-')EMAINING- IN THE RICHMOND L Hill Post flies, IsLMamh, 1870:â€" Bernard, H Boyle, E Bernard, H G Barlow. W. Boalxe, Sarah Ann Barnes, Hezekiah ‘iragie, Jnlm Brown, George Brown. James Clank, William Crawford. 'l'lms. Clifford, Miss Ellison Clm‘k, Melinda. Chrlslian. Annie Dale, James Dobï¬o'n, T J Eyei's David (2) Elliot, Miss M A Glen, Willmm Gordon. James Hugo} 'l‘lmmas Hodgeus,Ju1111 Jenkmson. W Leil'oud. William Laugslaï¬', Jolm Lumley. Mr (Painter) Munshaw‘ Wm. (2) MmLou. Maria TORONTO & RICHMOND HILL The subscribar begs to intimate to the mer- chants and traders and the public generally that he has comuwuced to ply an EXPRESS VVAGGON, Between Toronto ((7 Richmond Hill, And will be prepared to attend to all instruc- lructions with The express will leave Richmond Hi†every Iouduy, Wednesday and Friday morning and return in the evening of the same day. Charges stricfly moderate. Parcels or instructions left at Basseu & Keeble’s Hotel, Nelson slreet. 01' Best’s Hotel, Yongo street, Toronto. and at Velie’s HoLel. Riohmond Hill.will be promptly attended to. J. BRILLINGER, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Jan. 5, 1869. 599-1}: “LIFE AND EPISTLES OF ST. PAUL.†1 have much pleasure in recommending to the public the “ Life and Epistles of St. Paul,†by Congbeare .& Howson. It is a ï¬nely got up edition of a thousand pages, with Maps, Engravings and Charts The work delineates the early life, education. conversion, teachings, labors. &c_. of a rmn whose writings are now engaging more thought, calling forth more learned discussion, and more powerfully im- pressing the ming and heart of the age. than those of any author, ancient or modern. This work has also the warmest recommendations of about 1500 of the leading divines in both Europe and America, as being one of the most important theological works 01' the age. ll is now offerEd in a form. and at a price. which must bring it within the reach of every one who may desire to possess it. being pub- lished at about one-ï¬fth the price of the London Quarto Edition. I have therefore no hesitation in saving that it is a work which should he in the hands of every Minister. Sabbath School Teacher and heads of families. It certainly supplies along felt want in sacred literature. and, I trust it may have a general circulation. N. MCKINNON, ABSTRACT STATEMENT OF THE TREASURER’S ACCOUNTS, MUNICIPALITY OF VAUGHAN, 1869. my. Received fxom Collector District No. 3, balance of taxes for1868...... . . . . . . 53971 Do Collecmr District No. 1, assessment for 1869 4591 39 Do do do No. 2, do .... 2787 85 Do do do No. 3, do in part 3247 43 599’3m City of Toronto Debonturgs for County of Bruce Dehenture for County of Middlesex Debentures for .. . . .. .. Balance of Clergy Reserve Fund uninvested .. anus-u.-nn‘ Uncut-o: Cashiuhand ....................... lnierest from Clergy Reserve Fund unpaid Balance duo from Collector of District No. 3 Ba‘auce of Non-resident taxes not accounied for by Co’iy Amount overdrawn by District No.1 . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. Do do do No.2 ................ Amount overdrawn by School Section Do ‘ ‘ do do Do do do CARE AND PROMPTITUDE. WE, the undersigned duly appointed Auditors of the Accounts of the Municipality of Vaughan, for the year 1869, hereby Certfliythat we have carefully examined the Books and Accounts of the Treasurer, have cOmPared the vouchers with the entries in the Cash Book and ï¬nd t mgto agree; and that we balanced the Cash Book to this date, the balance of which compared with the balance in the Treasurer’s hands, amounting to 297 96, and ‘ z the balance in the Bank, as per Pass Book, amounting to $2427 13, was found correct. 1869. 1869. List of Letters Do People’s Edition OF THE 9'16, All of which is respectfully submitted. The statements of receipts and expenditure, and assets and liabilities for the year 1869, are also correct, to the best of our knowledgé anil‘belief. LIN 0F EXPESS. Tavern Licenses . . . . Shop Licenses .... .... Show License . . . . .. . . . . . . lmerest on Debentures . . . . . . do Loan.............. do Depositsin Bank .................... ReceivorGeneral, being instalment from Clergy Re- COO-cc- serve Fund for18b'9 ............--.......... County Treasurer, in part of Nondesidem Taxes, . School Section N0. 9, amount of Loan.... .... .... Fines...............................u¢ .. Resident and Absentee taxes . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . Chamberlain ofthe Cilv of Toronto for 3 Debentures Inspectors, amount ovérpaid in 1868 . . . . .... .. . . Poundâ€"keepers Sale .... .... . .. .... .... ... Mchmreh, James McMurchy. Archibald McBride, John McNair, Matthew McConnell. James (41) McConnell. Joseph (-1) Palmer, Joseph (Book Morrisgn, Janette Agent) Phillips, Poler l’altsrson, Allen Pallerdon, Thomas Pronllco. Aal'ou Quarlmjh, Emily Robinson, Robert Summerville, William Scott, Thomas Suddaby, W A Sanderson, Mrs H Shell, Levi Spencer, John Simmers, WiHiam Trayl‘ng, Maria A Wilcocks. Miss A Wesloti. Mr \‘Ji‘ï¬ams, M. Vï¬iudrmss. Moses Zimmerman, P B M. TEEFY, PM. Publisher’s Agent James M. Lawrence, Treasurer of Vaughan, in account with the Municipality. RECEIPTS ASSETS. No. No. ................17677 50 160000 120000 ma ....... 953 86 COLLARS AND CUFFS TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM, And within 3% miles of Yonge Street. A good barn; 10 acres of hardwood bush; well wateved, and Wilhin ï¬ve minutes walk of church and post ofï¬ce. P OETIOAL WORKS Unofï¬trhe North third of Lot No. 12. 5th Coucassiou of the Township of Vaughan. CONTAIMNG SGS Acru-Js. MORE on LESS, 50 acres cleared, and in a high slate of cuhi VflUOIP-‘lhfl balance is Well \imberea. rl‘he Buildings consist of a good frame dwelling house, ‘24 x 34, and kitchen. 20 x28, with stone ceKlar and foundation : frame barn. 40 >< 56, and frame stable, 2'2 >< 32. There is always a good supply of water on the promises. Any person wishing to puvchase a. farm would do well to can and examine this property. For further particulars apply personally, or by letter (post-paid) to ‘ “ONSISTING OF 61 ACRES, . NOUNCE to his friends, and the public in the vicinity of Richmond Hill. that he has leased the premises lately occupied by })ETER Gr. SAVAGE BEGS TO AN- NOUNCE to his friends, and the publiq in On Richmond Hill, and has opened with complete stock of ' January 1'2. 1870, Groceries, The public will observe that he is in a posi- tion to Sell Goods at Prices that will not fail to satisfy all consumers. Inspection and Comparison are Invited. PETER G. SAVAGE. February 16, 1870- For terms, &c , apply to LOT 15.1N REAR OF 3RD CON. Riohmoni Hill. Dec". 9, 1869. OF THE DIFFERENT POETS, AT THE Farm for Sale TO RENT,_BEE1_\IQ CQMPQSEP THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE MR. THOMAS COGHLAN, Farm for Sale, Provisions, Important' Notice- JAMES SUTTON.' Ox to the Postmaster, Buttonvflle Treasumr ‘. 126 33 . . 115 99 BEING PART OF HERA.ng BOOK STORE. 666 83 1300 33 434 94 HERALD BOOK STORE. Paints, OF THE ABRAHAM SHUNK. 295 675 1 95 $17042 64 $25754 00 11166 38 831 50 132 42 2143l 36 1666 57 Oils, 14 00 1216 60 40 00 34 64 2402 10 553 86 20| 56 400 00 27 00 9 68 2400 00 7 50 7 50 249 32 1165 1m Varnishes, 600-2m THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL. Testzm . 595- if INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. The Commissioners appointed to construct the lutercolonial Raiiway give PUBLIC NOTICE that they are now prepared to receive Tenders for four further Sections of the tine. Section No 13 will be ill the Province of Que'xec, and will extend from the Easterly end of Section No 8 to Station 906, near Malfait Lake, about 20; miles in length. Section No. 14, will be in the Province of Quebec, and will extend from the Easterly end of Section No. 13, to Station 543, a point be- tween the mouth of the river Amqui and the little Matapedia- Lake, about 2‘2; miles in length. Section No. 15 will be in the Province of New Brunswick, and will extend from the Easlerlyend of Section No. 9 to Station No. 639, a point fully hall†a mile Easterly from lhe crossing of the River l‘lepisslguit“lengthI twelve one-tenth miles. Section No.16,will beiu the Province of New Brunswick, and will extend from the Easterly end of Section No. 15. to the VVesLerly end of Section No. 10. about 182 miles in length. The contracts for the above sections to be completely ï¬nished and ready for laying the irack by the Isl day ofJqu, 1872. The/Commlssioners also give Public notice that having annulled the Contrac‘us for Sections Nos 3 and 4, they are now prepared to receive Tenders for re~letting the same. Section No'. 3 is in the Province of New Brunswick, and extends from Station No. 370, about two miles South of the Restigouche Rives to Station No, 190, about 9.000 feet South of Eel River, near Dalhousie, being a distance of abbut 24 miles. Section No. 4 is in the Province of Nova Scolia. and extends from Staiion No. 230, on the Amherst Ridge. [0 Station 0. on the Ridge about a mile Norlh of the River Phillip. a distance of about 27 miles. The Contracts for Sections No. 3 and 4 to be completely ï¬nished and ready for laying the track by the lst day of July. 1871. Plans and Proï¬les, with speciï¬cations and' terms of contract, will be exhibiied at the 0f- ï¬ce of the Chief Engineer in Ouawa; and at the ofï¬ces of the Commissioners in Toronto, Quebec. Rimouski, Dalhousie, Newcastle. St. John and Halifaxl on and afierihe lOlh March next; and Sealed Tenders addressed to the Commissioners of the lulercoionial Railway, and marked “ Tenders†will be received at their ofï¬ce in Ottawa, up to 7 o’clock P.M., on Monday, the 4th day of April. 1870. Sureties for the completion of the contract will be required 10 53gn the Tender. A. WALSH, ED. B. CHANDLER. C; J. BRYDGES, ' A. W. MCLELAN, Commissioners' Ofï¬ce. ‘Ottawa, 26111 January, 1870 PORTMONIE, CONTAINING MON- ey and other valuables.between Patterson and Richmond Hill Station, on Friday evening last. Appiy at this ofï¬ce. 6064f 1869. By Cash paid District No. 3, balance of Road Appropriation _ for1868 Do Appropriation to District No. 1.1869 .... Do do do No.2,1869 .... Do do do No, 3. 1869. in part By Cash paid County Taxes .................... Do Incidental Expenses ...- .... ... .... Do Charitable purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do City Chamberlain. for four Debentures Do Returned Taxes .................... Do Salariesâ€"Councillors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do do Inspectors................ Do do Assessors..........-...... Do do Returning Ofï¬cers. . . . . . . .. Do - do Road Commissioners . . . ... Do do Auditors.................. .Do do Clerk and Treasurer. . . . . . .. Do do Collectors Do do Seleclors of Jurors . . . . . . . .. Do Claims for loss of Sheep . . . . .. Do School Sections Assessments . . . . . . . .. Co Interest from Clergy Reserve Fund ... Amount of Receipts over Expendirure. . . . ... . . . ..‘ Appropriation on Roads and Bridges unexpended Balance due School Section No. 2., . . . . . Do do No.3.............. Do do No,4.............. Do do No,5.............. Do do No.‘6..... ' Do do No.7.. Do do No. 10.. Do do No,11............. Do ‘do No,]2............‘ Do do No,14............. Do do No,16........,,.. Do do No.17............. Amount dub Do Do Do Do for Survey, Plans and Registration of part. of the Vil- lage of Richmond Hill. being a special tax on said viilage Balance of Assets over Liabilities" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....--..-ou.- Road Commissioners . Dog Tax Fund. . . . . .. Collector of District No School Sections. being Found, Commissioners. EXPE NDI TUBE . LIABILITIES. JOHN NATTRESS, JOHN C. McQUARRIE, 602-6 J . ...... . . . . . . . . - . . .... initiex’gst from Clergy Reserve On the counfmï¬ the subsc'riber’s store; The owner can hmepyoving property and T I C K DESTROYER ! FARMERS SHOULD USE IT DESTROYS THE TICKS, Promotes the Growth of the Wool, And improves THE CONDrnoN or THE ANIMAL- BRINGS ADDITIONAL TESTIMONY! Nu FLOFKâ€"MASTER SacLLD BE WITHOUT IT. and $}_‘00. uuu ' A 3‘51; box will clean 20 sheep and 35 lambs. HUGH MILLER 6L CO., CHAPPED HANDS I PREPARED GLYCERINE ! Richmond Hm. Feb. 9; 1870. NO HOUSE SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Pot at 801d eyerywhere, in boxes at 35 Ms BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY September 8, 1869. ,N SATURDA; EVENING, FEB. 5m, When_you visit Toronto be sure and get a October 28. 1869. THOROUGH EFFECTIVENESS. However Rough or Sore, in (RICHMOND HILL BRANCH) AT THE District No. 3. 289 82 Monegjï¬'ound At this season of the year. FOR SHEEP. It will make the hands HUGH MILLGR. & Co’s, MEDICAL HALL. 167 King St. East, Toronto. 8. 1869. 589-tf SMOOTH AND SOFT. USE MILLER’S . . . . . . . . . 52 96 MILLER’S EVERY DAY 580 00 645 13 553 24 254 67 OF ITS HERALD BOOK STORE. Auditors. 317042 64 lTKINSON. 25754 00 2033 04 4326 '39 394 27 545 00 2604 00 10 19 V 90 on 58 50 .130 00 ' 27 00 120 00 ~ 8 00 300 00 23? 87 ‘ 92 00 124 33 3687 40 1292 00 1037 65 70 20 20 00 1135 ‘28 73 64 1300 00 Chemists, Tonou'ro. 5834f 604-tf :, 70 cts, ‘., FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 187.0; CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. THE FINEST FRUIT GRAPES: From Malaga. (Orange, Lemon and Citron.] CANDIED PEEL, FRESH GROCEEIES, HATS AND BONNETS. That has been offered on Richmond Hill this season. .â€" I‘-Reaé{y! Aye! Ready!†SHE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. [mnsmsJ Nice Velvet Hats.trimmnd,fron\ $1 upwards Ladies’ Bonnets, from $2 and lpwmds. Misses’ and Infants3 Hoods. . Infants Wool Coats for $1.60, usually sold for $130 cents. Mourning Bonnets Kept Constantly on hand THE MORNING PAPERS 0F TORONTO: Can behad at the Post-ofï¬ce, for 10 CENTS WEEK. Richmond Hill, Dec. 15, [869. IAYER& CON CERTINAS, JOB PRINTING AND SEEDLESS RAISIN S ; A {ice assoslmeut of Ladies’ Dress Cups. Every deseliption of Mfllinely made to order. Richmond Hill, Nov 25. 1869. ,AMES, TOYS, &c., May 14, 1869. MRS. MYERS AS NOW ON HAND THE CHEAP- A LARGE 8 WELL SELECTED OF THE SEASON, YMN AND PRAYER BOOKS ATKINSON’S Telegraph, Done Neat and Quick at the Herald Ofï¬co. EST lot of YES,READY FOR WITH SELF ISNSTRUCTOR, AT. THE N. B. STAMPING DON. RECEIVED AT Consisting input of VALENCIAS, CURBANTS A full Assortment. FOR SALE AT THE From Turkey, FOR SALE AT THE From Zante, STOCK 0' [RAISINSJ HERALD BOOK STORE. FIGS ALSO : Apply to HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STOKE. Globe, M. TEEFY, W. ATKINSON- SULTANAS, From Bordeaux, Richmond Hill. 5644f. PRUNES [RAISINBJ Leader, NUTS. 593 4f 596 FALL AND WINTER GOODS FIRE PROOF STORE ! NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS GROCERIES, HARDWARE MAGAZINES, PAPERS, 8w. Having purchased the Stock and Interest of R. H. Hall, (late Chemist and Druggist of the same plaée) have greatly enlarged the old stock and have now on hand a. good assort- ment of Drugs. Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals. Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Vumishes. Fancy articles Dye Stuffs. Patent Medicines, and all other articles kept by Druggists generally. g H. SANDERSON&SONS, g CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, BICHOMND HILL, *«3‘ Physicians Prescriptions carefully com- pounded, and all ordoxé ntten‘dod to With cure and despatch. Farmers and Physici ans from the country wil I ï¬nd our stock of Medicines completeâ€"warrant- ed genuiueâ€"and of the best quality. POCKET BOOKS U fully to'anneunce that he will be at Unionville, . . . lst Monday ofeach month. Weston . . . . . .9th day “ Klineburg. . . .lï¬th “ Burwick . . . . .2212d “ Scarboro’ . . . .231‘11 '1 Where he wille prepared and mosthappy to wait onthose who may require his services, G. H. 11, having had over ELEVEN YEARS’ PRACTICE. feels conï¬dent. of giving entire satis- faction. To those who have favored him with their patronage in the past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who mav do so in the fu- ture. he would say that no endeavor on his part Wili'be wanting to meet their approval. REFERENCEs.â€"â€"Thefollowinggemlemencan, with conï¬dence,recommend G. H. Husband,m uH requiring Dental aid: Dr‘Reid, Thornhill; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwick‘, Dr. Corson, Brampton. RESIDENCE.â€"Thonlhin. Thornhill September 17, 1868. 1y A LARGE AND VARIED N. B. Accounts rendered lst October. Richmond Hill, Sept. 30 18695 Money to Lend. __~ $1200 To? iRaï¬iEEï¬ï¬ Mortgage. Richmond Hill. Nov. 25, 1869. FANCY GOODS THE sï¬BSCRIBER pEGs TO AN . NOUNCE _to the Farmers in the neighbor- hood that he has a splendid .BERKHIM; BOAR, nearly thorough-bred. Farmers wishing to improve their stock will please take notice. ROBT. HOPPER, BUTCHER- Richmond Hill, Nov. ‘25. 1869. 593-tf OVERCOAT S, KEPT CONSTANTLY FALL AND WINTER TRADE. IENTIST, BEGS _MO_S'I‘ ï¬ESPECTu Richmond Hm, Nov. ‘25. 1869. The Subscriber has now in stock LBUMS ! ALBUMS l ! Richmond Hill, Sep. 30. 1869. Gr. H. HUSBAND, LDS. CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE ASSORTMENT 0F SUITABLE FOR THE A IARGE STOCK 0F OF ALL KINDS AT THE FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE New Firm. UPPLIED AT THE Berkshire Bear. That may be relied on. 8m. &c. &c. of years, Ion a satisfactory Apply to ON HAND. HERALD BOOK STORE. New AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. ISAAC CROSBY. HERALD BOOK STORE. GEO. B. NICOL, W. ATKINSON. Barrister. 593-tf 585 593. 585