest recommendations of about [500 of the leading divines in both Europe and America. as being one of the most, important thewlogical works of the age. HE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR - Sale on lot No. 38, 4th Con Markham, 75 CORDS CHOlCE DRY HARDWOOD. Which he will offer at Prices that will compare favorably with any other house in the trade. Although not professing to give as much for one Dollar, as anyone else will give for one Dollar and a half. you will understand where to buy your Christmas Groceries at the Cheap- est Rates. STAPLE&FANCYGRO0ERIES REFERENcms.â€"Parties who have had work done at Mr. W. H. Lawrence’s Factony, pre- vious to the sale of the effects Residence near the Lawrence Factury. Richmond Hill. Dec. 29, 1869, 59-1-3 The express will leave Richmond Hill every Monday, Wednesday and Flidfl)’ morning and return in the evening of the same day. Charges strictly moderate. Parcels or instructions left at Bassett & Keeble's Hotel. Nelson street. or Best’s Hotel, Yongo street. Toronto. and at Velis’s Hotel. Richmond Hill.will be promptly attended to". J. BRILLINGER, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Jan. 5. 1869, 599-ly “LIFE AND EPISTLES OF ST. PAUL.†SHE CANNOT BE And wil! be prepared to attend to all instrué- lructions with That has been offered on Richmond Hill this season. .â€" The subscriber begs to intimate to the met- chants and. traders and the public generally that he has commenced to ply an EXPRESS'WAGGON. Between Toronto (£- Rz'chmond Hill, TORONTO & RICHMOND HILL LINE OF EXPRESS. Nice Velvet Hats. lrimmad, from $l upwards Ladies’ Bonnets. I'm .\ $2 and lpwalds. Missas’ and Infants' Hoods. Infants Wool Coats for $1.60, usually sold for 381,92) cents. Mourning Bonnets Kept Constantly on hand ll NOUNCE to his friends, and the public in the vicinity of Richmond Hill that he has leased the premises lately occupied by On Richmond Hill, and has opened with a complete stock of The public will observe that he in in a posi- tion to Sell Goods at Prices that will not fail to satisfy all consumers. Groceries, Inspection and Comparison are Invited. )ROM THE PREMISES OF THE SUB‘ Markham, Dec. 21, 1869. Richmond Hill, Jan. 12. Richmond Hill, Dec. 15, 1869. A nice assostment of Ladies’ Drass Caps. Every descuiption of Millinexy made to order. N. B. STAMPING DONE. Richmond um, Nov 25. 1869. )ETER G. SAVAGE BEGS TO AN- the public Ihat he is prepared to do CUSTOM 'WEAVING OF ANY DESIRED PATTERN ETER WEIR. BEGS T0 INFORM PETER G. SAVAGE. Richmond Hill. Doc: 9,1869. 5954! MRS. MYERS AS NOW ON HAND THE CHEAP HATS AND BONNETS CARE AND PROMPTITUDE. EST lot of MR. THOMAS COGHLAN. Christmas Circular. Cordwood for Sale. LARGE AND VARIED Provisions, Important Notice. Custom Weaving. SUITABTE FOR. THE SEASON, People’s Edition ASSOBTMENT OF Strayed W. H. & JAS. LUNDY. Paints, 0F TH E ISAAC CROSBY . Oils, UNDERSOLD. Varnishes, THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, 0N1-‘3.~FRIDAY, FEBRUARY II, 1870. 600-3 597-4 593â€"tf 596 THE FINEST FRUIT GRAPES From Malaga. (Orange, Lemon and Citron] CANDIED PEEL, FRESH GROCERIES, OVERCOATS, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. The undersigned. Executor: of the Estate of the late Wallis Higgins. w ll sell by Auction on Wednesday the 16m February next,al noon, the following valuable villaga Lats. siluale in the village of Richmond Hillâ€"together with the buildings thereon : FOR SALE BY AUCTION AT RICHMOND HILL, ON WEDNESDAY, 16m FEBRUARY, 1870. 1st. The dweiling House and one Acre of land. with Barn, Stable and out-buildings. lately occupied by Walns Biggins in his life- time: being part of Lot No. 47. in the ï¬rst concession of the Township of Vaughan, and on the South side of Miil Street. 2nd One Acre Lot. adjoining and on the East side of the foregoingâ€"well fenced and lately seeded down. 3rd. The Dwelling House and three acres of Land. with stabie. barn and out-buildings, fornwrly occupied by John De La Hay; bemg pan of Lot No. 48, in the ï¬rst concession of Vaughan. and fronting on the North side of Mill slreet. 4th. One-Acre Lot of land, adjoining and on the North West of Lot No. 3, hereunbefore mentionedâ€"enclosed by a good board fence. Terms made known on the day_ of sale. ROVIN CIAL LAND SURVEYORS, Seaforlh, Ontario. CONCERTINAS, [RAISINSJ W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Dec. 15. l809. 596 Richmond Hill, Sop. 30. 1869. Village Lots and Dwellings Richmond Hill, January 12, 1870. SOB-id Jnne7,1362- ‘5 Ready ! Aye ! Ready I " ,AYEna AND SEEDLESS RAISINS; GEO. MOPHILLIPS 8t SON, A LARGE & WELL SELECTED OF THE SEASON, ATKINSON’S JOHN HART, ROBERT ROBINSON, wxrn sun ISNSTBUCTOR, A: TE! HIRALD loo! non. That may be roliod on. YES, READY FOR VALENCIAS, Consisting impart of RECEIVED AT CURRANTS A full Assortment. From Turkey, From Zame, [Mistrqu STOCK Of F IGS ALSO : W. ATKINSON. SULTANAS, From Bordeaux. PRUNES [nusmm] NUTS. Executors, 585 CITRON PEEL ORANGE PEEL O WALNUTS, PICKLE S, TEA CHEST !‘ CURRANTS LABRABOR HERRING. THE RIGHMOND HILL OYSTERSI OYSTERS! l OYSTERS .! l I FAMILY GROCERIES WINES AND LIQUORS 1 The above goods are in fnll supply and are of the best kinds and will I)» sold at. Prices to suit Clah buyers. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST! BRAZILLIAN AND FILBER TS. Richmond Han, D». s, m :8 cents per 11:. A LARGE ASSORTMENT' o‘F AND GOODS DELIVERED. BEAUTIFUL TROUT ! NEW NEW A LOT OF APPLES, FLOUR AND FEED. NEW SEEDLESS NEW SULTANA A. SPLENDID LOT AND PROVISIONS, A LARGE STOCK 01' NEW LAYER NEW VALENCIAS. To be Sold Choap. an war ntcmwcb' NEW NUTS, ALSO A LOT OF (RAISINS.) (RAISINS.) (RAISINS.) (RAISINS.) 01' FRESH CURRANTS, I. FRENCH. 3 cents pen-11v. EMON PEEL LMONDS, NEW ‘NE W NEW OL‘D Having purchased the Sleek and Interest of R. H. Hall, (late Chemis‘t and Druggist of the same placa) have grsally enlarged the old stock and have now on hand a good assort- ment of Drugs. Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals. Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Slnfl‘s. Patent Medicines, and all other articles kept by Druggisls generally. ’3ԠPhysicians Prescriptions carefully com- pounded. and all Dl‘dBlS attended to With care and despatch. Farmers and Physicians from $115 countrv wi‘l ï¬nd our stock uf Medicines completeâ€"wan aut- ed genuineâ€"and of the best quality. HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN~ nouucn m the Farmers in the neighlmr- Jr nouucn m the Farmers in the neighlmr- hood tnat he has a splendid BERKSHIRE BOAR. near!) thorough-Med. Farmers wishing to improve their stock will please take notice. Cam be had atthe Post-ofï¬ce, for 10 CENTS WEEK. ' MAGAZINES, PAPERS, 8w. N0 HOUSE SHOULD BE WITHOUT 11‘ THE MORNING PAPERS SCHOOL REQUISITES PREPARED GLYCERINE ! BITUL'I'ID 0N YONGB STREET, Twenty miles from Toronto, 0711., And four from Richmond Hill. This Hotel is built on the margin of Bond’s Lake. a. large beautiful sheet of water. and is a popular resort for pleasure parlieai There is in lhe immediate vicinity of the Hotel an extensive Steam Saw Mill. which is doing a huge lumbering business TITLE lNDlsPUTABL-E. 'l‘erms made easy Further particulars may be obtained by ap- plying to P. CROSBY, Richmond Hill, Dec. 30, 1869. 5984f CHAPPED HANDS ! When you visit Puromo be sure and get a Pot at HUGH MILLGR & Co’s, E H'. SANDERSON & SONS, g CHEMISTS AND DR UGGISTS, V ‘ gain that large and commodiom houso known as the BOND’S LAKE HOTEL , With exmnuivo Stable‘é, Sheds. 5m. camplete, COLLARS AND CUFFS T I C K DESTROYER 5 FARMER’S SHOULD USE Promotes the Growth of the Wool, And improves 'Tun Common or nu: ANIMAL. BRINGS ADDITIONAL TESTIMONY! WILL BE SOLD BY PRIVATE BAR gain that large and commodiom houso Sold everywhere, in boxes at 35 cts. 70 cts, and 331:0". _ ct box will clean 20 sheep and 35 lambs. May 14,.1 Richmond Hill. Nov. 25, 1569. R0 B'1 . HUPPER, BUTCHER Richmond Hill, Nov. 25. 1869. 593-tf Octo‘bex 28, 1869. September 8, 1869. IBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY Telegraph, FLOCKâ€"MASTER Suoun BE Wrmou'r I'r. THOROUGH EFFECTIVENESS. However Rough or Sore, IT DES'I'ROYS THE TICKS. (RICHKOND HILL BRANCH) AT nu: THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE At this season of the year. Berkshire Boar. It will make the hands 1‘ ALL KINDS. AT THE Hotel for Sale. FOR SHEEP. RICHOMND HILL; SMOOTH AND SOFT. New Firm. SUPPLIED AT THE USE mum’s OF TORONTO 2 HUGH MiLLER & 00., Chemists. Apply to HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. MILLER’S 167 King St. East, Toronto EVERY D'A! HERALD 300K STORE. OF ITS Globe, M. TEEFY, V,._;:»_8»i°h£n3géfl‘l'- 5644!. MEDICAL H ALL. Leader, TORONTO. 583-1!" 589- tf 593. POCKET BOOKS GRO’CERIES, HARDWARE Where he willbo Erepared and mosthappy t: F it enthuse whp may require his serv'cea. Rh.» __ ‘ ...,W A... G. H. H.. havmg had over ELEVE Al: PRACTICE. feels cgï¬dem of giving ai‘nire sun faition. To those who have favored him with tln patronage in the past he returnv his sinm» Ihallks, and to those who may do so in the t lure. he would any that no n Jeavor on In part M“ be wanlil-g to meet their approval. Rn;r‘ncm:Ncms.â€"TheI’ollowinggemiemenca with conï¬dence.recommend G. H Husband all requiring Denlal aid: ltr Reid,Thoruhi Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D'Evlyn, Burwicx. Dr. Carson, Brampton. RENIDENCE.â€"Tllorllhiâ€. Thornhill September 17, 1868. 12’ of $3“ pvr \\ es-k and expenses, m a large coxmxriesi‘nn. urn-H our new vs mm imenuons. Add a FALL AND WINTER GOODS. FIRE PROOF STORE ! NEW AND’ SEASONABLE GOODS $1200 To? Mortgage. [1 mmow. m 3'56 per H10 leer. Also I“ ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buc: Pails,(,ider MiHs. Washing Machineq, Shin Waggon Fella-3s. and Lumber Sawed go o For parlicu‘I .rs address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Miâ€s,Thor FANCY GOODS JOB PRINTING MISCELLANEOUS BOOK GAMES, TOYS, &c., HYMN AND PRAYER BC: N. B. Accounts rendered lat October. Richmond Hill, Sept. 30 1-869. J fully to'anneunm that he will he at Unionville. . . . I‘st Monday dfeacï¬ month; Weston . ‘ . . .4911] day "' Klineburg. ‘ . . lï¬th “ Burwick . . . . .22nd . " Scarboru’ . . . .23rd “X December “I. 1869 Rlchmond Hill. Nov. 25. 1869. Thomhill. Nov. 3, 1869. A LARGE AND VARIED ‘ENTIST, BEGS MOST RESPECT AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC Patent Eaveâ€"tr’ough ND WATEKSPOUTS FOR THE LBUMS! ALBUMS I! Done Neal and Quick at the Her! KEPT CONSTANTLY now CUK‘IAIN lewmzs, For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts., at th FALL‘ AND WINTER TRADE; G. H. HUSBAND, L118. M. WAhmzn. Agents! Read This! Thd‘Subseriber has now in stock SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS Ai’ Tr 5‘ WILL PAY AGENTS A SALAL CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE Money to Lend. FOR SALE, CHEAP AT ml on ALL KINDS AT THE ASSORTMENT 0F SUITABLE FOR THE A LARGE STOCK 0!‘ 01 years, on .1‘ 850513 Apply to FOR SALE AT THE FOR SALE AT THE TO LEND, FOR A m aw. 6w. 6w. ON HAND. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STOI HERALD BOOK STI HERALD BOOK STO HERALD BOOK S'I‘Cr HERALD BOOK S HERALD BOOK ST! New‘ GEO. B. NICOL ISAAC CROSBY. 81, Co Marshaâ€. M": 557’. 51v l.