Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Apr 1870, p. 4

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leave the room. One to tell your wife that you are obliged to go abroad for will now write two letters before you two months, and requesting her to re- main Where she is until you return ; the other to request me to attend her durâ€" ing her absence at her new residence. 7 I shall send the two children to her. ‘ At the end of two months, unless the last dose was too strong for her shatterâ€" ed system, she will be quite well, and you may rejoin her. Until that time you had better beâ€"absent. ‘ One word more. You know that the insurance company, in which you had that policy on your wife’s life, has failed. Perhaps you do not know that Mrs. De Grey has succeeded to an annuity of £300 a year from an old friend of her family. ‘ ‘You stay here for a week, then go guietly to Paris ; but mark, if your Wife ie in any circumstances of mystery, whether I am alive or dead, retribution will hunt you to the ends of the earth.’ ‘Virginie knows nothing7 excepting that she did What she was told. She has done stranger things than that Without ever asking for reasons. She will never open her lips on the subject. You are perfectly secure, for the chemists had no idea on what their experiments were made.’ ‘ But Virginieâ€"the nurse ? stammer- ed the selfâ€"convicted wretch‘ Next day the Magnificent was in his plays. in _the: P_un}p Rooniyas usual. - Men looked Elly at him,and women looked sly, He was as cool and lofty as ever, ' He waited until the room was fun, and then taking an opportunity when Heath- eote and Henshaw were close to him, he called out, “ Mr. Henshaw.” Henshaw took no notice. He repeated his call with the same effect. Lenoir took two strides towards him, and lifting him by his shoulders, placed him with his back to the pillar, and then saidâ€" ‘ You preéumed yesterday to make re- marks disparging to a lady. You will be kind enough now to retract them, or I propose to kick you from one end of this room to the other.’ Pale and affrighted was the little law- yelebu’tDr. _Hea_thcote interppsed; v ‘ Dr. Lenoir, this must 1105 be: I was the accuser yesterday, and you must first deaLwith me,’ Dr. Heathcote read. to his intense as- tonishment the following note : Bath ; August 12, 1798. My dear Lenoir,â€"â€"As I am obliged to go to the continent for two months, I hope you will allow me to leave Mrs. De Grey under your charge, should she at her present residence require your advice. Yours very truly, ‘ Now you slanderoué little toad, eat. up your calumnies on the spot,’ said Le- noir_to the lawyer. ‘ True7 my dear Heathcote, but I mean to deal with each after their kind. You are a gentleman and a man of honor. and as such I intend to treat you. Read that. 'F. DE GREY. ‘ Read it out, doctor,’ said Lenoir,axi'd the bewildered man obeyed. ‘ Eat them up, IAsay, for the last time.’ And terribly he looked down «on Hen- shaw. ‘ And now, Dr. Heuthcote, I presume you retract that epithet which you used yesterday. I admit appearances were against me; but a true physician dis- trusts appearances.’ ‘I think not,’ said Lenoir, when he had gone; and he did not, for the pur- veyor of scandal thought better of it, and transferred "his attentions to Scarborough. Mr. HULBERT, the contractor of the Que- bec and Gesford Railway, and a large share- holder in it, is said to have offered to lease the road for seven years, paying seven per cent, on the capital invested and a cord of wood at cost price for each and every share. The offer is now under consideration. ‘ T am sure I meant nothing,’ said he I will ma_ke yon rgpent ghesg words; The latter quailed. ‘ I admit,’ he said, ‘ they have turned out not to be true.’ ‘ And ought not to have been spoken.’ ‘ And ought not to have been spoken.’ ‘ Go then and be warned.’ ‘ You will hear from me to-monow, however, for all this.’ We have heard of the boast which used to be made by the monarchs of Spain, that the sun never set on their dominions : Queen Victoria has a still higher glory, that there is not one hour of (he twenty-four in which the Lord’s Prayer is not offered up in the English tongue on some part of' the globe.â€" ‘ I never supposed you did,’ said Le- noir; and the Magnificent reigned in Bath for many years afterwards. many years afterwards, the Coloinel, pro- bably, being as anxious to keep his wife alive as he had been to destroy her, and she, poor thing, with the constancy and credulity of women, rejoicing in her in- most soul at the increased tenderness of her husband.â€"â€"Fraser's Magazine. IRISH Evic'rmxsâ€"A Parliamentary return prepared in the Irish Constabulary Ofiice states that in three years 1867, 1868, 1869, 1,560 families, comprising 7,232 persons, were evicted in Ireland. Deducting re-adv missions, the number of actual evictions is reduced to 1,285 families comprising 5,965 gamma. ' I forgive the banter, and cheerfully retract the expression; but; after what the Colonel said, hang me, doctor, If I know what to make of it.’ The gaps in the story you must fill up as suits you best. Lenoir in his trip to London, had consulted his sohcitor, Who told the story to my late master. The cautious London lawyer told Lenoir he might be hanged for compounding felony ; and Lenoir told him he might be hanged for his advice. The annuity was, as the solicitor believed provided by Lenoir himself; and the surmise was, either that he was in love with the lady, or he knew more of her history than he chose to exâ€" plain: or probably both. The Colonel and Mrs. De Grey never visited Bath Underwriters now decline all risks on the Iteamer City of Boston. [comxvm FROM FIRST PAGEJ 1- NOUNCE to the Farmersin the neighbor- hood tnat he has a splendid BERKSHIRE BOAR, nearly thorough-bred. Farmers wishing to improve their stock will please take notice. ROBT. HOPPER, BUTCHER. Richmond Hill, Nov. ‘25, 1869, 593-lf HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANâ€" . NOUNCE to the Farmersin the neighbor- U of the North {bird of Lot No. 12. Ma Concassion of the Township of Vaughan, CONTAINING 663 ACRES. Mom; OR LESS, 50 acres cleared, and in a high state of cuhi vmion-lhe balance is well timbered. The Buildings consist of a good frame dWelling house, 24 N 34, and kitchen. 20 >4 28, with stone cellar and foundation : frame barn. 40 >< 56, and frame stable, 22 x 32. There is always a good supply of water on the premises. Any person wishing to purchase a farm would do Well to can and examine this property. For further particulars apply personally, or by letter (post-paid) lo SI'I‘UATED 0N YONGE STREET, fwenty miles from Toronto, 01125., L'And four from Richmond Hill. This Hotel is built on the margin of Bond’s Lake, a large beautiful sheet of water. and is a popular resort for pleasure parties. There is in the immediate vicinity of the Hotel an extensive Steam Saw Mill. which is doing a large lumbering business TITLE INDisPUTAB‘LE. Terms made easy. Further parliculara may be obtained by ap- plying to P. CROSBY, ETER WEIR. BEGS TO INFORM the public that he is prepared to do REFERExcEs.â€"Parties who have had work done at Mr. W. H. Lawrence’s Factory, pre- vious to the sale of the effects. Rosidcncc near the Lawrence Factory. Richmond Hill, Dec. 29, 1869. 594-3 With oxtensive Stables, Sheds, 850. complete, I1, mmoN, at $6 per 100 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, Pails. Cider Mills. Washing Machines, Shingles Waggon Fences, and Lumber Suwed 9,0 order. For particulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Jlrmd H ,33 All work warranted to give general sa- tiqfactian. H. A. DAVID. ETER CRAIK BEGS TO INTIMATE lo the farmers and others in the neigh- borhood of the Elgin Mills that he has leased the shop owned by Mr‘ Wm. Trench. 5811., where he is prepared to do “MW, The highast marketprice given for Cattle. Sheep, Lambs. &c. In all its branches, and by strict attention to business he hopes to meiit a. share of public support PETER CRAIK. Elqin Mils, May 13. 1869. 564-tf 1â€" to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hlil and surrounding country. that he has com- menced business as In the shop formerly ‘Occupied by Mr. John Hutchius. Two Beautiful Farms for Sale. IN THE TOWNSHIP 01‘ WEST MchlenAv, 45 acres of which are clear, wiLh a good frame barn and hewad log house, a good bearing or- chard, only two miles from Parkhill Station. D BUTCHER, 2nd door north ofG. A. Barnardé store, Rickmond Hill, keeps always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork. Sausages, &c. and sells at the lowestprices. HOUSE, SIGN AND Ornamental Painter 1 HERE. Of which 70 acres are clear of Stumps, with a good frame barn and hewed log house, and a good bearing orchard 4 within 6 miles from the fiourishingVillage of I’al‘khill. ' HE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE to inform the inhabitants of Richmond For further particulars apply to JOHN HARRISON, Par/chill P. 0., On: September 28th, 1869, 86-4 GENERAL BLACKSMITHING, 100 ABRAHAM SHUNK. February 16, i870. 1m Te: Richmond Hill, Dec. 30, 1869. Richmond Hill. June 23, 1869. 570-ly Steam Mi]!s,ThornhiIl Thornhil], Nov. 3, 1869. - 510-1f. Also_._C‘b1-ned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Richmond Hill. October 15. 1867. ‘11 To, 313m, BEING CQMPQSED CUSTOM WEAVING OF ANY DESIRED PATTERN. WILLIAM cox, UQCESSQR fer JAMESEQLQIDA’Z, ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE DO 00K BOND’S LAKE HOTEL, 'ILL BE SOLD BY PRIVATE BAR- the public that he is prepared to do gain that large and commodious house known as the Patent Eaveâ€"trough Temperance Works. A FULL SUPPLY of those interesting and well-written Works, which \Vill be disposed of at a Low Rate. If you want get the publications of the SCOTTiSH TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. CATALOGUE on application at the Custom Weaving. Berkshire Boar. ACRES 1N THE TOWNSHIP TERMS EASY. Farm for Sale $1,000 Reward. Hotel for Sale. Blacksmithing. OF WEST VJJLLIAMS. ALSO 50 ACRES HERALD BOOK STORE WILLIAM COX. 5984f Teslan. THE YORK HERALD. RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, APRIL 15,1870. PERFECT SAFETY IN SHEEP DIP- PING. SHEEP DIPPING BUMPHSITIBN! Equally adapted for applying 10 Sheep and Lambs by Dipping, Pouring. Smearing or Salving. Used also as a, wash for Horses and Cattle.. Sold only by Having spared neither time nor expense in getting good Machinery and Workman to fulfill promises, he hopes stillto receive a share of public patronage. Justine unto all, I intend to give ; My motto shall lieâ€"to live and let live. Gristlng will be attended to all limw as formerly, 1A7," “iv-“n JOHN EYER would return thanks to his custo- mers for their liberal support during the Card- ing Season, and would inform them, and others. in adjoining Townships, that he will be ready to do their Fulling, Coloring, Cloth Dressing. Pressing, &c., as good. cheapt and as quick as any other establishment in the Dominion. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS CABDING, SPINNING AND WEAVING. Having also put in New Machinery. he is prepared to"do Spinning and Carding by the pound. if required. Will take the wool, as sheared from the sheep, and make it up into Fullcloth of any kind. or pattern. to suit parties, such as Cloths, Tweeds. Cassimeres. Satinatts, Plain or Twill Flannels, Dress Flannols, Blankets (Horse or Bed), White or Colored Stocking Yarn (2 or 3 Ply). &c. He will have on hand Cotton Warp, of'a superior quality, that persons wishing to have their yarn wove, can have it done at a Lower Rate than they possibly can buy bunch cotton. FIRSTBOOK, with 31 illustrations,stronglyboun in limp clothâ€"5 cents. FIRST BooK, (second part) with 54illustrations, strongly bound in limp clothâ€"10 cents. SECOND 'Boox, with 56‘ illustrations, stmngly bound in cloth boardsâ€"20 cents. THIRD BooK, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"30 cents. FOURTH Book, 45 illustrations. strongly bound, in cloth boardsâ€"40 cents. FIFTH BOOK, 50 illustrations’ strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€" 50 cents. COMPANION 10 THE READERSâ€"25 cents. For sale at the The Subscriber would respectfully announce that he is prepaxed to put in THls PUMP IS EASIEST VVOFKED, MOST DURA- BLE AND NEA’I‘EST MADE in THE DOMINION. Also manufaclures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells, so constructed with the castings ofthe handle as to make it all tight. and pre- venting children from putting anything into it ; which is inyariably the case with common pumps. Price $6 complete, for cisterns not exceeding eightfeet. Churn Pumps for Cisterns 3$ each. Well-digging done on the Shortest Notice. Address,stating depth of well, P. PHILLIPS, April 1. 1869. 558-137 National Series of Reading Books Or if they are not preferred to any othey pump they may be returned, and the money will be refunded. These Pumps are suitable to all depths from a. cistern to a well of150 feet SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE, THE Subscriber offers forsale a good farm. being lot No. 4. in the Sth concession of the township of Erin, 100 acres, 60 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation; the balance nearly all first rate Hardwood bush. There is on the premises a good log house, barn,stable, &c.. with good water privilege Also a beautiful young Orchard of 100 fruit trees, planted 5 years. A good gravel road passes along the front oflhe lot. This form is 35 miles from Richmond Hill. 6 miles from Georgetown.on the Grand Trunk Railway,and 30 miles from Toronto. I‘ERMS: Twentyfive hundred dollarsâ€"put cash, balance on time. For particulars apply to the owner, WILLIAM HARDING, HE EXCELSIOR PUMP, MA N U- factured by P. Phiilips, Richmond Hill. This Pump on, Trial for One flfonthl And if accepted. June 23,1869. Headford Grist Mill and Woolen Factory. August 3,1869. 1 577-”. January 14. 1869. Pn April 1, 1868. Authorised by the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario. AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC ‘WIN- EADFORD WOOLEN MILLS, 3RD For sale, Cheap. only 25 cls., at the WARRAN'I‘ED FREE FROM ARSENIC OR MERCURY- DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES, concession of Markham, WARRANTED TWO YEARS, SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE MANUFAC TUBING. M’DOUGALL’S NON-I OISCGOUS GEO. H. LESLIE & Co., TOWNSHIP OF ERIN. THE NEW CANADIAN To Farmers. No Fiction ! 001'. If Bloor & Yonga St. ). (3704f Yoaxvzmm Excelsior ! HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. THE 558-1Y JOHN EYER. RICHMOND Hun Richmond Hill Y ORKVILLE 547-6m All fully Warranted and delivered at Manufacturer’s prices. Send for Circu'ars and information. Address WILSON’S IMPROVED DOUBLE ACTION FANNING MILL HESE MILLS HAVE STOOD THE TEST OF COMPETITION AT ALL THE Provincial Exhibitions and County Fairs whenever shown, and are pronounced by com- peiemjudges as being Iha Best Fanning Mill, Manufactured in Canada, LAMP ELBBES, BURNERS, flHIMNEYS, SHAEBS AND WIGKS. STOVES.â€"Cooking Stoves. Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, I)umb Stoves, and Stove Pipes. Grain Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes Wringers, &c., &c. ' Repairs of all kinds Promptly Executed. *fi Intending buyers are invited to inspect the stock, as it will be found worthy ofinspection. Toronto, February 7. 1868. e 493 When you visitToromo be sure and get a Pot at HUGH MILLGR & Co’s, JOB PRINTING Can Supply all Orders Promptly Farmers will consult their own intarest if they will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere, as we feel confident they will be satisfied our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. Also on hand a large stock of Table Cutlery. Spoons, &c. Special attention is directed to his Lapms and Chandeliers'; the stock ofrwhich is very large, embracing all that is New and Chasle. and also the Plainest and Cheapest; thus meeting the requirements of 5.11 classes. Plated and Britannia. Metal Goods of all kinds, LANTERNS. Square and Globe Shape, in great variety, for oil or candles. H. P. would also direct Special attention to the stock of CHAPPED HANDS I PREPARED GLYCERINE ! NO HOUSE SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT House Furnishing Eslahlishmenl, 83 Yonge St, 3 Doors above KingSt. Rock. 011 and Machinery 011 Children’s Carriages and Pemmbulators! October 28. 1869. Richmond Hill, May 27, 1869 Heintzman & Ce’s. Celebrated Firstâ€"prize Piane Fortes ! EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of House Fu‘nishing Goods > among which will be found Done Neat and Quick at the Herald Office. TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, However Rough Manufacturing :1 large Number of the above; FPWWWfimmwwmmeir Saw Mill. At this season of the year, It will make the hands BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, BENZOLE, SMOOTH AND SOFT. USE MILLER’S STILL FURTIâ€"IER IMPROVED. HIRAM PIPER MEDICAL HALL. 167 King St. East, Toronto 39. 589-tf And having increased facilities for preparing the lumber. Manufactured and Imported, Wholesale and Retail. A FULL ASSORTMENT 0F Which will be found both good and cheap. or Sore, C. CHAPMAN, General Agent, The subcribers are now AND THEY HAVE BEEN Barnsicr , 44¢: . No. 64 Church St. opposite St. James’ Cathe. dral, Toronto. October 27. 1869 588-tf Vimâ€"Farm of 133 acres, situated in the Township of Vaughan, on Yonge Street, about 12 miles north of Toronto, on which there is a commodious house, ham. 2 stables, sheds, an orchard, about 20 acres pine and hardwood lim- ber mixed; well watered, ‘ Farm in'the Township of Adelaide. fronting on the Egremont Gravel Road, of 200 acres, 70 acres cleared and free from stumps; on the premises there is a good house, barn, stable. &c. There is a spring close to the house, and a spring creek runs across the lot. The un- cleared part is well timbered with hardwood, situated about 3 miles from Kerwood Station. and 7 miles from Strathroy. South halves of lots Nos. 12 and 13, let Con. Township of Mesa. 200 acres, situate about 1; miles from Newbury, where cordwoad brings a good price. and it is well timbered with hardwood. ' Also farms and wilds in various other counties. Apply (if by lelter, prepaid) to ' J. N. BLAKE. FIRST-CLASS FARMS AND WILD LANDS, CHEAP AND EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. A. & W. WILSON. For Sale. MARKHAM VILLAGE 5664f other HE Subscriber‘would intimateto thefarm- ers and others of Richmond Hill and surrounding Country having. Thathehas successfully treated the above for the past ten years without a single failure. ‘ Horses Afflicted with Ringâ€"bone, This treatment does not necessitate theif beinglaid aside only for a'few days. Quite a number ofrei'erence given if requir- ed ofpersons whose horses havebeen cured by My charge is $1 50 if paid when operated on,ifnot$3 00willbe charged to ensure a cure. Residenceroaroflot 25. 2nd Con. Vaughan RESIDENcn.â€"â€"Near1yopposite the Post Office, Richmond Hill. JEWELRY I JEWELRY I E T E RI N A RY SURGEON, GRA- duate of Toronto Vetorinarv College, Corner of Yonge and Centre St. East. Rich- mond Hill, begs to announce to the publicthat he is now practicing with H. SANDERSON. of the same place, where they may be consulting ed personally or by letter, on all diseases of Horses. Cattle. Slot MEDICINES or EVERY DESCRIPTION for Horses and Cattle always on hand: such as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough. Condition and Worm Balls and Powders. The Cough Balls have been found most serviceable in alleviating many of the distressing symp‘ toms of Brokenwind or Heaves in Horses Colic, Dra ughts, Liniments for Sore Threats. Sprains, Curb, Spavin, King-bone, &c, Blist- ering‘ Ointmonts, also Hoof and Healing Oint- monts. Loiionsfor Wounds, Bruises. middle Galls. Infalliable Oil and Sheep Tick Des- troyer. All orders from a distance promptly attended to, and medicine: sent to any part 01 the Pro- Vince. Horses examined as to soundness, also Bought and Sold on commiSSion. Richmond Hill. April 23, 1868. 510 Pmcn 15 CENTS. For sale at the HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hill ; BANNER Office, Aurora ; H. Wilson’s Fancy Store, Markham Wesleyan Book Room, A. S. Irving’s and M. Shewan’s, Toronto. Teeth without Pain, by the use of Ether Spray. which affects the tooth only . The tooth and gum surrounding bacmrn insensible with this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain,and J. ENCE between T. J, M., the Rev. JOHN BREmN and others, (in the York HERALD during the months of July, August and Sep- tember, 1868), is neatly printed in pamphlet. form. and worth a perjsal. _ A if As in the use of Chloroform. Drs. P. and R. wilibe in the following places prepared to extract teeth with his new apparatus. All other operations in Dentistry performed in a workmaulike manner :â€" Amman . . . . . . Isl: ofeac'nmonm NewmarketBz'elsi‘ordhotel 2nd “ " Stuufl’ville..............- 18th " “ Victoria Square.......... 20th " " Thmnhill................ 23rd “ ‘- RichmoudHill........... 24m “ “ Maple................... 26th ” " Burwick................ 28111 “ " Kleinburg............... 29th 5‘ “ Nobleton...b............ 30“! “ -‘ Where they will attendto any business per- taining to any branch oftheirpl'ofession. 0 County of York. Township of Markham. lot 56, first concession, fronting on Yonge SL, l8 miles from Toronlo,-‘2§ miles from Rich- mond Hill. Soil, Clay Loam. 1182 Acres. Ill) cleared. New Brick House, 28 x 38 ; Cellar, full size; Back Kitchen,26 x 26. Frame Barn and Stables. 2 wells and a living stream of water across the lot. School House within forty rods; Church, one mile; Saw Mill, half mile; Grist Mill, three miles. TITLE INDISPU- TABLE. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. J;l{y% JAS. HODGONS. WITHOUT ENDANGERING THE LIE E, Ao.1n1'a,June 7 1065“ All kinds ofCarriage and Harness Mounting Knives. Forks, Spoons. Cruits, &c., 610., &c., Silver Plated in the best Style warranted to wear any length of time. v HE POLEMICAL CORRESPOND- ENCE between T. J. M., the Rev. JOHN M Also manufacturer of Show Cases, Motnl Sash Bar for Store fronts, &c., importer of French and English Show Cases, Glass, 6m. THOMAS SEDMAN, WARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER JAMES DUNTON. RichmondHill. Oct. 25, ’66 751-11 Richmond Hill,June 11. ’68 Toronto. April 7. 1870. DRS. PECK 85 ROBINSON’S 'EW METHOD OF EXTRACTING PLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR SALE ICE’S PUMPS Undertaker, 6L0 ALL OY’S AXES For Sale cheap, at the HERALD Office. 'HIU . . . . . . - . . .n...- 11 Square. . . . . . . . . . Ii” . . . . . . . . 011d Hill . . . . . . ..... To Controversialists. J. H. SANDERSON, Worth Knowing. DANIEL HORNER, JUN., Lot 20, 2nd con. Markham FOR SA LE BY FOR. SALE BY J. BRILLINGER, . . . . Isl ofeac'n mom‘h Richmond Hill 8. 517-“ 612-137

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