U streets,Thornhin. Consultations in the oiliceon the mornings If Tuesdays. Thulsdaya and Saturdays, from 8 to 10 A.M. * * All consultations in the ofï¬ce. Cash. 4:. MOND HILL. Physicmns prescriptions carefully prepared Richmond Hill, Dec. 1,1869. 5944f \J-‘of Bllmr and Yong!) Streets. YérkviHe, Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stufl's. Pa- tent Medicines, Perfumery &c. Yorkvule,Aprill, 1869. 5bS-1y GEO. H. LESLIE & 00., CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, COR- J of Blom‘ and Yong!) Slreets._Yo:l(viIHe, By Royal Letters patently has been appointed Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Thronhill, Feb,26, 1868. J the inhabitants of Klineburg and surround- ing country that he has opened a Drug Store in the above named place. All kinds nf Herbs and Herb Mcdicinr-s supslicd. Klineburg, March I, 1869. 5604f Wholesale and Retail Drnggists, Call when you visit the city. inspect the stock and learn the prices; we shall fee] pleaâ€" sure in shewng goods whether you purchase Dr not. Saxisfaction Guaranteed. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils, Varnishes I BRUSHES, ARTISTS’ MATERIAL, &c., &c., At Low Rates for Cash. (El): {9qu ï¬etalh And dispatched to subscribersb) the earlies mails.01‘ otherconv Vance,whenso desired. The YORK HERALD will always be found to contaimhelatestand most importantFm'eign Imd Provincial News and Markets,and the greatest care will be taken to renderit ac- ceptableto the man ofbusiness.and a valu- able Family Newspaper. TERMS:â€"One Dollar perannum. 1N AD- VANCE: if notpaid within 'l‘wo Monlhs,One Dollar mid Fifty cents willbe charged. Allietturs addressed to the Editormustbe post-paid. Nopaper discontinued until all arrearages Ira pnid: antlpaniesrefusing papers without paying up, willbe held accountable for the JOHN N. REID, M.D., NOR. 0F YONGE AND COLBORNE PETER S. GIBSON, ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer and Dranghtsman. ALEXANDER SCOTT, RICHMOND HILL, Lubsci'iptiro 11 , Six inesand under, ï¬rsliusertion....$00 5“ Each subsequent insertion... . -. .. .. . . ()0 l3 Tm lines and under, tirstinsertion. . . . ()0 75 Each subsequenLIusertion.. . . . ... . . ... 00 ‘20 Abovelenliues, ï¬rstinsertiun, perline. 00 07 Each subsaqueutinsertinu. per “116.. . . 00 ()2 One Column per tweive months. . . .'.. . 50 (IO Halfacolumn do do ....... 3000 Quarter ol'a column pertwelve months. 20 00 One column pu} six months... . . . . . . . 4000 Halfucolumn do ........... 2500 Quarter ofa column per six months. . . . 18 00 Acardoftenlines,fol'oneyear.... .. 400 Acard ofï¬fteen lines, ' do ....... 525 A cm'doftwentylinas. do 650 I Civil Engineer and Dranghtsman. OFFICE AT Willowdale. on Yonge St. County of York. Orders by letter promptly attended to. Willowdalo. Dec. 15. 1869. 591 1.1 618 Yonge S‘Lreet, Toronto. Doors. Sash. Flooring, Blinds, Sheejng. Mouldings, &c. All kinds of Building fltharials supplied. Post. Olï¬ce Addressâ€"Yorkville. Toronto. May18,1868. 3-m. .E is Advertisementswithoutwritteu directions “sorted tiH fm'hid, and charged accordingly Allrulvertisemonts published for aless period 1Ianone month. In us! be paid for in advance. All: rausitory adverï¬semeuls, From strangers orirrngnlm customers. must he paidfor when handed infuriusertion. DRUG STORE IN KLINEBURG. rACOB YELINSKTï¬â€"BEGS TO INFORM DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF ‘ ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home from 8 to 9 A.M. 1W iv}. Surgeons. Engand. Reside-nee: North ofRichmond llill, apposite the Elgin House. All calls (night 01; day) prompm amended to. Richmond HRH, Oct. 14, 1889. 'l‘hornhill. June 9,1865 R. E. LAW, “HEMIBT AND DRUGGIST, RICH MARGACH, ANDERSON & 00., Toronto, Ju1y15, 1869a J SI'I'Y. r RESIDENCE-Adjoining Thornhil) Hotel. July 22; 1:69. 575-ly THOMAS CARR, lEALER 1N DRUGS, MEDICINES, Elgm Mills, January 1. 1870 gFFERS FOR SALE A LARGE AND RA TE S ()F ADVERTISING. VOL. XI, NO. 44. P. A. SCOTT, UMBER MERCHANT & BUILDER, JNO. D. MCCONNELL, M.D., \ RADUATE 0F TORONTO UNIVER. Bugiucss mircctory. Groceries,VViues and Liquox s. Thm‘nhiil' 1‘ . A 19“ T 1 I1 9 ' h o I“ 18 Varied Assortment of DR“ HOSTETTER, EMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. 44 King Street East, Toronto. [Formerly J. L. Margach] IS PUBLISHED BY mum 15E) d to collect 596-15' 568* in the 598 {ORLhe Counties of York. l’eeland 0n- , tarin. Residence: Lot8,6th concesszon Markham. l’ostOf‘ï¬ceâ€"Unionvillo. Sales attended on the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. Orders leflatthe †Herald†ofï¬ce for Mr Carler’s services will be promptly attended to EDW. SANDERSON, Licensed Auctioneer, JOHN CARTER, LICEJSED AUCTIONEER, Residenceâ€"“Lot 20,1'earof3rd Concession of Markham. P,().Address-4511ttonville. Parties requiring Mr. Sauderson’s services can makearrangementsat the HERALD ofï¬ce. Junuary4, 11565. 31 attended to. Vaughan, Oct. 10 186'! Farmer’s Boot & shoe Store [13’ Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of the Best Materials and Workmanship, at the Lowest Remuneratng Prices ' Toronto, Dec. 3, 1867. BOOTS & SHOES, MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ! &c.&c. &c. Call ants examine my Stock and Prices be- for purchasing elsewhere, as you will ï¬nd it to your interest. (If? Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Ringwood. Sept, 13, 1867. 497 Ringwood JVIaa'ble W‘orks GEO MCPHILLIPS 85 SON, ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYORS, Seaforth. Ontario. V 0 take notice that Mr. John 'l‘ailor has ceased to collect for John N. Reid. M.D., and that Mr. John Garton, of Thornliill. is author- ised to collect for the subscriber until further notice. HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS- ferred than Library to the HERALD Book .1. ferred than Library to the HERALD Book Store. where Stockholders and others may procure Books every Friday afternoon. A . SCOTT, Librarian. OFFICE.-â€"Chl‘ll‘ch Street, 2 doors north of King Street. Toronto. December 29, 1869. 598 D TOR in Chancery, Conveyancer. &c. OFFICE: No. 78 King Street East, Toronto; over the Wesleyan Book Room. D Solicitors in Chancerv, Convevancers.&c OFFICERâ€"Provincial Insurance Buildings. Street. Toronto. JOHN DUGGANy QqC. Ali-MM H. MEYERS, JR. H. D. BENNETT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, 1.) Solicitors in Chancery. &c. OFFICEâ€"77. King St East, (over Thomp- son’s East India House) TORONTO. 1). B.R1’.AD, Q.C. J. A. BOYD. 3.A. May 6. 180’. 52-tf FRANCIS BUTTON, JR, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Sales attended on the shortest notice at moderate rates. P.0. Address, Buttonville. RESIDENCE, Lot No. 14. 2nd Cog. Vaughan Post Ofï¬ce Address CarviHe, All orders left at the " York Herald†ofï¬cm “Annulu .-ln',".ll u]. nnu l"%.ul.'iti .. draw [-1 ICENSEI) AUCTIONEER forlho coun- J ties of' York and Fee], Collector of Notes. Aacnu1.ts,&c. Small charges and plenty to do Jnne.‘27. 1857 . Seaforth, Ontario. Jnne7, [862 ~ Manufacmrerand Dealerin allkindsof Thornhill, December 22, 1869. Toronto, December 2. 1 369 Toronto Dec. 24. 1868. ) Solicitors in Chancery, Conveyancers,&c OFFICEâ€"Ill the Court House, Toronto August 1, 1865. 95 Laskev, March 2nd 1865 Markham, Jsmy 24, 1868 COUNTIES 0F YORK AND PEEL. J. N. BLAKE. ARRISTER, CONVEYANCER, &c. flirzuzch auntiouccrs. DUGGAN 55 MEYERS, A1331$TERSL ATTORISEYS-AT-LA‘W READ AND BOYD, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW McNABB, MURRAY & J ACKES, LARRISTERSL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW WILLIAM MALLOY, ARRISTER, ATTpRNEY, SQLTCI- LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, B.â€"-â€"THE PUBLIC WILL PLEASE MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF COUNTY OF YORK. 38 West Market Square, Toronto FORTH COUNTY OF YORK HENRY SMELSOR, JOHN BARRON, flaw Qiarhs. P. WIDEMAN, RICHMOND HILL JOHN N. REID. M.D. FOR THE Card. FOR THE AD'AM H. MEYERS, JR. . 544-ly 39-Iy 597 497 594 JAMES BOWMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ROB’T E. LAW, ASSISTANT, J. s. SCOTT, M.D., L.D.S. SURGEON DENTIST ! N.B. Nitrous Oxide Gus administered for the painless Exn‘action of Teeth, S prepared to wait upon any who needhis professional services in orderto preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. AlsoLo regu- late the teeth of those who need it. W. C. ADAM , D.D.S., 95 King Street East, Toronto, $1200 To? Mortgage Money to Land on Landed Security. THEUudursignedis authorizedtostate‘cha! Can beprocured, in sums to suit borrowers. on Landed secumy, Terms made known on pol‘sonalapplication to N.B. Deeds,Mortgages.Wills,Bonds.&c. Sic. drawn with nemuess and despatch.â€" M.T. continues to act as DIVISION COURT AGP' :T. Fees moderate. MPORTER 0F WATCHES, CLOCKS, and Fine Jewelry, 113 Yonge SL, Toronto. “5‘ Masonic and other emblems made to order. Toronto April 27, 1866. RICHOMND H‘tLL, Having purchased the Stool; and Interest of R. H. Hall, (late Chemist uhd Druggist of the same\place) have greatly enlarged the old stock a-‘éliave nawr'on hand a good assort- ment 0kgé ‘ Drugs, Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Stuffs. Patent Medicines, and all other articles kept by Druggists generally. *3 Physicians Prescriptions carefully com- pounded. and all orde attended to With care and despatch. M . Commissioner in BIL, is Govermnem Agent for issuing Marriage Licenses in the Counly of York. g H. SANDERSON & SONS, g CHEMISTS AND DR UGGJSTS, Farmers and Physicians from ï¬le country wi’l ï¬nd our stock of Medicines completeâ€"warrant- ed genu'vueâ€"and of the best quality. U any nuinharâ€"notexceediugthreehundred dollars by any one depositor.) will be received at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce. for which Government will allow Interest. *Q‘ MR. the sale of *ï¬ Good Stabling attached. Trusty Host- ler ahvavs in attendance. MARRIAGE LICENSES GOLDEN LION HOTEL, YONGE STREET. NELSON DAVIS, - - Proprietor. Ofï¬ce hours: from 6:30 Ami. to 9:30 P.M. May 4,1869. 563-Lf J- public will ï¬nd ï¬rst-class accumulation at the above House, at low rates. There: is an extensive Stable attached, and large ouvered sheds. An allenlive and obliging hustler. Richmo’nd Halifoctober 23, 1869‘ MARRIAGE LICENSES Markham.Nov 1.1865 Toronto, Jan. 27, 1869. RICHMOND HILL Consultation free, and all work warranted June. 1865. 21-3; Richmond Hill, Nov. 525. Toronto. April 1, 1869. RiCmmond HULNOV. 28.1866. Richmond Hill. Nov. 25, 1869 597 Yonge St , April 7, 1869. ‘HE FARMERS AND TRAVELLING P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. 215 and 217 Yonge Street, Toronto ONEY TO LEND ON GOOD FARM $20,000 ‘EPOSITS 0F ONEVDOLLAVR, (03 For particulars apply to RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1870. Security, in Sums to suit applicants. Apply to TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND RESIDENCEâ€"PORT HOPE. GREEN BUSH HOTEL, Money to Lend. Money to Lend. NEAR CHURCH STREET, J. SE GSWORTH, M. TEEFY, Postmaster. TEEFY is Government Agent for ALMIRA MIL LS , RICHMOND HILL DUGGAN & MEYERS, Attorneys, Court St mil 1, l869. 555-3m Apply'to GEO. B. RICHMOND HILL. New Firm. J. L. PARKER. Propriator N 'I Notary Public. Agent.&c years, LEND, FOR A TERM TISTRY on a satisfactory NICOL, Barrister. 1869. 593-tf POST OFFICE. 549-1y 559-! y 593. vards: {magi _ alone, :md Mean: isn’t 016. .Nabob! The old elephant itxr“ * through, he went up to q? :ere'Harry Lant was calling. him softly, knelt down to order; and then climbing and cling- ing on as Well as they could, the great brute’s back was covered With women and childrenâ€"the broad shallow howdah pret- ty well taking the lotâ€"while the great beast seemed as pleasod as possible to get back amongst his old Friends, rubbing his trunk ï¬rst on this one and then on that; and. thankful we were for the help he gave us, for how else. we should have got over that desert p“ n I can’t say. 1 I should think wig ixud gone a good eight mileg, when Monsins ranges us close aside me as I walked by the elephant, locking up at the ridinilparty from time to time, and trying tolmake out which was Lizzy, and pityina izhem too, for the children were fretful,j 116. it was a sad time they had ofit upi ere. ‘ They’ll have it hot there sometime tomorrow morning, Ilca,’ says Measles to me. ‘Vthre ?’ I said_ faintly, for I was nearly done for, and I did not take much interest inranythiing. ’ ‘Oh, nothing pertiekler, mate; only been arranging for some of ’em, since I can’t get it myself. I took the head out of one keg, and emptied it by the others, and made a train to where I’ve set a candle burning ; and when that eandle’s burnt out, it will set light to another ; and that will have to burn out, when some wooden chips will catch ï¬re, and they’ll blaze a good deal, and one way and another there’ll be enough to burn to last till, say, eight o’clock this morn- ing, by which time the beauties will have got into the place; and then let ’em look out for promotion, for there’s enough powder there to startle¢wo or three of ‘Begumbagh,’ he says. And when I asked him what he meant, he said : ‘ How much powder do you think there was down in that vault ?’ , ‘A good ï¬ve hundredweight,’ I said. ‘ All that,’ says Measles. ‘ They’ll have it hot, some of ’em.‘ ‘What do you mean?’ I said, get- ting interested. ‘ That’s What you wanted the matches for, then?’ I said. (That’s it, matey; and What do you think Of it, eh ?7 . ‘You’ve done Wrong, my lad, I’m afraid, and’ I didn’t ï¬nish ; for just then, behind us, there was :1 bright flash- ing light, followed by a dull thud ; and looking like a little ï¬reâ€"work ; and though plenty was said just then, no one but Measles and I knew What that flash meant. ‘That’s a dead failure,’ growledMeasles to me as we went on. ‘I believe I am the unlucliiest beggar that ever breathed. That oughtn’t to have gone off for hours yet, and now it’ll let 7em know we‘re gone, and that’s all.’ ._ Ty... I] "'"‘ "J " 57 «'7 ‘70 V H. ‘What’s that ?’ says 50â€}an Dyer. Then in an instant : ‘ Thrright I’ he cried to the 11103,,11116. the ped round so as to cover the women}.A children. There was no further 2 , though, and all seemed as silent as 1 Id be; so once more under orders, t ( continued till we were out: ‘ the houses, and travelling ",1 , V dusty plain; when there: ‘. another alarn1â€"â€"we were followed, said the men in the rear; and, an ‘ T enough looming up against the dnr of darkness itselfâ€"we 00111 a, mass an ele- There was no further a‘lq’ and all seemed as silent as once more under orders, thig continued till we were out" the houses, and Lravelling o dusty plain; when there : alarn1â€"â€"we were followedâ€"é men in the rear; and, an% looming up against the dnr of darkness itself~we cou phunt. "' The mom“ age face of pieces “9-03-39†brute; but k‘?‘ I did notv say anything, for I was too weak and troubled, and how I kept up as I did, I don’t know to this day. ‘3 CHAPTER xx, _ I could just make out‘thei‘great 100m- ing ï¬gure of an' elephant,-as 1§ve marched slowly on, when I was $131er by a low sort of Wimmering noiseLfQI Wed directâ€" ]y after by a grunting on gilght. Begumbagh ' ,w AN EPISODE OF THE INDQ'N MUTINY. I strive, nor vainly stri ‘ to get Some littleheart’s-ea' from the day When all the weariness fret l Shall vanish from my away ; For I, with grandeur clolbed upon, Shall lie in state and t' e my rest, And all my household, str ngers grown, Shall hold me for an 11 our'd guest. But ere that day when all†'s set In ordery very still and rand, And while my feet are lit; ‘elring yet Along this troubled b0 fer-land. What things will be the {ï¬st to fade, And down to utter dark 4ss sink ? The treasure that my han have laid Where moth and rust c ’ 'rupt, I think. And Love will be the ma}; wait Sometimes, when rude, Edd shadows run, Across whatever liglï¬i see ; When all the work mag; have done; Or can do, seems but Nanny; And light my gloom witï¬gracions glems For Love lies nearer Healvg'n‘é glad gate, Than all imagination drg‘gms. Ay, when my soul its mass); all drop, The twain to be no mora- t one, Love, with its prayer, shallcflqar’me up Beyond the lark's wings; 9nd the sun. Last and ï¬Ã©st- agithemmï¬ a SCOI‘Q T113u§7115efm J ‘ n. '.v-.‘ tenant Leigh seemed to see the peril toâ€" gethel‘, and shoutng to our men, sword inhand they went at the black ï¬ends, well supported by half-a-dozen of our poor Wounded chaps. There was a rush, and a cloud of dust; then there Was the noiee of yells and cheers, and Captain Dyer shouting to the men to come on; and it all acted like something intoxicating on me, for, catching up a. musket, I was making for the door, when I felt an arm holding; me back, and I did What I must have done as soon £18 I got outsideâ€"reel- ed and fainted dead away. It was a couple of hours after when I came to, and became sufï¬ciently sensible to know that I was lying with my head in Lizzy’s lap, and Harry Lant close be- side me. It was very dim, and the heat seemed stifling, so that I asked Lizzy where we were, and she told me in the cellar of the houseâ€"a lawe Wide vault. where the women, children, and wound- ed had been placed for safely, while the noise and ï¬ring above told of what was taking place. I was going to ask about Miss Ross, but just then I caught sight of her try- ing to support her sister, and to keep the children quiet. As I got Inorc used to the gloom, I made out that there was a small iron grating; on one side, through which came what little light and air we got; on the other, a flight of stone steps leading up to where the struggle was going on. There was a strong wooden door at the top of this, and twice that door was opened for a wounded man to be brought down when coolly as if she were in barracks, there was that noble women, Mrs Ban- tem, tying up and binding sword-cuts and bayonet thrusts as she talked cheeri- ly to the men. ' The struggle was very ï¬erce still, the men who brought down the wounded hurrying away, for there was no Sign of ï¬inching ; but soon they were back with another poor fellow, who was now whim- pering, now ‘muttering ï¬ercely : ‘ If I’d only have hathâ€"curse them 1â€" if I’d only, had another cartridge or two, I wouldn’t have cared,’ he said as they laid him down close by me; ‘but I al- ways was the unlnckiest beggar on the face of the earth. They’ve most done for me, Ike, and no wonder, for it’s all ï¬fty to one up there, and I don’t believe a man of ours has a shot lef’t.’ Again the door closed on the two men ‘ who had brought down poor Measles, hacked almost to pieces; and again it was opened, to bring down another wounded man, and this one was Lieuâ€" tenant Leigh. They laid him down, and were olf back up the steps, when there was a. yelling, like as if all the devils in hell had broken loose, and as the door Was opened, Captain Dyer and half- aâ€"dozen more were beaten back, and I thought they would have been followed downâ€"but no ; they stood fast in that L doorway, Captain Dyer and the six with The sun could never have been hotter, nor the ground more parched and dusty than it was now. We were struggling on to reach that temple, which we might perhaps be able to hold till help came; for two men had been sent on to get as- sistance ; though of all those sent, one and all were waylaid and cut down, long before they could reach our friends. But we did not know that then; and in the full hope that before long we should have help, we crawled on to the temple, but only to ï¬nd it so wide and exposed, that in our weal: condition it was little better than being in the open. There was a building, though, about a hundred yards farther on, and towards that we made, every one rousing himself for what was really the last struggle, for not a. quarter of a mile olfl there was a yelling crowd of blood-hounds in eager pursuit. It was with a panting rush that we reached the place, to ï¬nd it must have been the house of the collector of the disâ€" trict ; but it was allonc wreck and ruin, glass, tables and chairs $111115th ; hang- ings and carpets burnt 0r rugged to pieces, and in one 01‘ two places, blood- strains on the white floor, told a terrible tale of'what had taken place not many days before. The elephant stopped and knelt, and the women and children were passed in as quickly as possible; but before all could be got in, about a dozen of the foremost mutineers were down upon us with a savage rushâ€"I say us, but I was helpless, and only looking on from in- sideâ€"two of our fellows were cut down in an instant, and the others borne back by the ï¬erce charge. Then followed a desperate struggle, ending in the black '1 ellows dragging 0E Miss Ross and one of ’ hildren that she helth Wdflumv The morning broke at last with the knowledge that we were three miles to the tank Captain Dyer had meant to reach. For afew minutes, in a quiet stern way, he consulted with Lieutenant Leigh as to what should be doneâ€" Whether to turn off "to the tank, or to press on. The help received from old Arabob, made them determined to press on ; and after a short rest, and a better arrangement for those who were to ride on the elephant, we went on in the direc- tion of Wallahbad, I, for my part, never expecting to reach it alive. Many a look back did I give to see if we were followed, but it was not until we were within sight of a temple by the roadside, that-there was the news spread that there were enemies behind ; and though Iwas ready enough to lay the blame upon Measles, all the same they must have soon found out our flight, and pur- sued us. CHAPTER XXI. with 'us ?’ says the other ;" originsth he opened his eyes, and looked at them with a smile, when in a moment I saw What was liappeningfor that poor fellow’s last act was to get those two children’s hands in his, as if he felt that he should like to let his last grasp in this world be upon something innocent ; and then there was a deepening ofthat smile into a stern look7 his lips moved, and all was over ; while I was too far off to hear his last words. But there was one there Who did hear them, and she told me afterwards, sob- bing: as though her heart would break. ‘ Poor Harry, poor lightâ€"hearted Harry,’ Mother Bantem said. And did you see the happy smile upon his face as he passed away, elasping those two poor children’s handsâ€"~80 peaceful, so quiet, after all his sufferng ; forgetting all then, but what seemed like ltwo angels’ faces by his dying pillow, for he said, lko 7 he said ’ Death was very busy amongst our poor company, and one twoâ€"three more passed away, for they were riddled with wounds ; and then I saw that, in spite of all that could be done, Lieutenant Leigh would be the next. He had re- ceived his death-wound, and he knew it too; and now he lay very still, holding tightly by Miss Rose’s hand, while she knelt beside him. Poor Mother Bantam broke down here, and I thought about What Harry’s dy- ing pillow had beenâ€"«her faithful, old, motherly breast. But she forced back her sobs, and wiped the tears from her rough, plain face, as she said in low, re- verent tones : ‘ Of such is the kingdom of Heaven.’ Captain Dyer, with his eight men, all left, were still keeping the door; but of late they had not been interfered with, and the poor fellows were able to do one another a good turn in binding up wounds. But What all were now suiTering for want of, was water ; and beyond a few drops in one or two of the bottles carried by the women, there was none to be had. As for me, I could only lie there help- less, and in a half-dreamy way, see and listen to all that was going on. The spirit in me was good to help ; but think of my stateâ€"«going for days with that out on the face, and a broken arm, and in that climate. I was puzzling myself about this time as to what was going to happen next, for I could not understand why the rebels were so quiet; but the next minute I was watching Lieutenant Leigh, and thinking about the morning when we we sawkbaptain Dyer boundvto the nine- pounder. ‘Where’s Ike Smifll ?’ he said. ‘ It’s all dark here; and I want to say goodâ€" bye to him.’ There seemed now to be a lull, and only a. buzzing of voices above us, mingâ€" led with a groan and a dying cry now and then, when I quite forgot my pam once more or hearing poor Harry Lant, Who had for some tune been quite ofl" his head, and raving, commence talking in a quiet sort of way. that could [ do or say, when the next minute Lizzy was kneeling on his other side, holding: his hand ? 'God bless you both,' he Whispered. ‘You’ll get out of the trouble after all and don’t forget me.’ We promised him we would not, as well as we could, for we were both ehok» ed with sorrow; and then he said, talkâ€" ing quickly : ‘I never had abairn, Harry] she sobb- ed; ‘but if I could have had one, I’d have liked him to 50 like you, my own gallant, Ugh-hearted soldier boy ; and you were always to me as a son.’ Couldhe have been thinking about the same thing? I say yes, for all at once he started right up, looking and excited. He had hold of Miss Rosa’s hand; but he threw it from him, as he called out : ‘Now, my lads, a bold race, and a short one. ‘Ve must bring them in. Spike the gunsâ€"cut the cords. 71 was kneeling by his side the next minute1 hplding his hand. ‘ God bless you, Ike,7 he said; ‘and God bless her. I’m going, 01d mate ; kiss her for me, and tell her that if she hadn’t been made for you; I could. have loved her very <dearly.’ ‘Give poor old Sam Measles my to- bacco-box, Ike, the brass one, and shake hands for me; and now I want Mother Bantem.’ He seemed to fall ofl‘to sleep after that when no one noticed them, these two children came up, and the ï¬rst I heard of it Was little Clive crying : ‘Alley Lill‘llJ, Alley Lanb, open eyes, and come and play Wis elfaut.’ They could notcontrivo either to ï¬re at our party, on account of the wall in front, and every attempt at an entrance was thwarted; but we all knew that it was only aqucstion of time, for it was impossible for man to do more. She was by his side directly, to lift him gently in her arms, calling him her poor gallant boy, her brave lad, and no 01131 of fond exprcnsions. him, While the two fellows who had been down leaped up the stairs to support them, so that, in that narrow opening, there were eight sharp British bayonets, and the captain’s sword, making such a. stool hedge as the mutincers could not pass. ‘ Was I ?’ says Harry softly. . glad of it, for 1 never knew what it to have a mother.’ l started, and looked up to see one of those little innocentsâ€"his face smeared, come u} and his little hands all dabbled with blood oor so. A y _ .. ,. bring on, there was a wild excitement-on the men then, as you may say,half-drunk. | We must all have been choked over 'l and over again, but for that grating ; for lthe hotter the ï¬re grew above, the ï¬ner ‘ current of air swept in. The mutineers 'could not have known of it, or one of " their ï¬rst acts must have been to seal it [up But it was half covered by some .cveeping flower, which made it invisible [to them, and so we were able to breathe. So they all sat down in a quiet, re- signed way, litcning t0 the crackle outi side the door, watching the thin smoke ï¬lter through the crevices, and ï¬rm in clouds, or pools, according to Where it. came through. Once, indeed, the men had a talk to1 gether, and asked the women to join them in a rush through the passage; but they gave up the thoughts directly, for they knew that if they could get by the flames, there were more cruel foes out- side, waiting to thrust them back. to take it And you’d have wondered to see those poor fellows, how they acted: why, Joe, Bantem rubbed his face with his hands kerchief, smoothed his hair and whiskers and then got his belts square, as if off out on parade, before going and sitting quietly down by his wifo. Measles lay very still, gently hum‘ min; over the old child's hymn, 0h! that'll be joyful, but only to burst out again into a ï¬t of grumbling. Another went and knelt down in a corner, where he stayed ; the rest shook hands all round, and then, seeing Cap« tain Dyer sitting up, and sensible, they went and saluted him, and asked leave to shake hands with him, quite upsetting him, poor fellow, as he called them, in a. faint voice, his ‘brave,’ and asked their pardon, if he’d ever been too harsh with them. ‘God bless you! no, sir,’ says Joe Bantem, jumping up, and shaking the hand himself, ‘ which that you’ve never been, but always a good oï¬icer as your company loved. Keep abravo heart, my boys, it’ll soon be over. VVe’VC stood in front of death too many times now to shew the white feather. Hurray for Cape tain Dyer, and may he have his regiment in the tether land, and we be some of his men !’ Joe Bantem gave a bit ofa reel as he said this, and then he’d have fallen if it; hadn’t been for his wife; and though his was rather strong language, you see it; must be excused, for, leave alone his wounds, and the mad feeling they’d And now it may seem a curious thing, but I’m going to say a little more about love. A strange time, you’ll perhaps say, when those poor people were crouch- ing together in that horrible vault, ex-s pecting their death moment by moment. But that’s why it was, and not from any want of retiring modesty, [believe that those poor souls wished to shew those they loved how true was that feeling; I got rather confused, and am to this day, about how the time went ; things that only took a low minutes seeming to be hours in happening, and What really did take a long time gilding away as if by magic. I think I was very often in a half-delirious state; but I can well re- member what was the cause of the silence above. That last word rang through the vault we were in, and Captain Dyer ran down the steps, his hacked sword hanging from his wrist by the knot. But he was too late to take his messmate’s hand in his, and say farewell, if that had been his intention, for Lieutenant Leigh had fall- en back ; and that senseless ï¬gure by his side was to all appearance as dead, when, with aquivered lip‘, Captain Dyer gently lifted her7 and bore her to where, half stupiï¬ed, Mrs Colonel Maine was sitting. I think I got more excited over that scene than over any part of the struggle, and all because 1 was lying there help- less; but it was of' no use to fret, though I lay there with the Weak tears running down my cheeks, as that brave man was brought down, and laid near the grating, with Mother Bantam at work directly to tear off his coat, and begin to bandage, as if she had been brought up in a. hospi- tal. The door was forsaken, for there was- a new guard there, that no one would try to pass, for the silence was explained to us all; ï¬rst, there was a loud yelling and shrieking outside; and then there was a. little thin blue wreath of smoke beginning,r to curl under the door, craw- ling along the top step, and collecting like so much blue water, to spread very slowly; for the ï¬ends had been carrying out their wounded and dead, and were now going to burn us where we lay. Captain Dyer was the ï¬rst to see, and taking a rifle in his hand, he whispered an order or two; and then he, with two more, rushed into the passage, and got the door drawn toward us, for it opened out- wards; but in so doing, he slipped on the floor, and fell with a bayonef-thrust through his shoulder, when, with a yell of rageâ€"â€"it was. no cheer this timeâ€"our men dashed forward, and dragged him in; the door was pulled to, and held close ; and then those poor wounded fel- lowsâ€"heroesI call ’emâ€"stood angrily muttering. Now, thenâ€"«Elsie or death. Are you rea_(1y there ? Forward 1’ I 51111 ‘i'ecollect all that; for'now a maddening sense of horror seemed to come up9n_m}a, to think (CONTINUED ON FOURTH PAGE.) WHOLE N O. 611. CHAPTER XXII;