Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Jul 1870, p. 2

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M. “Picard demanded further information for the Chambers; it was the first duty of Wflnot allow France my? ’ engage'd'in war witfioifl tfi'e‘ aesent of er representatives. EXCITING SCENE IN THE FRENCH ASSEMBLY. A RESQLUTE NOTE FROM PRUSSIA.â€"IN- GREASE or THE FRENCH CONTINGENT.â€" TEE FRENCH ARMY READY.â€"DEMANDS 0F FRANCE. â€"â€" ACTIVE MILITARY PREPARA- TIONS.-â€"MOVEMENTS or THE PRUSSIAN ARMY. â€" PRINCE LEOPOLD WITHDRAWS FROM THE CANDIDATURE. NEW YORK, July 7.~â€"â€"A cable dispatch, dated Madrid, midnight, says: Ate meeting of the Cabinet this afternoon the Regent Serrano and his Ministers unanimously con- firmed General Prim’s selection of Prince Leopold ol Holienzollern for the future King of Spain. Friends of the Administration declare the Cortes will give a. majority of at least three-fourths in favor of the selection of Prince Leopold to the throne. PARIS, July 6.â€"An exciling 'scene oc- curred in the Corps Legislatif today after the declaration made by the Mmister of Foreign Affairs. M. Olliv1er said the declaration of Duke de Grammont left no doubt thatthe Govern- ment ardently desired peace, and he felt sure that the declaration would secure peace. The Chambers must know the Government sought to attain its object in a straight forward manner. If it wanted war, it would say so. It would not engage France lell- out. consulling the Chambers. The Liter should decide. If they had no confidence in the Cabinet, they must throw it aside and confide the interests of the country to others more Worthy. M. Cremieux supported the demand, and added, that war now meant war with Europe. He protested; he and his friends deemed peace imperative unless the dignity of France required war. The President demanded order, and en- deavored to bring up the budget as a ques- tion for debate; but the Deputies replied with patiotic sentiments. The Chamber was too excited to discuss finances and the sitting disolved. M. Krago wished to speak, but the Presi' dent declared the debate closed. M. Arugo replied that the Government must be afraid .of the discussion. He accused it of having made a Hohenzollern king and then declar- ing war. ‘ It is said the Danes are enthusintieally in favor of war against Prussia. The Journal says, in case of war the Em geior will command in person, with the rince Imperial attached to his staff. PARIS.Jllly 10, 5 PALâ€"Tile Constitutional says: rrhe Prussian journals say their Government has been a stranger to the can- didature of the Prince. If this were so, the Prussian Government should now prove its sincerity by forcing the Prince to re‘ nounce the offer. The Prince is under the authority of the King of Prussia. and the latter thus has the peace of Europe in his hands. The answer of Prussia is expected tonight or tomorrow. If it is unsatisfac tory, the measures to enforce, with arms, the rights of France will immediately be taken. Already the Government is preparing for the emergency. M. St. ‘I-Ii'laire asked by what right Gen. Prim offered the crown to the Prince of Hohenzollem. ' M. Ollivier said he could not answer the question, as he was not yet informed of the negotiatign. ‘Some deputies exclaimed: “Then the Min ister of Foreign Aifnirs has been imprudent in making his declaration.” Pulsfiulv 11.-It is asserted that France will not consent to a congress of Powers until Prussia yields on the Hoheuzollem qugstion. ~ $910037; July 9.-â€" Both here arid htLiver- pool the breadstulfs and cotton markets are uncertain in tone, and prices are irregular. This is altogether due to the posssibility of a. continental war, the same influence operat- ‘ing at Manchester. The excitement does not seem to ,abnte. while better opinion seems to prevail that “rm-«will be avoided. A telegrarfi from Ems says Count Bene» ditti, the French Ambassador, before his in» terview with King William, saw Baron Weither, the Pi-ussi'an Ambassador at Paris, whn damnm consult with the King. The MADRID, July 7.â€"At the Council of Min- isters yesterday. the Minister of Foreign Afl‘airs was authorised to present the name of the new candidate for the throne to the Cortes, which will probably be convened expressly for that "purpose. LONDON, July 7.â€"â€"There is much excite~ .ment, not only here but on the continent, in yiew of \he contemplated Europenn com- plication. Despatches from Paris say there 13 strong feelin,r in France, eVPll outside of official circles, against the Hohenzollern Prince becoming King of Spain. ‘ lst. Disclaiming all participation in the candidature of Prince Leopold of Hohen- zollem. 2nd. That the_ Prince Leopold is not even a relation of the Roygal_ Family. _ The Council of' Ministers hope that the Prince will receive more than 170 votes, the miningqu required by the Cortes. The Prince is expec'ted at Madrid in Novem- ber, and a. Spanish fleet will be dispatched to bring him: 7’ - This is not satisfactory to France. and the Duke de Gx-ammorm has forwarded another degpatch topgzrlip. PARIS, Jilly 9.;Circula'is have. been is- sued recalling to their commands all the officers and soldiers absent on furlough. 3rd. That Gen. 1’1‘im negotiated with Prince Leopold, and he must be responsible, not Prussia. _...v- WWW..." “ND V. PARIS, July 8, 9 a.m.â€"â€"A note is said to have been recuivcd here from Prussia, the substance of which is given as follows: The Prince of Hohenzollern is not a member of the Royal family; Prussia. did nothing to Erocure the offer of the Spanish crown for im. The consent of‘the King; of Prussia to its acceptance will be given definitely only after a vote of the Cmtes, and if the latter should elect the Prince of Hohenzollem, Prussia. will supporu him. The Emperor cnn Fei'i‘ml this morning with the Ministers of War, Navy. and Justice. Military measures are already mentioned. Marshal Bazaine will command one, .nnd Gen. Lebrun the other, of two corps to be made ready for immediate movement. Mur- shal MacMuhon will have an army and Gen. Le Boeul‘ will be entrusted with importupt command. Count Pulilms takes command of_111e tronps to operate against Spain. PARIS, Juiy 9, 6 P.M.â€"-The Govekr'nment has received an answer from Prussia. In it PruSSia maan the followmg points: A report which seems well founded, is in circulation here, that the Prussian Minister of War has ordered all general officers of the Prussian army to join their corps imme diately. - The French. Senate proposes to increase the military contingent from 90,000t0100,~ 000 men. Thé Ambassadors of Austxia, England and Italy had a. conference today with the Duke de Grammont. They seem favorable to France. The Crisis in Europe. Baron toid the French Minister that the Government of Prussia was profoundiy sur- prised at the attitude of France. It could not comprehend this haste to assume hosti~ liities, except as a verification of the belief that France for a. long time had desired war on the Rhine. The Belgian journals pronounce, as a cal- umny, the Statement that the King of Bel- gians had any part in procuring the offer of Gen. Prim or inducing its acceptance. NEW YORK, July 11,â€"- The cable des- patches from London to, the Herald last evenin_:‘, says a eiisis is eminent on the con- tinent. Military preparations were going on all last night in Paris. If the candidmure of Leopold is not withdrawn withinthe next twentyvi'our hours, the French Ministers will be recalled from Berlin and Madrid and war will be declared. 'lhe conduct of France in forcing issue and refusing to leave the question of the throne to the Spanish people is strongly condemned by all Europe and Prussie’s calm dignified position is ap- proved. A later despatch says negotiations between Paris and Ems are reported to be unsatisfac- tory. Prussia declaring: her innocence of the Etrngfuses to interfere-with the candj:~ dacy of the Msggflfl,9heimmfiaaaâ€"die ground that she has neither right, power, nor inclination to dictate to Spain or to Pzince Leopold. It is said Napoleon would prefer to meet issue now rather than after Prince Leopold is elected, especially as he bases the claims of his own dynasty on the popular Vote. A large party in France coun- Sel the suspension of action until the meetlng of the Cortes. =The'general belief is that the Emperor is determined to tight, and will move instantly without giving Prussia time for preparation, The introduction of the Treaty of Prague into the controversy, and the report; that France will compel Prussia to observe it, are denied. NEW YORK, July 13.â€"~A London special despatch t0 the Herald says: The formal withdrawal of Prince Leopold has been tele- graphed to Madrid. His action is placed solely on the groundvthat in consequence of the insult which has been offered to Spanish honor the Cortes would be guided in their Loxnox, July 11.-â€"In the House of Lords Earl Granville said: France having an nounced the determination to resist the elec- tion of Prince Leopold, Her Majesty’s Gov ernment, in conjunction with the other powers, was using every means to preserve peace and restore an amicable understand- ing. Similar statements were made on the part of the Government by Mr. Otivay, Un- (ler Foreign Secretory. / He said England had not expressed herself favorably on the selection of the Prince of Hohenzollern for the Spanish Throne. Mr. Gladstone added that his nomination had tsken the Govern- ment by surprise. France had threatened to proceed to extremities ; and, should she persist in her threats, Her Majesty’s Gov- erment Would exhaust every means to pre- vent war in a case so little warranting it. hThe Pruséinn journals have reports ofim mense movements of troops in Germany, and represent, the roads to the frontier as encumbered with men and horses. LONDON, July 12.â€"‘,The Jelegraph says :â€" W ere Prussia. to reply to French Note ex- actly in the sense that France demands, it would not guarantee peace an hour. PAms, July 12.â€"The news that the difli culty with Prussia will probany be arranng is founded on the announcement that the father of Prince Leopold, through Senor Olozrga as an intermediary, has telegraphed to Gen. Prim that; he should refuse the Crown for his son even if elected by the Spa * 'sh people. Even in the Grand Duchy of Baden, the military activity is remarkable. The mil- way transportation is arranged so that 35,: 000 infantry and 5,000 cavalry can reach the frontier in one day. There is secret exexrcise of artillery at the fortress of Rustact. MADRID, July 11.â€"â€"IL is stated that at an interview on Saturday, Regent Serrano told the French Minister that he never irteri'er- ed with the nomination for the throne, as he desired Unrtit should not be said of him that he wished to retain the regency. He added that in the Hohenznllern affairs he had acted as in nil previous cases FTandéis urge I ieoggiaptxom‘ééaepvt: The Countess acted under the advxce of Duke de Chartres. BERLIN, July 11.â€"~â€"’J he Nomi German Gazette says the words used by the DuLe do Grummont, in the Corps Legislatif last week, were provocation rather than the pru- dent language of a sinusmuu; and, if this was the object of the Minister, he had better take care. NEW YonK,J,u15; 12.â€"â€"A cable despatch t0 the Herald says the French note to Prussia. makes two demandsâ€"~one for the (fisavqwal Q)" Frincg An extract from a. letter Written by Gen. Prim on the 8Lh inst., is aiso published here this afternoon. He says :â€"“ I never sup- prise that France could be so impressed in this matter; but Spain cannot, without shame. draw back. So En avant et vive l’ Espagnc.” It is reported that the Orleans Princes were active in the Hohenzollem candidature. pgke r1g,r(_1,h§rt_reusAq_gd L119 pountess of LISBON, July 11,â€"The grealest excite- meutis felt here OVCL‘ the Hollenzollem matters. Several meetings of'Ministcrs have been occasioned by exciting telegrams from Paris and London. I’Ams, July 12.â€" The evening journals of Paris publish the following details of Piussirm movements received from Ems :â€" The King of Prussia hrs huu several audi- ences with CounLVOn Moltke. The corps rl’gn-mee has received orders to march to the fortresses on the Rhine. The corps at Casr sel, Hanover and the Elbe Provinces are to be reinforcod immediately. Beventy thou» sand troops are to be on the line of the Rhine. MADRID, July 11.â€"â€"A conspiracy has been diswvered here the object of which was to declare a Rupublic. The leaders have been arrested. Prussia, and the other fdr the witlidi'awzil «5f the Princg’s name in connection with the Spanish quowu. Prussia‘s answer 10 France is expected to-morrow. Sp'eciul Exigiish‘envoys have gone to Ems Patis and Madrid. The Queen of Prussia has arrived at Ems to use her influence) for the preservation of thgpéace. ~ v The Imperial Gumds am Hi contribute the first Corps D Armec, which will be com mandi-d by Marshall Bazaine, with General Courthal deCissey, chief of staff, and head- quarters at Metz. Marshall McMahon has been ordered from Algeria tolake command of the army which is to operate on the hhine. Gen. Le Bl‘ull Wlll be his chief of staff, and Generals Tros- surd and Boui'baki will march with him. The Court De Polikad with Chaugarnier and other Generals will act on the Spanish frontier. Ordexn have also been sent to Cherbourg to prepare a fleet to transport 30,000 troops whose destination is Hamburg and :1": North The army of Paris has received orders to march to the Mosellc. and six transports at Toulon have steam up. ,1'cady to sail for A1- gm'irx and bring back the troops. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, JULY 15,1870. vote by a determination to uphold the inde- pendence of the nation, and therefore the election would not be a spontaneous and sincere expression in favor of the Prince. Without which he would not be willing to ascend the throne. A cable despateh to the Herald, dated Paris 12, says the excitement here over the quarrel with Prussia is tremendous. 0n the. Bourse and the Boulevards, and in the cafes and clubs, heated discussions are going on, and personal encounters are not unfrequent. Ministerial agents are exciting the people against Prussia. They charge the mangling of Count Benedetti’s telegram, and the de tenlion of trains yesterday, were Prussian tricks to gain time. Millitary activity is unabated. A fleet is under orders for the Baltic. It will he commanded by Admiral D0113: Grawere. General Douay is ready for Lnxemburg Willi an nrmy of 60‘000 men The Ministers of War, Marine and. Finance had a protracted interview with the Empe ror today. The Opposition charge that the violent speeches of Duke De Grammont and Olliver were made by the express desire of the Empress, who is devoted to the interest of the Prince of Austrias. They also say _1thz‘l7‘BeiEmpe;orԤ motives jsnersonaLalm ‘wnngms ridicule the idea. or? 'a decrepid invalid leading an army with a child of four- l ten as aid. ' PA'ms, July 9.â€"The Egyptian troops which recently disembarked at the Bay of AShOb, which is recognized as Italian terri- tory, attacked the settlement and- after a short fight took possession and tore down the Italian flag. An Egyption vessel sailed from Suez today for Massowah, on a secret mission. MERCANTILE FLEETS.-â€"The mercantile fleets of the eight most important countries follows in the order of thelr tonnage, thus : Ships. Tons. Great Britain . . . . . . . . . . 25,591 8,648,920 United States. . . . . . _ . . 7,622 2,924,329 Germany . . . t . . . . . . . . . 5,447 1,151,195 Grnnce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,216 1,234,804 Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,678 997,203 Italy ................. 3,481 943,928 Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,134- 618,402 Holland . . . . . l . . . . . . . . 1,772 {$73,516 A London correspondent mentions that Sir Morton Peto is in Hungary, superin- tending the construction of lines for the Austrian Government, and adds : “ The ex- member for Bristol, though he lost an enor- mous tot'tnne, can hardly be called a poor man, as the good ronnd sum 0f£100,000 was settled upon‘his wife.” ' LONDON, Juiy 14.-â€"Telegrams from Paris confirm the reports of the feeling of distrust and insecurity that prevails on the Bourse, notwithstanding the withdrawal of Leopold. The t1 oops are m oving through Paris for the frontier. and there seems to be no abatement of military activity in other parts of France. IL is said the Bvelgian Government is pro- viding for warlike contingencies. All leaves of absence have been recalled and troops ordered to the frontier with instructions to destroy railway and telegraphs in case of in- vasion by a. foreign army. The Failure of the Darien Expedi- tion. After all the expectations formed in res- pect to a canal across the Isthus of Derien, the whole scheme appears to have collapsed. The obstacles encountered are found too for- midable to be. overcome save at a. cost of labor and money, and time, which it is im possible to incur. The routes surveyed ap- p'ear to be alike in point ol impracticability. Where only hills were supposed to exist, huge mountains are discovered; where level regions, easy to cross, were expected, rapid and dangerous rivers present themselves. The natives showed themselves in force at many points. and were invariably hostile and formidable in number. The malaria which struck down many of the party, proved ulti- mately unbearable by all, and to this was added the danger of starvation. Thus six months of hard and earnest cffirrt proves un- availing, and the dream of a Darien Canal, so often reVivcd, and so often dispelled, be- comes once more a thing of the past. rnl n PARIS, July Iiiâ€"Tbe-evening jeumuls re- ports all the Ministers have resigned. WASHINWO'N3‘Ji‘le 12,â€"The Secretary of State has received a note from Baron Lederâ€" er, Austrian Minister, in which he isiuform- ed that an international exposition of pro- ducts of agriculture. industry and fine arts wille opened at Vienna in the spnng of 1873. NEW YORK, July 11.â€"-'l‘he Post's Wash- ington correspondent is authorized to make the statement that Mr. Fish has not tender- ed his resignation to the President to take elfect at any time. Mr. Fish said to-day “the President has desired me to remain in the Cabinet, and I am pleased to comply with-his request. I have no intention ufre- signing so longr as he- thinks I can be service- able to the country.” The fact is to be regretted, hot only by this country. but by European nations. The project. was one which, if successful, must have involved very important results to maritime trade throughontthe world. Cali- fornia and the Pacific Coast would have been benefited to an almost incaleulable ex- tent. Perhaps it. is. however, too much to say that the attempt. will never be repeated. The benefits to follow success are too great mmvenmrous explorers, and enterprises upon ekmuch larger scale, should not arise. Mea‘W Nimic has returned with disuppointm- s the only reward of the much talked oft tion unless indeed the additional knowledge gained of the regions attempted to be tra- versed be considered of value.â€" S. A. Jour- nal. ' The crops are rbported to be in a. favor- alflc condition. The scoutili': fimties sent by Riel to the Lake of the Woods had been driven back byfl band of Chihpawa Ipdizms. A {in} is reported to be virtually a prisoner in the hands of his own men. They have sent a. guard to the frontier to prevent his crossmg the American lineâ€"fearing that he intends to desert them. Riel threatens to divulge certain secrets in his possessionâ€"unless Bishop Tache 0b- tains his pardon. The captain of the Red River steamboat just arrived from Fort Garry, says that se veral hundreds of Indians are encamped near the Stone Fortâ€"and will oppose any attempt on the part of Riel to raise a. dis- burbance in the Settlement. The enptaifi corroborates the report that a deputation from the English. French and Indians had gone to Ruin L:th to wel- come the new Governor and offer him the help of their people. ST. PAI'L’S, June 12.â€"News from Fort Garry has been received here up to the lst of July. 1161 had sent Father Lestm to quiet them, but they sent him out of their camp. lJlllallluu ........L‘u. Slates. . . . . . _ . . 7, } 5’ 3,4 ....... 3,1 ....... .....3,1 ‘........ 1,‘ American News. From Red River There is good reason for believing that a general European war will arise out of the Spanish difficulty. Napoleon the third has assu ed-a dictatorial attitude towards his reat A rival, Prussia, and three a quarrel‘ at all , ‘ lupon the ac- tion be taken byfthe neighboring first: rate powers; if‘ it. becomes the general verdict that France must come down from the high ground taken, it would be next to madness to provoke a war with Prussia. As the quarrel stands, the general feeling is that France is offensive withoutjust cause; and has assumed a tone that the circumstances cannotjus- tit‘y; which will cause all its peace-lov- ing neighbours to cry out shame ; and if blows are Struck, Napoleon may find himselfwas was his great ‘and warlike uuclc~â€" fighting single-handed against the combined powers of Europe. \Ve sincerely hope that England will be suc- cessful in her eflbrts to bring about peace, and harmonious action between these two powerful rivals â€"â€" France and Prussia. But if they will not listen to her peace- ful admonitions, we may expect to read of terrible events in a very short space of time. No one can fortell what the result will be it is useless to pretend to specu- late upon it. Sir John A. Macdonald has so much im- proved in health that he has telegraphed to Sir George E. Cartier his readir‘zess to take gart in the affairs of the Government.. Wm éfigp‘wla imam, The Vaughan Township' Council met on Monday last; owing to the absence of Mr. Lawrence, the clerk, attending the Quarter.- Sessions at Toronto, we understand as a. Witness, we are unable to give the proceed- ings this week. In our next issue we hope to be able to publish them. SCHOOL Feynmanâ€"The chlldren attend ing Union S. S. No. 1, Vaughan find Mark- ham, at Thornhill, held their annual Pic-mic, on the the afternoon of Friday last, in a beautiful grove belonging to John Lane,Esq. Everything passed off in the most desirable manner and reflected credit on their ieacher, Mr. Chas. Holinshead. Football and games were the principal amusements. BALLOU’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR. AU- GUST.â€"Prompt to time comes Ballou’s Ma.- gazine for August. freighted with a. remark, able store of good things in the shape of reading matter. The opening article is an illustrated chapter onvbilliards, and then follows pictures of Havana, and several en- gravmgs oflinterest to the general reader. Among the stories are two sea-yarns of the first quality, several 6m- lady readers, two for children, and tales of adventure and daring that all most like. On the whole, Ballou’s Magazine is about‘the best and cheapest publication to be found lg _th_jur PIC-NIC.â€"A numbei of the young men in our town have issued invitations for a grand pic-mic, whigh comes off on Friday next, the‘ 22nd inst. The company will leave Richmond Hill at 1 p.m., and pro- ceed to a. beautiful grove on the farm of Mr. Jas. Stoutenbur’g.Victoria Square,whéfi arrangements are being made for amuse- ment and general hilarity of all who can make it convenient to be present. THE PEOPLE’S Sromc.â€"1\Ir. P. G. Savage advertises this week, that he is prepared to dispose of the balance of his stock of Wall Papers, Borderings, &c. at cost price. He intends to offer such inducements as will clear the whole supply out in a. few weeks. His groceries and provisions are carefully purchased in the best; markets, and he guarantees to give the best article at a rea- sonable price. His teas are really of a very superior quality and can be relied on as being what they are represented. He also keeps a splendid stock of Furniture, which needs only an inspection to substantiate its superiority. Visit his store and try his as- sortment. I any other coimtry.' for it is 0117ij $1 50 per year, 01' 15 cents single copy, andis for sale at every periodical store in the Unide States and Canada. Address Thomes 65 Tal- bO w on: fill/SS}, '/ THE CROPS.-â€"The haying is pretty well through in this neighborhood. A great portion has been saved in bad oxder, owing to continued rains. We have noticed quite a, number of fields of hay turned completely black, which makes it entirely unfitted for the market. The wheat linrvest has not be» come general yet, but will be so by next week. We have heard of some fields being much destroyed by rust in low parts. A splendid field of Soules was cut on Tuesday last on Yonge Street, a little south of Newâ€" market side-line; the sample is as bright and plump. We are glad to bear little if any complaints of the midge in Markham or Vaughan. Trustees Sale of Lands. New Tin Sfio‘p.â€"George Wiltshire; Great Bargains.â€"P. G. Savage. Servant Girl Wanted. Superior lot of Pocket Cutlery. RICHMOND HILL, JULY 15, 1870. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WAR IN EUROPE. NORTHERN RAILWAY PIC-NIC.-â€"The aum'ii a1 pic-mic of the Northern Railway Com- pany’s employees, takes place on Saturday; next, the 16th inst", at Aurora. PILES.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Pile Remedy for piles of every desicription. Sold by druggists. ' " . - 583Q The working of the‘mines in many parts of England is being‘ seriously retarded for want of laborers. I No county in England excels Cumberland in manly beauty. v HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS is'ans NEURALGIA.â€"â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevan- ltor for nculuigia, camn‘h, headache,~ (356: Sold by druggists. K "‘ 58312 The steamflifirATM'w-ian, which sailed fmm Québefi on Saturday lust, tbok $314,- 675 in silyeywthngla‘nd, - CORNS.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Curative for corns, bunions, in-gx‘owing nails, &c. Sold by druggists. ‘ 533Q THE extent of the damage to the crops caused by drought in France cannot as yet be correctly estimated. DJBPIlirPSIAlâ€"USG Dr. "13‘; Bi-iggs'" Allévah‘ tor to; dispepsin, fl.1tulency, heartburn, &c. Sold by druggists. 583Q The collection of tolls at 500 turnpike gates in England was abolished on July lst under the act passed at the 121st sessiorrof Parliament. CORNS.â€"USC Dr. J. Briggs’ Modern Cur- ative for cox-us, bunions, ingrowing nail's‘ tentleni‘eet,&c. Mild, soothing, softening and healing. Sold by druggists. 33st; The Government has delivered the re- mains of ille late Fenians convict, Thomp- son into the hands of his ix‘iends, who have given a pledge that no unusual display will be made at, his funeral. Flour. 39 barrel. . . . .. .- Wheat. fig hush . . .. . . . Spring Wheat, bush . Bariey, 2h?) bush. . . . . . . . Peaser do ........ Oats, do HayfiQ toll . . . .. . . . . . . S'mwflfl mu .... .... .. Butler it. rolls.... . . . Pork mess perbe ... Woolfiflb. . . . . . . Dressed Hogs, per cwt . PILES.â€"~Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Pile Remedy for internal, external. bleedlng and itching Piles. It gives immediate relief and is re- liable. Sold by druggists. 358‘; EVEN the bakers have ceased :work in the strike in Mullxausen, in France, and at least 20,000 men are now idle. Good order, how- ever, is preserved, owing to the presence of a. large number of troops.â€" Globe. NEURALGIA.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevan tor for neuralgia, headache, catarrh, sow- throat, Bronchitis, «Km. It is arreeuble to Lake and reliable. Sold by druggists. 583Q Earl Granville, on behalf of the British Government, says he sees no reason to alter his policy, and that Newfoundland must de- pend npon her malitia or police to protect property and preserva order in time of peace. ' EXTRACT.â€"-I was induced to use Fellows’ Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, and the effect was wondm'ful. In two days Ifelt the benefiL of it, and after taking halfa bottle I was entirelv free from my complaint, Dis ease of the Heart, and to this day have not been troubled with a return of it. Pnoennss OF INDIA.â€"-Tlle Calcutta cor- respondent of the London Times, writing on May 11th, says :â€"“Lord Mayo announced Sir HomyDumd’s appointment as Lieut- antGoveinor of the Punjab at dinner in La- hore, given by 150 gentlemen as a farewell to Sir Donaid Maeleod, the late governor. The venerable Sir Donald Macleod’s speech was remarkable for the emphasis with which he urged all coming; administrators to follow his example and that of his predecessors in mixng with the people and in working for their good. Sir Donald is the lastf‘ruit of the old patriarchal system which made the Punjab what it is, and which the reign oflaw has unfortunately but: inevitably swept away forever. He has spent a public life of more than forty years and every rupee of his in- come in the service of India. What changes the fine old man has witnessed since. in 1828 before Bird or Thompson, he succeeded to the work of Jonathan Duncan in Benares, civilised the wilds ofJubulpore, tamed the Sikhs and Mussulmcn ofthe Julindeer Dooab and received in his portico that knot ofanxi- ous men who, in the gloomy days of 1857, met to consult for the very lives of English- menin the Punjab. Ifhe would only write it all downâ€"contrasting India forty two vears ago with India now, India when the tires ot'suttee blazed, when zcnanas took the place ot English wives, and the mails occu- pied months in coming round the cope, with the India. of missionaries, numbering their converts at more than a million, ot'railwavs unitingCalcutta with Bombay in 65 hours, of telegraphs beating the sun, of the Suez Canal and England only three weeks distant. In 1828-20 the gross revenue was 22} mil- lions; in 1869-70 it was more than 52;} mil- lions.” At Thomhill, on the 12111 inst., JENNIE, infant daughter of Mr. Josiah Purkiss, mer- chant, aged six months. At Thornhill. on the 12thinst., Mrs. WM. KIRBY, aged 50 years. SARAH LEFT. Freeport. Digby 00., N. 8.. Feb 10,1869. Price $1 50 a. bottle; 6 for $7 50. Sold by apothecm-ics and by F. Cuudill & 00., v, holesale agents, Montreal. The funeral takes plage on Friday (to-day), at 2 pm. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. Near Richmond Hill, on the 13th instant, EDITH, infant daughter oer. Joshua. Sisley, aged five and half months. JOHNSON.â€"EYER.â€" On the 11th inst, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. C. Fish, Mr. Hiram Johnson of New market, and Miss Elizabeth A. Eyer of the Township of Markham. EVERY WEEK FOR JUNE fipzfial TORONTO MA RKE'I‘S. Arrived at the Herald Book Store. IIIU).........IIII lush ......... .- ‘aLfiB bush .......o )usx.............. lo .. Lou-ungngnunsw-nn roHs...-......... Qperbbl gs,percwt ....... Miscellaneous. FOR SALE AT THE MARRIED. Toronto, July 11!, 1870. HERALD BOOK STORE- DIED. Natives. 0091103” 52175840 511000fi @@@@@ ¢ 00088100 02'67400 51100005 $ « u - “70l0 010: U r@@@ 608w IIU ..:I 0508 1A 2 nuclu [luau-lg“ . Postmaster. Gold, Velvet é‘F ancyBorderin gs GREAT BARGAINS ! Wishes (o intimate to the inhabi? talus of Richmond Hill and viciniLy that he will sell the balance of his ' GLASS IN ALL SIZES. GROCERIES I l PROVISIONS l l AT COST PRICEt NEW FRUIT JARS I WALL PAPERS! COMPETE WITH TORONTO PRICES The most Elegant Richmond Hill. July 19. 1870.3 696â€"6 Also Paints, Oils, Varnish, PEOPLE’S STORE, GOODS DELIVERED. HALL PAPERS! ALWAYS 0N HAND CHEAP FOR CASH; ’ v. SAVAGE P. G. Savage has no hesitanc)‘ in calling atlamion lo Which will be found to comprise A LARGE QUANTITY OF &c. 860. 800. 860. IN VARIOUS PATTERNS, JAPAN. PUTTY AND HIS STOCK 0F FLOUR AND FEED! GOOD AND CHEAP. RICHMOND HILL. A FULL STOCK 0F He has also on hand HOW GOING AT THE WHICH WILL BE SOLD Call and see out Kitchen, CONEISTING 0F BEING ABLE TO AS WELL AS The most Durable. AND Bedroom

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