Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 29 Jul 1870, p. 2

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ALLEGED SECRET TREATY BETWEEN FRANCE AND szssu.~ GREAT INDIGNATION IN ENGLAND.â€"_-FRANCE RESOLVED T0 FORCE DENMARK mo WAR.â€"SOUTH GERMANS AND PBE’SSIANS UNITED. â€"â€" THE PRINCE 0E WALES 0N HIS'WAY To DENMARKâ€"A Paossuu SEMI-OFFICIAL EXPLANATION.â€" LATEST DESPATCHES. » V A special despatch from Paris to the Daily News, dated Saturday last, says France is resolved to force Denmark into hostilitxes against Prussia, notwithstanding the deter- mination of the Danish Cabinet to remain neutral. A French fleet will shortly appear before Copenhagen and make a movement to overthrow the Ministry and save the Dupes fr0m_Prussia. in spite of themselves. LONDON, July 25, evenmg.â€"-â€"The French base of operations extends from Strasbourg to Thionville, a. few miles north of Metz. The centre is between Bitche and St. Avold; the second line at Meutz is capable of ex- tension to the centre and to Thionville. Up to this hour no report of any general engage- ment has been received here. . LONDON, July 25.â€"â€"The Qimes publishes a rejected treaty submitted to the Prussian overnment, and guarantees its authenticity The preamble Sets forth that the King of Prussia. audithelflmgeror of the French, 1n order to strengthen the ties of friendship be- tween Governmen(s, people, 860., hereby conclude the following treaty :â€" In the fourth. Fra‘nce finding it necessary to absorb Belgium, Prussia lends her assist- ance to that measure. In the second, the Prussian King engages to faciliate the French acquisition of Lux- em_burg. In {be third, the Emperor acquieses in the union of the North and South German Stglesa Agstrig egcepted._ ’ LONDON, J uly 25.â€"â€"The secret treaty pro- iected between France and Prussia monopo- izes the attention here of the public Press and Parliament. Intense indignation is manifested at the duplicity of the Powers concerned. The action of Napoleon is con- sidered as insulting to England. Complete ignorance of the negotiation is professed at French Embassy here. A despatch from Brussels states that the account of the treaty projected between France and Prussia, printed in the London Times this morning, is perfectly authentic. The Belgian Government knew of its exrs~ tence some time ago. In the first artwlefNapofeon admits and recognizing the late acquisition of PruSSia from Austria. The fifth article is the usual one of offen- sive and defensive alliance between the two nations. LONDON,July.Z5.â€" The morning Telegraph prints to-daydin large type, a. communication respecting an interview recently had with the Emperor Napoleon. A fortnight ago, the Emperor had no thought of war With Prussia. He was still unready ; but Frange was slipping from his hands, and in order to rule he must lead France to war. The Em- peror related the contents of despatches be- tween himself and Count Bismarck, claiming that the latter wanted too much and “anted ‘ it too soon. The Emperor demanded Lux- ‘ emburg in 1866, as an equivalent for his ‘ neutrality in Prussia’s war with Austria. ‘ Count Bismark replied by demanding £191., land as an equivalent for Luxembourg. The Emperor replied to this demand of Count Bismarck, that should the independence of Holland be attacked by Prussia, it would be regarded as a declaration of war. Count Benedetti, ’was present at the interview when these facts were elicited. NEW YORK, July 25.-TheConsul-General of the North German Confederation, in this country, wishes it to be known that the European telegram as published in the news- papers to the effect that the Prussian author- ities have issued instructions to their Con- suls abroad to furnish free passage and out- fit to all Germans who wish to return home and volunteer into the army, is untrue in every particular. Loxnox, July 25.-â€"The Paris correspond- ent of the News writes Sunday evening :â€" Never has war been undertaken by France with less enthusiasm or more distrust of success. The crowds on the Boulevards who were ready to die for their country have disappeared. Troops are marching through Paris to take trains for the seat of war. and traverse the streets Without elicit- ing a single cheer. Soldiers joining their regiments walk along in groups, almost all of them dr nk, and the Burgeoxs sneer at them, and hrug their shoulders. The as- pect of Paris could not be more melancholy 1f the Prussians were at the gates of Paris. Bavarian videttes have beeun seen with the Prussians. This fact is important as it shows that the Prussian and South German forces are completely blended. and the Prussians have the Bavarian cavalry, which is superior to their own. Losnox. July 26.~The excitement oc- casioned by the publication of the secret treaty between France and Prussia. is in- creasing, as evidence becomes more clear that the document is genuine. Nearly {til the journals of London have editorial remarks this morning on the project, all similar in tone. “ France must explain this ofi‘enswe treaty,” says the Times, and that is the burden of the London press. There is no question but that the press, the Times par- ticularly, is seeking to make this treaty the pretext for the intervention of England in favor of Prussra. The attitude of Ireland is also commented on. After giving details _at' the many mettiugs recently had in he land, and the strong resolutions of sympa- thy for France which have been adopted, the Times asserts that the sympathy is alto- gether due to Catholicism and a consequent hatred to German Protestantism. DOVER. July 26.â€"~Nine French frigates under full steam passed this port to the east- wardr' late yesterday afternoon. A great crowd of spectators assembled on the blufl‘s to _witi1ess tilepxgitingjcene: LONDON,_July 26.;Several French cruis- ersmqre reported‘off Wicli,"Sc5)-tlz§nd, to day. The men‘s by the Way of Berlin is véry me'a- gre, which is due to the prudence of the Prussian Government. Frankfbrt-on-the Main has been designated as the Prussian head-quarters. The Pall Mall Gazette, now that the real designs of the French Emperor are revealed, counsels England to make every preparation for war. NEW YORK, July 26.â€"The Tribune’s Lon- don special says :â€"It is understood that im~ mediate communications were made by the Government to its agents at Berlin and Paris and that the French Government will have instant opportunity to admit or deny its responsibility for the alleged treaty. It is believed here that the treaty is genuine. Its proposals were French and its rejection is due to Prussia. The Times copy is thought to have ‘been supplied from Berlin. It is certain that the Times would not have pub- lished it unless on evidence deemed to be conclusive. ' A military officer writes the Times show- ing that the Emperor Napoleon will most probably try to force his way into the old kingdom of Hanover. The French report another cavalry skir- mish near Metz, and claim that the Prus- aians. wage beaten and lost three officers. The Francoâ€"Prussian War. NEW YORK, Juyl 26.â€"A special says the Prince of Wales has gone to Denmark for the purpose of influencing that country to preserve strict neutrality. .- A... . . u .. LONDON, July 27.â€"M. Ollivier in a letter to a friend here denies negotiation by France of alleged secret treaty with Prussia. The French Minister of Foreign Affairs positively denies that France has entertained the idea. of annexing Belgium. France inquired through Russia. on what condition peace might be made. Prussxa’s reply to Russia was embodied in four words, “ It‘is too-late.” The Spanish Government has demanded of the Duke de Gramngont an explanation of the assertion made by him in his address to the Corps Legislatif, that the Cortes were to be surprised into voting for Prince Leopold, of Hohenzollen‘i. The special correspondent of the Tribune writes from Berlin on Sunday :â€"â€"-The Prus- sian head quarters is still at Berlin. Prince Frederick Charles is at present commanding: the army of the Rhine. It is considered certain in Berlin that Napoleon, counting on the disloyalty of South Germany, had planned a sudden movement across the Rhine before Prussia could concentrate con~ siderable force, and is bitterly disappointed by the unanimity of all Germany, and not daring to risk a movement northward with the South German army on his flank, Napo- leon has certainty delayed. and perhaps at- tered his original plan of the campaign. The prolonged‘stay here of the officers of the general head-quarters, including King William and General M altlie, shows confi- dence that the Prussian lines cannot any- where be suddenly forced. Austria. is now siding more with Prussm than with France. The French are pur- chasing arms at Liege, pretending they are for American orde‘rs. BERLIN, July 27.â€"The Correspondence prints the texts of the secret treaty the French Emperor offered Count Bismarck. In its comments the Correspondence says the Emperor waived all opposition to German unification, provided Prussia would abet the the French acquisition of Luxembourg and Belgium“ The minutes of the secret treaty, in Count. Benedetti’s handwriting, are pre- served in the War Oflice in Berlin. Before the war of 1866, between Prussia and Ans tria, as an equivalent‘for the cession .to France of the territory on the left .bank of the Rhine. It is decided that no advance ceiu now be made at any point without risking a gen- eral engagement. Prussia, though not ready to attack, is everywhere ready for defence. A special correspondent at Metz sends ad- vices on the 24th inst., that there were then\vs from the front. There was no 1303-, sibillty of passing the lines. ‘ He had an in terview with the Secretary of Marshal Ba- zaine. To the repeated requests of the ne- phew of the latter for a pass, the reply con- sisted in showing a letter from General Le Boeuf, saying that by'tle’ETfipEt‘Uf‘S‘special‘ order, all corps commanders were to use the greatest vigilance to prevent all persons not belonging to the army from accompanying it to Germany. and especially journalists. rHereplied that‘pern'rissitfn‘ Wbuld be given to Americans; if to gpypody. The uncle re~ gretted to refuse, as he 'l‘éared the refusal would be misinterpreted in the United States. The correspondent thinks this has reference to the Marshal having been ordered out of Mexico rather sharply by American com- patriots. The maiter referring to corres- pondents was arranged by General Le Beuf. who refused even to look at the passports and letters from the American Legation. All the French organs represent that the secret treaty was not seriously proposed by France, but. rather as an attempt to test Count Bismarck. BERLIN,July 27.â€"â€" CountBismarek’s organ promises to give on the part of Prussia, im- mediate explanations of the Franco-Prussian treaty. From Strasbourg, on the 22nd, there are advices of the concentrating of troops towards Thionville. Nothing remains at Strasbourg. Apparently the main attack is to be made along the valley of the Moselle, and a great battle will be fought. in the Rhenish provinces. ThePrussian forces seem to be falling back behind the Rhine. On Monday, the 29th, the correspondent telegraphs from Metz that Marshall Bazaine leaves this morning with 15,000 men. Gen- eral L’Admirault goes also. The Emperor is expected to arrive next Thursday, and a battle, it was anticipated, would shortly afterwards take place. New YORK, Jul}r 27.â€"Nlne hundred re- cruits for the Prussian army have been en- rolled at the North German Consulate, in this city, within the past five days, and of these 500 have already left for Europe. They go generally as passengers bound in neutral vessels bound to Antwerp, and are obliged to pay their own transportaticn expenses. The army of Africa. was rapidly arriving. The Zouaves that- left Constantine on the 18th had also arrived. Thye subscriptions in‘this city for: sick and wounded Prussian soldiers already amount ,to over $30,000. ST. PAUL, Miam, July 27.â€"A letter from Pembina dated the 16th, says: Information considered entirely reliable has reached us that the Backieet Indians have taken Fort Carrolton, one of the Hudson Bay Com- pany’s forts on the south branch of the Sas- katchewan, and that Mr. McDonald, the of- cer in charge is among the slain, Forts Be-l'l and Edrfionton have been at- tacked, and other forts of the Company are threatened. Capt. Harbuck’s command, Company K. twentieth regimentl U._ S. infantlykhad inst arrived at Stl’“Joseph and joined Col. Whea- ton’s command, which is now encamped on the m‘litary reservation near Pembina. They aré no doubL loyal Indians hereto- fore reported as gathering to receive the new Administratlon. PILEs.-â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Pile Remedx for piles of every description. Sold by druggists. 5330 Chicago claims 402,270 population,which is a hint to census takers to take care and not make it less. CORNELâ€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Modern Cur at‘ive for corms, bnnions, in-growing nails, tender feet,&c. Mild, soothing, softening and healing. Sold by druggists. 5330, THE war news has amused the Fenians in New York, and one of the “ generals ” has called a meeting of the militavy part of the Brotherhood in Older to ascertain if there is any chance for a fight. Finderâ€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Pile Remedy for internal, external. bleeding and itchin‘r,r Piles. It gives immediate relief and is re liable. Sold by druggists. 35sQ IMIGRATION MATTERs.â€"The number of emigrants who arrived in Toronto duringr the month of June was 7,058, out of which 3,941 went through to the Western States, and 3,117 remained in Canada, and were provided with work through the instrumen- tality of the Imigration Agent. Since than 1,500 have arrived, and that number will complete :the shipments for the season.â€" Globe. From Red River THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, 0N1, FRIDAY, JULY 29,1870; ‘ Letter from Sir Francis Hinks to the Hon. Wm. Macdougall. CACOUNA, Quebec, July 19, 1870. Hon. Wm. Macdougall, 0.B., M. P., (fie. Simâ€"While travelling to this place from Quebec at the close of last week, I read for the first time in the Quebec Chronicle of the 16th inst.. your letter to Mr. Beaty, M. P. for East Toronto, dated the 7th inst. I had previously heard that letter commented on by several persons, but had received no in- timation that my name had been introduced into the discussion. This explanation will, I hope, sasisf'actorily account for the delay which has taken place in answering that portion of it, against which I feel it my duty to protest, and which is in the follow- ing words :-â€"â€"“ Mr. Beaty ought, in fairness, to give Mr. Macdougall credit for having refused as Minister of Public Works, during the whole time of his incumbency, the oft repeated requests of Mr. Beaty, backed up by the recommendation of the Prime Miris- ter, to report in favor of a. claim of Mr. Beaty, for_ a. much larger sum of public money, for which he (Mr. Beaty) had given no service whatever. It has been stated, with what truth Mr. Macdougall cannot say, that soon after he left Ottawa, and SirFrancis Hincks acceded to office, Mr. Beaty’s claim, or considerable part of it, “was paid ” I __A_,, -n L, A: 1 n ,. ,,,,1 his demand, although it was supported by the First Minister; and that after your re- tirement from office, and my accessxon there- to, the claim, or a considerable part of it, was paid through my influence. I shall leave others to judge how far you are justi- tied in sheltering yourself under the conveni- ent phrases “it has been stated ” and with what truth Mr. Macdougall cannot say,” and content mvself with remarking that the sub- ject of the payments actually made on ac- ‘ count of the York Roads was fully investi- gated before the committee of Public Ac- counts during the last Session of Parliament, and that there could have been no difficulty in ascertaining the truth, which is, that the only payments made on account of the York Roads were sanctioned while you were at the head of the Public Works Department, and long before I became a member of the Government. Those payments were not made to Mr. Beaty, or to the York Roads Company, but to a few small contractors. The duty devolved on me during last session ‘cf defending your proceedings in this matter, against the attacks of your new allies, a duty ‘which I faithfully performed, but I shall not be guilty of the absurdity of defending you against yourself. Having disposed of that portion of the quotations from your letter, which is personal to myself, I feel that were I to pass over without notice what relates to the First, Minister, it might be imagined that I admitted the justice of your reference to him. I. must therefore add a few Words, for I think that you “ought in fairness ” to have given a very different account of the transaction, to which you have felt it co isis- tent with your duty as an Ex-Minister of the Crown to refer. I must in the first place enter my protest against your statement with- out reference to its correctness. I hold the opinion“ that no Minister of the Crown, after his retirement from office is warranted in referring to differences of opinion between himself and one or more of his colleagues, while acting together in the government, ' . penmssronâ€"amat this well-understood rule is specially applicable to cases in which no government action has taken place. I need not dwell further on this objection to your statement. You have taken the responsibility of making it, and as I cannot consult the First Minister at pre' sent, I must on my own responsibility place the true statement of the case before the public. It is well known that 'those who have watched the proceedings relative to the closed a mortgage which it held on these roads, and afterwards issued a writ of extent a rainst the property of the company, under which a large quantity ofbroken stone, &c., was seized and subsequently sold to the County Council of York. Against those proceedings the company, in which Mr. Beaty is a principal partner, have always . protested, having been advised that the gov ernment exceeded their legal power. From first to last the question has been a legal one. Mr. Beaty has never made any claim on be. halt of his company beyond what he has been advised he is legally entitled to. The - company filed a bill in chaneery under the advice, ifI have been corr‘ectlyiinforme'd, of Mr.'Edward Blake. At what stage of the ' proceeeings negotiations for a compromise ' were opened, and at Whose instance, you know much better than I do, but I am clear on one point, that the matter came under the First Minister’s consideration in conse- quence of its being referred to him as Min- ister of Justice, that he concurred in Mr. Edward Blake’s opinion, and that any advice or recommendation that he made was de- partmental and strictly on the legal nierits ofthe case. If my statement be strictly ac- .cnrate. as I believe it. to be, I cannot doubt that the language in which you have re ferred to the First Minister in relation to the claim of the York Roads Company will be deemed wholly unjustifiable under the cir- cumstances. I have only to add that as this : letter is intended for publication, and as too much delay has already taken place, I shall cause a copy of it to be sent to you in print. Your most obd’t. York Roads, that a former government fore- I gresume that it livill be admitted that such anguage is calculated to convey to the pub- ic, an impression that Mr. Beaty had, dur- ng your incumbenpy of office, desired to ob- :ain public money to which he was neither egaliy or justly entitled; that you resisted â€"â€"Leader. Consâ€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Curative for corns, bunions, in-growing nails, &c. Sold by druggists. 538Q France asks Prussia through Russia on what conditiions peace can be made. Prus- sia, says “ it’s too late.” AN Ottawa. telegram says, the patent Ofiice here has received information that Congress has passed a. new patent. law pla- cing Canadian inventors on the same foot- ing as Americrn inventors. Canadian inven- tions will therefore be charged a. fee of only $35 instead of $500. NEURALGIA.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevan- tor for neuralgia, headache, catarrh. sore throat, Bronchitis, &c. It is arreeable to take and reliable. Sold by druggists. 583Q‘ Spanish labourers, in large numbers, have made a demonstration in Madrid before the oflices 01 several members of the Minis- try,the burden of their 'complamt being that they were “dying of hunger.” Davitt and Wilson, two Fenians arrested for trying to organize an armed outbread in London recently. have been found guilty and sentenced, the former to fifteen, and the latter to seven years in gaol with hard labour. A SCHOLARSHIP has just been gained by Mr. Vincent Portilla, a young Spanish Mex- ican, at Emanuel College, Cambridge. Mr. Portilla. is the first Mexican who at either of the two foremost English Universities ever gained such an honor. F. Hmcxs, “ $3wxmlfl. Mm «gm @, In another column we publish a letter, written by the Hon. David Reesor, to the Editor of the Leader, rcpudiating the charge made by that journal as to Mr. Reesor having made overtures to Sir John A. Macdonald for agent in the Cabinet. The Leader publishes Mr. Reesor’s letter and adds some editorial remarks, which go to prove that the Leader is thoroughly posted on Mr. Reesor’s efforts to secure a seat in the Ministry. The Leader says: “Sir John “ was considerably amused at the persis- “ tency with which so unlikely__l(d£sguali- “ a Senator urged his pilgrims for a “ Cabinet appointment.” was too bad for Sir John to laugh at the persistency of our ambitious neighbour ; still he did no more than ten out of every dozen would do who know him. The Leader says that on Mr. Reesor’sTreturn from Ottawa, after his interview with Sir John, “that immediately on his arrival here he visited the Editor of the Leader in his oflice, and requested that some- thing should appear in these columns in his favor, he having told Sir John that if his services were required they had only to be asked for.” This is proof positive that Mr. Reesor was “ available ” for any oflice Sir John had at his dis- posal; that he begged for an appoint- ment, and that the Premier showed him the cold shoulder, notwithstanding the influence brought to bear in the shape of a' character from the EXâ€"Governor of Manitoba, or Mr. Reesor’s cousinâ€"or trather brother-inâ€"law. Mr. Recsor, in his letter, refers to his election to the Legislative Council for King’s Division, in 1860. Mr. Farewell, of Oshawa, might mention how Mr. Reesor pulled the wires at the Radical convention, held at Milliken’s corners, in the spring of 1860. Mr. Reesor’s appointment to the Senate after Confederation, we believe to have been very unfortunate for the coun- try; at least it was not his claims as a statesman, and some people say his “cou- sin ” (brother-inâ€"law) made-Mr. Reesor’s appointment :1 part of the bill of sale in 1867. \Ve hope the Leader will give to the public all the facts of fthis'matter. If the electors of King’s Division ever have an opportunity to vote for a Senator, and we hope they will, Mr. Roesor may conâ€" sider his “ goose cooked.” tioned the terrific hurricane that visited this_neighborhood on Wednesday even- ing, the 20th instant. At that time we had no idea of the amount of damage done in the vicinity of this place. The storm came from the north-west, com-‘I mencing about nine o’elock,and continued for one hour. On the town-line of King and Vaughan,» we learn that the fire , that raged during the storm was caused } by the lightning striking a barn belong~i ing to Mr. Samuel Thompson. The building contained this season’s hay crop, l nearly 200 bushels of old wheat and a number of implements, all of which were consumed. The storm made serious havoc with roofs of barns, standing tim- ber, fences and everything in its way. Mr. James Dunton had a new barn blown down ; it was not quite finished and had this year’s crop of hay and several imple 'ments inside, among which was a new ‘ reaper, completely destroyed. The bush to the southeast of the village of Patter- son sustained considerable damage. Mr. David Boyle had about tWenty acres of fine bush levelled, leaving only about twenty-five trees standing; part of the roof of his saw-mill was also carried away. Mr. Boyle’s loss may estimated at nearly $1000. Mr. Geo; Appleby, occu- pant of the Richmond Hill flour mills, had the roof partly tom 05.”, as, also part of the roof of Mr. Copelands carding mill. Mr. Brampton, tenant on Mr. Lymburner’s farm, had the roof of his barn hurled to the ground and a rafter forced through the endv‘of the dwelling house. Messrs. Duncan, Russel, Lang- stafl', Cox, Lane and others all along the route of‘ the tornado had barns more or less damaged. Mr. Abraham Eyer, 2nd Con. Markham, whose bush suffered some weeks ago by a previous storm, was again visited on this occasion, and, we learn, not a tree was left standing. In our issue of last week, we men, i .MECHANICS’ INSTITUTEâ€"The following gentlemen, oflicers and committee of Rich- mond Hill Mechanics’ Institute, are re- quested to meet on Monday evening next, at eight o’clock, in Mr. Nicol’s office :â€" Messrs. William Harrison, A. M. Hood, J. E. Arnold, I. French, A. Law, J. Wideman, A. McBeth, D. Boyle, G. B. Nichol, Wm. Pogue, A. M. Lafl‘erty, J. Newberry, B. S. Barnard, and M. Teefy. THE “LEADER” AND THE MARKHAM SENATOR. quxmortv HILL, JULY 29, 1870. THE TORNADO. New paper at Collingwood called the Bul- Zetin. In Russia the telegraph is chiefly worked by women. Mr. Bright’s health has been improved by sea‘bathing. The prospects of the English harvefiare improving. ' Newspaper men are permitted .to follow the Prussian army. N o indication of the late riots at Lisbon being repeated. Gen. Sheridan and staff visit Europe at ther own expense. A true bill has been brought in against GeneralO’Neil. The forests in New Brunswick are being degtroyed by fire. Fifteen earloads of Chinamen have ar- rived in Tennesee. The French have decided on the gradual evacuation of Rome. A war at Pekin is inevitable on account of the late massacre. Another million dollars of fractigual cur- rency are to be issued. The crops of Ireland are said to be good, particularly the flax crop. The usual monthly fair will be held in this town on Wednesday next. The Russians are endeavoring to establish the tearplant in Turkestan. ' 285 Chinese immigrants arrived at San Francisco by the ship Sardis. Forty thousand women are employed as out door laborers in England. The United States Navy is to be placed on a. war footing immediately. A native of Hyberabad, India, died lately at the mature age of 125 years. Miss Rye is coming to Toronto with 130 children and 20 young women. Italy has' just; finished a fine new railroad between Castagnole and Mortara. The Parisians eat no less than 2758 horses last; year. Tough fare, wasn’t it? The Spanish troops killed over 250 Cuban insurgents in recent engagements. The Leader calls the Markham Economist the “ Available’s” “pocket organ.” The Italians have an eye on Rome on ac‘ count of the withdrawal of French troops. It is reported that Austria will prohibit the proclamation of the Papal Infallibility. Treasure received last week at New York from San FianciSco amounted to $236,000. See in another column a letter from Sir Francis Hincks to the H011.Wm. Macdongall. The Panama and West India cable was landed at Batbano, Cuba, on Wednesday last. Fearful wind and thunder throughout Ontario during weeks. The number of emigrants despatched from L‘dverpool during the past six months was 91,000. Minister Motley has been recalled form England to the deep regret of his numerous friends. Mrs. Tabitha. McCrath, aged 109‘,'died re centlv in Ohio, leaving 180 descendants be hind her. Captain Hall will be Controller, and Mr. Phillips Thornton, Chief Constructor of the English Navy. The Spanish Government is taking every precaution against another threatened rising of the Carlists. Sheriff Jarvis, of Toronto, offers a. reward of $50 for the apprehension of fhe escaped prisoner, McKay. The removal of the United States duty on sawn lumber has caused a great increase in the Ottawa trade. French citizens in New Nork have sub- cribed nearly a. thousand dollars to aid their wounded countrymen. The Frenchmen have opened a. recruiting office in Montreal. Our Government should “come down on them.” The celebrated Africa missionary, Rev. Mr. Moffat, lately arrived at London, Eng., from the Cape of Good Hope. Sir John A. Macdonald and the Hon. Dr. Tupper are expected to return to Ottawa about the beginning of September. A man named Wm. Tiflin was killed by a train on the Grand Trunk Railway near Weston while in a state of intoxication. The N. Y. Herald special at Paris, says that the Journal Marseilleise, having no subscribers, has ceased to be published. In strange contrast to the heat‘and drought elsewhere in Europe, snow has recently fallen near Vienna, *the capital of Austria. The proposal to abolish the sinecure, of the Lord of the Privy Seal was rejected in the British House of Commons on Tuesday night. A New 'York German Workingmen’s Union maintain that workingmen all over the world should not in any Way assist the European conflct as it is opposed to their interests. The New York Tribune has some wonder- fully mistaken ideas in regard to the Red River Expedition. It thinks the men too worn out and dispirited to fight if Reil of- fered any opposition. The tone of the London Press is warlike since the publication of the projected treaty by the London Times. The indignation in England is v'e‘ry séridus, and many think that neutrality cannot be maintained with honor. . A counterfeit of the‘ Canadian ten cent coin of 1858 has been put into circulation in Montreal. The base piece has the usual dull appearance, and the makers have blurred the wreath of maple leaves.â€" Globe. The new Lord Justice bf England, Sir Wllliam Milbourne Jéunes, is a son of the late Mr. Christopher James, of Swansea, and'is 63 years of age. He was called to the bar at Lincoln’s Inn, Ju'ne, 1831. News Summary storms raged the past two FREAK 0F NATUREâ€"A few days ago, a young sow, belonging to Mr. Wm. Perry, 4th Con. Markham, gave birth to eight pigs, only one of which was complete. Among the remaining seven was one that had a. complete body, but no leg; the an- terior part of the second was quite perfect, while the after part diminished like a. fish, ending with two tails; the other five had perfectbodies, but dogs’ feet, some one‘,some two. They are all dead. The mother is doing well. “Sm: In the Leader of the 15th inst, you make certain charges against me which, stripped of unnecessary verbiage, are in substance as follows: “2. That after the Hon. Mr. McDougall went to the North-west, I posted to Ottawa. to ofi'er my services to the Premier; that. I handed him a letter from my cousin, recom- mending my appointment to a seat in the Cabinet; and finally, that I was told I had not been sent for. " " » Through the columns of the Markham Economist Senator Reesor addresses to _the Leader the following communication: “I beg to tell you that the whole of your statements are utissue of falsehoods, and very_si11_y falsehgods at~thatz ‘7 1. fn 1860 I was elected to the Legisla- tive Council of Canada by a majority of 720 votes. The validity of that election never was questioned. After Confederation I was appointed to the Senate without ever having directly or indirectly solicited the appoint menE. My appointment was not, therefore, by mischauce. “ 1. That by some mischance I was made a senator of the dominiQn. "‘2. I never visited Ottawa for the pur- pose of meeticg the Premier; I never handed him a letter from my cousin, recom- mending my appointment to a seat in the Cabinet, and, of course. never was told I had not been sent for, or anything to that purport. I may add that, up to the present time. I have never asked for any office for myself that is in the gift of the Govern- ment. If overtures have been made to me, they were not of my seeking, and if my views did not prove to be in accord with the policy of the Government, it is no reason why you should publish gross falsehoods in order to injure apolitical opponent. The principal reason you assign for the base attack you have made upon me is the fact that the Markham Economist, which you are pleased to call my “pocket organ,” rop- poses the Government and their Northwest pmicy. This is about as reasonable as the attack of the Fenians on Canada in order to ,correct the wrongs of Ireland. “Yours, &c., &c., We should like to believe everything that that Mr. Reesor says in this communication; but he “doth protest o’er much.” We know that he did go to Ottawa to press his appointment to a seat in the Cabinet; that he did have an interview on the subject with Sir John Macdonald; that he told Sir John to consider him an “available” candidate; and that Sir John was considerably amused at the persistency with which so unlikely a SenatOr urged his claims‘t‘dfh Cabinet ap- pointment. Whether Mr. Reesor presented a letter of recommendation from Mr. Mac- dougall or not we do not know; but we do know that this assertion was made in the Senate when Mr. Reesor was present, and that he had not a. word to say in reply to it. “Markham, July 20, 1870.” Mr. Reesorp eagér to play. the iiiciiguant patriot, because Sir John Macdonald laughed at his yidiguiousBretensions, is very explicit in his denials. He ought to remember to whom he is making; them. Does he forget so soon, that, having seen and spoken to Sir John Macdonald. at Ottawa, on the subject of his appointment as Mr. Macdougall’s suc cessor, he posted off at once to this city; that immediately on arrivin,_,nr here he visited the Editor of the Leader in his office, and requested that something should appear in these columns in his favor, be having told Sir John that if his servieeszwere required they had only to be asked for? He was so explicit indeed as to express a decided pre- ference for the Public Works’ Department. But, in any case, he was to be considered available. At that very moment we were aware that negotiations were going on with Mr. Aikins; and, as a matter of fact, on the very evening of the day that Mr. Reesor was requesting us to say a good word for him, Mr. Aikins went to Ottawa, and next morn- ing was sworn in a cabinet minister. Mr Reesor’s availibility was not taken adva - tage of. . He at once became intensely pa- triotic, and has continued to be so ever since. The point at issue it seems to us is, whe- ther Mr. Reesor was anxious 10 serve under Sir John Macdonald and Sir George Cartier, or not. We leave the facts which we have stated to answer for themselves. Mr. Reesor has challenged us to proof; he has thrown upon us the onus probandi. We have endeavored to satlsfy him, although Sir John Macdonala did not. Perhaps he will be more modest in his future demands. So loud and emphatic a protest has to be brought to book at 'once. Let him meet the matter as we have stated it now, if he will. We promise him on every occasion a. Roland for his Olivetâ€"Leaden'. Flour. qfibarrel............. $6 00 @ 6 05 Wheat, bush ...,..... .- l 30@ 1 3‘3 Spring Wheat,§fibufll.....n. ] 25@ l 31 Barley. 21;? bush.............. 0 68@ 0 70 Pease, do 082@084 Oats, do .........« 0 42@ 044 Hay/453ml: ..... 9 00 @13 00 Strawflfi ton . 5 00 @ 7 00 Butter 9191b rolls . . . . . . . . 0 17 fl 0 18 Pork mess 2‘19 perbe ......... 526 ()0 @27 00 Woolfififb . ~ . . . . . . . . . 028@03l Dressed Hogs. per cwt .. . . . . . G 50 @ 7 00 .LJ 7 bleeding and itchy, relieved at once and soon cured by using Dr. J. Briggs’ universal Pile remedy ; soothing. safe and :eliabla. s BRONCHITIS, LARINGITIS, AND ALL affections of the throat, lungs and chest immediately relieved. and all but hopeless cases cured by using Dr. J. Briggs’ Throat and lung Healer. 583-]y-uq Sunday at Home for July at Herald Book Store P I L E S, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, bleeding and itchy, relieved at once and OW BELLS FOR JULY, IVERY WEEK FOR JULY, EISURE HOUR, The Markham Senator. fipznial Notices. TORONTO MARKETS. Arrived at the Herald Book Store. Arrived at the Herald Book Store. éia'ééhlli..'.. ..--....---.. ;.'1;1;1‘::::::::: er cwt '. . . . . . Toronto, July 28. 1870. "‘ D. REESOR. THROAT. &c., cured very q'uicklyr}; using Dr. J, Briggs’ Allevantor. a safe‘ and by liable remedy. 583-ly-cq ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA’- Richmond Hill Station. Change of time’- taking effect May 2, 1869: Going North 8.04 A.M. . . . . .. . . . .. .5. 04 P-M. Going South 9.34 A.M . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.09 PM. U ED corns. bunions. large and small. in- growing nails, sweat scaldéd feet. &c.,relieved immediately and soon cured by applying Dr. J, Briggs’ Modern Curative according to direc- tions ; it never does harm,but it always does good , . r 583-] y-cq: Southern Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 p.m. N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes before the time of JJ’J. mond Hill Post Office. Until further notice; the mails at thns office as follows : MORNING. closing. NB. *3 Letters for despatch by these‘ lines of Steamers, should be so marked. The rate on Letters for the United Kingdom (via Quebec in summer. and Portland in win- ter),is now reduced to 6 cents pal‘ § oz. weight. If sent via New York. it will be S cts per; oz. These rates apply only to prepaid letters; ifsent unpaid, or insufficiently prepaid, there will be a fine of double the amount of deficient postage. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. BRITISH MAILS Are closed at Toronto as follows :' By Cunard Line, every Monday, at 10 A.M‘. By Bremen Line, every Tuesday, at 11 A.M.‘ By Canadian Line, every Thursday, at 10 P.M.- D ceived by the undersigned up to 10 o’clock A.M.. on the 9th August. for Fenders to state how much per cubic yard for the work. according to plans and specifications. which may be seen at the office of the County Clerk, Cqurt House. Grading the Hill north of the village of. Thornhill, Yonge St. Thé IoWest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. S. JAMES. POCKET OUTTLERY. The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery to be had in the County. A Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s, and also other celebrated manufactures. at the York Herald Book Store. Richmond Hill. most respectfully calls the attention of lhé inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhood to the fact that he has com- menced business in the above line. and will keep in stock all kinds of 'I‘inware. New Work made on the Premises. Repairs on Iron. Tin, Zinc and Coppw Ware done with Punctuality and on Reasonable Terms. NEW TIN SHOP. GEORGE WILTEIRE, TINSMITH, most resnentf'ullv calls the attention of the Shnp one door south of the “ York Herald ” Buildings. - Richmond Hill: July 9, 1870. 626 [1 to whom tha highest wages will be given: Enquire at the " York Heer ’-‘ Office. U R S U A N T TO ZZND VICTORIA, Chapter 69. Consolidated Statutes of Up- per Canada, we the undersigned Trustees of the Markham congregation of the society of ’l‘unkers. hereby give public notice that we will offer SATURDAY, THE: 6TH AUGUST NEXT, A certain quarter acre Lot. on the North part of Lot number twenty-four in the third con- cession of the Township of Markham. together with the buildings thereon. recently occupied by Mrs. Catharine Miller. widow. Northern Mail . . . . . . . . . . . Southern Mail. . . . . . . . . . . Mail for Almira . . . . . . . . . . “ Cashel, . . . . . . . . . ‘ “ Gormley, . . . . . . . . . “ Headford. . . . . . . . . “ Victoria; Square, .. Thornhil . . . . .‘v. . ’. . . . . . . EVENING MAIL. SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK,P.M HARVEST TOOLS. J. for board, lent money, work and book accounts, (of less than six years’ standing) must settle the same immediately. or they will be sued. as he leave for England in the Falls 20 ZIU' Good Frein Well-worked Butter in 1 lb Rolls, during the season, at AT THE CENTRAL STORE. ERSONS OWING THE SUBSCRIBER for board. lent money. work and book Richmond Hill, Nov. 29, 1869. Superintendent Y. R. Court House, Toronto. July 13. 1870. ORNS, HA‘RD,‘ SOET ANDVFESTER‘ EALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- EURALGIPE, HEADACHE, ‘ some? Terms made known at the time of Sale. AILS MADE UP AT THE RICH: Markham. July 9, 1870, Rakes, Forks. Cradles, Scythes, Snniths,&c. Butter! Butter ! ! Butter! 1! New chnsrtifiemcuts. Richmondnflill;1uiy 7. 1870. June 23, 1870 Richmond Hill. June 30, 1870. FIRST C_LA_SS_ SERVANg GIRL, Si ned JACOB HEISE. ( g“ ) PETER COBER,}T"‘““" EDWARD SANDERSON. Auctioneer. arkham. July 9. 1870, 626-4 Trustees’ Sale of Land. CTS PER. 1b WILL BE GIVEN FOR FOR SALE BY AUCTION. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST To Contractors. G. A . BARNARD’S. Fork Over ! ON THE PREM|SES. Wanted. L . . . . . . . . Square, . . CHEAP CASH Stan. ' 3 Richmond Hm. GEO. SIMSON, W. ATKINSON. 71.30 A.M.‘ MM AA 00 33. nmno will be closed 11.00 A.M. on Tuesdays 85 Fridays. 624-4 625

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