Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Jul 1870, p. 1

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VOL. XII, N0. 7. PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer and Draughtsmau. OmcE AT Willowdale. on Yonge St. in the County of York. (Orders by letter promptly attended to. Willowdalo. Dec. 15. 1869. 596-ly hichmond rim, MArch,24, 1870. 610 PETER S. GIBS 0N. V u take notice that Mr. Jonh Tailor has ceased to collect for John N. Reid, M.D., and that Mr. John Garton. of Thornhill. is author- ised to collect for the subscriber until further notice. JOHN N. REID. M.I). Thornhill, December 22,1869. CARD. B.â€"-THE Pfific WILL mus}; 597 U any numberâ€"iidteiceedingthree himdred dollars by any one depositor.) will be received at the Richmond Hill Post Office. for which Government will allbw Jn’terést. 5;“ MR. 'fimnfii i5 Govérnment Agent for the sale of I 1‘ ‘ {Esofailinr Eon THE“ ., V MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. RICHMOND HILL Office hours: from 6:30 AJI. to 9:30 PM. May 4, 1869. 563-tf Having purchased the Stock and Interest of R. H. Hall, (late Chemist and DrUggist of the same place) have greatly enlarged the old stock and have now on hand a good assort- ment of Drugs. Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals. Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Varnislies. Fancy articles Dye Stufi's. Patent Medicines. and all other articleshlgept lgy Diliggists generally.“ " E H. SANDERSON a; SONS, g CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, “,3 Phy'siciins Pr‘iazcripfions cafefully com- pounded. and all ordexs attended to With care aug despatch._ W Furm'ors add Physiciansfrom the country wi’l find our stock of Medicines completeâ€"warrant- ed genuineâ€"and of the best quality. J- public will find first-class accomodalion at the above House, at low rates. '(‘hers is an extensive Stable attached, and large oflvered sheds. An altemive and obliging hustler. HE FARMERS AND TRAVELLING public will find first-class accomodation 77",“ Good Subling attached. Trusty Host- ler always in quendauce. iVl. Commissioner in 8.11., is Government Agent for issuing Marriage Licenses in the Conniy of York. Oflice hoursâ€"7 A.M. to 9:30 P.l\l. Richmond Hill. October 23,1869. P. O. SAVINGS BANK. UCCESSOR TO JAMES HOLLIDAY, BUTCHER, 2nd door north of G. A. Barnards store. Rickmond Hill, keepS always on hand the best of Beef. Mutton. Lamb. Veal, Pork. Sausages. &c. and sells at the lowestprices. Theihighest marketprice given for Cattle, Shegp. 11amsz &c_. ~. 1‘" pm ,1,,L,,.1 MKEJEBRAd find Spiced Beef. Smokedand Dried Hams. WILLIAM COX. vv - King Street East, Toronto. near Church Street. is prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in or- der to preserve their teeth. or relieve suffering and snpply new teed] in the most approved style. Also to regulate the teeth of those who need It. Consultations free, and all work war- ranted. June, 1865. 2l5 and 217 Yonge Street, Toronto. JAMES BOWMAN, SSUER. OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA. FRIDAY, JULY fully to'anneunce that he will be at. Unionville. . . . ls! Monday ofeach month. Weston . . . . . .9lh day " Kiineburg. . . .lfith “ Burwick . . . . .22nd “ Scarboro’ . . . .23rd " Where he willbe prepared and mosthappy to wait onthose who mny require his services. G. H. H.. having had over ELEVEN Ynns’ PRACTICE. feels confident, of giving entire satis- faction. To those who have favored him with their palronagein the past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who mav do so in the fu- ture. he would say that no endeavor on hisI part willbe wanting to meetthen‘ approval. REFERENCEs.â€"Thefollowinggenflemencan, withconfidence,recommend G. H, Husband,to all requiring Dental aid: Dr Reid, Thornhil]; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwick; Dr. Corson, Brampton. RESIDENCE.â€"Th0rnhnl. Thomhill September 17. 1868. V 1y Richmond Hill. October 15. 1867. ‘ELSON DAVIS, P R0 P RIET O R. HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS. ferred than Library to the HERALD Book .L 7 ferred than Library to the HERALD Bo Store. where Stockholders and others In drocure Books every Friday afternoon. A. SCOTT, Librarian SCHOOL REQUISITES TEEFY! NOTARÂ¥nPUI§pIC AND GOLDEN LION HOTEL, GREEN BUSH HOTEL, MARRIAGE LICENSES, MARRIAGE Howls): G. H. HUSBAND: L.D.S. BhENTIST, BEGS MOST R1; LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, RICHMOND HILL MONEY TO LEND. ' ‘ 1 | @135!th L§ND ON .GOOD FARM- .__._ Security, in Sums to suit applicants. Apply to RICHOMND HILL, WILLIAM COX, NEW FIRM. RICHMOND HILL. YONG-E STREET, J. L. PARKER. Proprietor. DENTISTRY. M: VTVEEF'Y. Postmaster. OF ALL KINDS. AT THE DUGGAN & MEYERS, Attorneys, Court St C.__>AD§MS, _D. D:_S., 95 HERALD BOOK STQREa 559-1y 593. 558-3m 22 Book In ay It was just such a night as a sailorl lovesâ€"a night of comparative peace, a soft breeze, an easy sea, and the land an indefinite number of miles on the wea- ther bow. Our vessel was as tidy a little craft as any in the royal navy, and that is no small boast either. Her. name was the May Bee, and may be she wasn’t a saucy one: when we fought, we always won ; and I think, too, had we run away, we should have won the race also; at any-rate, in the chase, the slaver never had the ghost of a chance that we drew a bee-line upon. Our cruising-ground was the Indian Ocean, it length and breadth, from the cold wa es of the far south, to Aden in the sunu north. Well, on the present occasion, we were rather short of hands, and of heads too, 1 if officers may be regarded as such; for three of our boats were away on particu- lar service; and, as our engineer was on the sick-list, the fires were out, sail set, , and an unusual quiet reigned throughout I the ship. It was past eleven o’clock, and our commander had turned in. I could hear him snoring through the bulk- head, for his cabin was right abaft our little ward-room, although in no way connected therewith. My cabin was the only one of those off the ward-room at present occupied, the only other officer on boardâ€"saving the engineerâ€"being the assistant-paymastcr, whose cabin was outside in the steerage. Into the further end of the steerage led the companion- ladder, so that, in our passage to and from the wardroom to the deck, we had to cross it. I was standing in my little box-like sanctum, preparing to go to bed, when the noise of approaching footsteps in the steerage attracted my attention.â€" Imagining that some one was sick, I hastily threw on my coat, and emerged again into the wardâ€"room, just as Mr. Travers, our assistant-paymaster entered by the other door. He held right in‘ front of him, so as to be hidden from any one behind, a drawn cutlass, which, from signs and motions he made, I un- derstood he meant me to take charge of and conceal. I quickly did so behind ' my cabin curtain, and has scarcely acâ€" complished the task, when Mr, Wheeler, the engineer, stood in the doorway; and the assistant-paymaster, after pretending to borrow a candle, bade me good-night, and retired. ‘4 as ;_Th§{r g5] Now, as I said before, Mr. Wheeler was on the sick-list, and had been so for weeks. His disease was one of the worst forms of alcoholic mania; in other words, a bad case of delirium tremens. From one attack he had only recently recovers ed, being snatched from the very jaws of death. His delusions had been many; but principally he had the idea that a ‘conspiracy was afoot on board, having for its object the harassmg of him, Mr. Wheeler, in every way, and the final ab- duction of his body, the binding of the same, hands and feet, and the delivering of it to the deep, to afford food to the sharks. He used to sit for hours in his little mess-room, armed with a knife, yet ‘ ltrembling like a new-born fawn at the islightest noise. Every one, saving my- self, he had deemed a foe. .The drops ’of water leaking in through the scupper- {holes were water dashedupon him by the maliciousness of the boys; the cur- ltain waving gently to and fro with the lship’s motion, was stirred by the hand lof a hidden assassin. The captain himâ€" self he had averred, was preparing the hammock in which his living body was _ to he sewed before he was thrown over- ! board. Then rows of pale beings had 5' arranged themselves on the opposite side of his room, pointing and gibbering at him, and spouting blood on him ; the, port opened, and slimy serpents glided in and hid themselves in the apartment or about his dress; his legs would sud- denly be clasped as in a vice, and looking down, beheldan alligator, with a strange, i sit by the open window, In the cool of a. summer da , And hear the shouts and lafig ter Of my little ones at play. They run, they leap, they frolic, Like squirrels on thefiree, Or like the young foals‘fimursing A green and sunny 1 But, whilel‘with eyes mi: They little think they 3 en An old wound in my reasH But oh, every tone and gesture Of the merry thoughtless band Recalls some trait of the mpther, Pass’d to the better land. Whiie the sweet singer Agnes, Is singing loud and clear, ’Tis not the child7s blithe carolâ€"â€" ’Tis the mother‘s voice I hear! 0n the bold features of Harry, As he stands in the suniight near, Death seems to stand t_riu11_1phant, v For his mother’s smile th'ey wéar. And little Laura. chills me With her eyes of beaming blue, For, lol in those bright Windows ’ Tis Death that looketh through. In each fair childish figure A spirit form I see, Breathing a pathetic beauty From which I fain would flee! For day by day it mocks me With the shadow ofjoy long fled, Till sometimesâ€"heaven forglve me!â€" I wish I, too, Were dead! 7 A Night with a. Madman- An Old Wound. gimmme Elam; strange face, crouching beneath the tabie, embracing him in its horrid arms, blow- ing its fetid breath in his face, and using fearful threats of death and judgment! Repeated blows with the knife at length dispelled this demon ; and then myriads of horrible insects came trooping up over the table, and covered the bulk-head all around; and ‘See 1’ he had cried to me, ‘ didn’t I see them on deck springing up like jets of water, and flowing away in streams, those white thick worms 1’ and now they were on him, gnawing his flesh, eating his Vitals. _A corruption 1- morihun . moribund !’ he shouted, and fell down in one of the worst sorts of fits I had ever had the pain to witness. From this fit he had glided imperceptibly into a state of lethargy, from which, after many weary days and nights of watching, I had seen him awake, With pale face and glittering eye, just as he now stood in the wardâ€"room before me. ‘ Wh'aItgâ€"l’ 55d Iâ€"â€"â€"‘ not in bed yet, old fellow 7’ l ‘ Hush !’ he whispered ; and by the very look and gesture, I saw plainly that the madness was on him again. ‘ Hush l’ and as he spoke he pointed to the steer- age: they are there, andâ€"ugh !-â€"â€"â€"its all so darkâ€"dark and dreary. I could not' lie in my berth forwardâ€"they would kill me; and Travers stole my cutlass, that I might not defend myself.’ ‘Come,’ said I, ‘my good fellow, never mind them. I’ll protect you, and fight for you, if need be, to the last.â€" Come forward with me, and turn in to your cot.’ -. - 1 . "Al__‘___1__ J”. WV. ‘ Nay, nay,’ he whispered impetuously, at the same time holding me back; ‘not nowflnot now, doctor ; wait. till the blessed sun rises. In the dark, I could not wrestle with them, and it will be so very long till morningâ€"WVill it burn ?' he added, pointing to the lamy in my cabin. I nodded assurance, and then .he pleaded with such eloquence to be al- lowed to remain near the light, and to sleep before my cabin-door, that I at last consented, and spreading a mat and pil- ‘ low foi“ him, bade him lie down. He did i so, and before morning I had every rea. son to repent of my kindness. He then requested me to place beside him a load- ed revolver, or at least a bayonet or cut- lass, which, having no ambition for a madman to mount guard on me, I per- emptorily refused. An hour slipped away. during which time he lay quite l peacefully on the mat, semetimes closing l his eyes, but only to immediately reopen them, and gaze furtively and fearfully away out into the darkness of the steer- age, as if momentarily expecting the air tack of an unseen foe. All was by this time quiet, both fore and aft, in the ship, for it must have been long past midnight. The tramp, ‘ tramp of the quartexumoster overhead had stopped; even cockroaches. after a supper of corks, biscuit, port-wine, and. blocking, had gone to roost, and the com- mander had ceased to snore, from which I argued he had fallen into his second and deepest sleep. So there wasn’t a sound to be heard, except the creaking of the rudderâ€"hinges, or the plash of" the wavelets as they rippled past my cabinâ€"- a sound that had so often wooed me to sweetest, dreamless slumber, and seemed even now inviting me to rest. Thinking it my duty to remain on watch, however, 1 I had not turned in, but sat on a chair beside my little cot, writing letters home. Presently, ‘ Doctor,’ said my patient. .r ‘Tfâ€"firligljlght you, had béefi asleep,’ I answered. ‘What can I do for you ?’ ‘Give me a Prayer-book, there’s a good fellow,’ he said, ‘ and I won’t dis- ' 7 turb you agam. ‘ 1 would, Wheeler, if I had one,’ re- plied I, ‘but you know I’ve the misfor- tune to have been born Scotch and a Presbyterian ; but. here is a Bible ;’ and I handed to him the book 0k book. He took it, and thanked me, and I went on with my writing. I was not so much preoccupied, however, as not, to perceive that he thrice opened the book, ; read very attentively, and between each time he prayedâ€"silently, indeed, but so earnestly that the drops of prespiration stood in beads on his pale brow, This brow of his, too, was a very noble one; indeed, he was, when well, not only a manly, good-hearted fellow, but a wise and wellâ€"educated gentleman. Thinking that his present frame of mind augur’ed nothing but good, and. that there could Inot possibly be any danger to himself or me;moreover, feeling tired, I closed my portfolio, and without undressing, threw myself on my bed, with the intention of snatching a few hours’ repose, if not sleep. I should here mention that Ihad, only the day previous, purchased from ship’s stores a large claspknife, such as sailors usually carry. This knife I had lying on my little table among the books and other articles. I could not have been long in bed till I fell asleep, the last thing I remember being groans proceeding from the mate in front of my door. I am a very light sleeper, and used to have continual rows ‘ with my servant for shaking me in the mornings, tell him that all he had to do in order to waken me was to enter my cabin, and wink once or twice. How long I slept I cannot say; I believe it must have been fully an hour; but when I did at last open my eyes, I never felt more Wide-awake in all my life, ‘I had not so far as I knew, been dreaming. yet I awoke with a. strange and indescribable sensation of impending danger. It wsa as though a cold, cold- shadow had fallen upon or passed over my brain and senses. By the side of my pillow stood Mr. Wheeler, and my eyes opened directly on his. I shall fievér forget. the expreé‘ 15, 1870. sion on his f'aée; it was not so much that at was dark and terrible-fit was the fur- tive listening expréésibn on in that seemed so strange, almost like a cat about to seize its prey. In his handJ half-raised he beld my own clasp-knifeâ€"open l. ‘ I z a Our eyes met, and for two seconds, not more, I looked at him, and yet in those two secofids the devil in him‘ was conquered, I have often had reason to be thankde that my wits did not desert me in time of danger, and this time my presence of mind saved me from an {1eg death. Had I ventured t6 spring up was a strong man," and” “undoubtedly would soon have alien-powered me. But instead of this, I merely said, in as cool and peevish a voice as I could command: ‘ Pshawl Wheeler, mau‘, don’t waken a fellow. You’ll get the volume in the little bookcaseâ€"Good night; I’ve to rise early; and I closed my eyes, not, howeVer, before I had obserVed the deadly weapon quickly concealed behind his back and the foolish simpering smile of the dipsomaniac succeed the stern determined glance of the would-be assassin. .1- a ‘ He! he 1’ laughed the madman; ‘I thoughtâ€"he! be! Oh, here is the book. Gookr nighi}; sopnd_ asleep; ‘Yes,’ thought I, ‘my boy, and a nice sound sleep you were preparing for me.’ A feeling of anger at that moment took possession of me, and I felt I almost hated my unfortunaie patient. I had now very little inclination for sleep; and after remaining quiet for a few moments, I began to simulate rest- lessness; then rubbing my eyes, I sat up, ‘ yawned, and said: ‘ Hang it, old Wheels, c0nldn’t you have got the book yourself, without rousing me? I can’t sleep again now: however I may as well finish those letters.’ With these remarks. I swung myself to the deck, and rcseated myself to write. For some time I looked everyâ€" where, but in vain, for the large claspâ€" knife with which I was to have been made so intimately acquainted. At last I perceived a. little bit of its po‘ished lblade peeping out from beneath the mat- on which Mr. Wheeler had once'more thrown himself. ‘So, then,’ thought I, ‘I am a prisoner, and my jailer a' mad- man. Pleasant consideration 1’ There was little chance of any one coming to my aid. My only hope was, that one of the men might be taken illâ€"apoplexy, colic, or choleraâ€"morbus, I did not mind what, provided I should be send for. I was very much in the position of the position of the doctor of the old carrica- ture, pray ing Heaven to send 3 pestilence among the people, ‘that thy servant may not die of want.’ I knew ton“ that if I roused his anger or suspicion, by calling for assistance or trying to escape, I should be but as a child in his hands, and he would assuredly kill me. ‘If,’ I thought, ‘I could only gain posession of that awful knife ;’ which I now firmly be- lieved I had been fated to buy for my own execution. How soon, too, might he not, with the sudden impulse common to such cases, spring up, and attack me! it was quite evident now that his Bible- reading and earnest provers had been meant only as a preparation for death. There was thus ‘ a method in his mad- ness.’ All the strategy I could summon was now directed to the gaining possession of the knife. First, I asked him to accom- pany me to the steerage, Where the dis- pensary was, for some medicine. I told him I wanted. r ‘ You would be all the bétt'er of an opiate, anyhow,’ I said For a moment he seemed to _approvo of the plan. He simply sneered, as much as to say ‘Dofiyou third;ng excessively green ?’ ‘Will you let me help myéelf to the morphia, then ?’ he asked; adding, to prevent my suspicion, ‘ you give so large a dose you know.’ N TCethainly,’ I said‘ my hopes rising rapidly; ‘ yo_u shall help yourself.’ .1 He seemed to consider a. moment, then 'concludezi he would not budge; and my hopes fell again to zero, all the more quickly that for a few minutes after this he was very restless, and his hand fre- quen tly disappeared below the ma t,where I knew he was fumbling for the knife. At length, a happy thought crossed me7 and acting thereon, I got up, laid my papers, and pretended to begin to undress. ‘ Oh, botheration,’ said I, winding up my watch; ‘it has stopped at one o’clock ; just give a peep there, Wheeler, and see what time it is. Now, in order to do this,he had to get , up and stand on the locker, close by, as the clock was fastened to a beam overâ€" head, and on a level with the upper deck. The bait took. With one frightened look at the darkened ward-room around him, he mounted; and, as quickly as I could, I bent down and clutched the' knife. Not a moment too soon, however, for he was down from his perch in a twinkling, and was at me like a cataâ€" mountain. 'W'ith a fearful imprecation, ‘ he sprang upon and seized me by the two arms; he then dashed me backwards into my cabin, and down against the chest of drawers. All the nervous excitability oi madness aided his powerful arms, and I felt as if in a vice; ‘ Tuts !’ cried I, forcing a. lafigh,though a deadly terror was at my heartâ€"‘ buts! 01d Wheels; you hurt me man ;' and I want the Whittle just half a minute.’ And I looked him straight in the face as I spoke. .. a -1-.1‘ L1: {in Kh-avonce again the devilish look left his eyes, the ferocity died away, and his face resumed the old idiodic grin.” Then he laughingly released me. saying as he retired to his mat: ‘ You were too much for old Wheels, that time, Scottie.’ ‘ And what,’ asked I boldly, ‘ did you want with the knife ?’ retire]. 1, 1 ‘ 5” ' ‘ ‘Retire I What do you mean? I inquréd, ‘L’ong bath the night of sorrow reigned, Said the poof man; ‘the dawn: shall bringn’ue rest ;’ and pbot Wheeler will die, Or ‘the léafitainflwill kill him,’ roll.h_im up in a hammock, and send him'_ down hin'on‘g slimj;,é\rawling’uth‘1’ngs andi terrible reptiles; and they’re all in the p103; and all liate meâ€"allâ€"«all !’ 1 n . ,,,'1 ELL: me of my trying situation, Some fboh‘ steps on the quarter-deck I did hearâ€"it was but the relief of the ‘ man at the Wheel ; they soon ceased and, all was silent as before. A short time afterwards, the lamp in my cabin began to burn more dimly, and give other indications of an early exit. ‘I hardly know whether to be pleased or otherwise at this; a struggle with my maniac patient I felt sure I must have, and darkness I knew would hasten that event, and bring on the de- nouemant. r-w m”,- â€"-- ->---' in ~ 4 . _. k . J,ust then four bells rang out sharp' and clearly in the, night air; and for a_ short time a1mo_st'h0ped spmeuog I'VE-Wfivézerler, I said, ‘do you not intend to s19ep_toâ€"p_ight?" u . ‘ Ay‘,’ said he solemnly, and starting at my voice like an old lady at a pistol-shot, ‘ I will sleep; andâ€"and you too shall sleep.’ . I . This was certainly not very soothing to my net ves. 1. ,.‘i.- H TVVell,’ I continued; ' the lightis going out, so you must go to the dispensary and fetch a candle.’ ‘ Whatl’ cried he in a fierce whispef ;‘ ‘out into the dark steerage, to be torn‘" limb from limb, and my body scattered’ about the ship by devils. No, no, no 1' The lamp began to flicker. V t ‘ Seel’ said I, directing his attention to it, ‘it is waning away fast, and you, know well enough how glad they Will“ be to catch you in the dark.’ ‘ Where does the light go to when it goes out?’ he asked as if at himself. ‘ You’ll soon know.’ replied I. . He started, looked at the lamp, then' in my face, and then fearfully around’ him at the gathering gloom. ‘Do not:th it ofit,’ he cried. ‘ For. God’s sake, doctor, keep it in. Come with me quick, and get a candle. I was only to glad to obey. We had‘ not proceeded three steps from my cabin‘ door,when I attempted to get in advance, in order to make a rush for the companionâ€" ladder. It was a most untimely move.‘ No sooner did he espy my intentions, than all the madman was stirred within him. w‘mHa !’ he explaimed, 'wretchl would you leave me to face my fate alone ?’ Then seizing me by the breast, he hurled me backwards, and next moment a. crashing blow felled me to the deck. He had caught up a. double-flint tumbler that stood on the table, andâ€"not thrown it atâ€"but smashed it on my brow. Al- though blinded and almost choked with blood, still, from this very bleeding, per? haps, I was not rendered insensible; indeed, I was fullyeonscious. Knowing now for certain that he intended to make an end of me, and most likely afterwards of himself, instead of trying to get up, ;I did as I had seen the cockroaches doâ€"~’ feigned death, and lay all of a heap just as I had fallen. My grateful patient paused for a moment, and looked down at his work; then steeping towards me, he passed both hands over my face, so as to bathe them in blood, and then held them up to the light. 1 In .1 turn ‘Dbcfior,’ he fepli'ed seriously, I must' mv‘uécgdf filtfibered. ‘Red blooéâ€"u~ n01; blue ; but I’ll mak siccar, and then, doctor, I’ll follow you} -.I 1‘ 1L \Avuhvn, .. .. _ He then siéfipeé over me, with alight laugh, and reâ€"entered my cabinâ€"for the' knife, I knew. A -~ ~r+. 1311115, .I. nuuu . Now was my chance, if ever. His back was scarcely turned, when I bound? ed to my feet, and made for the steerage. It was a short but exciting race for life. Two seconds took me to the steerage? door, two more to the foot of the com- panion- ladder. I sprang up, but had suc- ‘ceeded in placing only a few steps behind me, when I slipped and fell to the bottom, while at the same time I heard an oath,“ and the cutlass flew past, and stuck in the bulk-head, not a. yard above me.‘ The madman, seeing I Was escaping, had" thrown it; and the fall had saved me." I drew out the cutlass and hurried _on‘ deck. Seeing that the maniac had now’ given up the pursuit, I paused for a} minute to take breath, and bind a hand- ,kerchief' around my head. It was a very" lovely night; not a cloud in all the dark, sky, in which the stars-â€"so difierently arranged from those in the far northâ€" wer'e shining more brightly, I think, than" I ever yet had seen them. ‘ But I. had little inclination to gaie' 'long at the gorgeous scene; my thoughts were all on the fearful danger I had just escaped; and, whether from excitement or loss of blood, I could not tell, but I felt as if about to faint. After leaning against the bulwark for a short time, the cool night-air revived me, :and I made haste to go to the captain’s} cabin, to’ make my report, and get assistance; This report was never made, for. ju’st as‘ I was about to descend, a. dark. figure” glided stealthin past, loomed for one" moment on the bulwark between me and the starlight, then disappeared, and the‘ plash alongside told me that the unhappy engineer had thrown himself into the’ .sea. M 4, , r , I ‘ Man Overboain l’ I shouted, and the" city was re~echoed, fore and aft, from‘ evefj part of the'vessel. I rushed past the man at the Wheel to, where, in tho’ etern of the ship, two_little brass knobs,‘ like door-bell handles, told the position} WHOLE N0. 626. CONTINUED ON FOURTH PAGE

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