Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 20 May 1870, p. 3

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CURRANT BUSHES & GARDEN PLANTS EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill I’ost' mce. lst May 1870:â€" A mstrong, Adam Bernard, J. G (6) Bernard, H. G. Clarke, Matthew ' Langstafl'. John Morris, Job Mason, Rebecca McConnell, James Chri~~tian. Mrs. JamesMcOonnell. Joseph Connor, Thus Clarke, W C Cooke, John S Cober. Peter Courn. Thomas Clark, Henry Connor, James. Jr Dale James Dunton, Jane Duncan, Mr. Danton, W. Elliott, Mary A Finnie, Peter Fryalt. William Gaynor. Mary Giobner, 0 Hugo, Thomas Holladay. Charles Heslop. George Helemkay. Francis Horner. Dan 9] McDonald. Hector" McBride. John (2) McVVilliams. James Pattin. Annle Paarson, Mrs. John Richey, E J Rutherford. James Slvers, Robert Se (imam Lillie A Steel, Robert '1‘ Smith, Naher (2) Suddaby, Alfred 'l‘homas, Emeline R Teasdaill. George Towns-and, Thomas Thompson, Mary Weston. Mr. Snider & Wilson (2) Webster. John Whiteside, Roberthare of Robt. Brunskill) Lymburner. Mrs. R H Young, A. SEED POTATOES, ffi For Sale by Szomkeepers & Seedsmen, and at the HERALD Book Store. 11107163], Labor and Disappointment A lot of Superior Goderich Potatoes, suitable for Seed, for saie cheap. at «l. are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant emplopment at he me. the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Busi- ness new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 500.10 $5 pereveu- ing, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the busiimss, we make this unparalleled offer: To such as are not well satisfied, we will send $l for the trouble of writing Full particulars, a valuable sample which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The People’s Literary Campanwnâ€"one ot' the largest and best. family newspapers publishedâ€"all sent free by mail. Reader, it'i'ou want permanent, work, address E. C. ALLEN &Co.,Augusta. Maine CHINESE GARDEN POWDER! CHINESE GARDEN POWDER THIS PUMP IS EASIEST WORKED, MOST DURA- " BLE AND NEATEST MADE IN THE DOMINION- "Groéerrsr rand others suppfied at Wholesale on the most liberal terms. Single packages for samp1es, sent to grocers or p’ergymeu for {)0 cents. ' mvll! 1 ~75 v . a Goon rehuble agents wanted everywhere. Liberal commission allowed. Addressâ€"- J. W. JONES. Sole Manufacturer. ’ 619-3 London. Out., Canada. Nett Gain............. .....$3 65 Sent prepaid by parcel post to any part of the Domiuon, or supplied through Agents, with full directions for use on I'eceiptpf price. The Subscriber would respectfully announce that he is prepared to put in One mafn can pack and send to market $10- 000 worth in six months. 30 dozeu in summer (a; [0 cts.. cost. . . .$3 00 Cost 01' Egguolia and other materials. . . 85 Hf R’Jmirer éemniflé unless my Trade Mark and Signature are on outside of package.. Also manufactures a. pump for cisterns and shallow wells, so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it all tight. and pre- venting children from putting anything into it ; which is invariably the case with common ,pumps. Price $6 complete. for cisterns not exceeding eight feet. Churn Pumps for Cisterns 3$ each. Well-digging done on the Shortest Notice. Address,statiiig depth of well, Total Cost.....>.......... 30 dozen in winter E1) 25 cts.. oost . . PRICE 75 CENTS rm PACKAGE. If the cirections are carried out,every pack- age warranted to preserve 3U dozen perfectly an entire year. 1 ED during the last three years and has my” fa}lu{i_. ' This Pump on Trial for One Month! And if accepted .Or if they are not preferred to any olhey pump they may be returned, and the money will be refunded. 71(1); shéll retains its natural color and mm:- ness. QEQQQQQQQQQQQ '53 These Pumps are suitabla to all depths from a cistern to a well of 150 feet. April 1. 1869, 558-137 In readiness for these destructive parasites. and you will save Richmond Hill, May 5, 1870‘ T HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY TEST- ‘HE EXQEWIPRH PUMP: MANU- LBUMS ! ALBUMS! ! Insects, Grubs and Catemillars, factured by P. Phillips, Richt'nond Hill. Prepared only by WARRANTED TWO YEARS, THE WORKING CLASSâ€"WE A runner EGG PRESERVE!!! CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE HAVE A PACKAGE OF THE DESTROYS ALL KINDS OF List of Letters Jones’ Eggnolia. HUGH MILLER. & Co., BIEWAL HALL, 167 King Street Ehst, Toronto. ON ALL KINDS OF Excelsior ! HERALD BOOK STORE. :McOonnell. Joseph McDonald. Hoctor' McBride. John (2) McVVilliams. James Paltin. Annle Paarson, Mrs. John Richey, E J Rutherford. James Slvers, Robert Se (lmafi. Lillie A Steel, Robert '1‘ Smith, Naher (2) Suddaby, Alfred 'l‘homas, Emeline R Teasdall. George Towns-and, Thomas Thompson, Mary Weston. Mr. Snlder & Wilson (2) Webster. John Whiteside, Roberttcare P. PHILLIPS, I RICHMOND HILL. M. TEEFY, PJI. 1.1711! ENCH’S. .$3 85 . 7 50 616 DELPH, NOW is Your Time FIELD & GARDEN SEED $2.00, $2.50 and $3,00 PM single Barrel. FAMILY GROCERIES Whitewash, Scrub, Blacking and Black- lead Brushes ! Whizz'gg, WINES AN D LIQUORS! TEA CHEST! MILK CROOKS, JUST RECEIVED AT THE SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST .! Teas! Teas of the first Flavor Richmond Hill, April28. 1870. HAVE STILL ON HAND RAKES, SPADES. 4-6. FIRSTâ€"CLASS APPLES ! Also a splendid assortment of HOUSE CLEANERS ! Also a Choice Assortment of FLOUR AND FEED. GOODS DELIVERED .1 IN ANY QUANTITY ! Bath Powder, AND PROVISIONS, CREAM CROOKS, A few more Barrels of A LARGE STOCK 01" A very large s‘ock of GARDEN HOES. OF' ALL KINDS. GLASSWARE, S tar Polish, -I. FRENCH. "BOOKERY Stove Polish, 'jUTLERY, WARE ST .l 335 .1. LY- Summarv of News for North Ameri- ‘ camâ€"Usual Contents : â€" Accidents: Art and ‘ Science; Births, Marriages and Deaths; Commemcial Summary; Correspondence ; Court: Criminal; Emigration; Foreign and Colonial; Gazette; General Summary: lm- perial Parliament; lreland : Latest Shipping: Legal ; Literary ; Market Reports ; Medical ; Mercantile; Military ; Miscellaneous ; Music and the Drama; Natural History; Naval; Obituary; Political; Prices Current; Scot- land ; Shipping and Freights ; Special Ameri~ can Notes; Sporting: Stocks and Shares; Wills and Bequests, &c. &c. Subscription payable in advance. 17s. 4d. per annum‘, inclusive of postage. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1870. MANTLES. PARASOLS, SUNSHADES‘ MOURNING GOODS ! FRESH G300 R ’ne-rn-lrgft“"x:*“ 1.. -P’~ ‘ m: ‘ FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS! ! 1] New Pattern Bonnets, VJVew Shaped Hats LAWRENCE CARDING MILL, READY MADE CLOTHING .’ And fitted up the Machinery in excellent or- der. Is prepared to do .1. FORM the farmers and breeders of horses in the vicinity of Richmond Hill, thai his Im- ported horse " Scottish Chief” will Havel in the neighborhood during the coming season. CARDING, F ULLIN G, SHEARING, JAS. COPELAND. _ P. S.-â€"A]l kinds of Woolen Machinery flued up in first-class order. Terms moderate. ” Scottish Chief.” HE SUBSCRUER BEGS TO IN4 FORM the farmers and breeders of horses “ Scottish Chief’s ” stable is at Raymond’s Hotel, Richmond Hill. ROBT. FARRIS. yLu 1.1.; LLLLL'LUUL‘J ULXJJAL‘ u 11x; vn, with pole and shafts ; strong Mid nearly now. Also a sulky. 3,000 YDS. NEW PRINTS, BLEACHED AND GREY UOTTONS, JOB PRINTING HE EUROPEAN MAIL: A WEEK LY- Summarv of News for North Ameri- LARGER AND BETTER STOCK CLOTHS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION, Prices to suit every Customer! DRESS GOODS ! While thanking his customers and the public generally for past pationage, begs to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and sur- rounding country that his NEW SPRING GOODS! For quality go to the For Eow prices go to tha For quantity go to the See tho New Goods and observe the Prices. April 13. 1870. ALWAYS 0“ HAND. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK 0F Richmond Hill. April 28, 18701 WOOLEN MANUFACTURING Pluch AS USUAL April 6. 1870. April 14, 1870, MILLINERY I MILLINERY l in Straw, Manilla, Magma and Sataline. In erdless variety, Shirtings. Tickings. LIGHT THIMBLE SKEIN WAGON Done Neat and Quick at the Herald Office. Never has been on Richmond Hill Pressing, Coloring, &c.. in THE VERY BEST STYLE! LACES OF ALL KINDS Hats and Caps for the Million, E SUBSCRIBER HAVING PRAC TICAL experience of ever ‘20 years in the Spring Stock is now complete, And a NEW FEATHERS. NFL“? FLOWERS. Is unsurpassed. and consists of In Coats, Pants, Vests. &c. Business. having leased the NORTH OF TORONTO. Hollands, Counterpanes Gold Wanted ! W. ATKINSON, DRESS GOODS E THE GOODS INCLUDE Hosiery, Gloves, NEXV SIIA‘VLS, &c. &c. &c LACE CURTAINS, Apply to, THE STOCK 0F For Sale. AND AT CENTRAL STO R E AND CENTRAL STORE. CENTRAL STORE. W. ATKINSON, DRESS GOODS ! D. E. DLAKE Richmond Hill 613 Tharuhiil 6134f 615 tf 612-3 VELVET & GOLD BORDERINGS Bed Room, WINDOWfifigHADES z I’UT'I‘Y AND GLASS IN ALL SIZES. FAMILY GROOERIES! FURNITURE!!! Richmond Hill, April .13. 1870. Begs (o inform his customers and the public in general. that he has now on hand a PAINTS. PAINT & PENCIL BRUSHES, Sold at prices to suit purchasers THE PEOPLE’S STORE, ROOM PAPER ! Call and inspect before purhasing elsewhere. HOUSE‘FURNISHING', Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil ! FLOUR AND FEED, A FULL SUPPLY OF IN VARIOUS PATTERNS; COMPLETE STOCK PARCELS DELIVERED. RICHMOND HILL With a largegsaorlment of A FULL STOCK 0F AND FANCY GOODS. ROOM PAPER ! VARNISH, JAPAN, Also a large stock of P. G. SAVAGE, ELEPHANT. 01L, All of which will be Parlour, TIN WARE. AT Kitchen, ROOM PAPER 2 P. G. SAVAGE. dud Hall Paper, 613 4 purposes, both animal and vegetable. v a are prepared to have the-«merhs of this air tested d'gainst all oils now being used on machineryâ€"boil: iigill or heavy; from aciock or sewing machine, to 11m heaviest of Steam- ] boat shafts. This oil exceiis all others for Lubricating T I C K DESTROYER ! About one half cleared ; log house and burn ; fences good. The greater portion oi the pur- chase mouey mav be secured by an‘x ortgage for eight years. For further particulars address Sold everywhere, in boxes at 35 cts. 70 cm, and 351:0”. _ AW35 ct box will clean 20 sheep and 35 lambs. HUGH MILLERVJS: CO., POETICAL WORKS TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. The following are the points in which it ex- cells all other oils : It will not gum , hence machinery can be kept clean with but little trouble,and it will clean machinery that has been gummed by other oils. It will not congeat or thicken in the coldest of weatherâ€"this is a quality of the highest importance, from the fact that an oil not having this quality will not lubricate a cold shaft. such an oil may be applied in a heated state; but the moment it touches a cold shaft it is congealed, and it wiil nntbegin to lubricate until the journal. by friction, acquires that temperature necessary to reduce it to a liquid state. In acquiring a higher temperature by friction, the journal expands, and the box is in~ jured. It is as impossible to use oil that will chill on a cold shaft without this result, as it is to mingle oil with water. Stockes’ oil will lubricate the coldest machinery the moment it is applied ; it is new used in over two hundred establishments, and all unite in saying the pre- fer it to Refined Sperm. or pure olive oil ; it is free from all objections urged against all other oilaa it neither gums or freezes. G. B. STOCK, Agent for the Dominion. Brougham, Ontario. ‘4 Sanderson 6580115 Agent, Riclnncnd Hili FARME R’S SHOULD USE Five mounted maps, to one addresgsent by express prepaid . BRINGS ADDITIONAL TESTIMONY I The Map is 24 by 48 inches. beautifully lithographed, and will be furnished at the fol- lowing prices :â€" Bound in Clotl1,plam [pocket size].$l 00 w u colored...........150 Mounted on rollers, plain . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 ” colored........ 200 The pocket size mailed, free of poslage, on receipt of price. Now, as the public are aware that many worthless things are posed into notoriety, in order to prove that this is no hunibug, and at the same time to secure ourselves against the operations of unscrupulous oil agents, ; manv of whom will not hesitate to palm off the mere offal of oil refineries, as being identical with Stocks extra machine oil ; we prepose to these who are largely‘interested in the truth of those statements, to send to them on applica- tion by express, or otherwise free of charge, a sample of the oil that it may speak for itself, we will with the sample furnish applicants free of charge. with a few simple tests as ef- fective, as those tests by which Gold is known from the base metals. and which will enable parties ordering to secure themselves against imposition. by enabling them to determine at once. whether the oil forwarded is as good as sample. All parties interested in the lubicat- ing oil trade, before purchasing elsewhere Will do well to communicate with Promotes the Growth of the Wool, And improves THE CONDITION or THE ANIMAL. Nu FLocK-MASTER Newspaper readers will find it an invaluabla aid to a proper understanding of the news from that interesting region. The Map has been compiled by D. Conn. Esq.. of Ottawa. from official maps and reports never yet made public ; and in this .work he has been assisted greatly by a practical know- ledge of the country laid down. This map supplies a desideramm long felt. and SllOWS :â€" Ivâ€"The whole of the Fertile Belt. and those pants of VVinsConsin. Minnesota and Da- cota through which the waggon roads pass to Fort'Garry. II.â€"Tbe actual survey of the Selkirk Settle- ment. with all the roads, churches. &c., including the New Government Road from Fort William to Fort Garry. IlI.â€"The Canoe Route (tom Fort William to Fort Garry. IV.â€"A Sectional Map giving all the Railway or Steambuat Routes by which St. Cloud can be reachedâ€"[St Cloud is the pre- sent terminus of railway travel] V â€"â€"Tables of distances on Overland Route. Emigrants can see at a glance where every good Camping Ground or Station [llotel]on the road is situated, and calculate the rate of travel accordingly. 125 LAURIE‘S MAP OF .THE NORTH - WEST TERRITORIES ./ THE RED RIVER ROUTE On the 25th of April, 1870. MPORTAST TO PARTIES USING April 6, 1870 Seutember 8,1869 Windsor, April 6,1870. OF ITS THOR OUGH EFFEC Tl VENESS. IT DES'I‘ROYS THE TICKS, For Sale. A Bargain ! OF THE DIFFERENT POMS, AT THE STOCK’S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. ACRES OF SOUTH HALF AND part of north half of lot No. 30. 2nd concession of the Will be ready for delivery Address orders to FOR SHEEP. WM. S. YOUNG. MACHINERY. MILLER’S EVERY DAY No. 80 Hayter Sn, Toronto 61‘2-4 HERALD BOOK STORE. SHOLLD BE WITHOUT IT. P. G. LAURIE, Chemists. TORONTO 5834f Windsor 612-1 Raies of Advertising will be made known 011 application to JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. Montreal, March 16, 1870, 610-6 .1 DIRECTORIES [he most complete and correct ever issued on this continent. They are not being prepared by correspondence, but by PERSONAL CANVASS frmjoor to door, of my own Agents, for the requisite in- formation, 1 have now engaged on wLho work in the several Provinces Fortv men and Twen- ty hoxses. These are engaged ‘mainly on the towns and villages ofl'the Railway and Steam- boat Routes. important places on the lines be- ing held till the completion of the farmer. to admit of correction to latest date. SUBSCRIPTION T0 DOMINION DIRECTORY : Dominion of Canada Subscribers,. . $12 Cy. United States do . . 12 Gold. Great Britain and Ireland do . . £3 Stg, France. Germany, &c. do . . £3 Sig. SUBSCRIPTION T0 PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES I Province of Ontario Directory. 1870-71 $4 00 Province of Quebec Directory. 1870-71 4 00 Provincs of Nova Scotia Din, 1870.71 3 00 Province ofNew Brunswick Dir. 1870-71 3 00 Province of Newfoundland Dir. 1870-71 200 Province of Prince Ed. Is. Dir. 1870-71 9-00 No Money to be pm‘d until each book is delivered. FANCY GOODS name has been unwarrantnbly used in connection with Directorie now being can- vassed in the Provinces, and entirely distinct from my works. and that in other'cases it has been stated that my Directories have been a- hmtdoned,Iwould request those desiring to give a preference to my works to see that per- sons representing themselves as acting for me are furnished wjth sattsfactory credentials. COLLARS AND CUFFS I anticipate issueing, in October next. the Canadian Dominion Directory, and six Pro- vincial Directories, which will prove a correct and full index to the Dominion of Canada. Newfoundland, and Prince Edward Island and a combined Gazetteer, Directory and Hand Book of the six Provinces. L 0 V E L L ’ s DOMINION & PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES Mustbepaid forthwith to Mr. James M. Law- rence, Richmond Hill, who is duly authorized to collect the same. JOHN KERR, Assignee for the Estate. GROCERIES, HARDWARE MAGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS Estate of George Allan Barnard, OF RICHMOND HILL, STATIONERY NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS FIRE PROOF STORE ! SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Lovell’s Directories. : '1‘ IS INTENDED TO MAKE THESE N THE MATTER OF GEORGE AL- Toronto, 28th April. 1870. JOHN LOVELL. Publishar. Montreal, March 16. 1870. 610-6 N. B. Accounts rendered 1st October. Richmond Hill,ApriI 7, 1869 A LARGE AND VARIED 0 T I C E.â€"LEARNING THAT MY KEPT CONSTANTLY SPRING 4. SUMMER TRADE, To be Published in October, 1870. ALL ACCOUNTS Insolvent Act of 1869. LEN BARNARD 0F RICHMOND HILL. AN INSOLVENT. The Subscriber has now in stock SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE OF ALL KINDS AT THE ASSORTMENT 0F SUITABLE FOR THE A LARGE STOCK 0F SUPPLIED AT THE OWING TO THE 6w. &c. &c HERALD BOOK STORE, 0N HAND, HERALD BOOK STORE- HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. New AT THE ISAAC CROSBY. 615'2m 85 $1200 To? Mortgage It. is now offal-Ed lILa form. and a? a price, which must bring it within the reach of every one who may desire to possess it, being pub? lished at ah‘out one-fifth the price of the London Quarto Edition. 1 have themfore no hesitation in saying that it is a work which should be in the hands of every Minister. Sabbath School Teacher and heads of families. It certainly supplies along felt want in sacred literature, and. I trust it may have a general circulation, ‘N. McKINNON. Can be liad at {he Post-office, for 10 CENTS WEEK. POCKET BOOKS l havi‘much pleasure in recommending to the public the “ Life and Epistios of St. Paul,“ by Congbeare 8L Howsou. It is a finely got up edition of a thousand pages, with Maps, Engravings and Charts The Work delineates the early life. education. conversion, teachings, labors. &c,. of a man whose writings are now engaging more thought, calling- forth more learned discussion, and more powerfully im- pressing the ming and heart of the age. than those of any author, ancient or modern. This work has also the warmest recommendations of abont1500 of the leading divines in both Europe and America. as being one of the mo'ét important thewlogical works of the age. CONCERTINAS, THE MORNING PAPERS The subscriber begs to intimale to the mer- chanls and traders and the public generally that he has commauced to ply an EXPRESS WAGGON. Between Toronto d3" Richmond Hill, And will he prepared to attend to all instruce lructions with HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS SCHOOL REQUISITES TORONTO & RICHMOND HILL LINE OF EXPRESS, The express will leave Richmond Hill eve Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning (:13 return in the evening of the same day. Charges strictly moderate. Parcels or instructions left at Bessetl & Keeble’s Hotel, Nelson sn‘egl, or Best’s Hotel. Yonge street, Toronto. and at Velie’s Hotel. Richmond Hill.will be promptly attended to. GAMES, TOYS, &c., .1. Accounts on the 1st April next. at which timeIwill expect a full settlement of allclaims. Parties indebted will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. SPLENDID VALUE ISAAC CROSBY “LIFE AND EPISTLES OF ST. PAUL.” BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY The public will observe that lie is in a posi- tion to Sell Goods at Prices that will not fail to satisfy all consumers. Inspection and Comparison are Invited. On Richmond Hill, and has opened with a‘ complete stock of l NOUNCE to his friends, and the public in the vicinity of Richmond Hill. that he has leased the premises lately o‘ccupied by Groceries , Richmond Hill, Nov. 525‘ 1869 599-3m J. BRILLINGER, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Jan. 5. 1869, ' 599-1y May 14, 1869. Richmond Hill. March 3, 1870 Richmond Hill, March 2, 1870 6074f Richmond Hill. Dec. 9, 1869. JUST RECEIVED ONE CASE SPRING TWEEDS, WILL 'ISSUE MY HALFâ€"YEARLY ETER G. SAVAGE BEGS TO AN- Telegraph, 9W SPRING GOODS AT THE FIRE-PROOF STORE. CARE AND PROMPTITUDE, (RICHMOND HILL BRANCH) AT THE W’lTl-I SELF lsNSTRUCTOR, AT THE MR. THOMAS COGHLAN, Provisions, Important Notice- Money to Lend. _.-..â€" \n T0 LEND, FOR 41mm People’s Edition OF ALL KINDS. AT THE IN ALL THE NEW STYLES: OF ALL KINDS AT THE Apply'to r ~GEO. B. NICOL, Barrister, FOR SALE AT ’I‘HE FOR SALE AT THE 'OF TORONTO : Apply to HERALD BOOK STORE, PETER G. SAVAGE. Notice. Paints, HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE, HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STOEE. OF THE yéars, 'on‘ a satisfactory Globe, ISAAC FRENCH. M. TEEFY. 0178, Publisher’s Agent. Richmond Hi“. 5644f. Varnishes, Leader, sag-g 5954f 6074f

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