L/ ark w VOL. XI, N0. 50. ' ' all†lllfltk ï¬rmlth IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, or J‘. N. BLAKE. Osmanâ€"Church Street. 2 doors north Of A L E X A N D E S C O T 1", King Street. Toronto. RICHMOND HILL, And dispatched to subscribers by the earlies mails.or otherconv 'vance ,whenso desired. The Your; HERALD will always be found to containthelatestand most importantForei'gn and Provincial News and Markets,and the greatest care will be taken to renderit ac- ceptable to the man ofbusiness.and a valu- able Family Newspaper. TERMS:â€"One Dollar peranuum. 1N AD~ vaucn; if notpaid'within Two Montlis,One Dollar and Fifty cents willbe charged. Allletters addressed tothe Editormustb‘e post-paid. " ‘ ‘ No paper-discontinued until all arrearages are paid: and paitiesrefusing papers without paying up, willbe held accountable for the subscription, \ ‘ RATES OF ADVERTISING. Sixl inesand under. ï¬r‘stinsertionu . .$00 50 Each subsequent insertion.... .... .... 0013 'l‘enliues and under. ï¬rstiusertipn. . .. . 00 75 Each subsequentinserthm. . . . . . . . . ... 00 20 Above tenlines. ï¬rstinsert‘iO‘n.perline.‘ 0'0 0'1 Each subsequenti u'sertion..per line. . . . 00 02 One Column per twelve months. . . .... 50 00 Haifa column (10- ' do ' . . 5.... 30 00 Quarter ofa column pertwnlyp months. 20 00 One column per six months...- . . . . .- 40 00 Halfacolumn do m......... 25 00 Quarter ofu column per sixmonths. . . . 18 00 Acard often lines,for one y‘ear.... .s 400 A cardlofï¬fte‘en lines. do' . . . ... . 5 25 A card oftwentyliues. 'do . . . . . . . 6 50 UTAd vertisementswithoutwrltten directions .lnser'tedtill forbid, and charged accordingly Alladvertisements publishedfor aless period turn one month. must be paid forin advance. * i ' . . Alltrpnsrtory ad vertisements. from strangers orirregil‘lai'cnstomers, must he paidfor when handed in forinsertion. Business Eni'rcrtorp. a‘NO. D.'McconivELL, M.D., GRADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- si'rv, , ‘ Responsesâ€"Adjoining Thornhill Hotel. July22, 1869. I 575-1y _ , Dru HOSTETTER, Ell/[BER OF THEROYAL COLLEGE Surgeons. England, Residence: North of Richmond Hill. opposite the Elgin House. All calls~(night or day) promptly attended to. ,Elgin Mills, January 1. 1870. 598 DR. ‘JAs. LANGSTAFF __ILL ,GENEALLY BE, _0 ,, DA JOHN’ N. REID, M.D-, WOR..OF YONGE AND COLBORNE streets, Thornhill. Consultations in the ofï¬ceon the mornings of Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. from 8 to 10 A.“- *,," All consultations in the oflice,'Cash. ’l‘hornhill.June 9,1865 1 B.-E.‘LAW, HEMIBT AND DRUGGIST, RICH- / moan HILL. Physicians prescriptions carefully prepared Richmond Hill. Dec. 1.1869. 594-tf GEO. H. LESLIE 8e 00., CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, COR- of Bloor and Yonge Streets, Yorkville. Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs. Pa- tent Medicines. Perfumery &c. Yorkvllley April 1. 1869. 558-ly THOMAS CARR, DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES,. Groceries,Wines and Liquors. Thornhill. By Royal Letters patently has been. appointed Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Thronhill, Feb,26, 1868. DRUG STORE _IN KLINEBURG. ACOB YELINSKHEâ€"BEGS T0 INFORM the Inhabitants of Klineburg and surround- ing country that he has opened a Drug Store in the above named place. All kinds of H orbs and Herb Medicines supslied. Klineburg. March I, 1869. 560-tf KARO-ACE, ,ANDERSON Gr. 00., [Formerly .1. L. MargaCh] Wholesale and Retail Draggists. 44 King Street East. Toronto. - OFFERS FOR. SALE A LARGE AND Varied Assortment of DR UGS, CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils, Varnishes I BRUSHES, _ ARTISTS’ MATERIAL. &c.. 61.0.. At Low Rates for Cash. ...â€"_â€" Call when you visit the city. inspect the stock and learn the prices; we shall feel plea- sure in showing goods whether you purchase or not. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Toronto, July 15, 1869. 550-13; N 2nd Gen. Vaughan. December 29. 1869. . 598 WILLIAM MALI-CY, ARRIS'I‘ER, ATTORNEY, SOLICI- TOR in Chancery, ,Conveyancer. &c. OFFICE: No. 78 King Street East, Toronto; over the Weleyan .Book Room. -Toronto. December 2. 1869. 594 DUG-GAN & MEYERS, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Solicitors in. Chancery, Conveyancers.&c Orsrcaz-sPrdvincial Insurance Buildings. Street, Toronto . ' ‘ roan DUGGAN, (1,0. ' Jinan n; mavens, .113. V Toronto Dec.24.1868. 544-ly READ AND BOYD, BARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Solicitors in Chancery. 62c. OFFICEâ€"77. King St East, (over Thomp- son’s East India House) Toaosro. -n. Lasso. 11.0. r. A. BOYD, 3.1. ,_ May 6. 186‘. 52-tf ’ Mousse,- MURRAY & JACKES, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYSrAT-LAW Solicitors in Chancery, Convoyancers,&c OFFICEâ€"In the Court House. Toronto August 1.1865. 9 5 ï¬ireueeo Qturtioueers. _..___ M. FISHER. ICENSED AUCTIONER FOR THE ' County of York. Let 4. 3rd concession, Vaughan. P. 0. Address, Concord. Orders promptly attended to. Concord. March 16, 1870. 606 ‘HENRY SMELSOR, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE Counties of'York and Feel. Collector of Notes. Accounts, &c. . Small charges and plenty to do. Laskey . March - 2nd 1865 39-1y FRANCIS BUTTON: JR . LICENSED AUCTICNEER FOR THE County of York. Sales attended to on the shortest notice and at moderate rates. ‘ P.O. Address. Buttonville. Markham. July 24, ' 1868. 497 .a '. o r 3‘ or e lden . . P. . Address. Carrville. All orders left at the " York Herald†ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. or at the l’.0. Maple, will be attended to. Vaughan, Oct. 10 186'}. 'li‘ l-y JOHN. CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, ORtheCounties of York, I’eoland On- tario. Residence: Lot8,6th concession Markham. PostOtï¬ceâ€"Unionville. Sales attended .onthe shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. Orders left at the “ Herald†ofllce for Mr Carter’s services wit-l be promptly attended to Jnne.27. 1867. EDW. SANDERSON, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES 0F YORK AND PEEL. Residencem-Lot 20,rcar0f§lrd Concession of Markham, P.0.Addressâ€"â€"Buttonville.' Parties requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can makearrangementsatthe HERALD ofï¬ce. Junnary 4. 1865. 31 TIME! TIME 1! TIME!!! L. SKEELE-Iâ€"S PREPARED T0 - repair Clocks. Watches and Jewelry, at his shop opposite the Grammar Schol. Rich- mond Hill. - A trial is respectfully solicited. Richmond Hill, March,24. 1870. 610 FARMERS’ BOOT & SHOE STORE OHN BARRONâ€"MANUFACTURER and Dealer in all kinds of Boots and Shoes. 38 west Market Square. Toronto. I}? Boots and Shoes made to Measure. of the Beat Materials and Workmanship, at the Lowest Remunerating Prices Toronto, Dec. 3. 1867. RINGWOOD MARBLE WORKS. your interest. ' oi? Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Ringwood. Sept. 13,1867. 497 Card o. 14. l ‘ WIDEMAN, Mâ€"HIUFACTURER OF - all kinds of Monuments. Headstone,&c , Call and examine my Stock and Prices be- for pure]: using elsewhere, as you will ï¬nd it to P. A. SCOTT: .â€" LUMBER MERCHANT a, BUILDER, 'N.B.â€"THE PUBLIC WILL PLEASE take notice that Mr. John Tailor has ceased to collect for John N. Reid, M.D., and that Mr. John Garton. of Th‘ornh‘ill. is author- ised to collect for the subscriber until further notice. . JOHN N. REID. M.D.- Thornhill, December 22, 1869. 597 618 Yonge Street, Toronto. Doors. Sash. Flooring, Blinds, Sheeting. Mouldings, &c. All kinds of Building Materials supplied. Post Otï¬ce Addressâ€"Yorkville. Toronto. May 18, 1868. 3-m , LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, RICHMOND HILL PETER S. GIBSON. ‘ ' ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. OFFICE AT‘Willowdalc. on Yonge St.. in the County of York. Orders by letter promptly attended to. ocure Books every Friday afternoon. Wilowdallc. Dec‘. 15, 1869. 596-137 A, SCOTT, Librarian. HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS- ferred their Library to the HERALD Book Store. whore Stockholders and others may New Firm. g. H. SANDERSON&SONS, g L BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER, dzc. CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS; RICHOMND HILL, Having purchased the Stock and Interest of R. H. Hall, (late Chemist and Druggist of the same place) have greatly enlarged the old stock and have now on hand a good assort- ment of Drugs. Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals. Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Stuffs. Patent Medicines, and all other articles kept by Druggists generally. *,,* Physicians Prescriptions carefully com- pounded, and all orders attended to With care I and despatch. Farmers and Physicians from the country will ï¬nd our stock of Medicines completeâ€"warrant- ed genuiueâ€"aud of the best quality. Richmond Hill. Nov. 95, 1869. 593. P. o. SAVINGS BANK. RICHMOND HILL EPOSITS 013‘ any number-notexceedingthree hundred dollars by anyone depositor.) will be received at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce. for which Government will allow Interest. For particulars apply to M. TEEFY. Postmaster. *,,* Ma. Then: is Government Agent for the sale of MARRIAGE LICENSES Ofï¬ce hours: from 6:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M- May 4, 1869. 563-tf GREEN BUSH HOTEL, I _ 215 and 217 Yonge Street. Toronto. ‘HE FARMERS AND TRAVELLING public'will ï¬nd ï¬rst-class accomodation at the above House, at low rates. 'l‘hers is an extensive Stable attached, and large oovered sheds. An attentive and obliging hostler. 587 .l . L. PARKER, Proprietor. ‘GOLDEN LION HOTEL, YDNGE STREET, NELSON DAVIS, P R O P RIET 0 R. ‘3," Good Stabling attached. Trusty Host- ler always in attendance. Yonge St ,April 7. 1869. 559-ly MARRIAGEâ€"_LICENSES RICHMOND HILL. .1..â€" TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND . commissioner in_ B.R., is Goverpment » . H .. i . ‘.M. Richmond Hill, Oétober 2.3, 1869. JAMES BOWMAN. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, Markham.Nov 1.1865. 9.2 WILLIAM COX, UCCESSOR TO JAMES HOLLIDAY, Burcnuuï¬nd door north of G. A. Barnards store. Rickmond Hill, keeps always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork. Sausages, &c. and sells at the lowest prices. The highest marketprice given for Cattle. Sheep, Lambs. &c. Also. Corned and Spiced Beef, Smokedand Dried Hams. WILLIAM COX. Richmond Hill. October 15, 1867. 1-v DENTISTRY. C. ADAMS, D. D. S., 95 v King Street East, Toronto. near Church Street, is prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in or- der to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approved style. Also to regulate the teeth of those who need it. Consultations free, and all work war- ranted. J one, 1865. G. H. HUSBAND. L-D.S. E ENTIST, BEGS MOST RE. fully to anneunce that he will Unionville. . . . lst Monday ofeach month. be at Weston . . . . . . 9th day “ Klineburg. . . .lï¬th ‘ “ Burwiclr . . . . . 22nd " . Scarboro’ . .' .- .23i‘d " Where he willbe prepared and mosthappy to wait onthose who may require his services. G. H. 11., having had over ELEVEN Ynaas’ PRACTICE. feels conï¬dent of giving entire satis- faction. To those who have favored him with their ‘patronage in the past he returns his, sincere thanks, and to those who mav do so in the fu- ture, he would say that no endeavor on his part will be wanting to meet their approval. RnannNcns.-â€"Thefollowinggentlemencan, with conï¬dence,recommend G. H. Husband,to all requiring Dental aid: DnReid, Thornhill; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwick; Dr. Corson, Brampton. Rasmusoa.â€"-Thornhill. Thornhill September 17. 1868. 1y J. SEGSWORTH, MPORTER 0F WATCHES, CLOCKS, and Fine Jewelry, 113 Yonge St., Toronto. *,,* Masonic and other emblems made to order. TorontoApri127. 1866‘.- Money to Lend. .__-.. ONEY T0 LEND ON GOOD FARM ' * Security, in Sums to suit applicants. Apply to DUGGAN 6r. MEYERS, Attorneys, Court St. Toronto. April 1, 1869‘. 553-3m GEO. MePHILLIPS 8e SON. Seaforth, Ontario. June7,186'2.- 1 "t .r" tracted. The ordinary grey sand which is taken out of the tanks is worth about $600 a tonâ€"and it does not take over half a dozen barrow loads to make a ton. After the gold leaves the retort it is in the shape of ballsâ€"about the size of a billiard ball. After we had gone through the mill we went to the ofï¬ce, where we were invited to ‘recuperate’â€"we recu: peratcd from a black bottle. As we were talking some men brought in several tin cases ï¬lled with ‘balls’ : the propietor asked me if I would like to make a for- tune in a hurry? I said that I had no objections. ‘ Well,’ said he, ‘just carry one of those boxes across the Ofï¬ce and I’ll give it to you.†I made a. lift, but I might as Well have tried to lift the mountainâ€"didn’t; I inwardly wish for the strength of a Samsonâ€"bub it was no use, I had to give it up after nearly rupturing a blood vessel. I lost $30,000 by not being able to lift 550 pounds. We now went into the next room to the Ofï¬ce to dress for our descent into the bowels of the earth. This individual was adorned with a pair of pants made of coarse canvass, six sizes too large ; a coat that would answer for an overcoat for Dr. Reid or Robt. Farris; these elegant habiliments were crowned by a venerable rowdy, whose brim was like a green bay treeâ€"it cast such a shadowâ€" while the roof was stpdded with ventilaâ€" tors, evidently made by a brick being worn therein by its former owner. My friend the doctor was also metamorphised into a ï¬rst-class mining: dandy. Our toilet completed we wcndcd our way under the charge of the foremanâ€"a. stal- warth Cornish man-«t0 the mouth of the mine. We were provided with a wax candle, to give light to us in our search after information; we got on the plat- form over the mouth of the pitt and sat conversing till the bell should sound “all right.’ The bell sounded; when the light of day suddenly gave place to the light of three candles. Down, down we went swiftly and steadily, until we struck bottom at six hundred feet » below the the surface. This mine isworked by a force of 150 mornâ€"half in the day for. r twelve hours and half in the night for. Sharp tOHG- fhe C v '1. W110 SPOke twelve hoursâ€"there is no stopping until Very gOOd English 5 I} uttfmly 9911' twelve o’clock Saturday night; I they founded and dlsgu5t , k the hbertY-Df‘ begin again at 12 Sunday night. There tongue allowed to f9 ' the country 3 are four levels in this mine. As We wend for when the stage '2 __ p at the 0X- our way down 400 feet lower, we pass Changefll’e Jumped 0 t ,. a rattlesnake, the miners working in pairsâ€"sonic of 01' an 6111‘339‘51 bun-<10; , a 1115 heel? them in cramped a positiou,doubled up on As for Uncle Jeb, - spatr; 313 their kneesâ€"one fellow holding the drill, was useless for In gate hIS the other working the sledge; it must be ‘nefy,’.Whlle the ‘ “if was laborious work. As we arrived on the extraptmgthe 11% In All- last level, a blast was ready to ï¬reâ€"we fl v stepped into a recess until after the ex- shortly. The Printer’s Hour of Peace Know ye the Printcr’s hour of peace ‘I Know ye an hour'mOrc‘iraught with joy Than ever ï¬lled the maid of Greece, When kissed by Venus’ amorous boy? . / ’Tis not when round the mozy case, His nimble ï¬ngers kiss the types,‘ Nor is it when with lengthened face, The sturdy devil’s tail he gripes. ’Tis not when news of dreadful note His columns all with minion ï¬ll; ’Tis not when brother Printer’s quote The effusions of his stamp-Worn quills. ’Tis not when in Miss Fancy’s glass Long advertisements greet his eye, And seem to whisper as they passâ€" ‘ " We’ll grace your columns by and-by.†No, reader, not the Printer’s hour, His home of real sweet repose, Is not when by some magic power, His list of patrons daily grows. But ohl ’tis when the weather, clear, 0r clad in rain, in hai , r vapor, He bears, in accents s and dearâ€"â€" “I’ve come to pay yo r the paper.†Letter from " ornia. r Gauss VALLEY ALIFORNIA,â€"â€"â€" DEAR SIR,â€"â€"I write is, before I re- ceive an answer from y < fOr the simple reason that I have no ‘ug else to do. I left that city of stagn ' , Sacramento, last Friday afternoon, :‘ got to Colfax Station at six o’clock; ' r priming up, I got into the stage - ad for Grass Valley. I got on the , ' seat next to a Chinaman; in the lescat was a real live Yankee, his 4- ’(a good speci- men of the strong-mi -- female), and her cousin, just ‘eout’ j .- were at. Col~ fax to meet him, and, road, when not interrupted by ‘co ns’ caused by eccentric movements ‘ stage, gave us a complete ‘fam' story,’ from gran-dad Shadley r to J crusha (Maria’s last little gir was highly ediï¬cd by the multipl of questions asked by the fstrong' ,’ in a rapid than dcscn e, crc " were I I e from the elevator; between it and us, a N few pounds of powder ready to tour a “me 079100k- I hole in the rockâ€"problably to blow the was glad to retire to ..ig bed, Where Whole concern down, and cut us off from I did not Sleep very ml; as I had 00h†the entrance to the upper world; for the fuseddreams mlxedupwlith stagecoachcs, minute before the explosion, I thought Jerusha Marias, Polly Aims and Bill that if we should be buried in such a Hixlejs; however, 13 111% slept the deep gravc,in future ages a. few skeletons sleep of the weary. he next .morning and broken bones would be found to I called upon M11 Henderson, 1m 01d 19' create a discussion among the learned Sideht 0f Toronto; he too}; 1110 around swansâ€"whether these bones were cvi- town and intI‘OduGGd me ’EO all the 13110- deuccs of Pre-Historic Man, or petriï¬ed mincnt citizens. has been here for remains of an extinct mammalia who nineteen years and is one of the leading flourished upon the earth before the men in the place.’ He introduced me to Deluge_ These agreeable reflections ‘a young Dr-rjUSt 011i from Oahadaihamed were cut- short by a dull boom and a. rush Hanslan, from WaterlOO County, a150 of air, announcing that the explosion was t0 Mr- Watts; the Primilfle Owner and over and our means of retreat were all manager of the Eurcda. “11110, at the end right; er now advanced 1,0 the centre of the street “POD Which Stands the EX- of this level and commenced our ascent change Hotel. HO invited us 1.0 111- up a ladder only feetâ€"1,110 rungs Spam? the mills and mine; aeoordingly. of which were 3. quartcrof an inch thick in the afternoon, We Went dOWh to see with tenacious brown mud; we had to this great mine. First we went through 'stop frequently to get our wind and rest. the quartz millâ€"the mine is about 300 I'nevcr could appreciate this venerable feet from the millâ€"as the quartz is means of ‘gctting up stairs’; Ithoroughly hoisted from the bottom, it is carried on comprehend it now; and feel a Sympathy the track to the edge 0f the mill; Where for those who have to climb it after meâ€" it is dumped OVGI' the hank ’00 the their knees will have to suffer before they crusher; the crusher is an ordinary get to the top; when We got to the top square box of wrought iron, without a I was completely knock-kneed. We sat bottom; one side works likcaman’s jaw down and waited until the car came in motion; the men in attendance throw down to lift us up to fight and happiness, the large pieces 0f rock into its month. which aforesaid happiness was dispensed where it is instantly crushed into small in the ofï¬ce, through the medium of the fragments; 33 the jaw Opens the quartz propietor. After indulging in a little falls to the floor below: We follow itâ€" talk we proceeded to unrobe and wash ; not the same Wayâ€"f0? We go down a being once more clothed in our right pair of stairs into the stamp roomâ€"the minds, we proceeded to take a farewell stamps are simply enormous iron pillars, ‘l’nip’ and ‘grip’ with the proprietor; which are raisod by eccentric wheels, and Who, very kindly. presented us with a fall with their full weight upon the specimen worth $5; I put it away as a quartzâ€"crushing it to ï¬ne powder; the souvenir of my visit to Eureka. Minp. quartz is thrown into a slide just behind I suppose by this time, in Canada, you the stamps, Where it slides under them are revelling in Snow; here I look out of into a. square wrought iron hroughâ€" my window and see the white glistening through which a steady stream of water mountain peaks - which remind me of flows. AS these Stamps W01"k independ- our own magniï¬cant climate. There is ently'of each other, 37011 may imagine the no such thing as climate in this “ blaws- thundering noise they makeâ€"it is im- ted†country; here I git in my shirt possible to hear a man yelling at the top Sleeves on the 14 day of December, swel- of his voice; the foreman of the mills tering with heat and †cussing the mos- explains by signs the working of the maâ€" quitocs,†while I can see snow before chinery: After leaving the stamps the me, but it is along way up in the clouds. quartz runs down troughsâ€"about the I suppose you harm; by this time, hang- centre and near the end of these troughs urated sleighing parties. I hope you are cradles or rollers, which are there for ‘will get up another Bachelor party and the purpose of keeping the quartz stirred send me an invitation, I would willingly upâ€"â€"0r else it WO'uld ï¬ll them very go 4000 miles to attend it, if you can duickly; after'ruhning the length of the ‘ send a sleigh to meet me, as they did at ~ 691’; tinuous stream of r the window. After .- rived at Grass Valle also out of gh ride, we ar- trail of the mine of which I havc‘given you an building, it falls down into a exactly like the cooler in a flour mill; the arms of the wheel have brooms at- tached, to settle and keep the quartz level. After a run of eighteen hours the tank is full, when the water is turned into another until the contents of No 1 are emptied ; the tank has about one and a. half feet'of what looks to be grey sand flecked with brass ï¬lingsmthis is the cloride, namely all the metals in the quartz; it is taken out to the retorts, where all the sulphates are extracted; after being retortcd it is carried to theme. or an earthquake. ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYORS, sulphate worksâ€"which are a considerable A distance from the mill -â€"where it isl of the mounainsâ€"viewed as aspectatcr; him if he had a Bible, h . place ‘ Ia certain party you and I wot of. The old residents (or I should say the “ old- ,est inhabitantâ€â€"if such a thing were here, but he usually gets shot twice a ,ycar) says this is the most extraordi- nary winter California has experienced for 15 years: the rainy season should have commenced six weeks ago, but it is dry and hot still. The inhabitants all predict some great evolution Of nature, :and are continually predicting ruin for San Francisco ; they say, if this weather continues, they will be swallowed up by I would like to ' RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1870. * I see the earth on a “Howlâ€â€"â€"as a. par- ticipant -it would have its drawbacks; however, I have no particular desire to see this portion of the globe in a state of intoxication, I leave that to its inhabi- tants, judging from the people in this town, they are continually in a- state of “ earthquake.†This is a beautiful little town of about 5000 inhabitants, but like all mining towns it has had its day. Some six years ago it contained a popu- lation of 15,000; but as the surface dig- gings are used up, the population melts away ; within the radius of 5 miles there ' .f. WHOLE N 0. 617.3, ; i where!†Just then the “ Old woman " made her appearance at the shanty door,’ when the man thus accosted her :’ “ Say,“ [old woman, hev you got my Bible in thc' house. “ Waul,†says she,“ 1 bed one,“ but Susan took it ,awaywhen she got; married.†Then turning to me shot†launched into her family history, and for, a half hour I was inflicted With her tongue on this interesting theme, when I said that I had an engagement in town; and bidding them good bye I left. The“. ‘ pith of this family’s history is like the} mass of the country people in this state 5 are 21 mines and twenty mills â€"~thesc alone support the 5000 people. If they should run out, the town would be no more; but they can be worked for the next four ccnturies~â€"the deeper they go the richer they are. Mark Twain has said with superb sar- casm, “ That Providence shows his ap- preciation of riches by the people he gives them to.†The richest mine in this state is the “ Ellison ;†it was, four years ago, owned by three brothers named Ellison â€"Irish noviceâ€"not one of whom could read or write. They sold their mine for two million dollars, and this day I have seen oneâ€"«the only brother leftâ€"wheel- lug,r the ore from the mouth of the mine to the mill, as a common laborer. The other two killed themSelvcs by dissipation â€"â€"the remaining fellow at the mine went “through†his share in less than two years. As a. specimen Of the way such people treat fortune, I will tell you one or two stories Of this fellows doings: He goes to San Francisco with $200,000 in pocket. and gives $20,000 for a sot of diamond jewellery to one Of his Lady friends, and then he wants a drink, he borrows the dinner-bell Of a ï¬rstâ€"class Restaurant, walks up and down on the sideWalk, and rings away as if he were the steward ; after collecting a sufï¬cient crowd, he invites them to drink, throws down a $50 piece on the counter and refuses change. These little eccen- tricities send him back to the mine a man, where a short time before he was Master. _ The men who are the principal owners account are people by the name Of Watts â€"â€" and fortunately for themselves are Scotchmcn. They don’t spree muchâ€" thcy have the national “ Christie,†itch- ing for the “ bawbee ;†but, for Scotch- men, they are very liberal gentlemen; always willing to subscribe handsomely for any election, or fourth of July enter- tainment ; but they work in and about their mine, dressed in no different way from the laborer ; in fact, you woul ay1ng,1 wary. - ‘. ists, _who came up to inspect the mine; they have Offered $1,500,000 for itâ€"the offer has not yet been accepted. Then there are two brothers named Coleman, from Toronto, formerly bakers on King St.,â€"â€"One brother is still in Toronto, he would not come here with his brothers. The Colemans are the principal owners Of the “ Idahoe,†and have refused 531,- 000,000 for it. These are specimens of the great mining prOprictors. The Cole- man’s are very shrewd men, quite superi- or to the general run of large and rich miners. I have been doing the town ; it is built in the shape of a letter Z ; every third house vacant. The distinguished feature of the woman here is “large fcet;†girls ten years Old, don’t take a boot less than “ sixes â€â€"â€"grown women in proportion. In all the towns and cities through which I have passed, I have not. seen the' equal of our “ King Street belles.†If ' you meet a girl with good features, she has not that bright, healthful look Of our Canadian girls (God bless them). They look prematurely old, and all carry a. wearied look about with them, as if they had no interest in light or life. The only thing that seems to interest them is the approach of a good looking man or wo- man, who has more gaudy colors and jewellery than themselves. They dress outrageouslyâ€"in all the colors of the rainbow, regardless of contrast or ï¬tness. 1 used to think that the Thornhill girls hadn’t much taste in dress, but they are “ angels ever bright and fair,†compared to the people called women in this coun- try. Just imagine a Thornhill girl dressed like a “ Californian belleu’ with a hat as large as the palm of your hand, composed of six dlfl'crent colors; her hair loose and floating down her back, inter‘ spersed with bits of quartz and gold nug- gets ; a. jacket of white beaver, slashed with blue, red, black and brown tape; a crimson, or bright yellow dress, a pair of number “ tons,†with huge bullion tasscls flapping agoinsthcr ankles at every movement of her 'feet ; and a chain as big as a halter, with appendages of a watch as big as a butter plate, and from a half to two pounds of charms, lockets, &c., dangling from it; and, on her hands, a pair of sky-blue kids makes up the ordi- which, she stares chry man she meets out Of countenance, and if you happen to tread on her dress coming out of church, she does not hesitate to “ curse you for a clumsy stagâ€â€"-â€"regardless of the day or place. This afternoon I went to see what is supposed to be the largest Sycamore tree in California : it is about as tall as a full grown Canadian elm, but in circu‘m4 18 feet in diameter. I asked the man upon whose ranch it is, if it was the SyCamore that Zacheu‘s climbed up? He said, “he didn’t know; he never heard that Z achcus owned the ranch ; he bought it from Sam Bowles." I turned away to see a ï¬rst-class earthquakeâ€"from the top roasted and all the gold and'silver cx-‘no dOubt it would be a fearful sight. r .conccal an audible smile. Upon askingi ‘l: “W' ‘ '7. think the Old woman his “rt: :rruc ‘ï¬vc; two of them were very pretty,‘onq'( nary California Lady swell, added to P .tor was of every (lesm‘iptiou. they came here twenty years ago, during, the gold excitement, passed through all the vicissitudes of a pioneer’s life, and now, in their old age, atter‘tweuty years; of incessant toil,are not as well off as when, they left a. good home in Vermont; their} children have grown up in ignorance of, all that. constitutes the means of renderin 3i , life enjoyable, ï¬t only for hewers of woo 7,, , and drawers of Quartz in the m‘i’neé; - » These people are a. fair sample of Cali; ‘- fornie farmers. You will hear the talk-j ing oracles in the cities say :' The‘ 'eO‘plef that formed this State were the owers: , of the world; strong-Willed, strong-limb: ,‘ ed, young menâ€"men who had the cou-râ€"g ‘ age and energy to carve out, new homes' . for themselves in this distant landr" Alas l the parrots, they Cannot see before’, or behind them ; these “ dauntless youngj " men, the hope of fond parents, the pride! of their sisters, where are they tO-day ?†Who knows? some shot, some stabbed, others hung, the rest ï¬ll graves in lonely mountains ; worn by excessive labor killed by disappointed hopes; crushed: by fever and their own mad passion, they, ï¬ll nameless graves. The people that L now inhabit this land are a. different set ',._ commerce, in a great measure, has now taken the place of the mad exciting search: for gold in the mountain gorges; they sit... in their stores and Ofï¬ces'and talk as if; they were thc‘mcn who ï¬rst made and" settled the Paciï¬c States. V ’1’, _, ff,“ ' On Sunday I went to the Epi‘sCopal’, churchâ€"it put me in mind of Thornhill, the services were so much like it),- the congregation is veryhmalbâ€"about the 5 same as ours. I told Mrs. Andersonth ‘ wife of the Rector, that I would like 110’. become acquainted with Some of the girls" ' of the town." She told me to step in on’ Tuesday night. I accordingly stepped, in, and found no less thannine of - the aristocracyâ€"â€"in the shape of nine'girls-i-I ranging'from sweet sixteen to tWenty-’ ‘ of them, Miss Annaker, the living 0 , a.t_ThornhilI. ,0 -' ' w s image Of Miss a. I“I‘v"’ ,. ' 9;} ï¬rs.» § ‘ I 3.7., Photographs, 1 bid a heartâ€"rening are- well to Grass Valley. I sent my luggage to Maryszillc by stage, and determiqed.‘ to tramp over the mountains-tether. m-. teresting town, 36 miles Off. I started » about two o’clock, on Thursday after-‘ noon, whistling “ do they miss me at, home.†After Walking until 7 o’clock; on a brilliant moonlight night, I came to' on hotel, and found to my intense satis-V faction that I was ten miles out of the road; I had walked twentyâ€"two miles and was pretty well used up ; for walk-f ing up and down the mountains in a hot sun during the day, and a heavy mist by' night, has a. tendency to fatigue the body. I stayed at the hotel all night, and, on, the following morning I got. the right; road to Marysville, which I kept until I: arrived there, hungry and tired: Singers and Singing.- The character of the voice depend! greatly on the physical organization. It- is modiï¬ed by the size andshape of the mouth, as well as the manner of using it; If a woman’s mouth be small, and her‘ lungs weak, her singing voice will sound like Cooing, if her mouth be small and her lungs powerful, her voice will resem- ble booting, making a. hollow sound like that produced by blowing into the oar: row neck of a large bottle, if «her mouth and throat are both very large, her voice will have a tvvang like that. of a negress, and approach a masculine tenor. it may not have been generally observed that, in proportion as any race’ of mankind is cultivated and civilized; the difference in the physical power of the two series is widened. The male and female of the African race are more' nearly equal in bodily strength than the white man and woman. I have heard a negro man and wOman singing together; and as I did not see them, I could not; determine whether the duct was perform- ed by two of the same sex or otherwise. The voice of a negro of either sex, how. ever, has in all eases, a twang peculiar to that race. It might be imitated by sing: through a widely flaring tin funnel. The‘ length and size of the neck produces 1m; portant modiï¬cations of the vorce. 80‘ mod singers, for the most part, have short necks and high shouldersz Women with very long necks and sloping shoal; ders have contr-alto voices almost without: exception. Hence we may explain a fact.‘ which often excites surpriseâ€"that many tall and slender woman have a low and deep-toned voice, which should be dis- tiuguished, however, from one 9f a mas- culine character. , A symmetrical form‘ of the neck and shoulders produces the . . ' . _ . . . .ts. ference It would make 20 of them; it 1%mezzo soprano: 0“ mlddle V0106,Wh10h 1 the most agreeable. All these different conformations of the mouth and frame’ give the wide its physiolgical character, which is also very c‘onsidera‘bly“ modiï¬e by temperament. ___. ... _ MM s.»â€"~Usc Dr. 1 . 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