Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Mar 1870, p. 4

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THE EXPosiTION UNIVERSALLE, at Paris, 1867, awarded Wheeler & Wilson the high' est premium, a gold medal, for the perfec- tion of their Sewing Machines, over 82 com- petitors. This machine is crowned with 67 medals, has been tested beyond all question, and stands to-day without a. rival. Over 60,000 machines were sold in the year 1868. Send for circular and samples of work to Charles Chapman, agent, Markham village ; he gives instructions free and warrantaevery Machine. TEE year 1869 has been very fatal to theatres. Ten have been destroyed during that timeâ€"the theatres of Glasgow, Hull, Durham, and Cologne, the Theatre of Lib~ erty at Malaga and of Flora at Cologne, the Opera. House at Dayton (Ohio, United States), the Theatre Royal of Dresden, the Gaiety Theatre at Milwaukee (Wisconsin, United States), and the Hippodrome at Paris. ' A farmer, who had engaged the servicet ofa son of the Emerald Isle, sent him 0113 one morning to barrow a, piece of ground. He had not Worked long before all the teeth came out of the barrow. Presently the farmer went out into the field to take note of Pat’s progress, rnd asked him how he liked harrowing. “Oh,” replied Pat, “it goeia bit smoother now since the pegs‘ are out. A RETORT.-â€"At a recent trial. a. witness was produced who had a. very red nose; and one ef the counsel, being desirous of putting him out of countenance, called out to him, after he was sworn, “ We’ll, let’s hear what you have to say, with your copper nose,”â€" “ Why, sir,” said he, “by the oath I have taken, I would not exchange my capper nose for your brazen face I” HEINTZMAN & Co’s Agrafi‘ Bar Piano Fortes were awarded the 15!; prize and Diploma at the last Provincial Exhibition, over twelve competitors. Intending pur- chasers waited upon at their residence, by addressing C.Chapman, Music Hali, Markham “BOBBY, my love,” said a silly mother to her darling, Whom she had been cramming with tarts and other good things, “ can you eat any more ?”â€"~-‘ Why, y-e-s, mamma,” was the young hopeful’s hesitating reply. “ I think I could, if I stood up.” ' CONSUMPTIVESâ€" Use Dr. J. Briggs’ throat and lung Healer for diseases of the throat, lungs, and chest. Very pleasant and effica- cious. Sold everywhere. 5839 “I had rather not thke a born with you,” said the taper to tne bull; but the bull in- sisted on treating him to two, and the toper got quite high. DISPEPSIA.â€"â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevan- tor for dispepsia, flatulency, heartbu'rn, Jze. Sold by druggists. 583Q Margladiga egtmvagu‘nt in' ciot‘héfs"? Becauée when they buy aafiéfi_ dress théy generally wear it out on the first day. Commâ€"Use Dr. J. Briggs' Curative for corns, bunions, in-growing nails, &c. Sold by druggists. 683Q Why does the new moon resemble a giddy youth? Because it’s too young to give much reflection. One rod makes an acher, as the boy said when the schoolmaster dusted his back. Why should a woodcutter never be him- gry? Bebause he can always have a chop by axing. Pussâ€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Pile Remedy for piles of every description. Sold by druggists. 5839 Why is a. prisoner on his trial like a crim- inal hanging? Because he’s in a state of suspense; “Boys will be boys ” is nonsense. Boys will be menâ€"if they live long enough. A T KETTLE is the only singer who never had a cold. What kind of sweetmeats did they have in the ark? Preserved pairs. In a sweet secluded nook, Down beside the quite brook, There an humble cabin’s seen Peeping from the ivy green, While a great elm bends above it As it really seemed to love it, There ‘old Martha. lives alone, But tho’ to the world unknown There’s a heart so truly human In the breast of that old woman, 0ft I seek the quiet place Just to look upon her face, And forget this scene of care Where men palter, curse and swear, And the demons all'are rite In the never-ending strife For the vanities of life. What a world of love there lies Mirrored in her deep blue eyes! What a ray of quiet beauty They throw around each dailydutyl How it is I cannot tell, Yet I feel the magic spell 0f the quiet Sabbath grace Always breathing from her face, And her voice so calm and clear Lifts me to a higher sphere And unlocks my spirit’s powers, Gentle thoughts spring up like flowers, Gems deep hidden in my heart Into life and being start When that saintly face I see Heaven and immortalhy All grow clearer unto me. She’s acquaint with sin and sorrow, Knows their Weary burdens thorough, And her hearth is the retreat 0f sad hearts and weary feet, And while others find but flaws, Quoting still the moral laws, She but thinks of what is human, Loves them all, the dear old woman! Time,which makes most heads but hoary Changed hers to a crown of glory ; Manyâ€"ah! many a benediction From the children of affliction, Blessings from the haunts of care Nestle mid the glory there; And she always seems to me An embodied prophesy Ofa better world to be. Odds and Ends. Emmy. Martha In the shop formerly occupied by Mr, John Hutchins. . 3* All work warranted to give general sa- tigfaction. H. A. DAVID. Richmond Hi", Juno 23, 1869. 570-11; HOUSE, SIGN AND Ornamental Painter ! J. to infurm the inhabitants of Ricljgénfi H111 and surrounding country, that he has com- menced business as $1,000 Reward. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE to infurm the inhabitants of Rinhmnnfl In allits branches, and by strict attention to business he hopes to merit a share of public support PETER. CRAIK Elqiu Mils, May 13. 18692 564-tf J. 10 the farmem and others in the neigh- borhood of the Elgin Mills that he has leased the shop owned by Mn Wm. Trench, 5011., where he is prepared to do GENERAL BLACKSMI THIN G, Blacksmithing. _. PETER CRAIK BEGS TO INTIMATE lo the farmers and others in {he nninrh. The highest marketprice given fol: Cattle‘ Sheep. Lambs. &c. Also. Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. UCCESSOR T0 JAMES HOLLIDAY, BUTCHER, 2nd door north of G. A. Barnards store. Rickmond Hill, keeps always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, &c. and sells at the lowestprices. Mrs. S, A. ALLEN’S ZYLOBALSAMUM, another preparation fir the Hair ,' clear and transform; without xedz'menl. It is €167}! sz'mjfih’ and qfleu froduoe: womt'my’ul results. [is great superz‘orz'ly and atom;qu a: a Hair Drawing over high cost French Pomazies 2': acknowledged 5}! all not only in this country 6112‘ in Euroflt. The Restorer and Zyloha/xamum should no} 6: used one with the other. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Proprietors, S‘ R. Van Duzcr &. ('10., \Vholesalo Druggiatl, 35 Barclay St. and 40 Park Place. New-York. Will Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. FELLING HAIR is immediately checked. YF‘or further particulars apply to New style. Important Change. A REAL HAIR RESTORER AND DRESSING Combined in One Bottle. MRS. s. A. ALEEN’S With extensive Stables, Sheds, 6w. complete, And four from Richmond Hill. This Hotel is built on the margin of Bond’s Lake. a large beautiin sheet of water, and is a popular resort for pleasure patties. There is in the immediate vicinity of the Hotel an extensive Steam Saw Mill. which is doing a large lumbering business TITLE INDISPUTAB‘FJE. Terms made eas) Further particular: may be obtained by ap- pixing to P. CROSBY, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST McGILLIVRAY, 45 acres of which are clear. with a good frame barn and hewed log house, a good bearing or- chard, only two miles from Parkhill Station. 10 ACRES IN "THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST VVILLIAMS, Of which 70 acres are clear of Stumps, with a good frame barn and hewed log house. and a good bearing orchard-within 6 miles from the flourishing Village of Parkhill. Two Beautiful Farms for Sale. ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE DO- MINION, at $6 per 100 feet. Alsé Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, Pails, Cider Mills, Washing Machines, Shingles Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to order. For particulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills,Thoruhill WILLIAM COX. Richmond Hill, October 15. 1867. ] Custdm Weaving. ETER :WEIR BEGS TO INFORM the public that he is nl'enared to do l REFERENCES.â€"Parties who have had work done at Mr, W. H. Lawrence’s Factory, pre- vious to the sale of fine efl‘ects. Residence mart/1e Lawrence Factory. Richmond Hill; Dec. 29, 1869. 59-1-3 HERE. March 11, 1869. September 28th, 1869, Thomhill, Nov. 3, 1869. Richmond Hill, Dec. 30, 1869. SITUATED 0N YONGE STREET, Ewenty miles from Toronto, Ont, CUSTOM WEAVING OF AN Y DESIRED PATTERN. BOND'S LAKE HOTEL, 00K 'ILL BE SOLD BY PRIVATE BAR- HAIR RESTORER the public that he is prepared to do gain that large and commodious house known as the Patent Eaveâ€"trough Temperance Works. If you want get the publications of the SCOTTISH TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. CATALOGUE on application at the A FULL SUPPLY of thoseintercsling and well-written Works, which will he disposed of at a Low Rate. WILLIAM COX, TERMS EASY. Hotel for Sale. R. H. HALL. AGENT, ALSO 5O ACRES HERALD BOOK STORE JOHN HARRISON, ' GRAY HAIR Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, Nature’s Grown. You Must Cultivate it Parkhill P.O , Onl‘ Richmond Hill. 555-157 510-tf. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND: HILL, 0N1, FRIDAY, MARCH 11,1870. 598 -tf Fmsr 3001:, with 31 illustrations, stronglyboun in limp clothâ€"5 cants. FleT BOOK, (secondpart) with 54 illustrations. strongly bound in limp clothâ€"10 cents. SECOND Boox, with 56 illustrations. strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"20 cents. THIRD BOOK, 41 illustrations, stronglyrbo’und in cloth boardsâ€"~30 cents. FOURTH BOOK, 45 illustrations, strongly bound. in cloth boardsâ€"40 cents. FIFTH Boox, 50 illustrations’ strongly bound in cloth hoardsâ€"50 cents. COMPANION TO THE READERSâ€"25 cents. For sale at the THE NEW CANADIAN National Series of Reading; Books I‘ERMS: Twentyfive hundred dollarsâ€"part cash, balance on time. Forparticulars apply to tho owner, WILLIAM HARDING, . Richmond Hid ‘ January 14. 1859. 547-6m HE Subscriber offers forsale a good farm, being lot No. 4. in the 8th concession of the township of Erin, 100 acres, (50 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation; the balance nearly all first rate Hardwood bush. There is on the premises a good log house, barn,atable,&cl, with good water privilege Also a beautiful young’ Orchard of 100 fruit trees, planted 5 years. A good gravel road passes along the front oflhe lot. This farm is 35 miles from Richmond Hill. 6 miles from Georgetownmn the Grand Trunk Railway,and 30 miles from Toronto. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow walls, so constructed with the castings oftho handle as to make it all light. and pre- venting children from putting anything into it; which is ins'ariably the case with common pumps. Price $6 complete, for cisterns not exceeding eight feet. Churn Pumps for Cislerns 3$ each. Well-digging done on the Shortest Notice. Address, stating depth of wall, P. PHILLIPS, April I. 1869. 558-Iy RICHMOND HILL. These Pumps are suitabla to all depths from a cistern to a well of150 feet ERFECT SAFETY IN SHEEP DIP- PING. Or if they are not preferred to any olhey pump they may be returned, and the money will be refunded. Authorised by the Council of Public [11 L slruction for Ontario. SHEEP DIPPING flDMPflSITIllN! Having spared neither lime nor expense in getting good Machinery and VVorkmen to fulfill promises,he hopes stillto receive a share of public patronage. Justine unto all, I intend to give: My motto shall beâ€"to live and let live. Grislz'ng will be attended to all times as formerly, The Subscriber would respectfully announce that he is prepared to put in Equally adapted for applying to Sheep and Lambs by Dipping. Pouring, Smoariug or 'Salving. Uscrl also as a wash for Horses and Cattle.. Sold only by Arnica Liniment, THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN For Rheulnatism, Sprains, Tic Doloreux, Neuralg‘ia 6w. Prepared and Sold on by GEO. H. LESLIE 6'5 Co., Car. (5)" Blrm'T c§- Yonga 879., Tms PUMP IS EASIEST VVORKED, Mos'r Dum- BLE AND NICATBST MADE IN TH]: DOMINION. This Pump on Trialfor One Month/ And if accepted ‘ VVARRANTED' TWO YEARS, HE EXCELSIOR PUMP, MANU- factured bv 1’. Phillips. Richmond Hill. concession of Markham. JOHN EVER would return thanks to his custo- mers for their liberal support during the Card- ing Season, and would inform them, and others. in adjoining Townships, that he will be ready to do their Pulling, Coloring, Cloth Dressing, Pressing, &c., as good, cheapO and as quick as any other establishment in the Dominion, CARDiNG, SPINNING AND WEAVING. Having also put in New Machinery. he is prepared to do Spinning and Carding by the pound, ifrequired. Will take the wool, as sheared from the sheep, and makoit up into Fullcloth of any kind, or patlern. to suit parties, such as Cloths. Tweeds. Cassimeras. Satinetts, Plain or Twill Flannels, Dress Flannels, Blankets (Horse or Bed), White or Colored Stocking Yam (2 or 3 P13). 6w. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS He will have on hand Cotton Warp, of a superior quality, that persons wishing to have their yarn wove, can have it done at a Lower Rate than they possibly can buy bunch cotton. April], 1868. June 23.1869. JOHN EYER. Headford Grist Mill and Woolen-Factory August3,1869. 577-“. AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- For sale, Cheap. only 525 cts., at the EADFORD WQOLEN MILLS, 3RD DOW CURTAIN FIXT}! RES, factured by 1’. Phillips, Riclhnoud Hillr ‘VARRANTED FREE FROM ARSENIC on MERCURY. SUITABLE FOR PRESEKTS AT THE MANUFACTURING. TOWNSHIP OF ERIN. M’DOUGALL’S NON-I 01808005 GEO. H. LESLIE & Co., To Farmers. No Fiction ! HERALD BOOK STORE- Excelsior ! (707'. Qf Bloor &- Yonge St. ). 670-tf Yonxvxnnn HERALD BOOK STORE. N THE HERALD BOOK STORE. 558-13” YORKVILLE South halves of lots Nos. 12 and 13. Est Con. Township of Mesa, 200 acres. situate about 1% miles from Newbury. where cordwmd brings a good price. and it is well timbered with hardwood. Aiso farm's and wilds in various other counties. Apply (if by letter, prepaid) to J. N. BLAKE. Barriswr, S's: No.64 Church St. opposite St. James’ Catho. dral, Toronto. Farm in 'the Township of Adelaide. fronting on tho Egremont Gravei Road, of 200 acres, 70 acres cleared and free from stumps; on the premises there is a good house, barn, stable, &c. There is a spring close to the house. and a spring creek runs across the lot. The un- cleared part is well timbered with hardwood, situated about 3 miles from Kerwood StationI and 7 miles from Strathroy. Vimâ€"Farm of 133 acres, situated in the Township of Vaughan, on Yonge Street, about 12 miles north of Toronto. on which ‘Lhere is a commodious house, barn. 2 stables, sheds, an orchard, about 20 acres pine and hardwood Lim- ber mixed; well watered. FIRST-CLASS FARMS AND WILD LANDS, CHEAP AND EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT‘ STOVES,-â€"Cookiug Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Grain Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes Wringers, &c October 27. 1869 . Children’s Carriages and Perambulators! LAMP GLOBES, BURNERS, flHIfiINEYS, EHAEES ANB WIGKS LANTERNS, Square and Globe Shape. in great variety, for oil or candles. H. P. would also direct Special attention to the stock of Also on hand a large stock of.Tahlo Cutlery. Spoons, &c. S Lapms and Chandeliers: the stock of which is very large, an Chaste. and also the Fiainest and Cheapest; thus meeting the Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, Hnuss Furnishing Esiablishmeni, 83 innge 8i, 3 Doors ahnne KingSi. Lumber Planed to Order on the Shortest Notice in their Saw Mill. Farmers will consult their own interest if they will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere, as we feel confident they will be satisfied our Machines are notsurpassed if equalled. WILSON’S IMPROVED DOUBLE ACTION FANNING MILL Best Fanning Mill, Manufactured. ih Canada, Can. Supply all Orders Promptly All ful'y Warranted and delivered at Manufacturer‘s prices. Send for Circu‘ars and information. Address « Repairs of all kinds Promptlg/ Executed. “,9‘ Intending buyers are invited to inspect the stock, as it will be foul Toronto, February 7. 1868. Richmond Hill, May 27’, 1869 EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of House F among which will be found Heinlzman K: Ee’s. Celebrated First-prize Plane Eerie: ! HESE MILLS HAVE STOOD THE TEST OF COMPETITION AT ALL THE Provincial Exhibitions and County Fairs whenever shown, and are pronounced by com- petent judges as being the Manufacturing :1 large Number of the above, 580 BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, BENZOLE, For Sale. STILL FURTHER IMPROVED. And having increasod‘facililies for preparing the lumber, Manufactured and Imported, Wholesale and Retail Which will be found both good and cheap A FULL ASSORTMENT OF 5884f C. CHAPMAN, General Agent, The subcribers are now AND ’I ZY HAVE BEEN For particulars apply to A.Boultbee. Esq. or to the subscriber on the premises, ALLAN N. GAMBLE, Sep. 30. 1869. Newmm-ket P.O. This property will be sold together or sepa- rater on easyterms qf pay‘moint. ~ 11 the West, 35 acres of which are cleared, having 3 Frame Barn. also some valuable pine timber. This is one of the best farms on Yonge SL, (a macadamised road) and i 28 miles from Toronto, and about midway between Newmar- ket and Aurora stations on the Northern R.R.. both of which 111% good Grain Markets. Grammar and other Schools, Flour and Saw Mills within short distancns, also a Cheese Factory within 39 rods of Farm. The premises are well watered. There are 160 acres cleared. the remainder is well wooded with hardwood. There is a large two-storey Frame Dwelling, also three Burns and other outbuildings, and an excellant Orchard of bearing fruit trees. FOR SALE, LOT NO. 90, WEST SIDE of Yomm Run-am in Hm .. ..~.. u“ of Yongel Street. in (in; v 'l'oszmP or KING, County of York, CONTAINING 210 ACRES LS_O 100 ACRES ADJOINING 0N , &c. Special attention is directed to lllS Iarvro, emln‘ucinn’ all that is New and '5 _ y. , as it will be found worthy PRICE $35 PER ABRE. PRICE $65 PER Dumb Stoves, and , &c. Farms for Sale. requirements of 1] classes iAMBLE, I JAMES DUNTON. ‘ Newmm'ket P.O. Richm ondHill. Oct. 25, ’65 72-1,, MARKHAM‘ VILLAGE u‘llishing Goods y 011 ofhispection. Stove Pzpos. 566-(1' 493 other Mycharge is $1 50 if paid when operated on,ifnot$3 00 willbe charged to ensure a cure. Residencerear oflot 25, 2nd Con} Vaughan Quite a number ofrel'el‘ence given if requir. ed ofpersons Whose horses llavebeen cured by This treatment does not necessitate their beinglaid aside only fora faw days. Thathehas successfully treatede above for the pastten years without a single failure. - [-IE Subscriber would intimate to the farm- ersandothers of Richmond Hill and surrounding Country having. Horses Afflicted with Ring-bone, PRICE 15 CENTS. For sale at the HERALD Book Store, Richmond Hill; BANNER Office, Aurora ; H. Wilson’s FancySlore, Markham Wesleyan Book Room. A. S. Irving’s and M. Shewau’s, Toronto. J. ENCE between T. J, M., the Rev. 3mm BREDIN and others, (in Lhe.Y01-k HERALD duringdhe months of July, August and Sep- tember, 1868), is neatly printed in pamphlet form, and worth a peruzal. THE POLEMICAL CORRESPOND ENCE between T. .T. M._ the RA", Lu... D County of York. Township of Markham, lot 56. firstconcession, fronting .011 Yonge St-, l8 miles from Toronto, 2% miles from Rich- mond Hill. Soil, Clay Loam. 1183 Acres, 110 cleared. New Brick House, 28 x 38; Cellar, full size; Back Kitclien,26 x 26. Frame Barn and Stables. 2 wells and a living stream of water across the lot. School House within forty rods; Church, one mile; Saw Mill, half mile; Grist Mill, three miles. TITLE INDISPU- TABLE. Far particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. fly; JAS. HODGONS. All kinds ofCarn‘age and Harness Mounting Knives, Forks, Spoons. Cruits, &c., &c., &c‘, Silver Plated-in the best Style warranted to wearany length of lime. V duate of Toronto Vetorlnarv College, Camel-of Yonge and Cenlre St. East, Rich- mond Hill, begs to announce to the public [hat he is now practicing with H. SANDERSON. of the same place, where they may be crmsulting ed personally or by letter, on all diseases of Horses, Cattle, &c. Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newmarkel Bz'eisi'ord hole! Sloufl'villu . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . Victoria Square . . . . . . . . . . Thmnhill . . . . . . . . ........ Richmond Hill. .. .. Maple . . . . . . . . . . Burwick.... ............ Kleinhurg....-.......... Noblelon..... . . . . . . . . Where they will ntlcndlo any business per- taining to any bganch OHheirpl'ofession. Aomra Juno, 7 11365.. J '7"_â€"~â€"'7 U Undertaker, Sac. RESIDENCE.~Nearlyoppositethe Post Office, Richmond Hill. MEDICINES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION for Horses and Caltle always on hand: such as Physic. Diureric. Cordial, Tonic, Cough. Condition and Worm Balls and Powders, The Cougll Balls have been found most serviceable in alleviating many of the disll‘essing symp‘ toms of Brokenwiud or Hoaves in Horses Colic, Draughls, Linimonts for Sore 'l‘ln-oats. Sprains, Curb, Spavin, King-bone, like, Blist- erng Ointments. also Irlool'and Healing Oint- menls. Lotions for Wounds, Bruises, baddle Galls. Infalliable Oil and Sheep Tick Des- troyer. MALLOY’S AXES J; H. SANDERSON, E TE RIN ARY SURGEON, GRA. duate of Toronto Vetm‘inarv Collexre. .LV Teeth without Pain. by the use of Ether Spray, which affects tlw tooth only. The tooth and gum sm‘ounding bGCHD‘G insensiblo with this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain,and As in the use of Chloroform. Drs. P. and R. willbe in the following plaées prepared to extract tneth rilh his now apparatus. All olheroperntious in Dentistry performed in a worlnnaulike manner :â€" All orders from a distance promptlyattnnded to, and medicine: sent to any part 0! the Pro- Vince. Horses examined as to soundness, also Bought, and Sold on commiSSion. Richmond Hill. April ‘23, 1868. 510 Wi'l'HOU'I‘ ENDANGERING THE LIFE Toronto. February 17. 186 9. THOMAS SEDMAN, ‘ABARIVAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Richmond IIiH,Jmm ll. ’Gé PLENDID WHEAT FA KM FOR SALE TATIONERY ICE’S PUMPS DRS. PECK a; ROBINSON’S {my METHOQ OF EXTRACTING To Controversialists. Worth Knowing. OF ALL KINDS AT THE FOR SALE BY FOR SALE BY HERALD BOOK STORE. Lot 20, 53nd con. Markham J. BRILLINGER, Yst Drench month 55nd " “ l8Lh “ “ 20H: “ “ Qlil'd “ “ 524th “ “ 26th " " 28th “ " 291i] 5‘ " 3Uth “ -‘ Richmond Hill 8. 517-tf 552.”

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