Wishes to intimate to the inhabi- tants of Richmond Hill and vicinity that he will sell the balance of his GREAT BARGAINS I Parlor, AT COST PRICE! Gold, Velvet é‘ FancyBorderin gs WALL PAPERS! COMPETE WITH TORONTO PRICES FURNITURE!!! The most Elegant NEW FRUIT JARS! GROCERIES ! I PROVISIONS I ! GLASS IN ALL SIZES. HALL PAPERS! PEOPLE’S STORE, CHEAP FOR CASH. Richmond Hill, July 19. 1810. 626-4 Also Paints, Oils, Varnish, -. SAVAGE ALWA YS 0N HAND P. G. Savage has no hesitancy in calling attention to GO ODS DELIVERED. A LARGE QUANTITY OF Which will be found to comprise 850. &c. 660. 8:0. IN VARIOUS PATTERNS, HIS STOCK 0F RICHMOND HILL. GOOD AND CHEAP. He has also on hand WHICH WILL‘BE SOLD FLOUR AND FEED I JAPAN. PUTTY AND VOW GOING AT THE A FULL STOCK OF Kitchen, CONSIITING Ol‘ BEING ABLE 1'0 Call and see our AS WELL AS The most Durable. AND Bedroom THE TEA CHEST, 20 CENTS PER 1b FOR BUETTR, SELLING IT AT 17 CTS. PER lb, And that it can’t Honestly be done, for he ï¬nds it a dtï¬â€˜icult job to Buy the Child a- New Frock when he has been Upon Mature Reflection, ï¬nds that he has been making a Big Simpleton of himself for the last Two Weeks, by giving 40 POUNDS OF SUGAR FOR $100 Good and Just Value in Goods. But will give as much Sugar as any other momend as good Whis- key as can be bought in the Province, fnr the money. Good Tangle Leg @ 80 cent per gallon; a splendid harvest whiskey @ $1 per gal. (one drum of which is equal to two extra men); and the “ Real ould shtuï¬ itsilf†for $l'20 per gallon; he will make a still gremer reduction to persons buy- ingï¬ gallons and over. As he intends going out of the Hardware trade he is offering - SPECIAL From 5 (:15. to 15 cts. each, as good as can be v- bought in the market. HARVEST TOOLS From 60 cent: upwards: and other goods in proportion. Grocery, Liquor, Flour é‘ Feed BEST FLOUR ON RICHMOND HILL ! Talking about Flour, “ My ConscienCe,†if he hasn’t got the CELEBRATED VALLEY MILLS! THE BEST DUMPLINGS GOODS DELIVERED 1 GOODS AT LESS THAN COST. on WHISKEY @ 50 crs pm GAL. So that he intends in future to give a fair and honest price for it and give- You may call him Davy; he gets“ all the way from BEST WHITE WHEAT! He also intends, in future. to devote himself entirely to the Richmond Hill, July 5. 1870. GIVING 20 ms. PER lb HURRAH FOR THE TEA CHEST ! Where they underainnd their business and use noteing but the You ever ate. just bring it back and he will eat it himselfâ€"Bag and allâ€"- for he is a hungry 'cusa’ any way. Just come and try a bag of it. and if it don’t make He has no intention of oï¬â€˜ering THREEâ€"PRONG FORKS ' MOUNT ALBERT Nor does he intend to ofl'er BUSINESS. IND UUEMENTS IN Eor Huger and RAKES AT THE I. FRENCH. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, JULY 29,1870. 535 While thanking his customers and the public generally for past patronage, begs to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and suré rounding country that his NEW SPRING GOODS! LARGER AND BETTER STOCK DRESS GOODS ! In endless variety, Shirlings. Tickings. CLOTHS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION, DRESS GOODS ! BLEACHED AND GREY COTTONS, 3,000 YDS. NEW PRINTS, READY MADE CLOTHING! New Pattern Bonnets, New Shaped Hats NEW SHAWLS, MANTLES, PARASOLS, SUNSHADES, &c. &c. &c. MOURNING GOODS ! FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS!!! HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS Anderson, Margret Anderson. George Atkinsmx, Jacob Blunt. Henry Bernard. J. G. Cline. Peter Campbell, Colin Clark. H. H. Challiuor, Henry Donor. Emanuel Doner. Sylvanns Dalston. Jonathan Deadman. John Espey. W. yer Bros. Glenn. Sarah Gaby. Fred. Glass, Hugh {lendersontMm-y Kerr. John J OB PRINTING Composed of Lot No. 10, in the 14th concea- sion of the ALWAYS 0N HAND. THE LARGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK 0F Within 2} miles of the village of Wilksport. and 4 from St Clairâ€"either place being a good market for wood. [Us a corner lot with a good road on two sides of it, and situated in an old settled geighborhood. TOWNSHIP OF SOMBRA, COUNTY OF LAMBTONI 7 The ImBrovements consist of a comfortable log house. together with four or ï¬ve acres cleared ad free from_s}umps. MILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! For quantity go to the Soil. clay loam ; with a. never-failing stream of water .lunning through the centre ofit. The lot is well timbered and will make a ï¬rst-class farm : and is well worthy the attention or any person wanting to secure a good home in a good locality. For paticulara enquire of JOHN B. HARRINGTON, > Richmond Hill. July 7, 1870. 625-1.! For quality go to the For low pricres go to the See tho New Goods and observa the Prices. April 13, 1870. .ln Straw, Manilla, MasiHa and Sataline, Never has been on Richmond Hill. LACES OF ALL KINDS Spring Stock is now complete, And a Hats and Caps for the Million, EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND r HillPostLï¬ice. 151 July. 1870:â€" 200 ACRES 0F TIMBERED LAND. July 7, 1870. ‘N EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT: Done Neat and Quick at the Herald Ofï¬ce. FRESH GROCERIES ! Prices to suit every Customer! NEW FEATHERS, NEW FLOWERS, Is unsurpassed. and consists of In Coats, Pants, Vests. &c'. NORTH OF TORONTO. Hollands. Counterpanes W. ATKINSON, HARDWARE. CBOCKERY, List of Letters DRESS GOODS ! TEE GOODS 1N CLUDE Also a full supply of Hosiery, Gloves, LACECURTAINS. FOR SALE AT THE THE STOCK 0F For Sale AND AT HERALD BOOK STORE. AND CENTRAL STORE. CENTRAL STORE. CENTRAL STOR E. W. ATKINSON, Keï¬'er, E. A. D. Kelly. Alvin Legge. George Logan. William [2] Martin, J. Munshaw. Thoma: Munsliaw. George Munshaw. W. Mucneil, Chariey McNair, Mauhew McLean, Archibald N igh. John Phillips. Isaac G. Reid. Theodore Rumble, George Robinson, Robert Sheppard. Charles E. Slver, R- Wood, Qeiijamin XVrh‘ite'. Juries Wélmin, George M. TEEFY, RM. Richmond Hill. 613 NOISELESS MOVEMENT, GREAT SPEED. SEWIN Gr, VMACHINE» ! FULL INSTRUCTIONS GRATIS. MR. C. CHAPMAN, Dear Sir,â€"â€"I had been informed by in- terested parties that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine was not to be depended upon, which for a time induced me to deter purchasing one. After your description of said machines. 1 purchased one, and Mrs. Fawcett, who is well acquainted with other machine, states that after a year’s trial in various kinds of work, she can conï¬dently recommend it as a useful family sewing machine, and as all that you stated it to .. .. . ".nnmm MB. C. CHAPMAN, Dear Sir,-â€"We have used the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine about nine years, and during that time it has cost nothing for repairs. We sew heavy fuller] cloth with coarse linen thread, stronger than can be done by hand: while all ï¬ne stitching on light fabrics gives the best satisfaction. We can with conï¬dence re- commend the Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine as the best for family use. SAMUEL REESOR. REFERENCES Kindly permitted to: Mrs. James Newton.jun., Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Clarke. Miss While. Mrs. Willlam Harding. Miss Russell. Mrs. Alex Marsh, Miss Sanderson, Mrs. Jos. Kefl'er, Mrs. D. Heise, Mr. Henry Lever. PIANO - FORTES! These Instruments are made with a full Me- tallic Frame,aro all overstrung,,nnd are manu- factured by the best workmen. under the super- tendence of Mr. Heintzmnn. who has had up- wards of thirtv years experience in the business. All instruments are furnished with the Ar- gmï¬â€™e Aar, and are distinguished for their singing quanity, voiume. and purity of tone. elastic. even touch. durabilily of construction]. and beauty of ï¬nish. Covers (Rubber) and Music Stools great variety. ORGANS & MELODEONS, The above instruments are all fully warranted, and sold at manufacturer’s prizes. Perfect satis- faction guatadtaed in every case. Circulars post from TUNiNG AND REPAIRING ATTENDED T0. LAMB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE, CALL AND SEE IT. C. CHAPMAN. AGENT; Including the Canadian illustrated News. Har- per’s ‘vVeekly, Frank Leslie’s lHuslrutod, and The Chimney Corner, at the Herald Book Store. W. MILLICHAMP, ELECTRO AND CLOSE SILVER PLATER No. 80 Queen Street West, TORONTO, ox‘rAtuo.‘ All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting Knives, Forks,Spoons, Cruits. &c., &c.. &c., Silver Plated in the best Style warranted to wear any length oftime. "Elso- n-Igarlirurfr'ziicrturerrof Show Cases, Metal Sash Bar for Store fronts. &c.. importer of French and English Show Cases, Glass, &c. &c, IVesleyan Minister. Markham March 18th, 1870. RINTING OF EVERY DE CRIPTION executed at the Herald Ofï¬c . Cedar Grove, March 18. 1870. HE BEST PRINTING INKS ARE used at the Herald Ofï¬ce. 7 'LLUSTRATED PAPERS, ' June 15,1870. U at the Herald Ofï¬ce) is from tha‘Joséph Hall Works, Oshawa, Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1870; 82 Competitors. Toronto. April 7. 1870. 'N NEATNESS THE HERALD PRINT N ADDITION TO OUR NEW PRESS From the Establishments of R. S. IVILLIAMS, R. H. DALTON, EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. ECENTLY ADDED, A N0. 2 GORDON Card Press. to the Herald Book and Job Printing Establishment. EATNESS, CHEAPNESS, QUIVQKNJBSS WHEELER 8; WILSON is without a rival. HEINTZMAN 18‘ pOMPANY’S New Type has also been added. .ORDONJ,8 N9: 20AM) PRESS (USED ONE BUT {THE BEST MATERIALS made use of at the Herald Oflice. AND OTHER CELEBRATE!) MAKERS. three chaiacteristics of thé Herald Ofï¬ce. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TESTIMONIALS. CELEBRATE!) as all that you 51 M. FAWCE'I‘T. Markham. 612-1)’ in FIRE PROOF STORE ! SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS GROCERIES, HARDWARE JEWELRY ! JEWELRY! Sand for Price list to In a good state of cultivation. Timber land consists of splendid Pine and Hardwood 1n the vicinity. more is a church. and a saw- mill. and a school within a half mile. There is on the premises a good frame house, with stone cellar. kitchen and weodshed, new ; large frame barn, two threshing flOors, nearly new : stable, sheds and root house ; two never failing springs of water 3 soft water cistern. an thriving orchard. ‘ Tums EASY. For further particulars apply to the owner on the ptemiees. JOHN BROWN . Fronti'ng on Yonge St', Containing 8 0 Acres, SEVENTY CLEARED, MALLOY’S AXES G. A. Barnard ha been appointed agent for the Sale of HIS LATE STOCK, Which has been bought‘at a bargain ; ha will, therefoxe. Oï¬e: his customers an advantage, by giving them Goods at Lower Prices than ever. and hopes to have a share of public patronage. He has assorted up the Stock with a variety of new G-oods. bought for Cash. at the Lowest Prices and will sell them at a small advance. The Stock will comprise a general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Wines and Liquors of the ï¬nest and best brands, Paints, Oils. Glass. &c., with the best assortment of Shelf Hard- ware to be had in the neighborhood. Having many years experience in the business, he is conï¬dent he cannot be undei'bought and shall not be undersold by any House in the Trade. Being thankful to his friends and patrons [or their past favors. he hopes to merit a continu- ance of the same. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, June 23. 1870, 6234f N. B. Accounts-rendered 181. October. Richmond Hill,April 7. 1869. A LARGE AND VARIED A or England) having claims against the estate of the late John SimpsonY of Richmond Hill. County of York, Canada West. formerly of Hough on the Hill. County of Lincoln. England, will communicate with Geo. Simson, Richmond Hill. immediately. to appoint Ad- ministrators for the ï¬nnl settlement of his affairs. Stanford Mercury and Grantham Journal to copy one month, and send account June 9,1870. Vaughan. June 29, 1870. TATIONERY PLENDID WHEAT FARM F OR, ' Sale. being part of lot No . 59, in the lat Concession of tbs THE BEST 85 CHEAPEST MADE. GRICULTURAL‘ MACHINES ! TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ARNARD’S STORE RIDâ€"OPENED! CHEAPâ€"730003. SPRING 4' SUMMER TRADE. June 30, 1870‘ AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- The Subscriber has now in stock LL PERSONS (EITHER IN CANADA Dow CURTAIN FIXTURES. For sale, Cheap. only 25 cta., at the HERALD BOOK STORE. For Sale cheap, at the HERALD Ofï¬ce: And Implements of all Kinds ,- FOR CASH! ASSORTMENT OF Farm for Sale. DANIEL HORNER, JUN., Lot 20. 2nd con. Markham SUITABLE FOR 1’“ I 01" ALL KINDS AT THE A LARGE STOCK OF &". &c. &c. ON HAND. WM. RENNIE. HERALD 300K STORE- FOR SALE BY New AT THE Notice. ISAAC CROSBY. GEO. SIMSON, Richmond Hill. Ont. 624-4 Eglington, Ont. 621 624-5 585 About 75 acres cleared with two good dwelling houses (one brick). Barns, Stables, sheds and orchard. thereon, also living streams crossinz the lot. situate one mile from Richmond. 2 of a mi In from Patterson.2 miles from Richmond Hill Station on the Northern Railway. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, ' For terms and further particulars apply, if by latter pro-paid, to I The above farm will be sold by auction about THE FIRST OF OCTOBER NEXT! The Late Malcolm Cameron, ETER G..SA.VAGE BEGS TO AN- NOUNCE to his friends, and the public in the vicinity of Richmond Hill. that he has leased the premises lately occupied by On Richmond Hill, and has opened with a complete stock of Groceries, The public will observe that he is in a. posi- tionvto Sell Goods at. Prices that will not fail to satisfy all consumers. Inspection and Comparison are Invited. PETER G. SAVAG E. 1-1 neighborhood of Yorkville, on Friday. ‘the 20th May last, a leather pocket book. con- taining a Note payable to William Sliney or ‘ bearer, for the s’um of $24â€"signed by John ‘ Line and George Logan. Any person ï¬nding ‘ it will be suitablv rewarded by returning it. to the undersigned at. Richmond Hill PD. The parties who made the note have been notiï¬ed of its being lostâ€"itis therefore of no use to 1 any one but the lawful owner. (Signed) W. SLINEY. FANCY GOODS L o v E L L†s DOMINION PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES To be Published in October, 1870. “[\T O T I C E.â€"LEARNING THAT MY name has been unwarrantebly used in. iconnectionk'wi’th" Directories now being can~ vassed in the Provinces, and entirely distinct from my works. and that in other cases it has been stated that my†Directories have been I- bendoned, I would request those desiring to give a. preference to my works to see that per- sons representiug themselves as acting for me are furnished with satisfactory credentials. MAGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. GAMES, TOYS,.&c., m71‘eetli Vextâ€"x-gc ad will} his least possible pain, and especial attention paid to the regulgtion of children's teeth. ' "IDENTISTx (LATE ASSIST- ANT to Dr. Elliot. Dentist. 'l‘oronto,) respectfully announces that he will visit the following places, (Sun- days excepted). where he will attend to Dell- tistry in all its branches : King†. . . . . . . . ..........lst of each month. Richmond Hill...........5th " Newmarket..............10lh “ Aurora..................15th " Teeth inserted in the most Improved Styles, on Gold. SllVel‘, Vulcanized Rubber. and Al- lumimxm Base. ’l‘eethï¬lled in such a manner as to preserve them from further decay. . Afgéeroderute, and work warranted to givg sglisfactioy: ' . . . u. ‘ EXII‘Iâ€"Jteirsrhddressed to Aurora will receive prompt attention. WM. ELLIS. Lucknow, JAS. RALSTON. Richmond Hill. Executor:- Richmond Hill, June 1, 1870. 620-4111 POETICAL WORKS VI‘HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PRAC- TICAL experience of ever 20 years in the Business. having leased the LAWRENCE CARDING MILL. Richmond Hill, Dec; 9, 1869. And ï¬tted up the Machinery in excellent der. is prepared to do EING THAT WELLâ€"KNOWN FARM CARDING, FULLING, SHEARING, JOHN LOVELL. Publisher. Montreal, March 16. 1870. 610-6 A “Au-an flu v~~~_- JAS. COPELAND. P. S.â€"Al] kinds of Woolen Machinery amid up in ï¬rst'claas order. Terms moderate. Rivhmond Hi". April 28, 1870. 6154f Richmond Hm, June 2. 1870. Aurora, May 25. 1870. NORTH HALF 01‘ LOT 23, ZND Cox. WOOLEN MANUFACTURING DST, QNAYO‘NGE SIREET INJng Pressing. Coloring, &c.. in THE VERY BEST STYLE I Pawns As USUAL- MR. THOMAS COGHLAN. CONTAINING 100 ACRES, W- H. CANNON.» L.D.S., Provisions, If not previously disposed 9f. OF THE DIFFERENT POETB, AT THE Important Notice. Farm for Sale. FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE Composed of the Gold Wanted ! BELONGING T0 SUPPLIED AT THE FOR SALE AT THE Note Lost. Paints, HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. Oils, Vamishes, 595-tf 619-ly 620-3 01'-