“SUPPLY IN ANY QUANTITY. TEA CHEST! WINES AND LIQUORS! SIGN OF THE mygw IN E S The Best Qu‘alily. TheBestz RANDIES Quality. S Of Tgiugith U M S Cigar-s 1 Cigars 1 Cigars 3 In Large Lois or by the Barrel, SELL ON THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS FAMILY GROCERIES Quality. WINES AND LIQUORS ! ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0 SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST'! "Q HOTEL KEEPERS, HAVE JUST RECEIVED Richmond Hill, Feb. 16, 1870. A LARGE AND CHOICE RICHMOND HILL, AND OTHERS, Don’t forget the Old Stand 1!; SCOT LARGE DISCOUNT, AND FLOUR AND FEED. WHich I am prepared to AND PROVISIONS, A LARGE STOCK 0F 'ASSORTMENT 0].“| Also a choice lot of Wishing to purchase CONS] STIR G 01" &c. &c. &c. I WILL GIVE A I. FRENCH. Of all kinds. Of all kinds. Ofall kinds all kinds. 585 EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill Post u flice, 15: March, 1870:.â€" Baolh‘uy, Annie Morrison, Janette Bernard. J G (52) McNighl. John Bernard. H Molntosh, James Boyle, E McMurchy, Archibald Bernard, H G McBride, John Barlow. W. McNair, Mallhew Boake, $arah Ann McConnell, James (4) Barnes. Hezekiah McConnell‘ Joseph (4) 'lragie. John Palmer, Joseph (Bools Brown, George Agent) Brown. James Phillips, Peter Clark, William Patterson. Allen Crawford. 'I‘hos. Patterson, Thomas Cliï¬â€˜ord. Miss Ellison Prentice. Aaron Clark. Melinda Quarlsyh, Emily Christian. Annie Robinson. Robert Dale, James Summer-ville, William Dobson, T J Scott. Thomas Eyer, David (2) Suddaby, W A Elliot, Miss M A Sanderson, Mrs H Glen, W'illiam Shell, Levi Gordon, James SpencerI John Hugo, Thomas Simmers, William Hodgens, John Traylmg. Maria A Jenlrinson, W Wilcocks. Miss A Leiford, William Weston. Mr Langstafl'. John Williams. ll . Lumley. Mr (Painter) Windross. Moses Munshaw. Wm. (2) Zimmerman, P B Minion, Maria The Insolvent has made an Assignment of his Euate to me, and the Creditors are notiï¬ed to meet at his place of business, in Richmond Hill. on Monday. (he twenty-eighth day of March, 1870, at two o’clock P.M., to receive statements of his affairs. and to appoint an Assignee. Int-a In wnn n SPLENDID VALUE ISAAC CROSBY 1-1 County of York. Lot 4. 3rd concession, Vaughan. P. 0, Address, Concord. Orders promptly attended to. NEW SPRING GOODS AT THE FIRE-PROOF STORE. EAST AND WEST RIDINGS 0F YORK A Delegates from Sabbath Schools in these two Ridings, will be held in Commencing at ‘2 o’clock. RM- /\ number of able Shbbath School Speakers ave expemed: and a' delegation is promisud from the Provincial S. S. Association. Each Schooi are entitled to send two Dele- gates. All interested in S. S. work are invited to attend, Members are to s'eport themselves to W. Nason, Merchant, Weston. Important to Parties using Ma- chinery. ï¬fonday and Tuesday, 29th (fl 30th inst; -.... -5-.W_H. We are prepared to have the merits‘ of this all tested against all oils now being used on machineryâ€"both light or heavy; from a clock or sewing machine. to the heaviest of Steam- boat shaf‘s. HIS OIL EXCELLS ANY OTHER OIL for Lubricating purposes, both animal .1. for Lubricating purposes, both animal auglflvegetable. _ . . _ The following are the points in which it ex- cells all other oils : It will not gum , hence machinery can be kept clean with but little trouble, and it will clean machinery that has been gummed by other oils It will not congeal or thicken in the coldest of weatherâ€"this is a quality of the highest importance, from the fact that an oil not having thls qualitv will not lubricate a cold shaft. such an oil may be applied in a heated state; but the moment it touches a cold shaft it is congealed, and it will not begin to lubricate until the journal. bv friction, acquires that temperature necessary to reduce it to a liquid state. in acquiring a higher temperature by friction. the journal expands. and the box is in- jured. It is as impossible to use oil that will chill on a cold shaft without this result, as it is to mingle oil with water. Stockes’ oil will lubricate the coldest machinery the moment it is applied ; it is now used in over two hundred establishments, and all unite in saying the pre- fer it to Reï¬ned Sperm. or pure olive oil : it is, free from all objections urged against all other oilas it neither gums or freezes. Now, as the public are aware that many worthless things are paged into notoriety, in order to prove that this is no humbug, and at the same time to secure ourselves against the operations of unscrupulous oilagents, ; many of whom will not hesitate to palm off the mere oï¬'al of oil refineries, as being identical with Stocks extra machine oil : we propose to those who are largely interested in 1he truth of those statements, to. send to them on applica~ tion by express, or otherwise free of charge, a sample of the oil that it may speak for itself, we will with the sample furnish applicants free of charge. with a few simp‘ie tests as ef- fective, as those tests by which Gold is known from the base metals. and which will enable parties ordering to secure themselves against imposition, by enabling them to determine at once. whether the oil forwarded is as good as sample. All parties interested in the lubicat- ing oil trade, before purchasing elsewhere Will do well to communicate with H. Sanderson & Sons Agent, Richmond Hill N THE MATTER OF GEORGE AL- Richmond Hill. March 3, 1870 March 16, E870 JUST RECEIVED ONE CASE SPRING TWEEDS, Concord, March .16, 1870. March 8. 1870. M. FISHER. ICENSED AUCTIONER FOR THE .g 'Se'ea 550%.? Sample perfectly pure. Apply to fl- .. n -.- rf'r‘vn BOUT 200 BUSH. PRUSSIAN BLUE CONVENTION OF MINISTERS AND Secretary S. S. Association. Canada, for East and West York. arch 8. 1870. 608-3 Insolvent Act of 1869. STOCKES’ EXTRA MACHINE OIL. JOSEPH T. W, WALLIS. LEN BARNARD AN INSOLVENT S. 8- Convention- List of Letters WESTON, ON IN ALL THE NEW STYLES: W. H. &J. LUND, Lot. 18, 41h con. Markham E870. v 609- 6 G. B. STOCK, v Agent for the Dominion. Brougham, Ontario. For Sale. Agent) Phillips, Peter Patterson. Allen Patterson, Thomas Prentice. Aaron Quausyh, Emily Robinson. Robert Summei-ville, William Scott. Thomas Suddaby, W A Sanderson, Mrs H Shell, Levi Spencer. John Simmers, William Traylmg. Maria A Wilcocks. Miss A Weston. Mr Williams. ll . Windross. Moses Zimmerman, P B JOB N KERR, Interim Assignee M. TEEFY, m. 6074f THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY; MARCH 25,1870. 606 MONTHLIES. Per All the Year Round . . . Alhonmum Ax‘!l7.ml...... Annals of Natural His;01'\'.. . . . . . . Argosy (The). . . . . . Army List. . . . Art Journal .................... Astronomical Register . . . .i . . . . . - Aunt Judy’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . Beau Monde (Le) Belgravia [llN‘llL Christmas num] Bentley’s Miscellany. . . . . . . . . . . . . Bible Christian’s Magazine. , . . . . . Bible 'l‘reasnry.................. Burgeon’s short sermons . . . . . . . . . goy’s Jour1r=l................... oy’s own Magazine. . . . . . . . . British Friend................... How Beli’s...................... Boys of tngland................ Broadway, 'l'he. . . .. . . .... . . . Blackwood (Edinburghed). . . . . . . Builder, The [price vuiies] . . . . . . . Bond Sheep .................~... Bov’s Book of Romance . . . . . . . . . ('ass “’3 Biographical Dictionary. . Cassell's Magazine.. . ... . . . . . .. . Chamber’sJoumal.............. Chamber’s Em‘mological Diclonary Chess-Player’s Magazine. . . . .. . . . Chess Wo‘ld..........- Children’s Hour Christian Advocate and Review. . . Chrisiiau Cdnsole". . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian Observer . . . . . . . ... . . . . Christian Society. . . .. .. . . ... . . . . Christian Spectator . ; .. 4 . . . . , - - (Ilnislian Witness . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Christian World Magazine . . ..... Christian Work Chul‘chman Magazine, The . . Ch. of England Temperance Mag. Church of the People . . . . . . . . . . . . Church Choirmaster and Organist. Church Missionary Intelligencer . . Church Work.......,... - . - - - - - Churchman’s Companion. . . . . . . . Churchman’s Family Magazine. . Civil Engineer and Architect’s Jour Colonial Church Chronicle. . . . . . . Contemporary Review . . . . . . . . . . - Cornhill Magazine . . . . . Cutters (The) M0 Journal . . . . . . . DayofRest . . . . . . . . ..... Dublin University Magazine . . . . . . East Anglian Ecclesialic and Theologian. . . . . . . Ecclesiulogist (alt. mm). . . . . . . . . . Eclectic & Congregational Review Edinburgh Vledical&Surgical Jour English Presbyterian Messenger. . . English Mechanic . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . Englishman’s (The) Magazine. . . . Englishwoman’s Domestic Mag . . Entomologist................... Emomulogist’s Monthly Magazine Evangelical Christendom . . . . . . . . . Evangelical Magazine . . . . . . . - . . . Exeterliall , . . . . . ........ . , . . . .. Family Friend .. . Family Treasury. Family Herald. . ..... ........... Farmer’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . .. . Floral Magazine. v. . . . . . . . . . . . Floral \Vorld..........---------- Florist and Pomologist . . . . . . . . . . . Follet (Le)................ . .. Fortnightly Review (mo) . . . . . . . Fraser’s Magaxine . . .. .. .... . . . . Freemason’s Magazine. . . . .. . . . . Friend ..................-.....- Gardener.. . . . . . Gents Magazine of Fashion . . Gentleman’s Magazine. . . . l i 1 L " hm " Emma; Hist. .L'J and Magazines supplied by Alex Scan; “ YORK HERALD†Oflicel Richmond Hill. ANY PUBLICATION IN THIS LIST MAILED T0 SUBSCRIBER: WITH Pxomrrmzss. eeumw'" ‘ at. Hist. nemmyf ‘0'75 GoodbStorit-IS . . . . . 110 GoodWords . . . . . ,...... . . . . . ... 175 Good Words for the Young. . . ... . 1 75 Gospel Magazme ..u...... . . . . . . 2 00 Herald and Geologist. (alt. month) 4 75 Homilist . . . . . . . . . . 325 Horological Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 10 Illustrated London Magazine . . , . . 3 75 Intellectual Obsezver . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Intellectual Repository (New Ch.) 2 00 Journal of Agriculture . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Journal of the Chemical Society . . 3 75 Journal of Practical Medicine . . . . . 3 75 Journal of Social Science. . . . . .. . 5 7f) Kitto’s Bible Illustrations . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies’ Cabinet of Fashion. . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies’ Companion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies’ Gazette of Fashion. . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies’ Treasury . , . . . . . . . . .... . 2 ‘25 Leisure l!our............ . . . . . .. 200 London . ournal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ()0 London Sociotr . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 3 50 London and Paris Fashions . . . . . . . 3 75 Mechaniclan 950 Medical Mirror.................. 375 Merry and Wise ........... . . . . . 110 vuluuuul Alvlluullulu... ... --. Journal of the Chemical Society . . Journal of Practical Medicine. . . . . Journal of Social Science. . . . . . . . Kitlo’s Bible Illustrations. . . . . . . . . Ladies’ Cabinet of Fashion. . . . . . . liadios’ Companion. . . . .. . . . . . . . Ladies’ Gazette of Fashion. . . . . . . ltadies’ Treasury . , . . . . . . . . .... . Leisure Uour....... .. . . London .ournal. London Sociol“. . . . .. . .. . London and Paris Fashions. . . . Mochanician Medical Mirror............. Merry and Wise Methodist Magazine . . . . . . . .. . - - - Missing Link Magazine . . . . . . . . . . Mission Lilian..." .......... . Monthly Packet. . . . . . . .. . . . Museum and Journal of Educatioi Musical Times. ........... .. .... Naturalist....................... New Monthly Magazine .. . . . . . .l New Mon. Mag. for S. S. Teachers Oucea Week................... Our own Fire Side .. . . .. ..... Peoples Magazine . . . ..... .. Pharmaceutical Journal. . . . . . .. Philosouliical Magazine . . u... . . . . Phonographic Reporter. . . . . . . . . . - Photographic Portraits . . . . . . . . . . . Post Ofï¬ce Director... . . . . . . . . . . . Ponlh-yBook.................... Practical Mechanics’ Journal .. . . . Primitive Methodist Magazine . . . PropheticTimes Pulpit Analyst ....... ........... Quiver (The)................... Remembrancer. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Reynold’s Miscellany . . . . . . . . . . Robinhood . .... Routh dge’s Magazine for Boys . . . St. James’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . Scientiï¬c Review .. .. Scottish. Congregationalist. . . . . . . . Sharpe’s London Magazine. . . . . . . Shorthand Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sixpenny Magazine . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Sooner orLater SpirtunlMagazine. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . Sunday Reader Sunday School Teachers’ Mag. . . . SundayMagaï¬ne. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Sunday at Home St. Paul’s Magazine . . . . . .. . . , . .. Scottish Journal. . . . .. . .... . . .... Technologist.................... TempleBar.. Tinsley’s Magazine. . . . ... . . . . . . . Townsend’s Costumes. . . . . . . . . . . Traill’s Illustrated Josephus . . . . . . Truthseeker Union Review [alt. month]. . . . . . . Missing LinkflMagazine . . . . . . . . . . l 10 Mission Lil'o.....'.......... . . . . . 200 Monthlyl’acket . . . . . . 375 Museum and Journal of Education 2 00 Musical Times. u...†. . . . . . . . .. 0 50 Naturalist.... . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 110 New Monthly Magazine .. . . . . . . I3 00 New Mon. Mag. for S. S. Teachers 1 25 OnceaWeek . . . . . Our own Fire Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Peoples Magazine . . . ..... .. 2 00 Pharmaceutical Journal. . . . . . .. 3 75 Philosophical Magazine . . ... . . . . . _ 9 50 Phonographic Reporter. . . . . . . . . O 75 Photographic Portraits . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 Post Ofï¬ce Director... . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Poultry Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Practical Mechanics’ Journal . . . . . 3 75 Primitive Methodist Magazine . . . 2 00 Prophetic Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 PnlpitAnalyst.. .. .......... 200 Quiver (The)... 200 Remembrancer. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 1 10 Reynold’s Miscellany . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Robinhood . . . . . ....-..... .... 20“ Routl: dge’s Magazine for Boys . . . 2 00 St. James’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Scientiï¬c Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Scottish. Congregationalist . . . . . . . . l 25 Sharpe’s London Magazine. . . . . . . 3 75 Shorthand Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Sixpenny Magazine . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2 00 Sooner orLator .. 375 SpirtunlMagazine. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 SundayReader....,....... . . . . . 200 Sunday School Teachers’ Mag. . . . 2 00 SundayMagmine. . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Sunday at Home 200 St. Paul’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . , . . . 3 75 Scottish Journal. ................ 2 00 Technologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 TempleBar . . . . . 375 Tinsley’s Magazine. . . . ... . . . . . . . 3 75 Townsend’s Costumes. . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Traill’s Illustrated Josephus . . . . . . 3 75 Truthseeker . . . . . 110 Union Review [alt. month]. . . .. .. 3 75 United Methodist Free Church Mag 2 00 United Presbyterian Magazine . . . . 1 25 Veterinarian . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 5 75 Victoria Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Watchword . . . .. . . . .. .. 110 West End Gazette of . . 3 75 World ofFushion 3 75 Young Englishwoman 2 00 Young Apprentice. . . . . ... . . . . . . 2 00 Young Ladies Journal. . . _ _ _ _ , _ _ 3 25 Young Englishman’s Magazine, . . . 2 00 Young Men of Great Britain l. . . P 00 Zoologist.............. 3 75 Parties wishing Magazines, &c’. bound in vqlumes will receive prompt attention. Can supply any Magazine published not on above list “‘ York Herald†Cheap Book and Job Print- ing Establishment. ~' ALEX. SCOTT. Add 25 cents to above for postage when or- daring- ENGï¬LEH LIST OF NEWSPAPERS 'l. lu‘Dl B LVJGBQLIIEVI I I I ‘0. l I Wo‘ld..." .--- en’s Hour ian Advocate and Review. . . iau Cdnsole".. . . ian Observer . . . . . . an Society................ wan Spectator . ian Witness............... ian World Magazine . . ..... anWork... .....- hman Magazine, The . . . [Dru uuunu .n.........- 0W; 1m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 H... .................. 375 sf Natural Hiswry........ 9 50 The)â€................. 200 ist.....~ ..... 575 um] . 950 mica!Reglsler...u...... 375 dy’s Maguziue . . . . . . . . . . . 200 mde (Le) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 a [inchL Christmas num] 400 s Miscellany“... . . . . . . . . 950 Irislian’s Magazine . , . . . .. 1 30 'easury . . . . . . . . ..........110 ’5 short sermons ......... 200 ‘urnwL.................. 200 In Magazine............. 200 ‘rieud.... . . . . . . 200 i’s.... . . . . . . . . . . . . ......225 f.ngland...... . . . . . U... 200 .5'. 'l'he................. 3 '75 ad (Edinburghed) . . . . . . . 9 50 The [price vuvies] . . . . . . . 5 75 we; . . . . . . . . . . .......~... 375 wk of Romance . . . . . . . . . 2 00 ‘ Biographical Dictionary. . 2 [)0 :Magazine.... . . . . . 200 ‘ r’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 1m:uau|u..,..- . . . . . .... 04H) ‘an’s (The) Magazine. . . . 3 75 oman’s Domestic Mag . . 3 75 >gist . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 2 00 ‘gist’s Monthly Magazine 2‘ 00 :al Christendom. . . . . . . . . 2 00 :al Magazine ........... 2 75 all . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . , . . . . . 3 75 Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 ‘masUrS’.........,...... 2 00 lerald . . . . . . . . . . . u...“ 200 Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7 50 Lgnziuo. v. . . . . . . 950 )rld . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 d l’omo‘uogist . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 ‘6)..................... 575 1y Review (mo). . . . . . 7 5O Vlagaxine ........ 9 50 m’s Magazine.......... 200 ....................... 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 200 agazino of Fashion .. 400 m’s Magazine.......¢... 9 50 w L g'ffï¬ist. floï¬Ã©ï¬iy‘f’fï¬â€˜s ‘ries . . . . . ...............110 rds . . . . . . . . . . 175 )x'ds for the Young. 175 agazme ..‘............. 2 00 nd Geologist.(alt. month) 4 75 . . . . . 325 a] Journal. . . .. . . . . . . . . . l 10 1! London Magazine . . ’ . . 3 75 la] Obsezver . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 ‘j‘ntuluu AILUERLIIIU . . . . .c.......n-..-...-. gazine..............- .-......--...... azette of Fashions. . . . ahion shwoman . . . . . . . entice. . . . . .- as Journal... . .. .... shman’s Magazine, . . . of Great Britain qu \JIIIUHIUIU. - I v Review azine... . Mo Journal. . . . .....--...... na-.. rsity Magazine . . . . . . .-.-..-.-u--....-.. d Theologian. . . (all. mm). . . . . . Per y’r. Pr No. 300 375 ....375 950 .... 200 ....575 950 .. 375 .. 200 375 lm]400 950 130 110 ....200 200 wwwwwvuwwwwmw MOCQNQUWHOMOG MOOOV‘UCUIOD‘IOO 25 33 33 80 17 50 89 33 17 33 33 80 13 10 I7 17 17 17 20 17 33 80 50 33 l7 17 ‘17 20 .950 .375 .200 .375 1400 0000 5310 9112 000505055 000207577 222223953 375 33 33 10 95 10 50 33 17 10 17 17 33 10 .10 10 l7 17 33 I7 80 33 17 80 30 33 33 33 65 10 30 33 33 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 65 SO 17 3 50 65 80 17 ‘17 17 33 80 an O7 17 50 17 33 33 33 50 33 33 33 33 20 17 1’7 30 33 80. 33 10 33 10 17 n O. 17 06 10 lb 13 ‘ 30 1 17 1 l7 ‘ 33 80 08 80 33 33 33 17 15 17 17 10 17 17 17 33 17 13 33 17 1'7 33 17 17 17 17 17 33 17 33 33 33 55 33 10 60 17 13 50 33 10 33 33 17 17 30 1'7 17 ‘ 599-3m OR SALE THE EAST HALF OF Lot 22. 2nd Con, Markham. near Head- ford, two and a-half miles from Yonge Street, containing one hundred acres. more or less; about eighty acres cleared and under cultiva- lion The balance is timbered with Hardwood There is a log house, good barn and stable, and a good well on the premises, and a never- failing stream crosses the form There are twelve acres wheat in the ground. and twenty- three acres ploughed Term's : $5,500 ; $3000 down, the balance in instalments to suit pur- chaser, at 6 per cent For further particulars apply to 3R J LACKIE Markham, March '2, 1870 ' 6074f l have much pleasure in recommending to the public the “ Life and Epistles of St. Paul,†by Congbeare & Howson. It i a. ï¬nely got up edition of a thousand pages, with Maps, Engravings. and Charts The work delineates the early life. ed on. conversion, teachings, labors, &c.. of . whose writings are now engaging more - ught, calling forth more learned discussion, and more powerfully im- pressing the ming and heart of the age. than those of any author, ancient or modern. This work has also the warmest recommendations of about 1500 of the leading divines in both Europe and AmericaI as being one of the most important then-logical works of the age. It is now offered in a formI and a? a price, which must bring it within the reach of every one who may desire to possess it. being plib- lished at about one-ï¬fth the price of the London Quarto Edition. I have therefore no‘ heitation in saying that it is a work which should he in the hands of every Minister, Sabbath School Teacher and“ heads of families. It certainly supplies a 16ng felt want in sacred 'litersture, and. I trust it may have a general circulation. N. MCKINNON, 1.. NOUNCE to his friends, and the public in the vicinity of Richmond Hill- that he has leased the premises lately occupied by On Richmond Hill, and has opened with a complete stock of I satisfy all consumers Inspection and (/{mpa'rison are Invited. PETER G, SAVAGE. “LIFE AND EPISTLES OF ST. PAUL.†Thgfpubliclwill observe that he is in a posi- tion ’id'SeIIG'otiflsï¬t Prices that will not fail to T I C K DESTROYER ! Groceries, BIBLE SQQIEWSITORY FARMER’S SHOULD USE IT DESTROYS THE TICKS. Promotes the Growth of the Wool, And improves THE CONDITION or THE ANIMAL- BRINGS ADDITIONAL TESTIMONY! Sold everywhere, in boxes at 35 cts, 70 eta, and $_1_-OU. _ })ETER Gr. SAVAGE BEGS TO AN- NOUNCE to his friends. and the public in Nu FLOOR-MASTER Av35 ct box will clean' 20 sheep and 35 lambs. HUGH MILLER & 00., Chemists. CONCERTINASt CHAPPE£31ANDS : PREPARED GLYCERINE ! NO HOUSE SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT When you visit Toronto be sure and got a Pot at HUGH MILLGR & Co’s, COLLARS AND CUFFS Richmoui Hill, Dec, 9, 1869. September 8, 1869. October 28. 1869. .THOROUGH EFFECTIVENESS. (alumni MR. THOMAS COGHLAN, However Ingh or Sore, WITH SELF ISNSTRUCTOR, AT THE Provisions, Important Notice- THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE People’s Edition At this season of the year, Farm for Sale. It will make the hands FOR SHEEP. ‘ USE MILLER’S SMOOTH AND SOFT. Paints, MLLLER’S EVERY DAY HERALD BOOK STORE. MEDICAL HALL. 167 King St. East, Toronto. {9. 5894f 0F TH HERALD BOOK STORE. OF ITS SHOLLD BE WITHOUT IT. Oils, P-ublisher’s Agent. Vamishes, Tbnom-o. 5834f 595-11" THE FINEST FRUIT GRAPES; From Malaga. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. CANDIED PEEL, FRESH GROCERIES, 1- Accounts on the let April next. at which time I will expect a full settlement of all claims. Parties indebted will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. That has been ofl'ered on Richmond Hill this season. -â€"- - SHE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. Nice Velvet Hats. trimmad, from $1 upwards Ladies’ Bonnets. fron‘x $2 and lpwalds. Mises’ and Infants’ Hoods. Infants Wool Coats for $1.60, usually sold for $1,530 cents. Mourning Bonnets Kept Constantly on hand HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS THE MORNING PAPERS 0F TORONTO : Can be had at the Post-ofï¬ce, for 10 CENTS WEEK. [RAISINS-J Richmond Hill, Dec. 15, [869. ISAAC FRENCH. Richmond Hill. March 2, 1870 607-tf ‘5 Ready !‘ A nice assostmem. of Ladies’ Dress Caps. Every description of Millinery made to order. N. B. STAMPING DON- Richnï¬ond Hill, Nov 25. 1869. .AYER& May 14, 1869. ‘AMES, TOYS, &c., Notice. .._._.-â€" WILL ISSUE MY HALFâ€"YEARLY AND SEEDLESS RAISINS; MRS. MYERS AS NOW ON HAND THE CHEAP- HATS AND BONNETS Telegraph, "go. Lémon and Citron] A LARGE Jo WELL SELECTED OF THE SEASON, 1531' lot of ATKINSON’S YES, READY FOR VALENCIAS, Consisting inpart of RECEIVED AT C URBAN TS A full Assortment. For: SALE AT Tm: HERALD BOOK STORE. !‘ Aye !’ Ready ! †FOR SALE AT THE From Turkey, From Zante. [RAIsmsJ STOCK 0F Apply to |ALSO : FIGS HERALD BOOK STORE. Globe, M. TEEFY. W. ATKlN SON . SULTANAS, Richmond Hill; 5644f. C Leader, From Bordeaux, PRUNES [RAISINBJ NUTS. 593-tf 596 FALL AND WINTER GOODS FIRE P300]? STORE! NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS GROCERIES, HARDWARE The subscriber begs to intimate to the mar- chants and traders and the public generally that he has commenced to ply n11 TORONTO & RICHMOND HILL EXPRESS WAGGON. Between Toronio c6 Richmond Hill, And will be prepirod to attend to all instruc- Imouonfl with t _ ~11“... The express will leave Richmond Hill every Monday, Wednesday and Fli‘dray morning and return in the evening of the same day. Charges strictly moderate. Parcels or instructions left at Bassett & West; or Best’s Hotel. Yonge strect. Toronto. and at Velie’s Hotel. Richmond Hill.will be promptly attended to. J. BRILLIN GER, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Jan. 5. 1869, 599-137 I1- -e_v and other v'aluables.between Patterson and Richmond Hill Station, on Friday evening last. Appiy at this ofï¬ce. 6064f OVERCOATS, 2 MAGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. POCKET BOOKS Where he willbe prepared and mosthappy to wait onthose who may require his servnces, To those who have favored him with their patronage in the past he returns his sincere thanks, and'to those who mav do so in the fu- ture, he would say that no endeavor on his part will be wanting to meet their approval. G. H. H.. having had over ELEVEN YEARS’ PRACTICE. feels conï¬dent of giving entire satis- faction; REFERENCEs.â€"~Thefollowihggenflemencan, with conï¬dence,recommend G. H. Husband,to all requiring Dental aid: Dr.Reid, Thornhill; Dr. Bull. Weston; Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwick', Dr. Carson, Brampton. RESIDENCE.â€"Thornhi". Thornhill September 17, 1868. 1y JOB PRINTING U On the counter of the subsc'riber’s store: The owner can have it by proving property and paying- cost of advertisement. FA’NCY GOODS N. B. Accounts rendered lst October: Richmond Hill, Sept. 30 1869, J fully to 'anneunce that he will be at Unionville, . . . 1st Monday ofeach month. Weston . . . . . .9th day " Klineburg. . . .16th “ Burwick . . . . .22nd “ Scarboro’. . . .231'd " A LARGE AND VARIEU Richmond Hill, Sep. 30, 1869; WM. ATKINSON. RichmOnd Hill, Feb. 9, 1870. ‘ 604-tf PORTMONIE, CONTAINqu MON- .EN'IIIST; BEGS MOST RESPECT‘ ,N nSAijURDAY EYENmG, FEB. 5m, KEPT CONSTANTLY LBUMS I ALBUMS I I Done Neat and Quick at the Herald Ofï¬ce. FA LL AN D IV 1N TER TRADE. CARE AND PROMPTITUDE. Gr. H. HUSBAND, LDS. The Subscriber has now in stock CHEAPER THAN EVER. AT THE FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE That may be relied on. LINE OF EXPRESS. ASSORTMENT 0F OF ALL KINDS AT THE [A LARGE smock or Money Found SUITABLE FOR THE SUPPLIED AT THE 6m. &c. &a. 0N HAND. Found, HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. New AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. ISAAC CROSBY W. ATKINSON. 585 585