Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 25 Mar 1870, p. 4

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In gown and slippers 100st dressed, And breakfast boughtâ€"«a welcome guestâ€" What is it gives the meal a zest?â€" n When new-laid eggs the table grace, And smoking rolls are In their place, Say,_what enlivens every face?â€"- an , In vain the um is hissing-hot, In vain the hyson stores the pot, If the vile newsman has not broughtâ€" The Paper. What is’t attracts the optic powers Ofensign gay, when fortune showers Down prospects of “a step” in “ours” ?â€" The Paper. What is’t can make the man oflaw Neglect the deed or plea to draw, 0a. fa. indictment. flaw ‘2â€" What is’t can soothe his client's wo'e,' And make him quite. fnrget John Doe, As Well as Mr. Dicky Roe '1â€" What is’t absorbs the wealthy cit, The half-pay sub, the fool, the wit, The formal aunt, the forward chit ‘2â€" The Paper. What is’t informs the country round What’s stolen or strayed,what's lost or found Whose born, and who’s put under ground?â€" The Paper. What is it tells a mourniul tale, Whose last put in the borough gno], The ins and outs of every sale '2: What is it narrates full many a story Of Mr. Speaker, Whig; and Tory, And heroes all agog for glory ?â€":_ What is it gives the price of stock, Tells of the plans for the new dock, And every ship that ’sonpes the rock 7â€"- The paper. What tells you, too, who’s killed or hurted, Who’s fresh arrived, and who’s deserted, And how the Whigs are disconcerted ‘2â€" The Paper. What is it tells, the price of wool And how the markets rise and fall, And what is taught. in church and school ?â€" The Paper. What speaks of thieves and purses taken; And murders done and maids‘forsaken, And average price of Wiltshire bacon ?â€" The Paper. What is’t, tens the dreadful state That Ireland’s in, and now of late How Fenians try to aggTevate 7â€"- Abro'ad, at home, infirm, or stout, In health, or raving with the gout, WAho can possiblv do withoutâ€" THERE are about 2,000,000 horses in Great Email! " Tm: cold in England appears to have been more intense than in Scotland. UPWARDS of £15,000 has been subscrip- ed towards the starting of a steam ploughing company in Nomhumberlaud. DISPEIZSIA.â€"‘U3e Dr. J. BxiggsLAHCVIm- tor f‘oxj‘dxspepsm, flatulency, heartburif,r&c_ Said 13y druggists. ' baau' A little girl, repeating her Sunday-schéo] lesson, gave ulnew version to a familiar pas- ~.-r‘ swuâ€" “YOu cannot serve God and mamma.” NEURALGIA.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevan- tor for neumlgia, eaten-vb, headache, &c. Sold by druggists. - 533Q Somebbdy describes a horse so poor that his owner had tied a. lmot in his tail to keep the body from slippmg through the collar in going down the hill. ' CONSUMPTIVESâ€" Use Dr. J. Briggs7 throat and lung Healer for diseases of the throat, lungs, and chest. Very pleasant and eflica- cious. Sold everywhere. 583Q " Women.” remarked the contemplative man, “are as deep as the blue waters of yon bay.” “Ay, sir,” rejoined the dissa. pointed man. “and as full of craft,” CORNs.â€"â€"~Usc Dr. J. Bx-iggs’ Modern Cur- ative for corns, b'unions, in-growing nails, figmler feet,&‘c. Mild; soothing, softening and healing. Sold by druggists. 5339 A. father was winding: his watch, when he said playfully this little. girl: “Let me wind your nose up.” “ No” said the child, “1 don’t want my nose wgnnd- up, for I don’t want it to run all day."' FILES-“USO Dr. J. Briggs’ PileRemedy for internal, external. bleeding and‘ itching Piles. It gives immediate relief and is re- liable. Sold bvdrquists.- 583:1 Ahoy who heard the quotation, “ A little Teaming 18 a. dangerous thing.” wished to stop going to school, because he was afraid he should'not live long enough to get past fihe dangerouspoint. M. GUIZOT at the age of 83, is becoming the most prominent man 1n France. He has sceepted-’ 1he'presidency of an extra-parlia- mentary Commission to remodel the system of superior education. DON’T finger. to secure a copy of the Polemical Correspondence, between T.J.M. and thg Rey; John_Bfiredin._ now ppblisjled it} NEUgAI.G1A.â€"-Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevan tor for neuralgia, headache. catarrh. sore fibroal, Bronchitis, &c. It is arreeable to use, and reliable. Sold bydruggists. 583:2 pamphlet form and for sale at lthe Herald Book store. Price 15 cents. HEINTZMAN & C'o's Agrafl“ Bar Piano Fortes were awarded the lst prize and Diploma at the last Provincial Exhibition, over twelve competitors. Intending pur- chasers waited upon at their res1dence, by addressing C.Clmpman,Music Hall,Markham A MARRIED gentleman. every time he met the father of his wife complained to him of her ugly temper and disposition At last, upon one occaswn, becoming weary of the grumbling of his son-in law, the old gentle- man exclaimed: “You are right; she is an impertinent jade, and HI hear any more complaints ofhev I will disinherit her.” The husband made no more complaints. THE E’XPosmoN UNIVERSALLE, at Paris, 1867‘, awarded Wheeler & Wilson the high- est premium, a gold medal, for the pet-fed- tion of their Sewing Machines, over 82 com- petitors. This machine is crowned with 67 medals, has been tested beyond all question, and' stands to-day_ without. a rival. Over 60,000 machines were sold in the year 1868. Send fm- circular and samples of work to Charles Chapman, agent, Markham village}; lie gigs: instructions free and warrant: every maniac, THE cost of the Crimean war was £76. The Newspaper Odds and Ends. ggmm. The Paper. The Paper. The Paper. The Paper. The Paper. The Paper. The Paper. The Paper. EE SUBSCRIBER. BEGS TO AN- . NOUNCE lo the Farmers in the neighbor- J. nouxcn lo the Farmers in the neighbor- hood tnat he has a splendid BERKSHIRE BOAR, nearly thorough-bred. Farmers wishing to improve their stock will please lake notice. R0 B'L . HOPPER, BUTCHER. Richmond Hill, Nov. ‘35. 1869, 5934f OR TO RENT, BEING COMPOSED of the North third of Lot No. 12, 51h Concession of the Township of Vaughan. CONTAINING 663 ACRES. Mom: OR LESS; 50 acres cleared, and in a high state of culti» vutionâ€"lhe balance is well limbered. {And four from Richmond Hill. This Hotel is ‘ built on the margin of Bond’s Lake. a large beautiful sheet of water. and is a popular resort ‘for pleasure panies. There is in the immediate ‘vicinily of the Hotel an exrensive Steam Saw : Mill. which is doing a large lumbering business ' Trim; lumsrunnuz. ’l'erms made easy, Further particular: may be obtained by ap- plying to i P. CROSBY, Richmond Hill, Dec. 30, 1869. 5964f The Buildings consist. of' a good frame dwelling house, ‘24 x 34, and kitchen. 20 >< 28, with stone cellar and foundation ; framé barn, 40 >< 56, and frame stable, 22 x 32. There is always a good supply of water on the promises. ' Any person wishing to purchase afarm would do well to call and examine this property. For further pavticulars apply personally, or by letter (post-paid) to - BOND’S LAKE HOTEL, With extensive Stables, Sheds, &c. complete, ILL BE SOLD BY PRIVATE BAR- gain {hat large and commodious house REFERENCES.â€"Pal‘ties who have had work done at Mr, W. H. Lawrence’s Factmy, pre- vious lo the sale of the effects Residence near the Lawrence Factory. Richmond Hill, Dec. 29, 1869. 594.3 A MlNlON, aufisfi per IUO feet. Also Flour- ing and other Lumber Dressed ; Sap Buckels. l’nils,(,iderMills. Washing Machinen. Shingles Waggon Felines. and Lumber Sawad co order. For particulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills,’l‘hornhill HERE. Of which 70 acres are clear of Stumps, with a good frame barn and hewed log house. ahd a good bearing orchard - Wilhill 6 miles from the flourishing Village of I’arkhill. Two Beautiful Farms for Sale. IN THE ‘ TOWNSHIP or WEST NICGILLIVRAY, 45 acres of which are clear. with a good frame barn and hewed log house, a good hearing or- chard, only two miles from Parkhill Station, D BUTCHER, 2nd door north of G. A. Buruards store. Rickmond Hill. keeps always on hand the best of Beef’,'Mutton. Lamb, Veal, Pork. Su'usages. 81c. and sells at the lowest prices. The highest marketprice given for Cattle, Sheep. Lambs. &c. TERMS EASY. For further pM'ticulaT's apply to JOHN HARRISON, Par/chill P.O , Onl. September 23m. 1869, 136-4 lâ€" lotlxefm'lnex'~a1nd others in the neigh borhuod of the Elgin “i‘lffi that he has leased the shop owned by Mr. Wm. Trench. $621., where he is prepared to do In allits branches. and bv strict dtlelhtion 10 business he hopes to mom a share of public support 7 PETER CRAIK Elgin Mils. May 13. 1869. 564-tf 100 AlsoI Corned and Spiced Beef. Smokedand Dried Hams. WlLLlAM COX. Richmond Bin. October 15. 1867. l-y L to inform the inhabitants of Richmond H111 and surruunding cmntry.1halhe has com- menced business as GENERAL BLACKSMITHING, ,3" All work warranted 10 give general sa- t‘ action. ‘ M > H. A. DAVID. Richmond Hill. Inna 23. 1869. 570-ly PETER CR’AIK BEGS T0 INTIMATE [0 the farmer and others in the neigh February 16, 1870- HOUSE, SIGN AND Ornamental Painter ! In the shop formerly occupied by Mr. John Hutchins Thornhill, Nov. 3,1869 SITUATED 0N YONGE STREET. Twenty miles from Toronto, Ont, September 231b, 1869, CUSTOM WEAVING OF ANY DESIRED PATTERN. ETER WEIR 'BEGS T0 INFORM WILLIAM cox, UCCESSOB VTVU JAMVE'S’EIOVLQIDAX, Patent Eaveâ€"trough ND WATEHSPOUTS FOR THE DO 00K {lie public that he is prepared to do $1,000 Reward; CE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE gain {hat large and commodious house known as the Temperance Works. Berkshire Boar. If You W the SCOTTISH ‘EMPERANCE A FULL SUPPLY of those intercsfing and well-written Works, which wil be disposed of at a Low Rate. CATALOGUE on application at the Custom Weaving. Farm for Sale ACRES 1N THE TOWNSHIP HoteI for Sale. Blacksmithing. 01’“ W EST WILLIAMS, ALSO 50 ACRES HERALD BOOK STORE ABRAHAM SHUNK. 1m THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, MARCH 25,1870. 510.1f. Taston. ES 0‘ To Farmers. PERFECT SAFETY IN SHEEP DIP- PING. ’ SHEEP DIPPINE UDMPDSITIUN! Equally adapted for applying to Sheep and Lambs by Dipping, Pouring. Smearng or Sawing Used also as a wash for Horses and Catfle.. Sold only by GEO. H. LESLIE «SI, Co., (701'. If Bluor (9 Yang's St. > Jam 23, 1869. 6270 If Yoaxvnmn MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS [1 concession of Markham. JOHN EVER would relurn thanks to his cuslo- mars for their liberal support during Lhe Card- ing Season, and would inform them, and oihers. in adjoining Townships, that he will be ready to do their Fulling, Coloring, Cloth Dre~sing, Pressing. &c.. as good, cheap. and as quick as any other astablishmem in the Dominion, CARDiNG, SPINNING AND WEAVING. Having also put in New Machinery. he is prepared to do Spinning and Carding by the pound, ifrequired. Having spared neither time nor expense in getting good Machiner and Workman to fulfill promises. he hopes still to recelve a share of public patronage. Justine unto all, I intend to give: My motto shall lieâ€"lo live and let liva. Gristing will be attended to all times as formerly, unvvm I‘xrvfin Will take the wool, as sheared from the sheep, and make it up into Fullcloth of any kind. or patern. to suit parties, such as Cloths. 'l'weeds, CaSsimeres. Satinetls, Plain or Twill Flannels. Dress FlannelshBlaukels (Horse or Bed), White or Colored Stocking Yarn (52 or 3 1’13). &I.'.. He wfll have on hand Cotton Warp, of a superior qualltv. that persons wishing to have their yarn wove, 0011 have it done at a Lower Rate than they possiny can buy buncn cotton. Arnica Liniment, THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN For Rheumatism, Sprains, Tic DMNeuralgia 6w. Sprains, Tic 13m Prepared and Sold on by THIS PUMP ls EASIEST VVOBKED,1\TOST DURA- BLE AND NEA'I‘EST Mam; IN ‘THE DOMINION. The Subscriber would reSpectntIy announce that he is pl‘epawd Lo put in Or if they are not preferred to any olhay pump they may be returned, and the money will be refunded. Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow walls, so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it all tight. and pre- venting children from putting anything into it ; which is invariably the cake with cummcn pumps. Price $6 complete, for cisterns not exceeding eight feet. Churn Pumps for Ciélei'iis 53$ each. Well-digging done on the Shortest Notice. Address, stating depth of well, P. PHILLIPS, These l’umps are suitale to all depths from a cistern to a well of 150 I'eet Thisme on Trial for One [Month] And if accepted April]. 1869. 558-13! SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE, H E Subscriber ofi'ers female :1 good farm. being lot No. 4. in the 8th concession oi the township of Erin, 100 acros, (ill acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation: the balance nearly all first -rale Hardwood bush. There is oli‘ the premises a good log house, barii,slable,&c.. with good water privilege Alsoa beautiful young Orchard of loll fruit trees, planted 5 years. A'good gravel road passes along the from Dflhe lot This farm is 35 miles from Richmond Hill. 6 milesirnm Georgetown.on the Grand Trunk Railway,and 30 miles from Toronlo.‘ l‘mms: Twenty five hundred dollarsâ€"pan cash. balance on time. For particulars apply to the owner, National Series of Reading Books FIRST BO0K,Wllll 31 illustrations, stronglyboun in limp clothâ€"5 cents. FIRST Boon. (second part) with 54 illustrations, strongly hound in limp clothâ€"ll) cents. SECOND Boox; with 56 lllllSll‘HllOI‘lS. strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"2“ cents. [Hum Boon. 41 llluslraliuns, strongly bound inclth boards-30 rents. Foam H Book. 45 illustrations, strongly bound, in cloth boardsâ€"4“ cents. Fu-‘TH BOOK, 50 illustrations’ strongly bound in cloth hoardsâ€" 50 cexils. COMPANION TO THE READERSâ€"25 cents. For sale at the Headford Grist Mill and Woolen Factory. August 3, I869. 577-”. April 1, 1868. January 14. 1869. EADFORD WOOLEN MILLS, 3RD Authorised by the Council of Public [11- struclion for Ontario. AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN VVARRAN’I‘ED FREE FROM AHSENIC 0R MERCURY. For sale, Cheap. only 525 cts., at the DOW CURTAIN FIX'I RES, factured by P Phillips, Riclimoud Hill SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE WARRANTED TWO YEARS, M’DOUGALL’S NON-l 0150 NOUS MAN UFAC TURING. GEO; I‘L LESLIE & Co., 007'. If Blum‘ & Yungc Sta, EXCELSIOR PUMP, MA_N__U TOWNSHIP OF ERIN. THE NEW CANADIAN No Fiction ! Excelsior ! WILLIAM HARDING, HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STOR E. [N THE 558-” JOHN EYER RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hit 547-611] Youvaan 0,1- All ful’y Wm‘ranted mid delivered at information. Address WILSON’S IMPROVED DOUBLE ACTION FANNING MILL Best Fanning Mill, Manufactured in Canada, Can supply all Orders Promptly Farmers will cnusu‘rl their own lute-vast if they fill examine our Mill lwl’nro lun‘mg elsewhere. as we fecal (-oufidum lhev will be sulirfiud our 1V mahines are IIOLSLII‘PflSSed il' equalled. Lumbar Flurmd to Order 3n (E? Hnuse Furnishing Establishment, 83 inngs Si, 3 iinnrs ahnvs KingSi. Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, Also on hand a large stock of Table Curlery. Sponns. (to. Special alteniion is directed to his llapms and Ulmudeliars: the slovk of which is very large, embracing all ilnal is New and Clmsle. and also the Pnameat and Cheapest; thus meeting Lhe requhmuuuts of a.“ classes. LAMP ELBBES, BHRNERS, EHIMNEYS, SHAEBS AN]! WIGKS. STOVES.â€"Cooking Stoves. Parlor Stoves. Bax SLUVM. r)umb Stoves, and Stove Plpes. Grain Measures, Apple Parers, (flothes Wringers &c., &c. - LANTERNS, Square and Globe Shapefin great vnrietv. for oil or candles. H. P would also direct Special nttenliun to the slack of Rock. 011 and. Machinery oil Children’s Carriages and Perambulators! FIRST-CLASS FARMS AND WILD LANDS, CHEAP AND EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. Farm in the Township of Adelaide. fronting on the Eglemoul GraVH Rand, of 2’)“ acres, 71) zcres (Elem-ed and he. l'rnm slumps; on th premises Ihm-e is a good huuxa. lmrn, stable. &c. There is a spt-‘iugyluse lo the house. and a spring creek runs arms-s Ihe lot. 'l‘ha un- cleared part is well ti-nheretl with hardwood. situated about 3 mllfls from Kerwuod Station. and 7 miles from Sll'atllrov. ‘ South halves of lots Nus‘ 1‘2 and 13. Est (Ion. lnwnship ot‘ Musn. 2‘10 acres. situan about lg milvs from Nuwhuty. whet-n cortlwu (l brings a good priuo,aud it is well llmbercd with hardwaod. Also farms and wilds in various other counties. Apply (If by letter, prepaid) to ‘ Viz -â€"Farm of I33 acres, situated in the Township of Vaughan on Yonge Slreel, about, 12 miles nor'h of 'I‘uronltk on which there is a commodmus house, barn ‘2 stables, slwds. an orchard, about. 2“. acne-s pine and hardwoud Lim- bc-r mixad; well wulerr-d, J. N, BLAKE. But-vision &c. No. F4 ('hnrch St. opposite St. James’ (Jame dral, Toromo. Heintzmen Xe Ee’s. Celebrated First-prize Plane Furies ! i l: Richmond Hill, May27,1869 Toronto, February 7. 1868. Camber 27. 1869. HESE MILLS HAVE S'I‘OOD THE TEST ()F_(IOMPIC'FITION AT ALL THE EGS to call the aHenlion of the public to his oxlensiva stock of House quishing Goods, among which will be found ’ l’Ioviucml Exhibitions and County Intending bm‘ex's are invited to inspect lhe stock. as it will be found worthy ofinspection Manufacturin a larwe Nmnhcr of the above, '0 B BURNING FLUID. ALCOHOL, BENZOLE, STILL FURTHER IMPROVED. For Sale. HIRAM PIPER And having inureased facilities for preparing the lumber. Manufacmled and Imported, Whoiesale and Retail. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Repairs of all kinds Promptly Executed. Which will be Found both good and cheap. County Fans whenever shown, and are pronounced by com- peleul judgusus being the . c. CHAP MEAN, General Agent, The Subcrihers aru- now AND THEY HAVE BEEN 5884f Manufacturer‘s prices. Send for Circu'ars and «The premises are wel" watered There arr- |6ll acres cleared. the remainder is well .voodvd with hurdwuod Than is a lnrga two-smrev Frame Dwelling. also three Barns and o'her outlmfldfiws. and an exceilam Orchard of bearing fruit trers. This in (ma of the best farms on Yonge SL. '51 macadmuised road) an is 98 mules from Toronto, and about [mdway helwmn Newmnr km and Anmm stations on the Nnrlhern R‘Ru hulh hf which fll' good Grain Markets Grammar and olhnr Schools. Flour and Saw Mills within shan distancvs, also a Cheese Factory wilhin 39 rods of Farm. A ‘ lhenwesl. ' .1 acres nl' which are cleared. having :1 Flame Barn. also some valuable pine timber. This property will be sold together or sepa- rawh' on em: mum: of pnyn'enl. For pm-Iirtululs applv 10 A Bulllihee. Esq. or to (he subécriher an llm premisrs. OR SALE, LOT N0. 90, WEST SILE of Yonge SII‘PBL in the ' Sep. 30. 1869. CONTAINING 210 ACRES. LSO 100 ACRES ADJ )INING UN of Yonge SII‘PBL in the TOWNSHIP or KING. County of York. A. & W. WILSON. Farms for Sale. PRICE $65 PER Acme. PRICE $35 NR Axum ALLAN N. GAMBLE, MARKHAM VILLAGE Narmth P.O. 566. tf other 493 U Undertaker, &c. Rmnmncmâ€"Nearlyoppositethe I’ost Uflice, Rich .noud Hill. V duals of Tun-ma Velurinm-r College, ('ornerol Yunge and Cunlre SI Emit. RicllA mond Hull, begs (u announce m the puhlicflmt he is now practicing with H. Summon. of the same place. wlmre they ma) be consulting ed personally or by leuer, on all diseases of Horses. Cattle. &c MEDICINES or Ewanv DESCRIPTION for “urSOS and (Dullle always on hand: such as Physic, Diuretic. Cordial. 'l‘onic, (qugn. (Jnnditinn and Worm Halls and Powders. l‘he Cough Balls have been found nm. serviceable in alleviating many 01' the dis ‘e>blllg symp‘ lomsol' Brokulmind or Heaves in Horses )olic. Draughm. llinimenls l'or Sore 'l'lnoals‘ Sprains. Curb; Spavin, Kiug~hone, &c. BllSl‘ ering Ointments. also Houfaml lleulingUiuh ments. Lolionsl'or Wounds, Bruises. baddle Gulls. lnlulliable Oil and Sheep Tick Des- troyer. W All orders from a distance promptly amended to, and medicines sent to any part 01 the Prod Vince. Horses examined as to soundness, also Bought and Sold on commisfiou. Richmond Hill. April ‘23, 11568. 510 THOMAS SEDMAN, ‘ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, 'l‘eelh‘wilhoul Pain, by [Le use of l thel‘ Spray. which affects llw moth only. The Ioulh and gum sul‘uunumg bee-mm ihsmmhln wuh this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain,and WH'HOUT ENDANGERING THE LIP E. A_s in the use of Chlmot'm-m Drs 1’ am: R, willlw in the following places ‘HOlHtItd m oxtmct twflh with his new “ppm-“Ins. AH olhernparalions in Uonlislr) puyl‘onned in a woxlnndnlike manner :â€" My chnrgé is 5”. 50 if naid When opH-uu-d‘ on' ifnot $3 “()willhe charged to ensure a cure.‘ Aurora. . . NewmarkolB lst'ordhulel Slouffvillo . . . . . . ......... Victoria Square...” TIIUIlllli“........- Richmond HHI Muple...............--.- Bnrwick.... ..........-- Kleinhurg... Nolwlelun...... ....-ua..- Where they will attendu tainiugxto any branuh a Quite a numhm- ofref'ervncn givm) if requir- ed ot'pm'snns whose horses hm rheun cured by me. HESubscriher would intimatr to th» farm- ersandnlhers of Richmond Hill and surrounding Country having. Thathehas successftu [realedlhe above ['01 the past ten years without a single I'uilurn. 'l‘histmalmentrdoos not nuce siluw their being laid aside only for" few dm‘s, Aonm,.'l'.nn 7 10%.. Horses Afflicted with Ring-bone, .1. ENCE between T J, M., the Rev JOHN BREUIN and olhers, (in the York HERALD during the mumhs of Ju!y. August and Sep- tember. leS;. is neatly printed in pamphlet form. and worn] a partial. Pmcn l5 Cums. For rule at tho HERALD Bunk Store, iiichnmnd Hill ; BANNkR Office, Aurora : H. Wilson’s Funny Sun-e. Markham “‘eslemn Bnnk Room. \. b". Irving’s and M. Shewau’s. Toronto. All kindsofUax-rmge and Harness Mounting Knives. Farks, Spoons. (fruits. &c., dun. «VLc . Silver Plated in the best Style warranted to wearany length nflime. ‘8 miles from ’I‘oronm, 2% lmles from Ruch- mond Hill. Soil, Clax7 Loam. 1183 Acres. 110 cleared New Briqk House, 28 x 38; Cellar. full size; Back Kilclxenflb‘ x 96 Frame llurn and Slables- 2 wells and a llvmg stream of water across the for. School House wnhin forty rods; Church, une mile; Saw Mill. half mils; Grist Mill, three n'ules. TITLE lesPU- TABLE. For particulars apply to Ihe prolnialor on the premises. Hy; JAS HODGONS. HE POLEMICAL CORRESPOND- ENCE between T J. M.. the Rev JOHN 0 70111)” of York. Township of MaIkham. 10156. firslcongassion, fronting on _Yonge St , TATIONERY JAMES DUN’I‘UN. Richm ondflill. Oct. 25, ’66 7%: Residencm‘earoflol ‘25. ‘2nd Con V:-nghan J. H. SAEDERSON, E T E R1 N A RY SURGEON," GRA- liic‘mmnd HULJune H. ‘fm‘ Toronto. February 1771869 DRS- PECK 8a ROBINSON’S 'EW METHOD OF EXTRACTING ICE’S PUMPS PLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR SALE XIU . . . . u ut...---n' Square...” H......... nd HHI ré'.'.'.".'.'.'..:‘:'.'.'. lLu.......-u.... To Controversialists. Worth Knowing. OF ALL KINDS AT THE DANIEL HORNER, JU N“ HERALD BOOK STORE. FOR SALE BY FOK'SA attendm an} humans: [)9 branuh ol [hail pml'ominn Lul 320. End con J. BRILLINGLN XJ‘ Q" Isl oreuch ;. L’nd Ih'th 201]: 23rd 24m 26m 2N1] 29th Iilxlh n' u u n u '1 .- “IOU”! .A u u n u n u n ‘ n ’x’lcimmm/ Hilf l 5l7-H Mark Lam

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