Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 3 Jun 1870, p. 2

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The Fenians at Malone and other places along the eastern frontier are going home as fast as possible. Some, who fortunately had friends able to send them money, have paid full fares, and others have gone at half fares, several railroads consenting to convey them upon those terms. They are very sullen and disappointed, and continue to de nounee in the strongest language the in- efficiency and cowardice of their officers. A few bands on their way to Malone have stopped, and some have returned, whfle others, assuming a great deal of bravado, threaten to advance and made another raid. But they are so disheartened by the inglori- ous termination of the campaign entered upon with such high sounding promises, and have so little confidence in each other and in their officers, that the only thing they can i do is to keep quiet for some time to come at least. The Bufl’alo Fenians also talk of making a demonstration somewhere, but they are so demoralized that their threats are of no account. The circlein San Francisco seem to have been unusually excited from the glowing accounts of the utter annihila- tion of the Canadians sent by the Feniens to Malone and St. Albans; and they wishing to rival their eastern brethern, contempla- ted a descent upon British Columbia. at once. When they receive more truthful news, they will probably change their plans. To main- tain the sinking courage of their adherents, and to delude the ignorant in getting up a great excitement. the chief oflicers at the New York headquarters, as well as else- where, have resorted to the most extrava- gant and improbable reports of advances along the whole line, of Col. O’Leary ads vancing into Canada, fighting a battle, in which he was victorious, of course, and cap- turing 60 prisoners. This brought up a few recruits, who must have been “raw” and “green” indeed. Gen. Gleason with Don- nelly, Cullen and Lindsay, prominent Fenian officers, have been brought before Mr. Bren- nan, the United States Commissioner at Ma- lone, charged with making war upon :the Dominion of Oanaea. Not being able to obtain bail they were committed at Canada- igna, where they will be tried at the next sitting of the District Court. Donnelly will be examined before the Commissioner on the 7th June. Colonels Brown and Mur- phy have been arrested are now in St. Albans gaol, as they have not obtained bail. It is said as an evidence of the magnitude of the Fenian preparations, that nearly ten thousand stand of arms are scattered along the frontier from Ogdensburg to St. Albans. with large quantities of ammunition. A great deal of these supplies having been abandoned, have come into possession of the United States troops, and, according to PresrdentGrant’s instructions, will be gather- ed together and taken charge of by the military authorities. Generals Meade and McDowell, with their staffs, have left Ma- lone for New York ; and General Hunt will take command of the American troops in Northern New York. All is quiet at Hun- tingdon and along the St. Albans border, though troops are still on- guard to prevent any lawless band crossing the lines on a plundering expedition. The 69th has gone back to Quebec. The Niagara frontier is also quiet, but strong guards are maintained at: all important pointsâ€"Globe, May 31. President Grant and his Cabinet have, it is said, after prolonged discussion, unani. mously decided to prosecute vigorously all those Fenian leaders who were captured by the United States Marshals while takingr an active part in the late raid, but the hundreds of “dupes” are not to be punished in any w1y. Mr. Thornton, it is also stated, has seen fit to congratulate the American Secre- tary of State upon the promptness With which the United States Government en forced a proper observance of their inter. national obligations. Governor Hoffman’s charitable contributions to the starving and penniless Fenians at Malone for the purpose of paying railway fares to their homes, and securing their votes for the next Guberna- torial election, comes out Of the State Trea- sury. There is no dause for any further ap- prehension since Col. MeNeill and Major Fitzpatrick,“ undoubtedly the best officers” connected with the late raid, have been ar- rested, after an excili-ig chase, in the vicin- ity of Malone by Deputy Marshal Titus. They will both be brought before Mr. Bren: nan, the United States Commissioner. ri‘he reporters of two New York papers have been,detaiued to give evidence against them. Large quantities of arms and ammunitionâ€"â€" filling 26 waggousâ€" have arrived at Malone having been seized by A. D. Knight about three miles west of Hogansburg, at which place he is Deputy Collector of' Customs. PII.1<:.s.-Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Pile Remedy for internal, external. bleeding and itching Piles. It gives immediate relief and is re- liahle. Sold by druugists. 5839 THE engineers of the Great Western Iiail- way arrived inSt. Thomas on the 25th ult., and commenced the surveys of the Canada. Air Lime. This looks like business. N EURALGIA.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevanz tor for neuralgia, headache, catarrh. sore throat, Bronchitis, &c. It is‘azreeable to use, and reliable. Sold by druggists. 583Q THE new list of the members of the Ecu- menical Council places the number at 975. Many. however, have gone to their homes, leaving prox1es in favour of the infallibility dogma. Two Canadians, Drs. J. H. Widderfield and W. Wade, graduates of' Victoria Uni- versity, have passed the College of Physic- ians, Edinburgh. after the usual examina tion. Both gentlemen had previously passed the College of Surgeons, London. Mu. J. A. HAMILTON, of Queenstown has a field of fall wheat just coming into ear, 9. ,sample of which he exhibited in the Specta' ‘ tor office, Hamilton, last Monday. It is a great rarity to see wheat heading in the F month of May. At this rate it will be ready for the reaper in the early part of July. ‘ Can this be beaten? The Volunteersjn camp at Freliéhsburg were generously feasted by the farmers on Sunday. Yesterday they were reviewed by General Lindsay, who complimented them highly for their courage and steadiness. Col. Bagot, of the 69th, has_ issued an order it} which he gives the Huntmgdqn Bogderqrs The Fenians are leaving Malone and other frontier towns on every train for their homes. Those who were unable to pay their fares had tickets given them by Fenian agents who had arrived with money from various circles, which have contributed libe- rally for this purpose. Three or four more of the leading raiders, have been arrested and brought before the United States Commissioner Brennan. In default of finding bail in'two thousand dollars each, they will probably be sent to the Canandai- gua gaol, to await trial with the others. Gleason, Dr. Donnelly and Lindsay were yesterday taken from Malone to Canandai gua, carefully guarded by a company ofsol- diers, as much to prevent the disgusted pri- vates of the Grand Army laying violent hands on their late otficers, as to prevent them escaping. Gleasnn was “groomed” as he left the station, amid loud cries, by which the half-starved Fenians expressed their revenget’ul wishes that he might be shot or hung. Father McMahon was at Ma.- lone, it is said, inciting the Fenians to make another raid; but receiving a. hint that he would be arrested. by the United States troops, he quietly disappeared, and, for the present, his whereabouts is kept secret. Gen. Starr, in a speech, has explained his conduct in the campaign on the St. Albans frontier to a Fenian Convention, and his statement, being sustained by several lead- ing members of the Brotherhood, was deem- ed quite satisfactory.â€"~Globe, June 1. the credit 07' routing the icuianu iu Elle Trout River affair. ‘ This was due to the excellent discipline of the Borderers, and the‘ Colonel advises all Volunteer cofps to be- come perfect in their drill, for that insures success. The ladies of Huntingdon are to present the Borderers end the Hemmingfqrd Rangers with handsome colors as soon as they return from the lines. The 69th Regi- ment have handed their prisoner Moore over to the civil authorities, and a prelimi- nary investigation has been made before Judge Coursol, who has, upon the evidence given, committed Moore for trial. A bands- -man of the 69th, its seems, saved the life of Moore from the enraged volunteers. Two other prisoners, Thomas and Lewis, are held by the Mfssisquoi battallion; and there may be others. The Montreal volunteers are re- turning homo, and the metropolis is again quietly engaged in the usual business opera- tions. r ' enian News. The seizure consists of about 500 stand of arms, and 343,000 rounds of ammunition, besides knapsacks, haversacks; bayonets, and other warlike material, all of which is to be sent to the United States arsenal at Troy. It is expected that nearly all the Fenians will leave Malone to-duy for their homesâ€"«Globe June 2. LONDON, May 30.-Gen. George Napier writes to the papers exultingly, to-day, over the promptitude and prowess displayed by the Canadian Volunteers in their late engage- ment with the Fenians. The Post and Tele- gram reiterate their confidence in the good faith and energy of the United States in the matter of the ‘Fenian raid on Canada. MADRID, MAY 30.â€"General Prim has issued an urgent ci cular to all the Depu- ties of the Cortes, informing them that it is of the utmost importance for them to be in their seats on the 6th of June. On that day he will explain all the efforts which the the Provisional Government are now making "to settle the question of the throne, and will appeal to the Cortes to ar- rive at some solution. LONDON, Ma 31.-â€"The new British iron- clad Sultan 1e t her dock at Portsmouth to- day, and proceeded to sea. (311 a trigl grip.“ The Héuae of Lords to-day read the‘Fe- 1013'); Bill a. segond timg, {19d gdjougnefi. The new telegraph Cable {‘er Falmouth to Malta. has been successfully laid to Lis- bon. PARIS, May 31.â€"Yesterday more than twenty persons, Imprisoned in St. Mazas pri- son, charged with complicity in the late re glcide plot, were, unconditionally, released. It is announced that more will be liberated to-day. ' . Tlfe movement in favor of Cermushi, the Italian banker, exiled for having contributed to help the defeat of the affirmative vote on the Plebismtum, is popular in Paris, and will be successful. PARIS, May 31. â€" Prince de la Tour D’Auvergne has accepted the appointment as French Ambassabor at Vienna. He is now ill with smallpox, and will be unable to proceed to his po§t fgr some time. . Smallpox his broken out on board the prijate yacht of_1’rir3<;e ngleog. A FLORENCE, May 31.â€"â€"The Government has determined on a thorough reorganization of the army. The work is to commence immediately, and the Minister of War ex- pects to see it comp1_e_ted within_a year. - ST. PETERSBURG, May 3l.â€"-The assassin of Prince Darenburg has been sentenced to 15 years in the mines, and exile to Siberia. for the remainder of his life. SAN FRANCISCO, May ESL-The ship Nia- gara, which lately arrived from Hong Kong with a. large number of Chinamen, many of whom are suffering with small-pox, was to day released from quarantine, and allowed to land passengers. The Chinamen were shametully maltreated while passing through the streets. NEW YORK, May 30.â€"â€"The Evening Post Special says that Senator Sumner is of opin- ion that if the Spanish Cortes adopt the draft for a, law introduced on Thursday by the Colonial Minister for the extinction of slavery in all the Spanish possessions, it will have a great effect in modifying ublic opinion in the United States on the guban question. N EURALGIA.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevanz tor for neuralgia, headache, catarrh. sore throat, Bronchitis, &c. It is‘azreeable to use, and reliable. Sold by druggists. 583Q PII.ES.-â€"~Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Pile Remedy for internal, external. bleeding and itching Pill-s. It, gives immediate relief and is me- lial‘Jle. Sold by druggists. 5839 THE engineers of the Great Western I'm-il- way arrived inSt. Thomas on the 25th ult., and commenced the surveys of the Canada Air Lime. This looks like business. Two Canadians, Drs. J. H. Widderfield and W. Wade, graduates of' Victoria Uni- versity, have passed the College of Physic- ians, Edinburgh. after the usual examina tion. Both gentlemen had previously passed the College of Surgeons, London. PILES.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Pile Remedy for piles of every description. Sold by druggists. 683') UNUSUAL outrages are reported to have been corhmitted at Naples and in the island of Sardinia. DISPEPs1A.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevanâ€" tor for dispepsia, flatulency, heartburn, &c. Sold by druggists. 553Q Lom) HAMILTON states that the King of Greece presented Mrs. Lloyd thh £1000 out of his own private purse previous t‘e'r departure from Athens. - NEW YORK, May 30.â€"â€"Last night, Signor Pedanto, trapeze performer, while going through his performance in one of the up town places of amusement, fell to the stage from the trapeze, which was raised very high, and striking upon his head, was dangerously if not fatally injured. ' ROCHESTER, May 31.-â€"Three fires, in this city yesterday, destroyed property to the value of $11,000. The fire this morning, on Jay street, destroyed a cooper’s shop,barrel machme shop, barn. and two dwellings.â€" Lo’ss $4000; partially insured. TRENTON, N. J., May 31.â€"In the United States District Court to day, John Williams, an Englishman, was convicted of smuggling $13.139 worth of diamonds from England to Hoboken, on the steamer Main. BOSTON, May 31.-Greorge 'Seddona, the light weight pun-fighter; was sentenced to- day to six months imprisonment in the House of Correction. COLUMBIA, Pa.., May 31.â€"The boiler of the Columbia Rolling Mill exploded this morning, seVerely scalding several employees one named Mentzer has died. . NEW YORK, May 30.â€"The break in the French cable has been demonstrated to bel about 295 miles east of the Massachusetts shore, of the southwest corner of Cape Sable. The General office of the Company in this city was removed today to the Western Telegraph building. ‘ The elevated railway was successfully tested last night throughout its entire length by a car loaded with a weight of 30,000 pounds, and will be opened to the public this week. Latest from Europe. American News. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, JUNE 3.1870. There is some difficulty in ascertaining correctly the exact number of Fenian mis- creants who were killed and wounded in the fights of Pigeon Hill and Trout River, as the Generals and their men were too anxious to save their own bones to think of the dead and disabled. They seem to he ve been aban- doned to the care of whoever chose to look after them. We can only make an approxi. mation to the number of casualities by searh‘ ing the different narratives of the alfairs published by the United States press ; and these probably are very defective. The New York Tribzinc states that at Pigeon Hillâ€"- John Rowe, of Burlington, was killed. M. O’Brien, of Moriah, N.H., was killed. Lieut. Edward Hope, of Biidgeport, Com, was wounded in the thigh. He claims to have been in 43 engagements in the Unidn army. .F'rank Carrigan, of the same place, was wognded in the groin ;Apr.obab1y_fa;tal. Capt. E. Crofian, (if: the said Company, wag wognded in tgg‘leg; _ J as. Keenan, of For? Ed ward, was wound- ed in the ankle. Lieut. Edward hollahan, of Burlington, was Wounded in the arm. A telegraphic despach to the Detroit Post from Malone on the 28th, states that in the fight at Trout River, “ One man was kllled, “ two seriously I: ended, and two prisoners “were taken” by the Canadians. It adds that the name of one of the prisoners was Moore, from Troy, N.Y. Another Press Despatch fromMalone says: “ Duh'y was reported dead last night; “and the men reported missing have re- “turned to th1s place unhurt, but fatigued “ with wandering in the woods.” Another Press Despatch from the same place, after describing the Trout River fight and stampede, says :â€" Charles Carlton} of Cambridge, Vt., was wounded in phe leg: ‘ Danfiel A'lern, 3f 'Winooski, Vt., was se- versly younqesd in £1.18 hie- THe New York Heralc? states, in addition to these, lhatrâ€"i Genefal J. J. DonneHy, of Utica, received a. woundjn the spine, whipypgovedfatal. An unknown man was killed at the same time as Rowe and O’Brienâ€"and that the total casualities at Pigeon Hill were “three “killed and ten or filteen wounded; more or “less.” In Captain Cronan’s account of the fight at Pigeon Hill, he says :â€"â€"“ We had two “men shot dead and eleven wounded.” A telegraphic despatch to the New York Herald. from Malone, also says :â€"“ The “last warning to Vermont Fenians was “ given here last night. When James Hunt “and Patrick McNally wereytaunting the “ volunteers and reproaching them, the two “ men unconsciously crossed the line and “ were at once gobbled up and conveyed to “prison.” ‘ Edward Griffin, of Rochester, dead. Georg!“ Hughes, residence unknown, wounded at Pigeon Hill, but since dead. James Mich‘éel Evané, of Troy,. N. Y., Vvolmded a3 Pigeon Em, and since dead. Francis Laflén, residelnce supposed to be in Newark, N. J., wounded at Pigeon Hi1], and since dead. “Demiis Dugéan was numbered among “ the dead]? THE Governor of British Columbia has appointed Mr. Richard Wood, who was for many years Registrar of the Supreme Court of Vancouver Island, to be Registrar of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, with a. salary of £400; and Mr. Pooley, late Regis- trar of the Supreme Court of British Colum- bia; to be Deputy Registrar, with a salary of £300. THE late murder of Englishmen by Greek brigands formed the subject of debate in the House of Commons on Friday evening, aris- ing from a question by Sir Roundel Palmer as to what the Government had done in the matter. After the Greek Government had been unsparingly denounced by Sir Henry Bulwer, Mr. Gladstone said the correspond- ence on the subject was unsatisfactory, but incomplete, and advocated moderation at present. ' THE steamer Lady Head has been pur- chased by the Dominion Government, ‘and sent to Halifax to replace the unseaworthy steamer Druid in the lighthouse service. The Druid will be sold if any one will offer $20,000 for her before the end of Jun e, otherwise she will be sent to Quebec. EXTRACT.â€"F01‘ persons suffering from ex- haustion of the powers of the brain and ner- vous system, from long continued study or teaching7 or in those cases of exhaustion which so many young men suffer, I know of no better medicine for restoration to health than Fellows’Compound Syrup onypophos- phites. EDMUND CLAY, M. 1).: Pngwash N S. ‘ Price $1 50 abottlé; 6 for T50. Sold by apothecaries and by F. Cuudill & 00., wholesale agents, Mantreal. Patrick “Downey, residence unknown, mortally wounded! in the 1}: -1d. Mich-:Lel Callaghan, badly wounded in‘the abdomen, and not likely to live through the day. CORNS.â€"USO Dr. J. Briggs’ Modern Cur-' ative for corns, bunions, in-growing nails, tender feet,&c. Mild, soothing, softening and healing. Sold by druggists. 533g WE are told Mr. Summer thinks that if the Bill introducedin the Cortes for the abo- lition of slavery in the Spanish possessions be adopted, it will change the popular feel- in the great Republic with regard to the Cuban insurrectionâ€"Globe General Prim calls on all the Deputies to be punctual at the next meeting ofthe Cortes, when he promISes to explain all his futile endeavours to fill the still vacant Spanish throne. He will leave that question to the consideration of the Cortes.â€"~ Globe 3ames Attridge, residence unknown, se- verely woundefl inAthevthigh. _ 1t hppeurs, therefore, to ice clear that ten Fepians were killed, and_thir»teen wounded. As to the prisoners taken by our men, we shall soon know all about them. From the American accounts. there seems to be three of them. Considering the mailer of men engaged. the carnage was not great; but the Fenian rascals must have been in a. fearful state of trepidation when they failed to inflict even a scratch on any one of the Canadians. LORD and Lady Mnncaster who were cap- tured by the Greek brigands, have arrived in London. NEURALGIA.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevan- tor for neuralgia, catarrh, headache, &c. Sold by druggists. - 533Q EDWARD EVERETT has been sentenced in London to four months’ hard labor for at- tempting to commit suicide. The Killed and Wouhded. We gamm. A few days and we entertained serious apprehensions that We would be ; called upon to announce the sad tidings of the premier’s death in this issue of our paper. we are rejoiced, howeVer, to learn (to the latest moment of going to press) that he has taken another change for the better, and is now in a fair way of recovery. To the readers of the Y ork Infer- ald, this will be glad tidings, we believe; for Sir John A. Macdonald is a, universal favourite, and would be sadly missed if taken off at thin-time. With this issue of the YORK HERALD,‘ We commence our twelfth year. Since we first took upon he the responsibility of publishing this journal, eleven eventful years have flown past, and we are amazed when we reflect upon the rapidity with which those years have gone by.â€" Great'events hare taken place within that short period of time â€" which are fresh in the memory of all, and will oc- cupy prominent places in the future his- tory of the nineteenth century. We have endeavoured to do our duty faith- fully to the public, and have reason to believe that our efforts are appreciated ; for our circulation is larger now than at any period since we commenced. We are too modest to sound our own trum- pet, and will simply say that our readers may rely upon it that we Will always try to do our utmost in making the York Heralda welcome weekly Visitor. As reâ€" gards the question ofpolitics,we have only to say that we sh ll continue in the even ‘tenor of our wayz; e avoid the extremes jof the old tory school, while we take care lnot to be contaminated bygritism. The luniou of 1841 killed the former, and con- federation has sounded the death-knell of the latter. L . a hope that both may ' I cefulgravc, and that 5 d' on a more exalted - or the other of the Some weeks ago, we had occasion to notice the vast preparations making in Britain by numerous mechanics and la- borers to emigrate to this country during the present season. Since that time the Emigration Department has advices from their Agents in the United Kingdom, indicating that there a great in- flux of immigrants far in excess of pro" vious years. The Commissioner, the Hon. John Carling, addressed circulars early in the year, to the Reeves of the various Municipalities in' Ontario, reâ€" questing them to bring before their several Councils this important matter, communicate with the Commis- sioner of Immigration as to the number of“ mechanics and laborers that could be employed In their various Municipalities. Quite a. number of the Townships have been heard from, and have sent inrequi- sitions for a large number of mechanics, laborers and servant girls. While, again, a number of townships have not made any return and, if we are not mistaken, Markham and Vaughanâ€"two of the wealthiest in the countryâ€"~are among those which have omitted this impor- tant duty. This should be attended to at once; harvest will shortly be here and no arrangements made to); save .the it affords " pleasure to. congra- tulate our ‘3 upon the fact that Fenianism h ' ' in the past week, re- ceived its deat - low from our gallant volunteers, in What was formerly known as Lower Canada. In connectbn with this very gratifying announcement, it is but due to Sir (fieorge E. Cartier to say that, as Minister of Militia, he has ren- dered important service to the Dominion; and by prompt attentibn to his oflicial duties, he has been the means of saving the lives of our gallant men, while in the act of driving thejcontemptible ine vaders from our frontier. In order to keep pace with the im- provements of the times, we have pro- cured a first;class No. 2 " Gordon-Frank- lin J oh Press ” from the manufactory of Joseph Hall, & 00., of Oshawa ; By which we expect to be able to execute every de- scription of job work in a style that canâ€" not be excelled by any printing establish- ment outside of Toronto, either for neat- ness or despatoh. -We trust our friends generally will note this particular fact, and bring on their work, as we are now in a position to rush it through to suit them. Farm for sale. Insolvent Act 1860.â€"John Kerr. Note Lost.â€"W;_.§Sliney. SIR JOHEA.’S HEALTH. Rlunmo: OUR TWELFTH YEAR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IMMIGRATION. :LL, JUNE 3, 1870. crops. We hope the Reeves of the various Municipalities who havo not already communicated with the Department, will do so at once, and do all in their power to encourage the strangers to stay in our country. We direct the attention of our Municipal oflicers to the following circu- lar from the Hon. John Carling, Com- missioner of Emigration, referi'ing to the subject :â€"â€"- DEAR. Sm,-â€"â€"~Under date of Blst January last, I addressed to you a. circular in refer- ence ta an anticrpated extensive Emigration to this Province during the present season, and requested a. return of the number and description of Immigrants required by your Municipality. Since then I have received reports from Mr. Thomas White, Commis» sioner for Ontario in the United Kingdom, and from other sources. all indicating that there will be an influx of Immigrants to this lProvince in excess of previous years. I beg to direct your'attentiod to my pre- vious circular, and to say that I shall feel obliged if you will, as early as possible, make the required return. Those received last season were of great benefit, both to Far- mers and Immigrants. in securing with the least possible delay labourers for the former, and employment for Elie latter. I trust that your Council and theBateâ€" payers of your Municipality, will see the im- portance of coâ€"operating with the Governâ€" ment. by assisting as far as they can, insthe locating of Immigrants. as soon after their arrival as possible. Last season great loss was sustained by Agriculturists in many parts of the Province, owing to the insuffi- ciency of labourers to gather in the harvest. It may not be possibleZthis season to sup- “1 ply, as? promptly as may be desired, all de- mands that may be made for labourers; but the requirements of the several Municipaliâ€" ties will be complied with as far as possible. I am, dear Sir, Your obedient servant, JOHN CARLING,‘ Commissioner.” The Treasurer of the County of York advertises a list of the lands to be sold for taxes on,Tuesday, the 28th instant. For the information of our readers in the county“, we enclose the County Trea- surer’s advertising sheet. in each number of the YORK HERALD that we send to subscribers, in order that they may not be taken by surprise, and find themselves sold out by the sheriff before the first of next month; as will be the case, if the present warning is neglected. By referring to the list, our readers will perceive that the names of all persons in arrears for taxes are set down, together with the numbers of the Lot and Concession; the quantity of land; for what years the taxes are owing; and the amount now due for Taxes and expenses; all these particulars are very distinctly given on the Treasurer’s advertising sheet. We would urge our readers, one and all, in_ the County of FIRE AT Buowu’s CORNERS.â€"A disas- trous fire broke out at Brown’s Corners. 4th Con. Markham, on Saturday morning last, about 9:30 o’clock. It appears that about the hour named the house occupied by Mr. Alex. Young, situated on the south-east cor- ner of the concession, was observed to be in flames, and it immediately communicated with the houses adjoining, and so extended across the road to the hotel owned and oc- cupied by Mr. Wm. Perry. In about an hour and a. half, five houses were consumed. Mr. Perry saved nearly all his furniture, and and his loss will amount to about $1500, on which there is $650 insurance. Mr. Young lost about $700 worth of furniture on which there is no insurance. A Mr. Irwin lost about $250 Worth of furniture; and had no insurance. Two other unoccupied houses, owned by Mr. Wm. Perry, and Mr. George Feely, were also destroyed. We understand Mr, Perry will rebuild his hotel immediately. NORTH tiALF OF LOT 25, TOWNSHIP OF VA About 75 acres cleared with tw1 houses (one brick). Barns, Sta orchard, thereon, also living st] the lot. situate one mile from i a mile from Patter-5011.2 miles1 Hill Station on the Northern R The above farm will be sold b THE FIRST OF OCTOB If not previously dispo; For terms and further partic by letter pre-paid, to WM. ELLIS. Lucl JAS. RALS'I‘ON,I Richmond Hill, June 1,1870. FIRE AT MAPLEâ€"We regret to learn that on Monday evening last, the barn on the farm of Wm. Develin, Esq. J. P. was i with its contents consumed by fire. The 1 structure was a. good one, and a large quarr- tity of wheat other produce was stored in‘ the building. Insurance not known. | MONTHLY FAIR.â€"The Richmond Hill monthly fair was held on Wednesday last. The attendance was large, and a surprising amount of business was done. Month after month this market has improved during the last two years, until it has assumed consider- able importance in the estimation of dealers and others. THE BERRY Baos.â€"‘ This troupe of funny fellows will give another of their interesting entertainments on Saturday evening next, in the Temperance Hall, in our village. All who attended their first entertainment were highly satisfied. Doors open at 7 o’clock, curtain to rise at 8. they should at once produce the receipt, and the County Treasurer will see that it is made right. If they cannot prove that they paid the taxes opposite their marries, they may make up their minds to pay it before the 28th inst, or submit to a sale of the Lot. The amount of money that is due to Municipal Councils for arrears of taxes is large in the aggregate, and should not be allowed to stand over, as it causes a necessity of levying higher rates on those who pay up promptly, to meet public requirements. If all paid their taxes regularly, the burthen would be considerably reduced. We hope our readers will not neglect this warning, as it may be of great importance to many; and if neglected, will incur a very con- siderable additional expense. OTTAWA, June 1.--Sir. J ohu A. Macdon- ald shows great improvement. A suite of‘ rooms in the main building, known as the Speakers apartments, are being prepared for his reception. There is talk of removing him to-morrow. BALLOON A'scxamsxon.â€"We are requested to announce that a mammoth balloon will be despatched from the roof of Mr. Iraac Crosby s store on Saturday evening next at nine P. M., ‘wind and weather permitting. SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. “TORONTO, MAY 23rd, 1870. Enrul Steam. Dum-der-dumldumpter-dum-tum, etc.,were the first sounds we heard on the morning of the 24th. Whence came they? From an old drum that lives somewhere about Maple, and used for summoning rowdies to acer- tain debating Institution. However, we will charitany assume that, on this occasion, it gave its “ Peter Dick” in commemoration of the natal day of our beloved Sovereign. Nothing very remarkable occurred till night â€"-the celebrators loving darkness rather than light, became their deeds were evil, was it? Large numbers came flocking in all directions to the prominent display of fire-works. There might be seen the rowdy [with his borrowed plug; the “gal” with iwith her Grecian bend; a. few respectable ,r young men, and more young women; staid ' matrons ejaculating surprise at everything ; lordly fathers wondering how they made “them things,” ragged urchins with un- washed faces and several nondescripts. The company was called to order by the dumpter- dum-tums of Mr. Drumâ€"who pleaded in bursts of unrestrained eloquence for all to come and see the fun. A bonfire was made of a host of comlfistibles piled round and round an oil barrel. Then a host of meteors followed each other in rapid successionâ€", each accompanied by the diabolical yells of l more diabolical juveniles. Next a lot of 1 fireballs were tossed about with great zest, 1 making quite a hvely appearance as they chased each other in mid-air. Now comes a bomb-shell explosionâ€"reminding one of something more terriflic. The oil barrel burns more furiously; more meteors, fire~ balls, bomb-shells, grasshoppers, fire-crack- ers, and murderous yells, and the scene is drawing near its close. By this time, the old folks have gone home, and the respect- able youths are suggesting the propriety of doing the same. Mother what’s-herâ€"name, is anxiously edging her way through the crowd in search of “ owah gals ;” whom at last she finds, and requests to come home; but “ owah gals” expect to be escorted by Mike Mit'zcoxin, and respectfully tells Mother what'sâ€"herâ€"name that they will go when they are ready. Miss whatâ€"youâ€"callâ€" her is searching the crowd for some one to convey her to her home. Jack Got-fooled, has burned his fingers, and curses fireâ€"werks. The rcwdies parade the street, stroking their microscopic mustachios, which years of industrious shaving, and patient waiting have raised, declaring to be gay and happy as a. “big sunflower,”'and crowning their pretensions to would-be-manhood by ‘ ‘tall ” swearing, and all imaginable blackguardism. Then came “That hateful drum’s discordant sound, Parading round, and round, and round.” But in future it would be advisable for Mr. Drum to regulate his actions, as a commit- ‘ tee will be formed to bring awful vengeance on his poor head, should he persist in driving peace-loving people from the land of Nod, , as he has hitherto been successful in doing. With the exception of the characters above mentioned, who probably intended to patroâ€" nize the libatin g institution, till daylight THE TWENTY-FOURTH IN MAPLE. For terms and further particulars apply, by lette‘r pre-paid, to The above farm will be sold by auction about THE FIRST OF OCTOBER NEXT! If not previously disposed of. About 75 acres cleared with two good dwelling houses (one brick). Barns, Stables, sheds and orchard, thereon, also living streams crossing the lot. situate one mile from Richmond, 2 of a mi la from Patterson.2 miles from Richmond Hill Station on the Northern Railway. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, U ED cams. buxiions. large and small. in- growing nails, sweat calded feet, &.c.,relieved immediately and soon cured by applying Dr. J, Briggs’ Modern Curative accordingto direc- (tions; i! never does lmrm,but it always does good. 583-1y-cq' CORNS.+Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Curativé for corms, bunions, ill-growing nails, &0. Sold by druggists. 538Q BUTTON.â€"At Buttonville, on the 24th ult., Maria, wife of Mr. Francis Button, aged 62 years. THROAT. &c., cured very q'uickly re- using Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevantor, a. safe and by liable remedy, 583-1y-cq Flour. #9 barrel... . ...- Wheat. bush . . . . . . . Spring Wheat, #9 bush . Barley. HQ bush. . . . . . . . Pease, do Oats, do ....... Hayfiton Strawfifi ton . Butter '21)? 1b rolls...- . . . Pork mess % perbbl ... Woolfilb.r.......... Dressed Hogs, per cwt . EURALGIE, HEADACHE, SORE THROAT. &c., cured very quickly re- The Law Malcolm Cameron, EING THAT WELL-KNOWN FARM ORNS, HALng SOET AND _FESTER- New mhnertisemeuts. NORTH HALF OF LOT 23, 2ND CON. @nrrwpnnhwh. fipecial Noting. CONTAINING 100 ACRES, TORONTO MARKETS. WM. ELLIS. Lucknow, JAS. RALSTON,Richmond Hill. Farm for Sale. ulul....-u-.n.- rush ......... .- atfig bush rush........ rolls............. Bperbbl ......... gs, per cwt . . Composed of the BELONGING T0 Toronto, June 2. 1870. DIED. Foo-000200508 31.067400206Ag 5 411000570509 @@@@@@@@@m@@ 5386 004060 MOOSBMOOSSQO 411000150409 $ 1 2 . . n ~ . n . n a Ezecutors. 620~ 1m if J. bleedifig and itchy, relieved at once anti soon cured by using Dr J. Briggs’ universal Pile remedy ; oothing. safe and reliable. s I L E s, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, bleeding and itchv. relieved at once and RONCHITIS, LARINGITIS, AND ALL affections of the throat, lungs and chest immediately relieved, and all but hopeless cases cured by using Dr. J. Briggs’ Throat and lung Healer. 583-1y-cq ' OPEN TO OBJECTIONS UNTIL THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF MAY, Aftar which the Dividend will be paid. 1â€"1 neighborhood of Yorkville, on Friday, the 90th May last, a leather pocket book, con- taining a Note payable to William Sliney or bearer. for the sum of $24â€"signed by John Line and George Logan. Any person finding it will be euitablv rewarded by returning it to the undersigned at Richmond Hill PD. The parties who made the note have been potified of its being lostâ€"it i therefore of no use to any one but the lawful owner. (Signed) w. SLINEY. Richmond Hill, June 2, 15.70 620-3 .1. are now prepared to furnish all classee with constant emplopment at home. the whole ol’ the time or for the spare moments. Busi. ness new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50c. to $5 per even- ing, and a pi'lportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the businnss, we make this unparz'leled offer: To such as are not well satisfied, we will send" $1 for the trouble of writing Full particulars, a valuable sample which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The People’s Literary 00mptmwn~one of the largest and best family newspapers publishedâ€"all sent free by mail. Reader. ifyou want permanent, work, address E. 0. ALLEN &Co.,Augueta, Maine. 1. ED during the last. three years and has never failed. The shell retains its natural color and thxck- mass. PRICE 75 CENTS PER PACKAGE. If the directions are carried out, every pack- age warranted to preserve 30 dozen perfectly anhentire year. 0110 min can pack and send to market $10- 000 worth in six months. 30 dozen in summer ((7) (0 015.. cost. . . .$3 00 Cost of Eggnolia and other materials. . . 85 Total Cost..................$3 85 30 dozen in winter ((3 25 cts., Dost 7 50 Sent prepaid by parcel post to any part of the Dominon, or supplied through Agents, with fun directiops for uaeuon_ receipt .of Brice. Grocers and others supplied at wfiolaséle on the most liberal terms. Single packages for samples, sent to grocers or _c|§r_g_ymen for _50 ceyts. fn None germin unless my Trade Mark and Signature are on outside of package" Good reiiable agents wanted everywhere. Liberal commission allowed. Addressâ€" J. W. JONES. Sole Manfifaclurer. 619-3 London, Ont., Canada- SEED POTATOES, A lot of Superior Godorich Potatoes, suitable J91“ Seed. for sale cheap. at NOW KNOW YE and We do hereby de- clare and proclaim that on, from and after the THE 24TH Du or MAY, 1870. Now next hereafter. William Atkinson has on exhibition, at the Central Store, the Best and Cheapest Stocki of FELT AND STRAW Hus ever ofi'ered in Richmond Hill. In testimony whereof. we have caused this to be signed and sealed at the oflice of the Central Store, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. on the nineteenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sevent . y WM. ATKINSON. figmfifififififififiqgfi Cabbage Plants ; also Cauliflower Plants for sale b y GEO. SIMPSON. [F. & S. H.] To 'N THE MATTER OF GEORGE A. ANT (0' Dr. Elliot, Dentist. Turunlm) respectfully annéunces that he will visit the following places,(Sun- days excepted). where he will attend u) Den- tistry in all its branches : King....................lst of each monih. Richmond Hill...........5lh “ Nowmarkot..............10Lh “ Ar'ora..................15t11 “ Teeth extracted with the least possible pain, and especial attention paid to the regulation of chiidren’s teeth. a All le'ters addressed to Aurora. will receive prompt attention. Charges Moderate, and work warranted to giv‘eusgtisfacliop: Teeth inserted on Gold. Sliver, luminum Base. Teeth filled in such a manner as to preserve them from further decay. . To amend an act. regulating the sale of Hats. Toronto, June 1. 1810. T HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY TEST- Richmond Hill, May 5, 1870. Aurora, May 25. 1870. Richmond Hill, May 19, 1870. OST, QN_YQNQE__SC_I‘I§EET IN;ng A DIVIDEND SHEET ARLY YORK & WINNINGSTADT all whom these presents shall come or whom the same may in any wise concern. GREfiuua. AN ACT > Insolvent Act of 1869. W. H. CANNON, L.D.s., ghENTIST, imam; @3151; J ones' Eggnolia. A PERFECT EGG pxmmvm! THE WORKING CLASS. â€"â€" WE BARNARD, AN INSOL VENT. Nett Gain.. . . HAS BREE PREPARED, RICHMOND HILL. Note Lost. ‘.........lst of each month. ..........5ih “ .......10Lh “ .........15t11 " in the most Improved Styles, Vulcanized Rubber. and Al- Plants. JOHN KERR. I. FRENCH’S. ""3365 Assipwe. 6‘20 -2 619-1y 6183 616

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